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Cases here in the United States has now surpassed 300,000 and more than 8,000 have died. We saw a stark contrast tone between dr. Anthony fauci and President Trump. Dr. Fauci saying social distancing is the best weapon against the virus. President trump expressed his desire to see americans go back to work. Here are two comments about one minute apart. Every place, everybody should be doing some degree of this physical separation. If we do that, again, i have confidence what well see is the turning around of the curve. And mitigation does work, but, again, were not going to destroy our country. We have to get back because, you know, at a certain point you lose more people this way through all of the problems caused than you will with what were doing right now. We cannot let this continue. So at a certain point some hard decisions are going to have to be made. Its like whiplash watching him. Meanwhile new York Governor Andrew Cuomo is warning the fire is spreading. More hot spots popping up outside new york city including long island and across the river in new jersey. Thats the heat map of cases. It is so heavily concentrated around new york. There are 3,565 deaths in new york, and of those deaths 2,600 of them have been in new york city. The reality is that the peak of the outbreak still isnt here. Were not yet at the apex. Were getting closer depending on whos model youll look at, theyll say 4, 5, 6, 7 days. Some people go out 14 days. But our reading of the projections is where somewhere in the 7day range. So were not yet at the apex. Part of me would like to be at the apex and just lets do it. But theres part of me that says its good were not at the apex because were not yet ready for the apex either. Joining me now nbcs alexa liato live here in new york city at an ems station. What is situation when you are alexa . Reporter ali, we just heard Governor Cuomo talking about this apex. Nobody wants to know what this apex is going to look like and when its going to hit more than these First Responders. Were at this ems station. Weve been seeing ambulances coming in and out all evening, just highlighting the toll this pandemic is taking on First Responders. We know that nearly 1 in 4 fdny ems workers are out sick, and some are coming back to work, but again thats a significant number when we know about the total number of emts and paramedics currently working here in new york city. We know new york is repeatedly calling for help. Governor cuomo calling for help this morning, but also making an announcement later in the afternoon he was signing an executive order allowing medical students graduating in the spring, and this follows new york city mayor de blasio saying an additional 45,000 workers are needed to help fight this pandemic and alleviate the pressure on Current Health care works. I spoke to an emt this morning, joe mcwilliams. Hes spent 26 years so far working for the fdny. He called out sick sunday last week and has been quarantining himself. Take a listen to what he had to say. This is completely different animal. I mean, how many people am i going to potentially contaminate with this by going to work . The last number i heard we had from one station was approximately 12 people. Reporter and ali, we know the situation is similar for the nypd as well with thousands of nypd uniforms out on sick leave everyone just wondering when the city is about to get . Relief. Of course the governor this morning announcing some good news with additional vintilators from oregon and china as well as the president announcing additional military personnel. But the question is whether these Additional Resources are going to help fill the gap when this apex does hit this region. Ali . Alexa, thank you and stay safe out there. I want to talk more about whats going on in new york and across the country. Joining me now dr. Natalie azar and dr. Ven gupta. Natalie, it has been a long time since we first discussed someone in the United States would get this and theres been something called community spread. And weve been describing how that was going to work. Its been 2 1 2 months, maybe 3 months weve been talking about that. Im fascinated we still havent mastered the idea this is the controllable part of this disease, but we still dont have a National Consensus how to control it. Yeah, ali. You know, what was interesting today i thought in the presser with dr. Fauci is that everyone talks about whats going to happen on the other side of the curve and when we can pull back from the mitigation strategy. I even remember having conversations at our own medical unit about being careful not to use the term mitigation because wave given up on the pillars of the Public Health isolation, identification, isolation and containment. But i was certainly at least im always encouraged when i hear dr. Fauci speak as i think a lot of americans are that we will get to the other side of the curve. And when we do pull back from that mitigation were hoping we have the testing in place which we didnt have a few months ago so we can go back to those basic steps and be able to identify, isolate and go back to contact tracing, which, you know, again are sort of the abcs of stopping an outbreak. Dr. Gupta, you and i have spent a lot of time talking about the ventilators that we need because this is something you know a great deal about, specifically both of you from your work. And again lack of consistency about this information. There continues to be a message from the president that the states say they are desperately short of these ventilators, dont need as many as they do and that there are some around, and that they cant have as many as everybody needs. Whats your best understanding with where we are with ventilators . You know, my best understanding, ali, we dont know what the true shortfall is because were operating with numbers that arent accurate. We actually dont know how many functional ventilators exist in the United States. We know theres a shortfall. Thats obvious, but can other states actually back fill that, we dont know that. Heres the thing, one of the issues we just glaze over is sending more doctors in or medical students in to fill the gap is not the solution. We need the right doctors who know how to operate ventilators to be there, be on the ground. The medical reserves have an entire medical corp. Im one of them. We need to be mobilizing. Thats why need a federal response so we get the right people in place to supervise the care of these critically ill patients. If we had the military at disposal in new york city wed be able to leverage those capacities. Lets get these resources where they need to be now. Natalie, earlier in the presser we heard about hydroxychloroquine i never say this right. The president continues to be touting this as some kind of a remedy for coronavirus. It is not an fda approved remedy. Whats your thought on this . So here i think are the facts, and you can all interpret them as you like. We have multiple Clinical Trials in the United States right now that are testing the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine as preexposure proef lax fs, post, as well as mild illness and severe illness. We have multiple studies from china and france. Some look more encouraging than others. What we also have, however, and the other, you know, back story to all of this is that hidroxychloroquine is now on the short list. And there was a joint letter from the American Academy of dermtaelg and the Arthritis Foundation last week that urged the white house to ensure there was adequate access of hydroxychloroquine for the lupus patients is certainly for the malaria patients also urging there was global need to find a treatment. So im giving you the facts that are uptodate from today. I think im going to echo dr. Faucis, you know, wisdom and commentary on this that, you know, we do need to have these Clinical Trials to see whether or not this medicine actually works. Its also notable the fda six days ago did issue an emergency use authorization so doctors could prescribe it outside a clinical trial. This is all encouraging but again the shortage for particularly lupus patients has been very real. My patients have experienced it. My colleagues patients has experienced it, so there is a bit of Collateral Damage there. Dr. Gupta, i want to talk about the president who really goes hot and cold on lockdowns, stay inside versus the cure cant be worse than the problem, we have to get back to work. The truth lies in between. Theres no american who thinks this is sustainable for the longterm, but it needs to be more symptomatic than what seems to go with these press conferences where one day were all about locking down and the next day were all about everyone needing to get back to work. How confident are you on the fact america will need to get to work at some point but we need to do so without causing more damage. Well, you o its a step wise approach, and the way to get to the president s goal, which is all of our goals is we all want normal life as soon as possible. And heres the thing we would have gotten there sooner if he had just done what he should have done 4 to 6 weeks ago which is lock down the country. Having ten states in the heartland just do what they want to do while the rest of the 40 other are complying with shelter in place laws doesnt make any sense. A case in missouri or a case in kansas can still cause an outbreak, and a patchwork approach is just not going to get the job done. To really get people back to work is we need good testing and excellent testing and accessibility of these things that right now that swabs are a bottleneck just for the type of test we need, pcr swabs. We dont have enough swabs. So the reality here is testing is not going great. We have bottlenecks on supply, and until that changes were not going to get people back to work safely. Its going to be a large unknown here. So thats the best way. We need supply bottles to be rectifi rectified now. Thank you both for joining me who have been keeping us informed for weeks. Coming up ill be joined by congressman joe nugus of colorado for a look how coronavirus is having an impact around the United States and what congress is doing to help. Around the United States and what congress is doing to help flonase relieves your worst symptoms which most pills dont. Get allinone allergy relief for 24 hours, with flonase. You ever wish you werent a motaur . Sure. Sometimes i wish i had legs like you. Yeah, like a regular person. No. Still half bike half man, just the opposite. Oh, so the legs on the bottom and motorcycle on the top . Yeah. Yeah, i could see that. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. 450degree oven, to box, to you, know that from our its our policy that your pizza is never touched once it comes out of the oven. And were taking extra steps, like no contact delivery, to ensure it. [ one morwoo me b[ laughing ]] woo play pop music no way dude, play rock music yeah woah no matter what music you like, stream it now on pandora with xfinity. And dont forget to catch trolls world tour. Lets party people one more time the socalled hot spots throughout the United States including new york city and new orleans, but there are also a number of Rural Communities that have seen a sharp increase in the number of coronavirus cases, and some of them are in popular Tourist Destinations. Usa today reports, quote, Rural Counties in colorado, utah and idaho where hordes of visitors flock each year to ski or hike are experiencing some of the highest visitors per capita in the nation challenging perceptions of the virus reach. Joining me now is Congressman Joe Neguse of california, representing eagle county where the popular Tourist Destination of vale is located. Vale is one of those places that people go late in the season because there is still skiing to be had. Its a place that a lot of people think they can go to sort of get out from the places theyre in, the more populated urban centers. Whats the situation there . Well, its good to be with you, ali, and good evening to your viewers. Look, what we know is that the covid19 virus does not discriminate. It doesnt matter whether youre young or old, what Political Party you affiliate with or if you live in urban america or Rural America. As you said the virus has hit Rural America particularly hard, and thats certainly the case here in colorado. Were now exception. Eagle county the United States congress has been hit especially hard with some of the highest per capita rates of infection in the United States. As you mentioned some of the most iconic places in our country like vale and avon communities resilient and strong have been hit very hard. The good news is we have leaders that have stepped up to the plate, state leadership in place that has done a terrific job. My predecessor who continues to provide in my view steady, sober leadership that is evidence based and science based. And the delegation as well, eagle county i happen to share that with a republican member of congress and we happen to be working closely to get our community and the communities across our state the resources they need. Unfortunately the partner were missing is the federal government. Squleerly the federal government was asleep at the wheel early on during this pandemic and unfortunately they have yet in my view to provide the kind of coordinated response that my constituents need and deserve. But were going to keep pushing. Let me ask you about a bill that you tweepted youre looking to introduce or three bills youve introduced to end price gouging, to ease restrictions on Food Security programs like snap and wick and prohibit debt reporting on covid19 reporting costs. To ease restrictions on Food Security programs like snap and wick, there are a number of restrictions. We have 34 Million People food insecure before we entered the pandemic. There were a lot of kids getting their meals at school who are not getting those meals at school. Weve seen 470 million meals lost, and there are restrictions for people who get money from the federal government for sustenance for how they can spend that money that may need to be loosened. I share your concerns, ali. As you know these programs are critical bedrock programs that provide Food Security to millions of millions of americans and certainly my constituents here in colorado. We were able to take significant steps as part of the care act to increase funding for Food Security like snap, but the reality is there are a number of food restrictions in place that limit the effectiveness of these programs. The example is the fact folks cant access snap with respect to delivery of grocery goods. You can imagine families that are trying to do their best to respect the stay at home orders that have been issued by localities and governors here in our state which amountimately is necessary to protect Public Health. You can imagine a family that is sick and unfortunately is unable to be go to the Grocery Store to be able to get their needed groceries. But yet because they rely on the snap program are unable to do so, unable to engage in online delivery. Our bill seeks to fix that along with a number of other technical fixes we think are necessary to make the program more robust including the ability to expand the use of snap benefits for things like infant products. I have a 20month old daughter myself and can imagine the difficulties in accessing diapers and similar products of that nature during this economic crisis that so many of our constituents and the most vulnerable are experiencing. So we ought to be willing to step up to the plate and ensure theyre not vulnerable to this crisis and we should protect consumers from the price gouging that has become so prevalent in the communities across our country and you guys have done a good job of covering during the last few weeks of this pandemic. I want to talk about health care. Yesterday i talked to senator sanders about a move, not his medicare for all pitch but about a move to cover costs for covid19. Listen to what he told me. Does the current fear of being unemployed and uninsured enough to turn people who have never taken this conversation that you live by about universal health care seriously, is it enough to turn people including some conservatives around this point of view . Well, ali, ive seen some polls that would suggest that is exactly what is happening because the weakness of the employer based Health Insurance program, concept is very apparent right now, and you lose your job and youre losing your health care. Under a medicare for all system similar to what canada and other countries have, if you lose your job, you still have your health care because it is guaranteed to you as a right of citizenship. Congressman, theres polling that indicates a number of independents, a majority of americans and now some republicans, more than a third of republicans are now interested in some version of a universal health care in this country because theyre seeing what these kind of things can do to americans. I agree with the senator. I mean, ive long supported universal health care. Theres strong support for that across the political spectrum in my view. I have no famiear that the unit states of america, should a loved one get sick go bankrupt. But we wouldnt go a step further and ensure that outofpocket expenses are covered for folks who are needing this health care to be able to survive to me is unconstionable. So there are a number of us going to continue to beat that drum over the coming weeks as we work on a potential next relief package for the american public. Congressman, good to see you. And after the break the president fires had Inspector General who setoff the impeachment trial as the administration faces criticism for the response to a Global Pandemic. Aces criticism for the response to a Global Pandemic let me grab a pen and some paper. Know what . Im gonna switch now. Just need my desk. My chair. And my phone. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. No no no no no, theres no space there maybe over here . Hot hot oven mitts oven mitts everythings stuck in the drawers im sorry oh, jeez. Hi. Kelly clarkson. Try wayfair oh, ok. Its going to help you, with all of. This yeah, here you go. 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Joining me now anita kumar, katrina mulligan, managing director for security and International Policy at the center for american policy, policy director for preparedness response at the department of justice. Thank you to all three of you for joining us. Anita, let me just start with you. Michael atkinson, a disgrace. Michael atkinson did what his job required him to do. He went to the Congressional Intelligence Committee to report that there was a whistleblower complaint he didnt think was being followed properly. Totally understand why donald trump would think thats a bad thing, but it doesnt actually imply any wrongdoing on Michael Atkinsons part. No, i think what the president was saying today was that whistleblower complaint was unfounded, which of course was not true. That a majority of what the whistleblower was saying was actually other people corroborated. I think its not surprising this happened. I guess whats been surprising its been all these many months later. If youll recall in february after the impeachment trial he did dismiss two other people as well that were involved in the case that testified. So the question is really about the timing of this sort of thing as opposed to anything else really. He has indicated the president has indicated that those were against him, those he couldnt trust anymore he would fire and dismiss. Lets talk, annie, about what this means. Theres a deeper issue here. The president had started a purge right after he was acquitted by the senate of various people he thought were involved in this. But the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, thats a role thats supposed to be a little bit different than the operations of the Intelligence Community. Its meant to make sure Inspector Generals in all the department are meant to make sure people within are following the rules theyre supposed to be. So theres actually an insidious National Security concern here with firing Michael Atkinson. There is. But hes made it clear, you know, he cares about loyalty and he hasnt forgotten about impeachment even though were in the midst of a Global Pandemic. And i think looking ahead as anita said his aides have been talking about firing atkinson for months. It did take people by surprise that it happened in the middle of the coronavirus. But trump has made it clear he doesnt want a special i. G. Looking into how the money of the 2. 2 trillion stimulus bill is being spent. He doesnt like these checks that are making sure government functions approximately. He cares about loyalty to him, and this was one more reminder that he hasnt forgotten about the wrongs he thinks were more done to him. He hasnt forgotten about the impeachment and the question is of course whos next, whos still in the government . The whistleblower is still there. What else is he going to do, you know, under the cover of night and pandemic . Katrina, lets talk about what recourse there is for this sort of thing. It is within the president s purview to fire Michael Atkinson. He said he serves at his pleasure and hes lost confidence in him. But when you look around the government there are a whole lot of the people the president has appointed as acting allowing him the freedom to do what he wants with them. Many of them are not even approved by the senate. I think thats right. I mean, were now its hard to be outraged anymore because theres been so many things weve seen that have been really crossed the boundaries of whats normal. This is clearly one of those times. Miket atkinson is career Civil Servant first, 15 years at doj, spent 2 years at odni. I spent 10 years in the office of director of National Intelligence where Michael Atkinson served. The thing i think is important for people to understand when you become a Civil Servant, in particular when you join the Intelligence Community, you dont swear an oath to the president of the United States or this president. You swear an oath to the constitution, and, you know, at this point i think the president s demands of loyalty, they really have crossed the boundaries of what hes entitled to expect with people because their win of what he views as loyal to him conflicts with what the constitution requires of people. You know, they really have an obligation. They work for the american people, too. And he doesnt seem to care about that or about the precedent hes setting. Katrina, i talked to you the other day about this. You actually when you were in government you had this literal play book for what to do in the event of a pandemic, and some of this is actually related to intelligence. That was not used. Why . Thats a Million Dollar question. I mean, you know, the president was by out going administration they weighed all out exactly what the issues were going to be. You look at that play book and it really identifies the issues were being confronted with. Why we didnt use that tool as you said because the government was acting, maybe the people who originally handed off this play book are no longer in government. Thats one theory. But, you know, to be totally honest with you i think this president , he continues to say nobody could have seen this coming, you know, this is totally unprecedented, you know, nobody could have conceived of Something Like this. And yet they actually did conceive of Something Like this, and in fact they mapped out exactly what steps should be taken and he chose not to follow it, i dont know why. It is remarkable. Anita kumar is the White House Correspondent for politico. Annie carny for the new york times, and katrina mulligan. Another look at a part of the country being hit hard, connecticut. Youre watching msnbc. Hard, connecticut. Youre watching msnbc. Anita kumar is the white house anita kumar is the white house in connecticut the number oaf confirmed coronavirus cases is continuing to surge. There are now more than 5,000 cases in the state. 165 people have died. Officials say connecticut could be one of the next coronavirus hot spots in the country with the apex of the outbreak still several weeks away. Joining me now democratic congressman jim himes of connecticut. And of course connecticut for those of us who live in new york city its parts of our area. Its not a separate place. Many, many you know, some very large percentage of people who work in new york sleepin connecticut. Yeah, thats exactly, right, ali. And ive spent a lot of time in the last week speaking with administrators of fema and the Vice President saying dont think of this as a new york crisis and oh, by the way youve got connecticut. We are from where i sit right here its about 4 miles to the new york state line and of course were showing, you put the numbers up, we have 165 fatalities. Almost all right well, i should say weve got 20 of the population down here in parts of southwestern connecticut, weve got half the fatalities and half the confirmed cases. Yeah, were spending a lot of time pointing out we have as serious a problem as new york and its moving. Its moving north and its moving east. The one thing with the movement east into long island, you know, Governor Cuomo of new york was sort of saying they do not have the medical infrastructure that new york city has, and its a similar situation going north. Youve got good medical infrastructure, very good medical infrastructure in connecticut, but you dont have the sheer volume new york has. Obviously you dont have the sheer volume of population, but if your percentages keep ongoing at the rate theyre going, are you equipped to handle this or do you need more federal assistance . Ali, i dont think theres anywhere in the country equipped to handle this. When we look back how we were so unprepared. Of course not. I cant tell you how frustrating it is every single day to listen to the soothing tone tones of the president telling america how much gear is on its way. Its not getting here to stanford connecticut, bridge port, connecticut, to cities where were pretty close to being overwhelmed. I have nurses and doctors very literally calling me frantic about the lack of ppe, about the fact their icu capacity and ventilators are almost used up, and we are nowhere near the peak of what were going to see. So were very, very concerned here. Look, if theres a Silver Lining to this cloud is that we have had the opportunity because were sort of on the soert side of the wave that started in new york, we have had the opportunity to learn from what new york has been able to do. The people who live here, a little late but started taking this really seriously in time hopefully to reduce the intensity of what were about to see. Congressman, i want to speak to you because youre on the House Intel Committee about the firing of Michael Atkinson, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community for the fact he brought to the attention of your committee, your chairman, the whistleblower complaint about the ukraine phone call. Heres what donald trump had to say about it a few hours ago. I thought he did a terrible job, absolutely terrible. He took a whistleblower report which turned out to be a fake report, it was fake. It was totally wrong. It was about my conversation with the president of ukraine. He took a fake report and he brought it to congress with an emergency, okay, not a big trump fan that i can tell you. That man is a disgrace to i. G. S. Congressman, not a big trump fan, disgraced as i. G. And said someone needs to sue him. Donald trump may have valid reasons for not liking Michael Atkinson but as a member of the Intel Community is there any wrongdoing on the part of Michael Atkinson at all. Of course not, ali. I remember the day atkinson came to us, he was a tortured man. He did not do this happily. It just, frankly, disgusts me as i think of mr. Atkinson testifying before us, you know, with a shaky voice, understanding what the implications of what he was doing was. Look, you know, the president s use of language, terrible, not a trump fan. I would be surprised if donald trump has ever met mr. Atkinson. Donald trump defines terrible and not a good man and not doing his job and a disgrace as somebody 100 who doesnt support me, who doesnt break the law, betray their oath in service of my political interests. Thats what donald trump means, and what he always means when he calls someone terrible. What troubles me most about this, most of my job is oversight, oversight of an 80 billion a year intelligence opation to keep america safe. And in the krs of keeping america safe does very dangerous things, does lethal things, does surveillance. Congressional oversight is absolutely essential, ali. Ive seen that for years. And if we dont have executive Branch Officials being true to their oaths, being true to the law, and atkinson followed the law when the department of justice ignored the law, theres no way for us to do oversight. And what the president has basically said to the Intelligence Community is your Job Performance ratings will be based on your loyalty to me. And love or hate donald trump that is the end of divided government in which powers are fragmented and we have checks and balances on each other. Congressman, good to see you as all. Please stay safe. My best to you and the people of connecticut. Congressman jim himes of connecticuts First District and he is a member of the intel and Financial Services committees. Coming up President Trump yet again calling himself a wartime president. Im going to ask president ial historian Michael Beschloss what he could learn from past president s and the unique circumstances of this pandemic. And be sure to check out msnbc tomorrow night 10 00 eastern for an incredible documentary from our partners sky news in london. Special correspondent Stewart Ramsey takes a compelling look at the devastating impact of coronavirus on the hardest hit city in the hardest hit country in the world, italy. Sky news gets amazing access into italian hospitals and youll hear the critical warning those on the front lines want the rest of the world to heed. Dont miss it. Its called special report coronavirus into the red zone. Again, it airs tomorrow 10 00 p. M. Eastern right here on msnbc. Well be right back. Msnbc. Well be right back. At bayer, were helping put more gold into the golden years. With better heart treatments, advanced brain disease research, and better ways to age gracefully. At bayer, this is why we science. 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Better taste, better nutrition, better eggs. President donald trump has compared the coronavirus pandemic to fighting a war with the projection that 100,000 to 240,000 lives could be lost. This outbreak could end up killing more americans that some wars that have been waged by the United States, including vietnam, korea and world war i. Joining me now is nbc news president historian, michael beshloss. Thank you for being with us. The president does refer to himself as a wartime president and there are criticisms about whether those analogies should be used or not, but the bottom line is this is a global and National Crisis that is killing people, in which we all have to make sacrifices so it bears some relationship to how people act during war and certainly more so than we have acted during the most recent wars that weve been in where so Many Americans have not actually felt the connection to the war. Thats exactly right. And if by that he means hes going to use the full federal government and resources to conquer this pandemic, thats a good thing, but not every wartime president has been great. Woodrow was a wartime president in 1918, world war i. There was that horrible flu pandemic that as we now know killed 675,000 americans. The government lied. Wilson didnt give a single speech on the subject, didnt give people what they needed to protect themselves. But if what trump is saying is im going to use the federal government to try to protect americans, thats a good things. But he keeps on saying things like, you know, the fault lies for mistakes with mayors and the governors americans have said, we depend on the president of the United States to protect our safety whether in war or also in terms of health. So if he thinks that future historians are going to look back on mistakes that were made and blame some governor all right. I think were losing Michael Beschlosss signal. We will try to reestablish. He is an nbc news president ial historian and author of the president s of war. I do want to tell you about the special that weve got on tomorrow night at 10 00 p. M. It is called into the red zone. It is about the coronavirus and how it attacked italy which is the hardest hit country. Our partner, sky news, had remarkable access to that italian city and speaking to doctors and people in the city about the lessons that the world can learn about the coronavirus as it attacks america in a way that is very similar to the way it attacked italy. Will be speaking tomorrow morning to italian Prime Minister who is now an italian senator. We will be talking about what lessons we can learn from italy which seems to be on the other side of its peks. Remember, we have not hit our apex in the United States. In places like seattle it looks like were on the other side of it, but in new york, which is now the epicenter of this thing, Governor Cuomo says we are still possibly a few days away from being at the apex. So what does it look like at the apex when there arent enough supplies, there isnt enough material, there isnt enough there arent enough doctors and nurses, there arent enough masks and gloves and ventilators . What does it look when you start to get to the other side of it . How do you resume something that looks like normalcy . That does it for me for tonight. I will, as you know, now be back with you a couple of times tomorrow. I will be back tomorrow from 8 00 to 10 00 a. M. For velshi. My partner picks up with a look across the country to see how theyre coping with the real and growing threat of coronavirus. All strength, we aint stoppin believe me go straight till the morning look like we wont wait, were taking everything we wanted we can do it all strength, no sweat 450degree oven, to box, to you, know that from our its our policy that your pizza is never touched once it comes out of the oven. And were taking extra steps, like no contact delivery, to ensure it. Youre clearly someone who takes care of yourself. So when it comes to screening for colon cancer, dont wait. Because when caught early, its more treatable. Im cologuard. Im noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92 of colon cancers. Even in early stages. Tell me more. Its for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your prescriber if cologuard is right for you. Im on it. Thats a step in the right direction. Hey there. Im Joshua Johnson at msnbc World Headquarters in new york. Good to be with you tonight as we continue our coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. Across america the nation now has more than 300,000 confirmed cases and more than 8,000 known deaths. Today President Trump and the white houses Coronavirus Task force warned us that the next week will be very tough. The president remains impatient for the country to get back to work. We have to get back to work. We have to get we have to open our country again. We have to open our country again. We dont want to be doing this for months and months and months. Were going to open our country again. This country wasnt meant for this. Now, a big reason this week will be so significant is because of what we might see here in the tristate area, new york, new jersey and connecticut. New york has more than 113,000 cases. No nation in the world has more cases than new york state except for italy and spain. Governor andrew cuomo says things will get worse here before they get better. Were not yet at the apex. We are getting closer, depending on whose model you look at. They will say four, five, six, seven days. Some people go out 14 days. But our reading of the projections is were somewhere in the sevenday range. It is good that were not at the apex because were not yet ready for the apex. Meanwhile, new jersey has more than 34,000 cases. Thats the second highest total in the country. Connecticut has more than 5,000 cases. Connecticuts governor says the apex of the curve in parts of his state seems to be more than a month away. It is all kept First Responders very busy, including here in new york. Nbcs alexa lioto joins us from an ems station in manhattans chelsea neighborhood. Alexa, a quarter of new yorks ems staff called out sick as theyre getting more calls for help than ever. How are they dealing with this there . Reporter hey, joshua. Good to be with you. This is a constant fight for resources on the front lines here. This is you mentioned those numbers. I spoke with ems an emt this morning who was out sick and had been quarantining himself and was worried about his own station, mentioning that 12 out of the 55 people that he worked with were also out sick

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