Trump administration on coronavirus. As the president suggests it would be fine for people with the virus to go to work. Some of them go to work, but they get better. And new evidence that Jared Kushner made a tremendous amount of money, thanks to a policy he pushed in the white house. He works for nothing, just so nobody ever reports that, but he gets zero. Reporter all in starts right now. Good evening from new york, im chris hayes. It is effectively a twoman race for the democratic nomination. Earlier today senator Elizabeth Warren announced she was suspending her campaign in an appearance outside her home in cambridge, massachusetts. She declined to make an endorsement in the race but addressed why she thought she was not ultimately able to resonate more with voters across the country. You know, i was told at the beginning of this whole undertaking that there are two lanes, a progressive lane that Bernie Sanders is the incumbent upon and a moderate lane that joe biden is the incumbent for and theres no room for anyone else in this. I thought that wasnt right, but evidently i was wrong. I should tell you Elizabeth Warren will be speaking to Rachel Maddow in boston just about an hour from now. You definitely want to catch that. Bernie sanders and joe biden are now really the only two options left for democrats. The Sanders Campaign is trying to figure out how to reach out to warren to get her endorsement. Bernie sanders tweeted without her the Progressive Movement would not be nearly as strong as it is today. I know shell stay in this fight and we are grateful that we will. So as congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez, a sanders surrogate, who wrote Elizabeth Warren is a progressive lion, a champion for working families and her commitment toin cluesivity is exemplary. Thank you for being a role model. Obviously the sanders camp feels that a warren endorsement would help them. Theyre probably right. Joe biden tweeted senator Elizabeth Warren is the fiercest of fighters for middle class families. We needed her voice in this race and we need her work in the senate. Some people interpreted that about the senate as a note that she would not be on his vp list. Biden and sanders are preparing for an important primary in five days. Sanders is cancelling a speech in mississippi to focus on michigan, where sanders did quite well last time. Last night Bernie Sanders spoke to Rachel Maddow about his campaigns failure so far to turn out and amass the youth vote that is so crucial to his electoral performance. Why are fewer young people turning out in 2020 . In iowa, we tripled we increased by 33 the number of young people who are participating. Im not familiar with these statistics, i really havent seen them. But it is look, this is the challenge that we have. We have the lowest voter turnout of almost any major country on earth, less than 60 . Poor people in america by very big numbers do not vote. How do we bring them into the political process . Why do they not vote . Why are young people not voting . This is tough stuff. And youre right, we are trying to do that. I understand that it is easier to bring older people out who have been voting for their whole lives. But we are working really hard to bring people out. I think in the general election we will be successful. Joe biden on the other hand continues to rack up endorsements from the official Democratic Party consolidating behind him. The latest is a key one, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer who defeated a sandersbacked candidate in the primary before beginning the general election by ten points and she joins me now. Governor, why did you choose now to endorse joe biden, whos been in the race for a year . Ive been watching the race, like americans all over the country. Ive been watching to see how this race played out. There were some phenomenal, talented people on the stage at the beginning. Weve seen how this has changed. In this moment, people across my state are asking me what im going to do. They want to know. And as ive looked at the race, i know that when the chips were down, when michigan needed a champion, it was barack obama and joe biden that had our backs during the auto rescue. I know that health care is personal for me and for so many people in my state. We expanded medicaid here to almost 700,000 people, and that was because of the work that barack obama and joe biden did, the Affordable Care act. So this is personal. And i think that the hard work that joe biden has put in over the years, the dedication to causes that resonate and really impact and improve peoples lives in this state were reasons that i thought this is now the time to tell people that i am s biden. One of the arguments made in 2016 about that narrow loss by Hillary Clinton in the state of michigan was that a key issue in that race was trade. That donald trump had come out against the tbp and nafta and he was attacking Hillary Clinton on that. She had supported both those deals. People say joe biden has been sort of consistently kind of a protrade deal legislator. Bernie sanders has been opposed to them. Do you worry about that . Do you think thats going to matter in a general in michigan . Well, i do think records matter, of course. Everyone needs to defend their record. But the fact of the matter is, you know, when the chips were down, it was the Obama Biden Administration that came to the defense of the auto industry. It saved our National Economy and certainly was personal to so many michiganders. When we needed a champion that was going to turn their grief into a cause to expand health care to people, thats what we got out of the obama biden presidency and vice presidency. We know joe. More importantly, joe knows michigan. Hes been there when we needed him, and thats exactly what were looking for in leaders. The blueprint i used in 2018 was to show up. To stay focused on the dinner table issues, to talk about building bridges, not walls, and to ensure that we have a vision and we show up and get the work done. Thats exactly what joe biden is doing. Thats what hes all about. Thats why i think his record is going to resonate with michiganders and across the country. Final question to you. You were one of a crop of Democratic Women elected in 2018 both Cross Country and in your state of michigan. Several extremely talented women in congressional races that won hardfought contests as well as your race which you won by ten points, a fairly convincing victory. What do you make of the fact that this race which started out with more women in it on the democratic side than any race in history is now bereft of that, with the exception Tulsi Gabbard is still running. How do you feel looking at that reality today . Well, obviously i saw Elizabeth Warrens statement today. Its sad. You know, i really would love to see a woman president in my lifetime. Soon in my lifetime. And i think that Elizabeth Warren, kamala harris, pete buttigieg, you know, cory booker brought some important voices and aspects and perspective to the debate. And thats why i feel proud to be a part of the effort to help joe, because i know that he will set a table where everyone has a seat. He will build a coalition. And really, i think set an agenda that helps improve the lives of americans everywhere. I do want to see a woman president in my lifetime and i think the world of Elizabeth Warren. But at this point, our focus is on what is going to be the best interests for the people of our country and for the state of michigan, and i believe that joe biden offers the vision that we need right now. All right, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, thank you for making time this evening. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Joining me for more on the state of the race, nina turner, cochair of the Bernie Sanders president ial campaign. An announcement today about not doing a speech in mississippi and instead going to michigan. Some people interpreting that as a cut your losses in parts of the south where senator sanders has struggled a bit, particularly in alabama and South Carolina. Is that a fair interpretation . What would you say to that . No, they shouldnt see it that way, chris. Were still going to have events there. We have some of our National Surrogates that are going to be there. Mr. Danny glover will be there. We have the mayor of jackson, mississippi, as you know who has endorsed the senator, so there will be activities going on this weekend in mississippi, particularly in jackson, mississippi. So, no, they should not interpret it that way. There has been reporting about the ways in which the Sanders Campaign is thinking about its message right now down the stretch, now that it is a twoman race. There was an ad just cut showing senator sanders with president obama and obama speaking very highly of him and a sense that some of the message has to be changed a bit to bring in some voters that arent yet in the sanders coalition. Do you think thats a Fair Assessment of where things stand . Our entire campaign has been about Building Coalition and bringing new people in. As you played the clip of the senator interviewing with rachel, you know, he talks about that all the time ad nauseam in terms of bringing new people in, what would help the Democratic Party be a vibrant Democratic Party is having a big tent and bringing people in. Highlighting that even more and making it more clear that other folks, even president obama, talked or spoke very highly of senator Bernie Sanders. Theres a lot of reporting today about Elizabeth Warren and the possibility of an endorsement. Would you welcome an endorsement from senator warren . Is that something that youre actively seeking . Certainly we would welcome that. It is time for the progressives to coalesce. It is my hope and the hope of many in this movement, you know, even people who supported senator warren, their hope too is that both senators will come together. The moderates have certainly come together in very strong fashion and we do need the progressive wing of the party to unite as well. What is morale like in your campaign . Obviously it was a whirlwind 72 hours. There was a week between nevada and South Carolina where sanders was quite clearly the frontrunner. There was a question about the viability of joe biden heading into South Carolina. Obviously that big win on saturday in South Carolina turned things around. Super tuesday went fairly well, quite well for joe biden, expectations. How do you feel about where things stand right now . Were feeling fine. No matter what they throw at us. I mean, chris, they all of the moderates, all of the establishment dems had to come together to make this happen. Senator sanders has always been very clear, our movement has been clear that when you are trying very hard to bend the body paolitic toward the will o this nation, the status quo gets nervous and thats what we are seeing. Were ever more determined. Were still continuing to persist. We are excited about going into the next phase of this campaign. As you know, senator Bernie Sanders did win michigan last time. You have the new governor on, governor when it mer. Senator sanders endorsed her. She asked him to come out and endorse her even though he had backed abdul sayeed but he still came out because he knew it was important to defeat the republican in that race and try to proceed or follow, i could say, the governor who was responsible, governor snyder, for the flint water crisis. Senator sanders, chris, has been to michigan many times. Not only did he come into that state to talk to the people who were most impacted by the flint water crisis, he even came back after that. He stood up against trade deals that hurt states like michigan and also my home state of ohio, where people lost countless jobs and are still reeling from that even to this day. So michiganders voted for senator sanders last time and were working very hard to win that state again. Nina turner, thank you for making time tonight. Thanks, chris. Joining me with more on where we stand and what Elizabeth Warrens exit means, michelle goldberg, msnbc political analyst, and her husband worked as an advisor to the Warren Campaign. I guess thats the last time we have to make that disclosure. What do you think . I think its a gut punch. Its really heart breaking. Its heart breaking that this campaign started out with so much promise. There was that picture going around today of that early photograph of all of those women who might become president. To have it end up ive had to over the course of this campaign explain to my kindergarten daughter why there has never been a woman president and shes been incredulous. You know, because Elizabeth Warren is who our family supports, has thought that Elizabeth Warren was going to be the first one. I think it is its so its extremely painful in part because of why she lost. I mean i think theres people who oppose Elizabeth Warren on the merits for sure. You hear all over this country, you talk to people who say, well, i would love to vote for her, i would love to support her, but i dont think the country is ready, right . Weve been so traumatized by Donald Trumps election that you have to deal with both sexism and the perception of other peoples sexism, and i dont see how you get beyond that. I feel like in some ways weve been set back even further than we were in 2015 when the possibility of a female president still seemed exciting and fresh. One thing that has been striking to me is that for all of the if you go back to when joe biden announced he was entering the race, and it was unclear whether he would, basically it was joe biden the favorite with a strong number two from Bernie Sanders. And a lot of things happened over the course of the last year. Right. But yet here we are. Right. And in some ways its what warren said i thought quite astutely. She said, look, this is what people told me. Basically theres a biden lane, theres a sanders lane and theres no room between. Its remarkable the way that has ended up shaking out. Both sanders and biden supporters have this its not just that they support the candidate, they also support the candidates theory of the electorate. Sanders supporters believe that there are all these people out there waiting to go to the polls if only they hear a progressive enough message. Joe biden supporters believe that hes electable and then ping ponging around the middle you have all these people who just want to defeat trump, right . The house is on fire and putting out the fire is so much more important than what youre going to build afterwards. So in a lot of ways weve had these debates that have been recursive because we debate the finer points of these various health care problems. What people are evaluating not so much how is this Health Care Going to affect me, its how are other people going to evaluate this Health Care Plan and will they be electable afternoonwawa or how will it play in a debate against donald trump as opposed to the Health Care Plan. Right. And you have you have a lot of black voters in South Carolina who want to vote for a candidate who white voters will find acceptable. You have a lot of white voters who are excited because all of a sudden joe biden has all of this black support, right. Everybody just wants to find the person who can end this really hellish nightmare that were living through. And what scares me, what scares me to death is that this process is not the right way to find the person who is actually going to do that. I mean theres almost a greek tragedy in it. Yeah, there is a fear deep in people that is the case. Michelle goldberg, thank you very much. Thank you. Up next, just how much is the Trump Administration bungling the Coronavirus Response . The man who spearheaded the response to the Ebola Outbreak joins me right here at this table, next. Joins me right here at this table, next. To lexus sales event now through march 31st. Lease the 2020 es350 for 379 a month for 36 months and well make your first months payment. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. The most reliableou are, xfinwireless network you to connect you with those who matter most. Thats because its the network that gives you the best coverage and more flexible data that you can share, mix with unlimited and switch at any time. Youll save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus, get 300 off when you buy a new Samsung Galaxy s20 ultra. Xfinity mobile. Click, call or visit a store today. The biggest failure of the Trump Administration response to coronavirus has been the lack of testing on the scale needed. They announced this week theyre going to have over a million coronavirus tests available at the ending of the week. At the time they announced that it was obviously false. Anyone who knows anything, knew that logistical obstacles were too big to get there by the end of the week. Today senators confirmed we arent going to be testing at anywhere near that scale. Rick scott admitting there wont be a Million People to get a test at the ending of the week, its smaller than that. Its defensible, but the lack of testing we have means we do not know how many cases there really are in the United States. Again, the centers for Disease Control says there are just 99 total cases in the country with 13 states reporting cases. Nbc news has found the numbers are higher, at least 226 cases at last count in 21 states. What has been clear from the beginning is the president of the United States isnt really primarily interested in dealing with the virus itself as a first order problem. No, he is interested in spinning it to preserve his political standing and the standing of the economy. Last week he was doing a doozy of it on trump tv. We have a report today the global death rate at 3. 4 and a report that the olympics could be delayed. Your reaction to that . Well, i think 3. 4 is really a false number. Now, this is just my hunch. But based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this and its very mild. Now, theres a responsible way to communicate what the president said, which is that the 3. 4 mortality rate is not consistent across all countries which probably has to do with a lack of testing. In south korea where theyre doing a ton of testing, more than anywhere else in the world, the fatality rate there reportedly appears to be hovering around 0. 65 . Much better. That is hopefully what we will ending up having here. But you cant just dismiss the World Health Organization figure based on a hunch. Then the president said something unbelievably revealing about people who have the virus and dont need intensive medical care. If, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work but they get better. Thats the president blithely going to work with the coronavirus, which listen to me, do not go to work with the coronavirus, okay . Joining me now, ron klain who serve egd d as the u. S. Ebola response coordinator under president obama. Testing continues to be a real problem. Even after the announcement they were sending out these kits. How do you assess overall the response of this administration so far . I think you have to give it a pretty low grade, c minus, d plus, for a couple of reasons. They focused on travel restrictions to delay the arrival of the virus. What it bought was time. Thats only a valid strategy if you used that time to ramp up. So, yeah, it was reasonable that on monday when they said there would be a million tests by friday, no one should have believed that. But there should have been a million tests way before friday because we knew in december and early january this was coming. Why didnt we start really working on this problem this week . Same thing with Hospital Capacity and all the other aspects of this. The response is moving slowly. Its starting late. And thats inexcusable. The president had this he talked about his sort of bragging about the numbers today. There are two tweets. In one tweet he called you a lightweight washington failure. And was mad about the swine flu and a lot of people dying with that. Another he said, look, weve only got 129 cases and 11 deaths. We are working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible. It struck me that was a very revealing sentence. We are working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible. Its the numbers. If youre not testing, thats one way to keep the numbers low. What theyre doing to keep the numbers low is being slow about testing. In the end, you cant hide sick people under the sofa, okay . We are going to have to find these people, treat them, get them into the Health Care System, get them well. Isolate those cases to the extent possible. If you dont test, you dont know. He is focused on numbers. Hes focused on the stock market being up and the case count being down. Those are the two wrong things to focus on. He should be focusing on getting people tested, surveillance, finding out where this is and getting hospitals ready to deal with the inflow of patients. One thing i want to be clear on in our coverage of this, the idea of the risk to an individual american is correct. Even if we were facing an italysized outbreak, which is large, that would be, you know, 25,000 cases, right . They have about 5,000 cases, 60 Million People. So again, in the relative scheme of things. The risk, though, is to the Health Care System. Explain why that is. I do think the risk of number of cases could be higher than that. They are testing in italy but not testing nearly as much as they should be also. I dont think we i think the fairest thing to say about the number of cases is we dont know. Right. We should begin and end with that, okay . Now, its going to be a number, a pretty big number in the end. Our Health Care System is fragile, right . It runs at capacity. We dont have hospitals just sitting empty waiting for coronavirus patients to show up. So if you put stress on that system by a disorganized response, by people in a particular city, whatever city it is, flooding into hospitals, flooding into emergency rooms, that will, one, really collapse the capacity of those hospitals and emergency rooms. It may infect doctors, nurses and Front Line Health Care workers, and those things will take down part or a lot of a Health Care System in a particular area. Even if you dont get coronavirus, if you need to go to the hospital to get treatment for a heart attack and there are no beds or the nursing population is down because theyre sick or the doctors are out because theyre sick, thats going to have an effect on all of us, even if you never, ever get coronavirus. How much was communication straightforward, honest, clear, factbased communication important to you when you were coordinating the Ebola Response . It was very important. Ironically thats one reason why i didnt go on tv at all the first month. We put tony fauci on television. The American People should hear from experts, from the people who know the medicine, who have been career officials, who can tony fauci served six u. S. President s back to ronald reagan. He fought aids, he fought malaria, all kinds of diseases. People should hear from him directly about the facts and the truth. He now has to go to events with the president and correct the president when he misleads people in realtime. Hes a realtime fact checking. Thats not the way this should work. That is your hope that you see happen in this response you havent seen . So i think two things really have to be fixed. We have a problem of competence and a problem of confidence and we need to fix both. On competence, we need to ramp up the testing. Secondly, we need to get the touch points of our Health Care System, the intake points ready for these cases so we dont clams the Health Care System in particular areas. On the confidence side, the president needs to put down the iphone, stop saying ridiculous things on camera and let Public Health authorities brief people and tem us the truth. Final question, has the white house or anyone in the white house reached out to you for your expertise . I havent talked to any senior people at the white house. I continue to talk to career people throughout the government who worked with me on Ebola Response. Those career people, what donald trump disparages as the deep state are whats going to protect us and save us in a situation like this. Ron klain, thank you so much. Thank you, chris. Coming up, the plea from a nurse whos now quarantined after treating a patient with coronavirus in california and isnt getting tested. Thats next. And isnt getting tested thats next. For small prices, you can build big dreams. Spend less. Get way more. Shop everything home at wayfair toda. Hi, i need help getting an appointment with my podiatrist. Hows wednesday at 2 . I cant. Dog agility. Thursday at 10 . Sorry.  tuesday at 11 . Nope. Robot cage match. How bout the 28th at 3 . Done. With Unitedhealthcare Medicare advantage plans, theres so much to take advantage of like help finding specialists and scheduling appointments. Unitedhealthcare Medicare Advantage plans. 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Kohler is an expert in bathing, so you can count on a deep soaking experience. Are you seeing this . The kohler walkin bath comes with fully adjustable hydrotherapy jets and our exclusive bubblemassage. Everything is installed in as little as a day by a kohlercertified installer. And its made by kohler americas leading plumbing brand. We need this bath. Yes. Yes you do. A kohler walkin bath provides independence with peace of mind. As coronavirus spreads in the United States, the nations testing capabilities are not keeping pace. Tonight the Largest Union of registered nurses, National Nurses united, is raising alarms that members of their union are being denied testing after potentially contracting coronavirus from patients. Joining me is the executive director of National Nurses united. You have a member who wrote a letter today, and i wondered if you could give the context for that letter . Yes, we do. We have over 80 registered nurses under quarantine, and that list is growing daily. We had a nurse who wanted to express her experience and convey her concern with regards to the bureaucracy of the testing and the fact that she has not been able to get testing, despite having cared for a positive patient. Im wondering if you could actually just read that letter, because i found it really powerful. Would that be all right . Yes. Yes. So this is the statement from the quarantined nurse from a Northern California facility. As a nurse, im very concerned that not enough is being done to stop the spread of coronavirus. I know because i am currently sick and under quarantine aftercaring for a patient who tested positive. I am waiting permission from the federal government to allow for my testing, even after my physician and county Health Professional ordered it. I volunteered to be on the care team for this patient, who we knew was positive. I did this because i had all the recommended protective gear and training from my employer. I did this assuming that if something happened to me, of course i too would be cared for. Then what was a small concern after a few days of caring for this patient became my reality. I became sick. When Employee Health told me that my fever and other symptoms fit the criteria for potential coronavirus, i was put on a 14day quarantine. Since that criteria was met, the testing would be done. My doctor ordered the test through the county. The public county officer called me and verified my symptoms and agreed with testing, but the national cdc would not initiate testing. They said that they would not test me because if i were wearing the recommended protective equipment, then i wouldnt have the coronavirus. What kind of sciencebased answer is that . What a ridiculous and uneducated response from the department that is in charge of our countrys health. So obviously there are huge concerns that are outlined here. I wonder if this is concern youre hearing from other members as well about Frontline Health care workers like your members whether they have the right protective equipment, the right training and access to testing . Correct. First off i would say we have the education, the training, the expertise to treat covid19 patients. We know that we could actually even we could stop the spread of the disease, but only if we have the protection that we need, and that includes appropriate testing when appropriate. So for us, its very concerning that there isnt a coordinated systemic approach to this. It takes leadership. It takes leadership at all levels, at the federal, state and local levels. Do you think that leadership is absent right now . We see that the leadership is disco discordnant, and yesterday and today they are actually moving to weaken the protections and allow for potentially infected nurses to work and just monitor themselves at work. This is a very dangerous situation and will only result in the spread of the virus. The they there, federal officials, local officials. The cdc. The cdc is contemplating loosens the restrictions on Frontline Health care workers being able to report to work. Yes. Really . Instead of ramping up. This is the time that we can actually contain, but we need the appropriate protective measures, which includes testing up front and early. As i said before, i mean this nurse volunteered to be part of the care team. Now, we have to ensure that if we are if we do suffer exposure, that all those appropriate measures, including quarantine, but also including testing is done and is done early. All right, bonnie castillo, executive director of National Nurses united, thank you very much. Thank you. Guess who just made millions of dollars, thanks to the policies he personally pushed in the white house . Jared kushners latest windfall, ahead. Dfall, ahea d. Y move. This left turn. Its the next one. You always drive this slow . How did you make someone i love . That must be why youre always so late. I do not speed. And thats saving me cash with drivewise. My son, he did say that you were the safe option. And thats the nicest thing you ever said to me. So get allstate. Stop bossing. Where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. This is my sons favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady . [tina] youre an old lady. You cant always stop for a fingerstick. Betes with the freestyle libre 14 day system, a continuous glucose monitor, you dont have to. With a painless, onesecond scan you can check your glucose with a smart phone or reader so you can stay in the moment. No matter where you are or what youre doing. 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Its clear that if joe biden is the nominee donald trump and his allies will resuscitate the central part of the president s own scheme that got him impeached, the plot to smear biden and his son as corrupt. In fact the jurors in that impeachment trial, the republican senators, are now happily taking up the task to further the plot and really not even pretending it has anything to do with anything other than politics. Senator ron johnson, chairman of the Homeland Security committee, wrote a letter about subpoenaing a witness in a probe on the issue. Get this, the day after the South Carolina primary when joe bidens chances were suddenly revived. Now johnson has told reporters hes likely to issue an internal report on the investigation in one or two months, just around when biden might be getting the nomination. And donald trump himself just admitted last night he will bring up biden and his son on the trail. That will be a major issue in the campaign. I will bring that up all the time because i dont see any way out. I dont see any way out. For them, i dont see how they can answer those questions. Meanwhile, in the astoundingly corrupt nepotism news, the top story by a mile is this dispatch that Jared Kushner is selling his stake in a company that benefited from the tax breaks that he personally pushed for. As the a. P. Reports, the 25 million minimum value of kushners stake at the ending of last year is up sharply from three years ago when it was valued at at least 5 million. Here to talk about that, andrea bernstein, author of american oligarchs, the kushners, the trumps and the marriage of money and power. This headline caught my eye. So kushner was invested in a Company Called cod ray. What is that . It was said up by Jared Kushner and josh kushner, his brother. Its a real estate tech platform so you can invest virtually in real estate essentially. And one of the things that you could do is make use through that platform of these Opportunity Zones, which are tax credits for certain areas. Right. So the Opportunity Zones came about as a result of the tax cuts and jobs act of 2017 which is something that Jared Kushner and especially ivanka trump pushed in the senate and it just squeaked past. And what it enables companies to do, it enables people with capital to get tax breaks for investing in poor areas of the country, but theyre so broadly defined and what you can invest in is so broadly defined that virtually anybody with capital can take advantage of this tax break. And the tax break doesnt seem to be particularly well targeted. Ive seen lots of articles about essentially gaming these Opportunity Zones, parking your money in places that dont need investment and getting the benefits. Right. We know in Opportunity Zones broadly there have been many cases where government officials have been pushed to include wealthy peoples investments in them. We dont know that with the Kushner Family, but we do know there was this inherent conflict from the beginning because Jared Kushner and ivanka trump were pushing a tax break that the Kushner Family company, kushner real estate, and also cadre, this tech company, could benefit from. So theres two conflicts. The whole kushner empire is pushing on real estate. Correct. Theyre pushing for a Real Estate Tax break. Correct. That the Kushner Family could benefit from. Correct. And theres a Software Platform that can also serve as a platform for investors investing in using these tax breaks. Correct. So cadre has all of the sort of trump family conflicts built into one. You might remember that Jared Kushner didnt initially disclose it. He didnt initially he didnt . He did not. He didnt initially divest from it. He and his wife pushed a tax break that could benefit this company. Now, we have no evidence that the company did specifically benefit from their specific actions, but it shows the whole structural problem of the Senior Advisor in the white house, an incredibly powerful person, profiting from his Family Businesses and his business with his brother while also serving in the white house. Right. So hes got this investment. He doesnt disclose it. Later he discloses it. The company hes invested could theoretically benefit from a policy he pushed. Now hes divesting and banking it appears a 500 profit at the minimum . And we dont know because the lack of disclosure to what extent this law helped this family because one of the things built in is you get the benefit on your tax returning, which as we know is not public, so we dont know how much of a benefit is going to individual companies and taxpayers. Thats one of the problems of the whole Opportunity Zone is theres no transparency. We know Jared Kushner sold his stake in cadre. We do. And the value went up enormously in the last three years. We dont know why. We dont know if it was because of this or something else. Yes, of course, no. Im just saying we know that he had it, we know he sold it. We know it went up in between and he was working at the white house. Its the fundamental instability in Jared Kushners relationship with his Family Business. There were people who have told me that they were very clear with Jared Kushner and his father, charlie kushner, that he needed to make a choice. White house or Family Business. And that the Family Business was going to be put in this position of everything was always going to be a question about whether its a conflict, as it should be. And here we are. Andrea bernstein, thank you so much. The last woman with a path to the presidency drops out and we will assess the legacy of Elizabeth Warrens candidacy, next. 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At the beginning of last october, warren had ascended to being the frontrunner, topping national polls. But what followed was a steep decline, ending with the senator not even winning her home state of massachusetts on super tuesday. Today following warrenes announcement that shes ending her campaign, there is a palpable sense of grief among many of her supporters and frankly among a lot of american women who just watched the last viable female candidate in the race drop out. A race that started with a recordsetting six women running for president. Earlier today outside her home in cambridge, mass, Elizabeth Warren talked about her own feelings about the end of the road. I wonder what your message would be to the women and girls who feel like were left with two white men to decide between. I know. One of the hardest parts of this is all those pinky promises and all those little girls who are going to have to wait four more years. Thats going to be hard. Gender in this race, you know that is the trap question for every woman. If you say, yeah, there was sexism in this race, everyone says whiner. And if you say, no, no, there was no sexism, about a bazillion women think, what planet do you live on . All right. Were going to talk about the legacy of warrens campaign and why it ended the way it did when we come back. Dont go anywhere. professor sound power is defined as thought a surface the product of sound pressure and a component of the partial velocity at a point. [sounds] kazoo sound adds to the legendary capability of the strongest, most advanced silverados ever. With best in class Camera Technology and larger, more functional beds than any competitor. The only truck that can compare to a silverado is another silverado. Truck month is the right time to get behind the wheel of the chevy silverado. Now, get 0 financing for 72 months plus 500 dollars cash allowance on all silverado 1500 crew cab pickups. 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Let me start with you, a supporter and surrogate of the Warren Campaign. I know today is a very difficult day. How do you understand what happened in this campaign . To be honest, i think what happened in this campaign is that a very talented, capable, intelligent, woman was denied her shot. At being the nominee of the Democratic Party. Denied by what . Well, i think a number of different things. One, obviously, weve been talking about misogyny and patriarchy all day and we cant deny the role that gender played in this campaign. I also think something thats really important is that there was really a sense that there were risks to take that people werent willing to do and even though a lot of people thought she was the better candidate, they werent willing to take a risk in relationship to what it might mean to defeat donald trump in 2020. And thats really fundamentally a shame. Yeah, if you ask me, as someone sort of observed this and reported on it, to identify the one thing, particularly that inflection point, it was these fears about her electability and particularly this, and i want to give due credit to people that have these fears. They basically thought this exceedingly smart, i mean, undeniably brilliant woman, extremely educated, and a livewire, right, this woman, this professional, brilliant woman, is going to intimidate a intern slice of male voters who will not vote for her because of, essentially, sexist inclinations then because those people exist, then we shouldnt nominate her. That was basically the argument. Right . Sure. I mean, so, i mean, what weve had is this kind of dueling cynicisms. Yes. Where people are saying, especially with one of the obstacles that Bernie Sanders ran into, particularly in the south among africanamerican voters, was a very cynical expectation of what white people were willing to do. Uhhuh. It was i think white people might be willing to vote for joe biden, i dont think theyd be willing to vote for bernie sande sanders. Yes. People were making a similar calculation around gender with Elizabeth Warren. Back in 2008, people made the same kind of calculation around barack obama. And he was able to kind of dodge the raindrops to prove himself in ways that people were going, oh, well maybe, perhaps, ill give this a shot, but it creates a burden, like, people say that kind of nothing succeeds like success. Nothing fails like failure, either. And so the ideas that you only get one shot for any group, any person, thats from a group that hasnt historically been represented in this way, and it compounded in a way for Elizabeth Warren that is really somewhere between heartbreaking and outrageous to see. Can i just say, too, though, that i think progressives missed a really big shot this time around, and in that what i mean is theres an opportunity to have a progressive candidate as the nominee, and one of the things that we did here was we actually started to split hairs in a way that i think kind of pushed her out of consideration. If we had gone into this moment sayi saying the ultimate goal here is to get somebody who is going to move forward an agenda that makes sense for our families and for us, and were going to back whoever it is right. That shares that vision, i think we would have seen a very different outcome tonight. To offer a criticism of the campaign, itself, at least the message, it struck me sometimes that the message was extremely well honed for professional liberals, educated folks, across all sort of different groups, right . So, like, trans, gay, straight, black, white, latino, disability community, but it was a very heady, wonkky, kind of literal message, if i can say so. And was there sort of a failure to broaden out that message . Well, i think there was a failure in terms of connecting her message yes. And the message that sanders was putting forward. Yeah. Because, again, splitting hairs wasnt the move. Yeah. When we look at it, the real conversation should have been both and so we can get to this rather than either or. I think a lot of people just got spun around in that, frankly. Im not sure i buy that she only appealed to professionals or intellectuals. Think that a capable woman who has plans for every issue that you could possibly imagine, how to solve those problems, is also seen as threatening, but i also feel like the way voters engage in elections, quite frankly, most voters, is weve been taught to engage around personality and not policy or plan. Which is another interesting point here because when youre talking about the kind of wonkiness and cerebral approach she has and understand it has a particular appeal, the other part of it is that she is exceedingly plain spoken. Yes. Extremely good communicator. Extremely good communicator and she is she has a kind of almost stereotypical midwestern charm. Yes, i agree. If she were a man, wed say it was like jimmy stewart. Folksy. One of the things i noticed on a personal interaction with her, i was an amtrak, this was about two years ago and i found myself seated in front of her. We got into a long conversation, and shes a professor, and she did this thing of again and again and again at points where we disagreed, she would point out she would point out what she appreciated in my point before moving on to her critique. And i thought that that was such a valuable way to communicate. Alicia garza, jelani cobb, thank you for joining us this evening. The Rachel Maddow show starts with a big interview, Elizabeth Warren who will be joining rachel momentarily. Good evening, rachel. Good evening, chris. Thank you, my friend. It is a big interview. And its been an interesting day. This is turning out to be our living room tour of important Democratic Party locations in new england. Last night, we did the show live from burlington, vermont, with an exclusive interview with democratic president ial candidate Bernie Sanders. We broadcast last nights show and that interview literally live from my friend, steves, living room in burlington. Then i went back to new york this morning to go back to the office but i never made it to the office. I ended up just going straight to the train station to get on a

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