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Majority of americans. He lost the overall popular vote by nearly 3 million people. Last night, after stunning victories from democrats across the nation in nearly every contest, there came a reminder that this is not Donald Trumps network. Including the marquise governors race in virginia, where democrats had been quite worried that Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam could lose to republican lobbyist, ed gillespie, who cynically embraced the president s grievance playbook with ads about kneeling nfl players and protecting confederate monuments. Instead, northam absolutely crushed gillespie, winning by nine points, and nearly doubling Hillary Clintons margin over trump in virginia last year. Something that i am so proud of and i remind you all the time, we live in a very Diverse Society. It is getting more diverse every day. It is that Diverse Society that makes this country great that vision of a pluralistic, multicultural america was a direct repudiation of trumps White Nationalist politics and it was embodied in the candidates who walked across virginia. In addition to winning the other two statewide races for attorney general and Lieutenant Governor, democrats in a staggering result took at least 15 seats in the house of delegates. And depending on how recounts go, they could win up to four more seats and take control of the chamber for the first time in 18 years. Among the winners was danica roem, the first openly transgender person ever to be elected to a u. S. Statehouse, who focused her campaign not on hotbutton social issues, but on wait for it traffic in northern virginia. Roem defeated marshal who introduced an antitransgender bill and would only use male pronouns to describe roem. Also victorious last night were the first two latino women ever elected to virginias house of delegates, as well as a marine veteran who unseated the House Majority whip. Now, this story wasnt just confined to virginia. Despite racist flyers, hoboken elected new jerseys first sikh mayor, and washington state, a victory by Indian American democrat Manka Dhingra gave her state control. The democratic mayor reelected new york city for the first time in 32 years. A democratic gubernatorial candidate winning overwhelmingly in new jersey amid toxic Approval Rating for outgoing republican governor and onetime future of the Republican Party, chris christie. One major theme last night was the trump effect. He sure didnt seem to help. In virginia, 17 of voters said one reason for their vote was to express support for trump. But 34 , double the percentage, said they were voting at least in part to express opposition to the president. Trump sought to play down last nights results, first disavowing gubernatorial candidate ed gillespie and then posting this picture to twitter, in which he gives a thumbs up and brags about his massive Electoral College landslide victory, even though his electoral vote victory was not a landslide and far from massive by historical standards. Plus, once again, he lost the popular vote, by a lot. The trump effect was not the only factor last night. Crucially, democrats seemed to win on the issues. In maine, voters resoundingly approved a Medicaid Expansion that Governor Paul Lepage is trying to stop it from going into effect. And the virginia exit polls told a fascinating story about what virginia voters actually cared about. 60 said the monument of confederate leaders should be left in place. But crucially, the issue didnt drive their vote. Voters cast their ballots because of health care. 39 saying health was the issue that mattered most in their vote. A far greater percentage than chose immigration or abortion. And among virginians who cared most about health care, Ralph Northam, a democrat who wants to expand medicaid in the state of virginia won by a massive 54point margin. Im joined now by senator gary peters of michigan, the only democratic freshman elected during the last midterm election, 2014, when 12 republican freshman were elected and who hails from a state that, as we all know, donald trump won last year to the surprise of many. And senator, from your unique perch in michigan, from the perspective of someone who managed to win a victory in 2014 against the odds with an electorate unfavorable democrats, whats your lesson from last night . Well, i think the most encouraging lesson that i see from last night was just the incredible turnout of people, you know, in virginia, a record turnout of folks who showed up. And basically, you know, im seeing in michigan an energy that i havent seen in years. Democrats who want to make sure their voice is heard. They want to get involved in politics. Theyre finding ways that they can interject themselves into this debate. And i think theyre very motivated to vote. But we didnt really have a test of that until last night. And virginia, i think, showed that when democrats come out to vote, we win. And if we can keep that enthusiasm going into the midterms, its going to have a Significant Impact in michigan. And i think in a lot of other states, as well. If im not mistaken, i think there was a special election in your state in the upper peninsula, in a district that had gone to plus 20 for the democrats last night, to your point. What do you say to people who say, look, most Hillary Clinton won virginia, anyway. She won new jersey. New york city is a very democratic town. The house delegate races were largely won in districts that Hillary Clinton won. From someone whos in michigan, where donald trump did manage to win that state, what do you say to that . Well, i say, you just have to look at the numbers of turnout. Still, although those states did vote democrat, in virginias case, you had a huge surge. If i recall, just before the election, all the polls show that that race was going to be very tight. When everyone counted the ballots, it wasnt tight. It was a pretty big victory. That shows a surge of democratic voters that are coming out. I think were going to see that in michigan in 2018, as long as we can keep this kind of enthusiasm. You mentioned the race up in the upper peninsula. That was a race the republicans thought they could win. They put in substantial resources and the democrat won in a place that is sometimes not real friendly to democrats. So those are all very encouraging signs, but i would also say we cant let up the energy. We cant let up our focus in making sure we have a positive message, talking about opportunity for all americans. Democrats have to be for sympathetic and when we are for something and when we are aggressive talking about that, we get our people out and we win. How does this affect what happens on capitol hill, in the senate, particularly with tax reform . What do you see as a reverberation . Well, i would think republicans would want to take a hard look at this tax bill thats before us now. This tax bill is skewed, heavily, to very wealthy folks getting the majority of the tax cuts. And middle class folks are left with very small piece of the benefit. And it should not be about just passing a bill. I think that the republicans make a big mistake if they think they just have to pass a bill. I would argue, you actually have to pass a good bill. A good bill that helps middle class families and those who aspire to be in the middle class have money in their pocket, have the ability to make sure that they can pursue their version of the american dream. If they see a bill thats stacked in favor of the wealthy, of corporations, of a bill that eliminates the alternative minimum tax, which means that wealthy folks may not even have to pay taxes, thats not going to help the republicans. And in fact, it will only drive even more turnout from some of our base voters. You know, you were one of a number of democratic senators, if im not mistaken, who was on a phone call with the president , trying to sell this tax bill. And the theory of the case here, folks like yourself in states like he won, or states like ohio, Sherrod Brown was also on the call, its going to be very hard for you to vote against this tax bill. The president is also saying that his accountants tell him hes going to get killed on this bill, but he needs the state tax repealed. What did he tell you on that phone call . Yeah, well, it was a bizarre call. And he did say that rich folks like himself are going to get killed in the bill, but of course, even though thats counter to all the experts and the facts of this bill, where folks like donald trump are going to do very well. In fact, we dont have his tax records, so its difficult to know exactly the impact on him. But the one tax record we do have, we know the only reason he paid tax is because of the alternative minimum tax. And under this bill, that alternative minimum tax is eliminated. It puts a 750 billion hole in the deficit. And it basically eliminates the tax that we know, at least in that one year, that is why donald trump paid his taxes. The American People are not going to stand for that. If they see that bill that basically gives rich folks a free pass, thats not going to be a good bill going into election time in 2018. Given the contours of this bill, given the fact that the president won your state and hes going to be pushing hard for it and given what happened last night, do you feel political pressure to support this bill . I want to support a good bill. You know, i believe that we should do tax reform, we should make the system more efficient, we should make it fair, but we should focus on folks who need that relief, and those are middle class families and those who aspire to be in the middle class. Thats the kind of bill that i want to support. We were hoping we could try to find some bipartisanship in doing that. You know, pass tax reform bills, the one that passed the last major one received over 90 votes in the United States senate. But we cant do that when the republicans shut down the process, they may be putting out a bill tomorrow or the next day, and then doing a markup as quickly as monday, without any kind of democratic input into this bill. I cant support a bill if we dont have input and if working people in this country are not benefited, im certainly not going to support a bill that only helps those at the very top of the income scale. All right. Senator gary peters of michigan, thanks for being with me tonight. Good to be with you. Im joined by jess mcintosh, former Senior Adviser to Hillary Clintons president ial campaign, and former democratic congresswoman, donna edward of maryland, senior fellow at the brennan senior for justice. All right, well, different night last night than a year ago. Just a little, yes. What is your whats your reaction . How do you feel . Okay, so today is the oneyear anniversary of the day that 26 of americans and a good chunk of russia decided to make donald trump the president. And i think last night reminded us that there are more of us than there are of them. This is, like you said, not Donald Trumps america. And the inclusivity that we saw in the slate of candidates that was elected last night was a full repudiation of the absolute racism, white nationalism, xenophobia, and misogyny that Todays Republican Party has decided to embrace. It was rejected. Full stop. Donna, whats your feeling . Well, i certainly agree with that. I mean, its really clear when you look to the state legislators, really up and down the ballot, across the country, it was a clear repudiation of donald trump and of all of that nastiness that went on over the course of the has gone on over the course of the last year. And i think voters said, you know what, we want to Pay Attention to our bread and butter issues. We want the people who represent us actually to look like us. And we saw that all across the country. You know, theres been a lot of talk about democratic infighting. And if youre online, it feels like theres a lot of it. And it was sort of striking to me last night that the kind of ideological slot that you could put many of these candidates in really ran the gamut. Right. You had them the marine veteran whos a socialist. Northam ran a fairly aggressive campaign, but himself was a twotime george w. Bush voter, not a real doesnt come out of the liberal wing of the party. You have that sort of spectrum. What does it say about the sort of state of the Democratic Party . I think it says that our differences are much, much smaller than you would see if you put it under a partisan microscope, that the beltway pundits tend to do. I mean, internet fighting is interesting because it involves personalities and big personalities and who did what to who and what egos were involved where. When it really comes down to the voters, when it comes down to the actual Grassroots Army thats fuelling this resistance, its about the issues. And on the issues, we disagree on the margins. I think the point of the issues is so interesting. Because gillespie at the end was sending out a mailer about running during a National Anthem like he was running to be commissioner of the nfl or flag observance commissioner. But at some level, republicans touched the stove on health care, and one way to understand what happened last night is that they paid for it. Is that a credible theory of last night to you . I think it is. I think, for example, if you look at the ballot measure in maine on Medicaid Expansion, voters in new jersey who clearly were casting a vote around issues of health care, i think across the board, you know, people were rejecting this agenda over these last now 11 months and saying, were not going to were just not going to take that. What i look at is if you think about the array of candidate who is won last night, from a transgender woman to a sudanese American Woman to a refugee, former refugee mayor up in helena, montana, across the board, it really did represent the diversity of this country. And i think voters really rejected that and they said, you know what whats important to me, and they werent listening to the chatter that we all engage in in washington. Yeah, a black mayor in helena, a former refugee, a black mayor, i believe, in st. Paul, minnesota. A black woman in charlotte, north carolina, if im not mistaken, the first two latino women to serve in topeka, kansas. And seven transgender candidates winning across the country. I mean, this was absolutely enormous. The diversity and the slate that we saw come in last night. And what so, you know, theres this question about motivation. Its really interesting to listen to senator peters, right . Thats someone whose livelihood and career is going to depend on that. Next time hes up in 2020, hes got a president ial election in he has favor. But what as someone whos been an organizer and worked on campaigns, what theres this question about the resistance that we saw, we saw protests the first night he was elected, election night. We saw one of the biggest marches in American History a few days later in inauguration. And we saw these series of special elections where democrats came up short. And there was really this question of, is this a thing or not a thing . One of the things we said when we came up short in those special elections, it was they were in redder areas. If we saw this kind of voter turnout in moderate areas or democraticleaning areas or in republican in slightly easier to win areas, it would be a huge sweep. And thats what we saw last night. Yeah, montana was overperforming by nine points or ten points but thats a place where republicans up 20 points a as a base line. Were starting to see that that despite the losses, which meant everybody wanted to talk about what was going wrong, that didnt depress these people. The resistance has managed to turn from the streets to the polls, which was the giant question about it to begin with. I think were seeing a massive backlash to the trump presidency. And its coming electorally, which is incredibly heartening. How much of this, donna, how much of this is about the president . How much of this is the president essentially being this kind of force of polarization, that forces people to choose sides. And maybe even pushes people in some directions in a more progressive or a more pluralistic direction, who may not have been before, because theyre so repelled by him. Well, i think, clearly, you know, the president and all of his actions and his xenophobia, homophobia, i mean, you could make the list, account for a lot of the mobilization and the energy out there. But the fact is, even with all of that, you cant win elections unless youre for something. And all of these candidates all across the country demonstrated, yes, you can mobilize some people around voting against donald trump, but you have to motivate them to come to the polls, to show up, to volunteer, to be candidates after all. I mean, many of these races that we saw, we put up candidates up and down the ballot with some people who would never even thought about running for Electoral Office a year ago. And so, its a combination of the against trump, but lets be for something as democrats. And i think that were beginning to find our voices. And our voices are in the array of diverse candidates that we run all across the district, not being afraid to run toward our identity and embrace issues that allow us to represent many different kinds of districts. Its a really exciting night. And you know what . We cant let up. Thats the big question, right . One of my favorite stories about last night, and donna is absolutely right about the firsttime candidacandidates, is 33yearold black woman in new jersey who decided to run when the state legislator posted a sexist joke about the womens march, saying he hoped they were all home in time to take dinner. She saw the joke and thought, im going to take his job. And last night she did. 20,000 women have cold called emilys list and asked, how do i run, can you help mem . Those women were on the ballot last night and theyre winning. We were worried, i was a little worried on the Hillary Clinton campaign about what the backlash to women would be, should we elect the first female president , in the same way we saw racists wildly emboldened by the election of the first africanamerican president. What was that going to mean for women in american when this happened . Of course, i did not need to worry about that, but now im seeing three weeks of sexual predators being toppled followed by this Record Number of women running and winning. And i think were the backlash. The reality is, when you run women and more women, more women will actually win. Jess mcintosh and donna edwards, thank you both for being with me. That was great. Next, the republican hail mary to close out a disastrous 2017, but even tax reform, their senior legislative effort doesnt look promising. The republicans scramble in two minutes. I just saved thousands on my loan at lendingtree. Com. 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A new kind of network designed to save you money. Call, visit, or go to xfinitymobile. Com. The republicans should look at the elections last night and it should be a giant stop sign for their tax bill. Where did they get clobbered in the suburbs . Where does the tax bill clobber middle class and upper middle class people . In the suburbs. You might think last nights swiping victories by democrats across the country would give republicans pause before they rush into their tax bill. But youd be wrong. Democrats like Ralph Northam, who won the virginia gubernatorial race, won largely with the help of suburban voters in relatively affluent areas, places with high cost of living for housing as well as state and local taxes. Republicans resoundingly lost voters in those areas last night. And heres the thing. Those are precisely the voters that the republican tax proposal could also hit the hardest. Tax policy center estimates that at least one quarter of all taxpayers would see their tax bill actually go up under the republican plan. Thats especially true for people in places with high housing costs and high state and local taxes, which sure sounds like a lot of suburbs. Republican leadership faced with last nights election loss is vowing to press on even harder with their tax proposal. It doesnt change my reading of the current moment, it just emphasizes my reading of the current moment, which is, we have a promise to keep and weve got to get on with keeping our promise. And one of the chief promises we made when we ran for office, all of us, whether its the president or congress in 2016, was that we would do tax reform and tax cuts for families, for people. And so we have to get on with doing that. Republican congressman mark walker of north korea calls the tax bill a move towards, quote, proworker, profamily conservative ideas. And congressman, i dont think this probably applies in your district, but in youve got folks like darryl issa whos come out and said he cant support this bill and peter king and lee zeldin and Leonard Lance and others, how is it that a republican majority is going to raise taxes on families with children in suburbs . How are they going to be able to go back and sell that to their voters . I think the very premise of your question, i dont know if its completely accurate, because youre looking at the majority of people who pay taxes, the other half, the 45 dont pay any taxes. So anytime that you make any adjustments, its going to exact those, plus, youre looking at the first 24,000. And i dont want to go congressman, respectfully, i have to interrupt. Its not true that 45 pay no taxes. They may pay no income tax, but of course, theres lots of other taxes they pay, just to be clear. Fair enough point. But when were talking about the tax reform here, the first 21,000, sometimes you hear it in the vernacular of doubling the standard deduction i but the fact that youre going from 12,000 to 24,000, that directly impacts the lower and middle class families in a very positive way. And yet, and yet, somehow your colleagues have written a tax bill thats going to raise taxes on a quarter of filers. Its just remarkable to me the Republican Party, the Republican Party, if i live in a republican district in the new jersey suburbs, what the heck is the point of voting for a republican congressman if hes going to raise my taxes . Listen, i appreciate the democrats newfound concern with deficit and raising taxes. Its something that we havent heard much about in the last ten years no, im asking a simple question of representation. What do you tell a constituent whose taxes are going to be raised by the Republican Party why they should vote for a republican . I would probably tell them the first thing what report you reading off of . Because our numbers are saying something thats completely different. Its very important that people understand that this is tax relief for people across the board. Now, if youre looking at calculating that over ten years, there may be some rise, depending on which bracket you may move in and out of based on your income, but when it comes across the board, this isnt just tax reform, this isnt just something that were making up. This is genuine tax relief. Not only in the individual market, but also the progrowth when it comes to the corporate or the business side believe me, thats precisely where you run into problems, right . You talk about, well, ten years out, some taxes might rise. The Tax Policy Center says a quarter of filers are going to see their tax bill go up over that tenyear span, right . The problem is youre giving 4 of tax relief to every dollar you see to households. But those households will see actual increase in their tax bills. These socalled corporations youre talking about, these are local businesses in our communities that are creating jobs for many people. One of the reasons that weve seen the job growth sure. The Unemployment Rate continue to track down, 17year low, is these the Consumer Index is off the charts. But congressman this is something we can put right back into our communities, and i think thats crucial. Okay. I understand your case on the corporate side. We wont argue about it. I get it. But you still got a problem. And the problem is still the way the math works right now is that there are people in darryl issas district and mcararthurs district and on and on, Barbara Comstock, whose taxes will rise. Who will see their tax burden go up because youre going to go after the mortgage interest deduction, go after the state and local taxes deduction. They have kids and theyre going to see their taxes go up. And youve got to tell them why the republicans raised their taxes. Okay, chris, im more than happy. Ill tell them and you right now, it is not incumbent upon members of the United States congress to bail out states that have overtaxed their populations, whether its new york, whether its california. Some of these stay state legislatures, as well as city officials, irresponsible at the tax burden theyre putting on their private citizens. Okay, but you can you dont represent new jersey, so thats an easier thing to say from north carolina. Let me ask you this. If im a republican and im prolife, right . Sure. And ive adopted someone, partly because of my belief system, maybe because of other reasons, i would get an adoption tax credit, right . Thats in the code right now . Right. Why should i have to give up the adoption tax credit and pay more in taxes so that Donald Trumps family can inherent more of Donald Trumps money . Well, i dont know about what Donald Trumps family can inherit, but can i tell you this well, you would agree that the state tax phaseout will benefit them . Well, i dont know that it has a direct impact on the Child Tax Credit or the adoption Child Tax Credit and ill tell you why. Money in, money out. I was the first one last week to put out to make sure that the adoption Child Tax Credit is something we fight for. Heres why. This directly impacted lower and middle income families. This is prolife. These are the people that are going out and rescuing children that are sometimes unwanted. Right in fact, this sunday, were giving a Community Hero to a couple that adopted a child with special needs. Thats important for us to continue to fight for those people as well. No, i agree. I read your statement on this. My question is, why would the Republican Party get rid of that tax credit . Well, i think the overall thought process was that if youre doubling the standard deduction for these particular people, it wasnt designed for wealthy people to necessarily always go overseas, but we want to make sure that its targeted legitimately to the lower incomes. Let me ask you this. If that stays in, if they get rid of the adoption tax credit, which means something to you, if that stays in, is that a deal breaker for you on whether you vote for this bill . I dont know that its a deal breaker. If we can go back and look at to make sure that we are not negatively impacting some of these same demographics. If you can prove to me that theyre still better off, its certainly something im going to support. Overall, and i heard the former guest talking about this is a referendum. I dont believe so. You have to understand, go back six or seven years. Democrat governors had 27 governors. Youre down to 16. You picked up one last night. 32 republicans, 17 democrats. And the last point ill make, in president obamas first term, he lost 60 seats in the house. Nearly unprecedented. But you so there are shifts here in the season. But you dont feel like the pendulum just started to come back your way . Listen, im a straight shooter. Did the democrats have a good night in virginia, new jersey, and some other places . Absolutely. Is it a little early to be saying this is exuberance, this is a new trend . I think its a little early to do that because of the republican strongholds that we have across the country. Let me tell you, congressman, that is a very interesting and illuminating comment, the strongholds. Because youre right, youre going to be fine, i think, but you should go talk to darryl issa, who looks pretty scared about what you guys are about to pass. Congressman mark warner, thanks for joining me. Next, after last nights decisive win for democrats, a look at which the republicans could face the trump reckoning in 2018. And later, a closer look at just how wrong steve bannon is about america. I think virginia has shown that if you get back to these issues of sovereignty, get back to these issues of sanctuary cities, kates law, illegal aliens that you can put a Womens Coalition together. Statistically speaking, the person who woke up this morning with the most to fear about her own political future might be this person. Republican congresswoman barbara come seatac of virginia. Why . Because Barbara Comstock represents virginias tenth district. It voted last night for democrat Ralph Northam for governor by nearly 13 points. She is what you might call a vulnerable republican in 2018, but shes not the only one. There are 23 republicans across the Country Holding house seats in districts that clinton won. 23. And democrats, get this, neat 24 seats to take control away from the House Republicans. After last night, i would expect all of those races to be very, very hotly contested. So was last nights blue wave a sign of whats to come in 2018 . Well talk about that with someone who has very, very good inside information, next. One of the reasons democrats could pull off a wave election in 2018 is because the we are the driven. The dedicated. The overachievers. We know our best investment is in ourselves. We dont take no for an answer. We fight for what we want. Even for the things that were once a given. Going to college. Buying a home. And not being in debt for it for the rest of our lives. But were only as strong as our community. Who inspires and pushes us to go further than we could ever go alone. Sofi. Get there sooner. Conditions are right for it. The republican president is historically unpopular. Only 37 voters aproved his performance. Democrats holding a doubledigit lead on the congressional ballot. Ask people who they want to vote for. And 29 House Republicans have left office or announced plans to leave within the last year. The big question is this. Can democrats leverage all of those conditions, which are very favorable, into a wave election nationwide in 2018. And Tom Perriello who campaigned hard for Governor Ralph Northam joins me now. And you were part of a group whose task was basically in virginia to try to build a mini wave in this election at the house delegate level. You won 14 seats. Theres four outstanding. Am i right about that . Yeah. So whatd you do . It was everyone. I mean, part of what was so incredible about this was seeing progressive groups and new popup groups in the Party Working together. We fielded over 50 candidates. Most of that organically, people who, you know, women who organized a womens march in their town and decided to become a candidate. We were contesting in areas that hadnt seen candidates for a long time. And people put together these amazing, inspiring campaigns. So you got the first step of it, it seems to me, is unique candidates, right . So as youre looking ahead to 2018, youve got to contest everywhere. That seems to be one of the big takeaways of last night was, four years ago in virginia, i think half of those seats were uncontested. This year, they were almost all contested. Every office, every zip code. We ran the most diverse set of candidates weve seen in virginias street. So i think making sure we have diverse, dynamic candidates, contesting every office, but weve been saying this for ten years and not doing it. This time were actually doing it and im really proud virginia led the way. So theres unique candidates and youve got to contest and organize and knock on doors and do things like that. But then theres this question about what the message is, what are three candidates talking about . How much is trump is this sort of atmospheric force, right . But i was listening to danica roem who won and shes talking about traffic on route 28. So what was the connection between trump out here as this sort of Gravitational Force and what these races were at the ground level . I think it was a mix. We had Great Campaign run by Governor Ralph Northam. We were very clear in our progressive principles of standing against the hate and division. This was a referendum on an inclusive virginia. But it was also on who was offering a better plan for transportation and schools and economic opportunity. And i think thats why you saw people be able to walk and chew gun at the same time. Be very clear what we were against, but also have a positive vision. One thing, when i look at the northam ads, it was about job training, investment in vocational training. It was about health care, which seemed key. He wants to expand medicaid in a state that hasnt expanded medicaid. You saw that big referendum in maine. And then it really was about this message about divisiveness. That seemed pretty front and center in his campaign and down the line. Well, i thought he ran a really principled campaign on message of an inclusive virginia, but it was Ed Gillespies decision to put donald trump on the ballot, by running the most racially Divisive Campaign ive seen in virginia in my lifetime. Really, you really think and that says a lot. Yeah. The republicans have really become the identity politics party. When it boils down to it. And democrats are the inclusive party. We believe in liberty and justice for all. But i was driving all around the state for these amazing candidates. And every radio ad from gillespie was either about the fear of latino gangs or the veneration of neoconfederate symbols. That was really all he had. And part of that is because the republican economic message is falling apart. This is a great point to me. When people say, gillespie chose us, one of the things that donald trump showed was that paul ryan isnt even that popular with the republican base. Exactly. Go try selling it in a general election. Yeah, no, i think this was a big part of it. Gillespie trayed for six or eight weeks to go with the traditional tax and spend so liberal argument against northam, whos constantly underestimated and is going to be a great governor. But i think one of the things we saw is people didnt want it. They said, we tried that under george w. Bush. It bankrupted the country, it bankrupted the middle class. And i think as jeff flake has shown, theres not really a procorporate constituency out there in that way. And on the democratic side, you actually saw one of the boldest platforms in modern virginia history. Two years of debtfree community college. Looking at issues of predatory lending, criminal justice reform, a living wage and Medicaid Expansion. 15 minimum wage. Am i right about that . 15 an hour minimum wage and the republicans didnt even pay to run ads against it. Thats how quickly were mainstreaming ideas. That single detail to me is really fascinating. 15 an hour minimum wage in virginia, where youve got some folks that are like, i dont know. Thats not the issue that gillespie tries to beat him up on. And 400,000 might have gotten Health Care Last Night from medicare expansion. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. All right, what do we have next here . Coming up, the failure of Steve Bannons strategic brilliance as the Republican Party reconciles on what to do with trumpism without trump. And a special Anniversary Edition of thing one, thing two, next. Thing one tonight, as we mentioned earlier, President Trump tweeted out this photo today on the oneyear anniversary of his election win, touting what he deems a massive Electoral College landslide victory. Trump, of course, lost the popular vote by about 3 million votes and in terms of electoral vote margin, trumps massive victory ranks 46th out of 58 president ial elections. But he won and nothing wrong celebrating an anniversary with the people who made it all possible. Although, there seems to be something missing from this photo. And thats thing two in 60 seconds. You know when you go to school reunions, they do a big photo of everyone from the class whos made it to the reunion, but its obviously never every person, right . There are those who just couldnt make it for travel or family or one reason or another. Its kind of like with this photo that President Trump tweeted tout to celebrate his win one year ago. Youve got hope hicks, stephen miller, jared kushner, dan scavino, and whoever that guy is on the left. It makes you think of all the people who couldnt be there on air force one for that photo. Not because they missed the trip to asia. Im talking about those who have moved on or were forced to move on. The one who is got cut before the first anniversary. What a difference a year makes. Two days before the election, breitbarts news executive chairman, former trump senior strategist, steve bannon, was already taking a victory lap, telling the new york times, quote, i think the big lesson for tuesday is that in gillespies case, trumpism without trump can show the way forward. If thats the case, democrats better be very, very worried. But thats just a taste. This is how bannon saw the race just 48 hours before gillespies big loss. You had a guy like gillespie, who was essentially eight, ten points down four weeks ago, when the Gillespie Campaign starts to really embrace the trump, you know, the trump agenda. And all of a sudden gillespie caught fire because hays embracing trumpism. I think its pretty straightforward. If you look in virginia, you see the grassroots are fired up. Theyre coming out now to embrace the trump agenda. And as gillespie has now articulated it, with the grassroots up, we win. Sanctuary cities was not even an issue two and a half or three weeks ago. Now its a huge issue and could be a defining issue. I think virginia has shown if you get back to these issues of sovereignty and get back to these issues of sanctuary cities, kates law, illegal aliens that you know, you can put a Winning Coalition together. So i think that whether gillespie wins on tuesday or not, he certainly closed an 8 1 2 or 9point gap in 3 1 2 or 4 weeks, based on these issues. And i think those trump populis nationalist issues are winner. Can win to 2018 to stick to program and not force amnesty down peoples throats. Turned out gillespie didnt close the nine point gap but lost by nine points but to the trump cult, trumpism cannot fail, only be failed. Now gillespie did not embrace trump enough. Gillespie never jumped on board the campaign. Old bush hand. What if campaigned on preserving history, prospectfully, virginia first, law and order. Simple. And never trumpers are saying i told you so very loudly. Rick wilson tweeting everything trump touches dies. Recriminations just beginning in a party that already hates itself. David jolley and ben howe djinn me next. Resistance in general really is the gift to the Republican Party as youve told us many times. Right now, you know im your fan girl, i can say this. I would be your fan girl even if you werent my boss. But youve become basically the de faktto leader of the political party. Steve bannon, former senior strategist of donald trump may need to be reconciled with the election results. Well, david, what do you make of last night particularly given bannons advice and Laura Ingrams idea that problem is didnt go all in on the agenda. Time to remind the nation that donald trump has never won the popular vote. Office of the presidency is only one decided by Electoral College. They lost the popular vote but declared a popular mandate. Ever since, january 20th, president s poll numbers plummeted. Low to mid30s. No republican can win embracing a president with popularity in mid30s. Saw that last night. Democrats won virtually every race for one simple reason, donald trump is president of the United States and recommends Republican Party and he was repudiated east to west coast. Is that your analysis . Yeah. And what is interesting about watching it unfold, lot of the people who last year were telling me that trump is not going to define conservative would acknowledge, hes not really a conservative, just hoping he can advance our agenda as republican. I had said i fear this man will start to define everything for us and everything will be about him. Now whats happening . Hes saying that its him that needed to be embraced. Not conservative principles or republican foundation, none of that mattered. All that matters is being close you have to trump. As far as i can tell, embracing trump means earning liberal tears and upsetting people in the media and things like that. Thats victory. I guess gillespie did not do enough of that. Really good point david. Idea that what its really about is cultural grievance and making the right people upset or angry. That can be effective if youre a talk show radio host or run a heavily subsidized News Organization like brietbart, millions of dollars from mercers, its tough when you have to run races, when you make people angry at you, turns out they might vote against you. Saw that with ed gillespie, by all measures, mainstream decent republican caught up in trump White Nationalist thematic campaign, recognizing it was slipping away from him. Youve spoken to a lot of republicans like myself critical of donald trump and ill be honest with you, were in a weird spot today. This is a family conversation within the Republican Party and gillespie was burned by it, a lot will be burned in 18. Its why the congress is in jeopardy. Ben, theres a question, now what. Paul ryan said were with trump, we made that decision. Doesnt seem like only way out is through is the message i heard on capitol hill from republicans. Is that your sense of where nonnever trump conservatives are, Republican Party is . Seems they feel only way to get through this, hold trumps hand long enough, day care that was talked about before, babysit him long enough to survive this and manage his behavior in such a way that something good can come out of it and in future elections try to make up for it. I dont think theres any chance that Republican Party postdonald trump is going to remember him kindly. Even those now supporting him will suddenly have been against him the whole time. I think hes shooting the Republican Party on 5th avenue. Its exactly what he said would happen. He wont lose support, no matter how much he damages the reputation of other people, how clear it is that embracing him is bad for you. No matter how toxic he makes the divisions in this country, nothing will dissuade him. He has r next to his name and thats all that matters. Thank you very much. Good to be with you. Thanks

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