Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20171110

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I was in russia years ago with the Miss Universe contest, which did very well. What nbc news is reporting about what trumps bodyguard told investigators. I told many people, be careful. Because you dont want to see yourself on television. Cameras all over the place. About five women in a moscow hotel. Im also very much of a germophobe, by the way, believe me. When all in starts right now. Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. Tonight the Republican Partys nominee for u. S. Senate from the state of alabama stands accused of molesting a child. Were going to go through the allegation and its going to be graphic, but its important that we report to you the details. A woman named Leigh Korfman told the Washington Post roy moore approached her outside a courtroom when he was 32 working in that courtroom, she was just 14. He told her mother he would look after her while her mother went inside for a child custody hearing. Thats what they were at the courtroom for. He said, oh, you dont want to go in there and hear all that, ill stay out here with you, her mother told the post. After getting the 14yearolds phone number, moore picked korfman up days later, drove her to his house she says, where he told her how pretty she was and kissed her. On a second visit she remembers that moore kissed her, took off her pants and shirt, touched her through her bra and underpants. She says he guided her hand to his underwear and she yanked her hand back. I wasnt ready for that. I had never put my hand on a mans penis, much less an erect one she told the post. The post talked to two of korfmans childhood friends who both said she told them at the time that she was seeing an older man, one even saying she had identified the man as roy moore. Her mother says she was told about the encounter over a decade after it happened. And aside from korfman, three other women interviewed by the post on the record say moore pursued them when they were between the ages of 16 and 18 and he was in his early 30s. He allegedly approached two of them at a local mall, the third after speaking to her High School Civics class about his job as assistant district attorney. The post spoke to over 30 sources who said they knew moore during that same time period. In a statement moore unequivocally denied all the allegations. The question is whether more women will come forward as they have in the wake of other reports about abuse by powerful men. One alabama Political Columnist claims hes heard rumors of such conduct by moore for years. The the post dropped its blockbuster less than two days after the Republican Party suffered a rout on Election Night sending the party into prospects about holding on to power in washington. A safe seat in a deep red state in a special election in december was supposed to be roy moore. The gops nominee to fill attorney general jeff session easy senate seat in a special election, republicans have been counting on moore despite the fact that long before today his record put put him way way outside the mainstream of american politics. Thrown out of office of chief justice of the Supreme Court twice for defying the judicial system. He said homosexual conduct should be illegal. Called for representative Keith Ellison not to be seated in congress because he practices islam. Suggested both 9 11 and the sandy hook massacre were punishment for turning away from god. Same goes for child abuse. According to moore in a speech two months ago. All across our land, we have child abuse. We have sodomy. We have murder. We have rape. We have all kind of immoral things happening. Because weve forgotten god. Many current republican senators including Mitch Mcconnell endorsed moores primary opponent, and today many including Mitch Mcconnell called on moore to withdraw from the race if the allegations are true. Senator john mccain, by contrast, said in a statement, the allegations against roy moore are deeply disturbing and disqualifying, he should immediately step aside and allow the people of alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of. You can bet republican lawyers hive been scouring alabamas election laws for any way to get moore off the ballot before voters go to the polls on december 12th. But do not expect roy moore to go quietly. Hes denying the allegations, leaking a defying statement to breitbart calling the post report garbage and the very definition of fake news. Allies in right wing media and the political response rallying to his side. Alabama state auditor zoeggeler said, take joseph and mary, mary was a teenager and joseph was an adult carpenter, they became the parents of jesus. Bob vance, alabama circuit judge who ran unsuccessfully against moore to be states chief justice, the last statewide race roy moore has won, it was a close race. How has this news landed in your state of alabama . Its been a bombshell here. Just as elsewhere. With the election roughly a month away, this changes the dynamic, many people think. Moore was regarded as the frontrunner, although the polls were tight, were close. But this kind of really does call into question his fitness to serve in the United States senate. You ran a race against him, got around 46 of voters, tiger than many people thought, and suggested moore had problems in popularity. Im seeing two different kinds of reactions from people inside the state and outside of the state. Well, theyll vote for him anyway. People in the state saying, no, this will change peoples calculation. Which do you think it is . First let me correct you, i got a little over 48 of the vote. Even better. So it was actually even closer. And i mention that because it is indicative that i think roy moore is a divisive candidate even among republicans. Thats why i entered the race against him in 2012. I saw an opportunity because i know that there are many reasonable conservatives who cant stomach what roy moore stands for. So there is an opportunity there. I dont ascribe to the belief that its a given that he was going to win even before the revelations of today. So this just makes the equation even more complicated for moore. Weve seen a lot of quotes from local officials, republican officials essentially, saying theyre still sticking with him, these are state party chairmen. Do you think there will be moves by the state party to try to pressure him to step down or withdraw . I would doubt it. Just because theyre left with no alternative. My understanding of state law is that theres no way at this date to name a replacement for roy moore. Its too soon. Absentee ballots have already gone out. I think the Republican Party is pretty much stuck with him. I would not expect roy moore to withdraw unless there are further revelations that come to light. Nor would i expect the Republican Party to somehow disqualify him. So the question becomes, what does the alabama electorate do given this new information about the republican nominee . We should note even before this the republican governor had declined to endorse moore. There are some real dissatisfaction with him bubbling up there. Final question for you, someone who ran against him, does this shock you to hear this this morning, to see it reported in the Washington Post with 30 sources, or was this something you had an inclination was out there . It frankly did surprise me. In my campaign against roy moore, i did not get a whiff of any kind of scandal such as this. Roy moore presents a targetrich environment to be sure for an opposing candidate. But this kind of personal scandal is something new that hes going to have to deal with. All right, judge bob vance, thanks for your time tonight. My pleasure. Rosie gray, White House Correspondent for the atlantic. Josh marshall, editor and publisher of talking points memo. Where to start. I mean busy day. Its an astounding thing for any politician to be accused of. And you could almost see like the republicans look like deers in headlights today. They really did. Murkowski says shes spoken to senator strange about a writein campaign because maybe thats a hail mary. What would you make of watching this ripple through the party today . You know we are in such a chaotic period. Good news and bad news, theres so many shocks moment after moment. And today the president s bodyguard said, well, they did offer to send women to trumps room. And he goes, were not even talking about that. Well do it later, yeah. Its a tough situation for them politically. Because they seem there seems to be no option to get him off the ballot. They didnt want him there to start with. And theyre just kind of stuck. And i think one key thing i take from this weve seen lots of allegations against lots of different men over the last few weeks. In most of those cases, a lot of people come out of the woodwork very quickly once one person comes forward. And theyre fired, they step down, whatever. Those reactions out of alabama, at least from his top supporters, are pretty striking. Theyre invoking the bible in his defense, right . So the key what i take away from this is, how these things go down all depends on who your constituency is. Thats right. I think its clear roy moores core constituency does in and out care, or he is more important to them than these allegations are. We should note rosie, one of the most incredible things that happened is hes fundraising off it. The man is accused of molesting a child on the record in the Washington Post and sends out a fundraising email based on the article about the fact that hes under siege. Were in the midst of a spiritual battle with those who want to silence our message. Do you think he can ride this out . Well, you know, im not sure whether this is going to necessarily result in a victory for him, although if i was a betting person i might probably still bet on that to be honest with you. I think that roy moore has a very solid base of support in alabama who have sort of known him for a long time. However, these allegations obviously are extremely serious. But what hes doing is kind of turning this into a narrative in which hes the victim of a kind of witch hunt being arranged by the socalled amazon Washington Post, the democrat media complex, or whatever. And basically turning it into a kind of he said she said situation. In terms of the republicans ability to get him off the ballot, it looks like its not actually really possible at this point. So they are stuck with him, like josh said. And the lessons that we all learned from the access hollywood incident is you can actually sort of survive politically a scandal of this magnitude. Yeah, i mean, theres a blueprint here. It really comes down, again, who is your constituency . Donald trumps core constituency did not care. And i think what we are seeing right now, at least on first blush, that is roy moores core constituency does not care. Theres also a question here, this is a guy i follow on twitter, richard alex smith, an alabama political operative, he was tweeting about this. He said, i cut my campaign teeth and actual teeth in alabama. Roy moore has no path now, based on his historic performance. This is someone whos a democrat, right . Ive only ever said that about democrats in my home state. Theres a question if that constituency is big enough to win this election. That i totally agree with. I dont dispute that reasoning or analysis. I guess what im saying is, he may not win, but he needs a Critical Mass of people to stay in the race. Absolutely. And i think that whether thats 30 , 40 of the electorate; i dont think they care. Or they care more about him than they care about what he did. Not only that theres election law, theres the fact that republicans in d. C. Have no leverage over the guy. Yeah, thats right. They cant make him get out of the race. They can put out strongly worded statements and they have. Although i would note every one of them is putting out these statements that say, if this is true. And then saying he should step aside. Im not sure what burden of proof would have to be offered here. There are women on the record making these allegations. But the fact that there isnt an actual tape or photographic evidence or whatever is leaving them sort of enough rhetorical whig angle room to be able to potentially step back from what theyre saying. The point about, if true, i think creates the space to essentially kind of Yada Yada Yada for 32 days until the special election, which to rosies astute point, if true, whats going to if this happened decades ago, whats going to determine it one way or the other for you if. I would say, and they are making themselves very vulnerable to what happens tomorrow. Exactly. Are there four more stories that come out over the next week . But the problem they have is, he got where he got by fighting them. He doesnt need them. Right. So they are in a spot. And i dont think they have many good political options. Theres a lot of panicked calls happening today. Josie gray and josh marshall, thank you. Republicans face a decision whether or not they should support a Senate Nominee who stands accused of Sexual Misconduct with a 14yearold girl. For some that has not been an easy answer. More in two minutes. You nervous . When you think of saving money, what comes to mind . Your next getaway . Connecting with family and friends . A big night out . Or maybe your everyday shopping. Whatever it is, aarp member advantages can help save you time and money along the way. So when you get there, you can enjoy it all the more. For less. Surround yourself with savings at aarpadvantages. Com over the past month Senate Republicans have made something of an art formal out of out of ignoring roy moores basic fitness for office. Removed from the Supreme Court for ethical reasons. Believes homosexual conduct should be illegal. They acted like they were okay with all this. Senator portman revealingly, a republican from ohio, told politico that moores going to be for tax reform, i think. Which is really apparently all that matters. A number of senators, rand paul and ted cruz, have officially and proactively endorsed moore. Tonight the Washington Post reports moore stands accused of molesting a 14yearold girl. While moore denies the allegation theres an open schedule whether conservatives will find this a bridge too far. While ted cruz appeared on sidestep the issue this afternoon, there are those in the conservative media who are so invested in a roy moore win, they will say things like this. He was apparently like 32. And he dated one girl was 18, one girl was 17, and they never said he did theres no sexual theres kissing involved. And then theyre saying this one encounter with a 14yearold and it was consensual. And consensual, thats true. And theres, you know i just i dont know how you find out the truth. Betsy woodruff, the daily beast. Kurt bardello, former breitbart spokesperson, joining me now. Betsy, i anticipated a fake news attack. I anticipated deny, deny, deny, Washington Post is fake news. What i did not anticipate was watching a bunch of conservatives today bend over backwards to defend molesting a child, and yet somehow thats apparently where we are. This phrase i dont know how you find out the truth is sort of a profound philosophical moment in conservative media. The idea that there are certain things that are beyond knowing, even when women go on the record, when all their friends and their family members go on the record saying this type of sexual attack happened, and they still dont think they can believe that, i mean, its extraordinary. It makes you wonder, under what circumstances would pundits like this believe the truth about Sexual Misconduct is knowable . Do they have to be in the room watching it happen . To believe that its actually happened . Its astonishing. And i dont really know how else to put it. Its hard for me to get my head around. Why would you consume journalism if you dont trust reporters and you dont trust their sources . Kurt, there was this really bizarre thing that happened with your old haunt breitbart in which breitbart was leaked that the Washington Post was working on this story and got out ahead of it to essentially run interference for roy moore. One of their editors on tv today basically talking about the how its perfectly fine a 32yearold man was trying to date a 16yearold. Breitbart is allin on moore. What are they going to try to do . Are you surprised by what they are doing today . No im not, chris. Because its vintage breitbart. Any time that theres an issue that they dont like, any time theres an attack that they dont like, they go right at attacking those who are reporting on it. They go right at trying to create their own alternate reality, really. And theyre banking that their audience, the trump audience, and as they say with the access Hollywood Campaign situation, they wont care, theyll believe what breitbart says, which is this is a fabrication, the media and democratic machine attacking the republican, and try to steer the conversation of their audience towards that. Because theyre allin. Bannon was leading the charge for roy moore in the first place even against Mitch Mcconnell and donald trump over luther strange. Theyre so vested in this, if it goes south, it could send up the entire plan that bannon has to remake the Republican Party up in smoke. It seems this is a test moment. I really have to say i thought id lost my capacity for shock. These are just some of the statements from a local alabama official, talking to daniel dale today at the toronto star about this behavior. It was 40 years ago, i dont see the relevance, he was 42, she was 14, shes not saying anything happened other than they kissed, he didnt force himself. I dont know know, if he withdraws five weeks to the election, that would concede to the democrat. There is no option to support doug jones the democratic nominee, when you do that youre supporting the entire democrat party. You were talking about this being profound. Its profound in the sense that theres nothing roy moore could do that is going to detach the party from him, it appears. I dont know, i think thats probably correct. I dont know of another way of reading the statements that alabama republicans are making these days. One piece of context on this is to remember that the seat roy moore is running for is one that is extraordinarily symbolically significant to the Republican Party. And especially to the breitbart wing of the gop. This is Jeff Sessions senate seat. If Jeff Sessions were to lose, were to pass off his senate seat to a democrat, if republicans were to lose control of it, that would just be for the breitbart wing of the Republican Party the ultimate humiliation. Sessions was their favorite senator in the senate. He was their guy. He was the one who was the most hardline on immigration. Who was the first Strong Senate supporter of donald trump. Who now has been implementing and advancing the trump agenda from his perch as attorney general. If a democrat takes over that seat, that would be indicative of an extraordinary sea change, of a humiliation not just for the breitbart wing of the Republican Party but for the tea party bannon project of trying to primary comparatively moderate, comparatively middle of the road republicans for the purposes of these purity tests. Its just so important to them. Thats what i thought today too, congratulations steve bannon who read some High School Shakespeare and cliff notes of tsung tsu, that the the Center Jurisdiction genius whos managed to maneuver the Republican Party to be allin on a man who astands accused of molesting a child today, way to go. The interesting thing is when bannon talked about this grand plan to remake the Republican Party that they would learn from the mistakes of the tea party, the things we saw go horribly wrong for republicans in previous elections. This was supposed to be different. This as they called it, their league of extraordinary candidates. Give me a break. So were seeing right now thats why theyre not going to back down. Thats why theyre so vested in making sure that roy moore gets through this. Because if this falls apart it could be the beginning of the end of something theyve barely gotten off the ground. Every republican is going to wear the mark of where they stood on roy moore. Next, President Trumps righthand manifestfies in front of house intel, nbc reporting on what came out about the infamous dossier and it is something. This job that they created to do Online Grocery and to have that oneonone experience with the customers, hes meant for it. Im joey gabe, personal shopper for walmart and i love to see a smile on my customers face. During a 2013 trip to moscow, a russian participant in the Miss Universe contest offered to send five women to Donald Trumps hotel room. That according to closeddoor testimony tuesday by trumps longtime bodyguard keith she will cher three sources who were present for shrillers testimony recounted to nbc news. Shillers onetime nypd officer who became head of security of trump tower, followed him to the white house her he served as combination of body man, confidant, and gate keeper before leaving in september. Trump traveled to moscow in 2013 with shiller by his side. It was on this trip the steele dossier alleges the russian government gathered compromising material on the future president. Two sources say he viewed the offer of five women as a joke saying he told the russian he dont did that type of stuff. One of the report hoarse broke that story, National Political reporter jonathan allen. What was the context of shillers testimony about this . Well, i mean, generally speaking i think youve got members of the committee trying to figure out whether that steele dossier is accurate, which parts of it are accurate if its not all accurate. Obviously President Trump has denied it. You have here Keith Shiller, his body man, basically saying that parts of it are true. Theres confirmation here that there was an attempt by russians to send five women to Donald Trumps room. And then, of course, shiller says, but thats as far as it went, says he walked trump up to his room, left him there, didnt stay the whole night but believes, as he said, to the House Intelligence Committee behind closed doors that nothing happened. Do you want to just spell out what the actual allegation the dossier is, why its jermaine here . The allegation in the dossier is that President Trump was present for sexual acts between two women, including urination. And that is not something that Keith Shiller testified, in fact denies that allegation, President Trump has denied all those allegations. There is no evidence beyond the steele dossier allegations of that. And this particular testimony does not bring anyone closer to that. What it does do, however, is confirms some other pieces of the steele dossier, some of the basic facts leading up to what would have been that moment. Yeah, it places them we should say that the idea of the allegations in the steele dossier is that this was the room the obamas had slept in, this was a way of essentially defiling the room, essentially that was the act that was undertaken. Again, im quoting the steele dossier, characterizing it here. What this does seem to confirm is shiller saying, we were in moscow, we knew that. And yes, there was this attempt made this offer made, by one of our russian stewards there to quote send women. Yeah, i mean, absolutely. Thats whats interesting. I mean, this is an interview with the House Intelligence Committee. You cant lie to congress in that situation. So this is something that is for the record confirming some of these details. And also, he does say, again, that he walked the nowpresident to his room, he stood outside it, is that correct, for a little bit, then left . Thats right. Is that the gist . Thats right. Jonathan allen, great reporting. I kind of cant imagine i cant believe that was testimony before a congressional committee, but you know. These are the times we live in. Thank you very much. Thanks, chris. More on this breaking story, dont go anywhere. [dont stop me now by queen] with over 500 flights every day, emirates brings the world together through dubai. Fly emirates for a world of good times. Whstuff happens. Old shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. And my brother ray and i started searching for answers. vo when its time to navigate inhome care, follow that bright star. Because brightstar care earns the same accreditation as the best hospitals. And brightstar care means an rn will customize a plan that evolves with moms changing needs. woman because dad made us promise wed keep mom at home. vo call 8444brightstar for your free home Care Planning guide. Were on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, its time to wake up to keurig. 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One of the biggest thins i took away was how much it seeps to corroborate the part of the dossier, the parts of the dossier that discuss how russia uses things like this to gain compromise over people they want to blackmail in the future. This idea that russia actually offered up five prostitutes to trump while he was in moscow for 2013 really raises additional questions about, well, what may have happened in other instances when trump was in russia, for example . One of the biggest questions that i have remaining is, well, did the House Intelligence Committee ask shiller about things that happened in st. Petersburg . Parts of the dossier allege that a lot of these acts occurred while trump was in that city at one point. Now its still very murky that he even traveled there. No one can seem to get a straight answer about whether or not trump actually ever went to st. Petersburg. But this is an allegation that is laid out in the dossier. And if theyre taking cues from that dossier, it makes you wonder, did they ask about this too . The moscow trip obviously is documented. We run b roll of trump in moscow, a thing that was put on television. The dossier talks about other trips to russia, talks about petersburg. I believe shiller was asked and said he didnt remember going to russia with trump but couldnt confirm, which made me scratch my head a little bit, because that remains a big thing we dont know about that period is was trump ever in russia other than that trip . Right, and its really curious that shiller wouldnt remember taking a trip to russia with trump. He said that he would look back at his passport, and if he saw anything that suggested that he had traveled to russia, he would give it to the House Intelligence Committee. But as of his testimony, he really couldnt recall whether or not he had traveled to the city with trump. And that really just its kind of hard to believe. One of the aspects of the dossier that i find the most explosive, and its obviously totally unconfirmed, is a basic thrust that from the very beginning, bringing trump to moscow for this was essentially a russian intelligence operation that he was being cultivated from the beginning, that they and sort of stewarded the whole way along. Whats your judgment based on what we know from the shiller testimony or from other things weve learned about the applause ability of that . It definitely seems like russia was making a play at cultivating donald trump from very early on. The dossier says that it went back for as long as five years. We obviously dont know whether or not thats true. But again it wouldnt be surprising. This is what the russians do, spot people who are motivated by things like ego, money, and they really try hard to kind of use them or leverage them the best way that they can. Trump while he was in moscow in 2013, he did meet with very powerful russian oligarchs. He went to a restaurant before the pageant or just after, i cant remember the exact sate, and sat down with these powerful russians and bragged about it later. He said, i met with these very highlevel officials, Vladimir Putin wasnt able to join me but i wish i had met him. Vladimir putin sent him a gift later. There was this period of trying to stroke his ego and cultivate him while he was in moscow. The question is did that continue through the 2016 election . One other detail there as we watch that video roll is that the Father Son Team who show up in those emails that precipitate trump tower, theyre in that dossier, identified as essentially the intermediaries for this entire operation. Right. So rob goldstone, the publicist, he orchestrated the trump tower meeting last june. He reached out to donald trump jr. On behalf of them and he suggested they meet with this russian lawyer. The dossier interestingly also says that emmons father, who has done business with trump for several years, would know more about the alleged acts that donald trump about while he was in st. Petersburg. This is a relationship that goes back a very long time, and i think that if mueller really wants to get to the bottom of a lot of trumps ties to russia, hes really going to have to interview them. And the thing that looms over all of this is the idea that there are tapes somewhere that the entire thing was done to produce compromising tape. We know that compromising tape is something thats been marshaled in russia for political purposes quite often. Right. So the top russian prosecutor who was appointed by Vladimir Putin himself, who has very close ties to the president , he actually has done this before. He has used videotapes in order to essentially ruin his political adversaries or those that hes trying to bury. And so its really its a common tactic in russia. As trump said, he was right when he said that everything is taped, everything is recorded, everything is documented. Its because theyre just waiting for the right moment when they can use it against you later. Natasha bertrand, thanks for being with me tonight. Ill talk with senator Bernie Sanders about what could be the next disaster for republicans as they unveil their tax plan in the senate today. Plus the latest entries in the president s best people category. Thing 1, thing 2 next. burke at farmers, weve seen almost everything so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a swing set standoff. And we covered it, july first, twentyfifteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum thing 1 tonight, another one of President Trumps judicial nominees gets a anonymous rating of not qualified by the american bar association, a designation not one of president obamas nominees ever received. Brett tally this time nominated for Alabama District Court seat is the fourth trump judicial nominee to receive the rare not qualified rating and the second to get a unanimous not qualified rating. The first trump judicial nominee to get that thumbsdown from the aba, Leonard Steven grass, testified at his confirmation hearing just last week. You are the First Circuit Court Nominee since 2006 to receive a unanimous not qualified rating from the aba and the last nominee who had such a rating was withdrawn. That is my understanding, senator. It was a 140 vote, was it not . Of the committee of the bar . Senator, im not keenly aware of that. I believe there was one abstention. Thats why its 14, but there are 15 of them. I believe thats correct. Yeah. Ouch. Thats nothing compared to the president s nominee for a top environmental post whose lack of qualifications were on full display before the senate. And that is a mustwatch thing too in 60 seconds. 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President trump is nominating some extremely unqualified people, but one Senate Confirmation hearing this week was especially cringe worthy. Kathleen Hartnett White was nominated to lead the white houses council on environmental quality, which is in other words the nations top environmental adviser in the white house. It seems to me that you dont believe Climate Change is real. I am i am un i am uncertain. Youre uncertain . No, im sorry, i jumped ahead. Climate change is of course real. Human activity affect clooirchg . More than likely but the extent to which i think is very uncertain. Of the additional heat that has been captured in the atmosphere as a result of Greenhouse Gas emissions, do you know how much of that has been captured in the ocean, is it more or less than 50 , do you even know that . No. No, okay. But i believe there are differences of opinions on that, theres theres not one right answer. Really. Do you think that if the ocean warms, it expands . Does the law of thermal expansion apply to seawater . Again, im not i do not have any kind of expertise or even much laymans study of the ocean dynamics and the Climate Change issues. Tempurpedics superior pressure relieving comfort, and our 90day, complete satisfaction trial, will make tossing and turning a thing of the past. Plus, during our veterans day savings event, save up to 500 on select Adjustable Mattress sets. Find your exclusive retailer at tempurpedic. Com. Ive always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. Super poligrip free. It creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. Just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. Try super poligrip free. Firstthen you put yourselfareer. Through school. Got the degree. Youve given it your all, to reach the goals youve set. Dont let student debt hold you back. Refinancing Student Loans with sofi can save thousands. So you can get where youve always been headed. Sooner. See how much you can save with sofi. The leader in student loan refinancing. Just two days after a nationwide drubbing at the polls, republicans were hoping to turn the page today. Senate republicans were going to unveil a new tax bill, their last, best chance to actually pass some kind of, any kind of major legislation this year. But then the roy moore news broke. Suddenly republicans, including majority leader Mitch Mcconnell, had to deal with yet another bombshell. Accusations in the Washington Post that roy moore, the partys Senate Nominee in alabama, had sexual contact with a 14yearold. Who he picked up outside of court where her parents were having a custody case. Republican senators found themselves bombarded with questions not about tax brackets and allowable deductions but about whether they would still stand by a man now accused of molesting a child. The clock is ticking with 16 days left in session for the house, 20 day forth the senate. Donors are keeping up the pressure on republican lawmakers to deliver on tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy. A fact that some are publicly admitting like republican congressman chris colins in new york who told the hill, my donors are basically saying, get it done or dont ever call me again. Senator lindh say graham said, the financial contributions will stop, among other repercussions. Imagine if republicans fail on tax reform the same way they failed on health care. Ending the first year of the Trump Administration with no real legislative accomplishments despite literally years of promises. Thats kaexactly what Bernie Sanders would love to see happen and he joins me next. honking beeping were on to you, diabetes. Times up, insufficient prenatal care. And administrative paperwork, your days of drowning people are numbered. Same goes for you, budget overruns. And rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. Were coming for you too. 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Dont use toujeo to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if youre allergic to insulin. Get medical help right away if you have a serious allergic reaction such as body rash, or trouble breathing. Dont reuse needles or share insulin pens. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be life threatening. It may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. Check your blood sugar levels daily. Injection site reactions may occur. Dont change your dose of insulin without talking to your doctor. Tell your doctor about all your medicines and medical conditions. Check insulin label each time you inject. Taking tzds with insulins like toujeo may cause Heart Failure that can lead to death. Find your rhythm and keep on grooving. Lets groove tonight. Ask your doctor about toujeo. Share the spice of life. Republicans are hoping to release their tax cut plan to refocus their party after sweeping electoral victories. Instead theyre dealing with yet another scandal as alabama Senate Nominee roy moore stands accused of having sexual contact with a 14yearold. Republicans see their chance to fulfill even one Campaign Promise slipping away. Bernd is one of those working to stop the republican agenda on taxes. I want to talk about taxes. I first have to ask you about this revelation about a man who could be your colleague in a matter of weeks, whether you think the Republican Party should lets hope let us hope that he will not be my colleague or anybody elses colleague. You know, i think you have heard that there are a number of republicans who are saying that at this particular time, given these horrific charges against mr. Moore that it would be appropriate for him to step aside. And i support that. I agree with that. Let me ask you about the tax plan. First of all, are you surprised that theyve managed to write a bill that appears to hike taxes on some middle income payers . I have to say i did not see that one coming. Well, they got a number of problems. It probably wasnt their first goal, but if youre going to give massive tax breaks to the wealthiest people in this country, there are some things that youre going to have to do and that includes that in the house will at least over a ten year period, at the end of the ten years, youre going to have almost half of middle income people paying more in taxes. I think you made the point a few moments ago, chris, and that is the main point to be made. Is that you have members of congress who are saying if we dont pass this, our billionaire friends are not going to contribute to our campaigns. That is what this whole tax bill is about. Massive tax breaks for the wealthiest people in this country. Significant reduction in corporate racks rates at a time when corporations are earning record breaking profits. And at the end of the ten years in the house bill, almost half of the middle class will pay more in taxes. There is a great interview by john harwood of gary cohn today. Take a listen. You i imagine are the point person in the white house from the ceos. Whar you hearing from them. The most Excited Group out there are big ceos. Theyve been very clear it seems to me in what they want out of this. What more can you say . I rest my case. This will be an incredible benefit to the wealthy people in this country, large corporations and their ceos. One of the things, chris, that they are trying to do is to move this thing forward in lightning speed. There have not been any hearings. Theyre going to try to mark this thing up, get it passed in the house, get it passed in the senate. And you know why . Because they do not want the American People to know what is in it. So you have a situation where we have massive income and wealth inequality in america. What we should be doing is telling the wealthiest people in this country theyre going to have to stop paying their fair share of taxes so we can make public colleges and universities tuition free, et cetera, et cetera. The argument that theyre making on the supply side and the Corporate Tax cut to the extent i can find of find a unified argument is twofold. One, theres tons of money sitting offshore. Basically the problem is theres a lot of corporate profits. It sits offshore because their corporate rate is so high. We need to cut that rate so the money comes back in the u. S. And can be used for investment here. Whats wrong with that argument . Whats wrong with that argument, thats trickledown economics and also what its about is its dishonest. It is true that the nominal Corporate Tax rate is 35 . But thats not what major multinational corporations are paying. Theyre paying about 14 . In fact, one out of five large profitable corporations pays zero in taxes. We have, if youve seen the paradise papers, of course, we understand that all over this world, including Many American wealthy people and large corporations are taking advantage of all kinds of loopholes to park their moneys abroad and not pay a nickle in taxes. What this tax plan would do would lower taxes for american corporations at a time when we should be raising them. So we saw you just talked about the process here which really looks like deja vu, the aca repeal process, this sort of do it in secret, throw it out there, try to pass it quickly. The problems between the house and the senate. They seem to be recreating the process. People really rose up in resistance partly because health care is so tangible and human. Do they have the same political vulnerabilities here or does the fact that it seems abstract or possibly more abstract in terms of taxes mean that they have more political room to work with . Well, i think you may be right. Thats what frightens me a little bit. If i tell you were taking away your health insurance, youre going to say youre not going to do that, im going to fight you. If i say billionaires are getting a huge tax increase, its complicated what you may or may not get. But what we have to point out is that these tax proposals among many other things and many other provisions in it would create a 1. 5 trillion increase in our deficits. What the republicans were very clear about is saying that what we will then do and they were clear in the budget, we will cut medicaid by a trillion dollars, medicare by over 400 billion, pell grants, nutrition programs, so if they do this, trust me, the day after they will come back talking about social security, medicare and medicaid and the need to cut those programs. What is your big takeaway from democrats victory on tuesday night . Well, obviously it was a referendum on donald trump. You know what . Donald trump lost and he lost badly. I think the American People rose up and said you know what . This guy is divisive. His policies are reactionary. Weve got to fight back in every way that we can. Obviously the victories in virginia, new jersey and elsewhere were really great. One of the stories that sent being told about tuesday is that all over this country we saw a lot of young people, people who for the first time engaged in the political process running and winning. Our revolution in virginia supported six challenges. New candidates. Three of them won. Two lost. The one is in a recount now. So i think what was very exciting, you see people of all colors, all backgrounds, all sexual orientations getting involved in the political process. Thats what the democrats have got to encourage. New blood. Senator Bernie Sanders. Thanks for your time. That is all in. Rachel maddow starts right now. Thank you, my friend. Appreciate it. Thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. Theres a lot of news tonight. If you have been following this remarkable story today broken by the Washington Post about Alabama Republican Senate candidate roy moore, weve got something important to add to that disturbing news broken today by the Washington Post. Namely weve got the person in alabama who i think is the best equipped person in that state to tell us what is likely to happen here in light

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