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And what democrats plan to do about it. Plus, mounting alarm that the Trump Administration is using the bush playbook to sell war with iran. We learned more and more that there was a relationship between iraq and al qaeda. There is a connection between the Islamic Republic of iran and al qaeda. Period, full stop. And coats rebuts Mitch Mcconnell on reparations. For a century after the civil war black people were subjected to a Relentless Campaign of terror. A terror that extended well into the lifetime of majority leader mcconnell. When all in starts right now. Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. Is the Trump Administration currently running concentration camps at the border . Somewhat remarkably this is a debate we are now having in this, the year 2019, as the administration builds out day by day a sprawling and everexpanding system of regular detention for desperate migrants who the president rails against and vilifies at every turn. Of course many of the president s apologists have attempted to turn this urgent humanitarian and moral crisis into a debate over what freshman congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez called them. The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border. And that is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps. Those comments had set off a firestorm of both good faith and bad faith criticism and there are legitimate reasons to object to that term in the context. Direct allusions to the horror of the holocaust is treacherous territory. The term even though it predates the nazi regime applies throughout history in the public imagination of the u. S. Intimately tied to the machinery of death that the nazis constructed. Analogies run the danger of cheapening the sheer scope of the horror of the holocaust. What we confronting is not genocide or mass murder, the discomforting truth is that in fact an expansion of a set of systems already work shopped by the last democratic president. But good faith objections aside, there was also swift, massive efforts made to turn cortezs comments into their own controversy by people who have shown absolutely no concern whatsoever over the conditions for the human beings inside those camps themselves or the fact that at least seven children are known to have died in immigration custody since last year. These are three of those children. 8yearold felipe lopez alonzo, 6yearold carlos, they were both suffering from the flu when they died in cbp custody. They said 7yearold jacqueline died from an infection that shut down her vital organs. According to her family she was well fed and in good health when she arrived at the border with her father. Now, before these deaths of those children, no child had died in cbp custody for nearly a decade. Something is wildly horribly wrong. Children are dying in our care and custody, yet so many of those upset over the words of alexandria ocasiocortez have showed zero concerns about the deaths of these children, zero concern about the administration ripping literally thousands of children, even infants, from their parents arms, zero concern about the u. S. Accepting fewer refugees fleeing war and oppression than any administration in u. S. History. I think congressman aoc needs to apologize not only to the nation but to the world. This type of rhetoric from our elected leaders is irresponsible, reckless, misinformed and wrong. Weve had a long history, if you go back, and people who really are left wing zealots, ignoring history, ignores facts to pursue their causes. At some point you run out of ways to describe how ignorant this is. Yes, the rhetoric, the ignorance. Instead of an honest reckoning, people like donald trump jr. And liz cheney and other opportunists try to score cheap rhetorical points and something that will intensify as we march toward the election. No amount of debased and news cycle trolling can obscure the moral stakes here. The president of the United States was greeted for his kickoff rally for his campaign yesterday by white supremacist supporters flashing white power signs. One reporter quoted a disillusioned gop operative who said the Trump Campaign is well aware of the organized participation of proud boy rallies merging into trump events. They dont care. We know how the president feels about those who marched in charlottesville. You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. Its the same president who uses all the darkest rhetoric of authoritarian nationalism to rail against the shadowy forces of internal enemies. He accuses immigrants of investing the country like vermin the way nazis talked about juice and others. This rhetoric has been made into policy on the ground and a vast system of irregular aun just detention is being constructed that will be very, very difficult to unbuild. Where migrants are held in what the only Inspector General describes the conditions. Today alexandria ocasiocortez tweeted dhs ripped thousands of children from their parents and put them in cages and inhumane conditions. They call their cells dog pounds and freezers. I will never apologize for calling these camps what they are. If that makes you uncomfortable, fight the camps, not the nomenclature. I guess were talking about the sprawling expansion thats being erected under everybodys noses. Right. I suppose thats the only Silver Lining to this deeply asinine debate. I think there is an argument to be had, whether the term concentration camp, although we use it in a host of other contexts. People use it to talk about the uighur camps in china, it was used to talk about the japanese internment camps which are being repositioned to hold some of these migrants. There is an argument that these are so connected in peoples minds that people think youre comparing Border Patrol to nazis and its not a useful rhetorical technique and we should find another way to talk about these camps where we are concentrating ethnic outgroups in deplorable conditions. We are concentrating groups that have been villified by the president who are showing up at the border, who are migrants, who are talked about as infesting vermin in conditions that our own government has called egregious. And theres also i feel like were always charting new frontiers with this administration and this climate but there is something grotesque about seeing apologists for a White Nationalist president who openly has troeps and wrapping themselves in semitism and using it to lecture in many case juice. Its bad enough White Nationalists are back. The idea that White Nationalists are going to lecture jews about the memory of the holocaust, it is grotesque. Charlie, this is a small taste of what is to come, right . We call it in the office a flop. Like in soccer or basketball, right, the sort of perform afternoon taking of umbrage that you see all the time but in this case were seeing it from someone like don junior or liz cheney. That will intensify and it will be a real test as we head towards the election. Theres no question. And to get my own two cents on the whole semantic debate, george decay tweeted out this afternoon, hey, i was in two of those things that were concentration camps. These are concentration camps. I think george takei is dispositive on the subject. That being said, we are coming into a dark ages, broad swords and, you know, mace and leather apron bloodfest of a campaign. I mean it is going to be, and i will become its going to be the Worst Campaign in american history, by far. Its going to its going to be worse than any of those ones in the 1850s where people got called hermaphrodites. Its going to be bad. We had someone arrested yesterday for assaulting a reporter at that event. Again, there are White Nationalists who showed up to flash white power symbols. Right. And no one is shocked anymore. Exactly. This is what weve all become desensitized to. That happened yesterday and that is not the driving controversy of the day. Right. Pertaining to the specter of fascism that may haunt the year of 2019. It is not the people who are showing up to battle, they say, agent antifa in the streets, its the words alexandria ocasiocortez used. You have i know it seems like ancient history, but it was only a couple of years ago that he had an advisor, sepp gorka who was a lifetime member of a nazialigned Hungarian Group and now you have him criticizing other people for antisemitism. We are so far through the looking glass. The thing that really sends me deeper into despair is that on the one hand you have people who are in obvious theyre working in obvious bad faith and just trolling. None of these people were outraged when someone on the Trump National Security Council compared Carbon Dioxide, the demonization of Carbon Dioxide to the demonization of jews in the holocaust. And that person has been chosen by the president. But you have sort of good faith both sides mainstream reporters who are reporting this as if this is a kind of legitimate National Controversy instead of a ridiculous sideshow. And to me, charlie, the point here is if youre going to report about the controversy, which it is news, were reporting it here. Its a controversy about what the conditions in the camps are. And youve been there, chris, and i havent. Just as an illustration of where we are, was there efr a more pathetic suit or pair of empty suits than Lindsey Graham and marco rubio at that rally last night . In 2012, when we spoke to the Republican National convention in tampa, marco rubio was going to be the republican barack obama. His issue was going to be comprehensive and relatively humane and bipartisan immigration reform. And now seven years later, hes sitting in the audience thats right. His head bobbing like one of those banjoplaying bears at chuck e. Cheese watching a madman rant at the podium. I mean its an astonishing you know, if i believed in dementors or vampires, i would say the soul has been taken out of these people. For more on the reality on the ground, im joined by the Deputy Director of aclus immigrants rights projects. This is the data we have. Isis de ace is detaining more than 53,500 immigrants in jails across the country, a new record. What is going on with immigrant detention right now . Its completely unnecessary. Are there some immigrants that need to be detained . Of course. But theres no individualized assessment so theyre detaining everyone, not just people who are flight risks or danger. Weve always said after a hearing, if theyre determined to be a flight risk or a danger, then maybe youve got to detain them. But right now theyre just wholesale detaining mothers, fathers, children. Its out of control. There are plenty of ways to ensure appearance. Asylum seekers in particular want to be at their hearings because they dont want to live in limbo. They want to have a permanent status and they will show up. At the end of the Obama Administration there was a Case Management system developed that ensured appearance at practically a 97 rate. We should say, and i want to present the administrations case and get your response to it. The numbers have gone up unquestionably. There are more people coming to the border. The causes for that are a little unclear. They say, look, were overwhelmed. We dont have the systems in place to deal with all of this and you dogooding liberals are wringing your hands but this is what weve got to do. The numbers are not historically high. But the other thing thats going on is all the resources are focused on Law Enforcement and putting people in jail rather than allocating resources to process asylum claims and hold hearings. And so if the resources were allocated differently. And so one of the things is the administration says, well, these are all families. What that should say is theyre not dangerous. Theyre just sitting down when they cross the border and say asylum so they dont need as many agents out there doing Law Enforcement. What they need are people to process the asylum claims. Now, the administration of barack obama in 2014 started something called family detention in 2014 when it saw a similar surge at the border. It was criticized, i should say, by immigration lawyers and we criticized it. And people then were talking about its uncomfortable relationship to a camp situation. Right. It was basically ruled in violation of a consenting decree called flores, right . Is this administration doing family detention again . You know, its unclear. Right now it looks like theyre starting to do it. But what were hearing is that they want to do it wholesale and get rid of the flores consent agreement. Thats the only thing binding them from a fullscale buildout of a larger camp system . Thats right, and other constitutional rulings. But what were hearing is that they want to do it. They want to put them all in detention centers, have them give up on their legitimate asylum claims or process the claims so quickly that people dont get due process. And so well be in court, other groups will be in court to stop that. But we cant go back to a system of family detention. The Obama Administration did do it but they ended it quickly. By the ending of the administration, they had figured out a way to ensure peoples appearance at Court Hearings without detention. Right now the conditions are so bad, im not one to make historical comparisons so ill leave that to others. But the conditions are horrendous. Not only that, but they are still separating children. What do you think of what alexandria ocasiocortez said . Im going to leave that controversy to others. I am the lawyer, i like to get the facts out. Ill let others make this. But we do need to focus on what is actually going on on the ground because the idea that the administration is only going after hardened criminals and everyone is being treated fine is absolutely wrong. Are the conditions acceptable or humane. No, the conditions are not acceptable for either adults or children. Lee, thank you very much. Thanks for having me. The president s former Communications Director stonewalls the Judiciary Committee claiming immunity. Congressman ted lieu says what he witnessed behind closed doors is ridiculous and he joins me in two minutes. The first survivor of alzheimers disease is out there. And the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Visit alz. Org to join the fight. danny after a long day of hard work. You have to do more work . vo automatically sort your expenses and save over 40 hours a month. danny every day youre nearly fried to a crisp, professionally vo you earned it, were here to make sure you get it. Quickbooks. Backing you. Compare comcast business to your current provider. My Current Service provider does not provide half of what you provide. And to know that i could save money . Id be thrilled. This sounds like a whole business package, which would be incredible. So what are you guys waiting for . 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Joining me now one of the democrats who attended hicks interview today, democratic congressman ted lieu of california. Congressman, what was it like . Thank you, chris, for your question. Let me first make clear that the Trump Administration is obstructing every line of inquiry from congress. For example, we want to know why is the Trump Administration suing to eliminate Health Care Coverage for americans with preexisting conditions. Theyre blocking us. Specific to hope hicks testimony today, they were asserting something that doesnt exist. The white House Attorneys and the department of justice attorneys were saying she has absolute immunity. Thats not a thing. No court has ever recognized it. Theyre going to get destroyed in federal court. Well, before i want to get to that, you started off with something ive been curious about. Weve been tracking, and its hard to track in this sort of public record, document production by this white house along a range of questions, whether its puerto rico, the census. Lots of document requests have come from congress doing routine oversight, nothing to do with mueller. Has any of that, just the most basic, obvious, constitutionally empowered oversight, has any of that been met by this administration . Most of it has not. Thats why you saw the Oversight Committee actually hold wilbur ross in contempt. We are getting some movement from attorney general bill barr, so now they are letting members of the house Judiciary Committee and House Intel Committee review the underlying evidence. So were getting some movement there. For most lines of inquiry, were getting total obstruction boy the Trump Administration. Now, to this doctrine of absolute immunity, jerry nadler said the white house is having this doctrine of absolute immunity, which we will destroy in court. I have never heard of that. What is that . What the white house is asserting is that hope hicks doesnt have to say a single thing about her time in the white house. Thats pat ept patently absurd. So we would ask some questions like where is your Office Located . Objection. I basically said okay, on your first day of work at the white house, was it a sunny day or a cloudy day . They did let her answer that question. Okay. Now, i actually now understand this for the first time. Executive privilege is a claim about the constitutional protection for the president to get unvarnished advice. That pertains to some specific subset of discussions that happened in the white house. What youre telling me is the white house isnt making that claim. Theyre making a broader claim that literally no scintilla of fact about her time in the white house does she have to testify to congressional oversight about. That is what separates absolute immunity from executive privilege . That is absolutely correct. For example, she did talk about her time on the campaign. On the campaign, she was directed by donald trump to basically lie to the American People about Karen Mcdougal with the hush money payments and so on. She was asked a followup question about her time in the white house because she at that point would have realized that what she said was a lie and they would not let her answer it because it was at her time in the white house. So you i guess the next step will be some litigation about this in court and whether the courts will finding for it. You think they will be destroyed. Do you think there is too much riding on the courts . That they have essentially met all of your subpoenas and your calls with blocks and legal maneuvering that will then be litigated in the courts and that allows them to run the clock out on what youre trying to do . Thats a good point. So we have asked for expedited review. In two other Previous Court cases that we won, we got expedited review going to the appellate courts. In this case were going to litigate it, were going to win in court. Were also going to ask again for expedited review, but we can also take a separate action known as inherent contempt where we can impose fines without having to go through the Court Process. We dont want to do that. We want to try the Court Process first, but that is always out there to get witnesses to comply. All right, congressman ted lieu, thank you very much. Thank you. Next, as bolton and pompeo begin to sound more and more like rumsfeld and cheney, there is new reporting that even the president is getting freaked out by his own administrations campaign for war with iran right after this. Ing matter. If you dont know the plans available now, you might end up with a doctor youre not so comfortable with, or even worse, being forced to pay thousands in medical expenses due to coverage limitations. 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One of the most infuriating aspects of the runup to the iraq war was that the desire to go for war preceded the rationale. Members of the Bush Administration wanted a war with iraq but had to come up with a rationale to justify it so it threw a lot of different stuff at the wall to see if it would stick. Some of it was true like Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator who oppressed and gassed his own people. But some of the reasons they gave for invading iraq were made up or distorted beyond all recognition, bike famously the that hussein had weapons of mass destruction, he did not, or that he was in league with the terrorists behind the 9 11 attacks. He wasnt. We do have solid evidence of the presence in iraq of al qaeda members, including some that have been in baghdad. We have what we consider to be very reliable reporting of senior level contacts going back a decade and of possible chemical and biological agent training. When i say contacts, i mean between iraq and al qaeda. Yes, iraq and al qaeda. Its hard not to feel like were watching a rerun as the Trump Administration tries to build a public case against iran, blaming the regime for a whole range of bad behavior, some real, some badly misrepresented. Its real that hezbollah and the the administration is also claiming that iran was behind a Suicide Attack on u. S. Forces in afghanistan for which the taliban publicly claimed responsibility. And in what appears to be an effort to coopt military authorization, theyre bringing back one of the iraq wars greatest hits, claiming some kind of murky ties to al qaeda. This was the secretary of state a couple of months ago. The factual question with respect to irans connections to al qaeda is very real. They have hosted al qaeda, they have permitted al qaeda to transit their country. Theres no doubt there is a connection between the Islamic Republic of iran and al qaeda. Period, full stop. Im joined now by a National Security reporter for the daily beast who has new reporting that the president has told his advisers to tone down the tough talk on iran. Erin, your piece jumped out precisely of the reasons for the parallels. The president very famously talked about the iraq war being a mistake, he talks about it now even though he supported it at the time to be clear. Ive been wondering, theres all of this back door reporting about this power vacuum and whos jockeying for war with iran. What does your reporting suggest . Thats right. As you pointed out, we know that the Trump Administration officials have been coming out and trying to draw some sort of connection between iran and al qaeda. This is worrying lawmakers on the hill who say were concerned that youre going to take the 2001 amf and run with it and by Pass Congress and confronting iran militarily. What we learned is that over the weekend, President Trump told his advisers, listen guys, weve got to tone down the rhetoric on iran. You know, we can go out there and blame the country for attacks on the two oil tankers in the gulf, but we need to sort of scale of back a little bit. This is as hes headed into the launch of his 2020 campaign. And so what we know now is that this has really become a focus of top Trump Administration officials. We saw brian hook in front of the House Foreign Affairs committee today, whos one of the top people working on iran policy at the state department who made it very clear to all those watching and to lawmakers that the goal is not to go to war with iran. Instead, it is to get iran to come to the negotiating table and to sort of cripple the iranian economy as much as they can to sort of destabilize some of their military and nuclear activities. Yeah this again is a stated goal. Part of what the danger here as far as i read the reporting, yours and others, is that there are different factions within the white house and a president in the center of it who isnt you know, isnt really on top of managing this. Theres very clearly a battle happening behind the scenes amongst different interests, some of whom very much want military escalation. Thats correct. Even lawmakers on the hill are sort of confused. Theyre scratching their heads saying, wait a minute, i thought a couple of weeks ago we are almost certain that we were potentially going to go to war with iran down the line. Uld fee. Its just really chic. I love this thing. Its gorgeous. I would pull up in this in a heartbeat. I want one of these. That is sharp. The allnew chevy blazer. Speaks for itself. I dont know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. The first survivor of ais out there. Sease and the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Visit alz. Org to join the fight. Plan thing 1 tonight, president s are of course in charge of a lot of things but donald trump seems for fix 8 and obsess about some of the least consequential stuff. We call this the fabric swatches after this segment with trumps former ghost writer. These businesses that he acquired, the plaza hotel and the trump shuttle, he would buy them and there would be a lot of hoopla. He was interested to that point and then he had no interest in running them on a daytoday basis and no knowledge how to do it. So he focused on the fabric swatches. It played into his germophobia. He was always replacing the carpets and the drapes and he was always talking about deep cleaning the airline seats, you know. And so thats what his life became. He would say what do you think of this piece of velour here. Id feel it and wed talk about it. And at the center of all this chaos was this man feeling fabric. Yes, and then the man feeling fabric became president and has thankfully actually wasted a ton of time on the small stuff. One of the first things he did was add a lot of gold fabric to the oval office along with a bunch more flags. Back in the summer of 2017, donald trump went on one of his first overseas trips and went to the big bastille day parade with french president Emmanuel Macron in paris. Trump has been obsessed with having a parade of his own ever since. I was your guest at bastille day. It was one of the greatest parades i have ever seen. We may do Something Like that on july 4th in washington down pennsylvania avenue. I dont know, were going to have to try and top it. Id like to have a parade. A lot of the generals would like to have a parade. Wed have a lot of plane flyovers. I think it would be great for the spirit of the country. Were thinking about doing on the fourth of july or thereabouts a salute to america parade. Were thinking about doing something that would become perhaps a tradition and the fireworks is there anyway so we get free fireworks because its already being done, so thats very good. Well, donald trump is finally getting that parade. The interior Department Released the details today. D. C. s july 4th festivities will begin with marching bands, five and drum corps, floats, military units, giant balloons, equestrian and drill teams and more. And then to fully turn it into a trump rally, the president will deliver a speech in the evening followed by music, military demonstrations and flyovers by air force one. Seriously. Print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the Amazing Services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again today for the first time in a dozen years, Congress Held hearings on reparations for africanamericans to consider legislation that was first introduced three decades ago. Its a much more active political issue today with several candidates in the democratic primary field coming out in favor of some version of it. So active in fact that yesterday senator majority leader Mitch Mcconnell was asked about it and gave this answer. I dont think reparations for something that happened 150 years ago for whom none of us currently living are responsible is a good idea. Weve tried to deal with our original sin of slavery by fighting a civil war, bypassing landmark civil rights legislation. Weve elected an africanamerican president. I think were always a work in progress in this country, but no one currently alive was responsible for that. Today the person probably most responsible for pushing the idea of reparations into the mainstream at least today is Tanehisi Coates who wrote the case for reparations in the atlantic five years ago. He got to testify and responded to mcconnell. Yesterday when asked about reparations, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell offered a familiar reply. America should not be held liable for something that happened 150 years ago since none of us currently alive are responsible. This rebuttal proffers a strange theory of governance, that american accounts are somehow bound by the lifetime of its generations. But well into this century the United States was still paying out pensions to the heirs of civil war soldiers. Beyond the treaties that date back some 200 years, despite no one being alive who signed those treaties. Enslavement reigned for 250 years on these shores. When it ended, this country could have extended its principles, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to all, regardless of color, but america had other principles in mind. And so for a century after the civil war, black people were subjected to a Relentless Campaign of terror. A campaign that extended well into the lifetime of majority leader mcconnell. But this committee must know that while emancipation deadbolted the door against the bandits of america, jim crow wedged the windows wide open. And that is the thing about senator mcconnells something. It was 150 years ago and it was right now. Audible members know listening has the power to change us make us better parents, better leaders, better people. And theres no better place to listen than audible. With audible you get a credit good for any audiobook and exclusive fitness and wellness programs. And now, youll also get two Audible Originals titles exclusively produced for audible. Automatically roll your credits over to the next month if you dont use them, and if you dont like a book just swap it for free. Enjoy 100 ad free listening in the car, on your phone or any connected device. And when you switch a device pick up right where you left off. With our commitment free guarantee, theres never been a better time to start listening to audible. The most inspiring minds, the most compelling stories, the best place to listen. To start your free 30day trial, text listen5 to 500500 today. Donald trump is a few achilles heels politically these days. While gallup might have him at a mere 43 and he is losing with various democrats in recent polls, he was greeted for his campaign relaunch in orlando with an editorial endorsing not donald trump, one place he is the favorite with a huge advantage. Hes the second sitting president to run for reelection since the Citizens United decision. We know he is playing fast and loose with ethical and legal restraints, about you for the first time in modern history, the president filed fec paperwork the first day he was inaugurated. The combination of incumbency with big money, pacs and super pacs and a small dollar list, the campaign has been building since the first day in office add up to the most formidable money advantage of any incumbent ever. They raised 24. 8 million in less than 24 hours, more than joe biden, bernie sander, beto orourke, and Elizabeth Warren combined. Here with me to talk about this, michelle lee, an enterprise and accountability reporter who wrote about the fundraising totals and daniel weaner who is a Senior Council with Democracy Program at the Brendan Center for justice and Campaign Finance expert. Michelle, what is different about the fundraising apparatus donald trump has compared to predecessors . Unlike president s before him, he started raising money for reelection as soon as he became president , which means he had a long time already to just stockpile a lot of money away for reelection campaign. In the first 24 hours of his official launch yesterday, he reported raising 25 million. Thats about a million an hour. Even after that, he held a big money luncheon with deathy donors today and the campaign reported raising 6 million. Thats a ton of money in the past 48 hours and eclipses anything the democrats have raised so far. I remember during the clinton years, there is big money raising scandals with the president giving donors perks. You can sleep in a lincoln bedroom and that led to the reform that comes after. The presidency is sort of a powerful tool for fundraising and you dont want to incentivize what looks like bribery. You can get a spot on my board. It seems like thats blown out of the water. You have donors going to mar a lago and showing up at his hotels. This is ripe for abuse. What is your worry as somebody who studies this . Thanks very much for having me on, chris. You are exactly right. We have a sort of toxic combination of a president who kicked the campaign into overdrive and put it on steroids and the system where the supreme court, congress, and the dysfunctional federal Election Commission have all worked to undermine Campaign Finance laws. Thats what you get here. You do have to give the president his due. He is raising a lot of money from big donors and raising a lot of money from small donors. I think that that is a testament to the fact that whatever his poll numbers, ha he has a devoted base. It to the super pac unless he did it through another entity. He could give to a group that doesnt have to disclose donors. Not only could he do that, but the russian government could do that. Anyone can and that money would not be disclosed. All right. Its not just the president has been raising money, but spending it, too. The facebook part of this is fascinating. This is a New York Times graphic. This is trumps spending versed all of the candidates until recently. It was more than all of the Democratic Candidates combined and its 21 when you look at the field versus how much he is spending. This is clearly a focus. Yes and whats notable about the president s Campaign Spending on facebook is as he spends money on facebook. He is able to fine tune and expanding the audience that is seeing his ads. The big difference between the Trump Campaigns Facebook Advertising right now and the democrats Facebook Advertising right now is that democrats are basically targeting the same primary voters and the most engaged people paying attention. They are messaging to a narrow set of people who are on facebook and who are getting those ads. Meanwhile President Trump is expanding the audience getting his ads. I wanted to add one more note about the structure that President Trump now has which is a big difference compared to 2016 when he said i dont have a super pac. Anyone who has a super pac is beholden to the major donors. There is both a dark money and super pac infrastructure surrounding the president and they are planning to spend 300 million. Plus the massive small dollar army that President Trump already has. You have the normal schmoozing of big donors that is the coin of the realm in washington politics for a while. Right. Now look, its fashionable to blame donald trump for everything wrong in washington. I want to be clear with your viewers that this is a system that we had before donald trump. He kicked it into overdrive after running against it in 2016. This is a great illustration of the places that got donald trump elected disillusionment with the system is awaiting him in power. Its worth noting that a part of his shtick in 2016 was honoring the breech of it is i am not honoring any donors. Now he is the most donor backed in history and the most donorbacked incumbent. Yes. We are seeing a unique but her appearance at least in the hallway got the attention of the president along with those who want a more thorough and aggressive investigation. And the challenge the democrats are likely failing at, telling the story of the mueller report,

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