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Their oversight of the president ry prepared for an attempt to impeach you . Dnc chair tom perez on Donald Trumps state of the union visit to Nancy Pelosis house. You are cant impeach somebody for doing the best job of any president. When all in starts right now. Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. At this hour, the democratic governor of virginia remains defiant. Ralph northam is refusing to resign despite near unanimous calls from his fellow democrats to leave the office. After the discovery of this racist photo on his 1984 medical School Yearbook page. Now in his initial statement, northam apologized and said he was, in fact, one of the people in the photo. Didnt say which one but then reversed course on saturday denying he was in the photo. He did not deny ever wearing blackface. He volunteered that he had put shoe polish on his face in 1984, the same year as the yearbook photo, while participating in a dance competition dressed as michael jackson. You danced the moon walk. That is right. Are you still able to moon walk . Um inappropriate circumstances. My wife said inappropriate circumstances. Your wife is right. A source tells nbc news that northam told his staff that he needs more time to deliberate about his next steps. He added that he does not want to leave office as a quote, racist for life. Northam took office last january and he had been fairly popular in virginia until now. His Approval Rating has plummeted in the wake of the scandal falling from 48 to just 29 . But despite his falling poll numbers and widespread calls from fellow democrats locally and nationally to resign, northam has taken a page from the trump gop playbook electing to set aside shame and for now try to power through. It is what trump famously did in the wake of the access Hollywood Tape and multiple allegations of Sexual Misconduct and hes the president now. It is what roy moore did when he stayed in his Alabama Senate race despite accusations of having sexually preyed on teenage girls, one of whom was just 14. He lost that race but not by much. And it is what iowa congressman steve king has done over and over and over again. Amid outrage over his White Nationalist views. Of course, there is one crucial difference. While democrats have been unanimous in calling for northam to go, most republicans did not call for steve king or roy moore or donald trump to step aside. Over the weekend trump took to twitter to deem northams transgressions unforgivable which prompts reporters to ask Kellyanne Conway why trump has not spoken out against say steve king. The president brought out northam over the weekend but people wondered why he didnt do the same thing when steve king was in the news about the White Supremacy comments. You guys always want moral equivalence on everything. Joining me to you to break down the situation and the response from both parties, adam ser wer and legal analyst milea wylie and Senior Vice President for social justice at the new school and mia, ill start with you. I dont understand what northam is doing but it is interesting to watch the clarity of the Democrat Party response. Yes. Im really saddened by what northam is doing. Because i think at first of all, it was the most racist offensive photograph we can imagine seeing. The fact that he changed his story was taking a beginning of trying to have a discussion that might have redeemed him, might if he had been able to articulate the story arc of his life where he went from the person who would put black shoe polish on his face, as he talked about in that press clip you showed, to a person who understood how offensive that is and why that is. Remember, he won his election, he significantly beat Terry Mcauliffe margin and beat Hillary Clintons in large part because three quarters of people of color came out in droves to vote for him. And yet he could not describe or explain what redemption he experiences or what experiences took him from that to what he said he is today and in fact he went in the opposite direction. What do you say, adam, and what is the difference and there are a lot between the steve king situation where he literally defended the term white supremacist on the record of the New York Times and then the northam situation . I think that the main difference between those two situations is that in one case king went on for years ex pouzing White Nationalist views an the Republican Party did nothing about it until he came close to losing his seat. In this case, as mia pointed out, northam won handily and democrats are still calling for him to leave because they believe the photo and his response to the foet photo ie with mia. He didnt illustrate that he understood the gravity of what the photo represented for the voters that put him in office. And i think if there had been some genuine contrition there as opposed to the weird thing with the moon walk and the discussion of the shoe polish, he might be in a better situation than he is now. What does the view look like from virginia, donte, youre involved in progressive politics on the ground there. What are people saying . We all feel the same way. We feel detray betrayed and the trust is no longer there and that is why folks are calling for resignation. And im hearing what do we do next and move on from here. We have conversations of race every so often and afterwards the conversation kind of dies out as we still sweep it under the rug or dont address the real issue and i think right now we had that opportunity to do so and im hearing that and people contacted eelected officials to go to a better place from here. I will say this, what hes doing seems both sort of substantively objectional and irrational politically. Steve king is still a member of the congress. Roy moore stuck in that race and he got donald trump to come down and endorse him and lost but lost by a very little amount. He might be a senator today. Lost thanks to black women. And president of the president of the United States despite Reince Priebus huddling after the access Hollywood Tape and saying get out of the race and the kingdom of saudi arabia which murdered someone, and hacked him to death and lied about it, is salmon is back going to events. And there is a way if you just bully through and shameless enough you could be rewarded in a sort of strictly descriptive political sense. I think the difference here i think that is unfortunately been true. I think the difference here is your core constituents once you are gone. That is why you cant in this case. Steve king said oh, white supremacist, were cool. The core constituency here, white and black and latino, this is a Multiracial Group of constituents who are calling for him to step aside. Because hes violated the trust and remember i think what is so disturbing about this, he could be driving if his leadership skils were what they should be, he should be driving an extremely important productive conversation about the rise of racism, the rise of segregation and the fact that hate crimes have increased 17 for black people in this country. The fact that in virginia there is still an ongoing debate about symbols of confederacy and what does it mean to be an inclusive society. And that is the point, adam, where im reminded of the al franken situation. Because i think what were watching in realtime is the Democratic Party trying to start acting at a broad macro level like the Multiracial Party of gender and racial equality that i think for a long time espoused to be but for the first time because of the composition is starting to act like it. Well, look, northamaz northam was elected on the expressions of bigotry by the president and of policies that he criticized as discriminatory and i any this northam was if he wants to make sure that that social taboo against overt expressions of bigotry remain strong to the extent that it is weakened by the president , i think he has to set an example. Let me ask you this, donte, Justin Fairfax, who is the africanamerican lieutenant governor, sort of a remarkable story, young and he a famous photo of him sitting out the tribute to robert e. Lee in the state assembly very recently. He now has been accused in a sort of strange way that is essentially laundered through a right wing outlet of Sexual Assault by a woman. It is a real accusation. The Washington Post looked into it. They could find no corroboration one way or the other and he has strongly denied it. But now there is a very big question over what happens there. What do you make of that . Honestly, there is still a question of race. That is what were talking about here. The allegations against Justin Fairfax, theyre go due course and whatever happens well support that decision and the outcome. However, this whole conversation started off with our governor. It didnt start with Justin Fairfax or that uncorroborated story and dont want people to get off message here. When they start thinking about what is next, look, we have another problem to worry about with justin. That is not the message. Because you dont want people to think we should just hang in there with northam . Yeah the judgment has to be rendered one way or another with northam and dealt with and whatever happens next is what you are saying . Absolutely. Because the governorship represents somebody who represents all of virginians and if we dont have the trust, we need to ask that question and have that conversation and when you talk about race in virginia, these are other issues that, again, they are very serious and need to be dealt with properly. But right now were talking about the governorship and the conversation of race here in virginia and that is lets not forget that. Final thing i think is what it says. I keep think about being a black medical student in that med school. Where that image is there and apparently aroused nothing no controversy, no nothing. Or black patients of the doctors trained there. When you zoom out and think about the life world this emerged from, it is pretty haunting. The infant mortality the rate of blake women who die in giving birth or from appreciationrelated complications has increased over 200 in this country and it is not a story of class. That is across class. So it is not about having resources for medical care. It is because we have bias in the medical field. Embedded in the system. And i think this goes back to the 2013 that same his medical school had to shut down the yearbook had to get rid of it. Got rid of the yearbook. Because why . Exactly. Adam ser wer and maya and jonathan. Thank you for being with us . The Trump Inaugural Committee has just been served with subpoenas. Chris christie with more on that development in minutes. That development in minutes hi guys, this is the chevy equinox. Beautiful. Wow. It offers a lot of Great Technology inside. Oh, this is fancy. Yeah, thats the available hd surround vision camera. The top of your car . It helps you see dangers around the vehicle. What is that . What the . Wait wait wait. 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Joining me now, a man who knows a thing or two about the federal prosecutor, Chris Christie, former new jersey governor and former attorney and his book is called let me finish. Great to have you here. Great to be back. Lets start with the news. I saw you saying to your mind the bigger threat and more worrying thing legally than mueller was the Southern District of new york and these are coming to the inaugural committee. What do you think of that. I always thought that was the bigger problem for two reasons. One because the Southern District of new york has no restrictions on their purview. Bob mueller has a task. Russian interference and potential collusion in the 2016 election. Southern district of new york is whatever the heck you want. And so particularly the fine stuff. And you have michael cohen, the president s former lawyer as a tour guide, that means you could go anywhere. And so i have always thought that was the much more problematic thing. And, listen, i know why they focus on mueller and it is appropriate. But people should not take their eye off the ball. I have two follow ups on that. One is, you write about in the book and one of the things you talk about is you were the transition chief before they won and then you were fired from that job. Yes. Yes. Unceremoniously. Out. Hit the bricks. Done. If you read in the book it was very unceremonious. And my sense is that was a real wild west operation after that. Oh, yeah. Oh and am i right rick gates was running the daytoday. He was running the inaugural and Rick Dearborn was running the daytoday of the transition. You couldnt have found two worst people. Seriously. If you would advertised forgive me the worst people to run this, you couldnt have found two worst people. Gates is now a criminal and cooperating with the federal government. And Rick Dearborn was so over his head in that job he didnt know which end was up. You just described the first two years of the trump administration. Yes. And that is isnt that worrying . Well of course it is. And that is the thesis of the book. The thesis of the book is there was a way for this to go better. It doesnt mean everything has gone wrong and everything hasnt gone wrong and im not were still alive. But i dont subscribe to the oh, my god, this is the how many times have we said either ive watched you say this on this program or other programs on other networks, this is the inflection point, this is when the whole thing falls apart. I dont have enough fingers and toes how many times it has been said. So i dont subscribe to that. But i do say this. The First Six Months to a year of this administration was just so disorganized, so back of the envelope. And i think 75 of that is due to the fact that they had a plan and they threw the plan out. But i want to push back on that a little bit. All right. Because i think that is the thesis. And in some ways it is it sort of threads the needle. Because it is critical but at some levels its exculpatory because it is not an existential fitness of the man at the top. No, that is true. And the guy is manifestly unfit and surrounded by cronies and criminals and that is not an overstatement, literally surrounded by criminals and so the people running the government are bad and do a bad job. That is like theockum razor exception. Weve heard that but it is a straightforward argument. S it it is not a crazy one. I subscribe on management to the garbage in and garbage out theory. But if you present people with quality on the way to pick from but he loves garbage. Hes a b hes a garbage lover let me say where that is not right. Our top recommendation for 140 people putting together a plan was alex azar. Oncet president was presented with alex azar, he took him and picked him. He wasnt presented him the first time he was presented by tom price who was manifestly unfit to run pa department. But the Intelligence Community trying to get him to listen about north korea or about anything, right . Intelligence person after intelligence person saying you cannot convince him otherwise. They have built a scale model of the they built a scale model of the north korea facility and put in a statue of liberty and shut down this one part but didnt shut down other parts and he just refuses to accept it. That to me that goes to the core essence of the man and his fitness. Well and let me explain to you where i think that comes from, okay. This is a guy whose whole life has been a salesman. And the power of his brand, the success of his brand has been his ability to sell what hes selling at that time. Let me finish. As the book says my mouth is agape. But continue. Wait a second. He believes, whether it is kim jongun or Vladimir Putin or xi from china, if he gets in the room he will be able to convince them to do what theyre not doing so far. Give another meeting and that is why he wants a second meeting with kim jongun. And that is a descriptively accurate characterization of the way he thinks and hes wrong and it is dangerous that hes wrong. But here is the thing about north korea why cant you just say that. Wait a second theyre huge stakes. Weve had previous president s that tried it the for the oth way and it failed. North korea was not a Nuclear Power and weve played games going back to back to the clinton administration, the bush 43 administration and the Obama Administration that have allowed north korea through the efforts that they made to continue to progress to where they are now. So why not try Something Different here, chris. But it is the garbage in and garbage out problem and the way he makes informati makes deci the information he gets. Based on all of the reporting ive seen people that come out afterwards those are bad. The information he gets and the processes are bad. And those are bad. That is trouble. Not all of the information he gets is bad. Now, some of it he sits and watches fox news five hours a day. That is something somebody rejects and when he accepted good advice, ill give you an example, when he fired james comey, he called me to ask me what would you do with the fbi director job and i said i think you should hire chris wray and he said who is chris wray. And said you dont know him but he is one of the best people out of the bush 43 administration. Just meet him. Meet him. And i think youll be convinced hes a good guy. He met with chris and ahe called me three days later and said youre right, hes a great guy and im hiring him. You happen to be in the social circumstance and you happen to have a good person. He calls and talks to you on the phone and you think your judgment is good. Which is fine. I think you do too, come on, admit it. That is not the topic of the interview. This wont kill you. You wont get fired i promise. Ill talk you wont get fired. Your judgment is better than the president s. That is part of the problem. With you, ill take it. Here is my theory. They have the schedule that got leaked today. Yeah. Awful. Which is it is awful. Its a real betrayal. It is a total betrayal and it is indicating what the problem is inside of that building. Totally agree with that. Totally. Here is my my theory on this. The old joke about the the restaurant has bad food and the portions are so small. My theory is my feeling, personally, and i think Mitch Mcconnell if you give him truth serum, given executive time ten hours a day, dont let him do anything. Have him watch fox news. I think kelly and mcconnell and everyone who runs the Republican Party would love it if he sat and watched cable news and did not lift a finger because they think hes incompetent. Well i think that is an overstatement. It is not that far from the truth. I think it is an overstatement. It is not that far from the truth. And what i would tell you is this. He has been able to accomplish things theyre things. But guess what not his things. They werent able to get it done before. Because they have unified government. Because they still and they still have the senate. But here is mcconnell is, what have they done. Done judges and tried to repeal obamacare and they didnt work and that is what mcconnell wants to do. What have they not gotten . The 5 billion for the wall and despite the unified government and they roll him. You and i boke kn they both r. And this is your idea and this is great and when he wants to do something they say, yeah, yeah, well get to it. And it is more complex than that. Is it true . Unified government doesnt mean you can get through the senate and you need 60 votes. Back in the [ inaudible ]. I dont agree with that. You had to get nine democrats and eight and then nine after the alabama debacle which whose fault is that . Whose fault is that . In part, in part it is Jeff Sessions fault but we could get to that another time if you want. You have eight or nine democratic votes for a wall. Very hard to do. And what i would suggest to you is that the president one of the places where hes made his mistakes and i put this in the book, not Anyone Around him that hes relying on has a real understanding of the way the legislative process works. When i republican governor for eight years in a democratic legislature, here is what i understood. Everybody had a win. And this is where the democrats are at risk right now as we go into the last week before the next armageddon. The first time he owned it. Stupidly. He said ill take the heat. Im proud to do it. Great, schumer and pelosi said great, well do nothing and youll get the blame. And it is not the same way. Because hes compromised to reopen the government and doing what they asked him to do. Reopen the government without preconditions. And he did it. Now, if i were the democrats, i would say to myself, listen, lets give him something. They are trying to in the conference committee. No, they are not trying to give him anything on the wall. Pelosi said over and over again, no money on the wall. Give him something on the wall so he gives you something more permanent on something you want. You know how to get this deal done and i know how to get this deal done. He ripped up the first version. The thing you are talking about they had worked out and it drives me an sane and they had the deal for daca and what did he do . He made a mistake. He ripped it up. But hes the president of the United States. I understand. Were still in the situation where youre facing one of two options, right. Either closing the government again which should be unacceptable to everybody. Agreed. Or option two where he will take executive Emergency Action which will land us in courts and that should be unacceptable to the people too. The executive emergency act is interesting because it seems like a breaking point. You have cornyn on and off the record saying do not do it. Mitch mcconnell on the record and behind the closed door, why is that a kind of why is that a rubicon for the Republican Senate that have not broken with him on anything like that. Because theyre protecting president ial authority. Were not going to give into more executive power and less legislative power. It is constant tension between legislative and executive branch. If i had a nickel for every time the Senate President in new jersey said were a coequal branch of government and that is why they wont do it. But the democrats will back him into a corner if they give him nothing to have to do this and try it because otherwise it will be complete capitulation and politically if you burn your opponent to the ground, what happens next . Right . Are you do you endorse him for reelection . Right now . Yeah. Sure. And youll endorse him against any primary challenger. I dont think there will be any primary challenger . Against any i know of. You would . Because im a realist. In the same way i endorsed him the first time. The reason i endorsed him the first time was two fold, yes i was friends with him that time and i knew him better and better than any other guys on the stage and second because it was clear he would win. And my view was, i have to try to make him better. I have a relationship with him and and have i have to try to make him better. I dont know how good you did and you got Christopher Wray and how did the message end how did the con message end [ inaudible ]. Advice from you. Leaving the door open. And chris hayes leaving the door open to my criminal campaign. This is quite the combination. Come back any time. Thanks, chris. Coming up, the president s first state of the union and tom perez on how democrats will respond after this. Ow democrats respond after this but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other money managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. Or trips to mars. 4. 95. Delivery drones or the latest phones. 4. 95. No matter what you trade, at fidelity its just 4. 95 per online u. S. Equity trade. 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His third address to a joint session of congress at a time when his power to persuade or shape public debate is weaker than it has ever been. We just went through a similar exercise when he wanted tv time about why he was keeping the Government Shutdown and the next day no one could remember a word of the speech. And if anything, it seems to have convinced more people to oppose his case. Over the course of the shutdown, more americans came to blame the president for making it happen, according to 538. Just a couple of weeks after that big Oval Office Speech and agreeing to delay the state of the union he was out in the rose garden admitting defeat. When the president takes the dayas hes doing in a different house chamber, including the post diverse freshman class in this countrys history. And for the first time hell have nancy pelosi sitting right behind him, his latest political target. Basically she wants open border and doesnt mind human trafficking. When you have people dying all over the country because of people like nancy pelosi who dont want to give proper Border Security for political reasons, shes doing a terrible disservice to our country. Yet the white house insists all evidence to the contrary the president just wants his speech to bring the country together. Most importantly, in this state of the union, the president is calling for an end to sort of resistance and retribution politics and calling for cooperation and compromise. He wants to unify the nation as commanderinchief and president. For more on what to watch for and how democrats will respond, im joined by tom perez, chair of the Democratic National committee. Do those words mean anything to you at all . Is the president s are the president s words in a general sense worth anything to you or to the Democratic Party at this point . Well, chris, when i hear him talk about im going to deliver a speech about unity, if you think hes going to deliver a speech about unity, i have a tower to sell new moscow. Because his entire presidency his entire campaign, last ten years going back to the allegations against the president s place of birth have been about distraction, deception and division. And that is what his presidency is about and continues to be about. Democrats on the other hand are going to be talking about the things that matter most to people. Well talk about how we make sure that if you have a preexisting condition, you could keep your health care and keep your Health Insurance and talk about how to bring down the exorbitant cost of prescription drugs and number of people on insulin that i talk to who cant afford it any more. And talking about how we build an economy that works for everyone, not just a few at the top and talking about democrat reform. Right. But none of those things the question here is all of those things which are messages to the Democratic Party, none of them could become legislation or law unless there is some deal worked out with the president. And i guess the question is, has the Democratic Party given up on working with this individual based on everything that you just said in your opening answer . Well, i havent given up and im confident that the democratic leadership hasnt given up either. And i used to work for senator kennedy back in the 90s and i learned from senator kennedy idealism and pragmatism could never be mutually exclusive. We did bills with strange b bedfellows and we have to help the people and that is why the focus on health care is so important because weve seen so many people who thought this was settled, that if they had a preexisting condition that they could keep their health care. And i heard some republicans, including people like scott walker, the former governor of wisconsin, say, actually, i want to keep prooi existing conditions. So well continue to work on issues that historically have been bipartisan issues. And were going to keep working like heck because that is what the American People want and because they want progress and well fight for progress, that works for everyone not just the few at the top. Stacy abrams from georgia and ran an incredible race and just lost to brian kemp in georgia. Shes been selected by Chuck Schumer because the senate and house alternate the response. What is the do you have any insight into how the messaging or crafting goes about in creating that message . Is it just abrams team and is she working with you or other people . How does that work. I think there is a lot of people involved in that. And i think what youll see from Stacey Abrams is a a message of hope and inclusion. The antithesis of the message of division and fear. Stacey abrams life has been the american dream. Someone who has worked and worked and worked and built a remarkable record of inclusion and opportunity for everyone. And that is what shes going to talk about. What does america look like when were all working together. It looks like an america where we could all have access to health care and a job with a decent wage and to feed your family and that is what Stacey Abrams will talk about and zip code never determines destiny and talk about how it doesnt matter where you were born or who you love, what your first language is, this america in every zip code can be everybodys america. And that is what i love about stacey and about her campaign. There is obviously the Democratic Party in the Stacey Abrams and freshman class has been forth right about a Pluralistic Society and you were on the record calling for the governor of virginia northam to resign and he appears not to be doing that. Do you stand by that . Are you also are people being read into what his decisionmaking is or is he just doing this huddled with his own team . Well, i hope i hope and i actually expect that he will step down. You do . Hes lost the confidence of the residents of virginia. Abraham lincoln once sent public sentiment is everything. When it is on your side, everything is possible. And when public sentiment is against you, nothing is possible. And this is not atenable situation for him. And you know what, this is hard. This isnt easy. But one thing about the Democratic Party, we stand for the principles of inclusion. We will stand up, whether it is a republican or a democrat involved, when you have been involved in conduct that is inconsistent with our values, we will call you out. And that is what we have done here. And that is why i do still believe and i spoke with Governor Northam over the weekend, i still believe that he will in short order understand that he has lost the ability to govern. I know he cares about Medicaid Expansion and making sure that we could attack the key issues that are all about opportunity for everyone and he needs to put the commonwealth over himself and im hopeful hell do that. Tom perez, chair of the dnc who will be at the speech. Thanks for joining me. Still to come, the president loses more bargaining capital. Ill talk with Congress Woman iona pressley is that. And thing one and thing two starts next. And thing two starts next. Climbed the ladder in the hardware business. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. 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On friday the president will be getting his annual physical. You may remember last years was an overwhelming success. Trump totally nailed the cognitive test. Those last ten questions are hard. They dont show those ten questions. They show the first one where you had to say, elephant, lion, giraffe, owl. Thats easy. The president also somehow grew an inch measuring 63 last year even though his drivers license listed him as 62. It turns out that was an important inch because at the weight they claim he is, 239 pounds being 63 instead of 62 gets him on this side of being obese. It is called genetics. I dont know. It is some people have just great genes. I told the president if he had a healthier diet over the last 20 years he might live to be 200 years old. I dont know. He has incredible he has incredible genes i just assume. Dr. Ronnie isnt in his position but trump got the genes and the genes are orange. And that is thing two in 60 seconds. Seconds. 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To donald trump has a decidedly orange hue, that is an established fact. Over the weekend the New York Times took a real deep dive into why that is. Both omarosa and Makeup Artist kelly claims he uses a tanning bed. No shame. And james comey cited the half moons under his eyes where i assumed he placed small tanning goggles. According to trumps former boarding School Classmates he would pop a tanning bulb into a light sokt to go to the beach and they believe he slathers himself with tanning creams or sprays to achieve the look. Times got one Senior Administration official could to comment on the anonymity that trumps glow is the result of good genes. Anonymous Administration Officials talking about trumps good genes. If you believe in genes, some do and some dont but i had an uncle at aprofessor at m. I. T. For decades. My uncle, i do believe in the race horse theory. Slow horses dont produce fast horses. My uncle was a professor at m. I. T. And a highly respected intellect. I come from a very smart family. Good genes. Very good genes, okay. Very good genes, okay. With advil, youll ask. What sore muscles . What pounding head . Advil is. Relief thats fast. Strength that lasts. Youll ask. What pain . With advil. If your moderate to severeor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio®, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio® works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract, and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio® may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio®. If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio®. Entyvio®. Relief and remission within reach. To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best to make you everybody else. Means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. Does this sound dismal . It isnt. Its the most wonderful life on earth. Bang on those windows, if you are cold in them cells. [ banging ] bang on those windows if you are hungry in those cells. [ banging ] this sunday protesters assembled outside of the metropolitan detention center, a federal jail in brooklyn where inmates had been without heat and electricity forinmates had heat and electricity for a week. Lockdown in the freezing cells as the polar vortex hit. Power and heat have been restored. Keep in mind it took days and banging protests from those inside before the federal government got its act together. And keep in mind according to the wall street journal, the facility houses more than 1600 inmates including many awaiting trial, meaning they are innocent until Proven Guilty and subjected to conditions that would be illegal in war because they have been accused, accused and not yet convicted of a crime. Keep that in mind, as well, when the president and his allies whine about innocent until Proven Guilty and the witch hunt that his criminal associates have sure cocome to. To storm my house with greater force than used to take down bin laden or el chapo or Pablo Escobar and terrorize my wife and dogs is unconscionable. Thats not true, by the way. Stone had enough money to post bail so hes out giving press conferences and running ridiculous fundraisers and getting Standing Ovations at republican events. Rather than, i dont know, languishing in some federal facility that views the people inside it with such dehumanizing contempt it doesnt provide them with heat and hot food in the coldest stretch of winter. The polite of tlight of the acc very, very real but the president and his crow knees are not the faces of them. Ent and he not the faces of them. Of my parents and my grandparents. I was getting all these leaves and i was going back generation after generation. You start to see documents and you see signatures of people that youve never met. I mean, you dont know these people, but you feel like you do. You get connected to them. I wish that i could get into a time machine and go back 100 years, 200 years and just meet these people. Being on ancestry just made me feel like i belonged somewhere. Discover your story. Start searching for free now at ancestry. Com. Ito take care of anyct messy situations. And put irritation in its place. 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When the president s highlight is just how weak a president he is at this moment and how poor his negotiating position is. The heads towards another possible shutdown having failed to make good on his poromise. Its a weakness for the members of Congress Sitting in the hall. One is joining me, Ayanna Presley of massachusetts. Youre a freshman, this is your first time doing this. What are your expectations . Well, my hopes and my expectations are vastly different. It is my hope that finally the occupant of this white house will own and sit in the responsibility, the responsibility of his office and offer a vision demonstrate empathy, put this country on a pathway to healing. He is seated rhetoric and policies that divided the country. Hes on a swift pathway to empathy and dividing the gop. I hope Mitch Mcconnell will demonstrate greater leadership than the manufactured under score manufactured crisis that the American Family and worker are held hostage by for for one month and still digging out of that emotionally and financially recovering but that Mitch Mcconnell will demonstrate greater leadership and put country before party. Im concerned that the president will not honor the responsibility of his office and instead, he will contribute to what is already a deepening polarization in this country and put us on path to another shutdown holding the American People and worker hostage as he seeks political cover for his campaign promise. Earlier tonight, governor Chris Christie was on saying democrats have to throw him a bone essentially, you got to give him some face saving way out of this situation, which he himself put himself in. What do you think about that advice . Well, there lies the problem as democrats, were prepared to compromise to negotiate but not to compromise our values. Throwing the occupant of this white house a bone when hes already used the American People as bargaining chips, treated the american worker, family, immigrant as if they are expendable and disposable and there in lies the problem. I know at one point in this state of the union, hell say the state of the union is strong and that is just a false hood. If the state of our union is strong, it is because people are strong and that is because they are resilient in spite of this administration not because of it. The real state of the union will be the stories we will uplift and the people that were bringing as my guest, the student at u mass. Shes a dreamer. Her father is an Asylum Seeker and her mother is a t. P. S. Holder. We need comprehensive comp passi compassionate immigration reform. One problem to me with this president and speeches like this is even if he gave a speech tomorrow night that shocked everyone and sounded like something Ayanna Presley herself could have written and delivered, its very hard to know what to make of what the president says, particularly when hes giving a speech off a teleprompter. Do you feel confident you can trust stuff he says in a speech like this . Well, im an optimistic person, however, what i would be looking for is more than a one off, one time good performance and execution of teleprompter reading but beyond the state of the union would put into practice is leadership and governance putting the American People first. He ran on a pledge to put America First and so far as, ive seen in evidence of that. Congresswoman Ayanna Presley, its a big night for you. Youll be there for the first time. Are you excited . Yes, absolutely. Im excited. All right. Thank you very much for making a little time tonight. All right. Thank you for having me. That is all in for this evening. The Rachel Maddow show starts right now with ali. That felt like more than an hour. Im congratulating you as accepting the role for Chris Christies campaign manager. That will be fun to watch. Thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. Rachel has the night off but will be back tomorrow. Well dive in tonight into this remarkable stand off that continues in the state of virginia where the governor has been facing increasingly wide spread and adamant calls to resign and who is frankly been expecting to resign any minute for three days now. This started on friday when a rightwing news site published the 1984 medical School Yearbook page of Governor Northam alongside some 25yearold northam was this photo of a person in black face next to a person in a kkk robe and hood, neither person was identified on th p

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