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Did you in any way initiate that dinner . No. Then the gaping hole in the novice president defense. Hes just new to this. New scrutiny for the attorney general. The attorney general sessions is now a marked man. And what republicans are trying to get away with while trump and the russians block out the sun. You couldnt have a more partisan exercise than what youre engaged in right now. When all in starts right now. Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes, and tonight someone is lying. And you dont need to be a special counsel to form an opinion to what it o it is. Either the former director of the fbi, james comey, in an historic appearance before the Senate Intelligence committee yesterday lied under oath that the president tried to disrupt the russia investigation, or the president of the United States lied at a press conference this afternoon when he denied doing any such thing. He did say under oath that you told him to let the flynn you said you hoped the Flynn Investigation he could let go. I didnt say that. So he lied about that . Well, i didnt say that. I mean i will tell you i didnt say that. And did he ask you to pledge his loyalty and there would be nothing wrong if i did say it according to everybody that ive read today, but i did not say that. And did he ask for a pledge of loyalty from you . Thats another thing he said. No, he did not. I hardly know the man. Im not going to say i want you to pledge allegiance. Who would do that . Who would ask a man to pledge allegiance under oath . I mean think of it. I hardly know the man. It doesnt make sense. No, i didnt say that, and i didnt say the other. Now, the president s own troubled relationship to the truth is well documented. In his Senate Testimony yesterday, comey himself repeatedly accused the president of lying, krietding trumps untrustworthiness as reason for documenting their conversations in a series of memos. I was alone with the president of the United States, or the president elect, soon to be president. The subject matter i was talking about, matters that touch on the fbis core responsibility and that relate to the president elect personally, and then the nature of the person. I w hestly concerned that he might lie about the naturef our meeting, and so ihoht it really important to document. At his press conference today, the first since comeys blockbuster testimony, the president committed to testifying himself under oath before the special counsel. So he said those things under oath. Who you be willing to speak under oath to give your version of those events . 100 . Do if Robert Mueller wanted to speak i would be glad to tell him and ma i just told you. On wednesday, youll remember, after comeys written testimony was released, the president s personal attorney, marc kasowitz, did not dispute a single one of the former fbi directors claims. Instead, issuing a statement that read, the president is pleased that mr. Comey has finally publicly confirmed his private reports that the president was not under investigation in any russian probe. The president feels completely and totally vindicated. He is eager to continue to move forward with his agenda. It was not until yesterday that kasowitz tried to contradict comeys account while still claiming comeys testimony exonerates the president. Today the president continued to try and have it both ways. Yesterday showed no collusion, no obstruction. We were very, very happy. And frankly james comey confirmed a lot of what i said. And some of the things that he said just werent true. Im joined now by Jason Johnson and republican strategist rick wilson. Rickyou know, i thought it was notable at after the comey testimony was released, they did not try to get into a he said he said, basically a credibility battle between james comey and the president. Now they have entered into that. How do you think that will play . Look, weve got one guy with a Sterling Record for integrity and honesty in washington for the last 40 years, and youve got another guy who is a pathological liar, who is a chain of abuses, lies, deceptions, adulteries, tax frauds and every other damn thing under the earth under the sun. I think theres no commission here. I think the trump people are going to try to smear comey as quickly and deeply as they can because they recognize when it comes down to these two men, you know, basically one is the sketchy guy hanging outside the Elementary School staring at people, and the other fwie guy e crossing gards. I want to play an amazing moment that happened at that same press conference. At issue is who is telling the truth about interactions between the president and james comey. And the president has just had a private meeting with the head of state of romania. And a question is asked, and something remarkable happens. Take a listen. Were there any discussion about the Visa Waiver Program for romania . Is there a time frame for including our country in this program . Thank you. Yes. We didnt discuss it, but there would be certainly it would be something we will discuss. Mr. President. I mentioned this issue, and i also mentioned it durg other meetings i had becau this is important for us. Its important for romanians. He literally right there says, we didnt discuss it as the other person in the room says, yes, i mentioned it. It is hilarious to like if this were an episode of veep, it would be so much easier to stomach. But unfortunately this is the leader of the free world. So his incompetence has serious consequences for people in this country right and left and all over the planet. Heres the thing, chris. Whats disturbing about this is not just that trump lied, but its the fact that World Leaders clearly realize that the emperor has no clothes and theyre talking about him in any sort of way possible because they know that he has no integrity. Right, and the point there about credibility and its broad applicability or lack thereof is important in terms of communicating with World Leaders. It also strikes me, rick, and this is another great tidbit about the president of the United States. This is a headline, buzzfeed. Trumps lawyers met in pairs to avoid lies. He was they had to meet in pairs because he was so difficult with the truth. Is the approach to go after comey and villainize him, it strikes me as essentially their only play at this point and will be able to consolidate some part of the base thats still there with him. Look, theyll have the cuckoos and the weirdos that believe that Hillary Clinton ran a child cannibal sex ring. But this isnt a battle of per m sepgs he can win with Robert Mueller, who trusts james comey, who has relied on james comey for many things in the past and vice versa. Hes going to look at this and a lot of things that trump has now said, walked himself into the trap in the rose garden today, opened himself up to being questioned on a lot of these things. This isnt some real estate litigation. This is the real deal. These are the big boys. These are the guys where you end up in an orange jumpsuit if you lie. This is a really important point, i think, because trump has been under deposition many times. You know, theres tape. Its sort of remarkable to watch him. Hes sort of a different figure under deposition, under oath. But this is also someone very familiar with civil litigation, but this is not there is no you cant settle here. Right. I think it is, to ricks point, he is in a different legal environment. Even someone as used to legal exposure as he is, he is now in an extremely different legal environment. You know, chris, this goes back to what republicans and democrats and everybody were saying before he got into office. He doesnt understand government. And this isnt the paul ryan excuse. Its donald trump still thinks that he can bully or argue or sue or pay his way out of anything, and that doesnt work when people are defending the constitution. You cant pay off the constitution. So whatever kind of deals he thinks he can negotiate with Robert Mueller, it wont work. But ill promise you this. I doubhell ever sit for mueller unless theyrag him kicking and screaming to do it because he doesnt want to get caught. We should note the president has a history of using low constituti 100 and using it to mean absolutely no chance. Im not sure that we should keep 100 as its usual meaning. Jason and rick, thank you both. Thanks, chris. Joining me now, former congressman bob inglis. Hes a republican from south carolina. Youve sort of been watching all of this as a republican, as a republican who was there for the last impeachment that happened, what do you make of the developments over the last day or so . Well, i think that director comey did an excellent job of testifying, laying out some questions for real serious inquiry and serious investigation. And my hope is that fellow republicans will say, yes, lets pursue this with full vigor, get to the bottom of it. And if it goes to the president or members of his family or his campaign, so be it. But this was an attack by a hostile country at the heart of our democracy. And therefore it really does matter to all of us, republicans, democrats, independents alike. And i hope that we can really decide to put Country First here and say, were going to investigate this wherever it goes. But do you think i mean paul ryan, you know, sort of somewhat famously said, look, the president just doesnt essentially said hes not hes too naive to have obstructed justice was essentially what his argument was yesterday. Ive seen a lot of republicans today basically saying that james comey is a liar, and he cant be trusted. The gop put out talking points today along those lines. I mean do you see evidence that people are taking this seriously or were the folks on the committee yesterday heartening to you . By and large i was happy with the way the Senate Intelligence committee handled it. Particularly chairman burr, i thought did an excellent job. And Ranking Member warner was excellent. The thing that worried me a little bit was people like marco rubio sort of minimizing the importance of it, saying, for example, well, he didnt order you. He said he hoped so. That would be someone like me saying to you, chris, thats a nice car you got. I hope nothing bad happens to it while youre having dinner inside. Thats not me saying hope so. Thats me threatening you. And what was happening there is i think from the context of the situation as laid out by director comey in such a compelling way, is that hes being threatened with his job. Right. If he didnt pledge loyalty and if he didnt toe the line. And thank goodness for america. He seems to be to be quite an honest and upstanding Law Enforcement officer, and he some people criticized him for not saying right then and there, this is inappropriate. I think what was going on there is a very talented investigator was saying, i got somebody talking. Talk to me. Let me hear what else youre going to say to me, mr. President. Paul ryan said that he would not try to impeach a democrat if they were accused of the same actions. And you had a response to that today. Yeah, and rlly paul is my friend. I want him towe. And as a friend, i would say to him, paul, we know thats not true. I mean if Hillary Clinton if Hillary Clinton had won the race and if director comey had reopened the server investigation about her emails and if hillary had not liked that and if she had fired director comey, my party, the republican party, would be howling right now. Yeah. We would be asking questions and heading toward investigations that might end up with articles of impeachment because that would really upset us. Well, the shoes on the other foot. Its very important for the country that we go after this. And by the way, this the substance of this would be actually more serious than the scenario i just described because hillary would have been revealing some secrets potentially and being careless with classified material. But the substance of this investigation is the possibility, as comey kept saying over and over, that americans may have participated with a hostile government. Right. In an attack at the heart of our republic. Thats a very serious matter. Former congressman bob inglis, thanks for your time tonight. Good to be with you. Still to come, congresswoman Maxine Waters will be here with her reaction to the comey testimony. The trump response and what csh wants to see happen next. And top criminal law expert is joining muellers probe. And a preview of what a trump deposition would look like after this twominute break. Liberty did what . Yeah, Liberty Mutual 24hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. My dad says our insurance doesnt have that. Dont worry i know what a lug wrench is, dad. Is this a lug wrench . Maybe . You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Will you be ready when the moment turns romantic . Cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. 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Mueller enlisting a top criminal law expert, long Time Justice Department attorney michael dreeben, to assist in the probe. It appears to be a sign that mueller is looking more deeply at whether the targets of the investigation broke criminal law. Under oath yesterday, fired fbi director james comey confirmed there had been an open fbi criminal investigation into the president s former National Security adviser, michael flynn. Comey also saying he believes mueller is examining whether the president committed obstruction of justice in pressing comey to drop the Flynn Investigation. At a joint press conference with the romanian president in the rose garden today, President Trump said he would be willing to testify under oath that he never asked comey to let the Flynn Investigation go, awful though he added it would have been fine if he did. I didnt say that. I mean i would tell you if i didnt say that. And there would be nothing wrong if i did say it according to everybody that ive read today, but i did not say that. Now,t may be true that everyone the president read said today. Im joined by congresswoman Maxine Waters, democrat from california. Congresswoma we had this sort of battle of credibility between the fired fbi director james comey under oath and the president of the United States. You at one point had said to comey in regard to briefings, he has no credibility left. I know your views on the president s credibility, so i was curious which of these two you believe. Well, i do think that comey has a tendency to fumble, and it seems as if he has a difficult time really making a decision and using the best judgment. However, the president is lying. The president absolutely asked him to discontinue his investigation into flynn in the way that he did. Also i dont believe that there are any tapes, and thats why the president is saying he is willing to come and testify and to tell his version of what took on. But dont forget in that one meeting, he put everybody out of the room, and he did that for a reason. He didnt want other people to know exactly what he was saying, and the fact that he was interfering in the investigation. And so if there are tapes, you can believe they wont see the light of day because now what the president is setting up is a he said she said. And its a matter of trying to get to who is telling the truth. But i believe on this one, comey is telling the truth, and the president is absolutely lying that he tried to get him to back off of the investigaon of michael flynn. I believe that. Are you confident . There are a lot of you know, theres a sort of reputation that comey has, and there is lots of frustration, anger at him at the handling of the election. Robert mueller is another person who is widely viewed in a positive light, i would say. Do you have confidence now that there is so much riding on muellers judgment and access and persistence, do you have confidence in mueller . Well, i have to have some confidence in him because im desperate to really get to the meat of this investigation. And we cannot rely certainly on, you know, on any of the other people in this administration. And Jeff Sessions, of course, you know, failed to disclose. He lied when he was being vetted by the senate committee. And so we dont have a lot of places to turn. Nunes is absolutely out of his mind, you know, in the house intelligence committee. And it seems as if burr and some of the republicans are trying to redefine exactly what the president said. But im optimistic in several ways. Number one, i think some of the senators and i think dianne feinstein, my senator, is one of them, is going to want to dig deeper because they do believe there has been some interference and perhaps some obstruction of justice. And so mueller, i dont know exactly where hes going to take all of this, but ive got to have hope that were going to get to the bottom of this. This country is in a crisis. We have a president thats a liar, that cannot be trusted, who is causing a lot o heartache to Many Americans because theyve never seen anything lik this man before. And so weve got to keep trying in every way that we can, and i hope mueller is going to rise to the occasion. Let me ask you also about what i just asked former congressman bob inglis, who served as a republican from south carolina, about paul ryans statement. That if the same fact pattern had come about with a democratic president , say Hillary Clinton, that the republicans would not be drafting articles of impeachment. Do you believe that . No, i dont believe anything. Again, paul ryan has, you know, been someone thats been caught in between, you know, the Freedom Caucus and the socalled more moderate ones, and the ones in the center. Hes treading water. He doesnt know what to do. And so when he comes on to talk, hes trying to find a way to sound credible. But absolutely he too has lost credibility, and its just a matter of time for him. All right. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, its always a pleasure. Thank you for coming. Thank you. Joining me now, jennifer rogers, executive director and Jill Winebanks, who was one of the prosecutors in the watergate scandal. Jennifer, let me start with you. Youre a former federal prosecutor, right . You worked for james comey, right . I did. Now, theres this question about obstruction, and its been interesting to watch. Alan dershowitz has been saying its preposterous. Theres no case. We should stop talking about obstruction of justice. This is aweet of his. What is your thinking on this matter well, i disagree with that. I mean ive been saying that i didnt think we were there yet in terms of the evidence for obstruction. I think were much closer now. I mean honestly i think at this point with the testimony, we could make out a prima facie case of obstruction. No reasonable prosecutor would proceed today with those charges. Youd want to know a lot more. But in terms of actually meeting the elements of the statute, were there. Thats a key distinction because i recall basically that exact language used by comey, right . So when comey was talking about Hillary Clinton, there was sort of whether it met the statutory bar and whether a reasonable prosecutor would actually bring the case. You dont think as of now, it would be one that a prosecutor would bring. You have the testimony of course but there are a lot of things you dont have even from coa comeys side. You dont have the memos. You havent corroborated when they were written. You havent talked to the people who got them at the time to prove they were as contemporaneous as he said they were. So theres still a lot of digging to do. So my question to you, jill, is when you were working watergate, what power did you have to get people under oath because i mean today the president says, ill go under oath, and well see if that happens. Obviously having that power is incredibly important particularly because under penalty of perjury, people, you would think, tell the truth, and its a sort of important tool. What power do you have . What power do you think mueller ha here . Well, he has t same power that we had, and that is the pa of subpoena, the use of the grand jury. He can subpoena documents. He can subpoena witnesses, and anyone who testifies will be doing so under oath and subject to the penalties of perjury. And thats a significant issue for him. I think credibility is something grand juries can easily assess, and it would be interesting for a grand jury, which is different than voters voter may believe donald trump, but i think when they are sworn in as jurors and listen to testimony, they may come away with a different conclusion and that in terms of credibility, james comey will be found more credible. But i agree completely with jennifer of all the things that still need to be put together. So i just wanted to ask you this. President clinton was under deposition in the paula jones lawsuit, and there was a Supreme Court case that allowed that to go forward, which is how he ended up under a deposition. Could you just subpoena the president of the United States if youre Robert Mueller and get him under oath . Can you do that . Well, this is a criminal matter, not a civil matter. Right. So its not a question of getting permission to do it. Yes, you can subpoena the president. And obviously one wants to be very considerate of the time because he has important matters of state to attend to and should not be bothered frivolously. But this would not be a frivolous matter, and he has offered himself. He said he would testify under oath. So theres nothing left to be done but to subpoenthe tes and the president. Ould you agree as a prosecutor . I mean obviously this is not a normal set of circumstances. Right. So you cant really just apply necessarily the normal procedures. But it sounds like, yes, you would want to talk to the president under oath. You would, but not yet. I think you first want to collect some additional information. You really want to get everything that you can before you talk to the president. Why is that . You always talk to your target last because when you question your target, you want to ask him all the questions that youve gathered through your other investigation, right . So youre going to get all the evidence. Youre going to get the documents. Youre going to talk to everybody so that you can question him thoroughly about everything that youve learned in the course of the investigation. So thats why. And it also seems to me that underneath all of this, theres a prima facie case for obstruction. Theres just so much of the underlying matter that has to be established, like what happened on the russia front. Who talked to who . Its a huge case. There will be tentacles going every direction. Jill, i get the sense this is going to be happening for a long time. I dont see this going anywhere. Am i wrong about that . Well, the watergate case from the time we were appointed in may of 73, we had a verdict on new years day of 75. So it can go i mean thats still a year and a half, but its nothing compared to the seven or eight years that the starr investigation took. And jennifer is right. The target would be the last person. You need to establish a lot of baselines to cross examine that person on, and i would say coats d gers areeopl i like to have on the grand jury right away because if they corrobote what weve read in the paper, if they say, yes, the president asked them to talk to comey and get him to back off, that is very dramatic evidence in support of mr. Comey. We should say they gave carefully worded testimony under oath the other day. They never felt pressured. They never felt like they were asked to do something immoral. So thats not quite the same thing. Jennifer rodgers and Jill Winebanks thanks for being with me. Ahead, the trouble with claiming the president didnt know better is that the president campaigned on the fact he knew better. That after this quick break. So you can own the road. Tracktuned handling, so you can conquer corners. Aggressivestyling, so you can break away from everyone else. Experience the exhilaration of the bold lexus is. Experience amazing. Brtry new Flonase Sensimists. Allergy relief instead of allergy pills. It delivers a gentle mist experience to help block six key inflammatory substances. Most allergy pills only block one. New Flonase Sensimist changeeverything. The president s new at this. Hes new to government. And so he probably wasnt steeped in the longrunning protocols that establish the relationships between doj, fbi, and white houses. Hes just new to this. One of the gops primary defenses following james comeys testimony yesterday was that President Trump didnt actually seek to commit obstruction of justice. Its just that he doesnt understand the ways of washington. But the truth is that the president is well acquainted with the concept of improperly impeding a federal investigation. In fact, it was a primary theme of his campaign. For months at rally after rally, thencandidate trump effectively accused bill clinton of seeking to obstruct justice in the Hillary Clinton email investigation when he met with then attorney general Loretta Lynch on an airport tarmac in phoenix, arizona. I mean you see what happened today where bill clinton goes in the other day, into an airplane. He just happened to be there. Oh, theres the attorney generals plain riding down the runway. Ee, theres the attorney general. Oh, let meo say hello. Hes going to play go. The she oh, lets go see her. Let me go say hello to the attorney general. You know, ive had a plain fonea long time. They spent 39 minutes in the back of the plane. They talked about two things. Golf and their grandchildren. I love my grandchildren so much, but if i talk about them for more than about nine or ten se seconds. Heres a picture, heres a picture. Isnt that the greatest . Theyre so smart. After about a minute, what can you talk about . He was never there to play golf, folks. Dont be foolish. I think he probably talked about appointing her as the attorney general if hillary wins this election. And youre not allowed to do that. Thats what happened. Thats called real life. Nobody has ever seen anything like this. She is a corrupt person. She should not be allowed to run for the presidency. Shes a corrupt person. The way donald trump made such a big deal out of that plane incident makes it a little hard to believe that hes just new to this. Now, theres another member of the Trump Administration for whom the ignorance of the law argument would be an even tougher sell. The renewed scrutiny on attorney general Jeff Sessions in the wake of comey after this. [ deep sleep snoring ] the allnew volkswagen atlas. Seats seven, sleeps six. Lifes as big as you make it. We cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. And at 4. 95, you can trade with a clear advantage. Fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. 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Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe pain in your stomach, or symptoms such as itching, rash, or trouble breathing. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis, which can be fatal. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin, increases your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may make existing kidney problems worse. Onceweekly trulicity may help me reach my blood sugar goals. With trulicity, i click to activate whats within me. If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar, activate your within. Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. One of the things not to be overlooked, you may deal with it later in the broadcast for all i know, is that attorney general sessions is now a marked man. Comey today kind of got overlooked in everything that came out. 100 . He put if you will, he put a dagger pretty well near the heart of sessions. Dan rathers assessment that the fbis investigation seems to be heading toward attorney general Jeff Sessions is based not on what james comey said in public yesterday but more on what he could not say, which is something comey appeared to be hinting at yesterday when he was asked why he decided to keep sessions, who was the attorney general, in the dark about his interactions with the president. Our judgment, as i recall, was that he was very close to and inevitably going to recuse himself for a variety of reasons. We also were aware of facts that i cant discuss in an open setting that would make his continued engagement in a russiarelated investigation problematic. In a closed door meeting with senators that followed, according to reporting, comey confirmed that he had been talking about a story about classified intelligence suggesting an undisclosed meeting between sessions and the Russian Ambassador in aprilmay 2016 at the Mayflower Hotel in washington. Now, although sessions said during his confirmation hearing he had no meetings with russians during the campaign, under oath, and later had to change his testimony when the Washington Post reported in march that sessions metith the russian envoy twice last year,he justice departmentpokesperson intains, quote, the facts havent changed. The then senator did not have any private or side conversaons with anyussian officials at the Mayflower Hotel. Joing me now, naveed jamali, a former fbi double agent and msnbc contributor. Naveed, the sessions this question of sessions possible third meeting, which is the contested third meeting, theres been folks suggesting that people think that theres intelligence suggesting it might have happened. Sessions denies it. What do you make of it . I think every pun intended, its odd that they would keep referring to discuss this in closed sessions. There must be something there. I mean its clear weve heard about this alleged mayflower meeting. This was when President Trump had his Foreign Policy im sorry at the time candidate trump had his Foreign Policy discussion at the center for national interest, and the ambassador was there. So there was a discussion and theres a theory that perhaps there was a longer discussion between mr. Sessions and perhaps even mr. Kushner. So this is at the heart of it, i think, what were discussing here. Yeah, and i keep coming back to this. This is, to me this is the core set of facts that i am the most focused on right now, and i want to get your feedback on it. There are three individuals who are not the president of the United States who have all, under penalty of perjury, lied, deceived, not told the truth, omitted meetings with russian officials. Flynn lied to fbi investigators, which is a big nono. This is a guy who presumably knows better about his conversations with kislyak on sanctions day. He also lied to people in the white house, but lied under u know, you can be indicted for that. People have been. Sessions lies under oath in front of the senate about meeting with kislyak. Jared kushner omits a very memorable secret meeting with kislyak where they talked about setting up a back channel from his form, a form you filled out, i know, that under penalty of perjury you cannot omit things. What are we to make of this . Well, that is that is the big question. I think theres two ways to look at it. Its important to remember, you know, comey submitted this letter before he actually testified. One of the interesting parts there was he discusses a little bit about what the fbis role is in terms of counterintelligence. And their primary role is to understand, detect foreign threats, and sometimes they prosecute. So the reason i say that is when you fill out this form, part of the thing that they say on this sf86 is that the information there can be used for counterintelligence investigation. Now, from a legal standpoint, you know, weve gone down this road quite a bit. The question of if they knowingly intended to mislead an investigator, that becomes a crime. Now, thats a pretty wide swath, right . Someone can make an honest mistake. But what youre seeing here, chris, as you mentioned, is a pattern where theres not just one person who is forgetting to do this once. You have three people who are forgetting to do this multiple times. That is a pattern that is highly suspect, i have to say. As someone who worked as a double agent with the fbi in counterintelligence, if someone presented to you this about someone, that they omitted a meeting for instance, in kushners case with the ambassador that was a secret meeting and just didnt put it on the security clearance form, that would pique your suspicion, right . Absolutely, and iveai this before. You know, therocess is that they will come back to you and say, okay, theres did you mean to do this . And if you answered it wrong or you omitted it, lets amend it, and you have to give me a justification as to why you answered it wrong or omitted this, and there has to be a clear, you know, reasonable, logical explanation. So far, i dont know if thats happened. I dont know if investigators have actually had that conversation, and theyperhaps that discussion if you present an answer that doesnt make sense, it gets forwarded on to the next step. This is at the core of the investigative part. But the other part of this is what were the russians trying to do . Clearly we have this angle of trump, but the russians were clearly trying to do something. We know theyre trying to interfere with our elections. What were they trying to do at these meetings . It makes you wonder. To bring it back around, this meeting that is denied by sessions, the possibility of one existing, its very important to establish whether that did or did not happen. Thanks for joining us. Coming up, using comey day to block out the sun. How Senate Republicans are using trumps russia problems to advance trumpcare in a completely unprecedented fashion. Plus the other Election Night surprise. What happened immediately after this picture was taken in tonights thing 1, thing 2 next. Say carl, we n about your brokerage fees. Fees . What did you have in mind . I dont know. 4. 95 per trade . Uhhh. And i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee . 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And while there were plenty of colorful metaphors for just how surreal the election got, from a man calledr. Fish finger running against the leader of the liberal democrats to a candidate called lord bucket head on the same roster and with the Prime Minister, the same lord bucket head who ran against Margaret Thatcher 30 years ago and managed to get 249 votes last night. Perhaps nothing summed up the actual results of the election more than this moment. Thats thing 2 in 60 seconds. Nee using smart traps to capture mosquitoes and sequence their dna to fight disease. There are over 100 million pieces of dna in every sample. With the microsoft cloud, we can analyze the data faster than ever before. If we can detect new viruses before they spread, we may someday prevent outbreaks before they begin. No need with thending thcars. Com app when on the lot, scan a vin to pull up all the info you need to help get the price you want. Start scanning today. The president had just one word to describe his thoughtsn last nights election in britn. Thank you all very much. Thank you. Thank you. Surprising. Surprising is an understatement. The entire reason there was even an election was because the president s buddy, theresa may, thought she could increase the number of conservative Party Members in parliament. Perhaps even get a whopping 100seat majority. Instead, the rival labor party surged. And with an unabashedly socialist platform and a leader who is inspired Bernie Sanders comparisons, they gained 30 seats while the conservative party lost 13, prompting calls for theresa may to step down in favor of someone like this guy. But despite the catastrophic loss, right now theresa may is still in charge, having struck a deal with the antigay Unionist Party of Northern Ireland to form a government. So in the end, while Labor Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn did surprisingly well in his attempt to become the new Prime Minister, much like his attempted high five with the fellow labor mp last night, he didnt quite pull it off. Those who suffer from lower back pain go to Great Lengths to find relief. Finally theres drugfree aleve direct therapy®. A tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors offices for deep penetrating relief at the source. Aleve direct therapy. Obruction of justice scandal commands almost all the media attention, the republin party is working behind closed doors to pass major lislation with a truly stunning lack of transparency. Sena republicans led by Mitch Mcconnell are right now crafting a Health Care Bill that they want to move in, quote, the near future, but nobody else no one has seen what they are coming up with or knows what theyre doing. There have been no hearings, no amendments, no public discussion on a bill that affects a sixth of the entire u. S. Economy. Theres been no real precedent for this unless, of course, you count the fact that House Republicans did more or less exactly the same thing with their Health Care Bill. And one of the reasons republicans are getting away with it is because everyones attention is focused on focused on the presidency scandal instead. The morning comey testified, one senator was calling out republicans for their Health Care Bill behavior. I heard you, mr. Secretary, just say wed love your support, for what . We dont even know. We have no idea whats being proposed. Theres a group of guys in a back room somewhere that are making these decisions. There were no hearings in the house. Well play you the long version of that moment after the break. Are allergies holding you back . Break through your allergies. Try new Flonase Sensimist allergy relief instead of allergy pills. 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No, i mean on the proposal youre planning to bring to the floor of the senate for a vote. Will there be a hearing . We are open for ideas and suggestions. I dont know that theres going to be another hearing, but weve invited to you participate. Thats not true, mr. Chairman. You couldnt have a more partisan exercise than what youre engagements in right now. Were not even going to have a hearing on a bill that impacts 1 6 of our economy. Were not going to have an opportunity to oophorsingle amendment. Its all being done with an eye to try to get it by with 50 votes and the vice president. I am stunned that that is what leader mcconnell would call regular order, which he sanctity moanously said would you be the order of the day when the republicans took the senate over. Give me an opportunity to work with you. Thats what is so discouraging about this process. The chair of the center of africanamerican studies at prions ton joins us. It is remarkable that this process is happening, and i sat through months of hearings through the Affordable Care act. I was cering it at the time. The house process was running the indicated. I think we need to be clear its not just simply donald trump trashing democratic norms. There are a lot of folks who are complicit. This is claire mcgas kill. Shes not on the left, left, left. Shes calling attention to the fact of basic norms that defy the senates normal way of behaving is tossed out the window. Ben, heres what i find crazy about this moment. Generally the way you try to get through big legislation, the president takes the lead and everyone sort of rose in the same direction. What they figured out as that is toxic. They have him traveling around the world, everyone just Pay Attention over there, and we dont want anyone to cover our signature achievement. Whats disturbing to me as a conservative and somebody who was a tea partier back in the day, this is the kind of stuff we were saying we didnt want to happen that we were saying wouldnt happen. We talked about transparency and not doing things behind closed doors. That was our wle argument. So for them to say the full realization of the tea par has happened and we have a Republican Congress and a Republican Senate and republican president , and they feel they need to do things in such a way that we railed against just a few years ago, so disappointing. I dont even know where to start. I would love to be talking, eddie, about the substance of the ahc. What is making this difficult is we have some plans that are looking to phase out medicaid expansion, were getting Different Things through reporters. But there isnt a thing you cant talk about the substance or analyze or critique it or debut it. Conservatives cant say its good because it isnt there. Right. What do we see . In terms of what theyre doing with regulation, we see whats going on with the department of education with devos. We see whats happening with scott pruitt and Jeff Sessions. Donald trump would make george cass tan za proud in terms of the way he lies. Its difficult for us to look at whats actually happening. That is a quote we think steve bannon. And the other thing about this is the role, ben, that the president came to play in all of this. Its really fascinating that hes a heat shield. It really is the case that he attracts all the fire and embroiled in a obstruction of justice scandal. He fired the fbi director calling him a liar and it gives space for this domestic agenda. Hes a Dumpster Fire and paul ryan and Mitch Mcconnell are figuring out the best w to accomplish tngs in spite of that. But the way theyre doing that is throwing away things i fought for and a lot of us fought against. They have to figure out where theyre principles are beyond defending this guy but also having a process they claimed they wanted. In the wednesday of Mitch Mcconnell and prine, they have understood faster than democrats the way partisanship works is this is the way it is. To Mitch Mcconnells great credit, he understands that. Right. We can talk about the innovation and the success of their understanding of the politics. But if we focus on the substance, nothing theyre doing behind the scenes, under the cover of Donald Trumps chaos, will in any way impact the life chances of everyday folk in any way improve the life chances of working people, will in any way improve the bottom line of people working their behinds off every single day. Thats part of reason the ahca has been unpopular. B that is all in for this evening. The Rachel Maddow show starts right now. Good evening, rachel. Thank you my friend. That is going to be to you at home for joining us this hour. Is that our control room sound was being broadcast over the pa . That was impressive. It was like ill tell you what happened before the cameras came on. Its kind of the equivalent of the fire alarm going off, except it was the voice of somebody working in another room notn this show. That was kinof amazing. Im going to assumehat wasnt god and its a technical difficulty. Thanks for being witus

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