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Developments obtained exclusively by nbc news. The fbi and the new York Police Department warned Capitol Police about the possibility of violence ahead of the january 6th attack carried out by a violent mob of trump supporters. New video we are about to show you displays just how violent these rioters were. Attacking Police Officers before breaking into the Capitol Building. We want to wash ytch so you mayt to look away. In it members of the mob are seen throwing crutches and flag poles, anything they can find at the Police Officers. People cheering on the violence behind them. Tonight the quest for accountability is underway. New polling reveals a majority of americans are placing the blame squarely on donald trump. However, as you can expect, more democrats want trump removed from office than republicans do. While removing him seems less and less likely over the next ten days, the movement to condemn him ramping up. Moments ago, House Speaker pelosi laid out a new step to House Democrats which she wants mike pence to do before introducing an article of impeachment for incitement of insurrection. With me now, joyce vance, a former u. S. Attorney for the Northern District of alabama, and a professor at the university of Alabama School of law parks trees is an artist, political strategist and cofounder and executive director of black lives matter, and the editor at large and author of how to catch a russian spy. The true story of an american civilian turned double agent. Ill going to start with you. Were learning today the capitol got times from the nypd and fbi warning about the possibility of violence. This is chatter you and i were talking about yesterday. What kind of light does this shed on the breakdown in the Capitol Hill Police response and can they be held responsible for not leading those warnings . I think absolutely to your last point. One of the problems we have here is i think over the last four years there has been a steady drum beat of this rise of this concern of antifa. And i think that Police Officers have almost developed a sympathetic relationship to activists that say that theyre there for the thin blue line. Look, some of these groups, quite a few of them would tell you they are in fact. So i think in part that very well may have colored the decision in terms of how to prepare. It is clear they didnt have preparation, a Quick Reaction force. It doesnt appear they had the appropriate people there. But look, this is an ongoing problem and im struck when i think of the head of the new Jersey State Police sat down and was part of a group with President Trump presented him with an honorary badge. And pat lynch, the head of the nypd union endorsed trump. There is a problem here when we have police really getting involved in these politics. It goes to show the trust and confidence the public has in them being willing to serve. They seem to have sympathy to these groups and they shouldnt have. These are violent extreme. Is and we see what happens. Joyce, we talk about why there arent domestic terrorism laws on the books but it is worth underlining that once again. And i would love your thoughts on the statutes that federal prosecutors could use as they look for ways to prosecute those involved. You know, there are no specific statutes that create a crime called domestic terrorism of but on the prosecution end of things, there are plenty of statutes at prosecutors disposal to charge the conduct where theres evidence to support charges. Weve never had a case, Oklahoma City, the birmingham Abortion Clinic bombing, the olympic park, any of the incidents of domestic terrorism in this country where weve not had good statutes to use to prosecute and hold people accountable. You will hear from the fbi concerns that they dont have statutory jurisdiction to conduct the investigation. That they cant use online to uses other techniques that they can with foreign terrorism. So there is, i think, a conversation to be had here about whether there is sufficient tools for investigation. On the prosecution side of the equation, prosecutors have what they need. I want to bring there the faculty director of the burnbalm school of law. These writers were Live Streaming what they were doing. Does the president have the option of mass pardoning these supporters . Certainly. Weve seen these preemptive pardons in the past. Jimmy carter famously pardoned Conscientious Objectors who would not submit to the draft. And we saw just after the civil war that president Andrew Johnson pardoned those who had been involved in the confederacy. So it is not beyond the pale that an ongoing president like President Trump could decide to pardon those who were either indicted or have yet to be indicted for crimes associated with wednesdays events. Thats absolutely wild and i want get to your reaction tom. I also want to you listen to what new york representative alexandria ocasio courtes said this morning about impeachment saying it would only incite more violence. We talk about healing. The process of healing is separate. And in fact requires accountability. So if we allow insurrection against the United States with impugnity, with no accountability, we are inviting it to happen again. Perhaps my colleagues werent in that room. Perhaps my colleagues were not fully present for the events on wednesday. We came close to half the house nearly dying on wednesday. How important is it to hold these people including these u. S. Senators who stood behind these lies about voter fraud that inspired a lot of what we saw on wednesday, how important is it to hold them accountable . It is so important for Democratic People to hold donald trump accountable. We are standing alongside the squad for impeachment for trump. We are standing aside corey bush also called for the expulsion of republican members of congress and senate who actually stoked the flames of these White Supremacists. And we are really pushing for a full investigation of what happened on january 6th. We still dont fully understand what happened and the breakdown and what happened with the Capitol Police. So theres so much room here for growth, i believe, and the hope is that the country and our elected officials will take it seriously enough to move it to the right direction. Were talking about warning signs that were missed or ignored. Whats the possibility that they reached the level of the white house and are simply brushed off . I think it is a very strong possibility. And i dont have any sense that whatever happened wednesday has stopped. It is very likely that this is an ongoing event. And i want to hit on what joyce said. The fbi has done a fantastic job of identifying, investigating, arresting and prosecuting individuals. Theyve done a terrible job for ideological groups that sponsor this. Thats part of the fundamental problem here. People look at this, is this going to be 1,000 cases here that they bring out of people who rioted at the capitol . Or do they look for a conspiracy and the hire,erarchy planning. I dont have any faith right now that theyll investigate this beyond the individuals that committed these crimes. They wont be looking at any planning cell and i think thats a huge mistake and thats what continues this risk that is happening right now. Joyce, from a legal perspective, do you agree with the analysis there . I think that it is early days. I really want to caution us about getting too far into what we think we know. Because we can have a collective sense of outrage. We know that the capitol was stormed. We know thats wrong. People in congress abused their power and let this go on for too long. Now were talking about criminal prosecutions which are matters of precision that require evidence of crimes, proof beyond a reasonable doubt. So i am confident that the fbi will investigate, that they will look at the evidence, and something i think we can all take a great deal of comfort in, that the new leadership of doj, newly nominated attorney general judge merritt garland, lisa, are both people with deep experience in white supremacist terrorism. Both under what the Oklahoma City bombings occurred, and hopefully this leadership will steer the department toward giving domestic terrorism the time of priority that it really needs to have. Patrice, when you see this in the greater milieu of Law Enforcement in this country, what does it say to you that the nypd, the fbi tried to flag this for the Capitol Police and it went unheeded . I think so much of what weve heard over the last few days was that there are several offduty Police Officers who engaged in the riot. Who engaged in the insurrection. So we have to have a deeper conversation about Law Enforcements role inside this riot. And we have to weed out White Supremacists inside police departments. It is why over the summer we had a huge demand around Defunding Police. It is not just defunding what they could on a daytoday basis but we believe Defunding Police also means defunding White Supremacy. I want to loop back around to President Trump since he was the source of. So of what were talking about. As he faces down a possible second impeachment, he is also once again discussing a selfpardon costly that back fire . Well again there is question of if he issues a pardon of himself, the only way to test the constitutionality would be for doj to press and prosecute him for whatever high crimes is that misdemeanors that they thought were obviously on the table. So one of the things could back fire for him. If he does issue this selfpardon to himself, he might be prompting the doj and the Biden Administration to subsequently test the validity of that pardon with a criminal prosecution. Heres with trumps former chief of staff mick mull availably said about the insurrection. Yes, the rhetoric was very high and very fiery. You and i both know that american politicians do this on a regular basis. I can pull you similar clips of Maxine Waters telling people to take to the streets. It is different when as you said in your entry, that people took him literally. I never thought i would see that. I never thought i would see a day in our country when people from any side of the political spectrum would storm the capitol to intentionally stop the constitutional transfer of power. People took him literally. He never thought hed see that. He i know what numerous others stood by as trump sowed division over the years so how can don jr. And others play in the role of the spreading of the rhetoric . This is a speck spendly weak defense of the president s conduct. The thing that has emerged is how powerful Donald Trumps voice is and how much list supporters recall accept his charge and carry it forward. We remember when we had a president who took him literally and spent bombs to members of the media. Fortunately they werent valid devices. And others have acted on his words. So he is on notice that they are powerful. There is, of course, a question of his intent. This is why his personal conversations, his correspondence to the extent there is any, will be so important. We need to determine whether or not he actually intended to interfere with the functioning of government, was it his goal to use this mob to prevent congress from finalizing the vote in favor of joe biden. That would, for instance, involve a seditious conspiracy or was he even going a step further and trying to get people to actually engage in violence. There is a lot of hyperbole here. Not just on those statements alone but on the entire course of conduct for all these people in wednesdays events. Thank you all. Still ahead, a member of congress on the hunt for insurrectionists. And later, the moment through this lens of history. How will future generations judge america for the riot and for the response . First, the other big stories were watching on msnbc. Good afternoon. Congresss attending physician warns house lawmakers may have been exposed to covid19. In an email to members, the doctor cites worries due to the largely maskless crowd that forced them into lockdown wednesday. President donald trump will hit the road in his final full week in office. Set to speak tuesday in alamo, texas, to highlight his administrations work at the border. It is likely to be his first public appearance since wednesdays speech before the lockdown. And the Investigation Continues on the indonesian passenger jet that crashed early after takeoff from jakarta. Crews recovered the 737 engine. Theyve also located the black boxes. Officials have yet to retrieve those. More american voices after the break. More american voices after the break. Oh. Whats going on . Oh, darn let me help. Lift and push and push there. Its up there. Hey joshie. Wrinkles send the wrong message. Help prevent them before they start with downy wrinkleguard. On the sleep numberowest pri360 smart bed. Son you can adjust your comfort on both sides. Your sleep number setting. Can it help me fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But, can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Will it help me keep up with mom . You got this. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. Dont miss our weekend special. The queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is only 899. Plus, 0 interest for 48 months. Ends monday. To learn more, go to sleepnumber. Com. Breaking news from the white house. Nbc news has learned that tomorrow President Trump plans to award ohio congressman jim jordan the medal of freedom. That is managers highest civilian honor. It is notable that jordan has been an ally of trumps in the house and he was one of the 147 republicans to vote to overturn the Electoral College results even after the assault on the capitol on wednesday. Meanwhile, democrats are pushing ahead with a second impeachment of President Trump. But first, Speaker Pelosi said House Democrats will give Vice President pence 24 hours to invoke the 25th amendment before an article is brought to the floor. This as another republican stands up, calling for the presses to resign. Pat toomey now joins alaska senator Lisa Murkowski calling for trump to go. The question for democrats, how to wield their power to hold donald trump accountedability and prevent him from running again. Where does joe biden fit in, tasked with taking care of a country deeply divided. Thank you so much, congressman, for joining us. You have this nbc news reporting that the fbi and nypd told Capitol Police about the possibility of violence ahead of wednesday. What do you make of the misjudgment of this threat . A catastrophic misjudgment. I will share openly that i had anticipated, not this sort of violence that we saw but definitely civil under rest on an order of magnitude that was enough for me to literally pack my toothbrush and pajamas and plan to bunk up in my office that evening and use the tunnels. If i knew enough to avoid danger, i would be hoping people responsibility for the Capitol Police amongst others would have prepared adequately as well. That is chilling. So what safety precautions do you believe should be put in place as we look ahead to joe bidens inauguration . Well, i think we need to make sure that were protecting ourselves at least as well as we protect the country when the super bowl happens. We didnt see that protection certainly this wednesday. So i think there is an enormous amount that needs to happen between now and january 20th to make sure the already abridged version of the inauguration happens safely and peacefully for everyone. That is history and heritage that we all value. We have just seen for the first time in our history that the peoples house and the senate floor violated in a way we have never seen before. And we should all be as americans, deeply offended and concerned by that. As a veteran, your National Security assessment of President Trump . I very much worry about our safety. Not just in domestic homeland safety right now as weve seen this week but also internationally, on the global stage. Listen, what we saw unravel over the course of wednesdays afternoon of events could happen on International Stages as well just as quickly, within a few hours. Which is why i was as resolute as ive ever been in my entire life to make sure that i upheld and defend and supported the constitution. Upheld my oath. I am incredibly resolved as i know many of my colleagues are cause the aisle to make sure that we work rapidly, to make sure this president is no longer our president so we can protect not just ourselves on our homeland, our home soil but internationally as well. And as importantly, we need to make sure whatever were doing, moving forward on the 25th or impeachment or him resigning that we are sending a message to our allies and foes and generations to come that we will not abide by this behavior. Im looking at the deer colleague letter that Speaker Pelosi made out. What do you make of the time line laid out in this letter, and the calls to Vice President pence to instroke 25th amendment . I agree the time line. It is what i have supported the last few days. I believe right now the responsibility rests squarely with the Vice President , with the opportunity we have through the 25th amendment and through the cabinet. I believe we would like very much in the congress not to have to move toward those articles of impeachment. But i would be it would be a dereliction of duty for me personally and a number of other people in the congress if we did not do everything we could to make sure we secure the safety of our citizenry over the next ten days. So ill be watching what happens tomorrow and heading down to wash tomorrow. We had that breaking news as we came on air that the president plans to give the medal of freedom jim jordan. Your thoughts . It astounds me. It so cheapen thats incredibly important award and ceremony. Something that is so remarkable and so rare to be award ed to someone in my opinion has been at the bidding of this president. It greatly disappoints me and cheapen thats very special award. We appreciate your time. Next, the georgia play book. How can democrats look at what happened in georgia . And use to it flip other red and purple states. And later, news this week revealing a massive disparity among men and women when it comes to the job reports. Take a guess about who is bearing the brunt of this pandemic. Mo more american voices after this. Mo more american voices after this. Your clothes can repel pet hair. One bounce mega sheet has 3x the hair fighting ingredients of the leading dryer sheet. Simply toss into the dryer to bounce out hair lint. Look how the shirt on the left attracts pet hair like a magnet pet hair is no match for bounce. Its available in fresh scent unscented. With bounce, you can love your pets, and lint roll less. Want to sell the best burger add an employee. Ode . Or ten. Then easily and automatically pay your team and file payroll taxes. That means. World domination or just the west side. Run payroll in less than five minutes with intuit quickbooks. And ask your doctor about biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in certain adults. 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The results, historic giving democrats the first senate seat in georgia for over a decade. The question now corks this play book help democrats win again in other parts of the south . With me now, jessica bird, a strategist and Founding Partner at threepoint strategies. Torrey is the president and founder of way to win, and the executive director of new florida majority. All right, jessica. I have to start with you. When you look at what happened in georgia, what is the big lesson that organizers and other states can take and implement immediately . Hey, this was the bright spot of this week. And im so proud of everyone in georgia. I want to send a lot of love and gratitude and celebrations to everyone and see forward. Thats where we start. You dont start from a map that tells you what you can and cannot do or a formula that tells you some People Matter more than others. You start with a vision, dream big and say how do we ensure every Single Person in this state, in this community, in this country can live a full and meaningful life, and you build a plan no matter how long it takes in order to do that. Thats what we saw. I had the honor of being stacy abrams chief of staff and she never stopped dreaming. It is not because she was alone. Everyone in georgia was willing to dream with her and we see what that gets them. I imagine you and torey were watching going down in george. Cheering and applauding with your friends and asking, how do i make work somewhere like florida . Which lessons are applicable and which are not . Just like she said, we saw with it deeply rooted, racial and electoral had justice organizations and teams. In florida, there are so Many Organizations working toward transforming florida into a state where all of us can thrive. And around the country in every corner of this nation there are organizers and organizations putting in the work the reclaim democracy and advance justice. Clearly we dont organization in a vacuum. I take great hope, i know it is always darkest before the dawn and georgia was such a bright spot in the new year already. And were very excited to have a new political power and engaging voters year round in the state that i call home. Andrea, the last time you and i were together in person, something we can say very rarely these days because of the pandemic. I was reporting from florida. You were out doing geo tv. It was the middle of the day on election day. You were fairly optimistic. As it got later into the night, you and i continued to talk and it did not turn out as you wanted. How has your understanding of the state changed since election day . What did it expose . Clearly, the vast disinformation efforts, i mean, the right knows they cant win in a fair fight. They incite white supremacist platforms. We demand Spanish Language media which has enabled. So disinformation. We demand that they stop spreading hate speech and enabling what we saw, this electoral cycle. Because this hateful rhetoric is coming with a real cause to democracy. Many voters were scared into not casting a vote for biden because of the incendiary language. It was all over Spanish Language, all the platforms, whether it was newspaper or tv or radio. Now we have a real opportunity where we can talk about, it is actually the right that has been obstructing and undermining democracy at every turn. Torey, President Trump expected to visit the rio grand degree valley to high flight construction of his border wall. Meanwhile, covid19 spiking there. How do you show the link between them and their own Republican Leaders and then once you establish that link, how do you empower them to initiate a change with their vote . This particular president started his bid disparaging. He used his time to separate thousands of latino children from their families. From charlottesville to el paso, he used incendiary racist rhetoric that caused one of the fanatics to drive across the country and kill 22 people in el paso, texas. The last thing he can do, the last bit of his legacy, the only thing he can point to is a flimsy piece of wall at the border. Thats where hes ending. This particular presidency marred with violence. And the valley is what we call south texas. And thousands, nearly 100,000 people have gotten covid there. And we are nearing 4,000 people who have lost their lives. This is a time, regardless of the state they live in. Repudiate trump. Georgia taught us the sun belt states are full of power. If and it is up to us to take it. Way to win numbers, part of the vanguard, the dreamers, they invested 110 million into the sunbelt. We knew we could invest in the future and we knew we could win. We predicted, arizona and georgia in 2016. And that single intervention, win members, investing in the south and southwest, kept trump from running to the supreme court. Wasnt just pennsylvania that had filmed. It was all the northern states plus georgia and arizona. So this shot in the arm, this grd the south is rising is absolutely the play book were following in texas. It is the play book weve been investing. It is really the future. There was an almost incredible split screen we watched this week. On one hand you had georgia delivering the senate to democrats with the two wins there. And at the same time, you saw the tike the capitol that happened on wednesday. It clarified this core tension happening right now. As an organize he, how do you take that and use to it move your efforts forward . Yeah. I mean, even as you were saying that, that memory of that pit in my stomach. That georgia organizers wont get the coverage they deserve. White lash which has long in the history of the United States followed civil rights progress. So we are sitting inside a continuum of this white rage. So what i say to everyone and myself is, progress will still open. Across geography, across states, it will opinion. Not just because we have more people than them. Truly our job is to build a country that can govern for the people who live in it. Were not going anywhere. There are black people in the future, latinos in the future, young people already planning for the future and they should prepare for the biggest and brightest future. What that split screen told us is that we have to choose progress now. It is not just about whether or not a voter can give us im so glad georgia voters chose to do it. Bits whether we are brave enough right now to say whats really happening. So people on our teams, in you are on organizations, our communities, theyre saying im scared. I dont know had a will happen but i know im scared. Theyve got more guns than us and it seems like theyre not being expected to follow the same rules as us. Our job as organizers is to say, ive got your back. Feel me at your back and know, when we look back, you chose the side of your future and your progress. And that more than anything is what we need now. So what has been sitting on my heart with that split screen is how much courage all of us will need to move the ball forward. And to demonstrate, when black and brown people say that violence has no place in process, in our candidates, that we trust them first time and extinguish it whenever it rears its head. Thank you all so much. When it comes to women, jobs and the current economy, we thought we knew how bad it was. It turns out many of us had no idea. New jaw dropping data next on american voices. Data next on american voices. Liberty mutual customizes your Home Insurance, heres one thatll really take you back. 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Job Market Recovery that had been underway for the past seven months, clearly over. In december alone, a net loss of 140,000 jobs. 140,000. Dig deeper and there is an even more startling fact. Those 140,000 jobs, do you know how many were held by women . All of them. I know my brain couldnt quite compute it either. Women accounted for one hundred , all the jobs the economy lost. Yes, there were men who lost their jobs in december as well. When you look at them as a group, they came out behind. Among them, latino women, restaurants, other essential Service Sector industries, often for very low pay. Last month as the impact. Virus got worse and led to new shutdowns, leisure and hospitality employers cut nearly 500,000 jobs. Nearly 60 held by women. In childcare continues to be a massive challenge. As emily martin of the national we wills law center told fortune. If you were in a low wage Service Sector job youre not able to work from home and try to take care of your kids between conference calls. If you have a care giving crisis, you may have to leave the work force entirely. This is a crisis exacerbated by the trump administrations failure to get this virus under control and it is a symptom of multiple systems overdue for a reckoning. Inequities in pay and access to aaffordable Quality Childcare with those long term impacts on a womans earning potential in a few days donald trump will be gone. But the impact of this economic crisis could likely leave with us a widening gender and racial wage gap that unless it is reckoned with, these women, their families and our economy will feel much, much stronger. Next, how this weeks insurrection at the capitol will go down in history. Americas voices carries on after this quick break. N after this quick break only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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Com in this week of news gave you whiplash, well, you are not alone. On monday the nation was still reeling from the trump and raffensperger tape called worse than watergate. Wednesday, trumps followers were leading an armed attack on the capitol. On friday, trump confirmed hell skip the tradition of attending his ssuccessors inauguration. Feels like the events of january 2021 could be their own textbook. Here to put this into context, president of the africanamerican intellectual History Society and professor of history at university of professor, dr. Blaine. Good to see you again. How do we ensure that President Trumps role in this insurrection is never forgotten . Well, we certainly have to talk about it as we are. We have to write about it. As a historian, thats one of the things thats especially important for me is making sure that we document all of this because in another 20 years or 30 years or more when we look back, i think its important for the record to show the role that trump played in really igniting this insurrection and i think in so many ways setting us back as a nation. Yeah, and how about the people around him, how do we make sure that they are not written out of that story . We certainly have to talk about the complicity, we have to talk about, you know, i think even this past week, many of us saw individuals resign and i think for the most part, many people chuckled when we saw this because, of course, what does it matter to resign at this particular moment two weeks before transition of power . Ultimately, these are individuals who stood by trump. These are individuals who supported his efforts. Who had so many other opportunities to denounce his rhetoric, his actions, and they did not. So, to now resign, it is quite comical and its important, i think, for historians, certainly for journalists to document the role that others played in being complicit and looking the other way and, of course, adding to this problem. Dr. Blain, rioters carried the Confederate Flag into the halls of congress this wednesday. What similarities, what overlap, do you see between the civil war and the moment we are living in today . In so many ways that particular act reveals how this moment is certainly echoing as you noted the civil war. Im also thinking about reconstruction, the period right after. But in an of itself, the act reveals how this particular moment is unprecedented because this is really the first time that someone has imagined to walk through, to carry, the confederate battle flag into the Capitol Building as part of an insurrection. That is important to know because even during the civil war, confederate soldiers were unable to walk freely and enter the Capitol Building with the confederate battle flag. So for it to take place this year in 2021, its telling but the fact that the flag is carried ultimately is perhaps the most important symbol to demonstrate what is at the heart of this insurrection. And it is an attack on democr y democracy, to be clear, but specifically what the confederate battle flag stands for is ensuring that certain voices are excluded, that certain people are excluded from, you know, this notion of american citizenship, and so it is an attack directly to people of color in this country and specifically, to black people when you understand the context of the civil war. Lets broaden that out further because in 2020 Police Responded brutally to the largest peaceful protest in americas history then this week authorities met a violent insurrection with much greater restraint. So then how do we tell that story . Well, clearly, theres a double standard. And weve seen that, of course, as you point out, in the uprising. Weve seen that even earlier when i think about the Charleston Shooting that took place in 2015. And the wave of the White Supremacists who had just murdered nine people sitting in a prayer service, in a bible study, who had welcomed him in. He was carefully, you know, he was carefully arrested. He was taken for a bite to eat. Treated with really more dignity than black people are treated when they march in the streets and demand that black lives matter. So, its clear that there is a double standard, and its clear that even as were watching how the Police Respond to these circumstances, we understand how White Supremacy functions in the spaces and a similar thing, of course, is taking place with insurrection, had these been activists who looked different and, of course, had these been activists who were, you know, calling out the dedevaluation black lives, they would not have been treated as delicately as the insurrectionists were treated just last week. Dr. Blain, i am a mom. I think a lot about how am i going to explain this all to my kids, how theyre going to learn it in history classes. Thank you for giving us a p preview of that. At the top of the hour, do not miss the week with joshua johnson. At 9 00, hes going to bring you a special report on the attack on the capitol. I will be back to wrap up american voices after the break. Ur Home Insurance, heres one thatll really take you back. 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New reporting and new video cast the attack on wednesday in a new light. And well hear from elected officials and experts. What do we do as a country after an insurrection . From nbc news World Headquarters in new york, im joshua johnson. Welcome to the week. Its one of the top questions after the violence and insurrection at the capitol

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