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Tests are in adequate supply and whether or not a vaccine can be deployed in time to help. Cdc says no, trump says yes. And whether or not the World Health Organizations numbers are to be believed. President says no. Hes going with his hunches. The white house also seeing the economy show serious signs of despair. Airlines bracing for post 9 11 size losses while the top economic advisor, larry kudlow calls it an overreaction to cancel business conferences. I know events are being cancelled and i wish they wouldnt be cancelled because i think there might be overreaction in certain cases. As i said i think Healthy People should go about their daily business. The daily reality for most americans is in a parallel universe of anxiety, sending their kids to school, elderly kids in Nursing Homes and jobs that require travel. Growing fears of the coronavirus and the crisis of credibility is where we start with some of our favorite reporters and friends. Political reporter for the New York Times and eddie, chairman of the africanamerican studies at princeton. Former top Statement Department official, rick engel is back and Stephanie Ruhle is here. Take me inside what is a fickle but loyal part of trumps constituency, the Business Community. Someone told me today theyre so beyond this debate that kudlow seemed to treat as an active debate. Conferences have already been canceled and the debate is whether people should telecommune or come into their their offices . This is the first time we have seen Global Business leaders, who were happy to take the tax cut because it worked for them, leave the president. And i assure you hes not happy about it but they dont have anyone to trust. Whether youre talking sars, ebola or the financial crisis. You would have Business Leaders and government leaders in a room saying how are we going to solve for this . Tell me who are the grown ups in the room . It was larry kudlow days ago saying by the dip. And today saying this is just seasonal. Even this morning when the president said its going to be great for American Business because people are going to go on vacation here. Really . Tell an airline that. Two days ago mike pence had to solve a rift between airline ceos and the white house because they were debating over passenger data. Without credible sources inside the white house, Corporate America the Business Roundtable has a krocorona task force. Someone likened this to like youre saying after 9 11, there were people to call and at least there was a line of communication. What does that look like . If youre nick calio and you run the trade association, who do you call . There isnt someone. Ceos are willing to do a Workforce Development bonanza with ivanka trump. But this is Serious Business and this isnt just will a company ca cancel a conference or not . The people hurt the most is the working poor. Its easy to say lets Cancel School for a few weeks for a safety precaution. What happens if youre one of the millions of American Kids who get their only good meal and the afterschool care and if youre part of the gig economy a shift worker, what if youre being paid off the grid . We already knew millions didnt have 400 in case of an emergency. That emergency is now. Not just about the market belin in the red or green. Someone was on our show last week and eluded to this. A broad outbreak of the disease could be even worse. This is about why our economy is it could be worse than the economies in china because facetoface Business Industries that go into a tailspin tend to dominate economies in high Income Countries more than china. If people stay home from school and stop going to sporting events, the economic consquence could be worse. Im thinking of the Small Business owner that has a deli next to a big business. Or the Afterschool Program that teach ballet lessons or baseball lessons. These are the most vulnerable actors in the economy. And you cant telecommute to a deli. We were a demand consumer economy. Which is about face to face. Talk about sporting events and when those are cancelled, that so damages our economy and diminishes the demand. Our economy is 70 consumer spending. The growth in the last three years has been about consumer spending. Companies have not been more profitable. Consumers have lost their confidence and were telling them stay home, tighten up. Going from epideemiology science, he said the problem with the human mind is we imagine possibilities, not probabilities. Were imagining all these catastrophic probabilities but the probabilities are different. And like president obama yulsed to do. Heres the worse case scenario, i have a bunch of experts. Lets lay this out. Thats not what the trump people are doing. Theres no one for you to trust if you cant trust the white house, then arent you going with the worst case scenario. Youre a ceo of a company and you dont want lives on your hand. I think if president obama and george w. Bush after 9 11 and clinton stood shoulder and said weve got this, people were scared but there was a different kind of government didnt have this very blatant, sort of partisanship branded on it in the way it does now. Trump has ushered in an era of not making a secret about directing a government for its base. Theres a sense in which weve experienced institutional instability and the lack of trust and all of it is in the service of one claim. Everything stops with me. Im donald trump. And at the same time what we see as a consequence is a lack of confidence. To move from the possible to the probable involves information that allows you to make reasoned decisions too, draw reasonable conclusions. When you dont have information, you simply imagine the possible. Were in a zombie apocalypse. So, you get folks who arall so, right now my mother in law, your family members, theyre imagining the worse scenarios possible. But i want to emphasize something stephanie said. Weve been having a debate about what kind of country we are. The richest country in the history of the world. What will be revealed in this moment is the precarty of the most vulnerable among us. The janitors, the contralkt workers. Folks not just simply living paycheck to paycheck but not living paycheck to paycheck, trying to figure out how to make ends meet and when the Health Care Services come the subway stops running and you stop feeling safe to put your kid on a bus to clean houses. Your colleagues had a piece that laid out the evidence that what the president needs to calm the country and shore up his own political standing is to reassure the public and he keeps lying in the service of that endeavor, making things worse, basically and they use the word falsehoods. The playbook in a time of crisis is they say prepare for the worst and expect or hope for the best. And after that, bring in an expert, health official, disaster coordinator. But his playbook is to try to shape reality and reshape reality, jawbone and bully. The problem is you cant bully a virus, sue a virus. It just keeps coming and coming. His political playbook is of no use in this kind of a krietcrisd thats a problem for him. I heard of a bushappointed federal judge calling the sitting attorney general a big fat liar in judge speak. That is not the kind of headline and its the kind of story that, in normal times, would lead my show or your show. But to have the Top Justice Department official called a liar by a judge in the same party is a staggering headline at an hour of your presidency what you need more than a raulicing stock market, you need credibility. There are certain parts of the government citizens want to be above politics at the worst of times and the Justice Department is one of them and so is fema and hhs. The problem for the president is hes burned through these bu bureaucracies and agencies for two years and its left no foundation of credibility for him in a moment of crisis. What do you think happens a former intelligence official president Washington State is ground zero, could become, like in any other country, the place most deeplyfected. Where you see the most effects. Do we know yet the impact on the states economy . We know california is already in a state of emergency. We know Massive Companies are already dealing with it because theyve got presence overseas. Probably fiechb or 10 of your business is already in japan. So, youve spent the last couple of months in that environment. This a is a time where businesses arent so worried about their bottom line. They can actually say im going to care about safety because if youre a ceo, no ones going to fire you over corona. So, theyre happy to rely on getting safe. But it was a week ago Mick Mulvaney blamed the media and said its fear mongering and to that, we say to the white house, please do me a favor and tell me the truth. They keep doing the fake news. Stop being so dramatic. Great. Then please come on our show with the real numbers and tell us the truth. Theres no time for a hunch at a time like this. And as stephs saying theyre not putting out a lot of facts but acting as though they know the facts are worse than what theyre saying publicly. Travel and tourism is facing the worst crisis and prompting them to consider deferring taxes. The discussions are a sign the white house is grappling with how to respond to an outbreak they have publicly downplayed. Theres another tell they even know with their peddling is malarkey. The Trump Administration is piling up debt faster than any administration in history. Theyre always doing the most shortterm thing. Donald trump is looking at the market every day. Yes, maybe the market will go opfew points. By the way, the fed cut the longterm interest rate. So, its basically zero over ten years. Emergency rate cut. Theres a fed meeting in two weeks where you could say theres a global slowdown. You see an emergency rate cut . 9 11, financial crisis and tuesday of this week while the president is saying no biggy. Its like he uses whatever tools he has and nobody reacts to it. I hear from more people in my normal life about this story than anything i have covered in a whole time ive worked in government or television. People are terrified and i think when you see him contradicting in real time the head infectious diseases, the head of the cdc, World Health Organization on little stuff like what to do if youre sick. He says go to work, they say dont go to work. Whether a vaccine can be deployed for this virus, he says i think so. They say no. What should people do . They should seek out the information that they need in order to act in a reasonable and deliberate way to protect themselves and the people they love and their communities. I was thinking in terms of politics. We talked about the Business Community finally not sticking with donald trump. But this may be and i should mention this with trepidation but this may be Donald Trumps katrina. Lets just lean into that for a minute. Katrina was when moment when all the things that felt incompetent about the bush presidency, the appoint of Harriet Meyers to the supreme court. I lived it, i can go through the whole list. Was realized. We gave them a proof point we were incompetent and people died. This has the making structurally if there was every moment to shake that 40 , anyone to allow him to shoot someone down fifth because its old people and young people. Its your nana. So, it seems to me this is an event a history of not telling the truth and surrounding himself with true trump loyalists. First Lady Melania Trump yesterday, do you know what she tweeted about . Plans for the tennis pavilion at the white house. Cant make it up. Who thought that was a good idea . Its the scientists. Scientists ad here to the facts. And previous president s would go heres our grand vision. Let me turn it over to the head of the cdc. He has to be the bride at the wedding and the corpse at the funeral and the guy making decisions about what the disease is. Thats crazy. Katrina and no adults. Katrina was ultimately survived by the fact that the adults took the reigns and the president kept his word on rebuilding new orleans. He kept the faith of the local workers. We were storm chasers. We went to every subsequent storm and did better. Ive Read Everything the the New York Times. You have a live coverage like after any Natural Disaster on this and i read every single update. We havent reached the bottom. So, theres no opportunity to pivot. Where do you think this is heading . I dont know. Its true this is classic shortterm thinking because the politically smart thing is to think long term, look effective, look in charge but dont say things that arent true. It should be simple but theres a compulsion almost to dismiss things that might be bad for him in the moment and make these brief assertions of authority and strength when they are not needed. And that has hurt him over and over again. And maybe it shakes the 40 and maybe it doesnt. I dont really care. Im worried for myself and my family and americans. To your point about compulsions. It does combine all of the things that bring out his worst instincts. He got impeached to avoid running against joe biden. It will be joe biden or Bernie Sanders and a pandemic out of his control. He cant control this. All he can do is give people stability and security. What a president would normally do in a time of crisis. Anyone can tell him how to do this. Its not Rocket Science and yet, in his own character, he has a hard time stepping back and allowing those things to play out. And as were saying earlier, he is not surrounded by people used to that kind of management and all of them are taking their cues from the guy up top. This a Global Economy and look at every other continent suffering. He cant control it. And im sure my twitterified is going to say its going to be flat for the week. Go to a restaurant, its empty. Its been impacted. Early and often after the break, seattle, washington has been called ground zero. Also ahead a bushappointed federal judge rebuked attorney general william barr over his candor of distortions on mueller. And the 2020 democratic primary roars into its next contest with Bernie Sanders setting his sights on michigan while joe biden opens. E biden o. I do believe that we have a very clear understanding that we are the tip of the sphere nationally on this. We need to have the priority, be Washington State at the moment because we are the tip of the effort and the rest of the country, frankly, is looking to us for leadership on how we handle this crisis. Hes talking about Washington State where the first u. S. Coronavirus death was reported and 83 people are confirmed to have the virus. Its having to grapple with a new frightening reality. Quote in pockets all around seattle people were heeding advice and staying in. Microsoft, amazon and other Top Employers told their employees to work from home. Where thousands of tech workers typically fill the streets is empty. Parking spaces often impossible to find were wide open. One seattle resident described the city as quote, ground zero. Reporter for the daily beast. And go to seattle doctor at the Hospital System that treated the first coronavirus patient in the United States. Thank you for spending time with us. First just tell us where things are today. I think people are most hungry for information and facts. Sure. Well, today were seeing lots of activity here in seattle and its why it looks like a ghost town when you look outside. We have in our Hospital System i think we have 12 confirmed cases scattered around 30, what we call people under investigation. And in pockets. And so, its not even all concentrated in one location. We even have cases in one of our rural areas. And so were really thinking we are ground zero in washington. I think people read about that and they look to see where their home city stands. My home state, new york, has thousands of people now self quarantined. I think what most want to know is can it happen here . Will it happen here . And where does this go next . I think where it goes next is really going to be defined as we increase our capacity for testing. That has been the major bottle neck for us. Because we cant identify people with mild symptoms and were waiting for people with severe symptoms to send off testing, that were allowing the the less obvious cases to be spread around and so we really are very dependent on getting more Testing Available to get a handle on this. I want to understand testing. A doctor said to me on our show all the asymptomatic people could be the ones spreading it and they wouldnt have access to the test. Thats absolutely right. Because so far what we have is rules around who gets tested. And the rules are you have to have symptoms consistent with the most common one, cough, shortness of breath, fever. And you have to be negative for flu and the typical respiratory pathogens and then you can get tested. As we start opening that up, i think well figure out what the less obvious symptoms are so the more regular coldtype symptoms we think many people have. Should anyone who goes to the doctor with cold or flu symptoms get tested . Is that the best way to get the most accurate numbers . Soon there will be. The challenge we have right now is the access the tests. There simply are not enough tests. With the emergency use authorization from the fda, we have a lot more tests in development. I think well rapidly ramp up our capacity to do that. In south korea theyre offering screening tests for anybody, not even people with symptoms. When we get to that level, well start seeing what is the Community Load of this new virus. Let me read you a letter from a nurse in california. Id love to understand the medical filter through which we should understand this. This is from a nurse in california who treated a coronavirus patient who was quarantined. She writes the national cdc would not initiate testing, they wouldnt test me because if i was wearing the recommended protective equipment, i wouldnt have the virus. What kind of sciencebased answer is that . What a ridiculous and uneducated response from the department ahead of our country. Now its an issue with something called the identifier number. They claim they prioritize by illness severity and there are only so much to give out each day. This is not the ticket dispenser at the deli counter. Its a Public Health emergency. I think this scared a lot of people. If i had a parent or child and went to the hospital, its alarming to find out Health Care Providers arent even getting tested. So, at least here in the state of washington we have opened up the testing significantly from the time that letter was written. Things are evolving very quickly. What the cdc did initially was what the nurse wrote about. Now because we do have some University Labs opened up, were building our own tests here internally within providence, we have a couple of external labs, large labs across the country, quest and lab core have their own tests. Were starting to see a ramp up and less of this incredible bottleneck we had with every test going to atlanta, which was what was happening. So, the bottleneck and centralization has the impact or the effect of an undercount, do you think, of cases in this country . Absolutely an undercount. There are significantly mere cases and we know theres more rotating in the community than have been identified. Do you understand there to be a moetd motive for that . Is it incompetence . Lack of capacity or is there a political motive . You know, its hard for me to say what the political motives are. I can say that Public Health is infrastructure. Just like when were a wealthy country. When you turn on the tap, you want clean water to chut come out and when you drive across a bridge, you dont want it to fall down. And we have to invest in Public Health infrastructure. In fact, funding for the cdc has gone down over the past 20 years. So, i think its really essential we make sure that we have the resources there when an epidemic and a pandemic comes around because they will. That we need have the infrastructure able to respond to it. Dr. Amy phillips, its a pleasure to talk to you. Well call on you again. Its public knowledge. They dilsputed the cdc on vaccine, disputed the w. H. O. On fatality and disputed his own advisors on the severity of the scope. We know theres a drastic undercount of people carrying the virus because theres not testing. Whats the next phase of this look like . You know the scary part is when more people get tested and more people have the virus, people will, using social science again, will think its spreading at this phenomenal rate. An explosion in cases. Rather than an actual snap shot in time. They have it now, they just havent been tested. That will cause fear to spike. And again a responsible president and administration would caution people about. Dont think its spreading faster just because theres more tests. People have had it all along. Competence is not their brand but may represent their demise. I think thats a concern to the outside allies of the Trump Administration. Thils is so hard to predict and depending on what happens in the next several months, its it has the potential to be the defining issue of trumps presidency, especially given, of course, the potential results on the number. And the arrival of coronavirus is not their fault. As was the storm that brought katrina to the shores. What is their fault is how they respond. What was our fault is how we responded. And our response i dont hear from any republicans. I think the president s besty in the house was wearing a gas mask. Hes not inspired confidence among the trumpiest of trumpsters. And a highlevel coordinator for this kind of outbreak, defunding of different agencies. I think well see that emerge in the press as people take stock and connect the dautsds. This is a president whose Reelection Campaign is pumping millions of misinformation into facebook every day to get him reelected and this is a pandemic at the time the social platform has not got a handle on all kinds of misinformation and misinformation on coronavirus is flooding the platforms. Its a chaotic and crazy moment when you think were living in a stew of lies and the president is disputing basic facts from his own cdc head. Thats not the place you want to be in a pandemic. I need to do something on stew of lies. Real quick. Deadly consequences. Over 3,000 dead in puerto rico and here we are now. Thats true. That was the response. Your stew of lies. Ill be thinking of that all weekend. After the break, a rare rebuke from a bushappointed federal judge for william barr about his, quote, lack of candor and the distortions of Robert Muellers investigation. That story next. That story nt. Ex there has never been a better time to have a favorite food. With new grubhub plus you get unlimited free delivery and cashback rewards for ordering noodles, and noodles. And noodles. And noodles. Grubhub plus. Free delivery, cash back, and noodles. A george w. Bush appointed judge giving a rebuke of william barr and requesting a version of the redacted Mueller Report. The ags initial cherry picked protrump summary of the principal conclusions and the spin job he did the morning the findings were shared publicly aimed at pree. Ing t ing the. As he sought to perform responsibilities as president , federal agents and praugs kurtds were scrutinizing his conduct before and after taking office and the conduct a of his associates. At the same time there was relentless speculation about the president s personal culpability. Yet, as he said from the beginning there was, in fact, no collusion. Sdpll the federal judge on that issuing criticism saying that the differences between the Mueller Report and the attorney generals description of it, quote, cause the court to seriously question whether barr made a calculated attempt to influence Public Discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of president trump, despite certain fil findings in the redacted report to the contrary. These circumstances generally and barrs lack of candor specifically and a judge wrote that, one george w. Bush picked. Hes ordering government lawyers to give him the complete report so he can evaluate whether the material was properly blacked out. Editor at large, sykes and host of politics nation and president of the National Action network. Wow. When is the last time a federal judge rebuke thd the attorney general saying he lied about something fundamental. We knew it at the time. But were talking about the stew of lies in your last segment. Donald trump has relied on this body guard of lies to protect him and this is the vulnerable point because this judge is well respected. He is a senior judge. His words are going to be steaken seriously and its a real shot at this Justice Department which is increasingly politicized. You can see the Trump Administration weaponizing this and so this has got to be a brushback pitch. I dont know bill barr. But i wondered after he did that and i worked in republican politics long enough to know bill barr type. And he seems so hannityized. There are not a lot of people with bill barrs pedigree that act like sean hannity is head of the Justice Department. This is part of the process of the way trump corrupts everything around him. Rick wilson says everything trump touches dies, but its more like the corruption. Bill barr apparently has decided that he is going to be the roy cone for donald trump. Why . I think you go back in his record maybe we shouldnt have been so surprised. This is somebody who has a view of the uniitary executive, the allpower to the executive. But also there is something about him that where he is willing to turn the position of attorney general into a servient of the president. This president and quite frankly youve been talking about the importance of credibility at a time like this. This administration, one lie after another. One attack on its credibility after another. And it is so fundamental the Justice Department have some sense of or reputation for integrity and this is a real shot. This also isnt the first time a judge in the district of d. C. Said what is going on . We had that with the roger stone sentencing situation where doj prosecutors including a senior person for the district of d. C. Had to go in front of judge Amy Berman Jackson and say sorry about the mix up. Were having major internal communication problems and now judge walton saying he is no longer willing to take doj litigators and prosecutors at face value in the comments they make. And on top of that he said, in several months ago, that the way trump was handling the investigation of former fbi chief andy mccabe basically made it look like the doj was part of a banana republic. To have multiple federal judges, in arguably the most important district within the judiciary be that comfortable and open going after the doj, that makes life more comlicated for the doj lawyers to do their jobs. I think what is important about this last judge on this Mueller Report and the open rebuke of barr is that not only is he a respected judge. Hes a bushappointed judge. We need inemphasize he is a republican president s appointed judge and to come on as strongly as he did, he didnt leave any room to misinterpret him, i think is a significant statement. And it really speaks to how barr has, in a way, helped this president reinterpret what the presidency is all about. It is a real threat to our we are going to be in this country even if donald trump is no longer president after the november election and trying to realign what government is. Because if we start normalizing where the attorney general operates as the private attorney to the president , rather than for the people and a roy cone type of lawyer at that, then we have the whole nation beginning to unravel and reinterpret what is the constitutional premise of how this government is set up. Thats whats at stake. This is bigger than donald trump and a distorted Mueller Report. Were talking about speaking to the very fabric of this country. I think theres something intentional about the lack of candor. Its a term of art in legal circles. Its what the Inspector General accused andy mccabe of and to have a president thats told 16,000 lies hasnt been normalized around this table. But to have a bushappointed federal judge accuse a sitting attorney general of being a liar is stunning. Its stunning, staggering. I wouldnt be surprised if they begin to impugn his character. The judge . The judge. Just because hes a bushappointed judge doesnt mean hes somehow protected from what hes seen these last few this is because the context the Mueller Report was deliver sdwhd way barr got in front of it, we never got to engage in a post mortem of the process. And so this decision by the federal judge in d. C. Actually opens up an opportunity for us to see what actually happened. And we havent really done that because we movaled pretty quick into the election cycle. This judge says he wants to see what happened. The natural next step is then why did barr do what he did . If we see what happened and we clearly see that what we do know doesnt match what barr said, then you have to go to the next step and say then why did barr lie . What was the basis of it . Was it instructed . And what are the penalties of you purposely misguiding the public . We cant just stop like this a reality show and say oops we caught you. You lied. Why did you lie . What was the motive . What was the instruction and what is the penalty here . All right. When we come back Elizabeth Warren was critical of. H warren was critical of tmobile has the first and only nationwide 5g network. Experience it on a Samsung Galaxy s20 5g. Right now, when you buy one, you get one free. Plus get 2 lines of unlimited and 5g access included, for only 90 bucks a month. Field is narrowed to basically two, a new poll today has joe biden with a substantial 16point lea and with the departure yesterday of senator Elizabeth Warren from the race, both biden and sanders are hoping for an endorsement from her. She said she is holding off on that for now but last night during a very candid sitdown interview with Rachel Maddow in Elizabeth Warrens house, she called out the on loon bewhatever of some saners supporter ice i s think theres real problem with this online bullying and sort of organized nastiness. Not just who said mean things. But for all the candidates back when there were lots of us. We are responsible for the people who claim to be our supporters and do really threatening, ugly, dangerous thingsan for other to other particularly, its a particular problem with sanders supporters . It is. I just is. Rev . I have had that conversation with senator warren. What is disturbing is that she and Bernie Sanders on many issues agree and if that kind of venom would be directed at her, when you claim to have the higher moral ground revolution and you dont call it back into order, this becomes a real question that a lot of people would say, but wait a minute. Is this about power . Is this about bullying . And intimidating. Is this about having a moral ng reset in this country . You cant have a moral reset anr do it in an immoral way. And the things that Elizabeth Warren went through and that i saw through the campaign that many times National Action network hosted the candidates and i see things on social media, it was monogamous, it was offensive, threatening. She should not have gone through that andld i think that senator sanders and any other candidate but since she said his is the most should have taken a Firm Position an said, wait a minute. Im not tolerating this and this is against what my campaign is about. You have the moral challenge to do that. Well, listen. Ill stipulate this. Twitter is a wasteland, full stop. If you juan to prove that you can lead the country, especially the whole country, you should at least show that you can lead the people that follow you on twitter. The bernie bros remind me of Trump Supporters of 2016. There is af certain nastiness d meanness there but a also i thi its part of bernies problem is he acts like hes the leader of this insurgent faction rather than somebody that wants to unite the partyts and i thoughtt was very interesting she called him out on that because the assumption, of course, she might endorse Bernie Sanders but shers still might. Thats right but everything about this campaign has changed in the last week. Think of whens happened in the last seven days. Everything changed but Bernie Sanders whoer continues to hit e sameco notes over and over agai. Lashing out at the same people, making the same charges. Almost echoing the trump line that somehow this is being rigged against him ans im not sure that thats going to turn this t Campaign Around because frankly dont think next week is a good week for Bernie Sanders. One place they have their sites is michigan and hits over andd over again that might lan is thega message on trade. I think it is an interesting fight, a battle in michigan. This is where working class joe competes against Bernie Sanders whos been an advocate for American Workers and particularly white workers left behind but really quickly, theres aic weaponization of nastiness and that weaponization takes place on twitter in a number of differenter ways and venues. Twitter is leveling in its capacities. Right . It levels the conversation and it allows for the ugliness to evidence itself in ways and be treated as if its equal to other reasonable debates and been that way ever since it was started and so the idea i think senator warren is absolutely right that the candidates and particularly senator a sanders has a responsibility to really rein in the ugly side of his supporters but we need to understand how twitterst functions so it is a wasteland in certaint parts an has some really great parts. This is not about twitter only. I accept that it is a wasteland. It is abouta leadership. We would have marches and people would say ugly things an endo ugly things. Mrs. Scott king said youre responsible to denounce that on the site. I would justify. I didnt bring them or condone it. Theyre at your march. Sam thing withr a president ial candidate. You have to grow to say i denounce it aennd will not tolerate it. The other n thing is sorry allergies, everyone. Yes. Its blooming in d. C. The other thing is this isnt just on twitter. One of my colleagues wrote a storyll about a Bernie Sanders staffer whoab in a private twitr account or private account posted incendiary things and then doxed. Thats your personal information familys personal information becoming public in a way to actually affect your what does that mean . Its personal information for instance, personal information or home address. I think its happened to me since ive been on air today. The personal information is published. They can send s. W. A. T. Teams to the home or ordering hundreds of pizzas you didnt pay for and then weird things happen at your house. Reporters that cover extremism get to know the local Police Departments with the fake s. W. A. T. Raids that their online critics try to bring against them. Elizabeth warren hinted at this saying that there were twohi won of color who were labor organizers i believe inbo nevad indeed. Va and they felt most in physical danger when they put out a view on a particular political topic that was not seen as amenable with where Bernie Sanders online supporters were at. Whether or not Bernie Sanders will play a constructive role going ahead because the Democratic Party has to unite and begin to focus on defeating donald trump and i think the democratic i voters seem of my read of them is that theyre ready tos get on with that, wa it to be over and turn to the question of if Bernie Sanders turns uper the toxicity how do democrats react to that . Well be right back. Go pro with oralb. 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Well hear from Vice President pence and the task force on coronavirus. Theyre about to give an update. There are now nearly 100,000 cases of the coronavirus worldwide including dozens more in the United States where the total that we know of has now

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