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Congressman, the issues were all watching besides trump is issue of the confederate statues. 3 of 5 people in virginia including all races and genders were for keeping the statues the way they are, dont want changes, yet that was position of gillespie the republican. Position of the democratic candidate northam was get them all down. Thats how he started anyway. Says to me, voters said thats where i am on this issue, didnt vote on this issue. It was not the issue. But gillespie and trump. Gillespie didnt know who trump was in Northern Virginia but ran a Television Ad campaign that absolutely invoked worst of the trump campaign. Southerner . This time it didnt work. Catholic guy who grew up in new jersey running down there waving the flag of stonewall a controversial president in byelection. Anybody with any problems with the government party, any problem they lay on you. Right . Absolutely right. You take all the hell with trumps name on it. And historically thats how virginia performs. Election year after president ial election and almost always vote for other candidate. Its corrective. Transgender person was elected this week. Virginia is more midatlantic than southern state. Like new jersey or anyplace else. I think its becoming harder for republicans. Saw that in last two president ial races. Yes were going to compete in virginia and we did. Single women together with a strong minority population and growing highly educated population and more College Grads voting this year than last, thats tough. But ralph did well for democratic candidate among white men. Carried white women. Talk like South Africans in this thing. Youre not laughing. Did you win or lose tonight. Didnt lose, heres how i look at it. Still got a Supreme Court justice, thats like six or seven governors. Either way, you say you won. Not tonight. John, thanks for being in the Barrel Tonight and congressman, congratulations. You were on the program and predicted whole thing. I dont like being outpredicted. Joined on the phone by rising star in the democratic party, congresswoman cheri bustos. Does this victory make you feel more aloft . Going to be optimistic about something were seeing tonight, but also want to say, hey, we got a lot of work to do. November of 2018 is still a year off. Dont want to lose sight of the fact that we have to keep track of what people are talking about, jobs, economy. And as we saw in the exit poles tonight in virginia, lot of it was about health care as well. People are very concerned about health care that donald trump and paul ryan are sticking on people. What happened in virginia, had until tonight a conservative legislature, said no expansion of medicaid up to higher percentage of the poverty level, in fact above. Apparently thats one of the pressures congressman connolly. We saw a referendum on this in maine and passed. What is particular aggravating point on health care . Threat to obamacare . You and i have talked about how i go back home and do supermarket saturdays, walk the aisles and ewhats on peoples minds. Health care is dominant. Biggest concern i hear is people who have seen Family Members live through cancer and Heart Attacks and preexisting conditions and whats going to happen with them. What paul ryan and donald trump is doing on the cost of health care, were going to continue to see this go up unless they decide to work with democrats and address the rising costs of health care and prescription drugs. We could do that if theyre willing to work with us. When you walk through the supermarkets, counterclockwise or clockwise . I think its better clockwise because then the people are coming at you. Most go around to the right then im just kidding. Anyway. Chris, ever since you advised me, im going counterclockwise, thank you. Something i learned at 20 years old. Its great to have you on, cheri bustos of illinois. Coming up, issues that sent democrats tonight and voters wanting to keep the confederate monuments but not voting on that issue. Big night for democrats, but wouldnt say this night. Huge night. Coverage will continue on this Special Edition of victory. First Big Night Of Victory since trump was elected president. First time. Hardball back after this. Welcome back to Special Edition of hardball after midnight. What pushed trt Ralph Northam from over the top, exit poll that tells us more. Joined by steve karn eky. What made it happen . Exit poll asking what issues motivated you. See the National Issues intersecting. Talking about health care, big story nationally with the republican push to repeal obamacare and ongoing issue trying to expand medicaid. 40 who said this were democrats voting for Ralph Northam, then gun policy in the news with tragedy in texas, split. Half the people saying guns were issue, voting for gillespie, half voting for northam. Different motivations. Taxes, bread and butter issue. And immigration, What Gillespie was playing up. Republican voters here, gillespie voters. And interesting result. Gillespie ran on the issue of heritage, he called it, confederate monuments, shouldnt be torn down, asked this question, confederate monuments on government property, what should be done . 38 remove, almost 60 with gillespie on that. Leave them in place. Gillespie was trying to build a Winning Coalition out of that percent but didnt materialize, Biggest Issue wasnt in the exit poll, might just have been donald trump himself. I wonder about the statues, reasonable to assume good turnout in africanamericans in the election, only 18 of white voters for getting rid of the statues, historically, wanted to keep the history despite its moral mix to put it lightly. And while gillespie ran aggressively on the issue, northam didnt take opposite position, kind of punted on it. Municipalities, you decide. Not doing Culture War Stuff from the other side. And started out as complete get them out of the way, then said leave it to the locals. I dont think thats right issue for democrats. I know they have to do it but better put it on the back burner for a while. Thats where it belongs. As steve mentioned, removal of the monuments became a hot gsh here ease what i, deadly protest in charlottesville, where the altright were pushing it. Joined by mayor, like it or not, issue made virginia, sort of became iconic issue. Because everybody else could identify with health care and guns and immigration. No other state has got the history that virginia has in terms of fighting the civil war. This is true. We have a special, unique and rich history here in the commonwealth of virginia, particularly in my city of richmond. But saw at polls that issues matter more than bronze and granite, the living, health care, and combatting gun violence. Lot more important. Not moving to middle east where they fight over every piece of ground with historic and religious meaning to different communities. Not reached that point now going to war over the statues. But youre the expert larry. I think there was a backlash to what happened in charlottesville. And what later happened in richmond, and the mayor handled that very well. Long story short, i think both parties are going to back off from this to the extent they can, leave it to localities. Thats probably the way to handle it. Some may want to have referenda, may be a way to deal with it. As statewide issue, democrats were very worried this was going to hurt Ralph Northam, concerned would stimulate another racial issue. Already had gillespie harping on ms13 and immigration and crime and Football Players taking a knee, all this kind of stuff. But what was really interesting, chris, this boiled down, not to those issues that steve just mentioned, though hes correct, thats what was asked on the exit poll. Boiled down to trump and trumpism. Its not referendum on trump but a public backlash to trump and some kind of repudiation i think of trumpism. Thats what this election ended up being about. Yeah, mayor you know this as well, run for office, get elected mayor, i have a sense that voters only have a crude tool in voting booth. Cant write a letter or essay, theyve got to vote, yes or no. This time they voted no. What is it about your community, your voters, be honest here, what is it they most dislike about donald trump . I think they hate the divisive and bigoted rhetoric coming out of his mouth. I mean you heard some the way he i think it all began, look back at what he said about africanamericans during the president ial campaign, like what do we have to lose. Now we saw and came out in full force. In my city alone, 70,000 voters came out to vote this time around. Won 81 , Ralph Northam. Last time, 58,000 came out to vote. See the difference. Not only africanamericans but young white voters came out and said in resounding way, this is the sort of politics we dont want in commonwealth and beyond. Tell me what it means that millennials did what you said, not ethic or racial thing among millennials but young people really did vote against trump and trumpism. Mayor first. Yeah. I would say this, i look at my city, its young, between 20 and 29 years old, 23 of the population made up of those individuals. We want a progressive style of politics thats inclusive and welcoming. What you hear out of washington, d. C. , and what you heard from ed gillespie, didnt embrace donald trump but ran on trump playbook, fearmongering, talking about statues et cetera. Ran with the trump playbook. Is this going to disabuse the republican candidates in 18 they can win as trump . Mimicking his issues . It ought to if in purple competitive territory for blue. How could a republican get elected by being associated with trump personally or his issues . If youre from deeply red state in north dakota alabama looks purple right now. Youre laughing but even in the polls. Pretty extreme. Thats why. One thing i want ill add, may take back the house of delegates as well. Looks like 50 50 seat. If i were a House Republican in congress, id be scared. Add this as well. Had a great four years of terry mccalls leadership. I think ed gillespie made the case they were tied at hip and you saw what won out. For mccall for president . Hes going to run. Think he would make an excellent president. Will you be with him if he runs . Im going to be mayor of richmond. Mayors can endorse president s. I love doing this. You dont want to say youre for terry or not. Hell call you tomorrow. If he runs for president , he has my endorsement without a doubt. Man who makes decisions on a dime. Thank you mr. Mayor. Thank you. Larry, what do you think of this as representative of United States coming next year . Lodestar for 2018 politics . Its going to help democrats raise money, Recruit Candidates. What this legislative vote in virginia showed is, democrats have to Recruit Candidates to run everywhere. You never know where you might win. Incredibly northams coattails picked democrats from 34 to 50 50 split and in recounts might go over. Key is having lots of candidates to catch on to a wave. Could be a wave next year. Dont know yet. Its too early. Taught something important to those watching tonight. In elections next year, may run in seat thats never gone democrat and you may win. In 1964, 1974, 1990, all kinds of year wheres the people who teachers just announce ill run for it last day. Tom foley ran last day. Howard in maryland or new jersey ran the last day, he got elected. Its the year to put your name on the ballot. Thank you mayor and larry sabato. Up next, President Trump is in south korea but mind is on virginia, he lost and tonight he blasted his supposed guy, saying he lost because he failed to embrace, his word, the trump agenda, and maybe the trump manner. Youre watching a Special Edition of hardball. I just called Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam to congratulate him on becoming governorelect Ralph Northam. As i said throughout the course of this campaign, governorelect Ralph Northam is a good man and appreciate his service to this nation and our commonwealth and wish him success. Obviously wish it had gone the other way but appreciate those who voted and cast votes even for those who won today. Thats harder than you think. Ed gillespie was walloped tonight. Conceding to Ralph Northam, Didnt Mention in the whole speech donald trump. But as i mentioned president tweeted earlier that ed gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what i stand for. Republicans won four house seats over the years and economy thats trumping to his usual. About face, tweeted that quote, gillespie will totally turn around the high crime and poor performance of virginia. Vote today asap. That was before the votes came in. This is a pattern for the president. Tweeted against alabama senator Luther Strange after he lost to roy moore. Dumped on him and deleted previous tweets in support of strange. Joined by Politics Editor at root, and msnbc contributor. Unfortunate human nature here to scamper away from defeat when you did partner with the guy politically. Not just leaving the prom date you werent happy with nobody does that. That is worse than i can imagine. Exactly. Tweets just earlier in the day, saying this guy is wonderful. Now saying hes not. But other problem is this, every republican out there, every other tweet that trump sends, seeing this now. Hes not going to have my back. I didnt believe it until i saw what was happening on state legislative level. Thats where its worrisome for republicans. If you see a State Legislature Flip in offyear election and if that level of enthusiasm continues, you have real problems. Ask you about the decision by mr. Gillespie, decisions are not accidental or casual. Go out to give a plaintive difficult moment. Difficult to give a Concession Speech without crying or showing emotion. Got to show strength. Decide as he was composing thoughts and emotions and words, im not going to mention the s. O. B. Better man than me. Im not going to say i want to thank the president for all his help. Didnt do that. I dont think he ever wanted to. Pence came down there, gillespie was never going to embrace donald trump. And i think why . Hes establishment figure. Former rnc chair. Exactly. And trump would have caused more trouble than helped. 7,000 miles away and still felt he had to dump on this guy. Sadism for all of us, new jersey governor conceded to phil murphy, running on the opposite of coattails to governor christie in the low teens in respect and popularity. Best she could make of it tonight. About 10 or even five minutes ago, i called phil murphy and congratulated him on a fabulous race. Stop. It was a great race. We left no stone unturned. We left no stone unturned. And we would not have done anything differently. I want to congratulate him on the win and you will too right now, give him congratulations on the win. This is not the end, this is the beginning of a good fight. We will keep up that fight. Im sorry, i know shes a woman, but i love the phrase jersey girls. Got the attitude and spunk. Im sorry, little bit of joan rivers there. Fantastic. Toughed it out. See people Walking Around like already beginning to sweep up. She was going to do this. Be brave. Im sure done this too ive been in n there, trash all over the familiar and balloons going up. Kept to it. Didnt give up. Must have known from day one she wasnt republicans dont get elected that easily in new jersey and to have to ge what are the opposite of coattails . Millstones . Thats it exactly. This had that big governor on her shoulders. Even through the bridge in and she had nothing twaud it. Millstone, bridge too far. Just not going to be able to do it. Cornelius ryan wrote a bridge too far. Up next, big morale boost, will have afterglow for weeks what happened in virginia. What does it mean for 2018 . Means a lot of people will run for office as Democrats Who Wouldnt Have Run otherwise because think they can win now. Democrats stand a real shot of Winning Senate races in states. Watching a Special Edition of hardball, big night for the ds. See how much you can save with sofi. The leader in student loan refinancing. Wipeout virginia we have witnessed yet another democratic sweep today. It was a wipeout for republicans at hands of Ralph Northam and the democrats tonight. Wipeout indeed. But ed gillespie wasnt the only loser in the wave. Former trump chief strategist steve bannon told the New York Times that gillespie closed Enthusiasm Gap by rallying around the trump agenda, do you think . Voters rejected trumpism and may have cost the republicans entire state legislature. Openly transgender democrat danica rome won against incumbent who called himself virginias Chief Homophobe. Battle of differences. Bring in round table, New York Times, democratic strategist and republican strategist. Down the line, i think this is big, going to change morale across the country of Democrats Who Havent Won since last november and lost that one. And choices couldnt have been more clear. Someone calling himself Chief Homophobe and transgender woman sayi saying going to usher in new phase. Shes 34 and hes 74 by the way. Exactly. Not a nuance, clear choice. Either want confederate status to dominate the conversation or progressive ideals to dominate. See the numbers of people who say they want the statues up but dont care. Number one issue is health care and theyre trusting democrats. I like to put that issue aside for a while. Let it calm down, benign neglect on the statues might be good. I dont like the pictures of the big cranes. This is trouble. Steve, seems to me when you look at numbers, they wanted to vote no right . Absolutely. It was pentup outrage directed at donald trump and this was opportunity for voters to go out and really take a stand. And ed gillespie was Unusual Campaign because it was like invasion of the body snatchers. Caricature of ed gillespie that ran was not the man we have known a long time. Chamber of commerce establishment republican who Beat Trumpism in the primary and became trumpism in the general election and came back to bite him. Everybody in capitol should be worried about it. Were assume africanamericans voted against trump. Then the white electorate in Southern Accent part of the state. Northam is pretty much a centrist, a medical doctor. I think the republicans would have have to run up a ridiculous percentage among white voters to win because of the statues versus trumpism. How do you win if youre republican . They didnt. Look at turnout, northam did a lot better. White women voted for northam. Better than anyone thought. And suburbs was catastrophic for the republicans. Wiped out in the suburbs. If youre Barbara Comstock or republicans who make up majority from suburbs around the country, you have to think about how the heck do i get reelected. Think about that right now. First getting things done in congress. People around the better offsuburbs like Delaware Around philly or fitzpatrick getting shaky . Theyre on the leaning list. I dont think they really like trump to become with. Lot of them voted against trump and now the worry is not only vote against trump but republicans trying to ally themselves with trump. Voting against property Tax Deductions in the tax bill and high Property Taxes and comfort themselves like a normal person, at least can write off federal income tax. Not now. Theyre going to find a deal on that thats more acceptable. Take away the property Tax Deduction to guy or woman who owns a house in the suburbs theyre going to get it but not state or estate. Thats the rub. No. Thats not sufficient. What is interesting about tonight. Look at suburbs of washington where Ed Gillespie Ran and did quite well, ran against mark warner. 20 points less in the vote in this election than he did when he ran against warner. That was true in Prince William county, fairfax, the ed gillespie that Ran Last Time was establishment republican. Republican running for election in reasonable state, not far right, reasonable state. Have Donald Trumps face on your literature . Probably not. Not only because trumpism lost tonight but theres this idea that republicans have always been kind of not in Donald Trumps corner. He beat them to win, not join them. He did. But theres this issue where republicans for a long time before he run didnt want to run as donald trump and now feeling the pressure because he had surprising win. I think now theyre like we can go back to our corners and not be donald trump. Will he let them . Youre going to have national effect No Matter What happens. I think the republican if we talk about Donna Brazile that will be all we can talk about. Big in the news. Democratic problems, weve entered stage where things are national in general. Question. Bernie people still hanging on, donna didnt help that what she said, not sure what she wanted to do. But republicans may have a real split. John, trump and Untrump Republicans next year . First of all it depends on the economy, and if trumps popularity gets up to 40 or 42 i do think wont run with trump. Localize the elections. What at 40 . Approval rating. Got to get up. Below that, republicans in big trouble. Thats where he was in virginia, 42 . Thats why we lost virginia. Wasnt good enough. Generic ballot for democrats is 11 point advantage. Donald trump is oneman Wrecking Machine and republicans on the hill are starting to figure to t out. Better off passing tax reform . I dont think they get that much by giving tax breaks to corporations and rich people. Round table is sticking with us. Another major victory, new jersey voters overwhelmingly elected democrat phil murphy for governor and buried the legacy of Chris Christie deep. Special edition of hardball. I, and you can too. Build a better website in under an hour. With gocentral from godaddy. Of the republic. Christie was known for colorful and confrontational style of politics. Example of that today. Leaving polling place, confronted by constituent, this is jersey, wanted him to merge two municipalities. Thats a reason to go at it. Easiest thing is to stand where you stand on the sidelines and critique. I have relatives. Youre critiques. You want to merge the townships run for the committee and run for the Township Committee and be the voice to do it. Thats too hard. Its not hard, just that nobody cares. Easier to sit here and complain. Easier to sit here and complain. Thats the joy of public service. Serving folks who you were the one. Move along. Serving folks like you is such a unique joy. It really is. I think he loved it. More of christies colorful moments. Did i not say on topic . Are you stupid . Next question. Im sorry for the idiot over there. People that raise their voices and yell and scream like you that are dividing the country. Whats her name . Real quick as governor is talking. Gail. First of, its none of your business. Dont ask you where you send your kids to school. Unbeknownst to everybody i was the guy working the cones out there. Youre really not serious with that question. If what you want to do is put on a show and giggle every time i talk, i have no interest in answering your questions. Tom you must have thinnest skinned guy in america. If she wants to get an plane and examine me, ill have a conversation. Until that time she should shut up. Until that time, sit down and shut up. Were back with round table. He had his come uppance today, new jersey rejected him. Put in replacement nowhere like him. Lieutenant governor courageously ran and got nowhere, now playing the hall of fame against him. Went from person people were talking about possibly running for president to somebody with so many gates. Bridgegate, beachgate. This election was clearly about rejecting people dont want a governor who acts like that and governs how he did. Steve, you and i have similar backgrounds. Certain kind of philly guy likes that and south jersey, showed lip and attitude and if someone pushed him into corner where his kids went to school, had right to defend himself but went on taer. Its like i jumped the shark. Some authenticity is good, tip oneil, ted kennedy. Frank inougsynough sinatra h its fine line. Your thoughts . Could have been a contender. Chris christie was the trump before trump, authentic, battler, able to take on the media. Problem was bridgegate, started a long terrible path down. Took away the authenticity. During the 2016 president ial campaign, last year, christie focused most of his contempt on marco rubio. Lets watch. Senator rubio, the boy in the bubble gets here, i hope you ask him some questions. Get the boy in the bubble out of the bubble, see if hell answer questions. Jumping on him after the ridiculous performance by guy that got brain frezen and repeated same neocon line six times in a row. Rubio repeated it. Lets put rubio on the barrel now. Bad night for republicans. Lets dispel once and for all

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