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Fixed income to get these new ids. Theyre not offended because they have bad attitude. Theyre offended because this is bad policy and bad law. Say that and then act on that and we will feel its a break through, not just an offhanded remark. Thanks for watching. Im al sharpton. Hardball starts right now. Scare tactics. Lets play hardball. Scare. Lets play hardball. Scare. Lets play hardball. Scare. Lets play hardball. Scare. Lets play hardball. Scare. Lets play hardball. Scare. Lets play hardball. Scare. Lets play hardball. Scare. Lets play hardball. Scare. Lets play hardball. Scare. Lets play hardball. Scare. Lets play hardball. Scare. Lets play hardball. Scare. Lets play hardball. Scare. Lets play hardball. Sa good evening. Im Chris Matthews up in new york. Let me start with this preventive war being waged on Hillary Clinton. Its right out in the open now. From benghazi and nigeria, all the forces of the right are closing ranks to attack their common enemy for 2016. Bill krystal, the iraq war field marshall of the home war has waged war on her title, secretary clinton. Rabd paul has said to relish his direct line of attack on clinton, and now marco rubio looking for any chance to line up with the far right attack squad is joining the charge against the former first lady. Some think this is preventive war, a nasty line of fire to scare Hillary Clinton from evening entering the president ial race. This is just the beginning, theyre saying, of what were going to throw at you. The second you throw your hat in the ring. If you dont like the heat, theyre channelling harry truman here, stay out of the kitchen. Well, this dreadful cam feign of personal attack suck succeed . Will it drive the democrats best hope from the field even before the battle . Or will it shape the battlefield once he enters it, putting her on the nasty defensive from the day and hour she formally announces . Thats all for history to decide. Right now in may of 2014, the right is ganging up, turning its flame throwers on the person they expect to face an open rivalry. But a target they can hit now with impunity, knowing shellacs the quick reacting war room that served bill clinton so well when he first ran for president. The hard question tonight is the american right softening up its target for 2016 . Or is it simply putting its fears on display, building uphillry clinton while it tries to level her . In either case, some of the same people who brought you preventive war in iraq are bringing you preventive war with Hillary Clinton. Two great guests with a question. Howard and stephanie, this week i began to notice the order of battle here. All of a sudden, all the guns, au all the action, all the negative all the blame game is not going to barack obama so much but the next person they think they got to hit. Even nigeria. I want to start with these nigerian pictures. Lets start with this picture which i think is going to enflame this country. All these are young girls taken hostage and god knows what future they face. Maybe some have already been forced into marriage out there. When the papers are picked up tomorrow morn, the American People are going to see these faces and theyre going to be mad. The republicans want them to be mad at Hillary Clinton. Your thoughts . Theres no question, chris. What theyre doing is whats known in the political world as prebuttal. Theyre trying to get the narrative of Hillary Clintons time as secretary of state out there in the public mind in the way they want to before Hillary Clinton herself comes out with her own account in the book shes been writing called hard choices. Hillary clinton knows for sure that her time as secretary of state is going to be a key factor and a big argument in her campaign for the presidency. I dont think shes scared by it at all. And i dont think that if she doesnt run that that will be the reason. I dont think theyre going to scare her out of the race. But this essentially is campaign time. Were already function nationally in a president ial campaign between the forces that you mentioned, everybody from Rush Limbaugh to alan west to marco rubio to the National Review to rand paul. Theyre all in a president ial campaign against a woman who has yet to say for sure that shes running. Are you surprised at the earliness of all of this . Here we are. Im going to say the end of the show, i i think shell announce for president maybe a year from now, may of next year. So early to hit her. But is it unfortunate for her that shes being hit so hard now when she doesnt have a war room . She doesnt have a george steph not stephanopolous or james carville. The republicans have been out of power for eight years by the time this president ial campaigni campaignished. And they are desperate to wingback the white house and they know that one significant person stands in their way, and she hasnt even decided to run yet or not. And so they are throwing out everything they can. And i have to say this personally, i am disgusted by the fact that they are using a National Tragedy for political benefit to themselveses. Youre talking about nigeria . And benghazi. Hearings after hearings, after hearings. The secretary released a report which is a rare thing to do, to be fully transparent. Shes been nothing but forth coming. And here they go again. Not only are they doing more hearings, which is fine. But to use it for political benefit and to raise money around it . I mean, this is how desperate these guys are. And im a political operative. Ive managed some campaigns. I know that you attack the strength of your opponent, and thats exactly what theyre trying to do here. The new charge from the right that Hillary Clinton bears responsibility for those kidnapped girls over in nigeria are based on her time at the state department. Heres going gipg goinewt gingr. Hes always an opportunist. Hillary clintons leadership at as secretary of the state regardiregard ing nigeria. He said its indefensible that they didnt name boko haram a terrorist group. By the way, newt gingrich, the fact is they named the three top leaders to the terrorists. Meanwhile, Andrew Mccarthy wrielting in the National Review, mrs. Clinton, like the Obama Administration more broadly believes appeasing islami islamists, avoiding actions that might give them offense, slamming americans that provoke them, support peace and stability. Hillary clintons tenure at the state department was a disaster. More ridiculous still, listen to what Rush Limbaugh said just today. The boko haram leader or whoever, that performed on video is a good looking guy. This is why mrs. Clinton wouldnt call this group a terror group. Because theyre black. Cant afford to do that. This is how surface conscious the left is. We cant call them terrorists because they look like africanamericans. And we just cant go there. I have never heard more hogwash in 30 seconds. Ive got to stephanie, a female, a woman. He accuses hillary of having some sort of sexual attraction or romantic attraction to the head of boko haram. This gets a little odd here. Hes good look, hes black and he looks like an africanamerican. I didnt get a good look at the guy. I dont know what to say . Sexism, weirdism . Limbaughism. Hes good looking . What is that . How do you get that out of this pictu picture . Its shocking. The republican, they have nothing to say so theyre going to the bottom of the bottom here on attacks, pulling anything they can out. Because the truth is, Everybody Knows that her tenure as secretary of state was excellent. And on the record, you know, month after month since she left, folks have been talking about how great of a leader does she need a war room right now . Doesnt she need somebody to defend her, even if she doesnt run . The republicans are going too far. And the American People are seeing that. Doesnt she need a war room right now . Make news. Doesnt she need a war room . I always thought the war room was one hell of a documentary on politics. George and jams and those guys did a great job of firing back. Instant response, first responders. Weve learned from dukakis. If you dont throw the crap back fast, it absorbs. Your throughooughts as a campai manager . Theres no campaign yet. Should there be a war room . Shes got a lot of friends out there that are out speak on her behalf. Shes going to go out there and talk about her book. Even a great book cant stop this. Shell d a great job with the book, i know she will. But theyll have two more things on the road to throw at her. Your thoughts. Since im not a campaign operative and just an observer and a reporter whos covered a lot of campaigns, i know that attacks unanswered are to some extent attacks accepted. And i said a little earlier, chris, that this is functionally already a president ial campaign so i guess i would have to say eni would say that she does need more loud and vig louse and specific and caustic defenders. Is what limbaugh and others are doing is playing with deep fears and resentments in the American Public and they need to be called out on it by people who have respect in american society. What theyre doing is saying Hillary Clinton is an appeaser. You heard that comment. Shes an appeaser of islamics. Shes soft on this stuff. She thought that soft power and nice words are going to make ware way into the world. Which really isnt Hillary Clintons world view, really. Shes a fighter. And she has to have people answering for her on that. I know she doesnt want to do it herself. Okay, weve got to go. To make your points, and to make a point to stephanie, too, how serious this is. More examples now. This is all just brandnew stuff now. Marco rubio had some very tough words for her. Lets listen to him. Im sure hes going to go out. [ ing about her time in the state department. Shes also going to have to be responsible for the failures in russia or benghazi that cost lives. What do you give her as a grade . I dont think she gets a passing grade. If shes going to run on her record as secretary of state, shes ultimately going to have to answer for its massive failures. Hes the fuhrest politician ive ever seen, by the way. Senator rand paul went after benghazi. Heres more paul. This is about judgment. And we eke talking about should we as a country have a commanderinchief who didnt provide Adequate Security in libya, didnt send reenforcements and then gave us nothing but spin . My opinion is that Hillary Clinton has preclauded herself from ever being considered from that position. Bill crystal seems to be declaring war on her whole role as secretary of state. Lets have a debate on secretary of state in the United States Hillary Clinton. What happened in libya . We intervened. I supported that. I think adam did, too in thorly 2011. What happened in libya over the next year such that benghazi got to the situation that it was at. Bottom line, what do you think the impact of this early a tack and perhaps lentless attack from here on out is going to mean for secondary clinton and her ability to run. Shes going to make her decision, you know with a lot of factors in this. And shes been through this fire before. Its not like she hasnt been attacked before. What were really going to start seeing is voters who are just disgusted by these nonstop attacks. Particularly by a Republican Party that refuses to stalk about anything the voters actually care about. And 2014 is here. We have an election in november where the voters and everything i have seen, and im sure theyve seen the same polling is about economics, economic opportunity, equal pay for women and minimum wage. Theyre so afraid of her theyre trying to get her out now. And their attacks are just not going to work. They can also be effective even if theyre scared. Sometimes youre most effective if youre scared. I think attacked work. You have to throw it right back in their face or you lose. The faster of that was bill clinton. Thank you howard fineman. Coming up, can marco rubio as a member of the republican know nothings, the science deniers. He says he doesnt believe humans are causing Global Warming. Doesnt believe that these scientists, he calls them have conclud concluded. Hes trying to make his bones with the right. Plus, rand paul has some advice for his party on alleged voter fraud. Go ahead and pass voter id laws. Just stop talking about it. People are on to you. And the wild cards, the senate race, democrats who have something to sell besides just being democrats. Some good Democratic Candidates out there are making tougher for republicans than many people had expected. And back to Climate Change. The new sunday show, john oliver takes on the science deniers. The only accurate way to report that one out of four americans are skeptical of Global Warming is to say a poll finds that one out of four americans are wrong about something. Anyway, this is hardball the place for politics. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. She can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. My mom works at ge. Heres another advantage for republicans heading into this novembers midterm enthusiasm. 42 of republicans and right leaning independents say theyre enthusiastic about voting this year. 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Welcome back to hardball. Its a recognized fact now that humans are causing Global Warming. 97 of the scientists agree that mankind is making the planet warmer. Theres no debate among the experts. But most on the right now dont let facts get in the way of a good political pitch. The latest to into the hard rights knownothing clown car is marco rubio from florida and of course, 2016 hopeful. Again, 97 of scientists agree that Climate Change exists. And that humans are causing it. And heres what rubio told abcs Jonathan Carl yesterday. I dont know of any era in World History where the climate has been stable. Climate is always evolving and natural disasters have always existed. Let me get this straight. You do not think that human activity, production of co 2 has caused warming . I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists are portraying it. I do not believe the laws they propose we pass will do anything about it, except it will destroy our economy. Well, between gulps of water, maybe rubio ought to think once in a while. The right wingers exploded in his work with democrats to pass an Immigration Reform bill in the senate. Looks like hes been trying to win them back ever since and it looks like hes willing to do or say anything to do it. The former Deputy Communications director of al gores president ial campaign. I think al gore, he can be a little odd now and then. He was very good at teaching us about an inconvenient truth. And the idea that a candidate of some education, like marco rubio, probably had a good education, comes out and just blanky plays knownothing. Plays stupid for the American People. You run for president of the United States by saying you dont understand or believe in science . What does he believe in if not science . Does he have some other way of knowing things . Explain. It sounds to me, chris, that he is what he blooes in is marco rubio is becoming president or getting a political future. Thats what he believes in. He will say anything. And the problem for the republicans is they are basing their future on an ever shrinking part of the american electorate. People who maybe are upset because, you know, there are gay people in the nfl and black people get to be president. How does that fit into Climate Change. All of that. What happens with young people in particular, youve got 735 of young people believe that Climate Change is real, 66 of them believe its real. 75 of them believe that it is manmade. Human beings are doing something about it. How do you have a future of a party when you believe the things that the people who are going to pop late that party in the future just dont believe in. But the republican members are pretty bad on this. There is a lot of rejectionism here. I think blindfolded rejectionism. They dont want to believe in science, in a lot of areas, but especially now climate. Chris, only 1 out of 10, 1 out of 10 Tea Party Republicans believe Climate Change is happening and that its human induced. That means 9 out of 10 eex plain the psychiatrist of this. Climate change skeptics. I think its because uh become associated with liberals, like al gore and, of course, barack obama who they detest. I mean, george w. Bush, republican president didnt do much about it, but he accepted the notion, eventually, took him a few years into his presidency, to accept the notion that Climate Change was real and something should be done about it. His old man, of course, started off by going to rio and saying in the 1990s and saying we should do something about it. Everything we believe in, you could get in here jamal in a moment. Everything we believe about the doctors we go to, the scientific method, the notion of biology, the whole idea of, you know, evolution, everything is based on. How can they just deny science . Do they have some other belief system than science . Its the same thins as creationism . Its the you can argue for creationism and still accept evolution. You can say thats the way god did it. People are out there denying science. Its like dont tell me whats going on there. It gets in the way of what i want to think, what i want to believe. They associate Climate Change and concern with Climate Change with a political enemy. As they see it. And they also have a conspi conspiratory notion liberals are doing this to raise taxes and other things. As david started out to say, father bush, george h. W. Bush wasnt so bad on this. I remember talking to roger porter who taught me when i was in graduate school way back. They talked about cap and trade. It was considered a sort of conservative way to go after dealing with some of these problems. And now the Republican Party has just moved a marketbased way. Now for the politics, has moved so far to the right, they cant even acknowledge science and fact and numbers. And thats the thing thats going to get them in trouble when it comes time for these new voters. It fits into a pattern. By denying Climate Change hes playing to a powerful force on the hard right. More than 55 of Congressional Republicans are Climate Change deniers. And it gets worse from there. They found that 77 of republicans on the House Science Committee say they dont believe it in either. And that number balloons to an astounding 90 for leadership in congress. And heres how james inhofe talks about Climate Change. Hes on the Senate Committee on the environment. Lets listen. The assertion that Global Warming is occurring today, that its occurring because of the relief of co2 and methane and such as that, thats not a those people are its really a hoax. The fact that all this is happening is due to manmade gases, i really believe is the ever hoax ever traited on the American People. Theres an oil patcher talking. Rubio himself has charged hard to the right in recent months. Thats no accident. Last june, rubio helped lead the senates of the gang of eight socalled to lead a bipartisan reform bill. It backfired on him in spectacular fashion, prompting the hard right to call him a traitor. So in july, rubio made sure to prove himself by leading a house bill to ban apportions after 20 weeks. In october, he came out against his own immigration legislation. This january, he called for a senate probe on benghazi which brings us to yesterday when he denied mans role in Climate Change. What is this . Is this him trying to make his bones, david, as we say in the mob. Youve got to make your bones, go out and kill a bunch of people, prove youre willing to do anything . It seems that way. Before the immigration debacle, he was considered a leading tea party candidate. A leading contender for 2016 and he just completely botched it. By doing one good thing . He watched rand paul and ted cruz get all the tea party hoorays. And hes been desperate since then. This guy comes from florida. He represents florida in the u. S. Senate. Every assessment of what will happen to Climate Change points to florida as one of the key parts of our country that would be the hardest hit by Climate Change. So people down there ought to be paying attention to what hes willing to sacrifice for his own political prospects. By the way, just so Everybody Knows, what youre talking about is that miami, just about a few feet above the sea level down there. Big Climate Change, which means the water level of the ocean goes up, florida, especially miami begins to go under water. Its a big deal, as you point out. Up next, a Real Television debate well, a real one sort of, over Climate Change. 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Next up as we discuss in our recent segment, marco rubio is now the latest high profile republican to question the cause of Global Warming. But rubios political posturing on the issue is no match for john oliver who lost night pointed out how absurd the socalled debate over Climate Change really is. You dont need peoples opinions on a fact. You might as well have a poll asking which number is bigger, 15 or 5 . Or do owls exist . Or are there hats . The only accurate way to report that 1 out of 4 americans are skeptical of Global Warming is to say a poll finds that 1 out of 4 americans are wrong about something. As i mentioned in the last segment, 97 of climate scientists agree that Global Warming is caused by human activity. Heres what oliver did to level the Playing Field in the political debate over Climate Change. John, humans are causing Climate Change. No question. Wait, wait, before we begin. On the interest of mathematical balance illm going to bring out two people who agree with you and bill nye, im going to bring out 96 other scientists. Its a little unworthy, but this is the only way he could actually have a representative discussion. Climate skeptic, please make a case against Climate Change. I just dont think all the science is in yet. And what is the overwhelming view of the entire scientific community . Okay. Up next, the battle for the senate rages on. Our new nbc polling shows democrats with surprising strength now in some key senate races. This is hardball the place for politics. meow mix jingle right on cue. laughs its more than just a meal, its meow mix mealtime. With wholesome ingredients and irresistible taste, no wonder its the only one cats ask for by name. He was a matted messiley in a small cage. Ng day. So that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. Without angies list, i dont know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. From contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angies list. We found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angies list. Join today at angieslist. Com the North Carolina candidate in a primary battle with American Idol star clay aiken has died. He passed away after a fall in his home. A case of respiratory syndrome has been found in florida. And the National Weather service said the powerful tornado that struck iowa over the weekend was an ef2 with winds up to 135 miles an hour. Now back to hardball. Were back. Dont write off the democrats, not yet anyway. For all the talk about how bad the environment will be for the democrats in november, the gop hasnt got that Senate Majority locked up by any means. The National Environment isnt entirely decisive in modern senate races. Candidates and the campaigns they run matter, too. With less than six months to elections in november, arkansas senator mark pryor, once considered an endangered democrat down in arkansas, leading challenger tom cotton by 11 points. Thats a pretty good spread. In georgia, a possible democratic pickup there. Michelle nun trails david purdue by just four points and shes within a few points up or down of her four other possible gop opponents. In kentucky, grimes is only one point behind Mitch Mcconnell. 4645, which means not really behind. The bottom line is democrats have good candidates and this thing isnt over. Contributor susan page is Washington Bureau chief today. Chris, as much as i admire you, i got the feeling you were like an announcer in the seventh inning and one team was up by three runs and youre saying this game aint over yet, fans. I agree with you, but give the argument why it isnt over based upon your analysis. It is undoubtedly true that these democrats, people like Mary Landrieu in louisiana, kay hagen, mark pryor in arkansas, they would rather be running in the 2008 version of the National Political landscape than the 2014 version. Theres no question about that. That said, unlike house races, where its very difficult to differentiate yourself from the National Party and the way the wind is blowing nationally, these senate races in terms of co costs, people who have been around this business for a while, they have taken on, and i use this phrase in the piece, theyre as fundament mamentally minipresident ial races. The voters are not necessarily just choosing between two parties like they do in the house. I get your point. Personally matters, susan. I know people who fight, as ted kennedy used to say, sail against the wind. Joe biden won in 72 when nobody won. I know. Clinton got hit so hard in the midterm and again in 2010. They are big sweep years. How do you avoid a sweep if youre kay hagen. How do you avoid a sweep if youre david pryor . Youre asking the entire electorate in your state to say yes to a democrat in the year people dont feel like doing that. I think its hard for democrats to hold on to the senate. But were not set yet. A lot of things can happen in six months. If you just have a year thats not that great for democrats, but not truly a wave year, then you could see some of these senators hang on. Although these were senators elected in 2008. Barack obama was a big boost to them. Its been clear to them for at least four years thats not going to be a case when theyre running for this next term. Theyve had time to distance themselves from the president on issues. Some states have made an investment in some of these people. Begich is second generation. The families have become part of the fabric of those states. They can get through the wind. Your thoughts . Theres two ways of looking at it. I think republicans would essentially say, sure there are name, but thats not going to help them in state where is its very hard to cobble enough democratic votes to get to 50 . To your point, chris, these are nonames. Its hard to to say this person is just a rubber stamp for president obama. If that is true, the senator we should be talking the most about is kay hagen in North Carolina. If it winds out being you have deep roots in the state or not, kay hagen is different than landrieu or pryor. Isnt keystone going to be a great opportunity for separation politics here . Mary landrieu and begic would say im with keystone, im sorry thats what i believe in. That could separate them from obama because hes probably going to be against it. That could help them be reelect popped. I definitely think youre going to see democrats take that position. Look at senator pryor in arkansas. This is the second respected public poll that shows him 11 points up over tom cotton. That is a real lead. Thats not like a lead of one or two points that you really count as a tie. And Mitch Mcconnell despite the long history in that state, he continues to be head to head in a race for the candidate. Do you think hes reached his sellby date . Hes not a family connection. Hes just Mitch Mcconnell, politician whos got a lot of clever moves. Has he ran out of moves . I think thats what were going to see. I think its due to people in kentucky not really approving, not really liking Mitch Mcconnell. He has to overcome his unfavorable ratings. Mitch mcconnell only has a few tricks to call on people. Ive seen this guy make so many moves. Ive had it with him. Your thoughts . Look, at this point, its essentially unknown. Shes run very few adds. People may know her last anytime. Her father is an active politician. Shes basically an unknown. The vote shes getting is the i dont want Mitch Mcconnell anymore vote. Its kentucky in a midterm election. Harry reid in 2010. Harry reid had the same problem mcconnell had, which was he was totally well known and not well liked. I dont think you write him off. Its a harder race than a lot of people think. Thank you, chris. Theres no other i am totally blind. Ive been blind since birth. I lost my sight to eye disease. I lost my sight in afghanistan. And it doesnt hold me back. But my blindness can affect my sleep patterns. I go through periods where its hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. But i learned that my struggle was with non24. Non24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70 of people who are totally blind and cant perceive light. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms, and learn about non24 by calling 8448442424. Thats 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. Now i know that non24 is real. And im not alone. Its time for a new day. Whatever happened to good . Good is choosing not to overshoot the moon, but to land right on it. Good is maxwell house. 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With xerox, youre ready for real business. Welcome back to hardball. Republicans made suppressing the vote of people who tend to vote democratic a priority in republicanled states. Their methods range from requiring a phototoe id to limiting early voting. 33 states issued legislation to restrict voting and so far in 2014, 18 states are already considering new laws to suppress the vote. Yet kentucky senator rand paul, the potential 2016 nominee is criticizing his own party on this. In a recent interview, he said everyone is going completely crazy on this voter id thing. Gentlemen, lets cut to the quick. Does he want to stop the push to restrict the voters. Does he just not like the smell or the look of it. Which is it . He does not want to stop the laws. Hes not getting a lot of credit on the left for saying what he did say. Now granted, while that may not be heroic, it is farther than lot of republicans are willing to go. To criticize these laws, to criticize republicans as being insensitive to africanamericans for pushing the laws has been something that not a lot of republicans have been willing to point out. They dependent like the idea of being locked out again like the old days. Right, thats right. There was a lot of evidence. There was so much anger among africanamericans over the possibility of having their vote suppressed and made them all su them that much more excited about going out to vote, remembering florida in 2000 and other episodes throughout history of voter suppression. I think rand paul, chris, this is what i call the education of rand paul. Howard university debacle where he lectured the black folks about black history. Hes gone out and visited with africanamericans, hispanic americans, low income neighborhoods on a big listening tour. Judging by the nature of his comments, think hes been listening and hes sensitive to how even if he favors voter i. D. , he wants to soft pedal it, because he knows theres a back will be there. Last month, David Axelrod asked rand paul about republican efforts to restrict Voting Rights. Theres been a lot of attention paid all over the country rules to constrict Voting Rights, asking for i. D. From voters, birth certificates to register. Do you think that will send a negative message to minority communities . I think its a mistake. Ive done the opposite. I testified in kentucky for restoration of Voting Rights for people convicted of nonviolent felonies. Last year at howard university, senator paul defended requiring showing some forms of i. D. To vote. Here he is going in another direction. Lets listen. I think if you liken using a drivers license to literacy tests, you demean the horror of what happened in the 40s and 50s, maybe from 1910 through 1960s in the south. It was horrific. Nobody is in favor of that. No republican is in favor of that. But to ensure an honest election is not unreasonable. I dont know which way hes running here. He says hes for it, against it. Is he saying do it on the down low to use a local expression . Dont be caught . Listen to the nature of his comments. Rand paul is an eye doctor, became a senator overnight, who is weaned in libertarian theory. Hes saying listen, this is not a way of Big Inconvenience to show an i. D. But were talking real World Politics here and the mentioning just voter i. D. , what it stirs up. He recognizes that, and on principle he says i favor it. But ooze a practical politician its better that i dont talk about it much. I was told recently that what i feel is my birth certificate from Nazareth Hospital is not a birth certificate. Theres some other document i didnt even know about. I think any new requirements is going to make it harder for people who dont drive car, who dont have all this documentation. It inflicts a burden on them. Does he want to screw the voter or not . Well, heres what i would point out. This whole discussion were having right now is one of tone, right . Rand paul has changed the way that hes speaking to populations that have basically shunned the Republican Party for ten years. What hes doing thats very different from the other republican candidates is hes going to these africanamerican and hispanic populations and doing more than just talking to them about being poor. Hes talking to them about restoring Voting Rights. Hes talking about charter schools, school choice, economic opportunity. And thats where i think that he could make a real impact. I think the jury is still out. Hes got a long way to go. He said to me the other day, i like what youre saying, but i am still not voting for you. Thats where a lot of democrats are. He teases, but i dont think he delivers in the act. Thank you, chris. Well be right back after this. But your erectile dysfunction it could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. 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But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. She can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. My mom works at ge. Its may. A year from now, Hillary Clinton will probably make it official that shes running for president to succeed barack obama. The democrats entered the white house in 2009 amid the worst financial crisis since the great depression. Today, u. S. Stock market stands at its highest level in history, approaching 17,000 points. Under the preceding administration with republicans in control, the United States suffered its worst domestic attack in history. Under this administration, u. S. Forces found and killed the mastermind of that historic attack. Under this administration, Congress Passed the National Health care plan, which has been seriously advocated by president s back to every republicans favorite democrat, harry truman. Its time for democrats to cheer these accomplishments and to push for two giant pieces of unfinished business. One is rebuilding this countrys assets, our road, rail and urban infrastructure. Second is true Immigration Reform. But the two requires an historic upgrade in trust, trust for democrats. Liberalism is not only about winning the argument but working to build a moderate america democrats have to make a commitment to efficiency that they will only spend on projects that deliver more than dollar for dollar in the investment. And prove themselves a sharp and faithful steward of public spending. To accomplish the second goal, they need to commit to a new Immigration Law that greatly decrease the work incentive for people to be here illegally. Otherwise, well have to pass another Immigration Reform bill

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