0 >> yeah. i took notes on all of the jurors, the prospective jurors throughout the selection process and tried to make notes for myself about which jurors i thought would be pro prosecution and pro defense. b-37 i put down as a pro-defense juror -- prospective juror and taking notes on her, she's lived in the area 18 years, had her lawyer is a lawyer, work in the space industry. she has a daughter and has worked in her current occupation for 16 years. what i got out of that interview she did yesterday with cnn was that she was pretty much going into this thinking that this was going to be an acquittal for george zimmerman. the first vote they took, the first straw vote they took it was three not guilty, you had had two manslaughter and one second degree murder and toward the end of that interview she teared up because she says it was very emotional in the room as the conversation wore down on that saturday. they spent 13 hours saturday in that room going back and forth trying to see how they could >> murderer. >> how dare they not accept a jury verdict. they can be upset if they want to be, but they put on their best case, better than they should have, the way they tried the case, and the jury still said innocent. >> craig, a lot of hard feelings between those two sides. very apparent. there you are at the naacp convention where you've been talking to people and where they want some action. >> yeah. you know what? that is -- continues to be the only thing that people here at the naacp convention are talking about. roughly 4,000 people at the convention this year. 104 years. naacp, oldest civil rights organization in this country. every year they have a number of panel discussions, a number of speakers. this year eric holder. but you talk to anyone for more than 10 or 15 seconds and they want to talk to you about the verdict, about the trial. but a lot of folks are also talking about moving forward. you know that the online petition that was started by the naacp to petition the justice department to engage in some sort of action now. at last check it was at close to 900,000 signatures. that seems to be the next step here at the justice department. i talked to ben jealous this morning, president of the naacp. he's optimistic that petition much like the online petition which led they think to the prosecution of george zimmerman, they think that this petition could very well have the same result. this afternoon the attorney general eric holder set to address the convention at 4:00. he will of course be talking about the verdict, just as he did in d.c. on sunday at the delta sigma theta, 100th anniversary. but he's also expected to talk about the voting rights decision. he is expected to talk about predator lending as well. but to say that he is the most anticipated speaker of the naacp's convention would be a gross understatement. >> indeed. craig melvin, thank you so much. thank you and ron mott for your extraordinary coverage throughout. this has been a very tough issue and i know it has been hard on both of you. thanks for helping us out. the lapd is promising what it calls a strict posture toward any continuing protests out there today. bril bratt bill bratton is the former police commissioner in los angeles. thanks for joining us. if you were in charge right now in l.a. how would you handle the rioting we saw last night in response to the zimmerman verdict? >> i was on the phone with my successor, charlie beck, chief beck, and we talked about just the question you just asked in terms what have are they going to be doing. what they are in fact going to be doing, there, more officers there this evening. some of the freedom of movement of the crowds that was allowed over the last several nights will be limited. they are making it quite clear that those that would seek to cause problems are going to be del with very quickly, very forcefully an they are generating a lot of community support. lapd has a great relationship with its african-american community and their leadership and they are outranled at the 150 people or so last night and the behavior they engaged in. that serves no purpose whatsoever for the mission that they are on which is basically trying to move forward from this trial and trying to get the justice department to take the concerns very seriously and see if there is in fact something that the federal government can do that was not done at the local level. >> of course this was not nearly the kind of reaction that we saw in the past in l.a., especially in south central after the rodney king verdict. you transformed that department. what is the key to making a police department work with the community? is it community policing? relationships with community leaders? with the clergy? with political figures? how do you make it all work in l.a. to make it so much more viable? >> it is all of those things. there was a wonderful piece in this sunday's "new york times" magazine section on the new los angeles, the relationship between its police department and its communities. it's about collaboration before an event occurs that you have relationships so that when you know that something is going to occur -- an certainly there was an anticipation of demonstrations after this trial and its verdict -- that the idea was they all come together to try and basically ensure that will is not violence. that's what's going to be going on there today. there is not a single african-american looeader in lo angeles today that's a legitimate leader, if you will, that's not working with the los angeles police department on this issue. it has been quite a turnaround. i'm proud to have been part of that. my successor, charlie beck, eats, drinks and breathes it. they are not going to tolerate the behavior of these 150 knuckleheads, as we would describe them. that's certainly a change from the 1990s. >> chief, the family, trayvon martin's parents, have called for calm. everyone has responded with extraordinary composure and dignity. so what is it that creates the trigger when you've got a crowd, you've got protesters, they're marching silently and all of a sudden in one city or another it gets violent. are these opportunists? are these just, as you call them, knuckleheads who are trying to take advantage. >> last night in los angeles this was the third night of demonstrations and the demonstrations had been controlled. they had to take over certain intersections with the access wednesd -- acquiescence of the police. the larger rally that was peaceful, being led by some more significant activists in the area, there was this group of young people that broke away and began to engage in some of the fighting that you saw a little earlier on the newscast and some of the vandalism. it grew to a larger number, about 150 at its largest. about 350 lapd officers on the scene and in the vicinity last evening. tonight those numbers will be much larger and tonight community will be more prepared to work with the police to make sure that those young people don't go off on their own. this was an event where community understands that their mess animal is being muage is bd by the activities of these young people. >> chief, good to have you here today. to other news making headlines around the world today, demonstrations erupted in violence in egypt overnight. seven people killed, 261 hurt, after security forces clashed with pro-morsi protesters in cairo. the violence came as deputy secretary of state bill yam burns visited egypt saying the country has been given a second chance at democracy. in moscow today, nsa leaker edward snowden has now officially asked for temporary asylum in russia after being hold up at the airport for weeks. this comes after russia's president vladimir putin said yesterday u.s. had trapped snowden by frightening countries considering offering him safe haven. an international incident at the panama canal. a north korean ship was stopped by panamanian authorities when it tried to enter the canal on its return home from cuba. panama's president posted this picture on twitter with the caption translated to "so the world knows that you can't transfer non-declared war like materiel through the panama canal." the 35-member crew on-board the vessel has been detained. for all kinds of reasons. i go to angie's list to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. now that we're expecting, i like the fact i can go onto angie's list and look for pediatricians. the service providers that i've found on angie's list actually have blown me away. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.

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