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0 amendment people. this is insanity. these are people who are essentially arming themselves and stockpiling arms. saying they have more than 50 arms in their house against some sort of tyrannical government invasion of their personal homes. this is basically the paranoia in american society being brought forward and made to speak for ordinary gun owners. it's up to gun owners themselves to distance themselves from that craziness. >> well, let's keep listening to this. here is one from the -- i want to get all these in here tonight. ted nugent to world net daily. here is what he said, there will come a time when the gun owners of america, the law abiding gun owners of america will be the rosa parks and we will sit down in the front of the bus, case closed. and this morning on cnn the chairman or chair of the gun appreciation day suggested slavery wouldn't have occurred if guns had been available to everyone in america at the time. let's listen to this malarkey. >> i think martin luther king would agree with me if he were alive today that if african-americans had been given the right to keep and bear arms from day one of the country's founding, perhaps slavery might not have been a chapter in our history. >> what a dumb, dumb nut. joy, you got to start on this. this is not only a nut but a dumb nut. slaves didn't come to america as citizens. they came in shackles -- >> as property. >> in the bottom of a ship if they're lucky to be alive if they got here. the idea they would be armed by anyone -- you take it on. he's obviously patronizing, trying to act like he cares about the fate of black people. who would believe this malarkey? >> and, chris, why is it every time the far right decides to make an argument that is insane, they jump on the civil rights movement or slavery and try to latch their argument onto the history -- >> yes. >> as if they give a damn. as if they would have been up at the front for the fight. >> exactly. >> you don't remember ted nugent standing in front of everyone m the civil rights marches. >> i remember him refusing to go to vietnam. i remember him getting out of going to vietnam and being afraid to carry a gun when his country asked him to carry a gun. he was a coward. these guys always jump on slavery and the civil rights movement. ths offensive. if slaves hadn't been owned by other people there wouldn't have been slavery either. >> this is what's happening now is something we've been talking about for five years. that is the extreme right, let's call it what it is, has gone on about barack obama as a socialist, as -- conspiracy theories about secret plans to take guns and dominate the country, and now because biden comes out and talks about high-capacity magazines they say finally, we finally have something -- >> nailed them. >> to nail on and they're just -- >> quopt to make fun of these people because they're about 1% of the country, 5% or 10%. >> they're dangerous because they're armed. >> right. >> that is a problem. remember where i got that phrase from, we're going into nut country, that's what jack kennedy said the day he died. rush limbaugh sawed the president can't be stopped from getting what he wants. you don't think this is going to the mainstream of the right? here is rush. let's listen. >> obama will try anything and has and nobody stops him, by the way. he has trumped the constitution's first amendment and religious liberty. he has trumped the constitution on immigration. he has essentially granted amnesty to a million kids without benefit of legislation. he'll do anything that nobody tries to stop him from doing. of course an executive order legally doesn't trump the constitution. but if he issues an executive order to try to confiscate guns or something along those lines and nobody stops him, does he not get away with it? >> here is the point, rush has a brain. he's a smart guy. he's a marketer, he knows what he's doing. in many way he's a showman but how can he honestly believe a president can issue an executive order confiscating guns? >> to be extreme in reaction to this extremism, i can hear less smart people -- i can imagine them listening to this and thinking there is only one way to stop this guy. you know, it's like -- it's calling for john wilkes booth. he's -- >> be careful. >> he's going to take over and this is feeding the worst paranoia and there are mentally deranged people out there who will listen to this stuff and they're going to say, hey, i know how to stop this. >> it does have the incendiary quality of some of that stuff. hotel rwanda when you have people actually out there instigating almost armed warfare. >> obama -- >> this has a piece of it. >> i think on a less volatile scale, i think the other thing it does, i remember talking to republican voters during this last presidential campaign, and they had an actual genuine fear that there was going to be gun confiscation because they listened to somebody like rush and they think they're listening to the news. they think this is real. and so you have a lot of republican politicians who might otherwise be swayed by the same people. they're worried constantly about their right flank, about someone running against them and saying they were soft on gun confiscation, so that's why i am so dubious, unfortunately, and cynical as to whether you can get actual legislation because the politicians think the fringe rules their base and they're worried about their jobs. >> you have just done something very frightened, joy. you have just tied together paranoia with gullibility. in other words, they believe rush and they're afraid of everything else. >> these aren't crazy people. these are people who sounded perfectly normal and rational but they think rush is the news. >> and they're being exploited by rush and the nra who are playing on their fears. >> and selling guns. . white house reviews potential gun control policies lawmakers in wyoming are already at the ready to not follow new policies and arrest any government official who tries to enforce them. we're talking nullification here. i think jeff davis would be proud. anyway, this one seems like it's yanked right from the days when people debated nullification back in the 1880s tp the bill reads in part, any official agent or employee of the united states government who enforces or attempts to enforce any act, order, law, statute, rule, or regulation of the united states government upon a personal firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition shall be guilty of a felony. the bill calls for punishment of up to five years in prison for it or a hefty fine for anyone who enforces federal gun laws, law that is don't even exist. you're talking nullification, all the elements of the bad old days before the sill war. the idea that somebody in a state can absolutely just arrest government -- this is fort sumper in. we're not making this up. we're not fishing for it. these people are out there shouting from the rooftops about this nonsense. >> they're out there and what's sad is the nra used to actually support gun control and the irony is, and we covered this on the grio today, back in the 'six when the black panthers were saying there's a right to bear arms because they wanted to do armed patrols, it was people like governor ronald reagan who pushed for gun control, who signed the mumford act which made it illegal to carry guns in public, in a car. the nra was all for that because at that time it was couched in the idea of stopping what they thought was a frightening black panther movement or black civil rights movement. they completely changed their minds about this issue. >> and another way and certainly in a more beneficial way back when we identified machine guns or automatic weapons with machine gun kelly and baby face nelson and those guys in chicago, the country was quick to outlaw automatic weapons. >> indeed. >> a couple years ago barack obama got into trouble when he said some americans cling to their guns. what we're seeing now is that he was right. maybe he didn't say it the right way, but we are. whether it's five, ten, 15%, 20%, they cling to their guns, they buy the fearmongering and the nr a, rush bim law, and more importantly the gun manufacturers are all preying on these people and trying to get them all whiped up -- >> the satisfiest bet in american life, the safest bet in american life, more safe than i have to tell you than savings bonds or tea bonds, the safest bet is that we will have as many guns or more 20 or 30 years from now as we have now. that is the safest surest bet in american life and it's sad. anybody who bets against that is wasting our time and should go see a doctor. >> this a moment where there's a chance, there is a greater chance now than there has been in the last ten years -- >> the magazine capacities will be limited. >> maybe. but, chris, even increasing the social aprobe yam against mass gun ownership it drives the people further to the fringe, drives them underground, drives the sales online and off the books. i think i am actually genuinely frightened by the rage and almost pair nouic sort of incitement you're seeing on the right. it's been done by people like rush who know better. >> i think we might have trouble, bad troublesome day in the near future by this. we can tell you that the nbc snation 2345sh8 is reporting that the state of tennessee has suspended the handgun carry permit of james yeager. that was the first game we quoted tonight. a real nut. david corn, joy reid, thank you for joining us. coming up, real check. gun control advocates say this is the moment to pass new legs laetion. the pro gun crowd say there is no way they will accept a assault weapons ban. exit strategy. president obama made it clear the united states is accelerating its withdrawal from afghanistan and plans to leave very few troops there after next year. this much is clear. and u.s. congressman phil gingrey who apparently felt two so-called rape candidates in the republican party richard mourdock and todd akin, wasn't enough. he's come out defending akin's legitimate rape comments. once again republicans just keep it up. and finally, the city that's the star of oscar nominated films this year isn't new york or l.a. or rome or paris, it's d.c., right here in washington. lincoln, argo, "zero dark thirty," the nation's capital ready for its close-up and this is "hardball," the place for politics. w ent all out on the w decorations, huh? ent yeah, but i'm so slow taking them down after all the fatty holiday food. but that's normal, right? it doesn't have to be. activia helps with occasional irregularity when eaten three times a day. you'll love your new normal. yeah. then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. ok. [ voice of dennis ] silence. are you in good hands? mark your calendars. we have a date now for president obama's state of the union address. house speaker john boehner invited the president to address a joint session of congress on tuesday, february 12th, a date the white house has accepted. in his invitation boehner says the country has immense challenges and will require a willingness to seek common ground. that's a message boehner might want to pass joen to his own party as well i'd say. we'll be right back. ust wouldn'. i was spotting, but i had already gone through menopause. these symptoms may be nothing... but they could be early warning signs of a gynecologic cancer, such as cervical, ovarian, or uterine cancer. feeling bloated for no reason. that's what i remember. seeing my doctor probably saved my life. warning signs are not the same for everyone. if you think something's wrong... see your doctor. ask about gynecologic cancer. and get the inside knowledge. nothing. are you stealing our daughter's school supplies and taking them to work? no, i was just looking for my stapler and my... this thing. i save money by using fedex ground and buy my own supplies. that's a great idea. i'm going to go... we got clients in today. 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