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Not pay people who do work. I dont. I never said there was collusion between people in the campaign. Plus the president s fixer admits to rigging polls. Schaubing new details about the scale and scope of the child separation policy. When all in starts right now. Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. Even two full years into the presidency donald j. Trump, you cant believe this guy is running the country. At first he was uncharacterestically restrained to nancy telling him not to address the stated of the union until he reopens the government. Just his normal lashing out in the comment of a breitbart comment commenter about a spell check. They no longer care about what is capitol r right for our countriry. And they pulled up to take pelosi on an unannounced trip for security reasons to visit u. S. Service members in afghanistan. Some law makers were already in their seats when trump released what he seems to have thought was an absolute knockout punch, a letter saying he was canceling her visit to the troops until after the shutdown ended. For one thing he told pelosi she could still fly commercicommerc war zone. Which is really rather revealing. Not about the nature of the congressional delegation but how the president views his own actions and those around him. Because he views a trip like that as a photo op, he assumes everyone with else does as well. He cant assume anyone behaving in public service. The spokesperson noted the purpose was to appreciate men and women in uniform and obtain national and Security Intelligence briefings from those on the front lines. By the way on the fifth day of the shutdown, youll remember, trump went to visit iraq in a war zone, you know the exact same thing pelosi was planning on doing. It demeans the presidency as almost a daily occurrence. This is now the 27th day of an extraordinarily damaging shutdown. The one that trump proudly proclaimed belonged to hum and him alone. And heres the thing. He is for all the world to see utterly boxed in. His Approval Rating is down, even among his base. 57 of registered voters said they would definitely vote against trump in twnt 20. 2020. And the president is stewing in the white house watching coverage of what he has wrought and complaining that quote we are getting crushed. According to the new york times. Meanwhile, pelosi a is watching her numbers go up as she passes bill after bill to reopen the government for Mitch Mcconnell to take up. Maybe he things its okay to not pay people who do work, i dont. He thinks maybe they can ask their father for more money but he cant. Congressman david cicilline. Is it not unfair to canc el a congressional delegation given the state of the shutdown . This was a trip that the speaker was taking to a war zone, not only to express gratitude for the work the troops are doing, but also to get very critical National Security briefings from the military leaders on the ground. I think the cancellation shows this is a very thin skinned, petty, and insecure president who sees and perceives everything as a personal slight to him. The speaker says it does not make sense to do a state of the union while the government is partially shutdown. You need reopen government first because the state of the union is shut down. It wouldnt have been appropriate to do a state of the union as if everything is operating fine. And apparently in response to that responsible decision, he ca cancel as trip to visit troops fighting in a war zone. Its disgraceful. Kevin barren whos a defense one executive editor. I think theres no question about it. This is a president whos shown tremendous disrespect to the men and women in uniform. He described this as a photo opor a pr excursion. Which is how he perceived apparently those kinds of exchanges or evejts. Vents. This was one in which the speaker of the house would learn Important Information as well as the members of congress and the fact he doesnt understand the disruption he caused is sad. Every day i come to work and read headlineses about whats going on, theres food not being inspected. Air Traffic Controllers are working without paycheck. The absnsz at tsa airports is increasing. And i get a sense of dread. Do yourfu fellow law makers understand that, that youre rolling the dice and firing the trigger every day this goes on . Absolutery. I met with air Traffic Controllers and tsa and heard it first hand. This is caution incredible heart ache. Imagine being told to work hard but youre not going to be paid . And in the name of keeping america safe, donald trump is making us less safe in terms of air travel, security at the border, food safety. So in this effort to, this claim hes doing this to make america safe, hes making us less safe and the impact on real peoples lives is hard. These are people cant pay their rent, mortgage, cant buy food. Its a disgrace and the important thing is we should open the government immediately. We have voted nine times to fund the government. It is never appropriate to shut the government down if you have a policy disagreement. This is the only place this happens. Its never right to shut the government down. Its not fair to the people doing the work and not getting paid. Thanks for being with me. Columnist for the Washington Post and host of a. M. Joy. One of the interesting things happening is the president s polling is going down. Its rather stable. All sorts of crazy things happen in the news. This is moving it. Theyre watching it tick down day after day and you have to think that does start to get in their heads. I think donald trump had this conception they need a bunch of democrats to work in d. C. And it means people in oregon and colorado and kansas and texas and some are employed as contractors or that kind of work who may ahave a relative in afghanistan who mighting have liked to have a congressional delegation show them appreciation as theyre in americas longest war so the tit for tat, he thought, is harming them as well. First of all it was supposed to be sookerate. So he also compromised Operational Security but he doesnt care. The Public Relation plan in the letter was so revealing and made me think of this. When he had a bunch of tv anchors to talk about his oval office address. He said hes talking about the border visit. Tells the reporter its not going to change dam thing but im still doing it. The trip was merely a photo opportunity he says. He literally doesants understand that and this is not a partisan point. All kinds of people with ideological dispositions wants to go to a blase to find out whats going on there. Right. He thinks im going to take something away from her as if this is what nancy pelosi longs to do is go to war zones in her time off. Its disrespectful to the troops and the stop in brussels to reassure allies who are scared out of their witz given the president keeps talking about pulling out of nato. I dont think weve seen quite so clearly that he literally does not care about anyone other thanself. Himself. Perhaps hes right to be concerned because his presidency is going down the tubes and we havent even talked about the russia stuff yet, which is swirling around his head. So you got to sense the wheels are coming off the bus. The wind shield wipers are flying. Thats been happening for years. Its literally been happening since he came down the escalator. Whats different those people in colorado, those people in missouri that have big, for example irs processing centers, thousands of people not getting paid. And i think its a little different when theyre family, their contactor, their store that usually feeds the people at lunch time out of the government buildings. Its in our backyard . Thats a completely different problem. This strikes me as maybe the most dangerous moment of the presidency for this reason. He kind of just wants to be a pundit. He real a does. He wants to give us his tabes on twitter, look at the tv and yell at fox news. And a lot of times is the saving grace that he doesnt have the actual ambition to get into the to the guts of the government. The problem is the status quo that hes locked himself and the democrats into is a failure point. And the republicans. He has locked them all in. Everyone is trapped. Either Mitch Mcconnell is trying to teach them, the way you teach a child. Dont pick them up, just let him keep crying. You have to make a deal yourself. You are more powerful than ann coulter or hes afraid of him and maybe matt bevan might look at the poll numbers and run against him so hes terrified and wont act. If you look at donald trump maybe hes so afraid of ann coulter, Rush Limbaugh he feels paralyzed and cant act or hes so narcissistic that he thinks if he harms enough people, makes enough people broke and lose their apartments, hell make nancy pelosi cave in. The one person you cannot misread is nancy pelosi is teaching donald trump about the constitution every day. Shes saying my office is powerful. I, unlike Mitch Mcconnell, are using my power. But you, donald trump have responsibilities responsibilities to these millions of people and you are hurting them. This is a democratic senator talking to me. We wont move. We cannot. If this works for trump, the country will border on ungovernorable. He has forclosed the possibility of negotiation by his actions with the democrats who cannot reward the behavior else they create an incentive structure. This is like cromwell. Be gone to the parliament. So he does this in somany different instances. Because he doesnt know what hes doing and lashes out. Get the troops out of syria. We had four brave americans who died this week because of his rash decision. Shut down the government. Whats the plan to eventually reopen it . He doesnt have a plan and he doesnt really understand how to operate presidency. But nancy pelosi does and its like lucy and the football and donald trump goes flying up in the air every time and flat lands on hiss back side because she understands at this point shes on the side of the people, the poor people who arent getting their jobs, their paychecks and what is he for . A wall that no one wants. So she has complootly boxed him or hes boxed himself into this position. And the people around him are of such low quality, they cant suggest anything, not that he would take it. Honestly what would have to happen is someone needs a creative, magical solution that allows the president an out. That is liteerally the only way out. So someone smart around him and i dont kwhier it is. Somebody has to convince ann coulter to let donald trump do his job. She needs to give him affirmative permission to reopen the government or somebody needs go to Mitch Mcconnell and say were going to bail on you, like cory gardner. Im done. And its absolutely right the democrats cant get in here. Debt ceiling. If you allow donald trump to take millions of hostages and do all of this just to get 1 15th of what it would cost to build an unbuildable border wall, the debt ceiling would be the next hostage taking. And they cant allow donald trump or Mitch Mcconnell. I mean really the out here is he needs get on photo shop and throw it on the president s desk and say we built it last night. Reopen the government. Donald trump as much as he as highly as he thinks of himself, he underestimates his own power. He honestly believes Rush Limbaugh, ann coulter and Tucker Carlson are more powerful than he is. The base loves him. If he told them theres already a wall. Just tell them theres a wall. I could not agree more. I think if he does not get the wall built, its a con they have sold him. Nex that collusion rewrites when the president s lawyer that he cant rule out potential collusion. Well talk about that in two minutes. N. Well talk about that in two minutes. World which is doing its best to make you everybody else. Means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. Does this sound dismal . It isnt. Its the most wonderful life on earth. After bills back needed a vacation from his vacation. So he stepped on the dr. Scholls kiosk. It recommends our best custom fit orthotic to relieve foot, knee, or lower back pain so you can move more. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Freshbaked, and handcrafted, with 100 clean ingredients. Just a few good reasons to give into your cravings. Now delivering. Panera. Food as it should be. Hey, batter, batter, [ crowd cheers ] like everyone, i lead a busy life. But i know the importance of having time to do what you love. At comcast we know our customers time is valuable. Thats why we have 2hour appointment windows, including nights and weekends. So you can do more of what you love. My name is tito, and im a techhouse manager at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. I never said there was no collusion between the campaign or people in the campaign. Yes, you have. No, i did not. I said the president of the United States. Theres not a single bit of evidence that president conspired with the russians to hack the dnc. Okay. Theres been a lot of reaction to Rudy Giulianis refusal to rule out quote there is not a single bit of evidence the president of the United States committed the only crime you could commit here, conspired with the russians to hack the dnc. A lot of weird stuff in there. First all of i dont think ive heard anyone claim the president was conspiring ahead of time with russia to plan and execute the dnc hack. Giuliani mentioning it makes me think he did. And thats not the only crime you could have here. Theres been fraud and conspiracy against the United States and giuliani does not speak definitively that he did not conspire. He hedges. Claiming there is not a single bit of evidence. Just think how far weve come over the course of a tenure. There was no russian collusion. Were a year and a half, two years into this. There is no russian collusion. If there was collusion with the russians, they would have used it. Ive been trying to find collusion as a crime. Collusion is not a crime. There is not a single bit of evidence the president of inUnited States committed the only krum you could commit here, which is conspire with the russians to hack the dnc. Covering National Security and the Mueller Probe. And professor at nyu school of law. As lawyer whos knows a thing or two and you were in the white house. Do you have a sense of what jew giuliani is doing . That you back up further and firth away . He seems to be defining what he thinks the president s vulnerability should be. He probably went on the program to build the case against impeachment by attacking the press as he did, by attacking mueller as he did. And then he was asked about the poll to the russians and at that point he got tangled up in this denial hed never said there was collusion, only that president hadnt colluded. At the end, after having been repeatedly challenged about what the president himself had said, giuliani ratherx troedinarily said well, i never said that. Nustauatasha, the kilminik information, that was a big deal because it does show the sort of two sides touching for the first time confirmed aside from the trump tower meeting. And year getting a sense that figure, kilminik, is at the heart of this more than we realize. I think the biggest question now is to what extent was Paul Manafort free lancing . Because he owed an extreme amount of money to the russians and ukrainians and he was trying to prove himself and show that he could still have a campaign be ahead in the polls. That might be a distinction without a difference. The campaign colluding with russia is whats at issue. Its interesting that year seeing rudy present this as a possibility. Hes done this before where he tries to get ahead of the news. He did it with stormy daniels, the payment Michael Cohen made to her during the eelection. He essentially said look, this is something the president repaid Michael Cohen for. That was news. Sglr i want to play that clip. Basically saying let me let you in on a little secret. That money was not campaign money. Sorry im giving you a fact you dont know. Its not campaign money. No Campaign Finance violation. So they funneled it through the law firm. And the president repaid it. Oh, i didnt know he did. Yep. Anden the it turned out thats exactly what happened. Another thing is that giuliani is shifting it further saying the only crime posable to be committed here is the habbing. Hacking. We can play that game. Right around the time the dnc was hacked, George Papadopoulos was in london being the russians had dirt on hillary clinton. Paul manafort is not the be all end all here. Ywrote a piece, coming to terms with the impeachment process. Starting a formal inquiry. Its time for congress to judge the president s fitness to serve. Impeach. And impeachment is a process, not a product and starting the process itself is important from constitutional perspective. What do you mean by that . We have this, at least in quarters, you can hear this horror expressed but it is as you say a process. Its a constitutional mechanism to help protect the country. So the notion is that we have a president who both in his treatment of the law and of his powers and behavior towards the public with the incessant lying. We recently had his former secretary of state say its his instooin instinct and since weve all forgotten it that hes been named individual number one in a criminal prosecution. It seems theres a fundamental constitution obligation to begin the inquiry, have a dialogue, produce evidence and late discussion begin that the public is part of on whether he is fit and should continue holding the office. That about the publicness. Something weve been key on here, particularly since democrats took the house. Because the problem with the Mueller Probe is that we all watch it from the outside and theres this buzz around capitol hill it will be happening soon but we dont know if it will. Exactly. And one of the issues brought up earlier this week is whether or not he would even allow such a report to be made public, whether he would allow muellers findings to go to congress and be released to the American People. Another question about what mueller is going toing produces the public is whether ornot these are going to be part of a crime because that of course is his mandate. Its a criminal investigation or whether hes going to be able to include a lot of the counterintelligence stuff including was he compromised . Were there conversations that werent necessarily illegal but compromising . They may not rise to the level of a crime. Yes. Defense from the constitution and public for a public that desperately needs more information in a democratic republic. Still to come turns out the president was right someone was trying to rig some of the polls around the election and that person was his own lawyer. N andt person was his own lawyer. Or to carry on a legacy . Its show of strength. Or its sign of intelligence . In crossing harsh terrain. Or breaking new ground . This is the mercedesbenz suv family. Greatness comes in many forms. Lease the glc 300 for 479 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Each day justin at work. Walk. And after work. He does it all with dr. Scholls. Only dr. Scholls has massaging gel insoles that provide allday comfort. To keep him feeling more energized. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Green book is the feel good movie woo thats the winner of 3 golden globes. That was a good time. [ laughing ] best supporting actor, best screen play and best picture of the year. Hes a true virtuoso. I think hes really good. With Retirement Planning and advice for what you need today and tomorrow. 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He very much was according to this strange fan account called women for cohen which was created by, drum roll please, Michael Cohen. This is about all the hijinx he got up to including paying people in a walmart bag of cash and trying to rig online polls for donald trump. One that led then reality show host to tweet the cnbc 25 poll is a joke. I was in ninth place. Beyond the rildiculous nature, theres more legal exposure for the president and his lawyer. Chairman kevin potter said a payment to a tech firm should have been disclosed. Joining me now are the authors of that cohen article. Love the details. Lets start with one of the things is theyre planning this in 2014 2015 to try to lay the groundwork. What kind of stuff was he up to . He got this john gauger, who is a Tech Consultant who works at Liberty University run by jerry fall well jr. And had been doing minor tech tasks for cohen for years. So cohen says hey, i want you to help the boss win this cnbc poll of the most influential business people. And can you write a computer script to vote for him a ton of times and gogger tries but he doesnt make the second cut to the top 100. And as youve read, he complauns about it. He tries to rig other polls, right . A thing of trying to essentially conyour way into creating a grass roots love for donald trump. Make it look like trump is more popular than he actually is. He later did well in the polls. But in this first poll in february 2015 he asks hum again just write this script and vote for him. He gets 24,000 votes. He comes in fifth place, loses that too. And so it didnt work. Theres this detail about him paying dash is he epaying gogger with the bag of walmart cash. Yes. So Michael Cohen proveeds to pay him how . Gives him the blue walmart bag with 12 to 13,000 in cash and a boxing glove he says was worn by a brazilian mixed martial arts fighter who had been affiliated with afiction. And that was worth 38,000 . He never paid the remaining 38,000. He paid him 12 but he did reimburse. They hire the tech guy at Liberty University. They fail to rig the polls. He promises 50,000. He stiffs him on the payment. None of this worked, basically. Whats the deal with women . As we know cohen is a surrogate for trump and says to john gogger, please elevate my profile. I want you to create twitter account women for cohen and he creates it and has his friend populate the twitter account with tweets saying how sexy Michael Cohen is. Is this what is your understanding of where this fits in the muccal cohen portfolio . What does this tell us if and when he come busines before con . Hes going to say donald trump had him do all these things. What i did was at the sole discretion for donald trump. I regret Blind Loyalty to a man who doesnt deserve it. The hush payments, all of it and say all of this underhanded secret stuff trump had me doing it and i was the back man. Its such incompetent clownish nonsense. Youre a reporter. You cant pass judgment. Certainly appears that way. They didnt really no one was running the compliance offi office or checking with a lawyer is this legal or illegal. No one has ever worried about breaking the law. First cohen denies paying cash. Thats the one thing he did deny. But you dont pay vendors in cash, so that suggestests you dont really want anybody to know what youre doing. Or an mma used boxing glove. Up ahead were learning that the family separation policy was much worse than we thought. There may have been thousands more victims than originally reported. Thing one, thing two starts next. Thing one, thing two sta next Fisher Investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. 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With more fdaapproved uses for advanced lung cancer than any other immunotherapy. Thing one tonight. If you think things are crazy in the u. S. Capitol building, you should check can in on British Parliament and the total mess that is brexit. But even as the uk hurdles towards potential catastrophe, they found 10 minutes for a very important issue facing the people. The letter boxes are too dam low. A conservative mp is proposing a ban on mail box business low a certain height. I Net Communications workers union. They told me the key issue for their members and its not brexit. It is lowlevel mail boxes and dangerous dogs. Now i am not asking home owners toerate rospectively change their existing letter boxes or replace their front doors. When it comes to front doors, mr. Speaker, a lot of people are very fond of their lockers. If youre wondering how parliament manages to keep order enough to get from mail boxes to brexit, they have a guy and these rr thing two. 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If you look at a real catastrophe like katrina and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people that died, and you look at what happened here with what really a storm that was totally over powering, nobodys ever seen anything like this. What is your death count . 17 people certified. 16 people verses in the thousands. You can be very proud of all of your people, our people working together. 16 verses literally thouchsandsf people. It was clear at the time, even when he made that cringeinducing boast that he was tragically wrong about the death toll that has long sings been confirmed by a study by the puerto rican government which can estimated last year that the gruesome and desperate aftermath caused the deaths of nearly 3,000 people and here we are and there has been no sustained formal u. S. Government inquiry into what happened to lead to the deaths of asmany americans as died in 9 11. Seems fairly clear is the reason for that is the president doesnt much care for port rookens. Content to throw paper towels at their suffering, hes been working from the white house to make things worse. The Washington Post reporting that he told then chief of staff john kelly and mulvaney that he did not want a single dollar going to puerto rico because he felt the island was misusing the money and taking advantage of the government. And today the white house objecting to the housepassed bill with 600 million for nutrition assistance on the island, calling it quote excessive. That is, by the way only 1 9th of the cost of his wall. If theres a Silver Lining in the cloud that is the cloud of his constituents, its the fact that American Civil Society is far more decent than the man in the white house. Just this week the tonight show to celebrate lin manuels ato the island that still needs help, compassion and solidarity. 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Because when youre with fidelity, ito take care of anyct messy situations. And put irritation in its place. And if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected. You can get comfortable doing the same with yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. Were learning more today about the scope of the Trump Administrations child separation policy. Kirsten nielsen said it didnt exist but does. The department of health and Human Services inspector said even more Migrant Children were taken from their parents than previously reported and Administration Still doesnt know exactly how many kids they took. Quote, thousands of children may have been separated during an influx that began in 2017 before the accounting required by the courts and h. H. S. Faced challenges in identifying separated children. The department of Homeland Security disputed the thousands reported claiming the Inspector General didnt have evidence to backup the claim. Those papers listed draft of immigration quote policy options, some of which were ultimately implemented and others shocking not complicated by expedited like deporting children without their parents. The spokesperson responded to news of the docketments of the statement that reads the Trump Administration made clear all Legal Options are on the table to enforce the rule of law. In part rewere pwe were trying prevent the crisis were in now. Joining me is jeff merkley that made exhaustive efforts to bring the separation policy to life. Senator, what have you learned from these documents about the nature of the policy they followed and what they contemplated . What the documents show is x extensive planning for a strategy of criminalizing and families crossing the border. At the same Time Administration said its about criminals. They were plotting to stop families from arriving. They said well stop it and separate kids from parents. Many of us will remember the Homeland Security secretary said there is no such thing as a family separation policy or a child separation policy, but this document says exactly the opposite. I want to be clear about this. Because it drove me absolutely nuts covering this story, time and time again the white house and Kirsten Nielsen said youre out of your mind, no policy exists. Youre saying this document is a policy document in which one of the policies they complimented is child separation. Yes, a very first policy on that list of the document is the one of criminalizing crossing the border and the second is the separation of children from their parents and so its all laid out here. Its a discussion, this document represents a discussion between the Attorney Generals Office and Homeland Security office at the highest levels. So this is very much the road map is being laid out for what was later done. Administration was absolutely lying to the American People when they said there was no such plan. So did Kirsten Nielsen lie. Yes . How can you trust them . Honestly, how can you trust anything, we just read a dhs statement and i see the spokes people quoted all the time but i have to say, ever since covering that story, its very difficult to take anything they say at face value. Well, thats right because when it was absolutely clear that item after i tetem was tru and they said its not true, for example, Jeff Sessions and his initial presentation over the strategy of child separation said its about deterring families from coming. That is in this document. It lays it out clearly but when Kirsten Nielsen was asked, she said im not sure. Im embarrassed or thats ridiculous or she it basically disclaimed it completely. There is another way they are caught here, and i think this is important and well talk about things they consider. You were in the tent camp that was quickly expanded under sort of dubious Regulatory Oversight to put a ton, thousands of Migrant Children, minors in it. One of the things you told me on this program is the head of that said this place can be cleared in a few days if they would get rid of the backlog of sponsors that want to take these kids, and that ended up happening, but the backlog at the time was caused by a background check process for the sponsors that the d. H. S. Said was for security and safety, right . Is reading from the report for julie ainsley, h. H. S. Said for any child to undergo a background check, publicly they said this was to ensure the safety of children but the draft shows administrators knew the potential for create a backlog of children in migrant detention that became reality and led to the creation last year. Thats right. So much of this humanitarian crisis was created by the very policies of the administration being implemented. They said there is a crisis but the crisis was what they created with these strategies. What we learned down there was that of the 2700 children, 1300 of them already had sponsors who had cleared the background check, including the fingerprints, and so we held a press conference, we called for those children to be released. We called for torni to be sho t down, it was just approaching christmas so maybe they felt especially vulnerable about the awful things they are doing, they did release the children that claesheared the background checks and stopped the full fingerprinting of every member of the family and started to shut it down and its now shut down. Well go ahead. They are taking the information they get on the background sponsors and giving it to i. C. E. And as far as i can tell so far, i havent been able to get a definitive answer. They may have concerns about extended family members. Final thing, they considered they did not implement but one of the policy options was separating the kids from the parents and deporting the kids. Just literally backed on a plane and i dont know, just shuffle them off. They were trying to find a way to by pass the ability for children to apply for asylum, a right thats well entrenched in International Law and national law but it was maybe we can quickly maneuver and kick these kids out and its not at all clear there was any plan to connect them back with the parents and so the piece after piece of this comes from a very dark place in the heart of this administration. The core is abusing children to send a message of detour rauerr family overseas. Thats all in for this evening. The Rachel Maddow show starts now. Thank you, much appreciated. Thanks to you for joining us. The Government Shutdown is in day 27 but winter doesnt care. Looks like there will be another major storm arriving in the next few days. This looks like to hit the northeast this weekend. I know that, i feel comfortable telling you that on television. I can describe elements of that. I can talk about potential places that might be hit harder than others and when these i can do all that. I can even factor that all into my own weekend plans this weekend because there are thousands of employees of the National Weather Service Working 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide, we, the people, with that kind of very valuable

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