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Condemn racism, bigotry and White Supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in america. Well give you a fact check, coming up. Will anything change . Democrats call on the president to tone down his rhetoric. And for Senate Leader Mitch Mcconnell to cancel the august recess, return to washington and pass gun control measures. All of this has happened because hispanic people have been dehumanized. They have been dehumanized by the president , by his enablers, by other politicians. The republicans need to, quite frankly, get their [ bleep ]. Together and stop pandering to the nra. Democratic lawmakers from the States Affected by these tragedies, Veronica Escobar and tim ryan, join me ahead. This, as grieving families demand action. [ crowd chants ] and this breaking news. Good day, im Andrea Mitchell in washington. In two cities more than 1500 miles apart, families and survivors are mourning, dealing with the impact of terror attacks that will forever change their lives. And with many saying that President Trumps own rhetoric contributed to a new tolerance for overt racism and violence. The president today deflected instead, focusing on Mental Health and violent online cultur culture. We must recognize that the internet has provided a dangerous avenue to radicalize disturbed minds and perform demented acts. We must shine light on the Dark Recesses of the internet and stop mass murders before they start. Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun. And from el paso this morning, the grim news that one more important has died in hospital. So it is now 21 dead in that massacre. Nbcs Hallie Jackson at the white house. Msnbc political analyst all joining us today. Hallie, lets talk about the president. What he did not talk about, even though he tweeted about gun action, it was not part of his prepared text today. Reporter and his tweets specifically, andrea, paired that gun action youre referencing with Immigration Reform and there is no mention of that in the brief remarks that the president made early this morning. As we were coming on the air, andrea, the president clearly has other topics on his mind as well, tweeting about trade with china a couple of hours after delivering that speech from the diplomatic Reception Room here at the white house. Notably, as my colleagues, hans nichols and Kristen Welker noted, he was not planning to give a speech. He wanted to strike notes of unity, coming together and overcome hate. The president did explicitly in the moment you talked about condemn, as he described it, racism, bigotry and White Supremacy pretty clearly in those remarks. He called for five or six concrete steps that he thought that the government and leaders working together could do. For example, end the glorification of violence through video games, others more concrete, like, for example, get the doj to push for policies that would mandate the Death Penalty for people who commit acts of terror and mass murder. Critics of president already, andrea, are pointing out the apparent contradiction in what he had to say. This was a president who, a matter of weeks ago, was tweeting racist tropes at members of congress, women of color who serve on capitol hill. There is, in the ears of some, a disconnect between what the president is saying today and what the president has said over the last not just month but even well before that, andrea. This is a story that, obviously, continues to develop here at the white house. And lets talk, jonathan lamere, you were cover ing the president in bedminster, after a weekend as you described it at his golf resort. Talk to me about that. Thats right. We heard from the president at some length today after he was, frankly, in hiding all weekend long as these dual tragedies gripped the nation. You know, he had gone way for the weekend at the golf course in bedminster, new jersey, departing friday afternoon when the word of the el paso shooting came to light, he tweeted. Just 14 minutes later, he tweeted promoting a ufc fight that night and a pair of tweets for support. Then he provided to stay out of sight the rest of that day, except for making a cameo at a wedding held at his golf course we learned via social media. And then the next day as well, as the dayton, ohio, shooting, the details of that horror also emerged. Weve seen time and time again, he is very uncomfortable in this role as the consoler in chief, if you will. We all remember his response when he went to puerto rico and was shooting paper towels like basketballs to the hurricane victims there. He has often struggled to connect with any empathy with those impacted by tragedy. And, of course, there is looming over this particular tragedy the idea that his words, his antiimmigration rhetoric, some of which was mirrored in the manifesto being investigated as part of belonging the el paso shooter, he may have created here when democrats all over the weekend and again this morning really condemned President Trump for fosterring this environment of hate, believing he has given license to these racial racist beliefs and accompanying violence. Lets be clear, the president did not mention that at all in his remarks at the white house a few hours ago. And pete williams, lets talk about this trope about Mental Illness. By all accounts, we do not suffer more in america from Mental Illness than any other country around the world, speaking very broadly. But we do have more guns than any country around the world. Well, the gun control portion that the president talked about was better background checks, and theres wide support for that among gun control advocates. The question is whether they would have much effect on Mass Shootings. Undoubtedly, they would have some effect. Think about the shooting in souther land springs, texas, for example, at the First Baptist church. Manhattan who carried out that attack should not have been able to get his gun because he had a Domestic Violence case and he was able to pass a background check he shouldnt have. The majority of Mass Shootings are carried out by people who acquire their weapons legally. Thats the case with the last three. The gunman who fired on the Food Festival in gilroy bought his rifle legally in nevada. Carrying into california was illegal by a matter of law but getting the weapon was legal. And those in the el paso and dayton cases got their weapons legally as well. In background checks, recently polling shows 89 of americans believe that background checks are a good idea. Only 9 believe its a bad idea. Democrats clearly more than republicans 96 of democrats say its a good idea. Only 4 say its a bad idea. Republicans, its 84 who think its a good idea. This is an overwhelmingly popular issue. It was one of the first things that the house of representatives, the newly controlled Democratic House of representatives passed in february. It never got to the senate floor, pete. Well, the question background checks have been very, very popular. Sure. And theres an argument to be made for background checks in general. But if youre talking about ways to reduce Mass Shootings, what some people say is that they would have a somewhat reduced effect, that perhaps what others would advocate is restrictions on the kind of weaponry that was used. The police chief in dayton said a short time ago he found it fundamentally problematic that the gunman in that case was able to get a weapon that could take a 100round highcapacity magazine. The police chief says the gunman there fired 41 rounds, at least, in a period of 30 seconds. That means hes firing more than one round a second, 1. 3 rounds a second from this weapon that was modified and had this 100round magazine on it. And, in fact, on those large magazines with so many rounds, there was democratic legislation introduced in the house but there were no republican sponsors on that. That did not even get through the house. Hallie, are you hearing any give from the white house on more action on gun laws . We saw the bump stocks was the only thing done by executive order after las vegas. Right. Mick mulvaney yesterday on meet the press said weve worked on background checks but they havent done anything to get Mitch Mcconnell to bring it to the senate floor. Theres legislation thats overwhelmingly passed the house. Andrea, that sound bite you played that youve been talking about here, the fact that President Trump talked about how Mental Illness and hate is what pulls the trigger, not guns, is an indication of where this is going to go. Ultimately, you know as well as i do, its not up to President Trump to pass the laws. He can put pressure on the senate. Ultimately this will come down to senator Mitch Mcconnell, why youre hearing so Many Democrats and advocates for more measures to put in place gun control call on the senate to come back. Theyre out of recess through the month of august. They will come back in early september. And at that point, you dont know what is going to be sort of overtaking the news cycle, if you will. There will be calls from democrats to get senator mcconnell to get this to the senate floor. Realities of the past have simply shown that is not a realistic or solution that has happened in the past. President trump also put a pretty high bar on the idea of getting some kind of more stringent gun control measure passed. These are two huge, difficult topics for members of congress to work on, right . Separately on their own for the president to try to pair them together, it is taking something thats really hard and making it nearly impossible when you talk to people who are in this political sphere. I think ive been covering congressional inaction on both issues for about 30 years. So i would think it would be a little bit hard to do during an august recess, hallie. Such a good point. Hallie jackson from the white house, pete williams, thank you, our justice correspondent jonathan la mere from the Associated Press, with the president all weekend. Thank you very much as well. And moments ago, officials in dayton, ohio, gave an update on their investigation as questions swirl about how the gunmans sister became a target in the attack. It seems to just defy believability, that he would shoot his own sister. But its also hard to believe he didnt recognize that was his sister. So we just dont know. Lets get the very latest from Gabe Gutierrez in dayton and nbcs Miguel Almaguer in el paso. Gabe, first to you. Tell us about dayton, ohio. You heard this update from the officials there. Reporter andrea, we just got that update from local officials moments ago. Im here in the oregon district, the bar behind me is where the shooting took place, or rather outside of that bar. This area has just reopened. We heard from local officials who, as you mentioned, are still searching for a motive at this point. They say its too early to tell exactly what that motive was. Theyre looking into whether the sister was actually targeted. As you mentioned, she was the youngest victim, 22 years old, megan bet megan betts. We got new information about this investigation and the number of people that were treated and those still hospitalized. Number one, of the 37 people that were hospitalized, 14 of those were from gunshots. The others are cuts and other minor injuries as they were running away from the scene. 11 people are still hospitalized at this point. With regards to the investigation, andrea, the gunman, according to police, had the ability to have up to 250 rounds if all they cant confirm if both his weapons were full at this point. He had the capacity to shoot 250 rounds. Pete williams mentioned a short time ago, they have found 41 spent shell casings. That is pretty incredible, andrea, when you consider this gunman was shooting for less than a minute before officers were able to step in. They are looking at several theories in regards to the motive and also looking into reports. Local media, local paper as well as the Associated Press has reported that according to classmates of the gunman back in high school, that he had reportedly had some sort of hit list of Different Girls in the school. And he had been suspended at the time. The former principal did not dispute that account to the local paper. Though nbc has not been able to verify that. The police chief was asked about those reports. And he said that the authorities were looking into all possible scenarios, but cautioned that Something Like this would have happened ten years ago, that he cautioned that too much attention should not be focused on that with regard to any particular motive here. He also said, the police chief did, that a shotgun was found in the trunk of the car. Andrea, the question right now is what role did the sister play in all this . Was she specifically targeted . We know that she and another mutual friend came with the suspect earlier in the night. At some point, they separated. And its unclear what happened next. Its also unclear if the gunman targeted his own sister. As you heard the police chief say its hard to believe he didnt know it was her. It would have been an extreme coincidence to have him shooting with so many people here and for him not to know it was her. But those questions are still outstanding. Bellbrook, ohio, 30 minutes from dayton, is where police are focusing a lot of their investigation right now, looking for social media posts as well as the lastknown address of the suspect. Still a lot of questions, andrea. This community is reeling after a mass shooting that left nine people dead. As you heard now 11 people still hospitalized at this point, andrea. Gabe gutierrez, thank you so much. Meanwhile to el paso and Miguel Almaguer. One more person, one more victim has died today, the death toll now reaching 21 people and the stories of some of the heroism there, of a Community Pulling together as well as the personal tragedies are just overwhelming. Yeah, andrea. As we learned about that 21yearold victim that died here in this, we are learning more about the suspect, 21yearold patrick crucias who police tell us was the lone gunman in the attack and has admitted to the crime. We now know that that gunman has faced a local magistrate judge here in el paso. The judge told us he was, quote, attentive and lucid in the hearing. He could face more charges down the line. Feds are looking at hate crime charges. This case could go to a grand jury next. Of course, thats all happening while Police Continue their investigation as you mentioned, 21 people have now died in this attack. It unfolded in the walmart parking lot just behind me here in el paso. Witnesses and survivors say the gunman began the blood shed in the parking lot, began to fire indiscriminately at crowds at this Shopping Center for backtoschool shopping and worked his way into the walmart where more people were killed. We learned from the survivors many of the victims were shot at point blank range as the suspect methodically worked here through this area. The police chief tells us that the suspect thought he would die during the shooting, but instead surrendered to officers and he was, quote, docile during that surrender, cooperative with investigators as they continue to question him and learn new details about their investigation, andrea . Miguel almaguer, thank you so much. Well have more on the victims from both of these tragedies as well. Here is more from the president s brief address this morning. We will ensure that those who were attack ed will not have did in vain. May god protect them. Joining me now from dayton, ohio, is congressman and 2020 president ial candidate congressman tim ryan. Congressman, thank you very much. Our condolences to all of your constituents there. And your reaction to the president s remarks. Ive got to tell you, not only am i concerned about his diminished mental capacity to even remember trying to cloud this up, talking about immigration, one of the most polarizing issues he made toxic, since going back to Barack Obamas birth certificate issue and has made immigration the most toxic issue in the United States and he wants to inject that into these tragedies that happened in the last 36 hours and try to distract. Whole thing was about distraction. Hes going to try to run out the clock. He didnt talk anything about the gun reform. He didnt talk anything about the two bills that are sitting at the steps of machine gun Mitch Mcconnell where the background check and closing the charleston loophole are sitting at the senate. Its time for Mitch Mcconnell to get off his rear end and do something, because the people in this community, andrea, are heartbroken. Theyre angry. Theyre fearful. And now we have the whole country afraid to go to walmart or go to church. And those of us who are sending our kids to school here in a couple of weeks are scared to death about sending our kids to school and have complete dysfunction at the federal level. We dont want rhetoric from the president. He can start immediately by calling Mitch Mcconnell back to pass those bills. I wanted to share with you and everyone else if you hadnt seen it yet gabby giffords, a victim, of course, of horrific gun violence still dealing with her injuries and she has issued a Statement Today in her activist role. I have no more words. I only have anger. President donald trump and majority leader Mitch Mcconnell must call the senate back from august recess immediately. We cannot afford to wait another day for lawmakers to address this horrific National Public safety threat. And were not just talking about the victims here, the numbers of victims, the death count, as horrific as that is. One more today in el paso. Those children in el paso, some of them were there to raise money for their soccer teams and some of them were shepherded to safety and the gunman reportedly came after them, shouting at them. What about the survivors and all of our children, all the children across america going to safety drills and active shooter drills as they go back to school, elementary, middle, high schools . Yeah. And your own kids. Yeah. No thats the thing. The country is traumatized right now. The country is dealing with this. All the people last night that you may have seen in the video here in dayton, scrambling, running from somebody shooting at them. The amount of, you know, impressions that that leaves on people, on young people. Call them Adverse Childhood Experiences with the young kids. How many of them are living in a state of high anxiety, of stress, and how thats going to affect them moving into the future. And you tied this in to the immigration thing of what were seeing with these young kids at the border. What are we doing in the United States, andrea . This is what im trying to say. This is what the people of dayton are trying to say. Enough is enough. Its time for the government to actually act on behalf of the american people. The government is in charge of making us safe and do accidents happen . Do tragedies happen . Of course. But so many of these are so preventable by simple basic steps from a functioning democracy with a noble leader, we could get this stuff done, not a distracter in chief, which is what the president is doing. He has divided this country so much. He tries to inject immigration into this, or talk about video games or this other stuff. No. This is about people getting highpowered weapons and having 250 rounds, to be able to walk into an entertainment district, an iconic American City like dayton, and start slaughtering people. That is preventable. Thats why were so pissed off. Excuse my language but this is preventable. This does not have to happen. The president is going to try to run the clock out again and continue to try to change the news cycle and hope nothing happens and the nra is going to get in the bunker with Mitch Mcconnell and theyre going to try to run the clock out. And then this is going to happen again. And then you and i, or you and some congressman from another state when we have another tragedy, another school, another mother emanuel is going to happen again. We need leadership in the white house. We need leadership in the senate. This is preventable. This is not the america most of us want, andrea. It may be the one that donald trump wants. Its not the one i want. Its not the one that the people of dayton want. One more point here, and i take your passion and your an r anger, understandable. Theres a lot of anger against Mitch Mcconnell in the senate. And there is house passed legislation since february, february 28th, that is sitting in the senate and cant even get a hearing, to say nothing of a vote on the floor. One more question. Ted deutsch introduced hr1186 on those large magazines, which in this case was in dayton, you know, in 30 seconds he managed to kill nine people, in 30 seconds. Law enforcement bravely did their job. What about that bill . The democrats control the house. I dont think thats ever gone to its still sitting in the subcommitte subcommittee. We picked two bills that have 75 to 80 of the support of the american people. It has over 70 of support from gun owners. Those bills sit at the steps of Mitch Mcconnell. And if he wants to show some trust and hes interested in doing something on these magazines, highcapacity magazines, i guarantee you, nancy pelosi will be on the phone with her membership and call us all back to say hey, Mitch Mcconnell passed the two bills we put at his doorstep. Lets get back to d. C. This week and lets keep giving him other reforms that we want to propose. I guarantee you leader pelosi would do that. And i guarantee you our house would pass those bills. But worry getting no expression, no confidence from Mitch Mcconnell or donald trump. Donald trump should have walked up to that microphone. First, he should have been in dayton or el paso the last couple of days, giving blood, being with people, giving hugs, showing some compassion. He should have walked up to the microphone and said on monday morning were calling the senate back. To pass these two bills. Mitch mcconnell will send those to my desk. I will sign them. And by the end of the week well have passed significant gun reform in the United States. That feels good just saying, andrea. That reduces my Blood Pressure just saying and imagining that could maybe happen. Its not happening. The president is going to run out the clock here. He doesnt even know the cities that these tragedies happened in. He doesnt have the mental capabilities to handle these kind of issues, these big, polarizing issues in the country. He doesnt have the capacity to bring us together. That is a real problem t lies at the feet of Mitch Mcconnell and nobody else. Well go to washington, d. C. And give him more. Tim ryan, thank you very much. As of this moment i dont have an explanation from the white house as to why he could possibly have referred to toledo, ohio, and not dayton. Well await that explanation to come. Thank you. Thank you very much, congressman. And coming up next, words matter. Former antiterror officials sounding off today about the president s past rhetoric. Youre watching Andrea Mitchell reports on msnbc. A mitchell reports on msnbc. You should be mad at forced camaraderie. And you should be mad at tech that makes things worse. 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Peter baker, writing in the New York Times now, at Campaign Rallies before last years midterm elections, President Trump repeatedly warned that america was under attack by immigrants, heading for the border. You look at what is marching up. That is an invasion, he declared at one rally. That is an invasion. And the Washington Post phil rubbinger, isnt about how the president will respond but whether his words contributed to the carnage. Joining me now assistant director in the Counterintelligence Division and Nbc National Security analyst who wrote that piece in the Washington Post. MsNbc National Security analyst and charlie sikes, msnbc contributor and editor of the bullwart. Nick, lets talk about counterterrorism. You dealt with it in terms of foreign terrorism, of course. The fbi on domestic surveillance in terms of the internet and other forms of eavesdropping that could get at this white supremacist danger . For too long weve had this divide about the way we think of International Terrorism and domestic terrorism. You go to al qaeda as International Terrorist groups that allows the government to collect intelligence against individuals, to build cases against individuals for socalled material support. Alcohols taken to support the ideology and the movement. We dont have a similar framework for dealing with groups that are tied to White Supremacy or other forms of domestic terror. Were much more reactive. Were much more in the situation where something has to happen first or steps need to be taken towa towards violence before Law Enforcement has the capability to intervene. And thats unfortunate. Thats not the model we use when we think of International Terrorism. In the hours before the attacks, you warned about that. How did you feel when you saw that happen . I never felt so badly about being right before. I had hoped that i was wrong, but i felt the need to sound an alarm, because anybody who has worked in the Intelligence Community since 9 11 knows that youve got a duty to warn and push out intelligence. And all the signs were there, particularly the white hate groups online reaction to the president , referring to the four female Congress Members as people who need to go back to where they came from. That got a very positive, strong reaction from people who hate. There is an eerie similarity to radicalist jihad. They see in the president a mentor or a similar figure to that type of muslim cleric that calls people to violence and jihad. And, yes, the president hasnt directly called for violence. Of course not. But the unstable people amongst us dont note that subtle distinction. What i was looking for today, andrea, was for that radicalizer in chief to come out and say i personal personally rebuke and reject the ideology of hate. I will not stand for this. I do not need or want the support of you or those like u you. I heard passive collective voice of our nation must reject. I didnt hear him say i, first person, reject this, and you. Thats what we needed to hear today. Lets look at something that was played in panama city, florida. This is an invasion. You see these caravans starting out with 20,000 people, thats an invasion. I was badly criticized for using the word invasion. Its an invasion. But how do you stop these people . You cant. Thats only in the panhandle you can get away with that statement. Only in the panhandle. Thats a tough situation. I misspoke. He spoke so often about invasion before the midterms. That was only last may. Reprising it. Yeah. No question. Words have consequences. President trumps bigoted and hateful words have resulted in deadly consequences. Theres no way that he can he can try to distract. He can try to deny it. Theres a clear correlation between his promotion of rhetoric and actions that promote hate, division and fear and the fact that it is having a tremendous impact in the kind of climate and the type of motivation we see thats been taken up in el paso. We have a poll at our annual conference here in san diego. It said that 78 of latino voters are deeply concerned about the demonization of hispanics and immigrants and worry it will only get worse if we see trump reelected. We see that point validated when President Trump has used a humanitarian crisis on the border, to turn it into a radicalization of how we talk about immigrants and demonization. He has to bear some responsibility for this. He has got to acknowledge and has to rebuke much more directly than we heard today. And change the ways he is dividing and the hatelaced conversation. He has to understand that has an impact and is causing now deadly consequences. Theres a red flag, a bloody red flag now with the results were seeing in el paso. And i wanted to share with everyone, for anyone who did not see this moment with the acting chief of staff, mick mulvaney, former member of congress, of course, on meet the press with chuck todd, pushing back of any linking with the president s rhetoric with any of the violence we see. You dont accept the fact that the president s rhetoric has been a contributing factor at all . I blame the people who pull the trigger, chuck. Goodness gracious, is someone really blaming the president . So, chacharlie sykes . Its one thing to condemn White Supremacy or bigotry. What does he mean by that . What do those words represent . The demonization of minorities, referring to hispanics as invaders. It refers to describing people as infesting our communities. This whole concept that they are coming here to replace us. And these are things that the president has stoked and empowered. Theres always disaffected bigots out there. Listening to the president has validated many of their feelings and theres a very short trip from validation to the act of violence. He is incapable of acknowledging his responsibility. He checked the box, said the words. What will he say in the next 24, 48 hours, especially because he made it very clear he intends to make this a theme of his campaign, polarizing the electorate and playing upon the racial fears. Its not necessarily going to get better any time soon. Nick rasmussen, you and a number of former counterterrorism officials from the National Security council in several administrations, both parties, have said that this has to be as much a priority, domestic white supremacist terrorism, as much a priority as what we faced after 9 11. Exactly. A couple of my colleagues, several colleagues that i served across, as you say, multiple administrations, republican and democrat, all of us career Civil Servants put out a statement saying its time to deal with this domestic terrorism issues with as much energy, commitment and, if necessary, resources as weve dealt with the set of International Terrorism issues. Of course, that starts at the top. My other colleagues in this discussion with you, andrea, have all pointed that out. If we dont have that backing from the president. If the president doesnt grab on to this and show leadership on it shall its hard to imagine well make much progress in this area. Briefly, frank, what about the radical chat rooms like 8chan and others, that connect radical people in ways thats hard to control . Chris wray testified that theyre on it but dont have all the tools that they need. Do they . They dont. Even the fbi Agent Association came out before all of this and said look, we dont have the investigative tools and legislation to deal with all of this. Theres no law on the books called domestic terrorism. There are laws called International Terrorism. We need that discussion in congress. We need it right away. People, i think, assume that the fbi or Law Enforcement is hanging out in these hatefilled chat rooms and websites. Theyre not, because they cant. And we need to wrestle with the balance between free speech and privacy, free discussion of ideas and the moment that flashpoint occurs where you change from hate to violence. Weve got to wrestle with that and address that gap. And were not there yet. Frank figluzia, nick rasmussen, thank you for joining us. Rasmussen, thank you for joining us severely active crohns disea, stelara® works differently. Studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. 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Had a personality that could light up an entire room. Everybody loved her. She was an incredible mom, too. She was just a wonderful person. She would give anything for those kids, anything. Even her life. I texted them. Im like, were at the unification center. Were praying to god that youre on the bus and youll be here. But they didnt come. He shielded her, she shielded the baby and thats how he was able to survive. And nbcs Blane Alexander is in el paso with more about this family and the other victims. You came from a hospital briefing, blane, and we have more tragic news. Reporter yeah, andrea. Literally a few seconds ago where im standing at the hospital briefing, we learned that that death toll in el paso has risen to 22. 22 people have been killed in that mass shooting saturday. We found out from a tweet from the El Paso Police department that one of the patients had died. A few seconds ago in the briefing we were told another patient passed away, really, with within the last hour weve seen the most recent death, andrea. You could actually hear a gasp in the room when i asked how long ago was it that that most recent patient passed away and we were told that it was just within this past hour. So, certainly taking the breath out of a lot of people here, andrea. And to be quite honest, i understand that there are still a number of patients between the hospital here, del sol, and University Medical center, that are still in critical condition, some still requiring minutetominute care because of the sheer nature of the injuries, gunshot wounds. A lot of them to the abdomen, to the chest. This cyclical pattern of going into surgery, coming out, being stabilized and having to go back in. In fact, im told there will be people who will be in and out of surgery today, andrea. Certainly a lot of people not out of the woods just yet when it comes to these injuries. A lot of this has to do with the kind of weapon, with the assault rifle, with the kind of magazines that permitted, in dayton, for instance, nine people to be killed within 30 seconds when this guy was taken down. Blayne, how is the community there coping with all of this . Reporter you know, i think that one thing that we keep hearing over and over and over from the people that ive talked to, from people who are responding, there are even a couple of signs here outside of Del Sol Medical Center just hung by people saying el paso doctors are angels, just trying to encourage them to stay strong because the doctors have a very tough task ahead of them. One thing i keep hearing is, this is not el paso. This is not the people we see here. Theyre trying to rally around everyone, andrea. El paso, one of the safest cities in america. Joining me, Veronica Escobar, her district includes the walmart where saturdays mass shooting took place. Our condolences to you, to your community, to the people in suarez across the border, because you are a closely linked two cities and two cities in pain today. We are, but i will also tell you, andrea and thank you so much for the condolences. They have been rolling in from all over the country, and we definitely have felt the love from all across the country. We send our love as well to ohio, to chicago. Its unbelievable that the horrific club of communities that have been impacted by this horror keeps growing. But, yes, we are a resilient region. Suarez, el paso. We will get past this with love, kindness, generosity, in the same way we get passed every challenge. Can you know you just came oe call with your colleagues. I did. We talked about primarily we talked about the president s response today. While the scripted remarks are i think a step forward, i can tell you from my perspective, what i shared, they just were not enough. Ill tell you why, andrea. The president really has singled out latinos and hispanics in a terrible way, and he has put a target on el pasos back by making us ground zero for so many of his anti immigrant policies. But the language that he has used to describe my people, my community, communities like ours all over the country where we are called breeders, where mexicans have been called rapists and murderers, where migrants have been called an invasion and an infestation and bringing disease. All of that rhetoric has consequences. I was hoping, andrea, to hear the president today take some ownership and say, you know, my rallies have gotten out of hand, and i want to apologize for the way that weave engaged, and im committed today Going Forward to being a part of the solution, not a part of the problem. I really, truly was hoping the hear that. That would be completely healing. That would go such a long way and that would take the target off of the backs of communities like ours. So i would encourage him to do that. And my hope is that the scripted remarks provided this morning, that he sticks to them, and at a subsequent rally a week from now, two weeks from now, we dont fall back into the same race baiting and hate mongering that we have seen only increase as we head into political season. Im not going to play it again. Youre very familiar it was played several times for you today on morning joe, the may 8th rally in panama city, florida, when someone in the crowd shouted shoot them. He said, oh, yeah, only in the panhandle is that acceptable. Im paraphrasing. A hispanic member of congress, how does that make latinos around the country feel . When i first heard it, it was very painful and very frightening. Its still out there. Until he takes those words back, that is still out there. Until he takes ownership and says i was wrong and i should never have said these things, then once you dehumanize people, you need to recognize their humanity. This attack in el paso, were going to have 21 funerals, andrea, 21. We had another confirmed death this morning. Another one of our Beautiful Community members lost his battle, and there is no a child who is now an orphan actually, they have more than one child. The couple who lost their lives have now orphaned children because of this. So we have to rehumanize people. Thats part of what makes el paso such a wonderful community, andrea. Were diverse. We have a veteran population, we have a military population, an immigrant population, a africanamerican population. You name it, in a thriving, wonderful binational community. We embrace everybody here. We welcome the stranger. We take care of the vulnerable. We are a beautiful shining example of what america is all about. But there has been a lot of dehumanizing of people, and that has created a lot of pain and a lot of harm and it has fueled violence. There have to be words specific to rehumanizing groups that for the last two years have been dehumanized. I know you are rushing from your call to the camera. I hate to tell you that our colleague, blayne Alexander Just reported in the last few minutes that one other person now 22 victims of this horror. 22 . 22. I know its unspeakable. We have a lot of funerals ahead. How do you feel about the president coming in the next few days even in the midst of this mourning period into el paso . I will tell you, andrea, we had two beautiful vigils last night. As a community, were going to come together for our healing, for our unity, to rebuild the resilient nature of who we are because it is fundamentally who we are. Thats what makes me so proud to be someone from el paso. Until the president takes ownership and peels that target off our back and rehumanizes communities like mine, its not appropriate i think. We have a lot of work to do in this country, and we do need to do it together. But there needs to be ownership first of the power of words. The most powerful words come from the most powerful man in the country. Just briefly, the Mexican Foreign minister has said there will be some actions taken against the United States because of the seven mexican nationals who were killed in el paso. I had not heard that. This is the first time i hear that. Theres probably going to be a whole lot of news in the coming weeks. We have a lot of work to do, a lot of work to do. Congresswoman, i know how much work you have to do, and i really appreciate i know you made extraordinary efforts to be with us today. Thank you so much. Again, were feeling for you and the sorrow that you and your community are suffering. Thank you very much for taking the time. Thank you, thank you. This closeknit community considered, as i say, one of the safest in the country gripped by tradition forever marked by the stain of gun violence. Joining me now also from el paso, Democratic Texas state representative art fiero who represents part of el paso. Again, our condolences to you. I dont know whether youre prepared for the president to possibly visit el paso at this time. First and foremost, i need to start with sending my prayers and condolences to the families who were massacred right behind us here on saturday. The description that our congresswoman escobar just gave of our community, andrea, is right on. She left out one point. Were a colorblind community. We grow up colorblind in this community. For us to be victims of domestic terrorism selected because of proximity to mexico, because the makeup of our community, its heartbreaking. Are we prepared for the president s visit on wednesday . Were prepared to show him the faces of the people that were massacred, the faces of the people that were in the hospital still now, the families still looking for their loved ones and the grief, and the orphans its just heartbreaking. I hope the president is prepared for his visit on wednesday. They have not announced that just yet. Weve seen faa warnings of the potential of air traffic being interrupted. Were not announcing that. I know it is certainly widely reported in el paso as well as in dayton. Lets talk, though, about what needs to be done on guns. What do you think . What would you support . I think the state legislature has to step up to the plate. I will tell you that, as a delegation, our five state representatives and our senator are coming up with an action plan to present to the governor and to the speaker of the house and to call for something to be done now. We cannot let this to be put on the back burner and us be discussing this two, three, four, five years from now. We need to address this now. We need to address it immediately. I can tell you that as a delegati delegation, were prepared to take a stand and come up with an action plan. We want to thank you very much. This is such a difficult time for el paso, and taking time, texas state representative art fierro, thank you. That does it for this edition of Andrea Mitchell reports. At a time of crisis, we should talk also about the fact that tonight on msnbc there will be special programming with Brian Williams and Rachel Maddow and the whole team, Nicolle Wallace as well at 9 00 eastern on msnbc. Here is ali velshi and Stephanie Ruhle for velshi and ruhle. Thank you. Well continue the coverage. Its monday, august 5th. We begin with breaking news on the two Mass Shootings in america. 22 people were killed in el paso. The number has now increased to 22. Another nine in dayton, ohio. The shootings just 13 hours apart. In texas authorities are questioning the 21yearold suspect who traveled more than 600 miles across the state from a dallas suburb to el paso. The ohio gunman is dead. Police were able to take him down within 30 seconds. At least 27 people were injured in dayton. Another 26 in el paso. This morning the president called out White Nationalism in a prepared speech, a motivation tied to the el paso shooter and he addressed what the president saw as the catalysts. The shooter in el paso posted a manifesto online consumed by racist hate. In one voice our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and

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