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Done so if Hillary Clinton had named him to the foreign terrorist list. Guess what, Hillary Clinton did name that guy to the terrorist list. Also two of his top commanders. She did it two years ago. After their group attacked and killed 23 United Nations workers in nigeria. The sick fact here that everything that goes wrong and causes horror is now going to be counted by the hate hillary crowd. No matter where, no matter if its in an uncontrolled region of an african country or an ungoverned war torn libya, Hillary Clinton was on watch and should have kept it from happening. This is an absurdly unfair standard. Has any democrat done this to w or cheney or any of that bunch . Any time we faced an ambush in iraq, afghanistan, a bombing, the blame hung on the shoulders of the countrys top officers . I must have missed it. By the lethal standard of the hate hillary club, the one being road tested with nigeria, the attack on new york and washington in september of 2001, the fact that nobody saw that one coming should have led to the president , the Vice President , and the rest of this Country Security officialdom to be hung up in change. With us is Howard Fineman of the Huffington Post and Michelle Bernard of the Bernard Center for women. Howard, it seems every day brings if you read a quality newspaper bad news somewhere. Something happens, crap happens, however we want to phrase it. Now the automatic machine says hillary did it. They should check a couple of facts. While the organization wasnt named, the three top leaders were. That was decided after a my anud decision. Your thoughts . Chris, i think this is just the beginning of what the right is going to attempt to do to hillary. Theyre going to back time and replay backwards every event in the world today and look for a connection back to the state department or back to american policy. Six connections of kevin bacon . Yes, when she was secretary of state. When youre secretary of state, you deal by definition in grays. You deal in nuance. Thats why her book is called hard choices. But when youre trying to explain the details of a policy, why you were reluctant to allow yourself full on with the Nigerian Army and the nigerian regime which committed atrocities when you try to explain the nuance and grays in your time as secretary of state, when youre up against the accusatory culture which shes in, its going to be difficult. The monica thing is easy compared to explaining or trying to defend everything theyre going to throw at her from her time at state over the last year. You know what fuels this, not information. They dont have a lot of information to give you. The fuel is the anger. The freefloating anger at obama and now being gradually shifted today her. The anger is so ferocious that it will power any attack by itself. In other words, the fire in the eyes of steve doucey or Rush Limbaugh or laura imgram is so ferocious that it has weight. Isnt that funny, that hate has weight. If you hate somebody enough, that whatever you say about them seems somehow vaguely material. Well, i mean, weve seen it since barack obama became the frontrunner in 2008. The hatred that has propelled conservatives and republicans to do everything in their power to go after him. I agree with you theyre going to do that against Hillary Clinton. She is the frontrunner in 2016. It gives us a chance to sit down in our nation and think about what should our Foreign Policy be and how has the u. S. Dealt with africa, the continent. A wednesday report in the daily beast titled Hillary State Department refused to brand boko haram as terrorists. Several were quick to blame former secretary of state Hillary Clinton for whats going on in nigeria even charging her with hypocrisy. Here it is. Now word is because we dp not place them on the terror list of officially known terrorist groups, its going to be harder to go after them. And who exactly made sure that they were not placed on the terror list . Hillary clinton. For Hillary Clinton now over the last couple of days to talk about how bad they are given the fact that she could have done something a couple of years ago and did not and the fact that her Big Initiative last week was to help women and girls, theres a little hypocrisy going on. Rush limbaugh went further also blaming the president for not personally overriding the state departments decision there on boko haram. My point is why just blame hillary. Certainly obama could have overruled her. I just think this is pathetic. Im just stunned. We have 300 nigerian girls kidnapped by a nigerian group. Now all of a sudden for some reason were on a big push to get them back. An al qaeda group. Last night on Fox Laura Ingram cited a previous attack on nigerian children, in this case on young boys, and asked why the administration was so slow off the mark. This past february the group burned 59 young boys to death in northeastern nigeria. No loud calls to intervene then. But now suddenly political elites want u. S. Action. Where was that powerful drum beat for justice against those who slaughtered american citizens in benghazi . You know, the concept. First of all, he did name all three of the top leaders to the terror list two years ago when theyre saying when did he do it. This idea we are responsible fr every acre of property and we should be there, thats not a conservative argument. Thats not what they believe, that we should be involved in that. They once had a president who ran for president and got elected on the idea that we were not into nation building, remember that . That was george w. Bush. Now i just think that its demonology. There are legitimate questions you can ask about hillarys tren o tenure as secretary of state. They begin at the end with the dem monization. By definition she has to have done something extremely wrong. The president has to have done something extremely wrong and they will work their way backwards to that, to whatever facts ultimately they think might prove the case, even throwing stuff out that turns out to be wrong 24 hours later that they never even apologize for. Theyre going to move forward in that fashion. Wednesday night, to proof this is all about exploitation and opportunism, they called for congressional hearings. Here he is tweeting, quote, congress should hold hearings on why Clintons State Department refused to tell truth about radical islamic boko haram in nigeria. The Security Committee peter king and Patrick Meehan of pennsylvania sent a letter to secretary of state john kerry asking him to explain the decisions the state department made regarding boko haram in 2008. This thing about newt gingrich, you have to wonder, chris, this is prove of opportunity. The reason newt is tweeting is hes not on the air. Hes not using the old crossfire. It is shameful politics. I would be remiss if i didnt mention the fact that Hillary Clinton back in beijing years ago was one of the first u. S. Leaders to come out and say womens rights are legal rights. He people poopooed it. Were talking about the abduction of slightly under 300 young girls in nigeria. Were playing politics with the lives of the women. Thats sick. Womens rights is one part of the issue. The other sub subtext is religion. There was an attack on a Catholic Church in nigeria where they killed people. Because theyre catholics . Because theyre catholics. And what the connective tissue is for the people attacking hillary and barack obama is that somehow theyre soft on islamists. They dont say it in quite those words, but thats what theyre talking about. Because obama is a muslim . There you go. For anyone who doesnt understand it. We should say he really is not a muslim. Anybody who watches fox translate it for the clowns. You and i know exactly how theyre connecting the dots, thats what this is really about. This is as much about religion as it is about gender and thats the connection between hillary and barack obama, that theyre somehow squishy on this thing. Theyre on the other side because theyre traitors of course by their definitions. These words they throw out, its all about trying to demonize. I will argue that the fuel, again, as i said a few minutes ago, the fuel of every one of their attacks is not information. There is no real information about it. There ace a murkiness about benghazi. This is murkiness what happened that night, but they use that open vacuum of murkiness and they fill it with hatred and hatred says we hate him so much they must be guilty and thats it. And while theyre doing it we dont know whats happened to these young women in nigeria or young women all over the world. Let me be positive. Im hoping we have s. E. A. L. S, we have guys with more guts and we can go in there and find them. I hope so. Thank you. Coming up, that republican obsession over benghazi i said, eight investigations apparently werent enough. Theyve chosen the members of the latest committee to investigate this supposed scandal. Theyve been picked. The democrats havent picked anyone. Its not clear they will. Plus, how desperate are republicans for 2016 . They cant find someone to hit the center right sweet spot in a surprising far right party. How do you choose someone between birther, ted yoho, i love that name, and jake rush. I love these names. Who spends his time playing vampire. Kathleen matthews, former top news anchor here in washington is coming on to talk about the spiking global interest in womens interests from the horrors of nigeria stot smashing of the Glass Ceiling at home and everything in between. This is hardball, a place for politics. Welcome back to hardball. Christmas came early for the eight people picked to be on the select committee. John boehner tweeted the lineup earlier today. If it looked to you a little bit like the announcement to a circus coming to town, sure does to me, not the investigative body looking into a National Security tragedy you could be forgiven. Where are the elephants in the street . The group is a mix of establishment and tea party republicans. The fact is, after eight investigations so far, more than a dozen hearings, thousands of pages of documents, is this really a search for the truth or a clown show . Here is nancy pelosi today. The fact is is this is a stunt. This is a political stunt and the fact that i mean, issa just is damaged goods. They had to move from him to another venue with another chairman. Thats what this is. Weve been there, done this over and over again. And so the question is, is there at least a level of decency in terms of respect. A level of decency, dont count on it, madam chairman. The democrats have to decide whether they will boycott the committee or get their own members to come in. As charles wrote today, all that matters is whether the committee produces new, important facts. I agree with him on that one, by the way. David cornish is the Washington Bureau chief and Michael Tomaski is a special correspondent for the daily beast. I guess the question is why do you guys disagree. Here we are friday night. Who thinks with me, ill tilt the scale here, who thinks with me and Elijah Cummings, the ranking democrat in that committee, its better to show up, catch them in the act of buffoonery and call them on their crap or stand in the sunlight and let them get all the attention. Should the dems show up . I think they should participate but play this game under protest. You know, i think Elijah Cummings has already shown a lot of ways that he can sort of with darrell issa how he got the better of him again and again. I think you want to know, because they will be putting out every little memo they can find with any sentence or phrase and i think its good for the democrats to know this. I think the event, the hearings, the investigation have already been so polite sized that the republicans are starting in a very bad position and its not as if the democrats are being seen as legitimizing this if they participate knowing that, you know, in a way which theyre saying were doing this under protest. We think this is a circus. Okay. So i say better to be you say dont show . I say boycott. History shows recent history shows the party that mucks up the process in washington, which mostly has been republicans these last six years, doesnt really pay a price for mucking up the process in washington. They did in 98. They did in 98. Most people get confused by these questions though. I dont think the democrats would pay a price for boycotting. I think there are other ways they could handle it. David makes good points. Cummings was a good foil to issa. Hes dignified. Yeah, he is dignified. I can see that. Heres mitt romney. He can be a gentleman. Hes well bred and all of that stuff. Here he is base is i cically de the use of killing those four democrats on watch for us, their killing is now fair game to raise money with. Here he is saying so on morning joe. Lets watch him. This is mitt romney, the gentleman talking here. I think what the republicans have every right to say and is appropriate to say is that if republicans were not in the congress, if republicans did not have a majority in the congress, there would not be an investigation into benghazi and so to say, look, elect republicans so we can have these kinds of investigations is appropriate. He doesnt know he doesnt know what hes talking about. Hes talking about raising money. He says its already hes saying, michael and david, if we go out and raise money on this horror out there, then its fine. But factually wrong. There have been eight michael first. There have been eight investigations, two of them were done by the senate on a bipartisan basis. Senate is run by democrats last i checked. So he doesnt really know what hes talking about factually. Thats true. All of these investigations, and the other thing is, do you remember after 9 11 democrats go out with fundraising emails and solicitation letters saying george bush allowed terrorists to kill 3,000 americans so give us money so we can investigate . Maybe that hanppened, but i dont remember democrats making that argument, certainly the elder states men. Hes trying to justify something that is unjustifiable. Hes getting his facts wrong. Its amazing that you can do this these days and not have a referee come out and blow the whistle at you. I just think something has changed. Ill go back to what i said in the first segment, guys, you werent here yet. The hate against the president yeah. Which we all know started at the fact of people looking at his face in some cases, here he is named in some cases, and that grew of course across the ideological spectrum and started at the fringe right, and has moved to the senate right, they hate him. To the point where laura ingram and people who have brains, all they have to do is sort of voice that hate, even though i dont think they all share it. Some are doing it professiona y professionally. They have to play that hillary did this, obama did this, thats enough. Look what theyre willing to do. Lynn Wes Mooreland who is on the committee called obama upity. Hes a leader. Can he be uppity . Can a white guy be uppity . Maybe, chris. Its not even cloed. Birth of the nation. Its early 20th century you should know. There was no racial connotation to the word uppity. None. Its an adjective. Excuse me, guys. We are americans. Weve grown up with the good, the bad and the ugly of our country. It has it all. Thank you, david corn, michael tomasky. Have a nice mothers day where its appropriate where you have to rely on the people who are the mothers. Up next, a parttime vampire and fulltime republican, the same guy, makes the mistake of talking to Stephen Colbert. Thats always a mistake usually. Anyway, this is hardball, the place for politics. Ys leaves a trail of crumbs behind. Youre going to have a problem with getting a wife. Uh, yeah, i guess. [ laughs ] this is ridiculous. Christopher glenn [ doorbell rings ] what is that . Swiffer sweep trap. I think i can use this. It picks up everything. I like this. Thats a lot of dirt. Its that easy good job chris i think a woman will probably come your way. [ both laugh ] it would be a scary process. Will probably come your way. Truecar made it very easy. For me to negotiate, because i didnt really need to do any negotiating at all. Save time, save money, and never overpay. Visit truecar. Com which one of those should we not have done . The problem with i dont know. Wars are complicated. Good. Welcome back to thahardbal that was Stephen Colbert sitting down with steven rush. Theyre challenging ted yoho. Jake rush likes to roll play as a vampire with several alter egos. Im not making this up. Heres colbert asking him about that. You go by the alter egos chazz darling, staffs van wynst. And archbishop keterring. Who am i speaking to now . Youre speaking to jake rush. That was a great character name. Thats my real name. Jake rush woke early one morning, he didnt know why there was blood on his sheets, all he knew, there was a dead woman in bed with him. What happens next what happens next . Hopefully he gets out the vote, gets people motivated to come out. What a mishmash of minds there. Rush says he says being open about his vampire role helps him focus on privacy rights and personal freedom. Thats hard ballfor now. Up next your business. Because Beautiful Skin goes with everything. 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