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Doors . Plus the growing case that Rudy Giuliani could face indictment. Cant you figure it out . Why the italian Prime Minister is blowing the whistle on Donald Trumps attorney general. Youre italian, we move fast, right . And new data on what may be the one news outlet saving donald trump from Richard Nixons fate. , you know, if it wasnt your show, shawn, they would destroy him absolutely. All in starts now. Youre the difference between donald j. Trump and Richard Nixon. Good evening from washingto washington, d. C. Im ali velshi in for chris hayes. Republicans cannot defend what trump did. They know how pad it is, so theyre trying to distract people from the substance of the president s behavior with complaints about the nature of the investigation. Chief among them that the hearings are currently being held behind closed doors. Now, unfortunately for trump and his allies thats probably not going to work for much longer. Thats pause as the Washington Post reports democrats are taking hearings public and soon. But the facts here have not changed. Donald trump withheld desperately needed military aid from ukraine, aid that had already been approved pie congress in an effort to force ukrainian officials to manufacture dirt on the bidens and provide ammo for a baseless Conspiracy Theory about the 2016 election. And it appears that now that it was not just Security Assistance withheld. Just today the post reported that the white houses trade representative in late august withdrew a recommendation to restore some of ukraines trade privileges after john bolton, then National Security advisor warned him that President Trump probably would oppose any action that benefitted the government in kiev. Trump may be trying to work other countries as well. Remember how he went before the cameras earlier this month and called on china to investigate the bidens . Marco rubio dismissed it as a silly joke but listen to this nondenial from white house trade advisor Peter Navarro when he was asked directly if the bidens had come up during china trade talks. Im asking you a direct question. Did you bring up the bidens as part of negotiations . Youre asking me what happens in the white house behind closed doors. Im asking if politics entered the sphere of International Relations here. Jim, asked and answered. That may end up being a pretty huge story ifself but remember it was two days ago the u. S. Chief of mission to ukraine, bill taylor, made abundantly clear in his testimony to congress both that there was an explicit quid pro quo and it was directed by trump himself. Even republican senator john thune acknowledged just how damning the testimony seemed to be. The picture coming out of it paced on the reporting that weve seen is, yeah, i mind say is not a good one. Thune went onto complain about the closed door nature of the investigation, which seems to now be the official republican line. Today senator Lindsey Graham held a press conference to unveil a resolution to criticize the impeachment inquiry in the house. Hes a senator, but as was pointed out on none other than trump tv today, democrats arent actually breaking the rules. As frustrating as it may be to have these hearings going on behind closed doors, the hearings for which congressman schiff is presiding, they are consistent with the rules. They can make up any rules they want. Well, they cant change the rules, they follow the rules. And when were the rules written last in january 2015, and who signed them john boehner, and who enacted them a republican majority. 2015, by the way, is when republicans were holding those benghazi hearings, and back then they were making the case for closed door hearings. I can just tell you of the 50 some odd interviews we have done thus far, the vast majority of them have been private. And you dont see the bickering among the members of congress in private interviews. You dont see any of that. The private ones always produce better results. So what the democrats are doing right now according to trey gowdy will produce better results. And in a few weeks according to the Washington Post, democrats are planning public hearings and hope to have bill taylor, former ambassador Marie Yovanovitch and even john bolton tell the world exactly what they say. Im joined now by jimmy gomez of california. He is a member of the House Oversight committee who has been participating in the impeachment hearings. Good to see you. If you didnt know what was going on and you were just getting your input from the white house or fox news, the impression you would have is you democrats alone are Holding Secret hearings in which there are no republicans. Yeah, correct. But if were only getting our information from fox news, the white house would believe the world is flat which we all know that is not true. So what were doing is actually following the rules that were established by republicans in 2015, and were following them by the poobook. And what you saw yesterday by matt gates and the republicans was just a despicable display of republican theater that is undermining our National Security by taking in Electronic Devices into a secured facility. That actually hurts not only just democrats, but it hurts our national interests. But there is a narrative developing that theres something secret going on there. In that room that you have been in, are there republicans . Theres a lot of republicans. Its wall to wall. Remember we have representative from three committees. We have oversight, intel and foreign affairs. And the room is packed. You have people standing along the wall that are members from both parties listening very intently to the witnesses. All right, so what happens now . Is this reporting that weve got that these will become public hearings at some point, is that what you believe to be true . I havent been told that specifically, but i have always said youve got to let the product determine the process, right, and the pace of the process. So if we had interviews with everybody we had interviews with, make sure we ask all the questions in an appropriate setting and it determines we need to move to the next phase, then we should move to the next phase. Its not about politics. It has to do about discovering the truth and thats the difference. Whats the difference . What happens behind closed doors versus what were likely to see become public . Its actually you get an hour to ask questions, and it is not like the poorback and forth thau see in a regular hearing. It is very specific on trying to get information. And that actually produces i think better results. Im going to agree with trey gowdy. I dont do that often, but it does produce more information. Its not just for grandstanding purposes. Its for a very, very different process than you see on the outside. If you open up these hearings right now, if you let everybody in and let cameras in and let everybody see what was going on, it would somehow exonerate the president and i know you cant tell me about the testimony, but how would you character that impression, that this would be beneficial to the president somehow . You just cant change the facts. The facts are very clearly on that first call that everybody has read that the transcript released pie the white house that he asked a Foreign Government to interfere and investigate a political rival in a u. S. Election. That pie itself is abuse of power. Donald trump has been complaining i want to tow show you an article from the daily beast on tuesday night trump whines that Senate Republicans are failing him on impeachment and not owning nearly enough libs. The white house and president has put a message out there to republicans, youre not defending enough. Yesterday you saw what you saw in the house. Today you saw Lindsey Graham out there with his presentation. The message seems to be stickup for me, and the argument that republicans seem to be able to come back with is a process argument as opposed to a substance argument. Yeah, because when you cant argue the facts then you have to turn to the process. Thats what you always, always see. It shows that theyre desperate and shows right after the taylor interview, how bad his testimony actually was. For me it really connected a lot of the dots from people to motives to actions. So people have to Pay Attention to taylor. Hes very key. Congressman, good to see you. Congressman jimmy dgomez of california, a member of the House Oversight committee. I want to bring in senator mazy harona. I understand you and a number of other senators have written a letter that is being delivered to the attorney general asking him to recuse himself from what . Tell me about the letter and what youre asking. All of the democratic members of the Senate Judiciary committee have signed a letter asking attorney general barr, who pai is the president s lawyer, not the peoples lawyer to recuse themselves from anything have to do with ukraine. Note his name, attorney general barrs name was mentioned several times in his infamous telephone call with the ukrainian president. So hes in major conflict and should recuse himself. And im glad to know there are other people of conscience including the new York City Bar Association that sent a letter saying that barr should recuse himself from these matters. Let me ask you so we understand, this letter has been signed by the Democratic Senators on the committee. Where is it . Do you know if its been delivered . Has somebody are received it . I think your people received it. I believe i sent a copy of the letter to you folks. But basely it says youre in a conflict, recuse yourself. I have a feeling hes not going to do it because hes the president s lawyer not the peoples lawyer. Thats another sideshow shes running around based on a Conspiracy Theory of what happened in 2016. So its very much on par with what the president wants. And meanwhile, i dont know what the republicans who, by the way, they got nothing, thats why theyre engaging in these antics and what i call the gaggle of goofballs in the house who storm this hearing like what is this animal house . So thats what theyre left with to try and distract us, because the American People know, ali, that it is not okay for the president of our country to ask the president of another country to get dirt on trumps opponents. So its obviously for his own political ends. The American People know that is not okay. Senator, the white house sent out a message to republicans on the hill that the president would like more defenders, louder defenders, and the folks from congress seem to have been saying we need some kind of message to fight pack on. So today your colleague senator Lindsey Graham came out and made a presentation about what these impeachment processes look like in the past. Tell me what you think Lindsey Graham is up to and how the senate needs to handle this. What lindsey is up to is defending the president , and in lindsey the president has somebody whos pretty much going to stand with him no matter what. What is noteworthy about this latest posture by lindsey is the seven republican senators who refused to go along with this. And as i say soon enough the house which has pai engaged in a process to get to the facts unlike the brain that functions in the president s mind which is chaos, theyre engaging in an ordering process and soon enough theyre going to get to public hearings. And i dont know what the republicans are going to do when that happens, but im sure theyll manufacture some other argument to confuse the public and distract the public. Senator, always good to talk to you. Thank you for joining us. All right, for more on the impeachment inquiry i want to bring in lynn sweet who covered the impeachment hearings, and also with me is chris lou who we know is a former white house cabinet secretary and deputy secretary of labor. He was also deputy chief counsel to the House Oversight committee. So the two of you can shed a great deal of light to whats going on right now. Lynn, lets start with you. Lindsey dpram came out there and talked about how things looked in the clinton impeachment and how much fairer they were apparently according to what Lindsey Graham says. You remember those days. Tell me what you think. This was in the dawn of the what Hillary Clinton called the right wing conspiracy, which was the dawn of the talk show era. It was just really coming to be. And you had a robust you had a very robust discussion that bill clinton did wrong no matter what. And there was pressure there. Put what you never had from the Clinton White house was a sense of saying that this was an unconstitutional inquiry. It might have been wrong, it might have been they disputed facts, they fought back. Sure, in a very calculated way they had a war room. They had people designed to take inquiries on impeachment, people ever day trying to get reporters to write certain stories or not. They had document dumps. But the very essence of the inquiry even though they didnt like it, they never questioned it existed. At the same time when it came to house judiciary hearings, henry hyde was the chairman of the house Judiciary Committee, it did come out both henry hyde, and bob livingston, and newt gingrich, all major figures all had affairs in their own past. So all this was kind of taken in stride, and it was very dramatic because the morning that the house decided to vote to impeach bill clinton, by the way, was the morning speaker designate Robert Livingston said he was going to quit and his affair became public. I must say that was one of the most memorable saturdays in my career to see all those stunning moves. But clinton just prepared for the trial and we kind of knew there werent enough votes to convict. But the legitimacy of the process was never questioned in the way it was. They thought that the charges werent justified, but it would be like in any other proceedings they griped. Chris, this is an interesting story because the president in his effort is entirely delegitimizing the process, calling it a lynching, calling it illegitimate, unconstitutional, anything he can throw at it. Youve worked in the process. Thats what you do. When the facts are not on your side, you complain about the process. I took dozens of depositions. A Cardinal Rule is that noncommittee members were not allowed to attend depositions. Thats a rule. The difference during the clinton impeachment you had a special counsel that were gathering the facts. You do it in private and then you put it out there. And Lindsey Graham knows this better than anyone, he was one of the impeachment managers back in 1998. They moved straight to an Impeachment Vote right after the november 1998 election. All this due process theyre talking about happens in the senate trial. So the fact Lindsey Graham thats what he said. By the way, in watergate there was a Senate Investigation before there was a house Judiciary Committee hearing. So the house investigation had taken place. So there will be a chance for all this and Lindsey Graham will have a chance to shape that when it gets to the u. S. Senate. This runs out of steam for a couple of reasons. One it runs out as you have explained and others have explained how it works. Maybe theyve got two or three weeks being able to gripe but this will become a real hearing in which facts will overtake process. Itll be secret until its not secret anymore. Talking about secrecy, theres a lot of things that are private and it doesnt mean its secret. Thats a very fair point. A closed door hearing is private, not secret. And there are depositions that will probably be made public. And of course we all want to know if its going to be heavily redacted or not. These are fights even democrats may have among themselves over what could be put out. But the thrust of what these people said will be known. And by the way the tactic some of these witnesses have used of releasing their own testimony as they walked in the door, what part of that is secret . And it is interesting because theyve all received letters or warnings not to do this, and weve now seen a few instances are people have said ive got a subpoena, im going. And ill also say this i think the white house needs to be careful about asking for transparency. If youre going to put bill taylor up there, a west point graduate, vietnam war veteran, 50year foreign service. Fiona hill served under three administrations, boy, those people have a lot of credibility. And so these people need to be careful about not wanting these people up there. Last word to you. Last word is we have two audiences, and President Trump may be hes a very persuader. He could maybe plant some seeds that this process isnt on the up and up. The most important person in the nation on this is Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell as to how he gets the senate trial going. And if he believes theres something wrong, thats when trump has a problem. Thanks to both of you for joining me tonight. Coming up, Rudy Giuliani, feeling the squeeze, shopping for a new lawyer as the investigation into his shadow ukraine operation intensifies. The latest on his legal jeopardy in two minutes. E latest on his y in two minutes heartache, brutality and redemption. The mist crept into the pivot hole beside her. Youre late. David what did you think of the book . Its a. Masterstroke of. Heartache. Brutality. And redemption. You didnt read it, did you . I didnt. But i will. The lexus nx, modern utility for modern obstacles. Lease the 2020 nx 300 for 349 month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. That could allow hackers devices into your home. Ys and like all doors, theyre safer when locked. Thats why you need xfinity xfi. With the xfi gateway, devices connected to your homes wifi are protected. Which helps keep people outside from accessing your passwords, credit cards and cameras. And people inside from accidentally visiting sites that arent secure. And if someone trys well let you know. Xfi advanced security. If its connected, its protected. Call, click, or visit a store today. With daily revelations about the quid pro quo being pushed on ukraine by President Trump, his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, appears to have his own very own serious legal exposure. First his associates lev parnas and igor fruman were indicted on Campaign Finance violations and conspiracy to use foreign money to pi political influence. They pled not guilty yesterday. And then multiple sources including the New York Times and bloomberg reported federal prosecutors are investigating giuliani himself. Then came further reporting theres also a Counter Intelligence component of the investigation into Rudy Giuliani. Despite all that last week Rudy Giuliani parted ways with his former lawyer john sale, saying, quote it would be silly to have a lawyer when i dont need one. Now apparently Rudy Giuliani is shopping for counsel. Sources telling cnn giuliani has been reaching out to Defense Attorneys about possible representation. To assess just how much trouble Rudy Giuliani is in, i want to bring in glen kirschner, former assistant Rudy Giuliani whether hes in trouble or not he talks about it a lot. In fact, he tweeted out last night with all the fake news let me make it clear that everything i did was to discover evidence to defend my client against fall charges. Dems would be horrified by the attacks on me if my client was a terrorist, but they dont believe donald trump has rights. Justice will prevail. I think its important for people to understand and be reminded, we wept through this with michael cohen, that a lawyer acting on behalf of their client is not protected if the underlying work is against the law, nor are they protected if they have a side hustle going. Both of those applied to michael cohen, by the way. He was doing things illegal and he had side hustles going on. Rudy giuliani would be in trouble for things he was doing outside the law and things he was doing on his own. If youre representing a client and whether its to benefit the client or notthen we apply the crime fraud exception. So your privilege evaporates and you can be charged. Not only can you be charged, you can be charged as a coconspirator beyo coconspirator with your client. Weve already seen a number of Giuliani Associates indicted. There was a great piece done by Barbara Mcquade and joyce vance where they kind of drafted up a mock indictment based on the public reporting alone. And, you know, ive reviewed hundreds of indictments in my 30 years as a federal prosecutor. This one looks pretty good. I mean, they come up with charges that seem to fit what we now know giuliani has done. They say, listen, hes in contempt of congress for basically when subpoenaed saying, i do not recognize congress authority to conduct this investigation, to issue subpoenas. You can fight the basis on what a subpoena is issued but hes just all day long. You saent say, for instance, if youre hauled into court as a criminal defendant you can say i dont recognize your jurisdiction, im going home and the judge will say marshals step him back because hes not going home. One, hes plainly in contempt of congress. Two, it looks like hes involved in a conspiracy to defraud the United States by soliciting a thing of value from a Foreign National in connection with a u. S. Election. That basically just describes what he and trump have been up to with that dirty deal they were trying to do with ukraine. And is an investigation of joe biden and his son a thing of value . Everybody talks about that. Heres why the president and by extension giuliani wants to be able to say ukraine is investigating joe biden. They dont care if its a legitimate investigation. The president wants to go out on the campaign trail and say, american voters, joe biden is being investigated bayou crane. It doesnt matter if theyre investigating legitimate wrongdoing by biden and his son. It is the fact of the investigation that trump will try to does anything there change the idea that soliciting that information, it would be i think easy to determine that thats a thing of value, right . Because Opposition Research is something you pay for. Its a thing of value that influences voters and potentially the outcome of an election. Absolutely. So theres clearly a thing of value going overseas, going to ukraine, the president getting on a phone call with the president of ukraine trying to get dirt on joe biden. Thats why Rudy Giuliani i think is on the hook for conpierce to defraud the United States. The third charge they put in this mock indictment, and its a mock indictment. And its a good read. Its a great read. The third charge is conspiracy to commit bribery based on trump withholding congressionally appropriated funds. Virtually hes kinds of willing to walk over the body of dead ukrainians to get what he wants, which is unfair advantage in the election. Hes holding that money hostage. I dont know why congress isnt more upset about that, because theyre the ones who have the right to spend that money. The president doesnt get to now rein that money in and use it for his political advantage, put thats what he was doing. Those are the three charges they lay out. But ill tell you, based on what weve seen reportsed, all three seem to be supported by the facts. I recommend people look it up. Joyce vance and Barbara Mcquade have written this and they describe what their experiment is. Its worth reading. Still ahead, the credible attempts by trumps attorney general to try and prove conspiracy theories about the 2016 election. That story next. Theories about 2016 election. That story next. Or it isnt. Its either testing an array of advanced safety systems. Or it isnt. Its either the peace of mind of a standard unlimited mileage warranty. Or it isnt. For those who never settle, its either mercedesbenz certified preowned. Or it isnt. The mercedesbenz certified preowned sales event. Now through october 31st. Only at your authorized mercedesbenz dealer. Tailored recommendations, taxefficient investing strategies, and a dedicated advisor to help you grow and protect your wealth. Fidelity wealth management. To help you grow and protect your wealth. kickstart my heart by motley crue truck honks wheels screeching clapping sound of can hitting bag and bowl clapping always there in crunch time. Old spice antipersprant spray and old spice antipersprant stick, each has different approchaes to armpits. But they do have one thing they can agree on. No sweat in the nfl hey, its just my name. Brought to you by the 48hour sweat defense of old spice sweat defense. I am totally blind. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. Attorney general william barr has earned a reputation as a fixer for donald trump. In the ukraine scandal trump specifically told the ukrainian president to work with barr to dig up dirt on joe biden. Barr has also tried to claim the Mueller Report cleared the president of obstruction of justice, which is untrue. The report makes no such claim, and barr launched a sprawling probe into various conspiracy theories about the origins of the russia investigation including one parroted by the president , that somehow the guy who told a Trump Campaign aide back in march of 2016 that russia had dirt on clinton was actually a western intelligence plant working as part of a ploy by democrats. Now, theres absolutely zero evidence to support that theory, but it didnt stop barr from traveling to italy last month and secretly meeting with italian intelligence officials. The italian Prime Minister acknowledged those meetings publicly for the first time yesterday and succinctly knocked down, quote our intelligence is related to russia gate and that has been made clear. Quote, barr has told foreign Intelligence Leaders he does not believe his own countrys intelligence officials and had gone to italy to ask if u. S. Intelligence officials are telling the truth. Josh marshal joins me now. Good to see you. This is very strange situation, to have the attorney general of the United States flying around the world trying to dig up something to its almost reverse engineering varied conspiracy theories. Its pretty bizarre. Generally speaking you think of the people in one government are kind of on the same team and, you know, trust each other and arent investigating each other. And you have this very weird case where hes going to these Foreign Intelligence Services that have longstanding ties with u. S. Intelligence services as you would expect, italy and inu. S. , the u. S. And u. K. And basical basically going to them and saying we think our intelligence agencies were plotting against our president. Is that what you think . Do you know anything about that that can confirm that . And, you know, presumably they dont know anything about it because as far as we know its not true. But it creates this these foreign Intelligence Leaders seem to be baffled and uncomfortable and not know what to make of it. And as you can see with Prime Minister conte it also creates these weird internal dynamics for these Foreign Governments because people in the italy and u. K. Are saying are you plotting with trump here, whats going on . So he had to come forward and make this statement. So youve got barr going tout there questioning u. S. Intelligence officials. Now we have new reporting by the New York Times, the headline is Justice Department has said to open criminal inquiry into its own russia investigation. So now the Justice Department is investigating itself. Im just going to read you a piece of this. Justice Department Officials have shifted an administrative review of the russia investigation closely overseen by attorney general william p. Barr to a criminal inquiry according to two people familiar with the matter. The move gives the prosecutor running it john h. Durham the power subpoena for witness testimony and documents to impanel a grand jury, and to file criminal charges. Whos investigating whom about what, but now it has been kicked up a notch which gives one the feeling that william barr is doing this all over the world. Hes doing it in america and overseas. Hes investigating america to come up with something to justify Donald Trumps allegations. Its all sort of a black box and i think thats the point. It doesnt really change anything. Its not that hard to say, okay, we were just kind of taking a look and now were going to make it a criminal investigation. That is decision that someone like bill barr can just make. We dont know when it was made. It is notable its being announced now when the president has had a few bad press days. I think important to keep in mind about this news is that in practice it means the mueller investigators and bob mueller were part of some sort of criminal conspiracy targeting President Trump. They will say that, well, were not talking about the mueller probe, were talking about the origins of the probe. But whats really important to remember is that bob mueller and his investigators in the nature of things had to look at every little you know, every little part of this investigation. And if there was criminal conduct they would have seen it. And since they didnt mention it, that must mean theyre part of it. So its really important to take stock of and understand and to absorb just how broad a conspiracy they are alleging against President Trump. And, you know, as youve said in your intro, weve seen bill barr will do almost anything to cover for the president. Hes made that clear. Josh, good to talk you as always. Josh marshall of talking points memo. One thing keeping donald trump and how effective its been in radicalizing his supporters. Thats next. S been in radicalizing his supporters. Thats next. 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A recent poll from the Public Religion Research institute finds that of republicans who cite fox news as their primary news source a whopping 98 oppose impeaching and removing trump opposed to just 90 of nonsighting republicans. And 55 say theres almost nothing the president could do lose approval. While 29 of nonciting republicans feel the same way. Listen to this exchange from fox friends from this morning. Lindsey graham says this whats missing in the impeachment push is coordinated message, and i think that has to be corrected. Youre doing the best you can. Hogan and others are doing the best you can, but could you use some help . , you know, i think we could use some help from the democrats, and fwooekd see whif what it is were able to fight we will be able to message it a bit better. Its hard to fight something going on behind closed doors and in secret. As we discussed its not actually happening in secret. Joining me is the president and ceo of media matters. Its not going on in secret. We have to correct that every time it happens. Its a closed door hearing, exactly the same kind republicans had with benghazi. Its not secret at all. However, fox should be able to clarify that as well, but you heard the fox anchors saying that to the president s press secretary. They are reinforcing the stuff the white house is putting out there. Absolutely. And theyre also creating the larger conditions and i think some of that was referenced in that piece where 50 say theres nothing he can do. If you take that one step deeper what theyre really saying is the ends justify the means. So you make the process illegitimate so no matter what happens there cent be any consequences for it. Its important to keep in mind this was the reason why fox news was built. When roger ales was beginning it the whole idea it would prevent what happened to Richard Nixon from ever happening to a republican so what he said to Shawn Hannity was actually kind of true . Thats exactly right and its in plain sight. This was their Mission Statement or founding document, the way any organization would start from a core principle or core critique, this was actually the product and right after nixon resigned from the threats of impeachment roger ales put together the original memo that later became fox news let be ask you this in two or three weeks when this becomes public and the process falls noo utah the background because the substance now is all were going to be discussing, will those fox viewers, those people who primarily cite fox as their main source of news will they believe that happened . No, they wont. And itll actually be a larger effect of that. When we talk about the fox audience we have to talk about the larger political landscape. Pause now those lies are out there and theres a reason why donald trump has the support right now to be the republican nominee than he did two years ago or even last year. Its actually increasing pause those people go out and evangelize the lies. Ive got a number of articles from media matters in front of me. Bill taylor testified the head of the u. S. Mission in ukraine. It says following bill taylors damning testimony right wing media worked to defend trump and discredit taylor. Theyre what some people call the deep state. They are not political people. Thats right. And i would point out and let me give you the mechanics of what this looks like. Since all this impeachment stuff started the first week of september, 50 of tweets have been fox news related, okay . Thats meaning hes quoting fox news or retweeting thats right. 400 of them have been about impeachment and 50 of them have been fox news related. It is driving misinformation. That is how you then take that colon kernel of misinformation and recycle it and it becomes the norms. Still ahead, the choice facing republicans right now, join trump in return for lavish president ial praise or face a full on attack from the leader of your party. Were going to talk about that straight ahead. R party. Were going to talk about that straight ahead heres the thing about managing multiple clouds for your business. When youve got public clouds, and private clouds, and hybrid clouds things can get a bit cloudy for you. But now, theres the Dell Technologies cloud, powered by vmware. A single hub for a consistent operating experience across all your clouds. That should clear things up. When didwhen i needed ton . Jumpstart sales. Build attendance for an event. Help people find their way. Fastsigns designed new directional signage. And got them back on track. Get started at fastsigns. Com. The calming scent of lavender by downy infusions calm. Laundry isnt done until its done with downy. What . i think i forgot to lock my buick. Got it. 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Please consider volunteering and feeling that feeling that you helped someone today. A solemn day on the capitol today as people gathered to honor the life and legacy of the late congressman elijah cummings. His casket laid in state at the capitol throughout the day. Cummings the son of former sharecroppers was the first africanamerican lawmaker to be given that honor. His casket was resting on the lincoln catafault, the capitol was busy all day with members of the public coming to pay their rrmts to the late congressman who died last week at the age of 68. His fellow members of Congress Held a celebration of of life ceremony this morning. Former president s obama and clinton will speak at cummings funeral at baltimore tomorrow. This morning we heard from Emmanuel Cleaver about the lessons we could learn from the life of his friend and colleague. We have now passed an appropriate review of a man who even as the king of terrors new drew nigh, he continued his work to continue our democracy. As elijah is beginning his hallelujah dance with the ang s angels, a we look at his life and work as e and work as how are we doing . Fabulous. I wonder how the firms doing without its fearless leader. You sure you want to leave that all behind . Yeah. Stay restless, with the icon that does the same. The new rx crafted by lexus. Lease the 2020 rx 350 all wheel drive for 439 month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Its how we care for our patients like job. His team at ctca treated his cancer and side effects. So job can stay strong for his family. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. Appointments available now. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. If ylittle thingsate tcan be a big deal. , thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. 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And senator Lindsey Graham who responded to the president s call to get tough by announcing a resolution condemning democrats. Then there are republicans who are either desperately trying to stay out of it or have been openly criticizing the president , earning themselves this response from the leader of their party. He called them human scum. I want to bring in jennifer rubin, columnist for the Washington Post who used to be a republican and now identifies as an independent and never trumper, along with Mickey Edwards from oklahoma who is still a registered republican. So which one is the scum . Whos he talking about . Ill take it ill take it as a badge of honor. You know, you do think that at some point someone is going to say this just sounds bad coming from the president , it lowers you. But he doesnt. And i think this is part of what weve seen which is this gradual disintegration. Things are not going well for him. There is no excuse for this behavior. There are no good facts. Whatever procedural arguments they come up with are going to disappear as fast as they concoct them. So he does these sorts of things. He uses racially inflammatory words like lynching in order to create a brouhaha which he thinks will get him through another 24 hours. The next day they have to do Something Else to get through the next 24 hours. But hes living on borrowed time. At some point the house is going to vote to impeach and its going to be laid out for the American People. Then well see what the senate does. If you look back to watergate, mickey, what happened is that over time republicans saw evidence and decided to act on it. Is that happening here . Because this looks like the opposite is happening. You have members of congress now who are painting themselves in a position, republican members, that they are staining their legacy in a way that will never be washed away because there is so much that has come out. Its not just what he did in dealing with foreigners and with Public Policy that undermines our alliances, its all of the things he does every day. Youre now complicit if youre unwilling to say you need to have an investigation and see whether he has violated the emoluments clause. If you cant do that, you are now part of the story and you are as responsible as he is. So for conservatives, the idea that he may have emolumen emoluments, the idea that he withheld money approved for ukraine, which, you know, members of congress have always been fighting the president is trying to take that authority away too much. It cant sit well. Your ideology cant match with the man youre defending. Right. So their argument is, well, if not for him, Hillary Clinton would be president. No, she wouldnt be. Actually mike pence, a very good from their perspective conservative would be. So they tell them these things to get them through, that this is just the media. That if they let them win on this one, theyll take down any president. That if the president shows weakness, then Elizabeth Warren will become president. So they come up with all of these excuses, these justifications. They look at the Supreme Court and say, but gorsuch, but kavanaugh. And at some point they do have to look themselves in the mirror. At some point they have to decide whats that one line in history theyre going to get, stooge or statesman . Mickey, again, unlike watergate, theres a feedback loop that we were just discussing. People who use fox as their only source of information are getting a source of information so theyre not feeling it as much. Its not just because of fox, because a lot of those people represent states where the people are not reading the New York Times, theyre not reading the Washington Post, theyre not watching msnbc. So we know things about what this president has done that they dont know and what they read says differently. So it requires these members of congress cant depend on their constituents knowing what they know. And they have to step up and say i am willing to lose. The people who wrote the constitution and the declaration of independence knew they were committing treason, they would have paid with their lives. These guys arent willing to pay with their job. Because it may cost them. Thats the issue. Right. Being called human scum is one thing, but it may change peoples livelihoods. It may. And apparently these people think they are never employable any place else. This is the only good job theyll ever get. Maybe theyre right because theyre behaving in a fashion that private sector employers would think twice about hiring these people. But this is the totality of their lives. They never would consider, hey, i would be richer in the private sector. I would have a whole new chapter in my career. I would go teach at princeton like mickey. They dont think that way. They are so attached to their position of power and influence, its like death for them. So they do whatever they need to to stay in power and they rationalize what they do and tell them theres some rationale for the greater good and then they just keep doing it. So i think two things have to happen. One, i think the folks, democrats, independents, republicans of good will have to go out to those parts of america and begin a Campaign Just the way they did on the aca or on any other issue. They have to educate and they have to reach, go beyond the fox media directly to voters out there. I think the second thick that has to happen is at least in these campaigns, there has to be a concerted effort by their democratic opponents to basically make these people say on the nose do you think its okay to involve a Foreign Government in our elections or not . Thats simple. I completely agree with that. Thank you to both of you for joining me tonight. That is all in for this evening. The Rachel Maddow show starts now. Thanks for joining us this hour. Were going to start with some breaking news that has come in from the New York Times. This is the news that honestly weve been expecting for some time or thinking that if things got really bad it might come to this. As of tonight according to the New York Times it has come to this. As you see, this is the headline just posted. Justice department is said to open criminal inquiry into its own russia investigation. Ill quote to you from the article. Again, this just posted tonight. Quote, President Trump has

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