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99. 1. Our thanks for al hunt for sitting in, john helemann out on the road. Thanks for watching. Coming up, hardball with Chris Matthews. Dump trump hits bump. Lets play hardball. Good evening, im Chris Matthews in washington. The dump trumpers are now out in force. Unfortunately for them, they have no idea how to do it. Mitt romney, who backed john kasich in ohio, now says hell vote for cruz in utah. Cruz says kasich has to quit, or the game is over. Kasich says he wont take vp from trump, or hillary. Then refused to say which he would like least. I just caught up with the Ohio Governor out in utah, where he is trying to win the caucuses this tuesday. Thank you for joining us tonight, governor kasich. Thank you, chris. There are now just three candidates in the Republican Party right now. Donald trump, ted cruz, and you. Today, mitt romney, the nominee last time who campaigned for you in ohio last week, said today hell vote for ted cruz in the utah caucuses. He said i like governor john kasich, ive campaigned with him. He has a solid record as governor. I would have voted for him in ohio. But i vote for a governor kasich in future contests make it extremely likely trumpism would prevail. What is your reaction to that news today . Well, i dont agree with that. And you know, by the way, im running for president , because i have first of all the best resume and record, and secondly, im the only one of the three that can win a general election and beat Hillary Clinton. So we just put one foot in front of the other and keep moving, and you know, i campaigned with mitt, i like mitt, and its a place where we disagree. Lets try to figure out what ted cruz is up to. First of all, there was going to be a three way debate this coming monday, a fox debate. Of course, trump pulled out and then you did. Why didnt you stay in the debate and take on ted cruz mono o mono. Because i think, chris, there is three of us, and we ought to have all three in the debate. Take the frontrunner and move him out doesnt make any sense. I can be in a position of campaign in a much more retail way, which im very happy to do. You mean you would rather be out in utah than a debate studio somewhere. I think this is, look, if trump wants a d he bait, ill be there. If he doesnt, you got three people. It shouldnt be two of the three. Its the way it ought to be worked out. Ill spend this time doing what i consider to be productive. Ted cruz is calling for you to drop out. He says youre hurting the chances to stop donald trump. Im sure youre familiar with this, but lets listen. I con grat legratulate john for winning his home state, but if you dont have a clear path to winning, it doesnt make sense to stay in the race. I would note, everyday he stays in, benefits donald trump. What about this stop donald trump thing . I caught it all the time. I heard it from pat buchanan, Richard Nixon once said if you heard a stop x movement, bet on x. I dont know what a stop movement ends up looking like . What does this mean, youre going to team up, i assume he wants to be on top of it and somehow thats going to marshall enough support to get trump off the momentum. Nobody is going to get to the convention in my judgment with enough delegates. Then well pick the nominee through the process. I mean, just because you dont have somebody that has enough delegates doesnt mean you dont have the process. Thats why you have convention. So the convention will sit down and theyll decide who can win in the fall. And who has the record and who could run the country. Its just a Big National Story today, we go to a convention, theyre likely to turn to me because of the ability to win and bring people together. So look, i understand. I just dont think anybody is going to get there with enough delegates, and so well ultimately have somebody chosen for the delegate whose will represent the Republican Party. Everybody just needs to calm down. Well, you know, youre talking about the Republican Party, maybe the Democratic Party of the 194s or early, but ever since the 50s, nobody is used to the idea of the candidate with the most delegates not winning. The guy coming in or woman coming into the convention is expected to win. Trump says there will be riots if he doesnt get the nomination, if he has the most delegates. Well, thats irresponsible statement, you know. I was there in 1976, when Ronald Reagan challenge would gerald ford. I was a young man and it was a hard fight. At the end, the convention came together. Reagan didnt win and ford did. At the end of the day, its a very serious process. These delegates take it very seriously. I know, because i work to get delegates to support Ronald Reagan. It will be a great speerps. It will be good forexperience. It will be good for our country. You could imagine the situation, because youre still in the race, trump is a couple of votes shy, couple shun shy, he doesnt get the gimme. Basically since the 40s, 40s, i guess, and you have number of ballots, at the end, you win. Thats your scenario . Yeah i mean unless he is close, maybe hell maybe hell get the delegates. But look, chris, at the end of the day, whats most important for me is im running for president , because i have a record of success, a record of achievement a record of creating an even virement for job growth, pulling people together, and the convention is just another vehicle that a political party uses to decide who they want to have as the standard bearer. Im very comfortable with that. I dont think anybody will get there. By the way, you know, for these people to say i should drop out, you know, theyve been calling me for that for weeks, a lot of the establishment people, if i dropped out, trump would have the nomination, he would have won ohio. Its just talk, political talk. Thats what makes it interesting. What about glenn beck, he is one of the people youre talking about, chattering out there. He has accused of you putting the wellbeing of the country at risk by staying in the race. Here is the inevitable glenn beck. Kasich, i mean, excuse me language, but you son of a bithh. The repub lilic is at state. This is not a normal rails. The republic is at stake. Well, glenn beck is not usually on my dance card, so im not going to vouch for him. What do you make of these people, talking like youre the trouble when in fact, youve got the resume . Youve got the qualifications. Somehow, ted cruz and his troop have decided that youre the problem, not donald trump . Im not going to respond to that kind of vulgarity, personal attack directed at me. Thats just out of bounds. Okay, lets talk substance for a minute. They picked up the last, one of the real key players actually in a terrible november bombings in paris up in belgium in that area, a refuge for the terrorists. What does that tell us about the fight against international attacks by isis . Well, you know, chris, what it brings to mind is the fact that when the Intelligence Community works with the local Law Enforcement, we can have success, which brings up the notion of really good intelligence. Particularly, human intelligence. Everybody working together. Thats why we have to work together so carefully in terms of those people who may be migrating from places, you know, who joined isis or who went to countries that are really, really problem areas. We need to know who they are. We need to know what theyre doing. It shows that when Law Enforcement and Intelligence Community can Work Together effectively, we can have good results. How about the relationships among countries . We had a terrible period back during and after the iraq war, where we were told to eat freedom fries, not french fries, because were so hostile to the french for not backing us in the iraq war. How do you bring the countries together . What brings us together that didnt bring us together in the last war. Selfinterests. I think now, clearly, people understand that radical islam is a problem. All the countries in the middle east, the ee ggyptians, when we look at france, Great Britain or germany, the crisis we see with migrants, what we see happening in belgium, we now begin to see an opportunity to bring people together. And this idea of calling names and all that, really doesnt make sense when it relates to international affairs. And if you have a problem with the country, most of the time, nearly all of the time, you express those concerns privately, not in front of a television camera. Lets talk about cuba. The president is making history for going to havana. Would you have done that, if you were the president right now . No, i wouldnt, chris. I think its too much we give and they take. I would like to see them give. Release these political prisoners, you know. They released some when the pope came and then put them back in jail. They have to make steps forward as far as im concerned as to how we treat cuba. Last question, may hit you as a novelty, under pressure and fighting for the presidency. Should the situation develop differently in your hopes and scenario, and Hillary Clinton gets the democratic nomination, which looks likely right now and your party has trump and hillary comes to you and says governor, i would like to form a unity ticket, vicepresident to you. Thats my answer. Thats not going to happen. Suppose trump says well be fine. I have to push you as you laugh. If trump is the nominee, would you accept a part of the ticket . Would you go on the ticket with him . Under no circumstances. Zero. No chance. What would be worst, you with hillary or you with trump . What would you like least . I would have to reflect on that. Okay, well, ill give you sometime. Thats a take home. Thank you very much. Good question. There you go. All right, chris, thank you. Governor john kasich, out in utah. All right. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Coming up, inside the republican to stop trump at the convention in cleveland. New information tonight about what the party types are thinking of doing if trump doesnt have the delegates needs to win the nomination out right. Plus, Bernie Sanders says he is not going any where. He is vowing to fight on. But with Hillary Clinton tightening her grip, what does he get staying in the race. A big war on belgium police, captured the fugitive in the paris attacks. Latest tonight. Conservatives say they want a unity ticket to stop donald trump, but what if Hillary Clinton named a republican running mate in an effort to unify the country. Unpreside unprecedented move, but could it be the ticket that keeps trump out of the white house. This is hardball, the place for politics. Jay knows how to keep nice shorts, dad. G. This is what the pros wear. Uhhh. Thats why he starts his day with those two scoops in heart healthy kelloggs raisin bran. Ready to eat my dust . Too bad i already filled up on raisins. Kelloggs raisin bran. Deliciously heart healthy. Frodoers dont stop. Wake up, every day is a chance to do something great. And for the ones they love, theyd do anything. Sears optical has glasses made for doing. Right now, buy one pair and get another free. Quality eyewear for doers. Sears optical. We have new polling for Emerson College for new york primary, its good news for the home state candidates. Lets take a look at the hardball scoreboard. On the republican side, donald trump leads cruz by a whooping 52 points, trump 64, cruz, 12. Democratic side, former new york senator Hillary Clinton also holds the lead, 71 of the vote to 23 for Bernie Sanders. Well be right back. Welcome back to hardball, with the big news, mitt romneys announcement hell vote for ted cruz in utah. Donald trump has responded via twitter, quote, failed president ial candidate mitt romney, the man who choked, and let us all down now endorsesing lying ted cruz. This is good for me. Mixed up man who doesnt have a clue. No wonner he lost. Romney has made clear his number one goal was to stop donald trump, of course, even if it means fighting it out at the convention. Politico says if they try to grab the nomination from trump at the convention, there could be open warfare, quote, youre going to push the Big Red Button and blow up the party at least in the short time. Its asinine. It really is. Im joined by paul singer and jane. First of all, youre out there report, so report. What is there, a Cohesive Group of people who actually have a conceivable plan to deny trump if he is short by 100 or 200 delegates. There is a stop trump, theyre not very unified, and this has always been the establishments problem from the get go. If they were unified, picked one candidate to go against him, they wouldnt be in this position to begin with and having the same problem now. You still have kasich and cruz. You is it i will have, you know, people who say it should be another candidate altogether. Some other guy thats going to parachute at the 11th hour. Until they get on the same page, theyre never going to be effectively stop donald trump, which is why theyre not being effective stopping donald trump. Theyre not giving out the nobel peace prize. They would rather have no nominee, because theyre so negative on trump, they have no counter balancing hope. Look, i ran a story today about some of the things donald trump has said over the past decade that are not republican positions. He is pro gay march ridriage. They dont believe he is a republican, and he believes the things they believe. The problem is, people are voting for him. If they pull one of these in the convention, theyre going to have to turn around to their grass root supporters, you guys got it wrong, let us pick the nominee. One of the organizers of the group, eric erickson, here he is. Strong coalition of looking at going to the existing candidates, kasich, cruz, saying you need to cut a deal, find a unity ticket within the Republican Party, fall back option would be a third party, the consensus is everyone would rather settle this on the convention floor. Mike huckabee who dropped out last month said that would hand the election to Hillary Clinton. And destroy the Republican Party. What eric ericson just said. I thought we had voters. I thought thats what we do. I wanted to be the nominee, but guess what, im not. Im not going to start a third party. Im not going to blow up the Republican Party, because i didnt get my way. I accept that in an election, voters get to make the decision. This is so crazy, jay, because in the first debate, the reagan library, they asked will you all support the nominee of the party. The only one that wouldnt was donald trump, now anybody but trump is talking about dumping the nominee. If you could parachute somebody in at the 11th hour, Lindsey Graham said he would leave the party if that happened. It would blow up the party. So much tour mill, trying to union night the party, and thats the month youre supposed to be running against Hillary Clinton. They would try to get their own base back, right. Lindsey is going to leave, im leaving. Our colleague here interviewed 19 of the 56 rules committee, most of those members say they opposed any rule change that would allow a new candidate like paul ryan to emerge at the convention. One person said change the rules drastically, youll have a problem. World war and destroy the party. Heres the question. I think like kasich, but when Start Talking about bringing in somebody, this third or fourth ballot, the 1940s, most recently, because ever since 52, the person coming in won. Yes. And they won on the first ballot, even the gerry ford and reagan. Are you going to pick somebody who has gotten no votes from the Republican Voters. Didnt even contest it . Didnt try to get any votes. Elector al college trying to pick a new guy. Lets talk about it from the democratic point of view. If you are a progressive, democratic, what do you want to happen . What do you want to happen in the Republican Party. For them, its a win win scenario. If donald trump is the nominee, then he drives out democrats enormously. He drives out the base. But he also reimagines the map. The electoral map is redrawn and you dont know whether pennsylvania is in play or your home state or other places. But if cruz is the nominee, thats even better for you, because he is only going to be in play in the same old republican states in 2012 and bound not do as well as mitt romney. We all know what will happen, if trump is the nominee, a lot of people sitting on their hands at the convention. I mean, sitting on their hands like this. No clapping. Like nixon made sure pat never clapped for goldwater. All the women, women, i say women who read the paper in the subur suburbs, he is the enemy for everything i stand for. Im voting against this guy. But the work and angry white guy, working class guy who has been waiting for this chance to snack the system, goes, the only question how does it balance out . Imagine for the democrats watches this, imagine there a challenge to donald trump and you have the voter in the streets kicking up dust, and then you have the black lives matters who you know will be in cleveland, because theyre there any way, kicking up dust. Theyre not going to defend trump. But you have the clash in the streets, arguments. Youre amazing. You have the black lives matter people who have been waiting to protest trump. What are we going to do now . Theyll sit back and watch it and say cleveland is the chaos the republicans are offering you. Unbelievable. You are an imaginative guy. I never thought that. Weve got three armies changing sides. Whatever it is. Seattle, you know, trade protests all over again, total. Thank you for joining us. Four months later, a key suspect last november is caught in belgium today. Latest details, what it means for the case and the fight against terror worldwide. Hardball back after this. With the tiger image, the saliva coming off and you got this turning. Thats why i need this kind of resolution and computing power. Being able to use a pen like this. On the screen directly with the image. It just gives me a different relationship to it. And i cant do that on my mac. This is brilliant for me. This is my retirement. Retiring retired tires. And i never get tired of it. Are you entirely prepared to retire . Plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e trade. Plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement proof of less joint pain. His is a body of proof. And clearer skin. 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Successfully blasted off bound for the International Space station. Three people on board, including american astronaut williams. The u. S. Has requested after another Missile Launch by korea. Baby bald eagle. One more remains, they can watch it at eagles. Org. Storm dropped nearly a foot of snow in western u. S. , barreling east ward. Dumping six nainches of snow in new england, the first day of spring. Back to hardball. Welcome back to hardball. After an international manhunt, one fugitive from last novembers paris attacks. Salah abdeslam. He was apprehended along with other terror suspects in a police raid at an a apartment in molenbeek. Told the associated press, he could have been staying there for weeks or months in that place. Abdeslam who a French National carried out the terror attacks that killed 130 people last november. He evaded Law Enforcement and returned to brussels in the immediate aftermath of that attack. It comes after Authorities Say they found his fip gngerprints,o additional suspects remain at large. Joined now by Richard Engle and terror analyst. Richard, give me a sense of how this guy got away from the terrible attack from november in paris, after 130 were killed. How he got away, supposed to commit suicide and all that. How long it took, and why so long to catch the guy. Well, how we got away is he didnt go through with his attack. He was never supposed to have survived the paris attacks. The other attackers died while fighting against Counter Terrorism police, killing innocent people or detonating suicide vests. He had a suicide vest. He chose to dump it, and escape and was seen driving across the border, leaving france entering belgium. So he got away when there was still an opportunity for him to get away. Why it took four months, critics will say it shouldnt have taken four months. Because in the end, he went right back to where it all began. He went back to the molenbeek area, he met the master mind of the attack. And he went back to the place where he had contacts and friends. And i think it also shows how isolated he had become. Isis wasnt talking about him any more. If you were an isis commander, you are not supposed to survive. He couldnt go to syria or iraq, and join the community of isis fighters again. He had to go back to the place that he knew. And perhaps, it shouldnt have taken four months, but it did, and finding individuals is actually hard, even if you think you know where to cook. What does this tell us about a man without a country and what does it do . Does it hurt isis to have them barsment who was supposed to be a suicide killer. I dont think it will be an embarrassment. Eight of the attackers carried out their plan, killed over 130 people. In the grand scheme of things, if isis indeed orchestrated and directed the attack, it was a pretty major success in the heart of france in a western country that is part of the coalition to combat iraq and syria. But i think that isis will be pretty silent and they will not mention him in my opinion, if you ask me, unless some isis supporters talk about him in the sense of lionizing, after helping his brothers or comrades in action earlier. Lets talk about intelligence gathering. Back to you, richard. What can you squeeze out of a guy has nowhere to go . Does that allow the belgium and french authorities to get the whole networking of this terror group . It probably does. I think he of all of the isis types is probably one who is more likely to cooperate. He doesnt have a whole lot to lose. Even his own family was divided about the issue of isis. There was one brother, one of his brothers, who carried out a suicide attack, was part of the paris attacks. He was supposed to be part of the attacks and allegedly drove some of the suicide attackers to france, but then choose not to do it. One of his other brothers went on television calling on him to turn himself in. So now that he has been captured, you know probably hasnt been going outside for the last several months, or staying in the confines of a couple of brussels neighborhoods, well fiend out more exactly as he does talk where he has been. One would expect that he doesnt have much to lose. Why wouldnt he talk . Most people, once theyre arrested, do talk. Here is the tough question. It may sound uncivil. But if you have a population living within the borders belgium protecting guys like this, dont have you a problem with the building of a neighborhood, notorious for having so many terrorists live there, but refusing to go in and clean it out. Why, it just seems to me, something thats become uncontrollable about the terrorist threat, and dont do anything about it to the point the guy could live there safely for four months, after the horrible attack in paris. You know, look, this is somewhat of a problem not only in belgium, but across a number of european countries, including france and germany and other countries, where some part of the population is left, i dont want to say ungoverned, but pretty much marginalized and services that are provided to the rest of saturdociety adequa level. In the grand scheme of things, i wont blame the authorities in the infestation. The authorities have had their eyes on that neighborhood for a very long time. Well before the paris attacks. It is very difficult to be able to sift through the intelligence and zoom in on certain areas instead of actually taking a whole neighborhood down. Well, well see. I think thats the kind of question europe will be asking that question for the rest of our lives. Up next, democratic showdown, Hillary Clinton marching toward the nomination, but Bernie Sanders is not giving up without a fight. The senators have a path to victory still. A great question, this is hardball, the place for politics. Today. All across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in rochester, with worldclass botox. And in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov i am a lot of things. I am his sunshine. I am his advocate. So i asked about adding oncedaily namenda xr to his Current Treatment for moderate to severe alzheimers. It works differently. When added to another alzheimers treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. 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Perhaps winning california, state of washington, oregon, many of the smaller states, and winning new york state. We think if we come into the convention in july in philadelphia, having won a whole lot of delegates, having a whole lot of momentum behind us, and most importantly, perhaps, being the candidate who is most likely to defeat donald trump. We think that some of these super delegates who have now supported Hillary Clinton can come over to us. Welcome back to hardball, that was Bernie Sanders last night, telling Rachel Maddow he could take the fight all the way to the convention in philadelphia, where he hoped super delegates would abandon secretary clinton for him. President obama thinks its time to rally behind clinton. The New York Times reported yesterday, president obama privately told a group of donors last friday that Bernie Sanders in vermont was nearing the point at which campaign against Hillary Clinton would end, and that the party must soon come together to back her. White House Press Secretary josh earnest had this to say about the New York Times report at his briefing yesterday. President obama made a case that would be familiar to all of you. Which is that as democrats move through this competitive primary process, we need to be mindful of the fact that our success in november in electing a democratic president will depend on the commitment and ability of the Democratic Party to come together behind our nominee. The president did not indicate or specify a preference in the race. Well, sanders himself also reacted. Here he is. Well, i dont want to speculate on what he said or what he didnt say. In fact, ive heard there has been some push back from the white house indicating he didnt say that. But the bottom line is that when only half of the American People have participated in the political process, with some large estates in the country, people in the states have not been able to voice their opinion on who should be the democratic nominee, i think its absurd for anybody to suggest that those people not have a right to cast a vote. He makes a good argument. Kristin welker covers the Clinton Campaign. Bureau chief for mother jones, and Senior Editor for msnbc. Com. Beth, you first, this is his last chance to be president of the United States. I cant think of a good reason he should quit. What does he get by quitting . He isnt going to be ambassador to england. Listen, i covered the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008. This is so similar to what we heard back then, senator clinton going forward, why should i quit, with party elders saying you need to drop out, get behind barack obama, because this is the only way to power him into the general election. So now bernie is making the same case hillary did eight years ago. More than half the states havent voted yet, so why boot him out now. What about his geographic argument. We kid about the left coast. California is very prochoice, republicans cant win out there. Knock in the democratic side, you look at the picture, the northeast is democratic. But im not sure its still the case for example, new york he is getting killed. E im not sure there is a california chance for him. Some states that behaved in untraditional ways. You know, he won michigan, but then didnt win the states last week. Illinois or ohio. Or missouri. He mentioned new york state there, where Hillary Clinton was senator. So and also, you have to remember that every state in the democratic contest is proportional. So even if he wins some of those states, depending how he wins, he may only pick up a few more delegates, and so she has a big lead. He has to start winning states with a big lead. Okay, what makes him a prince at the convention . Lets be honest about this . What way to end this campaign would make him a shining star come philadelphia. I would argue, he must be thinking, he winning california, he wins a gold prize out there, then its over, he goes to philadelphia, having won california or Something Like that. A couple of these caucus states coming up, chris. The campaign thinks he is going to win in the caucus states and pick up some momentum and thats why Clinton Campaign is focused on arizona. But look, he is fighting can he win in arizona . Who lives in arizona . It looks like he has a shot, but he is making a strong who are the democrats, some hispanics obviously. The latinos. Colleges few college towns. I think he has a shot in arizona. Asu. Your question, but chris, to your question about what makes him a prince at the convention, i think he wants to fight this thing to the death, right. He said this is a revolution. You cant fight until you cant fight any more. If he takes it to the convention, he can seay now it time to back clinton. Can he run a campaign about vigor that doesnt get negative against her . Doesnt give the republicans to use in november. He has been pretty negative. I dont know that he continues to be negative. He sees the writing on the wall. It doesnt help him to go negative and it hurts her. I would argue he is already a prince. He has pushed her like immigration, she is a different candidate than she would be if he had not run. The interview i had with her this week, a difference between her and him. She said she is not a socialist. Single pay, real differences, but beth is right. Wall street, immigration, she is much more in tune with the democratic primary electorate. She is. She is now because of bernie. He can claim, and what does he care about, he doesnt want planes to travel in, he doesnt want ambassador ships, he wasnt to affect the debate and he has done that. Thats her big challenge, not going too far to the left. I dont think she is shifting on Foreign Policy at all. Thats always been one of the areas where she has been more consistent. I think thats the party with, hell move her to the left on social, but leave her over there on the center right on Foreign Policy. Absolutely. I think to beths point, he has made his mark there. She has already shifted, like tpp. He can still run the revolution without attacking her. Now, he may still do that. This is his decision to make. He can take it all the way up to california. Run kay candidacy in the west coast. But and without attacking her. But depends whether he 36, right. Running mate, chris, it could be him or an Elizabeth Warren. I just want to i refuse to vote when you have three people with a decision. Do you think its plausible that Hillary Clinton potentially and maybe likely the first woman president would have a woman running mate . I think it would be difficult for her to choose someone who is as progressive as senator sanders. Shell go more of the castro route for example. I think its tough for her to bring Elizabeth Warren in without getting more diversity and her out sishine her. Shell outshine Hillary Clinton. Youre amazing. She would still be running. Were talking about the bipartisan unity ticket. She can run with oh, that would be interesting. Republican who is roundly rejected donald trump. Thank you, the round table staying with us. This is hardball, the place for politics. E and it affects each and every one of us. Microsoft created the digital crimes unit to fight cybercrime. 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So you stay steady ahead. Were back with kristin, david and beth. Increasing worry that traditional Republican Voters might defect from the party in november if donald trump is the nominee. The latest wall street journal polltio poll shows theyll vote for Hillary Clinton over trump. On flip side, only 5 of democrats say they would vote for trump over clinton. Conservative leaders held a closed door meter yesterday to strategize a way to stop trump. Among them was Quinn Hillier who said politico the consensus is we need a unity ticket of some sort and well let the candidates work whout the unity ticket is. Good luck with that. Not you . Me . I thought it would be you. Its absurd that any candidate lets talk about this problem. We all sort of know, i think who the Republican People would be who would flip over to hillary. I would say women, start with that group. People little more educated, probably. The White Working Class guy would probably flip the other way, hardly balancing it out. So here is an idea i want to focus on now. Is there any chance that Hillary Clinton would pick a republican . Beth . You discern me. I think theres a unity ticket, two women to which the republican somebody who walked away from donald trump very forcefully and very publicly. I think the reality is she likely wont, but if were going to entertain the scenario, i think a rubio could be an interesting pick for her and also kasich. Thats what i think. There is a history Franklin Roosevelt going for his fourth term, he had a Good Campaign in 40. Humphry was talking about, rockefeller joined him in 68. Conquerry was talking about j n mccain and mccain talked about loeberman. That was a big deal. What stopped him, beth . Does anybody know why hes a democrat. The republicans arent they wanted a hard core republican, not a squish. Republicans thought mccain so they would pick sarah palin. Republicans thought that mccain was barely a republican, so he couldnt do that. I think the odds of hillary picking a republican are 3 or less maybe colin powell, he was wrong about the iraq war. Not very happy with it. Maybe he can get around that, but its really hard. The parties are so at odds on key issues. How can you pick marco rubio who said that you should go to jail for benghazi to be on the ticket. He shouldnt be on the ticket if he believes that. Im throwing out ideas like this because im afraid what will happen is this we have a president ial election. It could be wild and woolly and we think it would be. If its trump against hillary, its not complicated to vote for. I think the vote will be hardened by late july. People will know who theyre going to vote for. But well come into washington, hopefully were sitting here january, january 21st, senate will continue republican couple seats, maybe not. It will be so close nobody will get 60 votes to pass anything. No party will have a mandate and the house probably still republican but its not going to be any good for a democratic president. Hillary walks into a divided senate and nothing gets done and were back into this anger, this confusion and anger. What good is all this attack and excitement and dirty naming and everything, we end up back in the same slaughter house we started with . Thats what i dont want to happen. I thoi that point, chris, one of the things that secretary clinton should consider whether she picks a democrat or republican is potentially someone who reaches out to that outsider antiestablishment surge that were seeing in the country. You think she might pick a joe mansion. I think she should consider it. Thats what thats something thats missing the bernie people will hate that. The bernie people will hate that. Yeah. So i mean, thats really she cant move this far left in the campaign only to go back to being that conservative with her running mate. No way. Impossible. I dont think a pick of a Vice President is going to solve the issue that you just pointed out. I think basic country has to make a decision over the next, two, four, six, eight years on which side it wants to give a chance to. I agree. We need a government and we dont have a government if we go in there with hillary with a Republican House and split senate. We dont have a government. We have this war that goes on. I think youre right but we dont have the parliamentary system. But we need a mandate. I would like to see any new president come in with six months. Yeah. Just six months. Chris, you dont buy the notion that it would be a wipeout if Hillary Clinton was elected over trump and she would bring with her a Democrat Senate . She could bring a Democrat Senate and with 55, she is in business. And a lot more house members. Youre an optimistic person on this thinking. I wish the American People would make up their mind. Change their mind every four years, but at least have a mind. The round table is staying with us. Up next, these great three people will tell me something i dont know. Theyre already doing that. This is hardball, the place for politics. Soup and sandwich and clean and real and inside jokes and school night. Good, clean food pairs well with anything. Try the clean pairings menu. At panera. Food as it should be. You cant breathed. Through your nose. Suddenly, youre a mouthbreather. Well, just put on a breathe right strip which instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right this is my retirement. Retiring retired tires. And i never get tired of it. Are you entirely prepared to retire . Plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e trade. Plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement i am totally blind. I lost my sight in afghanistan. If youre totally blind, you may also be struggling with non24. Calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. 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Hearing that the Republican Convention is having trouble raising money, lot of corporations very uncomfortable getting behind a trump at the top of that ticket, so they may be in a hole getting that convention off the ground in cleveland. Nondazzling convention for donald trump. Hell pay for it. A cheap one. My turn . Trump has been saying if he is the nominee he can put states into play that arent otherwise into play for republicans in the general election, he points to new york state, his home state. Hillary clinton, its her home state in a way. The latest poll out of Emerson College has her beating trump in new york 55 to 36. So not even close at this moment. Epic battle in new york. And you . Okay. Clinton Campaign Getting closer to actually have a strategy to take on donald trump. Im told they have been considering three different things, ignoring him, which is what the republicans did which backfired. Meeting him on his level which is what we saw rubio and jeb bush do which backfired. Im told she have go after him on policy issues, draw sharp distinctions with him. Take him seriously. When he says that stuff, say i disagree with you. Exactly. They say the republicans havent been able to do that because it would alienate the republican base, but she can do that. Thats reporting. Thats a great thats gold

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