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You may recall the many problems the state of georgia had during its june election, it was an embarrassment, some contend it was designed to be that way, mailing those ballots exceedingly long lines at polling locations, now the Atlanta Hawks of the nba are trying to make sure that doesnt happen again the team opened up its arena in downtown atlanta to voters making it the largest polling place in the states history, the hawks one of several nba teams taking matters into their own hands, offering their arenas for voting. Part of a push by lebron james among others to encourage voting in communities of color, increasingly citizens, cities, organizations are resorting to workarounds, solutions in cases where government chooses not to do all it can do to allow people to vote. Seems like we had a Civil Rights Act for that kind of thing signed into law 55 years ago yesterday by lbj, but i digress. With us from atlanta is one shaquille brewster, hey, shaq, how are you. Reporter brian, im doing well. I cant go inside right now as voters are voting but look at that video we shot this morning as it looks inside this state farm arena, this arena has been unused since the start of this pandemic but a space that has allowed for social distancing with some of the voting to go through and sanitize it. They have free parking that they offer to voters. Runoff election in georgia, the key thing here in talking with officials and the team this essentially practice, this is the preseason as one person described it for me as to what they plan to do in november. Listen to what the team told me earlier this morning. I can tell you roughly were planning to triple our operation. Right now, we have a hundred voting machines. Were tripling that. Were going to have at least 300 possibly more than that. Reporter so you see not only is it promoting health but its also somewhat of a cool experience for voters. People have been telling me i was on the floor of the Atlanta Hawks arena, brian, you mentioned this earlier, other nba teams are doing this as well. Look at this map here, we know of at least five teams, milwaukee, sacramento, that are planning to do something just like this in a primary early this week in michigan, Detroit Pistons allowed their practice facility a center for voting processing for officials there, more teams picking up the mantle, allowing their essentially unused arenas for Voting Centers not only now but when we hit the november election. Brian . Shaq, thank you. So, brian, im old enough to remember when one Laura Ingraham told lebron james shut up and dribble. Im really, really, really optimistic about what is not a partisan move but just a get out the vote move, oldfashioned how people should vote. One Party Republicans are making it harder with the president seeking to delegitimize the election. This is a big deal. Any time you see citizens and basketball teams trying to facilitate the vote in a Democratic Society its the light blinking red, i will recede into the backdrop, get ready for our effort tonight and watch your effort this afternoon. Thank you for having me. With 88 days before the election, donald trump is facing an uphill battle as joe biden dominates the very first nbc news battleground electoral map. Well be back with that after a quick break. After a quick break. Nt. It works naturally with the water in your body to unblock your gut. Free your gut, and your mood will follow. Robinwithout the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. The in case it wasnt clear with the ramped up attacks just in the last week, were now less than three months away from election day. According to nbc news first electoral Battle Ground map of the season, donald trump is off to a bad start, the map based on widespread polling and conversations with both strategists from both parties has joe biden starting with 334 electoral votes and trump with less than half of that, 125. 79 electoral votes are in tossup category. Tim miller, also joining Us Democratic strategist and Columbia University contributor. Were all veterans of either participating or covering the 2016 election. Things can change on a dime. But if you take this map and couple it with the breaking news at this houring that russia is actively working to denigrate joe biden, what word other than desperation describes the russian trump effort . Im so glad youre trying those two stories together, you take a look at this map and this analysis and theres no deanying that joe biden is in a very strong position, natural circumstances that could change a change economically, a change in this virus, you could see white voters return to trump which would mean biden would need to shoreup his support particularly with voters of color, particularly with latinos and younger voters, theres still work to do, were not in a normal environment, we have one candidate whos actively working to undermine this election, to say nothing of the fact that were in the midst of a pandemic and so in some ways how people plan to vote, who they plan to vote for is less important than the mechanisms than by which theyre going to be voting, so that brings up lot of complications. When you talk about russia interference and uncertainty baked into the process, we have to really set expectations. I spoke for example a bunch of youth voted advocates, young people traditionally dont vote by mail, they vote late, when these votes start rolling in, all these mailin ballots, theres going to be panic, freakout about the fact that young people arent voting at the ratings that the Biden Campaign or the democratic campaigns want to see and so something they keep emphasizing is the fact that there cant. A rush to judgment and there has to be time for all of this to play out. Tim miller, your candidate jeb bush who promised that donald trump would usher in chaos, he called him the chaos candidate. I dont know if jeb bush could have predicted the chaos that donald trump is ceding around the cape paacity or incapable ad the results. Yeah, i think that when we talk about the chaos president , i dont think we imagined banned from traveling from other countries, delaying the election, having the russians interfere. Its beyond the worst case scenario. I have a little bit of ptsd from 2016, theres no doubt that joe biden is in a good position right now. But i look at that map, i see arizona in the blue column, one of my hats with the Republican Voters against trump is a super pac and we did an internal poll last week and those states are tied based on our numbers. Tell me those states again. North carolina and arizona. Okay. Theres still a path, still have biden winning but much more narr narrowly. Lets do one more, i have ptsd. Flip florida or pennsylvania. Democrats felt good about florida in 2018, you saw ron desantis squeak out a onepoint win. So, look, i mean, this is definitely a race that biden has the lead in and trump is desperate. Folks cant get complacent and when we look at the type of swinger voters out there, Republican Voters against trump, these moderate voters theres a chance that could get pulled back. From what we now know from the Intelligence Community that russias quote actively working to denigrate joe biden to President Trumps desperation if he sees a map half as bad and to his public facing statements which are bad enough, i dont know if we need anything under the surface hes actively working to delegitimize the results of an election that hasnt happened yet. Thats exactly right. And so i would think to his point, in the sense he can do all of those things but if he does a little bit better in talking about the virus you may see his numbers go up and thats still something that democrats really have to Pay Attention to but im hearten by a few things but if you look at the candidates around the country that are winning my friend dr. Cameron webb in virginia, red to blue district, the wins of two africanameric africanamerican women, including cori bush in missouri, knocking off a longtime member of congress, theres so much progressive activity on the ground and an infusion of resources into individual state democratic parties. Thats really important to me. Youre seeing infrastructure being built. Youre seeing a progressive activism on the ground and you put that together i think all of what donald trump is doing is going to pale in comparison to the energy that he has built in his opposition not just by joe bidens candidacy but everything down ballot from them. Were flipping states. Were in the weeds. Were in the district by districtweeds, we are in the district by district analysis. Were not going anywhere, everyones staying with us, stay put. His perfect. Youre welcome. I love it. Howd you do all this . Told ya wayfair. Lets talk dining tables. Yes blow it up. Wayfair youve got just what i need is jane. She used to have dry mouth. Now, she uses a capful of therabreath dry mouth oral rinse to keep her mouth moist for 24 hours. Operatic singing [narrator] therabreath, glass break its a better mouthwash. At walmart, target, and other fine stores. Speed round, i want to get your thoughts, alicia, not on who joe biden is going to pick, but how we cover a female candidate on the ticket. We have not always done that particularly well. Right, there are so many stereotypes that seem to follow women. And so many ways we talk about women candidates that undermines how seriously people take her. When you talk about a woman as being too ambitious, something must be wrong with her. We dont see that as a trait we admire in women. Very often one of the checks i use with myself is, would you describe a man that way. Can you imagine all those unambitious politicians we talked about over the years. Tim miller over to you. I think there will be a big tendency on the right to try to turn this campaign into whatever the worst thing that the woman vp has ever said or tweeted or has ever been said about her, and turn that into what the democratic ticket is. Because joe biden is in the basement or whatever. We can see that strategy coming forward. I think that everybody has to be mindful of that, including the Biden Campaign as they roll out the candidate. Just a moment of intersectionality here. We may be talking about a block woman. We go back to alicias point on this concept, this notion of too ambitious. When black women are being most loyal supporters of democratic politics, there is nothing to be said about being too ambitious. They are the party. It is important that we watch our language, Pay Attention to those cold words, they will show up in this race. I think what you said is important. Its not what you say, its how you approach it. If any of the black women that have been talked about. They are highly accomplished. They are some of the most talented athletes on the field, if you will. As long as were knocking down gender stereotypes here. Thats an important point. As a punishment for all of your brilliance. All three of you, im going to bring it back when it happens. Thank you so much for spending some time with us today. Coming up for us. Donald trumps failure to reign in the coronavirus puts america alone on the world stage. Deadline white house next. My husband and i have never eaten healthier. Shingles doesnt care. I logged 10,000 steps today. Shingles doesnt care. I get as much fresh air as possible. Good for you, but shingles doesnt care. Because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. But no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age, increasing your risk for getting shingles. So what can protect you . Shingrix protects. 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Or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. Nothing is everything. Ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. Its 4 00 in the east, as were learning the breaking news in the last hour. Russia is taking active measures to denigrate joe biden, the odni just released statements sharing an example. Leaked phone calls to undermine former Vice President s candidacy and the democratic party. Some kremlin linked actors are seeking to boost President Trumps candidacy on social media and russian television. This comes as the fallout of Donald Trumps failed leadership across the country. Across the world stage, our failures of National Leadership and inability to stop the coronavirus. A failure to promote behavioral changes. On things like mask wearing and protection from the deadly virus. The unique u. S. Failure to control the virus. One country stands alone as the only affluent nation to have suffered aa severe, sustained outbreak for more than four months, the United States. Over the past month, about 1. 9 million americans have tested positive for the virus. Thats more than five times as many in all of europe, canada, japan, south korea, australia combined. The front page reporting this snapshot of a crisis deepening in rural america. Even before President Trump admonished his top adviser for saying the country was entering a new phase of widespread infection, patients at mississippis only level one trauma hospital were already on a wait for icu beds. Mississippi experiencing the countrys highest rate of positive tests. The pandemics other grim reality is that decisions around School Reopenings are increasingly a lose lose for teachers, parents and kids. Eugene robinson writes about americas unique challenges on this front on todays Washington Post. Nations around the world are struggling with the pandemic. Those that have managed to reopen schools have done so with caution. After first driving infection rates to low levels. Here the virus is still extraordinarily widespread, thats according to the head of Trumps Coronavirus Task force deborah birx. Were not ready. The president s singular failures on the crisis facing this country as russia works to boost his candidacy once again is where we start today with some of our favorite reporters and friends. Infectious disease expert, our friend dr. Peter hotez is back, White House Reporter for the Washington Post and former chief of staff for the cia jeremy bash is here. I want to start with you, jeremy. The Intelligence Community has reached an assessment that they have briefs to congress and made public. It says this, russia is actively working to denigrate joe biden. My question for you, ron johnson, senator from wisconsin is actively working to denigrate joe biden. Are they in cahoots . I dont know if theyre in cahoots. A senator, an american citizen has the right to participate in the 34ri8 process. The former kgb, Vladimir Putin does not have the right, it is unlawful and a violation of the security of the kremlin and the United States by getting involved and denigrating joe biden. They did it in 2016 and despite all the protests, all the bipartisan commissions. All the warnings from the intelligence professional across capitol hill, across washington. Here they go again, and what does donald trump say about this . Apparently nothing. If bill, who is the office of the director of National Intelligence as the head of Counter Intelligence. If he has said this publicly, he certainly has included reporting on this in the president s daily brief in classified assessments for leaders of the National Security council. The fact that President Trump has not spoken out about this has not pushed back on russia, means he welcomes it, and i think he does. Let me stay with this, i think its worth hitting pause on everything else. Vladimir putin admitted he wanted donald trump to win in 2016. Robert mueller found that putin and russia sought to aid trumps election. And the Trump Campaign accepted it enthusiastically. There wasnt a criminal conspiracy between the two. What is the capacity to protect the 2020 election absent a president that cares about those two facts . I think were in for some very rough times, nicole. I think the combination of foreign interference by russia and others, combined with the fact that the president himself has used covid as an excuse, we may not be able to have a lawful process nor voting by mail, and essentially what trump is saying, dont count the votes of americans who are voting and that election day may go on for weeks and months. A real echo to fascist rhetoric, i would say. Foreign interference, and the president s desire to use covid as an excuse so chaos in an election which he is trailing badly in the polls should scare americans. To me, nicole, the bottom line is that unless this election is a landslide in favor of joe biden, almost any other scenario will result in chaos and even scarier, potentially violence. We cant stop there, jeremy. Tell me more about what the government you worked at the highest levels of the pentagon and the highest levels of the cia. What are the nonpartisan not political, but professionals doing to protect our country and to what degree can trump undermine that . I think there are a lot of officials collecting intelligence and warning policy makers about the danger posed by their foreign Counter Terrorism threats. At the end of the day, policy makers, the president , members of his team and congress have to be the ones that fashion policies to protect our elections, to protect polling places, to protect the systems through cyber defenses, through ensuring that we dont postpone the election day. We dont discount mailin ballots. All the things donald trump has said he wants. Its incumbent on every policy maker to ensure the integrity of our elections and to ensure our constitutional process for electing president remains absolutely sacro sankt. I dont want to leave any threads unsewn. Ron johnson has a right to participate in the democracy, does he have a right to use a disinformation exercise against an american politician if its coming straight from kremlinbacked ukrainians . Theres no doubt that when americans and American Media organizations and people who are aligned with President Trump amplify the voices of the russian propaganda machine, they are unwittingly or wittingly if the warnings are public, they are supporting a foreign Counter Intelligence threat to the country. I think its strong to say they are in cahoots. Its very dangerous for members of congress, policy makers and news organizations to amplify the kremlinbacked efforts to undermine our democracy. I watched homeland, another trnl for that is useless idiot. What are the facts that russia is working to denigrate joe biden and aid Donald Trumps reelection . Just generally, this is sort of the sin and the original question for the president that has hung over his entire presidency, its what led to his impeachment and also what led to some of the erratic behavior that led to his impeachment and undermined his presidency. Why he will not be tougher on russia generally, not just with their meddling in 2016 and potentially now. Even on what we saw a week or two ago, the reports from his own Intelligence Community that russia was paying the taliban for bounties. He will never be tough on russia, this is something that his team grapples with and continuings to undermine him. He believes the original question undermining his presidency. I think goingforward were going to see the same rhetoric we saw before. This is a hoax, this isnt true. The problem is, it does create some of that two fold. The problem is, its trying to meddle and undermine our democracy, it creates some of that erratic behavior which less than 100 days from election day, they are desperate to tamp down. Your colleague greg miller wrote a story that sticks in my brain. Five meetings between trump and putin and not a note that was distributed. One of the most interesting exchanges is around what he and putin did talk about, when they didnt talk about the Russian Program to pay bounties for the u. S. Soldiers. What donald trump did is something he did around other issues, he pivoted entirely, not just mainstream russian propaganda but to pultenesque propaganda. Do we have any information about what putin and trump talk about so frequently . We dont. Its a stunning situation. The first readouts the American Press get are from the russia side. Which generally an administration wants to prevent. They dont want russia propagan propaganda. He takes putin at face value, hell come back and say, i asked putin about meddling, he said he didnt do it, and implied hes inclined to believe him. From his Public Comments and behavior, the general sense is that hes not particularly tough on putin, does not press these issues that a number in his own administration and own National Security team want him to press in those moments where he wants them to come face to face. Donald trump is in a dlap tated political state because of his inactions and failures to lead the country through a global pandemic. We would stop being america if things got much worse, you said a few weeks ago. You first raised my attention to the disinformation being spread around the pandemic and vaccines. What sort of strikes you about this intel report that russia is now actively working to hurt biden to help trump with the spector of disinformation spread. Facebook and twitter both took down some of trumps disinformation as it pertained to infection risks for children. Its probably like whackamole if you had to pull it all down. Yes, theres a number of things. Well call this chaotic friday, were projecting a lot of chaos across the country. Look, were at the u. S. Right now, leads the world in the number of new cases and deaths over the last seven days, and this has been true for the last few months. So our epidemic is still spiraling out of control. The new estimates, 300,000 deaths by december and possibly 400,000 deaths by january to put that number in perspective, thats the number of americans that died in world war ii. Were dealing with something of that magnitude. And still no plan for control at all. And then on top of that, we have so many conspiracy theories, including those put out by the white house, around the Chinese Communist party or blaming the world health organization, part of this larger antiscience disinformation campaign. And weve also learned that the russians are involved in spreading false information about vaccines and we have this terrible number now that depending on whose survey you want to look at, between 25 and 50 of americans will refuse covid19 vaccines even when they become available next year. And now we have this Antiscience Movement that started out as an antivaccine movement. Now theyve glommed on to Contact Tracing and social distancing, further fueling the number of deaths. I wrote an article a few weeks back. And something i know everybody reads. Mike robes and infections. Im going to start. It predicted a chaotic time in the country as the president s poll numbers drop because of covid19. He deflects by blaming china, and the world health organization. Then scientists, right after that came out, they attacked dr. Fau fauci. This will continue. Put your tray table up in the upright and locked position. Its going to be a tough fall im afraid. I remember when actress Jenny Mccarthy had concerns about vaccines. She spent more than a decade trying to undue the damage that her statements and beliefs did. I know youve written extensively about vaccines and autism. If you take that as a case study. How do you magnify having an antiscience president around masks, not opening things up until the infection rate is low. Yeah, and this is really destroyed the country, right . We could have and still can contain this virus. It includes leadership at the federal level, there was never an interest for the federal government to lead this, it was also, put the states out in front and the federal government will provide backup fema support and manufacturing support. There was never that white house advocacy to wear masks and support contacts tracing and to continue lockdowns when necessary. And this is why. We have the worlds worst covid19 epidemic, and its still growing. Sometimes we talk about it as though its in the past and the worst is over. The worst is yet to come. Were going to double the number of deaths over the next few months, and now we know its not just deaths. Were seeing long term injury to the lungs, to the vascular system, the heart, neurologic deficits, cognitive deficits. This will plague the country for years and years, even after vaccines are out and we get people vaccinated. Let me give you a quick last word on what that looks like, from the world stage, looking at us and our failure to contain this virus, to protect our own people. Were the nation that invented the automobile, the airplane, we invented the iphone. The fact that we cant get testing in under a week, we cant have a Contact Tracing program, we cant be credible enough on science and technology to encourage people to do simple things like wear masks, shows you just how far this nation has fallen in its reputation as a Global Leader for science for research and for protecting peoples lives. If we cant have that, were not going to be able to protect our own people in the weeks and months ahead. Wow you all scared me. Thank you for spending some time with us and starting us off. When we come back, Donald Trumps hypocrisy is showing again. Suggesting joe biden is Something Like a godless racist. Well examine that ahead. And well head into the war r m room. Carve el and begala will join us coming up. Of Psoriatic Arthritis to help you look and feel better. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. 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Mounting every day. We need to provide revenues now, to solve the problems we know are coming. Joe biden clarifying comments he made this week. Perfect is never on the menu, and joe biden is a man who can admit a mistake. Biden made claims that the Africanamerican Community is not all that diverse a group of people. At least not as diverse as the latino community. Last night, biden expressed remorse on twitter writing, earlier today i made some comments about diversity in the africanamerican and latino communities i want to clarify. In no way did i mean to suggest the Africanamerican Community is a monolith. Throughout my career ive witnessed the diversity of thought, background and commitment. My commitment to you is this, i will always listen, i will never stop fighting for the Africanamerican Community and i will never stop fighting for a more equitable future. Donald trump throwing all the spaghetti at the wall. This morning, taking to twitter saying, biden is no longer worthy of the black vote after yesterday attempting a puzzling attack on bidens faith. Saying biden is against god and will hurt the bible. That already happening when trump did it. Trump suggesting biden is a godless racist. Will you ask god for forgiveness . Im not sure i have, i just try to do a better job from there. I dont think so. If i do something wrong, i think i try to make it right. I dont bring god into that picture. I dont. When i talk about the bible, its very personal. When you hold up a bible and nobody loves the bible more than i do, when you hold up a bible you dont then put it down and going around lying and doing things that are wrong. Donald j. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the United States. I dont know anything about david duke, okay . I dont even know what youre talking about with white supremacy. You wouldnt want me to condemn a group that i know nothing about. Hes mexican, hes giving us unfair rulings. Look at my africanamerican over here. Look at him. Are you the greatest . You also had people that were very fine people on both sides. So that guy, that guy is calling his opponent joe biden a godless racist. President of the National Action network, the friend reverend al sharpton is here. Where do you start . You know, first of all, i give credit to joe biden for saying he misspoke and apologized for what he said. As you know, i host a syndicated radio show every day. I raise the question most question said that i accept his apology. Some said i think he was misunderstood. No one condemned him, and i had barbara lee on the show, and she didnt. Were talking about a president that we dont even have to go back to the reel you ran of statements down through the last three years, just a couple weeks ago, was defending confederate statues, saying that this is our heritage. Here is the president of the United States defending people that the only reason theyre in history, they were there defending the enslavement of black people and killed military people of this country in order to do that. Now, he defends confederates and then at the same time hes going to call joe biden a racist . The Vice President of the only black president in the history of this country who donald trump said is not really an american, he was born out of in africa, and he had a birth certificate to prove it that hes never delivered on. Its ludicrous. I think these kinds of desperate attempts by donald trump is showing that hes really afraid hes going to lose. And i think that fear is well founded. I mean, lets just stipulate this, donald trump is so far down the path of carrying out the White Nationalist agenda. Making the confederacy great again is his 2020 slogan. Lets look at this as the political scam it might be. If you put this together with gop efforts to get kanye on the ballot. Even donald trump may know, if youre asking a question about race, he loses a million gazillion to one. What do you think the more sort of cynical play is here, in terms of maybe suppressing the vote or just raising enough doubts to dampen enthusiasm for joe biden. I think the cynical play is suppression to get people not to turn out. I dont believe donald trump believes a sizable portion of blacks will vote for him. If he can dampen the turnout and the attempts to change voting districts and all, which is why we hope to pressure the pass the john lewis Voting Rights act. I dont think he thinks there will be a Movement Toward him, hes trying to suppress the movement that is apparently there for joe biden. I want to share a gaffe prone president. George w. Bush, his detractors were irredeemable. But the supporters was baked in the cake that he sometimes misspoke. He said obgyns want to spread their love with women everywhere. He would come back on air force one and how did i do . Were like, oh, god. The voters who were available to us did not hold that against him because it was baked in. I wonder if that dynamic exists for joe biden or if it you think this is a new moment with twitter and cable theyre going to be whacked around for any mistake. Americans generally know joe biden for decades. They certainly have known him for the last decade as Vice President. Hes the guy that got caught with one of the most profane words when he and president obama got the Affordable Care act passed. Were used to him saying things that may not be the right word at the right time or even appropriate. Were up against a man that not only says things, he advocates things. Theres a difference in saying something thats insensitive and defending the confederates. Saying there are nice people on both sides of an antisemitic march, and defending a confederate general statue. Were not talking about a misspeak here, were talking about an advocate defending those in this countrys history that were White Supremacists and wanted to enforce slavery. Tweeting last week to suburban housewives, hell keep their suburbs less diverse. Wont let Affordable Housing people come into your neighborhood which is text bhook racism. The price of your house will go down, crime will go up, theyll be grabbing your daughters, textbook racism. The problem is, his bio says that he was sued by the federal government for discrimination in the trump organizations real estate. Im not talking about a slip of the tongue. Many of us have done that that have been out here a long time. Im talking about policy. What he advocates, what he stands for and what hes embraced. Thats different than the slip of a lip. After the break, 88 days from the general election and russia is back, meddling in our election, trying to hurt joe biden. Our conversation with paul begala and James Carville is next. Automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. Its our weekend special. Save up to 500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Plus 0 interest for 48 months on all smart beds. Ends monday. Woi felt completely helpless. Hed online. My entire career and business were in jeopardy. I called reputation defender. Vo take control of your online reputation. Get your free reputation report card at reputationdefender. Com. Find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. Woman they were able to restore my good name. Vo visit reputationdefender. Com or call 18778668555. Some Companies Still have hr stuck between employeesentering data. A. Changing data. More and more sensitive, personal data. And it doesnt just drag hr down. 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Because youre two of the smartest political folks i know, i wanted to get your thoughts on the difference between what we know and what has been made public. The known known from the u. S. Intelligence community that is it is specifically to aid donald trump and denigrate joe biden. Is it different than the way the intel was handled four years ago, when it was briefed to Mitch Mcconnell and other Senate Leaders . They made sure it didnt get out . Republicans did . Go ahead, james, you first. First, thank you for putting the band back together, nicole. Sure. Weve been best friends for. Years. And just i dont go on tv with him any more, we work at different places. Well, pick this up then paul. What is the difference. I guess i keep thinking, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. We know russia wants trump to win and we have a good idea why. What do we do with that . I do think that democrats need to talk about it, they need to make sure voters know. Explain why. Russia is not our friend, russia is our enemy. John mccain called what russia did in the last election an act of war, in researching this for the book, general Mark Hertling compared what happened in the election, russias invasion of us he compared it to 9 11, to pearl harbor. Theres no doubt that russia wants trump to win. And in researching this, i found trump attacking everybody, right . Obviously senator mccain, even attacked the pope. Hes never uttered a critical word of Vladimir Putin and when hes paying terrorist bounties to murder our troops. Theres no doubt russia wants this. The question is do our troops want putins puppet to be leading him. Do the citizens want a russian puppet in the white house any longer . Theres not much left on Vladimir Putins honey do list on donald trump. Reducing troops in germany. Donald trump worked to block sanctions passed by the senate almost unanimously. He has put the policy behind the Sweet Nothings that paul begala describes. What is left to achieve. Donald trump has gone so far in putting policy preferences that aid russia behind the affinity that he often voices. First of all, i got to correct paul. We met labor day 1981, and i think thats 39 years, paul. You guys are like the bickersons, the long married couple. The best thing that we can do to combat Vladimir Putin is make sure that funding for the Postal Service and funding for elections is in this stimulus bill. That is our number one job right now. Putin is going to do everything he can, we know that. He did in 2016 because we were asleep at the switch. Were no longer asleep. Were on. But the single most important thing is to get this funding, and to get its not just about how to defeat trump. Theres political wisdom in there for every senate candidate, state legislative candidate. Theres real wisdom in this book and everybody involved in the cycle needs to get this and understand the real issues that affect the american people. I want to ask you what you think the true state of the coalition is. You mentioned four star generals. Secretary mattis came out and compared trumps tactics after the Lafayette Square clearing to nazi like tactics of division. General hayden is also another former Senior Intelligence official who called the russian attack on our democracy a 9 11. Do you think the attacks from general milli who is still in the military, also came out and apologized and parted ways with Donald Trumps tactics . Do you think all this has eaten away at his coalition and his support among military families . He has lost the generals. At least the retired ones. He hasnt taken a political stance, nor should he. General james clapper, with whom you served, he served in the bush administration. Has been targeted by trump for vicious attacks. It is unprecedented. Trump seems to be drilling down on the White Nationalist base. I dont think thats a winning strategy. Its certainly not worthy of a great country. But that is his strategy, and at the same time, the same time, hes sucking up to the White Nationalists, hes trying to call joe biden a racist. It seems to be based on grievance. He really appeals to grievance. I think democrats need to listen to that pain. Theres a lot of really good people who voted for donald trump. A lot of them. And they have a lot of pain, they still do. Democrats need to go to them, farm foreclosures are at a record high. Farm bankruptcies are at a record high. Folks who supported trump thinking he would change things, he would get them this Perfect Health care plan he promised. Now hes in court trying to take away their health care. Democrats need to make the case to parts of the trump coalition. Biden is peeling off some of trumps supporters, which i think is great. When you put the band back together. You have to have the wisdom to keep them around for a while. Theyre not going anywhere. We have to sneak in a quick break. Well be right back. 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Were 80 off track right now. 80 of the people are at some level obama, anyone, people like that see that what were going through, the truth of the matter is, we have a change election coming up, we have to hang in there until november, we have to get the post office funded. The secretaries of state funded. The country is going to vote for change. Particularly if they read pauls book, read it up and down. We have to stay focused on the things that matter to people. People are strug iling out there, struggling with health care, paychecks. Struggling with children that are at home. They dont know if theyll be able to go to school. Its a difficult time in the United States. I understand what mrs. Obama is saying, we have to put all our hopes into bringing change november 3rd. Let me read some of the book. This chapter will beat trump, i guarantee. When republicans try to cut medicare, medicaid and Social Security and democrats call them on it, democrats win. They cut, we protect, we win. Thats how you do it people. You say it early and often. Set a buzzer on your apple watch that goes off early and often. When it goes off, repeat trump wants to cut medicare, medicaid and Social Security. Covid has changed everything p. M. And in fact, i think this is the first book written since the pandemic. My two projects which kept me going through this low grade depression were all suffering. I wrote a book and i grew a beard. You knew me when i had the red beard. I like the beard. And im not a universal fan of beards. But you wear it well. But so yes, i do think covid changes everything. Can you imagine that during a pandemic, 4 Million People have gotten sick in this country. Mr. Trump is in court trying to take their health care away. Hes trying to take away the Affordable Care act. When i was researching this book i found. Do you know how Many Americans have preexisting conditions . 129 million of us. Being a woman is considered a preexisting condition for which they can jack up your rates or deny you coverage. The notion that anyone would do that ever is appalling, but in the middle of a pandemic, when people are hurting, are vulnerable, losing their jobs and with that their health care, were really going to go to court to take away protections against preexisting conditions . Democrats i think can run on that. Paul, what do you think has stayed the same . I thought i understood campaigns. I was a student of the campaigns you both ran. And then in 2016 i was pretty sure i no longer understood campaign or politics or at least republican ones. Is it the same in that relating to the problems of people like me and being a strong leader are the two axis along which people select president s . If it is, then that explains where donald trump is so far behind. Hes demonstrated neither. Especially over the last five months. I think thats right. I think its part of what i got wrong in 2016. Help take it off of that track. I track. I didnt mean to. All that blah, blah, blah i didnt make it about voters lives. I made it about trump which every narcissist wants, they want attention. It was districting when he assaulted john mccain. We lost the governor of indiana and before that a p. O. W. With senator mccain. Attacking p. O. W. S is awful and bragging about assaulting women is awful. I made ads on that but what i didnt do is talk about medicare, medicare, Social Security, health care, jobs, peoples lives. I got distracted. So i think the politics that you and i and james believe in is about making peoples lives better and making this country freer, fairer, richer, safer. That still applies and in 2016 we got off track and i do bear my responsibility for that. Its part of the reason i wrote this book. Paul, tell us where to buy the book. I made the mistake of not reminding people to go to their independent small bookstores, of course, thats where you should go first. Tell us where to find it. I did a great one, the great d. C. Independent bookstore. It is published by simon sustr who has been great to me. Im standing on Street Corners handing this out in front of james house. If i didnt have this show, i would be standing on the Street Corner shouting the news. Paul, his side kick, friend, lifelong friend james. Pleasure to talk to both of you about all things. Congratulations on the book, paul and thanks for spending time with us. Well sneak in our last break. Well be right back. Ast break. Well be right back. Granted. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. So heres to the strong, who trust in our performance and comfortable, longlasting protection. Because your strength is supported by ours. Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Well, you see here. Theres a photo of you and theres a photo of your mommy and then theres a picture of me. 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Grubhubs gonna reward you for that with a 5 off perk. doorbell rings [crowd] grubhub fireworks exploding it was a little game they played, they called it more. 66yearold 6yearold gigi would give her mom a kiss and say more, a simple game withimple rules and a sweet child that didnt always know what it was to be loved. Her father said she spent her earliest days in an orphan in ukraine quote unloved, unwanted. Gigi had a number of medical issues but that didnt stop the Morris Family from adopting her and showing her amazing life could be from loving her. According to the jackson sun on tuesday after a doctors appointment she and her mom played more and gigi went down for a nap. She died while she slept later testing positive for covid19. But lets remember gigi for her life, not her death, for her family she wasnt a news story. She wasnt a number. She wasnt a statistic. She was their baby girl. Someone with a future, someone with a life who could sing disney songs and nursery rimes with perfection and in that respect, it doesnt really matter to them how she died. She loved her deeply and dearly all the time and they still do and now tragically, theyll have to continue on without her, of course, our hearts are with them this afternoon. Were also thinking of the Sarasota High School community today. They are mourning the pasting of a legendary teacher and coach robert shackle ford they called him shaq. He earned a reputation for being a passionate champion, free thought, hard work and dedication for teaching students how to think, not what to think. He loved his family. He loved his students. He loved his country. Shaq died of the coronavirus last month. In the time since, the Facebook Page created in his honor is filled to the brim with stories of changed lives and life lessons. According to fox 13 in tampa bay, shaqs students had some of the highest test grades in the entire state, a life well lived indeed. Thank you for watching and letting us into your homes during these extraordinary times. Our coverage continues with katy tur after a quick break. H katy tur after a quick break. I think most adults will start realizing that they dont recall things as quickly as they used to or they dont remember things as vividly as they once did. Ive been taking prevagen for about three years now. People say to me periodically, man, youve got a memory like an elephant. Its really, really helped me tremendously. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Welcome to friday, it is meet the press daily, im katy tur in for chucked to. Seeking to disrupt the election from the office of the director of National Intelligence. Well have more on that developing story in just a moment, but let us begin with the other breaking news this afternoon. White house and democratic negotiators have failed to reach a deal in Coronavirus Relief talks and the president is at his golf resort right now readying a series of executive actions to by

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