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Where the race stands now. This is not a partisan moment. This is an american moment. And hearing from voters about their concerns, face to face, in the biggest Battle Ground state of them all. Florida. Im going to represent you whether you vote for me or you vote against me. With 29 days to go, and the stakes higher than ever, the democratic nominee makes his case. Ill do as president what donald trump hasnt. [ applause ] ill fight for you. And we are back at our town announcer from nbc news, the joe biden town hall live from hall in miami with joe biden. Weve got more questions from our voters. Lets go to ismael who voted for the art museum in miami. Heres lester holt. Good evening, everyone. Hillary clinton but has voted welcome to tonights town hall where we are surrounded by republican in the past. Whats your question for mr. Biden . Dozens of undecided voters and hi, mr. Biden. You talked about unity and where democratic candidate joe division. Biden will answer our questions it seems now more than ever and make his case tonight. There is a divisive in the just under an hour ago, we saw country that goes beyond the president return to the disagreeing with policy or whether you made the right white house by helicopter after decision. Its either youre with me or spending three days in nearby against me. The role of president in my walter reed Military Hospital where he was treated for his opinion should be to unify as much as possible, so what three coronavirus infection. Upon his return, the president actions will you take as removed his mask and posed for president to get us back to being one country versus several cameras at the white house balcony. Little, you know, p fife doms we are in the midst of an extraordinary time with the election now just four weeks away, and millions of americans about who is wrong and right . First of all, there is no already voting. In just the past six days, weve reason why you should know, but seen an contentious first i think im not asking lester to president ial debate followed by the stunning news that the confirm. President himself had fallen ill my entire career ive been able after testing positive for the to bring democrats and republicans together. Virus. Tonight well talk to his people say that was the old opponent, joe biden, about all days, joe, things have changed. This and much more in our the only thing thats changed is exclusive town hall. The way in which the politics weve got a lot to get to that has been moved by some in tonight, so lets start with a the party have gotten really quick update from chief white ugly. House correspondent hallie jackson. Hallie. I think what happens is i think when people see if, in fact, im reporter lester, good evening. The president s return to the fortunate enough to win, i think white house was a moment that the absence of the president s sent a message, but its not willingness to go after and hold clear its the message the anyone accountable who disagrees president had hoped to send. With him like he did to his the news that he is now out of former attorney general down in the hospital overshadowed by him landing on the south lawn of the alabama and campaigned against white house, walking up to the him when he left the office, blue room balcony and removing people are going to be less his mask. You can see it here. He then puts it in his pocket. Less unwilling to compromise, it doesnt look like anybody was number one. Around the president in his number two, i think if you take immediate vicinity, but already a look at what i learned a long youre hearing concerns about the signal this sends to time ago is that its always americans from the president of the United States who is appropriate to question another actively infected with the man or womans judgment. Coronavirus after seven months its never appropriate to in a pandemic in which we were question their motive. All told that Wearing Masks is a i learned that lesson very early critical part of lowering risk. On when i got elected to the all of this, lester, following senate. I didnt want to go because my the president s walk out of wife and daughter were killed walter reed. He stepped out of that made between the elected entrance after a 72hour stay at and the time that i was sworn the medical center, came down in. The stairs and flashed the and a senator named mansfield thumbs up. Who was a majority leader took through the hospitalization, his me under his wing and said white house has been focused on Photo Opportunities like these, trying to show americans that insisted meeting with me every the president is still in tuesday at 2 00. Control. The president is still in i thought you got assignments from majority leaders. Charge. His physician, dr. Sean conley, no senator gets an assignment. Took me about five weeks to said he is confident in the realize hes taking my pulse to president s progress. See how emotionally i was doing. Admits the president is not entirely out of the woods yet. I agreed id stay till six while the president has no fever and no more cough, we dont have months till they got organized. I remembered one day i walked an answer on what the into the senate, if you look at president s lung scans show. There are some concerns the president may have had cspan, that gbig gold arch doo pneumonia. You walk in. No word on when the president s when i walked in for my meeting, last negative test was. They are trying to figure out as i walked down to the floor of the senate to find out when the who else may have been exposed and at risk. Lester . Vote was going to be when i went thank you, hallie. Out the other side because id we are joined by vicepresident biden. Thank you for being here. Thank you, lester. Go home every night to see my appreciate it. [ applause ] we have a lot to talk about and i really want these folks to kids, there was a senator excoriating two Close Friends of drive the conversation as much mine, bob dole and kennedy. As we can, but i have to ask you about some of the things hallie they introduced the americans mentioned there. The president discharged from with disabilities act. The hospital today, flown aboard i thought it was heartless. I was more afraid of missing my marine one back to the white meeting with the leader so i house. At one point he climbs the went in and sat down in front of stairs and he takes his mask off him. This was the last week in may with other people who appeared to be somewhat nearby. And i had already figured out did you see it . Did you hear about it . Why i was seeing him. Whats your reaction, sir . He looked at me and he said, i would hope that the whats the matter, joe . President , having gone through i went on and on, this senator what he went through and im glad he seems to be coming along had no social redeeming value, how could he be so heartless, pretty well would communicate how could he not care about, say the right lesson to the american a curb cut was inappropriate to people. Masks matter. Have, to bust his head and lips. These masks matter. It matters. Et cetera. He said, joe, what would i told it saves lives. It prevents the spread of the you if i said that same senator disease. Social distancing. Instead of talking about and his wife two years ago were [ inaudible ] reading their paper in the hometown and there was a picture in braces under his arms and two steel crutches significant, asad 210,000 people have died. You have, you know, about a thousand people a day getting the coronavirus. All i want is someone to love 50,000 its a great concern, i hope no one walks away with me i dont think you got to the heart of his question. The message thinking that it is something tangible, something you can do as a new president. Not a problem. Its a serious problem. I learned from him. He said its appropriate to its an international pandemic, question another mans judgment, and we have 4 of the population but not their motive. And 20 of the deaths. Once you question a senators i know you offered your good motive, you can never get anything done. Wishes to the president and the youre in the pocket of the first lady. Did you pick up the phone . Cement industry. Lets see if we can get a did you call the president transportation bill passed. No, i didnt i inquired it doesnt work. Whether i should do that, and it and thats why look, when President Trump had already been was the the decision was elected, i was vicepresident. He had already been elected and thats would probably be i put together a group that came intrusive. Im truly happy if he appears to up with almost 9 billion to be if things are really moving along like he said and deal with cancer research, 9 particularly the first lady as billion. Well, im very happy for them. They said no one would vote for it. We had a total of i think 41 you have built your Campaign Senators and Something Like 118 around the coronavirus has been your number one issue. So when you hear that this house members. 398 house members voted for it president was infected with and 96 senators voted for it. Covid19, were you surprised . Quite frankly, i wasnt my point is you stop questioning motive. You go out and debate the issues surprised [ inaudible ] because weve all gotten down to the point where everything is about attacking the integrity of the other person. And the last thing i would do is make sure that we, in fact, three months, three times a week im on the telephone and on zoom had i reached out constantly, which i did as vicepresident with some of the leading and as the chairman of the immunologists in the nation. Committees, Foreign Relations and they go through everything and the judiciary committee, thats happening. And so the idea that covid does reach out and brought the opposition in. Not spread in proximity when you last point. For example, they said, joe, dont have a mask on, youre not what are you going to do if you get to pick, you know, the next socially distancing, when theres large groups of people, Supreme Court justice . When youre inside particularly, even when youre outside, thats it says advise and consent. Not surprising. You need the senate to give and again, we keep forgetting advice and consent. Every president that pulled us together said, this is what im were talking 205, 210,000 thinking. Ive gone to republican senators and Democratic Senators and people have died already. Said, what do you think . And the expectation is if you put together an amendment, nothing changes, were going to you put together coalitions. Thats how you deal in a have another 200,000 dead by the democracy. End of the year. All right. Peter gonzalez has the next question. Thats 400,000 dead, god forbid welcome to miami, mr. Vicepresident. Thank you. If that happens. I was born in hartford, thats more killed in one year in america than four years of connecticut, i was raised in hialeah, florida, and ive been world war ii. I want to ask you about the information weve been given on living in coral gables the last the president s medical 20 plus years. Cubanamerican and venezuelan condition from his doctors at voters here in south florida are walter reed, also some of the being targeted with messages by information from on his the trump campaign, claiming condition from the white house. That a vote for joe biden is a do you think that the doctors have been forthcoming, that vote for the radical left and theyve been transparent . Socialism and even communism. Do you trust the assessments weve been hearing . Im not going to second guess what can you tell people in my his doctors. Family, my friends who are he has some of the best health understandably concerned with that issue that would make them feel comfortable voting for joe care in the world, and im happy biden and Kamala Harris . It was available to him. It should be available to the president of the United States let me say we have 3 or 4 of america. But the vast majority of the minutes left. I look like a socialist . Americans, the vast majority of look, im the guy that ran people here in this audience, against a socialist. Your cameraman, if god forbid remember, i got in trouble with the whole campaign, 20 some something happened to them, they dont have access to that care. Candidates, joe biden was too so its comparing sort of apples centrist, too moderate, too and oranges a little bit. Straightforward . You were on the debate stage that was joe biden. I have taken on the very people with the president for 90 minutes. You were socially distant, but that, in fact, were worried about. Ive taken on the castros of the hearing that he was infected, world. Ive taken on the putins of the did you have a moment of pause, of worry, concern for your own world. Ive taken on all these safety . No, because, look, ive been dictators. I havent cozied up to them. Im the guy thats been straightforward with them. Im the guy that lets them know it stops here, it stops with me. Fastidious about the social it stops with me as president. Distancing. Ive been wearing a mask and i am no more socialist than our even then remaining socially distant. We never got closer than you and communist and donald trump i i are right now as well as when wont say. Anyway, so they need not worry. Melania came up on the stage, just look at the record. There is not one single syllable she smiled and waved. I waved at her. That ive ever said that could it was the same distance. It was a little disconcerting to lead you to believe i was a look out and see that his whole socialist or communist. We have time for one more section, no one had masks on question. Matteo gomez joins us now, when my wife is sitting further down, had a mask on. Firsttime voter, came to the the people with us had masks on. U. S. From colombia at age 2. I didnt quite get that. Spent a lot of time in you were able to see that colombia. From where you were . Yes, when i came in, yes. Thank you for the i was standing back stage and you could see people coming in. Introduction. If you win in november, there a lot of people didnt have will be a 56year age gap masks on. Between you and myself. A r my generation, generation z is if you become president , can growing up with school you pledge transparency about your health if god forbid shootings, Police Brutality and Something Like this happened or protests and the inability to some other issue, you would be earn a livable wage, even when forthcoming with the American Holding advanced degrees like people . Yes. I can understand there would be myself. How can someone like yourself, certain circumstances relating to National Security where every an older white male represent my detail would not be made available in the middle of a generation over the next four particular crisis. Years . And please, president but the overall question of vicepresident biden, can you whether or not id be guarantee me that the American Dream still exists . Transparent about whether or not i had a serious problem or what ill get to the end. Treatment i got, yes. I guarantee it still exists, number one. But sometimes for a president , that would come after the fact. Look, with age comes wisdom so im not being critical of the hopefully. Ive been there. Fact that every single detail ive watched. Im the guy thats talked about was not released. When the 9 11 generation getting there is the hipaa rules apply so badly damaged im the only one you heard speak in the last to the president. They have consequence for a five years about how your president beyond the rules generation, my granddaughter just graduated with honors from relating to what is able to be columbia law school. Done and not done without a in fact, is having trouble. Patients permission. They have National Security the fact that all my i have implications as well. So, that is to say, you two granddaughters that are in wouldnt some things you school in college, and two think would be okay to hold more children who are in high back . Well, only on the margins and school. They, in fact your generation has been really put behind the 8 only for the moment. Ball. In other words, i cant imagine, you get all these degrees, you end up with all this debt and you know, other president s have been through it. Youre in a position where you i was there when Ronald Reagan cant get a job because no ones hiring, or theyre hiring, was shot. He was transparent, but they theyre hiring at very low didnt go into every single wages. So what we have to do is make detail precisely. Sure that you get the and thats one of my buddies opportunity. Thats why im going to eliminate a lot of your student going by. Debt if youre, in fact if but all kidding aside. You come from a family less than so, i think on balance you have 125 grand and you went to a to tell the whole truth, what public university. Im going to make sure that had happened, what was happening, and whats going on. Everybody in this generation gets 10,000 knocked off of but as moment to moment, im not their student debt as we try to sure that that is an absolute get out of this godawful requirement. But you cannot mislead about certain things, and im not pandemic. Im going to make sure the opportunities you have are saying they have. Consistent with for example, if, in fact, the president had, a first time home buyer. In fact, contracted the virus you havent had an opportunity and knew it before he went on in to gain enough income to be able to have a down payment. The firstterm home buyers will a public encounter and was not get a 15,000 credit to be able wearing a mask, thats a to buy their first home because different thing. Yeah, one more question on this before we move on and hear thats how people accumulate wealth. Thats how they get started. From some of the voters. A recent poll said 65 of thats how they move. Theyre going to make sure we americans think the president bears some responsibility for recognize you, advance you and make sure that you look, my contracting this virus. Do you agree . Children, my grandchildren, you look, anybody who contracts are the future. You are the future. The virus by essentially saying, i owe as i said, for example, i made the comment that i view masks dont matter, social myself as a transitional distancing doesnt matter, i president. Transition to your generation. Think is responsible for what youre the best educated, youre happens to them. If these people took off their the most open, youre the least prejudice generation in american masks and they all have them on, i notice, and all of a sudden history. The future is yours and im counting on you. Got in a gaggle and started talking to one another, well, mr. Vicepresident , you. Theyre taking responsibility [ applause ] that is going to conclude that, in fact, they should tonight our town hall. Thanks to former vicepresident not they should be held responsible for. Joe biden as well as to our because every major scientist participants here in miami and all of you at home. And doctor and immunologist has we should note that well before said, thats a very dangerous the president s illness, we thing to do. Extended an invitation to him to the particles and droplets can participate in a town hall with stay in the air for a long time, us as well. That invitation still stands. Longer than they thought. Theres a busy road ahead in the it can go beyond 10 feet. Run up to election day, theres all kinds of things including the vicepresident ial theyve learned and know. Debate 48 hours from now with mike pence and Kamala Harris. Look, i view wearing this mask, im lester holt in miami. Good night, everyone. [ applause ] not so much protecting me, but as a patriotic responsibility all the tough guys saying, im [ applause ] not wearing a mask, im not afraid. Be afraid for your husband, your good evening. Wife, your son, your daughter, your neighbor, your coworker. Happy to have you here with us tonight. Thats who youre protecting um, it was a beautiful fall day having this mask on. It should be viewed as a patriotic duty to protect those in 1955. Around you. President dwight david are you ready to hear from eisenhower was on vacation. He was enjoying a game of golf some voters now . In denver, actually, near shufrmt downtown denver. And the day reportedly started sure. Lets bring um tamara. Out more than fine. Hi, tamara. The president s doctor would whats your question for the later say that the president had vicepresident . Hi, vicepresident biden. Been in a, quote, exuberant mood im nervous here. That day. It was fantastic im having trouble hearing but things would eventually take you. Vicepresident biden, i work a dark turn that exuberant day in miami as a pediatric nurse, and since the beginning of this in 1955. President eisenhowers golf game pandemic, the government has been dysfunctional and that day ended up getting interrupted over and over and over again by phone calls, disorganized i cant hear her, lester. Miami dade county leads the state of florida in the number of covid cases and deaths. And florida just ranked number two in the covid cases of children. Another larger wave is expected this fall, sir. Can you tell us what the biden harris federal Response Plan is that would unite our country in fighting this pandemic . And also any other future pandemics that may arise . Were you able to hear okay, sir . I heard part of it. The television in front of me. We have the traffic. Another larger wave expected this fall, can you tell us what the biden harris federal Response Plan that would unite our country in fighting this pandemic and any other future pandemics that will arise . Well, first of all, as president of the United States, i would make a federal mandate on federal property, federal buildings, you must wear a mask, period, and you must be socially distanced number one. Number two, i would make sure we move very rapidly to get Testing Available to everyone thats quickly available so people can, in fact, be in a position where they can open their businesses. They can test their employees, test people coming in. I would make sure that were in a situation i dont know whether you have children. If you have children that are not in school. You have to make a tough decision, many people. Excuse my back, i apologize. Do you, in fact, stay home and not be able to pay your rent because you have to take care of your child . What do you do . Those very difficult decisions. And so the way we know how to open schools safely, i laid out a plan all the way back in the beginning of the summer. We should provide them for the ventilation they need, all the needs that they have for masks and social distancing and testing. For example, the president had committed, and fema the Emergency Management organization, said were going to give masks to teachers as well as to the students. And then the administration said, well, no, guess what, thats not a National Emergency. Well, what in gods name is a National Emergency if thats not a National Emergency . So, it costs money to deal with all of these things. And we should, in fact, be using the money passed by the congress to see to it the people can open their businesses safely. Be able to keep their employees on the payroll. Making sure the hav theanitize l as their schools. All of those things we will do. And more. I know im going on thes a lot relates to whats totally within our wheel house. Can i followup on that . Sure. I heard you mention the idea of a national mandate. You mentioned that for masks. What power does a president have to make that happen . He doesnt beyond the federal property. I would go out, i would call all the governors to the white house. Some probably wouldnt come. And id call the governors and id say to the mayors as well as the county executives, take responsibility. Take responsibility and layout the guidelines. Look, folks, one of the problems is this president said, i take no responsibility. Literally. Its not my responsibility. Well, if its not his responsibility talked about this being a time of war we are under attack. As i said earlier, 200,000 plus have died. 50,000 a day are getting the virus. A thousand a day thereabouts are dying. This is a National Emergency. And so the president should take responsibility and the federal government has an obligation to layout basic guidelines. And the science matters. Listen to the scientists. All right. Lets get another question. Vanessa, thank you for your question. Our next one comes from jonathan pines. Hes an undecided voter from hollywood, florida, a registered republican. I think he says hes leaning toward you. Whats your question . I cant see jonathan, but ill back up, maybe i can see you from here. Youre a good looking guy. They want to get the camera shot. I agree. In light of recent events, its obvious the pandemic can reach anyone. While the health of the american lives should come first, there is fear of closing and school closings. These take a financial toll on nearly all of us. How do you plan to balance these factors with the expectation that covid will be with us for the foreseeable future . Well, first of all, again, i dont want to repeat myself too much. Science matters. Theres overwhelming scientific consensus. The president s own head of cdc, dr. Redfield, held up a mask and said, if you put this mask on between now and january, youll save he said its more important than excuse me, than a vaccine. You can save more lives. Theyve laid out the university of washington, one of the great universities that lays out what all these projections. They said there could be 200,000 people dead between now and january. And they said, if you wear a mask, we can save 100,000 lives. Now, what is this macho thing, im not going to wear a mask . Whats the deal here . Big deal. Does it hurt you . Be patriotic for gods sake. Take care of yourself, but take care of your neighbors. And so the one thing we have to do is we have to unite the country. One of the reasons when i said i was running, i had three objectives. One, to restore the soul of this country so we start acting with the decency that reflects who we are. Secondly, rebuild the middle class. And thirdly, unite the country. Remember, i was wrongly criticized in my primaries. You cant unite the country. We must. Its the only way we can move forward. And the country is ready to be united, i believe. Theyre ready to be united. We have to just change the way we talk to one another. We talk politics so mean and so ugly that weve got to get rid of that. We have to just Start Talking to each other like we respect each other, which we have to. Thank you, john. All right. Our next question comes from brian smith. Hes a recently unemployed Flight Attendant who started an Online Support group for laidoff airline workers. Hello. I want to thank you, sir, for having me here and taking my question. I am one of over 8,000 Flight Attendants that American Airlines had to furlough this past weekend. And my question to you is, if youre elected president , what will you do to restore the travel and Tourism Industry to get it back on its feet and get it back up to precovid levels so that were just not throwing more money at it . Well, look, my best friend im a lucky man. I married in a family of five daughters. That means that one of them always loves you. Not the same one. When your wife is mad, one is with you. One of my sisterinlaw is an attendant and shes been for a long, long time, facing the same kind of thing youre facing. We could have, in fact, already solved that problem. The Congress Passed the legislation to provide the money to keep the airlines up and running. And to provide for the kinds of ways in which you can sanitize that aircraft, make sure everyone has on a mask for example, recently the department of transportation turned down a request from the bus drivers and mass transit people and you guys of saying, everybody getting on the plane has to have a mask on. If they dont have a mask on they cant get on the plane. What are we doing . Do you feel comfortable being an attendant and people getting on a crowded plane or not a crowded plane with no mask . You dont. Its just to protect you, protect one another. Its within our power to do it. Now, look, one of the things we have to do is we have to provide funding for people who have been caught in the lurch. Look, the president and he should got great medical care. But thats why im arguing from the very beginning of this, everyone who contracts covid should have their bills paid, paid for. People cant afford this. And were in court right now trying to get rid of the Affordable Care act . Already, already 10 Million People have lost their employerbased insurance, their cobra based insurance, 10 million, and theyre in court trying to do away with another 20 million who already get it through obamacare. And in addition to that, 100 people with preexisting conditions. You know people who have covid. I hope it would be wonderful if you didnt. If you do, you know you end up with heart problems and lung scarring. They become preexisting conditions. So theres a lot of things we can do. But guess what, folks. If we can spend money giving tax breaks for race horse, we can give tax breaks for the kinds of things were out there doing, three martini lunch. God almighty, why cant we give a tax break for people for free access to health care if youre in the middle of a covid crisis. Thank you. Were going to take a short break. Well be back with more questions from our voters to vicepresident joe biden after this break. [ applause ] back at our town hall meeting in miami with democratic president candidate joe biden and our question from voters. Next question comes from ingrid gillum alexander, who is undecided but leaning toward biden. Whats your question . Good evening, mr. Biden. I can hear you. Watching the debate i noticed President Trump was you and im worried it knocked you off your game. How can you forcefully lead this country when being faced with unforeseen challenges and other bullies . Im used to bullies. I used to stutter when i was a kid. I learned how to fight. I got a nickname. They called me shoe leather. They could beat me up but i hurt them in the process. Look, i was surprised to learn that Chris Wallace said there were 158 interruptions in that debate we had. And it was just very difficult to i didnt want to further demean the process of the debate by getting in a shouting match with him, on the one hand. And i tried very hard, if you noticed, to look at the camera and answer questions directly, but they kept getting banged. I hope this next meeting were going to have its called a debate, but a town meeting we are going to have supposedly coming up, i hope we at least have an opportunity to hear the question and answer the question directly before there is an interruption. But as i said to the president , not here, not tonight, not me. Im not putting up with it. Let me ask you this, vicepresident biden. It was an ugly debate and it hit some lows. You called him a clown, a fool. You told him to shut up. Ve that the president was interrupting you, but it seemed to go against some of the language youve said about, you know, not being divisive. Do you regret any part on your part . It did. You know, i just there was no i was trying to figure out how i could possibly have him respect the debate, respect the evening, respect the moderator, and get us an opportunity to speak. The one thing that became absolutely clear, he didnt want to answer any questions. He did not want to talk about substance. If you noticed, not one single time that i can recall did he offer a substantive answer or criticism related to a policy matter. It was all invective, it was personal, it was all things that had nothing to do with whether youre going to change these peoples lives for the better. And i did get very frustrated. I did get frustrated. And i should have said, this is a clownish undertaking instead of calling him a clown. But the fact is ill be very honest with you. I think it was embarrassing for the nation to see the president of the United States like he did and everything was a personal attack. The point of the question, though, youre going to be meeting with World Leaders who are going to get under your skin. I dealt with more World Leaders he has and went face to face over eight years and they got under my skin. We had very quiet conversations. I told president putin exactly what i think of him. He knows it. We looked eye to eye, we know whats going on. I said made the same assessment to milosevic. I had the same conversations across the board. You can look back on all those International Meetings i have. You captain think nt think of i hadnt handled it appropriately. Never had anyone screaming at me when im meeting with a world leader. Lets get our next question from michelle cruz, coral gables, used to be registered republican and voted for hillary clinton. Her husband is in the crowd, i believe. Whats your question . Good evening, mr. Vicepresident. As a mother of a Police Officer and the wife of a retired Police Officer, served 28 years, the term defunding the police is of concern and troubling. I understand the Police Departments do need reform. We need to serve and protect safely and properly. With that being said, i would like to know what you and your administrations policies in reforming the police, how those will come about, how they will be best handled to ensure Police Officer safety and the public, the citizens safety as well. I grew up in a neighborhood where the guys i grew up with either became cops, firefighters or priests. I was unqualified to be any one of them. I have had overwhelming support from police my whole career up until this year, as your husband will tell you. The vast, vast, vast majority of police are honorable, decent men and women who risk their lives every single day when they put on that badge and walk out that door. They have a right to come home safely. But theres bad apples in every profession. There are lousy commentators, there are lousy president s, theres lousy senators, docs and they should be, in fact i dont know any Police Department around that isnt happy to get rid of a lousy cop because it just reflects on them. And, by the way, the same with the protesters. Theres a right to protest peacefully. Once you pick up a bat and start smashing windows, once you light a fire and engage in violence, you should be arrested and held accountable. And ive never had a position different than that from the very beginning. So what im going to do, im going to do what ive done in the past. Im going to bring all these interests together, peaceful protesters, police chiefs, Police Officers, Police Unions as well as the civil Rights Groups in the white house and sit down and decide, what are the things that need to be done to improve and help Police Officers . Im the only one who has talked about increasing police budgets. When your husband goes on a call that, in fact, is a 911 call, its better if he or she has with them a psychologist or psychiatrist with them. Someone who knows how to deal with someone who is not all there. And so theres a lot of things we should be doing. In addition to that, i also am proposing that we spend a significant more money on community policing. The reason it worked, my son used to be an attorney general in the state of delaware. The idea is you get the police, you get the Law Enforcement together with the community so they know one another, because that kid walking across the street with a hoodie on may be the next laureate. It doesnt mean that child is going to be trouble. We have to make sure there is more communication. Thats what im going to do as president , bring together a National Commission sitting in the white house with me, with me and working this out. [ applause ] all right. Our next question is from nicole mattox. She is an undecided voter. Nicole, whats your question . Hello, vicepresident biden. As an africanamerican female i have never lived through what im living through right now. And at times i dont feel safe in this country. And so my question to you is what would you do to stop extremist and White Supremacists groups stop what, im sorry . White supremacistist groups and make sure people who look like me feel safe in this country . Number one, the president s own fbi chief, director, the greatest threat to terrorism are White Supremacists, White Supremacists. And when you have a president saying to one particular group of White Supremacists that, in fact, stand down, but stand by, that is like a clarion call to, get ready, get ready. Its totally, totally inappropriate. These guys are driving me crazy, but i cant see them when theyre walking by. All kidding aside, heres the deal. We have to make sure police have when we Interview Police for the job, that there is a more thorough interview process. Theres more background checking being done and attitudes. It matters. The cops have cops are kind of like school teachers. Everything lands on their desk no matter what it is. Whether its a child thats in trouble on a street or whether its somebody who has a mental problem or someone is robbing a bank. And you cant expect them to have all this Broad Knowledge to how to handle everything. They need more help. They need more money, as a matter of fact. But in the meantime, in the meantime, what we have to do is make sure there is, quote, it sounds all the tough zbiez aguy going to say its a silly term, cultural training. Learn other people, what is consistent with the culture that theyre from. Its important we know that. Were a nation of immigrants. Were a nation thats so diverse. And its very difficult to make sure Police Officers are trained enough to be able to know what to expect in a community. The biggest thing we have to do is make sure that they learn to deal with diminishing the kind of force that they use. What is the minimum force required in order to be able to deal with whatever the situation is . Its about diminishing the prospect of use of excessive force. Its about eliminating some things totally, like choke holds. Its about making sure that noknock warrants are changed so people know whats going on. Theres a whole range of things we can do. The commission the president and i president obama and i set up early on was in the process of doing that until this president got elected. What happened was, if you notice, there has been sort of a dog whistle out there. That is that everything is about division and hate. The reason i decided to run for office i hadnt planned on running again. I give you my word after my son passed, i wasnt going to run again. When i saw those people coming out of the woods, literally, the fields, carrying torches in charlottesville, if you close your eyes, remember what you saw. Their veins bulging, screaming antisemitic hate, the same exact language used in germany in the 30s, accompanied by the ku klux klan. When a young woman was innocently killed, what was the question asked of the president , what do you think . He said there are very fine people on both sides. No president has ever said anything remotely like that. There is this constant dog whistle. And it bothers me a lot. Mr. Vicepresident , critics, though, will say donald trump, you had almost 50 years as a senate, vicepresident. He points to criminal Justice Reform bill, you and barack obama served at a time when you had both houses of congress and still couldnt get some of these things we did. 18,000 people got clemency. He got two or three what hes talking about. We had the Violent Crime rate was down 15 in our administration, 15 down. You didnt see these White Supremacists rising up. Look, one thing i learned a long time ago, i got involved because of the Civil Rights Movement when i was a kid. My state is the 8th largest black population. No great shakes. Im not making myself out to be a great civil rights leader, but thats how i got involved in politics. One of the interesting things was i came back to wilmington after my city was burned, 20 of it was burned to the ground when dr. King was assassinated. I had a job with a very prestigious law firm. We were the only city withdrawn b bayonets for ten months. I quit and became a public defender. I remember going down to ride the northeast corridor. You go from washington to new york, you go by the wilmington station. I used to have to interview my clients down there before their arraignment. What would happen is i found i thought that black and whites would never get together again in delaware. And here i was almost 40 years later to the month in january of 2009 waiting for a train to come from philadelphia, pennsylvania, carrying a black man about to pick me up me 127 miles, 147 miles to washington, d. C. , to b vicepresident. I call this is the gods truth. I called my three kids up. One is a social worker, one was running a Rural Food Program usa, the largest in the world, and my other son was the attorney general. And i was standing on the platform. I looked over the east side, which had just been levelled, they call the third street bridge was burned. I said, look, guys. Dont tell me things cant change. Look whats happened. When i stood here 40 years ago to the month, that was burned to the ground. Now look at it. I talked about theres hope. But i made a big mistake. I didnt realize i didnt realize that you cant defeat hate. Hate only hides. It hides under the rocks. When you give it oxygen, when you breathe into it, you bring out the worst of people and you legitimize [ inaudible ] you have to make sure we equip every agency, federal, state and local agency with the tools that are going to be bringing people together. Vicepresident biden, on that note were going to have to take a short break. We have more questions from our voters. Were going to do that from miami in just a moment. [ applause ] so youre a small business, or a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. I got this Mountain Bike for only 11. Dealdash. Com, the fair and honest bidding site. An ipad worth 505, was sold for less than 24; a playstation 4 for less than 16; and a schultz 4k television for less than 2. I won these bluetooth headphones for 20. I got these three suitcases for less than 40. And shipping is always free. Go to dealdash. Com right now and see how much you can save. [ applause ] welcome back. Welcome back, miami, and the town hall meeting with former vicepresident joe biden taking questions from undecided voters. Our next question comes from danny lavendera. Whats your question . Good evening, mr. Vicepresident. Teachers should be in the classroom, but i believe this needs to be done in a safe environment for all. What is your plan to make sure teachers and students are safe in the middle of this pandemic . Number one, depending on the circumstance in terms of readmission rate the transmission rate in your community, that would have a lot to do whether the school should open at all, whether the chance should be taken. Thats what all the senior doctors and immunologists say. If you have a high rate of the spread of the disease in your community, its better not to open that school. But if youre at a place where its less than under one, then in fact its possible to open. But you have to open safely. It requires four things. Requires making sure that you as a teacher my wife is a teacher has the p. P. E. To be able to open safely so your health is in good shape because children can communicate the disease as well as contract it. Number one. Number two, you have to be in a position where the children are able to be in smaller modules. That requires more teachers or spreading out students in a way that you dont have large groups if you have a class of 25, you end up having two classes of 12, for example. So you have smaller groups. Number three, that the sanitationlaratories to the hal the surfaces clean, and theyre able to be done. And thirdly e in a situation e there is a circumstance that you know that there is not overcrowding in the school so that you have enough teachers, as i said, to make sure that you can spread them out, spread out the children. When that is done, then you can more safely open up. Thats what and id be happy to send you a copy of the actual plan i wrote back in january i mean july based on the recommendations of the leading scientists in the country as to how to safely open, safely open. Because what people are worried about, theyre worried about going home, the child going home with the disease, spreading it to the grandpa or grandma or older member of the family and them getting very sick. And right now we havent even done the vaccines, there is not even an experimentation done on testing children for a vaccine yet. Thats a different issue. But in the meantime, you can open safely, limit class size, make sure the hallways are open in ways that theyre not crowded. Everybody wearing a mask, social distancing, ventilation taken care of in the schools so that youre able to make sure that it is not lingering in the air. And its estimated by the superintendents nationwide to open every school in america safely would be about 200 billion. Danny, thank you for your question. Our next one comes from Cassidy Brown in orlando. Voted for the first time in 2016. Nice to have you here. Thank you. Hello, cassidy. Hello, mr. Biden. My youngest sister is in high school right now, and i knew whenever i was graduating high school and entering college that i wanted to obtain my degree and start a career before starting a family. Having access to Birth Control and Safe Reproductive Health care was imperative in making that true for me. So considering the new Supreme Court nomination of amy coney barrett, what are your particular plans to protect womens reproductive rights in the u. S. . Number one, we dont know exactly what she will do, although the expectation is that she may very well move to overrule roe. But the only thing, the only responsible response to that would be to pass legislation making roe the law of the land. Thats what i would do. All right. We will take a short break, and weve got more questions for you, mr. Vicepresident elect, as we continue our town hall meeting from miami. From miami these folks, they dont have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. Com print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the services of the post office plus ups only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. I got it all from you im always pushing through i know well make it to the finish line i know youre waiting on the other side im like you ondemand glucose monitoring

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