Transcripts For MSNBCW AM Joy 20180225

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women. and because he happens to have an r after his name, we look the other way. we don't complain. this is, this is a party that was ready to endorse the republican party, endorse roy moore for the senate in the state of alabama, even though he was a credibly accused child molester. you cannot claim that you stand for women -- and put up with that. good morning. welcome to "am joy." conservative author mona charen went off script saturday at the cpac earning aggressive boos and heckling for her rebuke of donald trump and roy moore. "washington examiner" reports that mona had to be escorted out for her own safety after her comments. it was a stark contrast to the raptures reception the day before for trump who tossed aside his prepared remarks to give his greatest hits. a stream of consciousness of rambling that have become the hallmark of his rhetorical style. here are some of the highlights. >> by the way, you don't mind if i go off script a little bit. it's sort of boring. >> you may be tmay be the only fulfill more promises. no president has cut so many regulations in their entire term. don't worry, you're getting the wall. okay. don't worry. you need electoral college, which, by the way, is much tougher than the popular vote. the popular vote would be so much easier. we have a very crooked media. we had a crooked candidate, by the way. but we have a very -- we a very, very crooked media. nobody that loves the second amendment more than i do. because people want tax cuts. and they don't know what reform means. except for one senator who came in to a room at 3:00 in the morning and went like that. we would have had health care, too. remember that. they will take away -- thank you. they will take away those massive tax cuts and they will take away your second amendment. tomorrow, the headline will be, protesters disturb the -- one person, folks. doesn't deserve a mention. doesn't deserve a headline. you think they're giving us their good people? she stroked his pretty skin again and kissed and held him tight. but instead of saying thank you, that snake gave her a vicious bite. oh, shut up, silly woman, said the reptile with a grin. you knew i was a snake before you took me in. >> that person is the president of the united states. joining me now msnbc elise jordan senior editor for "atlantic" and author of. elise, here at the table, i'm going to start with you. where is the republican party when mona charin who is a long time, very conservative republican, very consistently conservative. she criticized newt gingrich back in the day. criticized from the right of him gets booed for saying it's wrong to endorse a child molester, but that just stream of kaun consciousness, remembrance from the campaign is what gets the raptures applause at cpac. >> conservatism as we know it dead during the trump administration. this is not about conservative values and principles and building up liberty and personal responsibility. no, it's about the cult of donald trump and decent is not tolerated. you look how mona charin had to be escorted by security. this is the level it has gotten to if you speak truth about donald trump and his horrible record when it comes to women. >> you know, jennifer, to back that up, you know, donald trump was very excited about these numbers. a straw poll. saddam hussein-like numbers. re-elect numbers in terms of the cpac straw poll rating. 73% believe the country is going in the right direction. 60% believe that bob mueller, the republican boy scout-like former fbi director has been unfair. and, of course, donald trump was very excited. he tweeted out the cpac straw poll results. 93% approving, 50% saying president trump should tweet more. 79% say republicans in congress should do a better job of working with trump. your thoughts, jennifer. >> well, let me start with mona who is a dear friend and that is m o m mona to the core. she will say whatever she wants regardless who the audience is. cpac has always been out there on the fringe. the younger folks who say, oh, look how crazy they've gotten overnight is not quite accurate. they've been a little nutty, frankly, since frankly going back to the '80s. what is different now they really do embody the entire republican party. cpac has become the republican party or vice versa. that the party of rationality and the party of facts and the party of decency, of human values and family values is no more. and that it is descended into a hooting, hollering mob. if you remember, once upon a time, like yesterday or the day before or the week before, conservatives used to complain about college campuses. that they stifle descent and it became dangerous for speakers. well, look who is the hooting mob and look who is the person speaking truth. so, this is the unfortunate state of the republican party. it's why i and some other folks, i think probably david takes a different view. think the republican party is irredeemable and we need to, in essence, start over. it is a sad truth that it's not only the people who are out there like nunes but also the people who should know better. elected officials, nonelected speakers and participants and, frankly, the so-called gatekeepers who have thrown intellectual honesty and integrity out the window. you see it for what it is now. >> david, do you take a different view that this is evidence of the republican party's irreversible decline? >> well, i'm going to join jennifer in sending kudos to mona who did an important thing. cpac is basically a job and products fair. in any year if you go there, you'll notice the halls are full from very few speakers. mostly action in the corridors. thousands of people there. it skews old raand opportunisti meeting and always has been. the craziness comes with permission from the top. even during the early 2000s cpac would have submitted its list of speakers to the white house communication department and said anything here that will cause embarrassment to the people from the white house who, otherwise, will be canceling at the last minute. you want condi rice to come and say something, you better not have the leader of a party from france on the program, too. this white house is not exercising any kind of that due diligence or it's approving it. it's a permission from the trump white house that makes cpac which, you know, is pretty nutty when there isn't a republican president in the white house. >> last cpac we were treated to steve bannon triumphantly coming in and declaring that his right wing nationalist movement and dragging reince priebus there to look uncomfortable. this year we're treated to michael steele who is just outside the ball room when he hears that a person at the lectern is only saying he got his job as rnc chair because he was black and then is told yesterday by matt that he needs to have some grace and reinterpret those words to mean something other than what they mean. in your view, is there, is there anything about the republican party that recommends it to women and people of color at this stage? and how do women and people of color still stay in it? >> well, i'll start with the last part of your question because it is beyond me how women and people of color can feel in any way at home at the republican party. and, again, i go back to what mona charin said yesterday because it was incredibly important. if you go online this morning, you do not see a flood of conservative women coming to her defense. what she said was absolutely correct. yesterday i believe i was watching your program and i believe you asked michael steele, does the republican party have a race problem and his answer was yes. there should be people of both political parties coming to both of their sides and saying admittedly, the republican party has a problem with race. it has a problem with women. if you go back in, again, and listen to what mona said. roy moore was credibly accused of being a child molester but there are women in the republican party who yell no who didn't believe him or there are people who believe that as a political farce and they only stand with women if the accused is a democrat. we have to stand for women at all times whether the accused is a democrat or a republican. we have to stand for children. we have to stand for people of color. we have to stand for all americans and right now there is nothing in the republican part y of today that says it is a party for women, for children or for religious minorities. it's an absolutely horror. >> you know, elise, the president and vice president have all been speaking and david mentioned used to be a fringe thing. you go out and do these focus group and talk to republican women. is there a genuine sense among particularly white republican women that the party is sliding away from them or are they standing back? >> i think there's certainly discomfortable with donald trump and all the allegations against him. credible allegations of sexual assault. and then you have the recent rob porter incident where a man who had beaten his wives was allowed to stay on at the white house. this news, it's so much. and, you know, it happened that time of the election when he was up against an unpopular candidate. that they could not see themselves voting for. if there is another alternative that is more, i can see women voters peeling off. >> it didn't happen with roy moore and a lot of people were shocked at how many people voted for roy moore and still waiting for that tipping point to happen. back to your friend, mona charen, she's pretty consistent. where does somebody like her go at this point? i mean, is she now branded some sort of rhino even though she's been a very conservative republican for a long time? >> well, there are many of ous who are now political orphans and i get asked that question a lot about myself, obviously. i don't consider myself a republican any more. though i'm still a center right politically interested person. but i think this is a real problem that they are excluding a whole cvoters not necessarily because of substantive issues. mona may agree with trump on more issues than i do. because of this basic moral and basic character issues and his basic fundal towards developmentic institutidevelopmt institutions and norms and for those of us that felt there was a place in the republican party, it's a problem. right now we're rattling around and what dbecomes of us? do the democrats keep their heads and make room for people who are more centrist than their base? that is the $64,000 question and we haven't made a decision yet. >> very quickly, david and then michelle bernard. who has the -- >> matt is not a believer. he is not a. he is an operator. procter and gamble person. so f the signals from the top were different, matt would bend and accommodate to those just as easily as he's accommodated to the trump white house. that is true of hundreds of people. so, i think the actual project, if you had better leadership inside the republican world, that it would pull even cpac along with it. the question is when does that material and that takes us to the basic problems of the division of the country. >> and, michelle, same question to you. is there anyone that you can think of today that has the moral authority to try to grab conservatism in the party and pull it back towards normalcnor >> i believe these people have the moral authority to do it. whether or not anyone will listen is another story. again, at the top of my list, i'll put michael steele. i think he has credible moral authority to right all the wrongs within the republican party. the current lieutenant governor of the state of forgive me, i'ma brain fog. rave reviews in the state of maryland for what he's doing and i would say possibly john kasich. >> elise jordan, thank you very much. david frum and michelle bernard will be back. next up, republicans attack the police. stay with us. 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fbi dropped the ball. they dropped the pall. so, it's pretty much been a given that conservatives are almost pro police. hostile reaction to the black lives matter movement calling for an end to the killing of unarmed. love even more than the police, guns. cpac, the conservative political action conference, where several speakers including dana loecsh have vented. all the while ignoring the elephant in the room, the easy availability of an assault weapon to a known, troubled 19-year-old. tarnishing law enforcement is certainly an interesting move for the right whose agenda, specifically the agenda trump ran on has been law and order. jennifer reuben and michelle bernard is back with me and author of "one nation after trump." e.j., what do you make of this shift whether it's on trump and russia gate or on parkland, this decided sort of hostility or this hostile attack on law enforcement and anything but guns. >> well, first of all, i think it needs to be pointed out over and over again that the notion that the fbi is some sort of left wing organization is about the most absurd charge you could make. and that's what they seem to be doing whenever it involves an investigation of donald trump. and there is where the key is. this is an autocrattic or authoritarian attitude towards law enforcement. that law enforcement is good when it is enforcing the law against our enemies. thus, once again, you had the shouts of lock her up which is what you hear in one party states and law enforcement is bad if it's trying to enforce the law against president trump or anybody in his coterie. law enforcement is bad if it's trying to get guns out of the hands of the wrong people. it's not just opportunism. it is, as i say, verging on or over the line of authoritarian autocra autocracy. >> you had laura engram tweet out something that i'm sure a lot of people of color found interesting. force anyone to crack under pressure and that was her response to rick gates guilty plea with the mueller grand jury. and then here you have wayne lapierre the head of the nra going after the fbi. >> as we've learned in recent months, even the fbi is not free of its own corruption. i can understand a few bad apples in an organization as large as the fbi. but what's hard to understand is why no one at the fbi stood up and called bs on its rogue leadership. >> what do you make of that, michelle? >> well, i'm going to call bs on that sound bite. i mean, it's just, it's absurd. we know that these law enforcement agencies, for the most part, are filled with people who are conservatives. and, you know, and the country has always admired them for the work that they do. yes, mistakes were made, but the bottom line is, children were shot down like animals in that school and it has been happening for many, many years. and the public is not going to be fooled by the fact that the republican party is sort of punting the issue and trying to get people to talk about all of these other issues when the most important issue is gun control and what are we going to do to protect our children. on that front, the other issue that i think is important to mention is that all of these discussions about bringing guns into the classroom and having teachers armed with guns is absolutely absurd. it makes no sense and, again, it's another way of confusing the issue and talking about the fact that we have got to make sure that people cannot get guns and shoot down children innocent children at school. >> it's interesting, jennifer, because beyond that the conservative movement finds t m themselves at odds whether there should be more police and more places. the s.w.a.t teams that have to go into school are probably not excited about the idea that multiple people are running around with guns. she tweeted this out on thursday the nra spokesperson. you didn't stand up for them when they were repeatedly reporting that this was threatening them in messages. his parents were reporting he had a gun. it's literally your job, not mine. that was something she tweeted the broward sheriff. here's dana loecsh sitting next to at the town hall this week. >> we have to start following up on red flags. 39 times in the past year. it was law enforcement or social services who went to this individual's home. >> if the individual was threatened and it was real, it is a crime. but if he's posting things -- >> they were threatened with death. they were threatened that they were going to be killed. >> what is your specific case? >> and he had already taken bullets and knives to school. he had already assaulted people. he assaulted his parent. he assaulted other students. 39 visits and this was known to those -- >> you're saying 39 visits -- >> jennifer, but i can't help but think what the optics or what would the response be when people of color criticize police for their actions. the cas tirx ootillo filed acti. the right would never stand for that. they won't. >> several things are going on here. it's not just first as e.j. says an attack on law enforcement. anything in the judicial system whether it's who we prosecute. whether it's, quote, so-called judges. trump is on an authoritarian power trip and the judicial system which some believe to be the crown of american democracy is a very big impediment to what he wants to do and, therefore, a constant target. secondly, of course police make errors. of course, the fbi makes errors and we should absolutely look t. would the nra support a law that allows a person to report someone who is of the kind that we had in parkland make an appear p appearance, have a temporary restraining order and have that person have a hearing to determine whether that person should be owning weapons? i don't think so. so even her accusations. whenever they kind of intersect with the truth, which is purely by coincidence, she won't be willing to carry them out to the natural conclusion. and just something briefly about the issue of teachers carrying guns. this is the dumbest idea of many dumb ideas trump has had. first of all, when police enter a building, they are going to shoot anyone who is shooting. so, the teachers are going to be the first mark. secondly, these are not trained people. you would need s.e.a.l. agents, frankly, to do the job. >> not to the mention the fact that if you put metal detectors up, the former students would know they could walk through the metal detector and acquire their guns in school. >> we were talking -- >> i'll let you guys come back. we'll grab your comments on the other side of the break. coming up, the democratic memo is finally out and, surprise, trump is on the attack. that's next. 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"the washington post" reports that mexico's president has scrapped tentative plans to visit the white house after what "the post" refers to a testy call over the fact that mexico is still not ever, ever, ever going to pay for his border wall. next up, the democratic memo. stay with us. ♪ [screaming & crying] [phone ping] with esurance photo claims, you could have money for repairs within a day... wow! that was really fast. huh. it doesn't have to hurt for long. hmm. that's insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. you wouldn't accept from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. flonase. (vo)just one touch.ith with fancy feast creamy delights, she can have just the right touch of real milk. easily digestible, it makes her favorite entrées even more delightful. fancy feast creamy delights. love is in the details. >> well, all you do is see this adam schiff and he has a meeting and he leaves the meeting and calls up reporters and then all of a sudden they have news, you're not supposed to do that. it's probably illegal to do it. he'll have a committee meeting and leak all sorts of information. you know, he's a bad guy. congressman adam schiff, bad guy. on saturday, house intelligence member ranking member adam schiff with the fbi's approval released the minority's rebuttal. two republican congressmen and white house defender claiming the fbi inproperly sought a fisa warrant. the steele dossier was only a small part of the warrant application and disclosed any partisan sourcing, contradicting nunes' claims. david frum and naoma and congressman, i'll start with you. this memo has long been in the waiting. a lot of it is redacted. if people take a look at it. a lot of stuff is blacked out. what are your key take aways from what was released from an audio report? >> thank you, joy, for your question. any rational person who has read the nunes memo can only conclude that chairman nunes was trying to mislead the american people. let me highlight three points. first, ample, probable cause to execute a search warrant on carter page derived from multiple, independent sources. lays out the russians were actively courting officials such as carter page and george papadopoulos and they had information they were going to disclose about hillary clinton's e-mails. this in no way vindicates donald trump and makes donald trump and his campaign look like they were in a much more suspicious kind of activity and that's why the trump campaign is scared and donald trump is scared and he issued a series of bizarre tweets yesterday. >> also this white house response. this is what the white house had to say. the president supported its release in the issue of transparency. fails to answer serious questions raised about had use of partisan opposition research to approve surveillance of a former associate of another candidate. that's huckabee sanders. what is very clear on page one, page one of the memo is that the fbi's decision to initiative its counterintelligence investigation proceeded started in july of 2016 but that the actual surveillance of carter page didn't happen until he had left the trump campaign. happened after he was already gone in september. but that the important middle point was that page approached the trump campaign and joined it having already been known to the fbi as somebody that russia had taken an interest in. so, would you imagine that an fbi that failed to take note of that. that somebody they had a history with and that they had previously flagged as someone russia was taking an interest in. when that person then joins up and becomes an adviser to a presidential campaign, wouldn't it be derelict to not have noticed that? >> absolutely. derelict for the cia to not have launched a counteroperation into investigate how this is part of a broader putin strategy to undermine not just the united states but democracy around the world. that's what the cia did at the time and towards the tail end of the campaign and obama administration, all the intel we gathered caused the united states to kick out several russian operatives, shut down their facilities here and, in fact, tie this all back to what russia was doing in the ukraine. russia had invaded another country. like physically invaded another country. and, as part of that, had also worked with paul manafort. at the same time, had a physical military operation, they've been conducting a hybrid cyberintelligence operation on the u.s., as well. that cyberintelligence operation a big part of that, as we know, the fake news, social media accounts and then, of course, the third prong was sending people like carter page and paul manafort in to undermine and take over a presidential election. >> you know, david, one of the things that has been the most for me in this has been the consistent demonization of christopher steele, who is a former mi 6 agent from our closest ally in the world, great britain. and the defense of carter page. the idea that it was somehow completely out of bounds for the fbi to surveill him, even though he was already known to have been playing footsie with potentially with or at least being recruited by the russians. >> right. it's, obviously, i don't think that's the hill you want to defend. but it is worth stating that page and papadopoulos were pretty low-ranking actors. manafort, gates and michael flynn were not. when you add all of them together, i'm sure page and papadopoulos never got that close to the center of the trump operation, but manafort, gates and flynn were the have. this is the most foreign intelligence penetrated campaign for president since henry wallace in 1948 when the soviets had intelligence operators inside his third rank campaign for president. this is one of the two major parties. and i think the nunes memo is already receding in the past. you didn't need the minority memo, it was unconvincing on its face. nunes' own antics from what the house intelligence committee should do. but in front of us is this giant indictment of manafort and gates who are owing tens of millions of dollars who you don't want to own money to. massive financial crimes and there they were at the center controlling an american presidential campaign. >> congressman, that is, i think, the point here. it seems from just looking at it, what we know now, the trump campaign was just a movable feast for intelligence operators ally to the kremlin who could send people at all points from the top to the bottom to sort of try to find points of penetration and they kept finding them. you know, that's very difficult, i would say, for the white house to defend. >> absolutely. and i think it's important to look at the democratic memo in context. as we sit here today the president has still not implemented the bipartisan congressional sanctions over russia passed over six months ago. the president still has refused to condemn the kremlin for their attack on us in 2016. and the president still has not told his fbi and other agencies to prevent another attack on our democracy and that is all very suspicious and all this has to be viewed in context, along with robert mueller's guilty pleas. >> meanwhile, you have a republican party in the house intelligence committee where the majority is more concerned with dying on the hill of carter page and defending him and attacking the dossier than they are in pushing the white house to implement those sanctions and to take some interest. some action against russia for interfering in our election. >> this is, again, not the only place that russia has done this. this is up to republicans in congress to stand up for american democracy and the ideals and values that america is supposed to represent around the world. the united states stood up in favor of ukraine. i mentioned ukraine because paul manafort was the lobbyist and adviser for the kremlin-backed person who was trying to allow russia to take over the country. that same person who tried to allow russia to take over another country was running a presidential campaign here in the united states. that is what ultimately the fisa warrant and this mueller investigation are trying to get to the heart of which is how much as a foreign government influenced american democracy and the republican leadership right now is failing to stand up for it. >> thank you very much. david frum, congressman ted leu, thank you. more "am joy" after the break. your body was made for better things than rheumatiod arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz xr 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first for the american people. i want britain first for the british people. and i want france first for the french people. marion macechal-lepen added a to the cpac. morphed political rally, part trump fest and also featured from europe the former head of the uk independence party and one of the head of the party, a nig nig nigel feroz who made comments about hillary clinton. joining us from the daily beast, christopher dickey. tell us about marion le pen. >> she's certainly the most attractive part of the le pen family. than marine le pen who suffered a defeat up against emanuel macron. she has emerged as the hope of the party. this is not really a new thing. in fact, i think it's important to remember back when steve bannon was touting trump ism for the world, you'll remember stephen bannon, of course, he said marion marechal le pen was the future for france. what people at cpac ought to know that the le pens are not a force in french politics right now. they only have eight seats out of 577 seats in the national assembly. maureen le pen is pretty much dead in the water. and marion marechal-le pen said she would drop out of politics and then when she decided re-emerge, she did in in front of the united states of america. and just to give you a sense, from maureen le pen that we flow, this was her response when steve bannon offered to combine. she said i answer yes to the invitation of steve bannon. whereas, marine le pen actually sued people who called her fascist. so, let's talk about the reaction at cpac to marion le pen. this is the conservative columnist who had this to say about marion le pen and her family on saturday. >> quite an interesting person who was on this stage the other day. her name is marion le pen. now, why was she here? why was she here? she's a young, no longer in office politician from france. i think the only reason she was here is because she is named le pen. and the le pen name is a disgrace. her grandfather is a racist and a nats izi, she claims that she stands for him. and the fact that cpac invited her is a disgrace. >> chris, what does it say to you that cpac invited her? and that mona charen was wood for calling her grandfather a nazi or fash thcist? >> either share sympathetic to nazis or fascists or had no idea. that is exactly perfect description of marine le pen. something that people need to recognize, especially american conserve t conservativ conservatives. it's often racist, and almost anti-sm anti-semitic. it's in terms not liberal in the liberal economic sense. it is very socialistic. so, we could say that it is national socialist. which, of course, in german abbreviated to nazi. that is exactly what they're about. >> yeah. and you can explain the le pen and the national front's attitude toward vladimir putin? >> well, i think we see it not only with le pen and the national front but we see it with all the far right movements across europe. they are getting a lot of support and expressing support for putin. putin is the kind of auth authoritarian leader that they would. and he wanted to divide it as much as he possibly can, not to mention dividing nato. so, they like putin and would like him anyway. but they especially like him when he gives them money which is exactly what happened with le pen. she couldn't raise money in france and gave money for her campaign, marine le pen that is. >> christopher dickey, always great to talk to you, thank you so much. >> and there's more "am joy" after the break. ancestrydna is only $69. and now, with more than 150 ethnic regions to connect to...'s the perfect time to find out where your greatness comes from. save 30% at like you do sometimes, grandpa? and puffed... well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden 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working to give one back. because our products rely on the same thing as we all do... clean water. and we care about it like our business depends on it. everybody who wants to call us out, who wants to try to say that people are controlling us, this is a student movement. i have talked with my friends and never again. we are all students here. cameron caskey, he's the one really leading us, none of us are talking with adults. we're just going down the stage. we're just talking out. we're making change, these are students. we're not acting. this is real. >> welcome back to "am joy." there's no question about it the shooting massacre at marjorie sto stoneen high school. yet, some members of the pro-trump media are questioning their motives filling the internet with baseless conspiracy theories, describing the shooting as a quote, false flag. and calling the students, quote, crisis actors. with the help of right wing far-right side true pundit in alex jones' infrawars. focusing on the parkland survivor david hoge because he's mentioned that his father is a retired fbi agent. david was on our show yesterday. here's what he had to say to those critics. >> i'm so sorry. i'm so sorry to each and every one of you that is out there attacking us as witnesses or victims of this incident. it's truly sad how many of you have lost faith in america, we certainly haven't, and we're never going to. that is going to stop now. >> joining us now, jennifer reuben of the "washington post," jason koben. and former breitbart consultant. thank you all. let's start with the conspiracy theories. i'll start with you, gabe, on february 14th, which is valentine's day, less than an hour after that shooting, twitter accounts were already out there calling eyewitness crisis actors. and then gateway pundit five days later shared on twitter and liked by don junior also pushing that conspiracy theory. one day later, reddit channel attacks david hogg and his classmates and then youtube removes info wars video entitled "david hogg can't remember his lines in tv interview" that received 4 million views. and the number one video on youtube suggesting that david hogg is, quote, a crisis actor. there's an infrastructure here pushing it that partly people like donald trump and his son retweeted and listened to. >> where to even begin. the idea that these students have been survivors of a massacre. they've seen their classmates gunned down in cold blood and to have their motivations and integrity questioned by the far right actors is dense pickable. to the point of the connection to the trump world. don't forget, donald trump has given interviews to info wars. >> yes. >> yes, these are french people but they have gained legitimate ma legitimacy in the new world because the president of the united states has not marginalized this the way she should. >> you have saturday donald trump retweeting wayne dupuis, it was 2014, an old video talking about it's okay to be black conservative in america, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. the reason that's signature, wayne dupuis is another one of these conspiratoconspirators, wn that took place to get rid of those videos, how difficult is it for social media to keep up with just the pace and intensity and amplification of this content? >> we'l >> well, we've seen that youtube and facebook have had problems. if you searched for david hogg this week. ute have a couple legitimate videos, 10 or 20 on the front page calling him a crisis actor. we saw over 1,000 videos on youtube calling these students crisis actors. yeah, it's a huge problem. it's become not mainstream but popular especially on social platforms. >> kurt, you used to advise breitbart. once it's in the bloodstream, that breitbartian audience, are the targets. is there anything that filters them from that type of information are they eager consumers? >> that's the scary idea. the idea that there is control of breitbart infowars or gateway pundit, there just isn't. they look to put this up there. in their minds they think they're playing a game but they're trolling the media and politicians. we live in an actual world. and it then it immediately becoming really fake news. instead, you have an entire group of people misinformed, sharing ridiculous conspiracy theories. in reality until today's world, there's no safe guards in place to stop that virus that infects everything. what happens, we have innocent kids coping with an unthinkable and unmanageable crisis coming understand attack. >> jennifer, you write an opinion college for "the washington post." and that's the challenge, right? that normal media is just up against this barrage of fake news, sometimes amplified by russian bots and nonactors. and there really is infrastructure on the other side, right? >> yes, first of all, release the memo, we saw the same progression from the bots and social media over to the breitbarts, over to fox news and all the way up the food chain. and it happens again, this is how, frankly, the presidential campaign operated as well. and i think it is a struggle, every day, to try to keep listeners, audiences grounded in reality. and when you have a president who is really dedicated to removing objective truth because he wants to manipulate the public, it becomes increasingly difficult. i would add one thing, and that is the sheer irresponsibility of these media outlets. they really are media outlets of the googles and facebook and the rest, they know this is going on. we've just gone through the 2016 election. why is anything with crisis actor up at any of these social mediaial sites? you can't tell me they don't have an al gogorithm to block a of this stuff? what have they learned what kind of social activity are they exercising? i'm not one to influence the press but i think shareholders, congress, outside pressure has to be applied to these companies so they're not facilitating this food chain. it's basically inexcusable. >> jason, can you answer that? what is being done? it's not a first amendment issue. you don't have a first amendment right to have your content on youtube, what are youtube, facebook, google, et cetera, doing about this? >> i mean, they're taking a look at this after it actually happens. it's almost proactive taking down of stuff. you saw that video shoot to number one on trending. it was up there for hours and hours, and had been seen by hubbel hundreds of thousands of people. and only taken down after huge outrage and press response. >> and being liked by the president's son. or repeated by him. >> yeah. >> there's also even if people are taking in the conservative media don't believe the conspiracy theories about these parkland kids they're being messaged even on fox news. a guy called dan on tucker carlson show on tuesday. this is him talking about the parkland students with tucker. >> if you are involved in a horrific, or unimaginable tragedy like this. you absolutely, your voice should be heard. >> but the media is focused more on the teenager's expertise for guns. which, tucker, let's be candid, they've not studied a complicated issue. >> they're using the kids in a moral blackmaiblackmail. >> like giving themselves an out? >> yeah, clearly, they shift the blame to the media. that's the other favorite target of the viewers. it's that this is not the children going through the horrible tragedy. this is the medial giving them say voice as if they're not a legitimate part of the debate. these are the kids on the front lines actually experiencing these horrific events. they are voices that america should be listening to. >> absolutely, kurt, on top of that, in the demonization of the media, probably once again by dana loesch at cpac on thursday saying the media likes and loves mass shootings for a very specific reason? >> many in legacy medial love mass shootings. you guys love it. now, i'm not saying that you love the draddy. but i am saying that you love the ratings. crying white mothers are ratings gold to you. many in the legacy media in the back. >> kurt, crying white mothers? >> i mean, this is a different dimension of idiocy that we're seeing on display from people like dana. there are no words -- this is someone who clearly frankly has no soul, but is a paid mercenary to keep cash for the nra to spread ridiculousness. to make that like that, that anybody covers and enjoys these type of events and that's the events keep happening. and the message they've come up with is we actually need more guns in schools and this will goal away. et fact that kids are coming understand fire from the crazy right. what disturbs me the most, when dana left that conference, she went back to her social circle and she got high-fives from everybody. they're giving her you did a great job. way to go. donald trump probably loved it. he's probably thinking i should hire that girl at some spountpo. that's the biggest toxicity going on. they're just talking to one another and fuelling this. >> it would have been out of place for marion le pen to make that statement. the crying white mothers bit is usual that racial appeal, that same kind of alt right messaging that is completely unrelated. for the defending of guns, after si am i overreading that? >> they basically migrate to a few basic themes. one is the paranoia of the liberal establishments. another is the white grievance fatalities. as if whites are the biggest victims of our society. and the third is at all cost, you defend president trump. i do think it's remarkable, put it this way that the nra and this right-wing infracture is so panicked. i think that's what we're seeing, it is panicked. these kids have burst through the media buzz. they've burst through the cacophony of different voices. they're reaching americans. the polls are shifting dramatically. they're forcing companies to aban their marketing relationships with the nra. the nra and their team of enablers must be scared out of their wits, and they should be. they're much more effective communicators, got knows than effective politicians. that's, why, i think you see this intense really disgusti ii campaign against them. they're scared out of their wits. >> i watched all 6 wayne lapierre's speech at cpac. at the end of the speech he said he wanted to make clear he is not advocating armed resistance to the federal government. the fact that he even needs to make that qualification shows how dangerous and toxic the nra's message could be. the fact that it could even be construed that gun owners should take up unarmed gun ownership. and to show the paranoia that has spread on this movement that they are on the wrong side of history and they're fighting this rear guard action to prevent any limits on this absolutist firearms. >> what was the reaction, did it get booed? >> no, the cpac crowd was really just subdued. there's like an alternate universe. like that seems logical, that we might have to take up arms against the government. >> and is that the kind of fever swamp that is existing at breitbart where you used to be? >> oh, absolutely. the idea -- every time the gun control debate comes up, they jump to the extreme talking point that they're going to come to your door and take your guns which nobody has said that's going to happen. it's a complete fallacy. it's a lie. they jump to that extreme reaction. and it fuels the idea that they're going to have to actually take up arms and defend themselves against the government coming to did the door to take your guns. when he says at cpac, you're not going to have to do that, what they hear, we don't have to do that yet. >> but there's a dwindling audience that believes in the black helicopters which is why they're freaking up. thank you, appreciate you guys. coming up, nra tv might be on the ropes. that's next. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. so why accept it from your allergy pills? most pills don't finish the job because they 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>> is it in hilarious, joy, that the desperation is so tangible from the nra, that this is their next phase, right? they think, we'll just scream fake news and everybody will move on. i can tell you that this outrage that we're feeling now has been there all along. this is -- this is really america. these teenagers, these parkland survivors, they speak for the rest of this country that is demanding change. i mean, let's just be honest with each other. if you're not outraged at this point, are you even paying attention? emma gonzalez put together more twitter followers in nine days than the nra has in their entire existence. so, i think you're feeling a movement. and it's natural that their reaction is going to be run away scared. but you are, you're feeling a sense of desperation from the nra. and i personally -- i'm amused by it. this is the end of their reign of terror as i'm calling it, and i'm excited for it. >> yeah. speaking of amusing, let's play dana loesch's new promo for her new show, which will premiere on nra tv. this is fun. >> to the late-night posts who think their opinions are the only opinions that matter, to the joy-ann reids, the morning joes, the mika's to those who bring bias and propaganda to "now," "the washington post" and "the new york times," your time is running out. the clock starts now. >> well, jennifer reuben, i'm sorry that you didn't get a personal shoutout, but "the washington post" did. >> i know. >> now that ms. loesch is promoting us and trying to get us viewers, what do you make that they just attacked the media? >> that is their basic m.o. i think it really does speak to their desperation. and kind of an old-fashioned and outmoded ways of communication. who's going to sit there and watch nra tv? >> nobody. >> this is so -- >> this is so 1990s. >> nobody. and they're shouting into the wind. they're shouting just to each other. and they look old. they look boring. they look staged. they look insincere. that's the power that these kids have. it's infectious. listen, these kids are going to organize a huge march in washington. when has the nra gotten 1 million people to washington, d.c.? they can't do it. i will say this, it also reminds me of a me too movement. when you have a cultural movement that is going to swamp a political position. what you're seeing now really is mass cultural movements in pushing back against the same old same old. you have the republican party standing there like politicians, defending the status quo, and they're going to hold back a tidal wave of change. and they're going to get drowned. >> you have the culture on one side. all of these companies finding the nra too toxic to still have ties, delta, hertz, metlife, saying no thank you, we don't want to have ties to them. you've got this huge march in washington, pop culture signs on, gucci just offered $500,000. the culture is on one side. and you have this shrinking group of people hanging on. what makes them think that they can beat the culture? >> you know what, i think that they are thinking that it is money. one of the reports that i read for example said that nra tv has an outrageous amount of money in its coffers, $35.5 million. i read about earlier, just spent maybe in the last year or few years by nra tv. their programming is broadcast television network quality programming. and they have the potential to reach millions of viewers. so, i think that probably their strategy is to continue to beat the drumbeat. and assume that people, you know, if they keep beating that drum, people will listen. but i will tell you, as they say, out of the mouth of babes comes change. i believe that we are watching change like nothing we have ever, ever seen. you know, i saw a post, someone called me, brought my attention to a post that my 11-year-old daughter put on instagram. and one of the things she asked is what has happened to my country? and i'm paraphrasing but she literally said don't worry about illegal immigrants anymore. because no one is going to have to come to our country if our teachers have guns in the schools. and what is going to happen to black boys in classrooms if teachers have guns. and a teacher gets a bad vibe from a black boy and shoots him. in that context, i say that the video that we saw of mr. noir speaking earlier is really kind of perverse because it's the media that has drawn so much attention to the unarmed black men and black boys all over the united states who have died as a result of gun violence. and he sprinkles in a little bit of truth. but it's the media that is upholding our democracy. >> brandon, it does strike me that is the way they're doing it. it doesn't feel like they'll appeal to your generation at all. i wonder among your friends is any of this kind of throwback messaging -- what percentage of people does this even appeal to? >> zero, zero is the answer. you know, i really like what's being said around kind of this juxtaposition around old world and new world. i think republicans especially in florida have made a wrong position. they don't understand the new age. i think they don't understand teenagers who are basically social media marketing genius us. and they don't know how to combat on the same playing field. nra tv, first of all, i had no idea that was even a thing until earlier today. i don't know where they broadcast. i don't know who is watching them but i certainly am not. and i know that pmy friends and my peers aren't either. these teenagers are showing us how change is made in 2018. and i feel sorry that the nra can't seem to get their stuff together long enough to be on the same playing field. but i can tell you zero percent of the population is paying attention. >> the sad fact, branden, they're broadcasting on social media, they're trying to get to your generation. they literally broadcast on social media. you said no one you know knows it exists? >> i guess my message to the nra is you are failing, right. your time to dominate the conversation is over. you can't figure out how to use facebook and twitter to move your agenda. so just step aside and let the kids do their thing. >> they're on the youtube as the -- >> on the youtube, as my grand mother might say, they're on the youtube. >> let's play a little bit of the other thing they're doing, jennifer. the other thing they're doing is they're trying to merge themselves with trumpism. now nra and trump inism is the e thing. here is a guy name ed don brass. >> it's unformulated energy that has become unmanageable. let's start with the so-called resistance. people are watching too much "star wars" and hunger games. what are you revisiting? the fact that we're finally able to destroy isis. when our president tried to implement the travel ban. places where terrorists are trained. when that happened, you ran to the airports to lead protests because a few people entering into our country were held up for a couple hours. >> dare i say, jennifer, this is an attempt to radicalize gun owners. i mean, that's what that video kind of feels like. >> yeah, it's just like a bad campaign ad that people laugh at, isn't it? >> with terrible music. it's all bad. >> and the dark voices. >> and it's supposed to be cool. >> oh, gosh, it's really kind of pathetic. listen, these people are clearly reduced in this era to this leaving the ground that they used to stand on which was guns. since they're losing that argument. and retreating to the apocalyptic world of good versus eving, encourage donald trump and their merry band of non-fact believers are the forces of virtuous and freedom in the country. listen, they can only survive, i think, if they embed the gun culture which is fully fading in this blue/red divide. it's only by making this an identity issue for people who that don't even have guns, who don't even want guns who think they can survivor. if you make this like climate change denial. or hatred of the mainstream media that is part of the identity of being a republican, they think they can hold on. >> yeah. >> i think it's just making the republican party more and more crackpottish. >> i'll give brandon the last word. >> i think that's a really good distinction. i think it's something that's important to hammer home. the nra has lost the battle on guns. they've lost the conversation. they do not have a seat at the table anytime. i think the nra actually needs the republican party more than the other way around in 2018. they don't know how to effectively how to use social media. they don't know what they're coalescing around. because the majority of americans are tired of having conversations about school shootings. about mass violence. in june of 2016, i lost my two very best friends at pulse. and 47 other lives were lost that day. they didn't care at that time. no change came. it's been decades since we've been able to have a real conversation on guns but these teenagers have turned this conversation into a winnable argument for the rest of this country. the country can take back their politics from the nra. and i am very excited to be able to have this conversation. to be able to give the microphones to these teenagers. and to finally tell the nra to go take their message somewhere else because it's not playing well here. >> jennifer, you're sticking around, brandon, thank you so much. loved having you on. >> yes, anytime. still to come, "black panther," joining me live. you do not want to miss that. for 100 years, heritage and innovation have made gillette the #1 shave in america. now get gillette quality at lower prices - every day. brought to you by more than a thousand workers in boston. we're proud of giving you our best. gillette - the best a man can get. discover card. i justis this for real?match, yep. we match all the cash back new cardmembers earn at the end of their first year, automatically. whoo! i got my money! hard to contain yourself, isn't it? 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is she actually saying anything? or is that just a tone to distract the american public and the nra members from the fact that she's not serving them. >> jennifer and michelle are back with me. joining me e.j. dionne. e.j., the offense that the nra is putting out is not to put out wayne lapierre, the face of the nra. she's extremely aggressive. all over tv. she's even attacking us here. and basically pushing a message that nobody cares about these kids except the nra, is that effective? >> first of all, god, do i love these students because they are calling the bluff of the nra over and over again. i think what you're seeing here, and the whole show kind of encapsulates this. on mainstream television, the nra offers these compassion sounding word solids that say absolutely nothing. and then to the base, they offer all of this extremist rhetoric which says every right we have has to take second place behind their bizarre interpretation of the second amendment. they know the movement right now and opinion is against them. as we were on the air, a new poll came out from "usa today" and suffolk university, by nearly 2 to 1 now, americans want to strengthen our gun laws, make them tougher. but over 2 to 1, they wanted to ban wednesday like the ar-15. they are losing ground, they know it, and that's why they are reacting in all of these peculiar ways. >> and michelle, this is new polling for e.j.'s point, even favorability of the nra itself is going down. this is after a cnn poll just recently released mostly or favorable opinions, 46%. very/mostly unfavorable, 49%. this is the worst rating since 1995. four years before columbine. then the question, do you favor stricter gun control laws? 70% in february. and the nra is clearly losing ground? >> yeah, they're absolutely losing ground. and basically throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping that something will stick. but they're up against something that they just cannot fight any longer. these students are speaking out, and what they're saying is so quaint and so important. and they're basically saying this can never, ever happen again. and i think the strategy behind using dana loesch as a spokesperson is she is a woman, she does have children. and there's a believe if you put a mother out and she says the things that we hear coming from her that somebody is going to listen and say, look, here's a mom. she thinks everything is okay. calm down, don't listen to the kids. you know, don't listen to the survivors. don't listen to the quote/unquote left-wing conspiracy. don't listen to the mainstream media. but it's wrong. because there are children and mothers and fathers who are speaking out after horrible, tragic loss and people are asking a very, very sensible question, what else will it take before we have sensible gun control in this country? >> and jennifer, also, don't listen to donald trump when he says anything that sounds likese for reform. because here's dana loesch downplaying trump's proposal which is pretty mild. essentially saying, no, no, don't listen to that, she's on trump's behalf walking back the president of the united states' attitude towards gun reform. >> i do want to caution people because i know that people are trying to find daylight between president trump and 5 million law abiding gun owners and law-abiding gun owners all across the united states. these are just things that he's discussing right now. i think it's great as president he had all of these individuals, constituents come into the white house. he had this listening session. he's really looking for solutions and wanted to hear what they have to say. >> that sounds like the nra is quietly signaling going to demand obedience from donald trump. >> you know, dana is not going to get a job with this president by sounding so condescending. bad career move if that's where she's going. one thing or two things going on. they're so inept at their messages, frustrated, lashing out at everything possible. and the second thing the mainstream media has changed their approach to the nra. it used to be on the one hand and then on the other hand, this forced moral equivalence. and then i think on one hand these kids have woken up the media. the media is being more aggressive. and thank goodness, these kids are not impressed with the nra spokesman. they don't have this false sense of balance. they have personal experience. they have the truth on their side. and i think it's very interesting to see how much tougher now the press is when they get someone like a dana loesch. or when they get other spokesmen for the nra. when they do go into the mainstream media now, it's a -- it's hand-to-hand combat, fla frankly. and that's not how they used to be perceived. they used to get deference from the mainstream media, but kudos to the kids. >> there is still mainstream media, and here's one arguing against strengthening background checks if you can believe that. >> the background check system is flawed, isn't that the issue here? >> it's not -- >> well, because we don't put any information in it. >> you're trying to put lipstick on a pig. why do you make this argument that says, well if you just pass more gun laws it won't matter, criminals get it. why do we pass any laws? why do we pass draws on drugs? why do we pass laws on murder? >> well, we should pass my law to repeal the gun-free gun zone act. i call it the safe students act. 3 million people were denied a purchase since this has been put in place. >> e.j., your witness. >> two things, one, every state that has passed things like assault weapons ban has seen sharp declines in these mass shootings. no gun law stops every gun crime. but the evidence is on the side of the assault weapon ban when it comes to preventing exactly what it's supposed to prevent. number two, what you have with these republicans is no matter what happens, they are going to continue to take the nra aligned. and i think they're in trouble this year because the vulnerable seats as ron brownstein has pointed out in the national journal is in suburban area where is republicans are in trouble with voters who don't like the nra. >> absolutely. if you take them at word, 5 million members of the nra. there are about 240 million american adults. i bet a fair amount of them don't want their kids to feel unsafe. >> amen. >> jennifer rubin, michelle bernard, e.j. dionne, appreciate you, my friends. the conservative writer who called out donald trump and got booed by fellow conservatives. but up next, one of the stars of "black panther" joins please live. whakanda forever. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? 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>> oh, my god, i'm incredibly lucky and i would have been really happy to be in a film with just one of these people, angela bassett or chaderic chaderick boseman, michael b. jordan. it feels like serendipity, because i think i mentioned to my agents probably three months prior that i wanted my work to have a social justice footprint, i wanted it to mean something more. i wanted it, you know, to be with directors who have more of an autere feel to their work and a clear voice. so three months later i'm going in for this audition and it happened to be "black panther." i couldn't be happier. >> trudy people, unite, right? the trudy massive. you are an immigrant. how important is it for you as a member of the d'aspra? is it different seeing this film from your point of view? >> i think deeply because wakondas kind of existed for us across the d'a srspra, the idea this country outside the reach and effects of colonialism, and the hopes of what that would be like, imagining what our history and position in the world could be like. imagine how we would be able to change the trajectory of our -- of moving into the future if we didn't have that kind of problematic, hurtful, painful history. and i think it's always been there, but now this movie is giving flesh to that imagination. it's giving flesh and a reality to it. and they're showing up, they're showing out. in trinidad and tobego, there was an african beauty pageant associated with the film, african drummers and dancers. these are people connected with a long, strong history, and they're getting a chance to communicate with a grandeur associated with that and they're loving it. >> for people who haven't seen the film, mbaka is an important character in the film. he's sort of -- >> a traditionalist. >> -- a traditionalist. i think they gave him a lot more dignity, a lot more humor -- >> a lot more responsibility. he's now the leader of an entire twib, tribe, he has the welfare of all these people on his shoulders. >> this is obviously setting up the next big marvel franchise. how excited are you about that? >> i am incredibly excited and stoked. marvel has a really great way of building worlds and getting their fans to be really invested because we get to know them, we get to know these people, we get to know wakonda. it's established a new landscape, a soundcape, all these things to get vested into. now that you're attached and you have narratives to hold onto, they're going to challenge all that with fanis, who is very strong and imposing, and you don't know what he's going to do. it's going to be a lot of fun. >> winston, you are rightly called one of the breakout stars in the film. you're incredible. congratulations. just huge, man. thank you for being here. >> thank you so much. thank you. more "am joy" after the break. what's that mean? not so much. so he turned to his friends at legalzoom. yup! they hooked me up. we helped with his llc, contracts, and some other stuff that's part of running a business. so frank can focus on the beat. you hear that? this is frank's record shop. and this is where life meets legal. gentlemen, i have just received word! the louisiana purchase, is complete! instant purchase notifications from capital one . technology this helpful... could make history. what's in your wallet? 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"am joy" will be back next saturday. i understand you have anna sharon coming up. >> we do have her coming up to talk about cpac. good afternoon, everybody. i'm aaron gilchrist in for alex witt. it is noon on the east coast, 9:00 a.m. out west. new fallout following the release of the democratic memo in the russia investigation. the president calling it a total political and legal bust. dems fighting back this hour. new word from the white house. >> you cannot claim that you st

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