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Much of the world. One thing has worried me over these months, these he two super power egos would get into a test of whose is big we are the world itself is the stakes. None of that today. None of it, lets pray, ever. Thats hardball. All in with chris hayes starts right now. Tonight on all in President Putin and i have been discussing thank you, thank you. Russia says the american president he accepted a full denial of Election Interference. Both sides have agreed to put it behind them. There was not a lot of relitigating of the past. What we know about everything that happened. Vladimir putin met the donald trump Behind Closed Doors. It is a forgery. The trump russia for russia, the United States. It is an honor to be with you. The two leaders appeared chummy throughout the day. President trump even sharing a laugh with putin who has been accused of having journalists killed about, the american reporters covering their meeting. Thank you. The two met Behind Closed Doors for more than two hours. Afterward, the only other american, Secretary Of State tillerson, claimed putin was pressed. The president opened the meeting with President Putin by Raising Concerns of the American People regarding russian interference in the 2016 election. They had a very robust and lengthy exchange on the subject. The president pressed President Putin on more than one occasion involving russian involvement. President putin denied such involvement as i think he has in the past. But tillersons counter part emerged from the meeting with a very different story. Translator President Trump has said that he has heard clear declarations from mr. Trump that russian involvement has not interfered in the elections and he accepts the things that mr. Putin has said. He semis this. They said lavrovs comments were not accurate. An unnamed official. While we have no way of saying what was said in private, we can he what President Trump said in public. I think it was russia but i think it was probably other people and or countries, and i see nothing wrong with that statement. Nobody really knows. Nobody really knows for sure. That was yesterday. This is giving the russian award. I think what the two president s i think rightly focused on is how do we move forward . How do we move forward from here sf its not clear to me that we will ever come to some agreedupon resolution of that question between the two nations. Many accounts indicate that Russian Election interference hasnt stopped here or abroad and it doesnt appear to be just elections. We learned yesterday, for example, that russians are suspected of hacking the Nuclear Sites in the u. S. A top pick did not even come up. Joining me now from iraq, christopher hill. Your reaction to the news that came out of todays meeting. Well, first of all, i think it was a pretty successful meeting by all accounts. I was not very astonished that President Trump talked about the hacking and putin denied and it President Trump said okay, lets move ahead. What i thought was interesting, it appears that Rex Tillerson had a good day. He showed that he was able to put his imprint on some of the work theyre doing. Especially that deal and how it works out in syria. The big takeaway, they are announcing the cease fire had southwest syria, if ill not mistaken. In some ways, that has been a big thing trump has signaled for a long time. Working with isis and fundamentally being fine with assad staying. I think ultimately, that is the idea. The problem is the Trump Administration hasnt told us, what is the goal in syria . They dont seem to indicate, what do we want . Do we want a unity state . Do we want a Parliament System . When they can define that, and maybe harmonize that with other players, including russia, then we have a chance of making the cease fire hold. I think it was small step in a small area in Southwestern Syria and i think theyre trying to see if they can start process there. It was a fairly deafening silence on the issue of north korea. I dont think russia gave us anything at all. If someone pointed a Nuclear Missile at them, they would know what to do about it. Ill a little disappointed at how that conversation is turning out. The other issue i have, and i would be curious to your response. It seems theres not a particularly reliable narrator for what happened in that room. We have contrasting versions of what happened. The and there is a sort of grain of salt that it appears you have to take all accounts with. Youve got it. And it is not unusual to get two different readings of a meeting, lavrov and his customary charlieing way, that was quite at odds with what Secretary Of State tillerson said. Thats why there are note takers. They sit on the side of the room and they take notes. Apparently President Trump didnt want anyone else in the room. I guess he looks at every note taker and thinks of that person as being a leaker. But there are reasons you have note takers. There was a moment i want to play jumped out at me. Take a listen. Thank you. Thats Putin Leaning Over and saying to President Trump, these are the ones that insulted you. Pointing to the press core. Given that numerous journal the i haves in russia have been murdered in cold blood, and often thought to be partly at the hands of putin or his surrogates, what did you make of that moment . To be frank, these two leaders have raised tastelessness to an art form. It is kinds of appalling that putin would do that. I think our president needs to be reminded now and again that there is a little dignity of this business and hed better lay off the press. It doesnt play well overseas or this country either. In this country, it is a mosh pit on everything. Overseas, i dont think he should be playing game. The posture from tillerson and the president , and it seems to be what the russians want as well. Lets just cabin that whole unpleasantness around the election. Who is to say what really happened. And Work Together on mutual areas of shared interest. Again, fine for the latter part. You do wonder what that means for what other future operations the russians may undertake. Well, fair enough. Theres an old adage that lawyers look backwards and diplomats look forward. And i think tillerson is trying to figure out what can be done as he looks forward. It is pretty appalling issue. Where if it is true, if foreign minister lavrovs comment that President Trump semied putins explanation, then you kind of wonder, is he putting more faith in the kgb than the cia . There are big problems here. And i dont think we can let this go. Now, tillerson was suggesting we come up with something and i think he was hinting at the fact were all a little concerned about what would happen in the 2018th elections, if the russians were just warming up in 2016. I think this is quite an assault on russias part on our process. And i think we have to be not only extremely vigilant but really, really pushing back the russians. And president obama did that with a few sanctions at the he believed there. Frankly, this is a lot more serious than whether or not they get to use a Weekend House if new york. Ambassador christopher hill, thank you for being with me tonight. Thank you. Joining me now, moscow journalist, and the former cbs moscow correspondent, jonathan sanders. Ill start with you as someone who covered russian politics and putin specifically. What do you think he was looking for out of this meeting . He got everything he was looking for. First of all, the sentence, the two president s. So he looked president ial. He was on the national, International Stage as an equal to the most powerful man in the world. His probe to do something in syria has turned out to be quite been official for him. When they sent the russian earl into syria, president obama said it will be a quagmire. That quagmire is leading to a deescalation and a peace process, and the very steps being taken have three routes. One is a city in kazakhstan where they started negotiating deconflictization. Two is what john kerry was doing in the last days of the obama administration. And three is the dialogue after the shootdown of the syrian plane that went on between the American Military and the russian military. Thats leading to the beginning of the end of the war in spoir has gone on for seven years exclaimed 400,000 lives. Thats a significant step forward. Putin didnt get everything he wanted. We didnt hear putin saying anything to mr. Trump about american exercises, Military Exercises in the baltic states. Something that has ignored a lot of russians. So wasnt a perfect day for both sides bust it was a big plus for mr. Trump, mr. Putin, mr. Tillerson, and always for sergei lavrov. And this does sflog fierce cold war atmosphere that has been whipping around us for so long. Especially whipping around us on cable news programs. The idea of meddling, which is this word that keeps coming up. There is an interesting statement that tillerson said, we sort of agreed not to meddle in each others internal affairs. And this has been something both the chinese and the russians have been laser focused on. The u. S. Should keep its mouth shut about anything happening internalfully russia. And that seemed to me like a takeaway for putin. Something that he has long sought. I feel like that is a pretty standard response when it comes to russian politics. They like to point to what the United States has done. Whether it be meddling and other countries. Electoral processes, regime change, things like that. So this was an opportunity for russia to say the same thing. Im surprised that trump brought up the Election Tracking Issue on. One hand, you have to realize that no matter what he would have done, people here are going to be skeptical of him because there have been so many questions around this administration. So what would have been enough to bring it up in a more forceful manner rather than just saying, okay, we discussed it. My other question, other point that i want to make, we need to come up with a way of being tough on that issue. Sanctions just dont work. And jonathan, you would know this. You spent a lot of time in moscow. The way the russians respond to pressure or childing from the international community, to keep doing it. To turn inward. That may be true with public perception. But the sanctions, after crimea have created significant hardship and upper rungs. It has been clear the russian state wants them lifted. And chris, theyre on their way to being lifted. If the very smart way we Saw Tillerson trot out just before the meeting, that theyve appointed a special representative to deal with ukraine on the eastern regions, to begin to negotiate that and the man is supposed to be in moscow coming up, thats a very cher way to push this forward. I dont see how i dont 19 interrupt you. I dont see how thats possible given the political dynamics that President Trump is dealing with at homes. Russians went in going that was a nonstarter. Not today, not tomorrow. But in six months, perhaps. Thats the question, right . Theyre sort of concrete things the administration can do that putin would like to see they will do. Give back as a starting point, the two compounds were seized as kind of retribution for the election activities. And then eventually lifting sanctions. Theres tremendous pressure. At the corner of all this is this very big unresolved issue. That there was a sustained and sophisticated effort to criminally sabotage a campaign in the u. S. And one that has not been resolved or foresworn in any way. It seems hard to move on to other issues to a degree it is left hanging out there. Chris, when the hearings began, Senator Warner said, oh, my. This is like propaganda on steroids. Whats the surprise . Propaganda . Or steroids . The russians have been interested in doing things in american elections since 1920. It was ham handed before. Now Digital Technology has changed things. We have to ask the basic question underlying this. Why are they so good at hacking . Why are they so good at Cyber Warfare . And why are we not particularly up to snuff and up to speed . The scary answer may be, their math Education System far superior to ours. I think you have a good point in terms of Human Resources and people who are skilled at this. Russia is very rich that way. True. That sounds uncomfortably close to blaming the bank for being ronald. We know that these things can happen. You can penetrate all sorts of inboxes and people get good at this. But theres a violation here that remains massively unresolved. And back to your point, from the context of any political situation that will move forward in this relationship, it cant just hang around as an unresolved thing and expect the politics to change. Thank you both for your time tonight. Thank you. Ahead, can President Trump agree to disagree . The conflicting reports and the reaction from capitol hill. Ount. Because each day she chooses to take the stairs. At work, at home. Even on the escalator. That can be hard on her lower body, so now she does it with dr. Scholls orthotics clinically proven to relieve and prevent foot, knee or lower back pain, by reducing the shock and stress that travel up her body with every step she takes. So keep on climbing, sarah. Youre killing it. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. 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Well, you know, i hope that the American People wont fall for that kind of putting together of some kind of commission to deal with hacking and thats what theyre describing. As a matter of fact, i think americans should be very, very concerned that this president sat down with putin who we know hacked into our Election System to the dnc, and to many of the states that are now coming forward with this information. And to sit down with him and not have a real discussion. To delve into real concerns about whats happening and get a commitment from putin that they would never do it again americans want to hear that conversation. Obviously, this president brought it into the room. There was. So pressure, from the media and everybody else, he could not afford to go into that room and not pretend he was dealing with the issue. He didnt deal with it. He took it up first. It was dismissed. It was intractable. Now lets move on. And this thing about a commission and also, what theyre going to do with syria and having some kind of cessation of the war there. I dont know if putin was in a position to negotiate and make all the differences for syria. Not that i care about assad. But i would assume that he would have something to say about it. I think were getting played by our president and certainly by putin. I dont like the idea that our president , again, would go into a room without any note takers, without any staff, without others who should be in the room who really understand Foreign Policy and who really understand putin, and come out of it saying how honored he is to meet with him and how in fact theyre going to start meeting together. This is ball sanctions. Of course, tillerson was in the room because thats at the top of his agenda. To lift the sanctions so they can drill into the arctic. You have trump who is agreeing to lift the sanctions and aboutt the dnc did. But them they fully cooperated with the requests that the filibuster made. So this guy is unhinged. And i think he is under so much pressure from this russian are investigation that when he is in the corner, all he does is he strikes back and he doesnt care about whether anything is true or not true. What did you make of that statement from the president . Well, he doesnt know the difference between what podes podestas role was with the dnc and clinton. What he thought he was setting up was this proof that we have no proof. Thats what putin has said. Thats what he continues to say. It is almost in your face, you can say what you want but you dont have any proof. I think this president , trump was playing into that and trying to say, well, you know, they have proof if they wanted to share it but they wouldnt let us see it so they must not have any proof. He thought when he did that, that he was nailing podesta. Because he had control of the dnc and the server so we can dismiss that as another trump not knowing what hes talking about, not knowing what hes doing, and trying to give some cover to putin. Thats what that is all about. People, we must keep our eye on these sanctions. First of all, the United States senate has passed legislation. Very strong lotion sanctions. We must support that. Because putin didnt just the want trump elected because he didnt like hillary. It is because he knew that trump would be a part of helping to lift those sanctions. And i call the kremlin klan all of those allies of the president who will benefit from it. Who have indicated their connections to russia and to putin and the oligarchs. So theyre trying to play us. We should not buy into anything that weve heard happened. Because we dont really know. And he does not want us to know. He wants us to be in that position where were trying to figure out what they said and we cant be certain. It is not substantive and we have to keep our eyes on sanctions. Thank you for joining me tonight. Youre welcome. The Ethics Office is stepping down. Ill ask him why he is leaving now. Mom, i have to tell you something. Dad, one second i was driving and then the next. They just didnt stop and then. Im really sorry. I wrecked the subaru. I wrecked it. Youre ok. Thats all that matters. vo a lifetime commitment to getting them home safely. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Why . We cant stay here terrible toilet paper ill never get clean way ahead of you. Charmin ultra strong. It cleans better. Its four times stronger and. You can use less. Enjoy the go with charmin. I could actually run my business. I could run my business and run government at the same time. I dont like the way that looks but i would be able to do it if i wanted to. I could run the trump organization. Great, great company. And could i run the company the country. I would do a great job but i dont want to do that. The big question was how donald trump, the countrys first Real Estate Mogul President who to this day has not released the Tax Returns Works resolve the vast potential Conflicts Of Interest. They tweeted to then president elect, it is good for you, very good for america. Oge applauds the decision. Bravo. Og empbl is delighted that you have decided to divest your businesses. Of course, he really hadnt decided to do and it the man goading him to do so would become the lone voice in the federal government publicly taking a stand against corruption in the administration and risking his job to do it. After the president announced he would not divest from his business, instead turning over control to his sons, he condemned it in his speech. Stepping back from running his positions is meaningless from a Conflicts Of Interest perspective. This is not a blind trust. Not even close. The only thing it has in common is the label, trust. Nothing short of divestiture will resolve these conflicts. That prompted had chaffetz. It drew a warning from the Incoming White House chief of staff. The head of the Government Ethics ought to be careful. He is becoming extremely political. Apparently may have publicly supported hillary clinton. So im not so sure what this person in Government Ethics, what sort of standing he has anymore in giving these opinions. But schaub continues to take on the administration. And forcing the white house to disclose numerous ethics waivers they granted to senior staff. Now six months before the end of the term, he is stepping down and he joins me right here for an exclusive live interview, next. Just like the people who own them, every business is different. But every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. Whether it be help starting your business, Vendor Contracts or employment agreements. 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The office of Government Ethics is the Prevention Part of the government west work the administration, not only president ial appointees but also rank and file employees. We help then disclose their financial Conflicts Of Interest. Were there to solve problems in advance. Thats what ive been doing under three presseses now and ive really enjoyed the job. My understanding is this grows out of watergate. You are there because there are criminal statutes, conflict of interest laws, that people might violate and youre there to protect them from doing that. Essentially. Thats right. As i said, were the Prevention Mechanism so were really helping to set people twoe steps back from the line. Hopefully, only inadvertent. These are extremely complicated laws. Theyre nuanced and always past after the last crisis. Our job is to serve as the translator and to help find ways to make they will Work Together. And we have a really Big Education foundation ensure that federal employees, or political appointees, understand the rules. And we often work very closely to prevent those problems. You said you served under three presseses. How different was this than the other two . Well, i have only got really good things to say about the Ethics Program that president bush ran and the Ethic Program that president obama ran. We got off to kind of a good start initial when i this administration because he had picked an the excellent Transition Team and we worked an outside Nonprofit Group to bring the two campaigns Transition Teams together and work them and help make sure they were ready for the transition. And i have to say a Great Respect for both teams. I saenlt congratulations email to the winning team and i sincerely told them i was looking forward to working with they will i got a very nice message back saying they felt supported by oge and were looking forward to getting down to the task at handled. And then they were replaced about our Current Council of the president. Since then i would stay Ethics Program has been a very serious disappointment in the white house. What do you mean by that . The Ethics Program, is a Compliance Based Program in many ways. We have very basic bare bones criminal laws, civil laws, administrative regulations, that say heres the absolute minimum youre going to do. Thats just the skeleton. And the meet of the program has been the ethical traditions and the norms that has evolved over 40 years. And were able to say, in most cases, that we have the Gold Standard of Ethics Programs internationally. And that federal employees are not just merely not criminals. That appointees are not just avoiding violating laws but they go further and come apply with those traditions. An example is that with president ial nominees, the primary criminal conflict of interest statute says you cant participate in something where you have a conflict of interest. So you can come into government and keep all of your could not financial interests and not run afoul of that law if you were will to put your feet up on that zpeks read your newspaper all day and do your job. Thats unworkable. We take a Risk Management approach. We set up other mechanisms to prevent Conflicts Of Interest and we are two steps back from the line. The consistent approach that im running into has been, if it is not illegal, were going to do it. If theres an argument, were going to do it. That has undermined the program that has existed for four decades. What im hearing is they have taken an aggressive posture in terms of where they can set up with respect to the line on conflicts, particularly. This is a really important question. Your job is to certify that theres no conflicts. I want to talk about, i want to you give me this. Can you definitively say that everyone in the white house including the president , free of Conflicts Of Interest . Well no. Weve received very Little Information about what the individuals in the white house do on a daytoday basis for a living. Theyve negotiated Ethics Agreements and theyve refused to even let the office of Government Ethics see it. Weve asked for information. It is like pulling teeth. Weeks go by before we get answers in many cases. After i issued a data call for all the waivers and notifications that were issued at the end of april, they refused to anxious any questions from my staff whether any individuals had received waivers. So i want to be really clear. There are criminal conflict status. There are people who retain, they have to recuse themselves. Can you differeefinitively stat they have gdone that . To be fair, i would have to rework that question a little bit. Im not trying to dodge but it is a little more nuanced than. That i would like to say there is no basis for any specific violations. I dont have enough information to say definitively there could not be that. The bigger concern is because this is a Risk Management program, it has become clear that they have a much higher tolerance for risk than we do. We have a lot more concern over president ial no, maam nieces. They have to get our signoff before they can get a hearing to come into government. White house appointees are in government long before we get their reports and were almost doing a post mortem to see if there was a conflict of interest. With nominees, we work to prevent them in advance. So documenting a higher level of risk is inconsistent with how weve run this program. People have said, is there definitely a violation. Or can you definitively say that . Once the violation has happened, we have failed. It is incumbent upon the office of Government Ethics to object before we reach that point. Were supposed to prevent that from happening. Thanks for making time tonight. Thanks. The weaponizing of fake news. Plus, t plus, thing one and thing two next. Pain isnt always fair. Im not going to let it change my life. Aleve is proven stronger on pain than tylenol 8 hour. And only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just 1 pill. This is my pain, but i am stronger. Aleve. All day strong. As it affects how well brilinta works. Brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. In a Clinical Study brilinta worked better than plavix®. Brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. Or dying from one. 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Thing one tonight, this Young Administration has shown it is really into space. Like really into space. The Vice President cares very deeply about space policy. Vice president pence promise that had our administration, because mike is 57 into space, would revive the National Space council. Buzz aldrin didnt seem equally enthusiastic on everything that happened that day. Keep an eye on his expression. Everybody wants to be on this board. People that you wouldnt have believed loved what were doing so much. They want to be some of the most successful people on this board. I feel very strongly about it. I felt very strongly about it for a long time. I used to say before doing what i did, i used to say, what happened. Why arent we moving forward. A some point in the future well look back and say how did we do it without space . Yesterday, while President Trump was in germany, Vice President pence got to visit the Kennedy Space center where the moment happened. He announced, we might be invading mars. Thats thing two in 60 seconds. Showing off my arms . Thats cool. Being comfortable without a shirt . Thats cool. Getting the body you want without surgery, needles, or downtime . Thats coolsculpting. Coolsculpting is the only fdacleared noninvasive treatment that targets and freezes away stubborn fat cells. Visit coolsculpting. Com today and register for a chance to win a free treatment. You give us comfort. And we give you bare feet. I love you, couch. Backsweat and gordos everything. I love you, but sometimes you stink. New febreze Fabric Refresher with odorclear technology. Cleans away odors like never before. Because the things you love the most can stink. And plug in febreze to keep your whole room fresh for up. To 45 days. Breathe happy with new febreze. Mike pence sound pretty excited about the future of Space Exploration while speaking at the Kennedy Space center yesterday. Here from this bridge to space, our nation will return to the moon and we will put american boots on the face of mars. Boots on the ground on mars. It was during the tour though that pence really showed off his space fandom. When he saw this sign, you bet wasnt going to stop him from slapping a hand on that piece of critical Space Flight Hardware despite the sign that said, do not touch. Pence embraced the moment saying marco rubio, if youre going to do it. Nasa had its blessing saying it was okay to touch the surface. Those are day to day reminder signs. We were going to clean it anyway. Liberty did what . Liberty mutual paid to replace all of our property that was damaged. And we didnt have to touch our savings. Yeah, our insurance wont do that. Well, there goes my boat. You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. And our firefighters safe. Together, were building a better california. Did you watch rachels show last night . She led with an exclusive report about what appeared to be a top secret nsa document that purported to show that a member of the Trump Campaign team was working with the russians on hacking last year. But after maddow and her staff consulted experts who have worked with documents like this, the conclusion was the document they received was a fake. The big red flag for us is that the document we were given this is part of what made it seem so red hot it names on american citizen. Even if the typos and the weird spacing and the other odd stuff had snuck through for some reason, an american citizens name would not have snuck through. Not at this level of an nsa report. That our document contains an american name spelled out, that says to experienced people whove worked with this stuff that what we got is forged. Its fake. Now News Organizations can pay a stiff price for running with things they get from Questionable Tips and sources. As rachel reminded us it was in 2004 that dan rather and cbs news got hold of documents that purported to highlight details of george w. Bushs National Guard business. The comes whose origin was murky. They blew up ending rathers career and damaging that news organization. It also killed any further reporting into george w. Bushs Military Service during that election year. Now someone is shopping fake trump collusion documents perhaps with a similar goal in mind. Whether or not the Trump Campaign did it, one way to stab in the heart aggressive american reporting on that subject is to lay traps for american journalists reporting on it. Trick News Organizations to report what appears to be evidence of what happened and then after the fact blow that reporting up. You hurt the credibility of that news organization. You also cast a shadow over any similar reporting in the future. Whether or not its true. Right . Even if its true you plant a permanent question. A permanent asterisk. A permanent who knows. As to whether that too might be falts like that other story. Whether that too might be based on fake evidence. So heads up, everybody. Part of the defense against this trumprussia story includes somebody presenting a classified report and shopping it to other news authorities. David k. Johnson, next. Award winning interface. Award winning design. Award winning engine. The volvo xc90. The most awarded luxury suv of the century. Visit your volvo dealer today and get up to 4,500 in allowances. I. Prilosec otc 7 years ago,my Doctor Recommended. 5 years ago, last week. Just 1 pill each morning, 24 hours and zero heartburn. Its been the number 1 Doctor Recommended brand for 10. Straight years, and its still recommended today. Use as directed. My hands that if i run with it and it is a fake im blown up. Right. And in that case the white house authenticated the document. But there is a real serious problem were going to see more of in the future, chris, with fabricating documents to mislead News Organizations. Its not entirely new. You may recall in the george w. Bush documents case that affected dan rather and cbs that while the documents were shown to be fakes, kate and another reporter at the the New York Times interviewed the generals secretary who said well, you know, thats exactly what he was saying at the time in the office and he did have documents though i didnt type them. In that case and others that im aware of, there have been cases where you take a document you know is real, and we recreate what will be exposed as a fabrication to discredit the issue. So the broader thing to me at this moment is, governor paul lepage in maine, a big Trump Supporters with tells the media something. Lets flood the tip lines with fake tips and times saying the that the white house tried to do this. I know people who have said the white house has attempted to shop them fake story to get them to run it so they can rebut them because it is a valuable, particularly in the moment in this white house to call this fake news. Wh what do you about that . You have to be extremely careful with documents that dont come out of a public report. If you copy it out of the courthouse record, thats one thing. And if its too good to be true it probably is. When i was exposing the lapds massive worldwide spying, i got a document one day that was unbelievably juicy and i looked at it and said this is too good, its too new. And when i i came to learn years later from a Senior Officer that in fact it was planted in an effort to discredit me. You have to be careful when handling documents to authenticate them and you have to show them to the people youre going to write about or broadcast about and get their responses to it. And there is at this point this sort of Ratcheting Up of the stakes, because of this idea of fake news that if you theres a real incentive on the part of the white house to kind of get people to get stuff wrong, even on sort of easy stuff, not big Cloak And Dagger stuff with documents being fabricated but easy stuff. Because at this point its such a kind of Core Narrative that theyre telling the country about basically them against a duplicitous press. Lets remember that vladimir

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