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0 institution of american life doing enough to respond to the threat of democracy. what do you do about a congresswoman openly running for a quote, national divorce, then as the u.s. hits case records, randi weingarten on whether american schools are ready to handle omicron. and what we've learned about climate change in 2021. the year that is now ending with winter wildfires in colorado and near 70 degrees weather in alaska. when all in starts right now right now good evening from new york, i'm chris hayes. this morning the associated press published an extensive and very well reported story on the attack on our democracy. this is the headline, quote, slow motion insurrection. how the gop sees's election power. now reporting from the ap was across the country. this was a slew of major publications including in georgia. the houston chronicle intestine and the tampa bay times in florida. the wisconsin state journal, cbs news, the arizona daily star as well among others. the piece methodically lays out all the evidence behind one of the biggest stories that we have been following this year. the coordinated effort by donald trump and his supporters to the republican party to clear the way for trump's next attempted insurrection or coup. all year long they have been working to convince republicans that the last election was stolen. and then to put into place the infrastructure to control the outcome of future elections despite with the voters may stay. as the ap describes, it in battleground states and beyond republicans are taking hold of the once overlooked machinery of elections. experts are sounding alarms, warning that the united states is witnessing a slow motion insurrection with the better chance of success than trump's failed power grab last year. the attack is happening of course on multiple fronts. people are infiltrating election boards or several candidates that denied the loss running for office and the key role in the election of the next president. for example, michigan, the republican party restocking members of obscured local boards that could block approval of an election. and while all is that is happening on the front line, donald trump has been endorsing primary challengers in an attempt to purge republican lawmakers who will not endorsed the big lie that he actually won the election. georgia, for example is backing congressman jody hice who is running up primary race against the republican, brad raffensperger solely over his refusal to steal the election. and he's backing david perdue against brian kemp. both raffensperger and kemp didn't do what trump wanted to do which was to reach in and change the results for georgia last year or point the state electors to him. despite the fact that georgia voters went to the polls and voted for joe biden. then on top of, that all the new restricting voting laws were aimed from taking power from urban areas where republicans do not want democrats in control of votes. in georgia, one of these new laws is used to launch a review of operations in solidly democratic, fulton county, in atlanta which could lead to a state takeover. so, this is a really important piece of reporting by nicolas rick hardy. it is really well done. you should read. it and it puts to get the full picture of this republican power graph. it is really significant that it comes from the associated press. which is one of the most important journalistic outlets we have. the ap was founded 175 years ago. they have burrows in nearly 100 countries. they are scrupulously nonpartisan, non ideological. and so it is noteworthy that they are through their reporting, recognizing and communicating the plain truth about what is happening here in the u.s.. this report speaks to what is likely to be one of the biggest challenges of 2022 as we near the beginning of a new year. the one year anniversary, the first violent transfer of power in this country since the civil war. the question is, will our american institutions be able to deal with what is unfolding in front of us? the press, including the ap, is a big part of that. but also the courts and local governments, nonprofits, all of the americans in the society have and i've had for a while a two party system in the country. we've had the opposing sides, different collisions and all sorts of issues from taxation. but the system has historically functioned within the boundaries of what you my call, normal democratic politics. well at least in the last four years. and not one of those coalitions is fundamentally radicalizing under basically explicit anti-democratic and authoritarian matter. led by the twice impeachment who attempted to violently overthrow a free and fair election by whipping out a mob and hurling them at the capitol. how will our main she respond to that threat. that will be at the finding or the defining question in the new year. mehdi hasan, is a stream us on msnbc. we also have mona charen who hosts the podcasts "the beg to differ". and david plouffe, seniors visor to president obama. i thought that we would start with each of you going around about how you see this. in terms of how central this question is to american politics in american democracy survival right now. and how you expect or view mainstream institutions responding to the growing threat which i think all three or four of us agree is quite apparent. let me start with you mehdi hasan. >> chris, i'm glad you started the way that you did. it is the biggest issue facing us. it is the biggest issue that in this past year. it will definitely be the biggest issue in 2022 with the midterms coming up. i know that we journalists always say that the midterms are the big deal and they are important. but this 2022 midterm elections are. because i'm of the view that if the republicans take the house as the polls suggest that they will, they will not certified democratic victory in 2024 in current trends. that is what we are headed towards in a massive constitution and democratic crisis. the ap's citing is so important precisely for the reasons that you collaborated on. i would say two things though very quickly about that report, and i urge the viewers to read it because it is so stark and it is kind of scary. the ap says at one point that experts argue that what we are seeing in the tightly covered election is unprecedented. and i would say two things, number one, even -- have to had begun experts. no experts don't need to argue. it's happening in front of our eyes, it's an undeniable fact. what is happening is unprecedented. and what i want ap to do is to go further. i want them to say what is in front of our eyes. i would also say, if the ap are the media organizations conceive that what is happening now is unprecedented in terms of the republican party politics than our media coverage is of what is going on is unprecedented. it has to be different. we can follow the same rules. we can follow the same nonsense an outdated bs. we have to be very quick. we have to say we aren't bias. journalists have to be biased toward small democracies. we if we aren't -- we have to be very clear of what is at stake. and we have to be very clear about what the media has to do. it's an interesting point because i think it's something that echoes in the crossover episode that i did that aired last week, it will be airing again tomorrow in an interview that i did on what is happening. in the interview, we said that journalists are allowed to be bias in terms of a certain thing. one of them is the foundation for each expression which is essentially liberal democracy. we can view that as part of what we are allowed to advocate for. and mona charen, i wonder where you come down on. this because i feel unsure about what i want from everyone other than the focus. i think the focus on understanding what is up in the is the key beginning to anything else. and i'm not sure what comes after that, i have to be on us. >> i would say a couple of things, first of all it's really interesting. when we look at polling and we wonder if democracy is under assault, we got a huge percentage of republicans who are [inaudible] so the republicans believe that they have the last election stolen. and therefore democracy is under attack and therefore pretty much anything is fair game in fighting that against the theft of the last election. so that is the one sort of crazy line that we are dealing with. the people who are actually a threat to democracy are defending. it that's one thing we have to wrap our minds around. the other thing is that among certain conservative intellectuals there has been a kind of complacency that i have seen with the say, look, trump wasn't able to steal the election when he held all the leaders of the presidency. and therefore the idea that he will be able to do it in 2024 is ridiculous. but that misses the point completely. the fact is that the attempted 2020 is completely slashed back. there was the riot, there was the pressure on legislators to ask mike pence to fail to certify the election and so on. the whole thing was thrown together in a series of weeks. this, what we are seeing now is much more methodical. and with two thirds of the republican party believing that the election was stolen and therefore steps must be taken to rectify that in the form of removing secretaries of state who don't except the big lie, given more power to republican state legislatures so that they can affect the vote of certification in swing states and so forth is being methodically plotted out for the next time. it will be slapdash next time. and so that is where we have to begin to focus on. the ap has done it service to bring this to light. one >> and david, i'm going to come to you in a second. but to piggyback off that, look, the most straightforward way that this goes down which mehdi hasan just mentioned, and i think it's important for everyone to remember this, a majority of republican caucus in the house voted to not see the electors from states that joe biden won. in doing so, what was introduced on january six was essentially a congressional veto of the peoples choice for president. there by the congress gets to decide, that you guys said you want to joe biden but no we are going to vote to nazi electors. that bill didn't happen because it didn't work in the votes. but they might be able to get the votes next time. and all this other stuff happening at the level of the county election level is -- in which you have a principle in which the new system is essentially a supernational veto of the peoples choice for president by this in congress, you don't even have to do anything very complicated. that is what is so -- there is not even >> chris, you have to talk about the democrats. you have to talk about they have him perform the electoral act. which is the piece of legislation which will permit that nightmare to unfold. it would be under current law. and so the democrats have the opportunity to reform that horrible law and they haven't done it. >> i am 100 percent on board on that. and david, what more do you want to see happen this year as safeguards? >> well, chris, the ap story comes at an important time. because i happen to believe that in 2025 whether america's in the mock rusty or autocracy is important. and so we need action. we need the senate democrats to act. in january. if not, they are basically waving a white flag. so 60 to 65% were of americans firmly believe that there should be a democracy. and voters should decide elections. that we shouldn't rig them with state legislators or members of congress deciding regardless of the vote. so we also need voters. there needs to be a coalition. not forever, maybe four to election cycles. where you get republicans and independents to say that they questioned democracy. i think that does require people to really believe that is the trend. it's the voters right now on republicans who are making this decision. i think a lot of people feel as if no one is going to do the. and i think that the thing that we've learned with this version of republicans would trump was still the leader is that you better imagine the worst-case scenario. now, they may be terrible out as executing it but they are trying. it another getting organized. they are going to have the truth. and the real concern that i have is in most republican primaries in most states for congress, governor, etc, the people are gonna drive those believe that the election was stolen. they don't really care if they were held with democracy. that is where we are. so it's going to take the media, the senate, etc. build back better -- if they don't save their democracy, i don't have time either. they have to figure out a way to get this together. we didn't want to carve out the filibuster, but we have been left no option. >> i think that's a really good point. i agree. it starts there. it starts with the senate filibuster. but we need to go to mona charen's point. the latest that we have in the ap is the one run from july. there may be more recent, but 66% of republicans do not think that joe biden was legitimately elected president. >> chris. >> i can't imagine that things have gotten better in the meantime. >> chris, that point in the polls just stunning. but also the point that mona charen mentioned. that is that voters have this view. we talked about senate democrats, david mentioned senate democrat, we mentioned the media. let's talk about joe biden. the most powerful man in this country sits in the white house. the presidency. why is he not leading the charge on this? it is a great frustration for me. the 2021 saw him do many good things. i've pressed's work on the economy. i princes work on vaccinations. but when it comes to this issue, the most important issue of all, he hasn't been there up front leading. we get a glimpse of abc news interviews like the one he gave the other day saying yes, we should make a cough or the filibuster. he's at the same thing a couple of months ago. but where is he leading the charge against the filibuster? because if we don't get rid of the filibuster there is no saving the american city. where is the charge against leaving the big lie? where is the plot in which the ap identifies. the other day when we saw trump was covering up his covid debate. biden was asked by reported, what is your reaction to that story? biden said, i tunnel to think about him very often. which was not a very clever response from the president. no, sorry joe biden. you should be thinking about donald trump. because the man incited an insurrection. he's getting and planning the next one. so you should be thinking about donald trump. >> i want to talk about the question of democracy, the question of the sort of insurrection, but then there is also increasingly outright sedition talk. so if you guys stick around, the national divorce proposed by marjorie taylor greene, supported by a whole bunch of other people, we will talk about that next. about that next.

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