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Pretty well educated and poorly educated, but we won with everything. Tall people, short people, skinny people, fat people. Every time they do polls, like cnn did a big poll, when it comes to security, when it comes to isis, when it comes to the military, every single category im leading by a lot. The only category i do badly in is my personality. And thats okay. Who cares. And you know what . You want to know something . Im a better person than the people im running against. Ive never heard anybody talk about the poorly educated. The latest poll was taken before the South Carolina primary. The cnn orc poll has trump at 45 here in nevada, the silver state. Marco rubio comes in second at 19. Thats pretty far back. Followed closely often by ted cruz, always on his back. In massachusetts, heres one that will grab you. A new poll shows a bigger trump lead in the supposedly liberal massachusetts. Trumps at 50 . 50, according to the latest Emmerson College poll out today. Trump also leads recent polls in michigan, oklahoma, georgia, vermont and virginia. Im joined by katy tur and hallie jackson, and john ralston, the host of ralston live. Hes an msnbc political analyst and knows everything about vegas. Back in washington, robert costa joins us, msnbc analyst as well. The Republican Partys reacting now to the news of trumps dominance in different ways. For some they are pushing resistance. Henry barber, the nephew of hallie barber, a member of the Republican National committee said, after trump has won in New Hampshire and South Carolina, republicans are crazy and are about to blow the white house if we dont rally to stop him, close quote. Marco rubio made the case for why the party needed to nominate him. We cant win. If we nominate someone, if we nominate someone that half of the Republican Party hates, were going to be fighting against each other all the way to november. We will never win that way. I dont care how much you may think theyre funny or how interesting they may sound. If we nominate someone that 40 to 50 of our party cant stand, we are going to lose. Indicatekaty, i dont know w these guys are thinking, but he sounded desperate. Weve got a leak in the dike, weve got to stop this thing. Which is the case right now. Donald trump has more delegates than anybody. Won all 50 delegates in South Carolina. Hes got a strong lead going into super tuesday, both in the northern liberal states and southern conservative state. His support is crossing wide swaths of the party. Not just the evangelicals. Its the moderates as well. He has 100 name recognition. The tall, the short, the fat, the skinny, he said that as well. Poorly educated. Amazing statement. His supporters dont mind. Lets get back to the fight about what that means. Is he anywhere near 50 . Which he needs to be to win the nomination. Right now hes not near 50 . He needs to gain support. Not just maintain. Will he go up to 50 nationally . Wins raise the ceiling. Do you think hes headed that way . I dont know. Could be. How is that . Hallie jackson joining me. Not all resisting. The fact that trump could win the nomination. Heres kevin mccarthy, one of the top guys in the establishment. Here he is today talking about trumps perhaps inevitability. Here he is. Well, we have kevin mccarthy. We had him a minute ago. This is live. Anyway, john, kevin mr mccarthy stuck his head up and said it will be trump. Well, rubio or cruz dont look like theyll get out. Kasich and carson taking enough of the vote to make sure trumps going to win all of these states. No one can figure it out. You mentioned this, the only guy ive seen in a speech read poll cross tabs. Thats what he did. Poorly educated. Who does that . Lets look at the speech, or statement by kevin mccarthy, the number two guy in the house. I think 50 chance hes the nominee. I think thats whats setting in for a lot of people. Could they get their heads around trump. If trump were the nominee, do you think you could work with donald trump . Oh, yeah, i could work with donald trump. Let me go to robert costa at the washington post. How do you see this now . Is the resistance growing . That trump could overpower him still . I think the establishment here in washington is warming to the idea of a trump nomination. Its something they dont necessarily welcome. But this is a transactional business. They realize they have to get ready for it. On capitol hill a few endorsements for senators. None from the senate. But at the same time, theres communication between the Trump Campaign and capitol hill aides. Theres a growing rapport across the elite of the party, as they look to trump as someone who just could do it. Let me ask you about the establishment of the Republican Party, which ive been watching all my life. They always seem to win. There was the exception, of course, with goldwater back in 64, which turned out to be a catastrophe. It always seems the mitt romneys and east coast types always end up winning the fights, the bushes, they always end up with the money and ability to really blow away anybody who dares challenge them. Do you think this time you can see it now, that trump can beat whats left of that establishment, having knocked off bush, knocked off a whole bunch of these guys now at this point. We thought walker could be a nominee. Hes gone. Rick perrys gone. Jindals gone. Kasichs still there. You know, carsons not really a factor anymore. I hate to say that of anybody, but he isnt a factor anymore. Is there an establishment that it will go to rubio . Is that happening or not . Historically, i think your narrative works well if you talk about the establishment versus an ideological reserve. But with trump, youre not really having a traditional idea a log. They see trump as more moderate on social issues that they can work with privately and publicly on politics, on legislation. And so they dont necessarily see him as a total outsider who wants to change the way the party thinks, and move it far to the right. If you had to call it right now, robert, would you say the establishment has begun to crumble . I think the establishment donor class has begun to crumble. Theyre searching for rubio, trying to get some momentum there. But the establishment in terms of the official elected leadership of the Republican Party, when you look at mccarthy, theyre starting to wrap themselves around the idea of Trump Holding back an endorsement. Lets look at the other people in the party right now. Ted cruz, in many ways, asked for the resignation of rick tower. Hes been on hardball many times. And posted a link to a story that said marco rubio joked about the bible with a cruz staffer. The rubio camp said the website misquoted the candidate. Anyway, senator rubio reacted strongly this morning, saying the episode set a pattern for the Cruz Campaign. Every single day something comes out of the Cruz Campaign thats deceptive and untrue. In this case, goes after my faith. This is a pattern now. I think were now at a point that we start asking for accountability. Talk about the va where people who arent doing their job are going to be fired. Whos going to be fired when ted cruz is elected . Are you saying someone should be fired . Im saying at some point there has to be some level of accountability. After cruz announced he had asked for towers resignation, donald trump jumped in with a storm of tweets. First he posted, wow, ted cruz falsely suggested marco rubio mocked the bible. And was just forced to fire his communications director. More dirty tricks. Trump added in a separate tweet, ted cruz has been playing an ad about me that is so ridiculously false, no basis in fact, take ad down, ted. Biggest liar in politics. Thats trump on cruz. In another trump tweet, trump wrote, quote, just saw the phony ads by cruz. More dirty tricks. He got caught in so many lies. Is this man crazy. Hallie jackson, you covered cruz. Yeah. What about were on the strip here. What about this recurrent notion, the belief in the notion that cruz has this tendency to throw in some dirty stuff . I think that what you saw with cruz today when it came to asking for the resignation of rick tyler was a way to not just have ted cruz stand up and say im running a campaign of integrity, but try to close the book on this line of attack not just donald trump is pushing, but that marco rubio as well has been constantly talking about. When is cruz going to stop the tricks . Well, i think that he wants to run a campaign that is above that. I think thats why you saw them ask for essentially a little bit of a sacrificial lamb. Carsons out of the race. They sent an official looking document. Theyre putting out it just seems theres always this theyve always got something out there that people go, wait a minute, that smells. Trump touched on this day where he talked about, you know, cruz offering apology to marco rubio, offering apology also to ben carson a couple of weeks ago that there has been this pattern. As we know, trump has a way of getting to the heart of the vulnerabilities of the campaigns. Lets not miss the chance to talk about dirty tricks. Stanford has all kinds of problems. He comes out and accuses trump of being a truther. In other words, one of the rely wacky people that someone had a plunger and blew up the world trade center. Thats crazy talk. Trump has never been a truther. Then they get sanford out there to do the dirty work for them. Hes not the victim in this. Is he a truther . No. One at a time here. Not giving a pass. Im not giving a pass. Im saying cruz is engaging in dirtsy tricks. When you put out the idea that someone is a truther. Heres one thing i would point out is often when were talking about these things, its not the Cruz Campaign directly. You made this point. Its mark sanford. But its the super pac. Oh, here you have youre laughing. Someone that robert was referring to, the breakdown there probably not watching msnbc, sheldon, the establishment. Hes not weighed in. Hes a rubio guy. Why hasnt rubio been able to woo him . I dont think he thinks rubio is strong enough. Whos he got if he doesnt have rubio . His wife likes cruz supposedly. His wife has a lot of influence. Thats been going on for weeks. Yeah, exactly. Something about trump not we agree hes not a truther. Go on. What im saying is, ted cruz has certainly been the focus of a lot of this dirty trick stuff over the past few weeks. Especially after iowa, and certainly there has been some shady stuff going on in the campaign about what sort of ads are getting put out and what sort of robocalls are out there and what thenot. Trump has not run a clean campaign. Go ahead, robert. Theres another angle one guy below the surface, the other guy does it on television. The angle is carson. The biggest burden on cruzs Campaign Going into super tuesday are the 10 of voters, the carson voters who are still unhappy with the Cruz Campaign. If carson drops out after nevada, cruz has to find a way to get those 10 over. So this move today with tyler is a signal of reassurance to them. Are they trying to get carson to drop out . Theyre not trying to get carson to drop out, but they want carson out of the race, or if not out of the race, bleed his support so he doesnt consolida consolidate conservatives on the right. Rubio seems to declare victory no matter what place he finances. Hes gone 3, 5, 2, and now its become 3, 2, 1. What is cruzs future right now . The path to victory for him, his campaign has come out with the top strategist with a memo outlining all this. They believe they can hammer the argument that ted cruz is the only person who has actually beaten donald trump, whos gotten a number up on trump on the scoreboard. I think its hard to oversell how important super tuesday is to ted cruzs campaign. Hes got to do well in the primary states. Alabama, or tennessee. He told chuck todd on meet the press, i need to do very well. He cant lose to trump. If he loses to trump in texas im sorry. Lets say trump wins here tomorrow night. Go ahead, john. You hurt me with the caucus sorry. It certainly adds to the thats democracy. Spend some money and have a primary. It adds to the sense of inevitability. It shows hes not only won New Hampshire and South Carolina, but also won nevada. He is doing well in the southern states, well in the polling in the northern states right now. He does well with the evangelicals. The group ted cruz was supposed to sweep in South Carolina. Donald trump is the nominee, how doi put it, give me the right words, im blanking almost the inevitable nominee. No matter what happens tomorrow night, after midnight, i predict that marco rubio will declare victory. Anyway, thank you very much, katy tur. Thank you, hallie jackson. And john ralston. And robert costa back in washington. Fresh off her win here saturday, Hillary Clinton is looking for a decisive victory over Bernie Sanders down in South Carolina. She looks very good down there. Can clinton forge a message to get people excited about her campaign . Shes got great organization, great name i. D. By the way, can she learn the bern . Can she put sanders policies to work for her to put him away . That would be great politics. And a reminder well have complete coverage of tomorrow nights republican caucuses here in nevada. Hardball out here. And at 10 00 eastern, ill join Brian Williams and Rachel Maddow with full results and analysis late into the night out here. 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Sanders almost doubled the clinton share of the vote among young people. 65 to 33 . Income inequality is the centerpiece of the sanders phenomena. Clinton has tried to find elements of the message within her own campaign. In her victory speech, she spoke about the numerous economic barriers she intends to tear down if shes elected. It is a campaign to break down every barrier that holds you back. We need more than a plan for the big bang. The middle class needs a raise. And they need more jobs. We also have to do more to make it easier for parents to balance work and family. If you left college with a ton of loans, its not enough just to make college more affordable. You need help right now with a debt you already have. America can only live up to its potential. When each and every american has the chance to live up to your potential, too. Thats a pretty good speech. Today Bernie Sanders said clinton has been inching closer to his platform. Here he is. I have to say, that i am delighted that secretary clinton month after month after month seems to be adopting more and more of the positions that we have advocated. Thats good. And in fact, is beginning to use a lot of the language, phraseology that we have used. In fact, i think i saw her tv ad and i thought it was me. But it turned out it was secretary clintons picture in the ad. Im joined by steve kornacki, and kevin bellcher. Steve, i have to tell you, i think Bernie Sanders is dead right. Hillary clinton is trying to learn the bern. Well, the numbers were seeing in the first three contests also point to something thats happened over the last eight years during the obama presidency, which is the democratic electorate has gotten a lot more liberal. Its fine with most people. Weve seen it in iowa, New Hampshire. Eight years ago, youre seeing doubledigit increases is hillary sitting there thinking, you know what, this is working. First of all, Student Loans. Its a reality. Not a philosophy issue. If you get burnt by Student Loans, you have to pay maybe six figures through your 20s and 30s. Youre a debtor. But youre seeing she has to address that issue. Her Weakest Group right now is people under 30. She hasnt figured out the message. He says free tuition. Shes offering lower interest rates. Three weaknesses have emerged from Hillary Clinton. One is young voters. Another is political independence. Hes winning with independents that show up. The inverse of what we saw in 08, working class of white voters. She was running against an africanamerican. Hes put together that was a factor. Im sorry to blow your mind and any evity. Im just kidding here. These issues matter. Go ahead, your thoughts, cornell. Hillary clinton better among working class whites. How is she doing now against a professor type, who seems very unthreatening, very likable, if you will, and who seems to have the message directly to them. We want to make sure you dont have the big load of debt on you. I will say this. In 08, there was a lot of talk about working class democrats sticking with Hillary Clinton, white democrats sticking with Hillary Clinton and whether it will be barack obama to win in 2008. It wasnt a problem. He in fact won, galvanized the democratic base. What Hillary Clintons campaign is really smart. Theyre not letting an inch of difference in between her and bernie on central progressive or liberal issues, which is smart, so he cant draw a contrast so shell stick close to him i disagree with you. Look, hes out there selling public option now. Medicare for life. Shes saying, we cant do that. We cant do it now. But the contrast is, shes not letting him draw a hard contrast on whether or not shes going to be fighting for the middle class, and fighting for affordability. They may have different ways of getting there. She could make the argument of her way of getting there is more realistic. Shes certainly not going to allow him to have the space that hes fighting for the middle class, or for equality. Her message is whats so different about tearing down cornell for the middle class people, its pretty good. Cornell, if Bernie Sanders hasnt been able to draw a contrast with Hillary Clinton, why is he doing so well . Most people never heard of this fellow before this year. She has won two of the states. But there is this, Bernie Sanders is a vehicle for antiestablishment, a change on the left. I would argue, chris, it started on the left before it was on the right, by a guy like howard dean. Obama took advantage of that as well. Theres also antiestablishment on the left that is also very powerful. What did you make of his appearance in that black supper the other night where people seem to be more interested in having their meal and ignoring him . Its a real problem, chris. I tell you this, if you cannot compete for the africanamerican vote, and im going to be a little different than a lot of my colleagues on the campaign have been about this theyre watching it now. Barack obama sealed the deal in South Carolina when he won the africanamerican voters in South Carolina. The die was cast. She was not going to be the nominee. If you look at the states and look at the africanamericans, making up the primary electorate, if she cannot compete with her in the africanamerican states, they will have a big say in whos going to be the democratic nominee from this day forward. You know, let me go back to steve. You go to a party, you dont know anybody, you wander around. You hold a drink in your hand, dont know what to do. Bernie is at a loss with this group of people. Thats never been his style of campaign either, walking into the room, hugging, shaking hands. He gets in front of the room, he has his speech hes given for 40 years. Hes usually speaking to the converted. Its a completely different style of campaigning that hes allergic to. Most politicians have to find a way past that allergy. Hell have to find a way to go door to door, or person to person i will say if you look at the Bernie Sanders of today and a year ago, hes come a long way. This was a guy at the start of the campaign with a contempt for any personal questions. The Democratic Convention in philadelphia this coming summer. Will you hear a lot of bernie, even if hes not the nominee, or is the nominee, will you hear a lot of bernie discussed in the platform on the speeches starting the four days of that convention . Will he be there evident in flesh as well as in spirit . I think if you see him have continued success, or close in some of the states, youve got to give him a voice there during that convention. He does bring in youth. He does bring in some energy that she will absolutely need. Steve, on the particulars, on what to do with Student Loans, what to do with health care, how advanced we get with the terms going into a public option, how we deal with the problem of Social Security Retirement Benefits being too low for people to live on. Im surprised we havent seen the public option yet. The specifics of the platform arent necessarily going to be written by Bernie Sanders, but the theme of the platform will be written by Bernie Sanders. I think bernies setting a direction in the way that goldwater lost we dont know that hes going to lose, but i think hes already set a lot of themes. Thank you both gentlemen. The 106yearold, this woman 106 years old, so delighted to visit the white house. She actually breaks into a dance there. Were going to meet virginia mclaren, up next with the first couple. This is hardball, the place for politics. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Her lifes work has been about breaking barriers. And so would her presidency. Which is why, for every american whos not being paid what theyre worth. Whos held back by student debt or a system tilted against them and there are far too many of you she understands that our country cant reach its potential. Unless we all do. Together. A stronger country. Padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. Helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. Advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. Im in charge of it all. Business expenses, so ive been snapping photos of my receipts and keeping track of them in quickbooks. Now im on top of my expenses, and my bees. Best 68,000 employees ever. Thats how we own it. You cant breathed. Through your nose. Suddenly, youre a mouthbreather. A mouthbreather how can anyone sleep like that . Well, just put on a breathe right strip and pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. So you can breathe and sleep. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right welcome back to hardball. February, of course, is National Black history month. President obama received a very special guest at the white house today. 106yearold virginia mclauren. Lets watch. Virginia mclauren . Hi how are you . Fine. Its so nice to see you. Do you want to say hi to michelle . Yes. Shes 106. No, you are not 106. You slow down. Oh, my goodness. I want to be like you when i grow up. You can. Shes dancing. Come on whats the secret to still dancing at 106 . Just keep moving. Were so happy to have you here. And look at those nails. Nails are all done. Woo yes, sir. I thought i would never live to get in the white house. Well, you are right here. And i tell you, i am so happy. We are happy to have you. A black president. Look at him. Right there. Im here to celebrate black history. Thats what im here for. Were glad to have you here. You have just made our day. You know that . That energy, man. You made my day. Okay. There you go. A wonderful scene of living history. 106 is pretty good. Up next, fresh off their weekend victories, donald trump and Hillary Clinton look ahead to their next contest. Republicans in nevada are voting here tomorrow. And democrats in South Carolina this weekend. Can these two frontrunners pull off a onetwo punch . Coming soon from progressive, its savin u, the new hit single from the dizzcounts. Cash money the Biggest Discount and understand. The dizzcounts. Safe driver, paperless, paidinfull, multicar and joey fatone. Savin you five hundred im savin you five hundred we have autotune, right . Oh, yeah. Thats a hit all yeah unless you have allergies. , then your eyes may see it differently. Only flonase is approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. When we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Most allergy pills only control one substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. Complete allergy relief or incomplete. Let your eyes decide. Flonase. 61 changes everything. Heres whats happening. The uber driver accused of fatally shooting six people over the weekend in kalamazoo, michigan, has been ordered held without bail. Mcclair mccaskill announced she has breast cancer. She said her prognosis is good and will undergo treatment in st. Louis for the next three weeks. A plane swiped at least two nearby vehicles on the ground. The pilot was uninjured and no one on the ground was hurt. Now well take you back to hardball. Thank you, nevada thank you so much you know, i am so, so thrilled and so grateful to all of my supporters out there. Some may have doubted us, but we never doubted each other. And this ones for you. Welcome back to hardball. Reveling in her victory here saturday night over Bernie Sanders. Clinton won 53 of the vote out here in nevada. But that 6 makes all the difference. A phone call from the nevada senator, harry reid, may have helped tip the balance for clinton by getting out the Important Union vote here on the strip, on caucus day itself. On the republican side, the five remaining republicans face off tomorrow night, after donald trump scored a resounding win in South Carolina. Trump offered an ominous prediction that with every gop dropout, hell be the one to pick up the votes. Here he is. A number of the pundits said well, if a couple of the other candidates drop out, if you add their scores together [ applause ] they dont understand that as they drop out, well get the votes. Im joined by the hardball round table. The former nevada gop chairwoman. The union represents many hotel, food, service and lawn ri workers. And sue, is trump it . Is this already over . Hes the one in nevada for sure. I cant imagine him being defeated. Project beyond these streets. I think theres a very good chance hes our nominee. Who could beat him at this point . I think cruz could beat him or rubio could beat him. Its possible in the south. We have to watch what the south does. Lets go to mack on that. Look at this trump thing right now. Trump faces the accumulation of all the wealth in the world on the head of rubio. Because rubios the last gasp of hawks and establishment republicans. Both groups. The hawks. They always have one in mind. And the establishment. They both need to beat this guy. Hes neither establishment or hawkish. I dont think he has to attack downwards that much. Hes leading in nevada can somebody beat him . Of course. Hes most likely to win the nomination by far right now. Its very difficult to chart out a path for marco rubio or ted cruz. Ted cruz had the unfortunate incident today, his spokesperson resigned, National Spokesperson resigned just before the nevada caucuses. Thats going to hurt him. Lets talk democrats. Hillary clinton . Shes in good shape. But dont underestimate Bernie Sanders. Hes been underestimated the entire time. Who are you for . Were neutral. But you want to make sure you stay neutral, right . Absolutely. Were staying neutral probably until whoever wins the nomination. Tell me about this ideological thing that kind of amazed me. Theres a new poll out taken by a Republican Group that shows most democrats prefer socialism to capitalism. Those terms dont mean what they did maybe 40, 50 years ago. Are you surprised socialism is favored as strongly as it is among democrats . Yes, i am. I think theyre equating that to income inequality and whats going on in the country for the last 30 years. If you believe in socialism, society can run a pretty decent government, it can provide services, regulate the economy. And now we talk about how bad the va is. Something it clearly does run. Yes . People are just so disillusioned with the current process theyre willing to hang on to new ideas and new terms. Socialism being a new idea . The new concept of what socialism what is it . It would look a like like the va i think. I disagree. I think what theyre looking at is how government used a function with their ideal, a new deal or a Great Society when government actually cared about folks, and people felt like they had a fair shake. I think the media has been completely wrong about trump and sanders. They dont understand the anger out there, or dont understand are people not going to see theyve written off trump so many i never wrote off trump. Oh, no i figured it was coming. No, no, overall, the media not only do you make up your mind we are watching. Talking about jobs. I dont care if youre a democrat or republican, they want jobs. Sanders is talking about it and trump is talking about bringing jobs back and making our country great again. How will they create new jobs . If you listen to trump, hes going to make sure we get our jobs back from mexico, and jobs back from china. Now hes mentioned vietnam, were going to get the jobs back from vietnam. Slam the door on trade. And thats going to do the job . What about sanders . Im not sure. Thats not my i think this is all the latest incarnation of this, is the tpp. If you notice the trade bill. Youre against the trade bill . Not all trade bills. But that trade bill what are you for . Thats before my time. Thats your time, not my time. Ooh. I studied history. Thats good. Thats an advantage. The democrats are against trade, at least my point earlier is there are very few differences on trade, on the economy between donald trump and Bernie Sanders. Theyre both protectionists. Who signed the nafta . Which president . A democrat. Yeah, but donald trump is very much they all pushed it. Yeah . Donald trump is a republican in a mold that we have just not seen. The Republican Coalition is utterly falling apart in this cycle. Were seeing a republican in donald trump who has nice things to say about planned parenthood. What do you think of the face that hes chemo for politics . Hes instructive but hell destroy all the bad stuff and doing the most ruthless way. But that people want that done. They want the system they do. They want race i dont im not sure how thats created a distraction. I dont think thats a positive chemo type thing. It may be cathartic, but its not helpful. Do you like the words trump used . Yes, i think hes misogynist, racist, antiimmigrant. Who in their right mind would criticize the pope and get away with it. There are 35 of the Republican Party that will be for donald trump no matter what. Thats clear. The question is, are the American Public going to want somebody who just attacks as compared to give real solutions. You dont buy the fact that hell do well by hispanics or africanamerican voters . I do not believe that at all. I have hispanic friends who are all for trump because they feel theyre getting a bad rap on the illegal people who are here. As opposed to those who came the right way, built up their businesses, have, you know, everything going for them in our country. The country isnt going with them the way they thought it was going to go. This is why donald trump is so much more of a threat to Hillary Clinton if shes the nominee, is that he cuts across existing coalitions. He does. He slashes. He brings in enormous share of the africanamerican vote, for example. I disagree with that. There is no way a lot of africanamericans go for donald trump. By the way, every time i hear, oh, latinos for donald trump, i would like to get real data on that. I know in our membership, that is not the case. Thats the reason the trump Hotel Workers really organized right when he was running for president. 80 of them are immigrant workers. They got offended about what trump said about mexicans, for example. I dont believe that for a second. The round table is sticking with us. Ill ask this rambunctious group to tell me something i dont know. Im sure well all be very disparate among them. Retiremen. May not always be clear. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. For over 75 years, investors have relied on our disciplined approach to find long term value. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call a t. Rowe price retirement specialist or your advisor. To see how we can help make the most of your retirement savings. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. We heard you got a job as a developer its official, i work for ge what . Wow. Yeah okay. Guys, ill be writing a new language for machines so planes, trains, even hospitals can work better. Oh sorry, i was trying to put it away. Got it on the cake. So youre going to work on a train . Not on a train. On trains youre not gonna develop stuff anymore . No i am. Do you know what ge is . Go, go, touchdown , go. Choir and harp music. This place, its the bestkept secret in football since. Hey, how did he get in here . and with toe nail fungus fight it with jublia. Jublia is a prescription medicine used to treat toenail fungus. Use jublia as instructed by your doctor. Now thats prime time. Most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. You ready to fight it . Ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. Yknow, i look great in purple. Were leer in las vegas again for our coverage of the Nevada Republican caucuses tomorrow. Tune in to hardball at 7 00 eastern, and 10 00 eastern. Ill be joining Brian Williams and Rachel Maddow for complete coverage of the results here as the gop candidates compete in their fourth contest of 2016 to determine who leaves las vegas a winner. And what happens here will travel on. Dont miss it. Well be right back. I built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. 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Thats why i only choose nicorette mini. Were back with the roundtable. Tell me something i dont know. Our caucus starts at 5 00 right after work. Well have a Record Number of people show up. You can vote and leave. You do not have to caucus. Just like a primary. Nobody knows how you vote. Nobody knows. Thats so american. Isnt that nice . I think we should have secret elections. You remember that fundraiser that donald trump had for the veterans charities. I started looking into that and some of them are getting money but its not from the donald j. Trump foundation. They started getting the money but its not coming from his charity. What happened to the money he raised that night . It hasnt been accountable. Youre making accusation . Im not. Its not been accountable. Donald trump workers here organize the union, got it. He wont negotiate a contract, but in canada, for Canadian Workers he negotiated a contract in one week. Why are Canadian Workers better than americans in. Are they making more than us . They are now. Do the canadian guy makes more than the american guy working for trump . Yes. Per hour . Yes. Why is that . Let him answer. He says make america great. He should start right here. Youre saying hes not nationalist . The proof is in the pudding. When will you decide between hillary and bernie . After this. I like being here. Why didnt they make you the United States senate . I have no idea. I would have voted for you. Thank you. We return let me finish with question for democratic primary caucus voters. And can you explain why you recommend synthetic over cedar . Super food . Is that a real thing . Its a great school, but is it the right one for her . Is this really any better than the one you got last year . If we consolidate suppliers, whats the savings there . So should we go with the 467 horsepower . Or is a 423 enough . Good question. You ask a lot of good questions. I think we should move you into our new fund. Sure. Ok. But are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed . Wealth management at charles schwab. I thione second its there. Day. Then, woosh, its gone. I swear i saw it swallow seven people. Seven. I just wish one of those people could have been mrs. Johnson. [dog bark] trust me, were dealing with a higher intelligence here. The allnew audi q7 is here. Whfight back fastts tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue and neutralizes stomach acid at the source tum, tum, tum, tum smoothies only from tums thsometimes you cant evento graimagine. H. Thats the job. And shes the one whos proven she can get it done. Securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons. Standing up against the abuse of women. Protecting Social Security. Expanding benefits for the national guard. And Winning Health care for 8 million children. The presidency is the toughest job in the world and shes the one wholl make a real difference for you. Im Hillary Clinton and i approved this message. Man 1 he just got fired. Man 2 why . Man 1 network breach. Man 2 since when do they fire ceos for computer problems . Man 1 they got in through a vendor. Man 1 do you know how many vendors have access to our systems . Man 2 no. Man 1 hundreds, if you dont count the freelancers. Man 2 should i be worried . Man 1 you are the ceo. Its not just security. Its defense. Bae systems. Let me finish tonight with a question for democratic primary and caucus voters. Actually, two questions. First, are you 45 or under and do you prefer socialism to capitalism . A new survey conducted by a republican firm shows a close correspondence in your answers. If youre 45 or under, youre likely to prefer socialism. 46 of people in that Younger Age Group put themselves on the socialist side. Just 19 preferred capitalism. Among democratic primary voters of all ages, the ratio is 43 favoring socialism. 30 favoring capitalism. While i have questions about the language used in describing the two Economic Systems, i think people have fairly good gut sense of the people between socialism and capitalism. The fact that younger people are more inclined to socialism may come with the fact that young peoples first reaction to capitalism is a debtor. They picked up so much debt from college and have it hanging on them that they cant see the Positive Side of an Economic System that allows people po make money off of investments and allows people to make money by borrowing money for new enterprises and few involved in start up businesses today have a very different view of the word capitalism are much less excited about an economy heavy with government involvement. Those bearing up under the burdens of big Student Loans see their own predicament. Its made an awful lot of money not been building anything but simply to manipulate money itself. In other words, two bad words for capitalism, wall street. Thats hardball for now. Thanks for being with us. All in with chris hayes starts right now. Tonight. I love to win. Dont we love to win . As Donald Trumps domination continues, are republicans kidding themselves to think they have chance of stopping him . Im a conservative that will win this election. We have to win. Tonight the state of race on the eve of the big nevada caucus. While Sheldon Adelson is staying under the radar. The telling truth about when the lights went out in georgia. Because the lights wont work, i wont pay the rent. Do democrats face a problem getting out to vote. Jeb, we hardly knew you. A look back at what happened to jeb bush

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