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Sahara, africa, thousands of miles away from the infected area. This is the fear stalking the elections two weeks from now. Senator hagan has failed the people of North Carolina and the nation by not securing our border. Ladies and gentlemen, we have an ebola outbreak. Until the cdc can convince me that we are able to intervene with anyone who represents a threat to the safety and security of this country, then weve got to prevent them from traveling here. I think we ought to have an immediate travel ban from the affected travel areas going into affect now. Not tomorrow, but now. The ebola epidemic, along with isis shows you how we should really secure the border and not be granted amnesty. I think its naive to think that people wont be walking through here who have those types of diseases, or other types of intent, criminal or terrorist, and yet we do nothing to secure our border. Its dangerous. People walking through here. The southern border. These are all misconnects, disconnects, but they all play on fear. Also tonight, it appears that only an african vote can save the democratic control of the senate in two weeks. Can they deliver on election day . Can the group long looked upon as the democrats infantry now be counted on to be the cavalry . First to the ebola danger. Its become the republicans number one weapon of choice. Editorial director of the Huffington Post and also columnist for the washington post. Both are msnbc political analysts. Howard, this use of fear, it reminds me almost of the cold war. There really were communists over there, but the fact is, i guess there were some here, but the fact of the matter, this use of fear here, one victim in the United States. They somehow tie it together with, what was scott brown tying it together with . People Walking Around here, people crossing the border, isis, tying it all together into one big fat package of, my god, the worlds coming to an end, we need a new party to run the thing. Its a strange thing. Its strange, but familiar in american political history. The analogy to the red scare is enough on point. Theres just enough of a grain of truth in it all to allow the republicans to run wild. Theyve always, at least certainly since the 60s, run on the idea of the other, the stranger, the outsider, the person thats unnamed that you should fear. It started with the immigration from the south, legal and otherwise. That didnt fly with the American People or the Republican Party, because the Republican Party is divided on it. Then they moved after the beheadings to isis, the great fear, even though thats in syria and not in the United States. And now, of course, ebola. You put all three of them together, and fear, raw emotion, can, if allowed to be unanswered and unchecked, overrule the rational mind in american politics. And its the challenge of the president and the democrats in the last two weeks here, two and a half weeks, to say, look, the republicans have nothing to run on but fear. They have no program. They have only irrational fear. We have the answers. We have the way forward. And thats really going to frame these last two and a half weeks until the senate is decided, if its decided on november 4th. What is the connection between the rio grand river and the Atlantic Ocean . [ laughter ] people are reasonably concerned about a rush of immigrants. Any country would be. A rush of unregulated immigration. But how do they connect that with a few people, or this one person that came into the country that they know of from west africa who lied to get here. But how do they connect, scott brown talking about people walking through new hampshire. Where are they coming from . Nobody is going to get ebola, walk across the texas border and walk to new hampshire. Thats never, ever going to happen. And so but howard is right upon. Its the atmospherics, its creating this sense of doom and foreboding and chaos. So the particulars, if you look at them, they dont parse. Right . They dont actually make sense as discrete things you ought to be scared of. But theyre trying to create the atmosphere that you ought to be scared of it all and you ought to be dissatisfied with whatever the democrats are doing or not doing to protect us from this sort of does anyone think the republicans would be more active in west africa in development and Health Standards . Does anybody believe they would have been over there working to prevent that . No. A lot of republicans are still saying stop the flights, unaware that there are no flights. There are no flights from the affected countries directly to the United States. None. Stop the flights from europe. The fear factor will play a role in this. Were looking at thom tillis hyping it up. In a new poll, 2 3 of likely voters in swing states feel the u. S. Has lost control of major challenges. One reason could be the chorus from big names on the right saying the administration cant be trusted to handle ebola. Watch this chorus. If you were president and nih, or the cdc, were saying, hey, this will only make it worse, a travel ban, a flight ban will only make it worse. What we have in place is better. You would overrule the doctors and the experts . Candy, the doctors and the experts that are saying this are working for the administration and repeating the Administration Talking Points. And their arguments dont make sense. Look, this administration couldnt run the irs run. It apparently is not running the cdc right. And you ask yourself, what is it going to take to have a president who really focuses on the interests of the American People. Im feeling a little sick myself. But its not ebola. Im sick of a government that im paying for telling me not to worry. I wish i could trust them. But if they repeatedly lie to me, i just cant trust them anymore. The malice in these comments, the people who spent their life fighting diseases. Thats what they do, theyre not political. Accusing them of being flax for obama is dishonest. Unless you have a screw loose. That guy makes me think he does. Where does he get the idea that these guys are flacking. I dont even know what their party labels are. What is this about, that they would blame the president for writing the scripts of doctors . How would he know what to put in the scripts and what would be his motivation for playing down the danger . What does it mean to keep saying politically correct . What do they mean by that . Two points. First of all, the republicans here, if you listen to what theyre saying, theyre actually advocating for more of a government role. They may not like what the president is doing, but they want government activism here, to which Many Democrats would say, how dare you youve been tearing down the authority and the reach of government both here and around the world for decades. Now you want the government to be an activist government. Thats the first point. The second point is, ted cruz, in his comments there about Administration Talking Points about science, is the perfect example of the intellectual bankruptcy of parts of the Republican Party that dismiss the idea of science. They dismiss the idea of accepted facts. They live in their own world. They think the left lives in its own world. And never the two shall meet. So even science has been ripped apart. In science, in consensus on experimentally verified scientific facts, the whole thinking of the last 300 years has been thrown out the window by republicans in this case. There anybody that doesnt know theyre loving this . No. Theyre loving this. Let me read this. Scott brown, i dont know the guy at all. But look at this. I think its naive to think that people arent going to be walking through here walking through here, through new hampshire. Listen to this. Walking through here, who have those types of diseases. Theres only one were talking about here. Those types of diseases and or other types of intent, criminal or terrorist. So be on the lookout for the boogie man. Hes coming through here. Maybe typhoid mary with ebola. And isis is covered. So the whole thing, shut down this country. Theyre coming. Its this sort of an umbrella designation, you should be afraid of everything. Bad people are coming to get you. And the democrats are going to allow it. This is the music man. Its river city, oh, we got trouble. But they should tell us, i think a reasonable person can debate this. It is debatable. Tony fauci said today you can disagree, we can discuss whether there should be a travel ban in our professional opinion, there shouldnt be one. And theyre getting that [ all speak at once ] can i mention race here . You may. Lets put the cards on the table here. You mean the word africa . No. The brown people coming from the south, the arab people coming from the east, the black people coming from africa, nobodys saying that in so many words. Nobodys saying it at all. But its in the background of this whole discussion, and anybody who would deny that doesnt know how this country operates. Its not the only way this country operates. Were bigger than that in the end, but thats definitely a sub text of a lot of whats going on here. Theres no question about it. And ill say it if other people wont. It is the arrival of them. African americans have been here before we got here. [ laughter ] there is that. Or the may flower. Howard is right. Diseased africans, you know, we have to keep them out. And these murderous arabs, and these, you know, these brown central americans, we have to keep you know. The people who come walking through here with those kinds of diseases we dont want them walking through here. In the past few days, weve seen a couple of examples that verge into the latter, hysteria. Lets watch. Officials on wednesday sent this letter home to parents of students who attend school where the suspended staff member teaches school. She traveled to dallas representing maine at a conference. Parent voice their fears that the teacher could have been infected by the deadly virus. Following the meeting, the teacher took a 21day leave of absence. There was a real sense of panic outside of hazel hurst middle school. The principal just returned from his brothers funeral in zambia, far from the ebola hot spot countries, on the other side of africa. Thats about 2,500 miles, we did the math today. A long, long way. This is hysteria and i think we got troubles in river city. Withhold the senate is to have an extraordinary turnout of African Americans. Can they deliver on election day . The infantry is being asked to be the cavalry this time, save the day. This is hardball, the place for politics. Well be right back and talk about what i called black power. The only way the democrats can hold the u. S. Senate is if African Americans get out and vote the way they voted in 2012. This is an extraordinary leap theyre going to have to make. Theyre going to have to jump up and catch something theyve never caught, a midterm election, as strong as a president ial election, but they have to do it, its argued if the democrats are going to hold the senate. Well be right back to talk about that hotbutton issue. Californians are discovering the real risks behind prop 46. It was written and paid for by the trial lawyers to make them millions. While, for the rest of us, Health Care Costs go up. No wonder every major newspaper in the state opposes prop 46. They say 46 overreached in a decidedly cynical way. Its a ploy for trial lawyers to enrich themselves. And prop 46 has too many potential drawbacks to be worth the risk. Time to vote no on prop 46. Welcome back to hardball, where the only chance for democrats to keep control of the u. S. Senate, it has been said, is an extraordinary turnout by African American voters. A report in the New York Times headlined, black vote seen as last hope for democrats to hold senator. Reveals the contents of a private memo that put it in stark terms. It predicts crushing democratic losses across the country if the party does not do more to get black voters to the poll. On top of that, key senate races, neck and neck, new voting restrictions will make it harder for minorities to vote, especially older people. In North Carolina, where senator kay hagan is fending off thom tillis, voters have to contend with reduced early voting. Same thing in georgia where its tied right now. Some of the closest governors races its the incumbent governors who have signed the voting restrictions in the law because it helps them. In wisconsin, no more early voting on weekends. Signed by Governor Scott walker, who is the fight of his life against mary burke. In florida, reduces voting by rick scott who i dont like too much, who is fighting off a challenge from charlie crist. Again, in georgia, where early voting days have been cut in half, nathan diehl is in a fight to the finish with democrat jason carter. Campaigning yesterday in chicago for governor pat quinn, president obama himself made his case. Starting tomorrow, you can vote too. Youve got to grab your friends, grab your coworkers. Dont just get the folks who you know are going to vote. You got to grab cousin pooky who is sitting on the couch right now watching football, hadnt voted in the last five elections. Youve got to grab him and tell him to go vote. Joining me now is former San Francisco mayor willie brown, hes no uncle pooky, i dont think. Hes an active fellow and Donna Edwards of maryland. Me, a white guy, only learned that phrase today. Uncle pooky is a phrase for the old guy who doesnt show up, has a drink now and then, enjoys life, not active. What do you think the president was up to saying reach out to that guy and get him to the polls . I think he was trying to say exactly what needs to be done. Im pleased that hes doing it. He should have been doing it over the last month. Although many Democratic Candidates running this time, dont want to be near barack obama. That guy is a winner in black neighborhoods. He won the presidency on the backs of blacks in this country because they turned out in numbers far superior to anything theyve ever done in any election. If he does that again, the u. S. Senate will stay in the hands of democrats. You know, for years, people who worked for the kennedys have tried to get elected to office and they have failed. But the kennedys get elected. Can he project obama the person and the magnet, to other people . Can he do what doesnt often get done . Project your influence to someone else . Yes, he can. He can make it a race issue. It can be just as if it was Martin Luther king jr saying vote, rosa parks saying vote, malcolm saying vote. He can do what needs to be done in order to motivate African Americans to go vote. And if you couple that with a huge infusion of money. If you couple that with a huge infusion of Voter Registration effort. If you get all the faithbased African American churches in this country to do the same thing, you will be saying Barack Obamas legacy depends upon your vote, go do it, and it will be done. Congresswoman, what we need is apparently to win this battle, to win for the democrats, you need charisma from the president , somehow, injected down to the other democrats, you need street money and voter identification and a good polling operation. Thats a lot to put together. It is. But what the president is doing, in illinois and places like maryland, he actually projects that message on a national level. And it gets across, even to the districts in iowa, in southern illinois, and other places where we have strong African American population, and we need them to turn out in the 90 rates that they did for the president. And so i think thats what hes shooting for here. And its never too late to call on voters to vote. And the fact is, in 2012, even with all the voting restrictions out there, African Americans showed up in record numbers. And so, i think people are prepared to vote, if they hear the message from the president and he doesnt have to be in kentucky for kentucky voters to hear that message. You know, Party Leadership really matters. It does. Youd be a great leader. Let me tell you someone who say terrible leader. Ranks priebus. The republican effort is trying to suppress the vote. May admit it in pennsylvania, what theyre doing, this is a pronounced declarative effort by a white Minority Party to continue its power in this country against a growing brownie of a population, through underhanded tactics that are equivalent to jim crow tactics, all the tricks of a poll tax, the stuff you grew up in texas why am i telling you this . But its so blatant they the way do it. Priebus could make a statement in the next ten minutes and say, no more of this crap. But he wont do it because he knows theres votes in it. They can stay on a few more decades if they cheat. Your thoughts . Let me tell you, chris, they are clearly, firmly in the camp of being against Affordable Health care. Theyre against minimum wage. Theyre against immigration policies. Theyre against quality education for every kid. They literally are living in the backward times. And under every circumstances, they want to maintain that. Let me tell you, if voters turn out in georgia on the black side, in North Carolina, on the black side, for mary landrieu, if they turn out brown will win the governorship. Thats known by republicans. Theyve done the testing, and they will do everything they can to make sure the only people that show up to vote are white folk that think like them. They dont want anybody else. Did you hear howard a couple minutes ago, Howard Fineman . He said theres an undercurrent here. Beware the west africans, beware the mexicans except that its not an undercurrent. Its an overcurrent. President obama tolls reverend al sharpton about the importance of voter turnout in the midterms. Lets listen to the president. We cant afford to be sitting at home, thinking that the mid terms dont matter. Because i have two years left in my presidency, and i want to make every single one of them count, and i need a partner in congress. And the truth is, in most of these states, in most of these congressional districts, if we have high turnout, we win. When we have low turnout, we lose. Simple as that. So what i need everybody to do, is just go out there and vote. Give me the stats, how does it look right now . I think weve done all the things we need to do. Weve raised the money. We have the candidates. We have the message. We have to get the turnout. We have an operation on the ground. Weve registered more voters this time. Weve never had Voter Registration out of our Party Operations and weve done that this year too. But the president is right, people have to vote, and they cant let potential barriers get up in the way. Show up and vote for their children, grandchildren, for their future. Im voting on sunday after church. Ill be in new york covering election night. Thank you for being here. And ive already voted what a man. Thank you, sir. And u. S. Congresswoman Donna Edwards of maryland. Up next, a democrat accused of taking money from a loan shark. How do they dig this stuff up . Anyway, this is hardball, the place for politics. Woman what do you mean, Homeowners Insurance doesnt cover floods . [ heart rate increases ] man a few inches of water caused all this . [ heart rate increases ] woman 2 but i dont even live near the water. What you dont know about Flood Insurance may shock you including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as 129 a year. For an agent, call the number that appears on your screen. Ha back to hardball and time now for the side show. The Supreme Court doesnt let you take tv cameras into the courtroom during oral arguments. Thats why the News Coverage is limited to audio and courtroom sketches. Some say the sketches are too boring for tv. Hes looked at some Popular Videos on youtube and come up with a new way to showcase the courts arguments. With a little help from mans best friend. This week, we spent an incredible amount of time, and almost immoral amount of resources to produce an entire Supreme Court [ cheers and applause ] of animals. Lets assume im in a relation that requires polygamy. I mean, could i say, okay, i wont have three wives, let me have two lives. Youre still using your religion, [ laughter and applause ] [ inaudible ] it is the states burden that is exclusive in the statute. The only limit the difference in the hair on the top of your head and the hair on the front of your head, its not even rational. Be honest, you now want to hear the entire thing. No, no next up, you know senator mark udall is in a tough fight for reelection in colorado. Didnt help himself this weekend when he had trouble answering this question from a local news anchor. Name three of the most influential books in your life and the last song you listened to. Oh, wow. Thats tough. Because theyre so, the three most influential books in my life. Profiles in courage. Um, the let me think. We can play this over, right. Let me retape this. Lets go back to, what about music . Whats the last song you listened to . Im brain dead today. Well, they believed that. Needless to say, its hardly a gotcha question. It shows the importance of spontaneity in politics, doesnt it . Finally, a new attack ad released today by Michigan State republican candidate gary peters, for taking Campaign Donations from loan sharks. He gave the money back, but they didnt mention that in the attack ad. Its a low budget parody of the madefortv movie sharknado. I obviously dont watch that. Gary peters is in the eye of the storm. Funded by a convicted felon. Connected to a loan shark ring, run by an international gangster, who also contributed to peters campaign. [ belching sound ] gary peters loan sharknado. Next up, mitt romney leads the republican field for 2016 by a lot. Some protesters of a new york opera. The roundtable joins us next. Youre watching hardball, the place for politics. Welcome back to hardball. Ebola, terrorism, and president ial management, fear and anxiety hits the campaign trail. Can the black votes save democrats . Can they be the cavalry . And buyers remorse dominating the field for 2016. Mitt romney, having done nothing cool, has a doubledigit lead. Whats changed . He hasnt changed. Obamas gotten in trouble. The roundtable tonight. Lets start right now. You know, the reason why everything matters in elections now, is that anything can matter. These votes are 4444. Even scott brown is within three points and hes doing the we got trouble in river city, mexicans, arabs, scare scare scare. Thats what its about, the ebola scare. We thought there would be an october surprise. Isis came a little too early for that, but ebola had the perfect timing. I think theres nothing that mobilizes voters who rolled out ebola . Who rolled it out . And democrats have struggled to talk about this. They were really slow to grasp that this was going to be a problem that voters were going to try to the president , that republicans were going capitalize on. For a week, you didnt see Democratic Senate candidates talking about it and now theyre getting hit for changing their position. Tell me this. Try to imitate a democrat explaining the case against a ban on west african travel . A case against it . Yeah. Well, theyre all over the place. We think it should be part of a broader policy, but were not totally sure. Its really hard to explain. A travel ban seems like common sense to a lot of voters. Say, why should we let sick people into our country, making that public health, daytoday management argument for this much more difficult. Build a wall, do the ban. Im come to the conversation the conservative argument is clear, sharper and shorter. Its demagogic. Its playing on peoples fear. Anyone who knows anything about emdemmics and pandemics say that this is not a good idea. So you have people like thom tillis, scott brown, saying we know better than the experts. And ted cruz saying, theyre just saying that to protect obama. There have been three cases of ebola one came in as an import. Because the guy lied. Someone said Kim Kardashian has had more your point being . [ all speak at once ] republicans said nothing in this election. [ all speak at once ] what a talk about here, what happens if youre kay hagan . Neck and neck, but about two or three points ahead. This thing comes along, and the other guy says slam the border shut. Its playing into voters fear and anxiety. Democrats are trying to cast this as maybe voters dont want to change mid stream. In the midst of a crisis, you dont want to change your leadership. Dont want to change your senator . Republicans can basically theyre arguing against whatever the president is doing, or whatever the federal government is going. If he institutes a travel ban, he didnt do to soon enough, or should have done it more broadly. We need a czar. Now we dont like the czar. No matter what the government does, you hate it and you can play to the voters. Wanda sykes last night was very funny. She said she sneezed a couple times on the plane. She said im going back to being just black. I dont like the word African American now, because you dont want to say african anymore. I read a piece that said the only way the democrats keep the senate is if the african vote comes on like the cavalry, wow, like theres never been a vote like this in history. They want it to be up to the level it was in 2012 when you had an African American candidate for president , history being made again. People being whipped, told you cant vote. All the positive ways of getting person to vote, have pride in your vote, and two, you cant vote. You vote, right . Exactly. Thats one of the things democrats are doing. Thats why were seeing the president campaigning in some battleground states. Black voters when you look at them, the way they poll, theyre still intensely loyal to the president of the United States. If they can frame it, as the president of the United States needs to show up for his legacy, for him to continue accomplishing what hes accomplishing, thats their hope. The poll from earlier this year, found 67 of Democratic Base voters, blacks, hispanics, young women, said they didnt know there was an election this year. That doesnt make you optimistic. What about the attempt to intimidate them out of voting . Thats happening in texas, North Carolina, georgia. When you do that, people get ticked off and it motivates them. But the question is, as he just indicated, theyre so distant from this election that they may not even know that theyre not being allowed to vote. And then you have candidates in some key states who are trying to Democratic Candidates, who are trying to distance themselves from barack obama. Alison grimes, kay hagan. And so its hard to have a twolevel strategy. Its been a problem all the way. How do you motivate and get out the obama coalition, while also not alienating. Theyre going to need rural white voters also, to put that coalition together. Lets talk about the Republican Party for some relief here. Not comic relief. But mitt romney who was cold toast about a year ago, is now mr. Cool. Hes getting 21 opposed to jeb bush and other candidates at 11 . Then come the conservatives huckabee at nine and rand paul at nine. Christie, rubio, and perry of course and carson. Carson and paul ryan around lower single digits. Im thinking, my theory is, ill just test it. Mitt romney is the guy you didnt vote for when you voted for obama. He was the alternative. Through some interesting logic in the head of an average person, oh, i now got a chance to say in a poll, i made a mistake, i should vote for him. So he wins now because hes the guy that ran against obama. I dont know if hes the alternative to Hillary Clinton when the time comes, but right now its either that. When you break up with somebody, your ex looks better in the Rearview Mirror than when [ laughter ] i think 21 is not a good number for mitt romney. Everybody knows who he is. What youre saying, 4 out of 5 republicans dont want the last guy who ran, who is now seen as the leader of their party. He wasnt near 21 a year ago. But now everyone knows who he is. Why is it growing . Can you ever say a good word about a republican . You want me to . Hes going up, stating the obvious. Id rather be paul ryan at this stage of the game, than mitt romney. Some of the problems, what romney ran on, are some of the things were facing. Public health, its part lever management crisis. Romney ran as [ all speak at once ] i think if he ran as the guy he was, he would have been a hell of a candidate. But he never did. Yeah. And that was the problem. You got to be who you are. Anyway, even if youre not that great. The roundtable is coming back, well talk about an uproar in new york city tonight about the death of klinghoffer. I think its in your face offer for jewish people. Its a fascinating thing where theater and literary freedom, if you will, clashes with history. Anyway, this is hardball, the place for politics. Watch this. Its within the margin of error in the senate race in new hampshire. A state democrats need to win to keep control. Lets check the scoreboard. According to a new poll, democrat Jeanne Shaheen has a threepoint lead over scott brown. 4946. Shaheens nearly the 50 marker, but brown is still close. Well be right back. Were back with the round table. David casey and the new guy, wesley lowri. Big protests in new york. Former mayor rudy guiliani, George Pataki and two others are leading a movement to set new york ablaze. The production is called the death of klinghoffer. Its based on the 1985 murder of and it premiers tonight up there. Its of a tis abled owner, at the hands of four members of the palestine liberation front that hijacked this cruise ship, shot in his wheelchair and then thrown overboard. The antidefamation link put out this scathing statement. Black blank. They go onto criticize the operas disingenuous and dangerous juxtaposition of the plight of a american jew. Its rationalalization of terrorism and false provide no thoughtful manslaughter or insight. Well, you know, they said originally that it wasnt antisell mitic, which other people are claiming. It comes close. Thats a very harsh criticism. As the New York Times pointed out, most critics that have seen this opera, its been performed fr the last ten years or so, its nothing new, have identified klinghoffer as a vis against political terrorism, whether it causes justified or not. They are saying critics who have seen this in the near times, that its the opposite message. So it brings you the bottom line here is, whos right, whos wrong. Maybe we leave it up to the audiences. Is this is this a dispute im not jewish but is this a dispute in the Jewish Community where some people are more hardlined . Tougher . Or want any celebration of all which is what they seem to give some respect to apart from the heart of this crime. I dont know why youre looking at me as the jewish expert on the panel. Were whipping around, right . I think within any community, you have those types of splits. Any time youre talking about acts of terrorism or people who have been previously persecuted or subt to some type of mall streetment, you see this type of split in terms of how those things are portrayed. But, look, i think its hard any time to disz cuss a piece of art, or literature without having seen it. Have you sat through this opera yet . Do you know whats going on . Ive seen it indemic to new york. Most of us consider disgusting art defended as art, right . People like jewel julia knee criticize that. Does anybody think because theres a legitimate plight of the palestinian people, which most of us recognize there is. Theyve been left with very little land left with all the new housing developments. Theyre getting squeezed, and squeezed and squeezed. Anybody whos involved in this production and watches it probably would say no. And thats been the message. Is that the mes arrange of the opera, though . Critics have been watching this the last few years. That na is the message of this opera and it doesnt justify the ends. It doesnt glorify. But other critics, maybe the fuel that have ax which youly seen it, have a different view. Obviously, theres some objections. We can argue whether those jexzs are justified or not guilty. Kbu that that mean that the show shouldnt go on . Or it shouldnt. I think that everybody has to decide that for themselves. Thats what a lot of those critics are wrestling with. They didnt duoso fash as to say whabt the protesters . Do they want to shut down or just protest what they see . Jewelny is interesting. I think its kind of a responsible way to go. If youre saying something good about a republican tonight. See, i pushed you into the corner i wanted to have you in. Anyway,thank you all. We have nothing to feesh but e ebola itself. Anyway, well be right back with more. Thank you. Thank you so much, david corn. Casej hunt, leslie lowrj. Welcome to the club. Well be back with my personality thoughts on a guy named jay leno. I think youre going to like it. [ highpitched ] nailed it [ normal voice ] youre right, that was really easy. I know, i told you so. On progressive. Com, you can compare our progressive direct rates with our competitors rates, so shopping is easy. You dont sound like flo. [highpitched] yeah, i do. [ clears throat ] who you talking to . [ normal voice ] what . Whats on your hand . Noth my wedding ring. [chuckles] symbol of our love and understanding. Comparing rates for you. Now thats progressive. [ highpitched ] nailed it let me finish tonight with jay leno. The hardest thing in the world is to quit doing something you love to do. And thats what jay leno had to do last year and hes made the best of it. Hes out there doing live performances. And knowing his work ethic and professionalism, hes giving those all yernss niegtsds to remember. There were things said about jay last night that run true with me personally. What a nice guy the guy is personally. Every guest on the show knows that and said that last night. He visits you in your dressing room before you go on. And then he hacks out with you for a while and gets you comfortedble with whats happening. And then he comes to you after the show and thanks you personally. Anyway, i have a special night i want to show you when the great Chelsea Handler was teasing me for talking too fast one night. Shes not the first person to do that, but for some reason, i decided to respond in kind. Heres how jay leno leapt to my defense. 37 years ago and i found there was 220,000 miles of oil pipeline in this country and theyve got one guy looking out. Could you talk faster, please . [ laughter ] you know, my dear, youre beautiful. But if you concentrate, you can keep up. Oh [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] yeah yeah thank you. I should have done that five years ago. Yes thank you, chris thank you [ laughter ] im not taking it anymore from her. Thank you, chris. I gave him that line backstage, by the way. If i would have known she was that great, i wouldnt have said it. See why i like jay leno . In all 29 times he had me on, he always chatted away during commercials. Anyway, to you, jay leno, an american treasure. And thats hardball for now. Thanks for being with us. All in kwtsd starts right now. Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. On this monday night, we have some good news. A landmark day in the fight against ebola here in the u. S. 43 individuals being monitored for the virus were cleared today

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