Four more electoral votes than she needs to win the white house. Even if trump were to win every single tossup state as nbc now defines it, hed still fall short of the magic number, 270. For trump there are signs that fbi director james comeys october surprise, the widely condemned and criticized letter announcing new emails belonging to a laptop of a clinton aide was not the turning point trump had hoped for. New polling out of wisconsin shows that 50 of voters were bothered by the use of a letter. In later polling it was back down to 48 , below where it had been before the comey letter. Today president obama weighed in on the controversy in first time interview with now this news. I do think that there is a norm that when their investigations, we dont operate on innuendo, we dont operate on incomplete information. We dont operate on leaks. We operate based on concrete decisions that are made. When this was investigated thoroughly the last time, the conclusion of the fbi, the conclusion of the justice department, the conclusion of repeated congressional investigations was that she had made some mistakes but that there wasnt anything there that was, you know, prosecutable. Whether or not comeys invention is effective in the president ial race, its clear that his disclosure and the spate of competing one might say warring fbi leaks that have followed have raised serious questions about the fbis integrity and impartiality. And the bureau, it should be clear, is one of several key institutions arguably fundamental to american democracy that have come under intense stress during this campaign, stress that is only increasing in these final day. With his rhetoric about a rigged election, repeated refusals to commit to abiding by the result next week and the peaceful transfer of power, hes sowed great doubts. North carolina where according to slate a group of republicans has implement a county level voter purge scheme targeting black democrats. The naacp has already filed suit and a ruling may be imminent. Trump has consistently attacked press freedom and challenged the role of state even targeting a reporter by name our own katy tur at a rally. Theres been nowhere near the media dishonesty like in this election. Well have a great story. Theyll make it look as bad as possible. We have massive crowds. Theres something happening. Theyre not reporting it. Katy, youre not reporting it, katy, but theres something happening, katy. Republican nominee is not alone in waging war against the norms of functioning democracy. Sitting gop senators including ted cruz, john mccain and richard burr have voiced support for blocking any clinton nominee to the Supreme Court forever. Leaving the court with an even number of justices and stripping its power to set legal precedent. Republicans are already plotting to investigate clinton from day one should she win the election, potentially Getting Started before shes even sworn in. According to senator ron johnson who is currently up for reelection in wisconsin, they might even start impeachment proceedings. Thats right. Hes discussing impeachment proceedings before the election has even happened. No wonder trump, the party standardbearer is already threatening a major constitutional crisis if he loses next tuesday. If Hillary Clinton were to be elected, it would create an unprecedented and protracted constitutional crisis. Havent we just been through a lot with the clintons . Im joined by john lovett, former speech writer of president obama, who also worked on Hillary Clintons 2008 campaign. You talked about this as a national emergency. Yes. To me this is really what gets to the heart of it. Its not just that somethings being contested and all sorts of things are on the line as they are in every president ial election, but the sort of foundational aspects of a lot of the norms that hold the whole intersurprise together feel like theyre being ripped apart and are possibly on the ballot next week. Yeah, because they are. And the Republican Party nominated this guy who is, you know, totally unfit in all the obvious ways, then they embraced him. I felt like pretty heartbroken a few times during this campaign. And a few times its been trump driven, but more often than not, its not what trump does. Its how quickly people like paul ryan, reince priebus, marco rubio and others apologize for it, try to move past it, try to spin their way out of it while continuing to support this person. You know, its like one person doesnt create a movement and one person doesnt normalize disgraceful behavior. It takes other people to make what trump does normal. Thats what were seeing happen. The other thing thats going on, look, ive been saying this, donald trump is like stage five crazy. You ow . Whatever. Hes the culmination of a long shift sort of into the sewer. But what thats meant is sort of stage four level horrible behavior is either flying under the radar or not getting the attention it deserves. Ted cruz, john mccain, burr in North Carolina saying theyll never confirm a democratic nomination to the Supreme Court, what does that actually mean in practice . What that means in practice is either you dont want the Supreme Court, you just dont think we need one anymore. And i dont think thats right. Or you think that only republican president s are legitimate or i guess you think that once scalia was appointed that seat belonged to a judge for the rest of american history. And thats just nonsense. Its total nonsense. And i think its so to me, between the sort of kind of dual stories of trump sowing doubts about electoral integrity and you need to go watch other communities, the assaults on the franchise, restriction of Voting Rights that happened in the states and then trump saying, look, if you elect clinton its going to be a constitutional crisis. Its us or the country burns is kind of the message. Right, right. Like nice democratic system of government you got there. Be a shame if something were to happen to it. I mean, this its so obviously wrong what trumps doing is so obviously selfcentered and narcissistic and rooted in his own sense of inadequacy, his own fear of failure, his own desire to sort of project the consequences of his own lack of discipline and humanity on to the system as a whole. The question i think is really going to be on the republicans around him and what they do. And so far we have absolutely no reason to believe that these people will do anything behave in a craven and cowardly way. When you think about a Trump Presidency, which is a thing that people have not spent time thinking about. They think about it in terms of should he be trusted with the nuclear codes. Theres extreme things that could happen. But there is also what would the daytoday of a Trump Presidency look like . Weve seen from your point about paul ryan, thats what a daytoday presidency, paul ryans legislative objectives, some of trumps nationalist ethos kind of married together and they would have a lot of control and do a lot of stuff. Thats what that government would look like. Look, on a policy level, what republican establishment figures that have lined up behind trump are basically trying to say, look, we dont like him personally and thats why hes going to lose. But the bottom line is we didnt realize all the American People really wanted was protectionist paul ryan. On a policy or political basis, i dont think thats true. But we do know thats how they would govern. But his presidency would be completely overwhelmed by his personal human flaws because president s dont change when they become president s. They just become more like themselves. The character flaws that are revealed in the campaign are what dictate their behavior when theyre in office because its the most stressful and insane job in the world. Theyve made it too powerful. Weve put this incredible pressure on donald trump, have we seen one moment where hes risen to the occasion . Not one moment in this entire campaign has he demonstrated under pressure he can behave like a responsible adult. I feel like this is so obvious now. Well, thank you for spelling it out, jon. Jon lovett, thank you for joining me. Joining me now april ryan, sam seder. The president was in North Carolina today. Hes been doing this riff of sort of whats on the ballot. I want to play that because its definitely how he sees this race. I think its not a work shop for public consumption idea of whats on the ballot. Its pretty clear how hed use it. Take a listen. All the progress that weve made over the last eight years, all the progress we hope to make over the next eight years, all of that goes out the window if we dont win this election. And we dont win this election potentially if we dont win North Carolina. So i hate to put a little pressure on you, but the fate of the republic rests on your shoulders. The fate of the world is teetering, and you, North Carolina, are going to have to make sure that we push it in the right direction. You know, april, the fate of the republic, when the president spoke in cleveland, he said democracys on the ballot. You cover that white house and that office. I mean, do you get the sense they really view this as existential, whats going to happen in six days . They view this as dire. This is real. Donald trump is talking about not only defunding but really reapper repealing what they called obamacare which is the aca. And thats something that obama understands that needs to be tweaked and maybe fixed in a couple of places, but thats a legacy piece. Thats history for this man. He wants to make sure that people have health care. He also is concerned about the issue of criminal justice, another legacy piece. If donald trump were to be president of the United States, donald trump would look at it as an either or issue. It would not be an issue of supporting police and weeding out bad policing and also supporting the community that feels the distrust. It would be support the police. So theres so many things the on that list to also include issues of Climate Change and the work theyve done there. So this president views this as his legacy and also the fact that, you know, again, and you talk about it a minute ago, the Supreme Court as well. Theres a chance that we could actually have two or three justices that are up in the next term of a president. If Hillary Clinton is there, the legacy of president obama will continue. It could lean a little bit left to the consternation of the right. These substantive issues that april talks about, theres sort of one level that i think the president and i think thats been weirdly absent from the campaign because its totally absent. Partly because policy is hard to talk about in the context of donald trump. Like who knows, right . No, thats all there. He would be elected, he would have republicans in the house and senate almost certainly and would do things the like, you know, repeal the the amazing thing about trump is he representing two ideas that are not mutually exclusive. He can on one hand be a rubber stamp for the most right wing policies that weve seen in generations. And on the other hand be a total loose cannon. Thats right. And go off the reservation and do things that could actually put the country in grave peril, frankly. Its not like donald trump goes in with any type of policy apparatus. So theres no one to say paul ryan, thats why paul ryan and all the people that are coming home to donald trump as you watch republicans who nine days ago were issuing statements about the man who was saying grabbed them by the pword and then accused on the record by 12 women who say he did exactly what he boasted about and how disgraceful it was and how they cant bring themselves to back an individual like this, as they come home, well, i think i will vote for him, its because theyre going to be handed the keys to the castle. No, its not just that. Lets be honest. From day one, it has been because the plurality of Republican Voters are you want to call them trumpistas . I call them the republican base. They have been groomed to appreciate this guys style. Its not even a question of policy. Paul ryan is doing this out of fear. All these republicans are acting in their best interests as seen through the prism of their voters. This is who the Republican Party is. This is Rush Limbaugh built this. April, how do you view i mean, theres this feeling that sort of our institutions are being stressed. Youve got the court, weve got a 44 court which lord knows how that place out if theres any kind of contested election. Five weeks of wondering who would be president. I was there. Oh, my gosh. You also have got the fbi which now seems its one thing the comey letter, but just the string of leaks. Ive got to say in both directions politically. Theres a preliminary inquiry into manafort. Theyre clearly leaking a ton in ways that really call into question just the Core Integrity of the operation. You know, after the july announcement from comey, there were many people republicans who were very upset. And there were leaks all over the place. And im talking this is preletter, prea coup a couple ago, pre letter from fbi to congress. Once you hear about the letter to congress, it makes you wonder. Going back to leaks, we were hearing a lot of consternation in that building in the inner circle of comey, then all of a sudden this happens just days out. This breaks tradition. Yes. What does this do to an election a few days out . And it sets a precedent. Its a bad precedent. Weve never seen this before. No. I just tell you, the integrity of comey as well as the fbi is in question. It makes you wonder. You go back in history and think about some of the things we read in the history books about things that were happening to dr. King and others. You just wonder, you just wonder. You are seeing the groundwork laid for this stress test on american institutions that this campaign has been in a way thats been fascinating as a political journalist and terrifying as a citizen. And it may break the way we do things. This could be well, the point is that theres a lot riding on what happens next week. Yes. But its also going to continue after in some fashion. Oh, of course. Absolutely right. April ryan and same seder, thank you very much. Will donald trump be able to get the electoral votes that Hillary Clintons counting on winning . A new poll points to an answer that may please nervous democrats. Just serve classy snacks and be a gracious host, no matter who shows up. Do you like nuts . G new cars. Youre smart. You already knew that. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre even smarter. This is truecar. Want a great way to help our children thrive . Then be sure to vote yes on proposition 55. Prop 55 doesnt raise taxes on anyone. Instead, it simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians to prevent education cuts that would hurt our kids. No wonder prop 55 is endorsed by the california pta, teachers and educators. Because all of us want to help our children thrive. Its time to vote yes on proposition 55. Its time to vote yes keeping the power lines clear,my job to protect public safety, while also protecting the environment. The Natural World is a beautiful thing, the work that we do helps us protect it. Public education is definitely a big part of our job, to teach our customers about the best type of trees to plant around the power lines. We want to keep the power on for our customers. We want to keep our community safe. This is our community, this is where we live. We need to make sure that we have a beautiful place for our children to live. Together, were building a better california. You need to win 270 electoral votes to become president. We showed Hillary Clinton with enough to take the presidency but not by much. Clintons electoral vote total in the battleground map is down from last month as new hampshire, North Carolina have been moved from lean democrat to tossup. But even if trump wins all the states now considered tossups, including arizona, florida and ohio, hell still fall short of the presidency unless he can pick up a state that now leans blue. Heres an average of the latest polling out of those blueleaning states trump is now targeting. Colorado, michigan, new mexico, pennsylvania, virginia, wisconsin. As you can see clinton holds a clear but certainly not overwhelming lead in each of those states. Joining me margie omeara. So today so heres where we are. The race has narrowed, i think its fair to say. Right . Would you agree with that . The polling reflects a narrow race. That doesnt necessarily mean that the race overall has narrowed. But thats what the public polling says right now. So this is a key distinction, i think. Yes. Because theres some reason to believe that polling is capturing in this race a kind of much more enthusiasm or mood of voters Response Rates than the actual intention of voting and that the internal Data Campaign seen has been much more consistent than the polling fluctuations. Is that what youre referring to . Yes. If you look at the overall averages, they are more stable. Theres a great piece by doug rivers at real clear politics that goes into this in lots of nerdy, geeky detail that people should go read which is that what they found which is consistent with what others say about their own polling is that when things are tough for their candidate, their base is not excited about picking up the phone. That accounts for some of the fluctuations. But it makes sense when you look at how little impact the comey letter is really having on the race when you ask people about it directly, doesnt seem to make a difference. So you look at the states, so some of the averages and the forecast like the princeton forecast which is more focused on state polling than on National Polling is consistently more optimistic for clinton because the state polling consistently shows more of an advantage for clinton. So today a funny moment for real political geeks, right, which was the marquette poll was unveiled in wisconsin. Gold standard. Gold standard, right . Yes. Theres a few reasons why this is a big moment. One of the reasons is because that state has not been polled that routinely, not a ton of polls coming out of there. Theres a lot of indications by campaign behavior that the senate race has narrowed between Russ Feingold and ron johnson. You had trump there yesterday and the trump folks have been making a lot of noise that theyre now competitive in traditionally blue states like michigan and wisconsin. Hillary clinton up by 6. What do you make of this push by trump folks into states like michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, et cetera . Well, they have to i mean, they dont have a choice. They have to go into other states because their path is narrower. And they also want to force the Clinton Campaign to spend money in a variety of places even though the Clinton Campaign has such a massive advantage in terms the of infrastructure, which is something consistent with what we found at psb, Adam Rosenblatt who helps run our political department, measured the recall of contact, ten different types of contact. And the main advantage that trump has is on swag, on stickers and lawn signs. So which is very consistent with our reporting about how he spent a lot on hats, right . Twothirds of americans across the country, not even in battleground states say, yes, theyve seen stickers and lawn signs. And i know this upsets a lot of democrats. Thats part of why you see a lot of people freaking out this week. Me, too. I dont like seeing trump over 1 , i get upset. But when people see this public display, they worry that that means the race is narrowing. If you look at the averages, if you look at the states polling, you see consistently, even if its narrowed a bit even if were not sure whats causing the noise, its still ultimately showing a clinton advantage. Finally the question here is what how confident are you that the polling is not headed for some big miss, right . Thats the sort of big question. Right. So the first thing is if trump wins thats a much bigger problem than the polling being amiss. Thats my personal view. The stakes here are more important than the polling methodological stakes. If i had to trade a polling miss for trump not winning, that would be an easy call. But i feel very confident in the polling industry. The polling in the primaries, which is tougher, really only had a few misses. You have so many outlets that are polling, so many resources dedicated to getting the polling right. So many outlets covering polling in so much detail. We do on our podcast. Theres a zillion other outlets covering this closely. But they all point to really the same conclusion. And using a variety of different methodologies, phone and online and cell phone that i feel confident that polling as an industry has the tools and the infrastructure and the emphasis and prioritization and methodology to do a good job of predicting. Coming up a historically black church burns with the words vote trump painted on the side. Narrator adventure can be found anywhere but the best place to start is in the forest. Kubo i spy something beginning with. S beetle snow. Kubo no. Beetle snow covered trees. Monkey nothing to do with snow. Narrator head outside to discover incredible animals and beautiful plants that come together to create an unforgettable adventure. Kubo wow narrator so grab your loved ones monkey dont even. Narrator and explore a world of possibilities. Kubo come on, this way. Narrator visit discovertheforest. Org to find the closest forest or park to you. Early this morning in iowa two des moines, iowa, Police Officers were shot and killed in what authorities are calling two ambush style attacks. It was 1 06 a. M. Found urbandale officer Justin Martin shot dead in the front seat of his squad car. A rookie officer, this was his first year on the job. 20 minutes later, two miles away, des Moines Sergeant tony beminio, was shot in his squad car. A husband and father. He died at the hospital. Hours later Police Identify 46yearold Scott Michael greene as the alleged gunman. He surrendered and was taken into custody. Greene was known to local law enforcement. Urbandale police helped remove him from a High School Football game after he brought a Confederate Flag to the game. He appears to have posted that video on youtube in which he claims africanAmerican People hit him and took his Confederate Flag. He also claimed the police were assaulting him. I think ive been assaulted by you. You grabbed me. I escorted you outside the stadium, sir. You grabbed me. I escorted you out of the stadium, sir. In a separate youtube post he posted this showing him Holding American and Confederate Flags. You can see the reaction of the crowd. According to the des moines reggister, the stadium is at the intersection where one of the officers was found dead early wednesday. President obama condemned the shameful acts of violence and Hillary Clinton and donald trump expressed condolences and sympathies for the officers families. The Hopewell Baptist church in greenville, mississippi, was engulfed in flames and the words vote trump were painted on the side of the building. Greenvilles mayor called it a heinous, hateful and cowardly act. I talked to folks who were fearful. I talked to people who were intimidated. I talked to people who, quite frankly, were sad and crying last night. That should not happen in 2016. It happened in the 50s, in the 60s, but were in 2016. That should not happen. Authorities have yet to identify a suspect or a motive, but burnings and black churches have been a long run forum for White Supremacy in this country. Well take a look at what they have planned for election day and beyond, next. Ady inside me i use whats already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me with onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what its supposed to do release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen and i may even lose a little weight. 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If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, click to activate your within. Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. [burke] hot dog. Seen it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum Hillary Clinton has received the lions share of newspaper endorsements across the country this week, donald trump got a nod of support from one paper. Its called the crusader. It is the official newspaper of the ku klux klan. Under the headline make America Great again accompanied by a photo of trump embraces the nominees message. While trump wants to make America Great again, we have to ask ourselves what made America Great in first place . The short answer to that is simple. America was great not because of our forefathers did, but because of who they were. America was founded as a White Christian republic. As a White Christian republic, it became great. The author of the editorial told the Washington Post this wasnt an endorsement of trump but, quote, we do like his nationalist views. The Trump Campaign has distanced itself from the papers support. The publication is repulsive and their views do not represent the tense of millions of americans who are uniting behind our campaign. Theyre hypotheticaling their efforts will go beyond election day. Trump has unleashed forces much bigger than he is that simply cant be put back in the bottle. Joining me now, political reporter for the daily beast. Her latest piece how do you get david duke to leave your party . Is in esquire. The most famous rightly reviled white supremacist in america, david duke, who is a big donald trump fan and sees this as his moment. Youve been covering him. In late october i went to octoberfest with him, if you can believe that. And he was really in support of trump. He was telling me how happy he was that trump has been using the same los angeles aboanguage immigrants that he was using when they did the Border Patrol watch. This language of globalists, this is something that duke has used that is very common in the sort of john birch society, that is a real core like globalist versus nationalist is a language that now extends, a dichotomy that extends from the avowed racist fringes of david duke into the heart of the rhetoric of the republican nominee. Right. You hear steve bannon, of course, Trumps Campaign ceo is a big fan of using that word. Roger stone uses that word now donald trump does as well. You see a trickle from the very far alt right to the Trump Campaign. Duke told me that he believes trump listens to his radio show. He said he cant prove it, but he suspects that he does. He also thought he read his books, but i dont think trump is much of a reader. But the radio show seems like its a possibility. When you hear him saying the same sort of things that donald trump says. You hear him saying the same sort of things that david duke says, it seems like a possibility. And david duke talked to me about ann coulter. When you read her book, she sounds a lot like he sounds. All of this seems to be coming together in the Trump Campaign. They need to do soul searching and ask themselves why are all these white nationalists supporting them. One of the things that should be clear, and this is not the statement that everyone that supports donald trump is a member of the kkk, of course, and also whats interesting here is david duke is going to be annihilated in this race. His brand of extremely explicit, hyperexplicit white supremacist, White Nationalism is not a political winner even in the state of louisiana. No, he did make the debate as we speak. Hes one of several of a handful of candidates. So likely hell get annihilated, hes not doing as badly as you would think he would be doing, given his history. Its very troubling. He was actually passing out hats that says im for duke and trump at this event while he was campaigning. Troubling to see people walking up to him wanting selfies, wanting to wear these hats. People do see an obvious connection between david duke and donald trump. There is a feeling among these folks and again, like its hard to get your head around what the numbers are when you talk about people that are explicitly avowedly identified as white nationalists, for instance, that this is kind of a moment for them. And whatever happened in this Trump Campaign, you know, in the way that a certain kind of conservative found the Goldwater Campaign was lost but they learned how to organize and sort of enter politics, that this kind of represents that for them. Yeah, i think that they see right now a real opportunity with donald trump taking their language to the mainstream, to the mainstream political discourse. When you see donald trump talking on cable news every day on the way they talk, on their radio shows, on twitter or on their reddit forums, its very validating for them. Its been hard to distinguish when you deal with these what i call nazi frogs on twitter and these various trolls, but then you see someone at a trump event using the word lugenpressa, which is the nazi term for lying press. You think so yourself, man, i guess there are really people out there like who are doing that. Maybe its not all about economic disenfranchisement. Maybe not just a bunch of bots or weirdos on twitter. Theres actual human beings in the real world doing this. There are real people who believe this sort of stuff. David duke believes this sort of stuff and he supports donald trump. And you see them at the rallies, obviously not all Trump Supporters are bigots, not all Trump Supporters are probably with the Nazi Movement or white nationalists. But there seem to be an unusually high number of people who do have that world view that support donald trump and i think you have to ask why. Thats a good question. Great to have you. Thank you. Stel ahethe mob figure donal claims he never met that is, yes, standing next to him in this new picture. Ill talk to the reporter that broke that story. Thing 1, thing 2 right after this break. I love my shop, but my back pain was making it hard to sleep and open up on time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. That i would never le become a superhero. [singing indistinctly] but i learned how to fly. Just to come back in a new disguise, and be the hero ive always wanted to be. G new cars. Youre smart. You already knew that. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre even smarter. This is truecar. Thing 1 tonight perhaps one of the most stupendous public displays of it wasnt me. Texas agricultural commissioner sid miller, vocal trump supporter who trump has called a great guy over the weekend. His twitter account tuesday posted an offensive message calling Hillary Clinton the cword. It cited a pennsylvania poll with trump at had44 and cword 43. Then someone deleted the tweet and miller for texas has been hacked. The disgusting retweet has been removed. Be advised, which sounds serious. Although its a little strange the supposedly hacked tweet looks like a whole bunch of other tweets sent out from this account this afternoon. Shortly after the update miller or his team said the tweet was hacked and the campaign was retweeting information on twitter today and inaverntly retweeted a tweet that they were not aware contained a derogatory term. The tweet was taken down as soon as possible. A retweet, sometimes you hit the retweet button. But that doesnt seem to add up either since the tweet clearly comes from his handle. So less than an hour later another update. Miller again talks to local nbc reporter saying the reason the tweet did not say rt is because it was cut and pasted. Campaign confirmed this final version of the story claiming a staffer cut and pasted the tweet. Well, the story gets even more interesting. Who sent the original vulgar tweet that millers staff cut and pasted . Thats thing 2. In 60 seconds. It needs to be earned every day. Using wellness to keep away illness. And believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. As a Health Services and Innovation Company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. So while the world keeps searching for healthier were here to make healthier happen. [dance music playing] [music stops] woman looks like its done. [whistle] [dance music playing] [record scratch] announcer dont let salmonella get funky with your chicken. On average, one in 6 americans will get a foodborne illness this year. You cant see these microbes, but they might be there. So, learn the right temperature to cook each type of meat. Keep your family safe at foodsafety. Gov. Quite the two step trying to explain how this offensive tweet calling Hillary Clinton the cword. They claimed it was hacked. Finally they said a staffer cut and pasted that language from another twitter account. Who sent the original tweet that an unnamed staffer allegedly read, cut and pasted into his account. The ricky vaughn, a notoriously vulgar and antisemitic trump user. Its either the reincarnation or an homage dubbed an outright celebrity by the Southern Poverty Law Center and suspended by twitter this month. If you are surprised that an unnamed staffer would cut and paste from that alt right users account we should know that hes previously tweeted from that account. The ricky vaughn handle got the same fate as ricky vaughn 99 suspended by twitter this time for posting voter misinformation aimed at minorities. So at least in the near term theres one less alt right account for millers team to worry about copying. Is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own . Or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions . Your personal success takes a Financial Partner who values it as much as you do. Learn more at tiaa. Org weand sustainability goals asool one of our top priorities. Mental i definitely rely on pg e to be an energy advisor. Anything from rebates, to how can we be more efficient . Pg e has a number of programs, to help schools save on energy. When i see a program that fits them, then i bring it to them. With the help of pg e weve been able to save a tremendous amount of energy and a tremendous amount of money. Were able to take those savings and invest it right back into the classroom. Together, were building a better california. Donald trump has on more than one occasion said he wouldnt recognize a man named robert labuti who had a history of fraud and had ties to new york mob boss john gotti. He told the Philadelphia Inquirer i heard hes a high roller but if hes standing in front of me i wouldnt know what he looked like. Today yahoo news appeared to show trump standing next to him in 1998. He can be seen sitting next to the threehour event in a front row seat next to trump and his thenwife evivana. When mike isikoff reported that he had a longtime relationship trump said during the year i very successfully ran the casino business, i knew many high rollers. I assume mr. Libutti was one of them, but i dont recognize the name. This was obviously a massive event which took place decades ago. Mr. Trump attended many similar events with thousands of people during this time period. Libutti was a high roller in Atlantic City casinos, the wall street journal reported that according to state documents his gambling losses earned trump plaza 11 million. Trumps casino in Atlantic City sought to accommodate him by keeping the employees away from his betting tables. The casino was fined 200,000 in 1991 for preventing especially black employees from getting near libutti was he was gambling. He had on multiple occasions berated blacks and using the vilest language, that the trump plaza in order not to lose substantial business sought to accommodate him. He was convicted of tax fraud and died in 2014. When we come back well talk to a man who knew him. Announcer theyll test you. Try to break your will. But however loud the loudness gets. However many cheese puffs may fly. Youre the driver. The one in control. Stand firm. Just wait. [click] and move only when you hear the click that says theyre buckled in for the drive. Never give up till they buckle up. With, do business with any organized figure in order to bill buildings . I never have had to. And to be honest abowith you, bg a celebrity at a very high level is a good thing because theyre sort of im not saying the mob doesnt exist. But they want to keep it low. They want to really keep it low. The last thing they want to do is meet with donald trump and have 500 paparazzi taking pictures. The answer is no. Joining me now Michael Isikoff and author of the making of donald trump. Michael, this is a fascinating report. To me theres a few things going on, but one is just the denial look i wouldnt know the guy from adam, which seems pretty implausible once you read all the reporting you put together and look at the photo. Right. Not only that, but i did talk to robert libuttis daughter for the original piece we did back in march and was quite upset. Called donald trump a liar. When i told her that he was saying that he didnt know her father. She said thats ridiculous. We spent lots of time together. My father did. Flew on his helicopter. Partied on his yacht. They knew each other quite well. So and when you got to this story about the video proof showing the two of them side by side ringside at wrestlemania in 1998, bob libutti is sitting with donald and ivana trump throughout the event, edie, his daughter, made it clear this wasnt by happenstance. He was he and edie were the invited guests of donald trump, she told me. So all that sort of when you put it all together, its pretty clear theres a relationship there. And on top of that its worth remembering that bob libutti was the biggest customer at the trump plaza casino, gambled millions of dollars. And also caused the casino quite a bit of problems. You know, david, you reported for years about this sort of element of trumps life and the degree to which there were extensive connections. And partly i dont even know if there were more than the normal connections of people involved in the gambling business particularly in Atlantic City that with folks that were in organized crime. Well, bob is not a mob member. He was an soeshassociate of peo. He was a swindler in the horse races. His daughter would tell you he was a smart businessman. He was donalds customer. Take donald at his word. He didnt know his biggest customer . Thats certainly an indictment. I spent a lot of time with bob back then. And he told lots of stories. Donald trump actually had a professionally made video for bobs daughter edie for her 35th birthday and gave her a creamcolored mercedes convertible as part of a ploy to try and seduce her, which led bob libutti threaten to take extraordinarily painful action against trump were he to continue pursuing his daughter because she was married. You know, to zoom out here, right, so weve got this story. But to me the sort of important thing about a story like this in context of whats happening now and six days from now is, you know, you have someone with a whole bunch of different business entities. Those entities may have certain conflicts, they may have certain interests, there may be debts that are owed to people, they might be in league with unsavory folks, Kurt Eichenwald has documented that. We all knew nothing. Its a black box as we step towards what could be the entirely unprecedented situation of the president of the United States operating the Family Business essentially out of the white house. Michael . Yeah, well, a couple things. First of all, i think theres two sort of takeaways from all this. First is the obvious one. There is something of a pattern here of when you Ask Donald Trump about people from his past who may have been unsavory. He uses pretty much consistently the same language, i wouldnt know him if he walked into the room. Its what he said about lob libutl bob libutti. What he said about the russian emigre organized crime guy convicted felon who worked for the trump organization. There is that pattern as well as many of the women who have made accusations against him. The sort of just flippant, i dont know him. I dont know who youre talking about. But secondly, just getting back to the core issues in the when i said before libutti had caused problems for trump plaza, one of those was the case involving discrimination, violation of new jersey civil rights laws where the casino was accommodating a guy who demanded that africanamericans and women be removed from the crap tables when he was betting because their presence upset him. And rather than denying that request or kicking bob libutti out of the casino, they accommodated him. To be clear, this was not an allegation, this was a finding by the regulatory body that fined him for it. Chris, its a little different than the way michael put it, just to be clear. Libutti certainly used the most vicious, vile language and everybody around him when he was losing a the tabe ining at the. But bob libutti thought it was awful that they should have to listen to this stuff. But he told me what kind of a person would remove these people because of what i said . I didnt ask them to be removed. Trumps a racist. That seems like a distinction than a difference. Thats the reason they were fined because the hotel did remove them. Thats exactly. He did remove them. Adding one more point, theres no indication that trump was ever questioned as part of that investigation. Right. But given that they apparently had this relationship, you would think that would be a logical question. Did the guy who owns the hotel, did he order this or was he aware yeah. That you were moving people from the craps tables to accommodate this guy. That was the real plot twist in that story. I was reading through it. Thank you so much for your time. Thank you. That is all in for this evening. The Rachel Maddow show starts right now. Good evening, rachel. Thanks, my friend. You bet. Thanks for joining us this hour. Happy wednesday. This is Robert Rozier. Rozier. He was born in alaska, a really excellent football player. He went to uc berkeley, played defensive end for cal. Then after his time at cal, he was drafted into the nfl. In the 1979 nfl draft he was a ninth round draft pick. He went to the st. Louis cardinals. Unfortunately for Robert Rozier and the cardinals he didnt last even half a season. Ended up getting kicked off the cardinals squad, banged around the league for not all that many weeks. He did end up playing for a little while in canada, but ultimately Robert Rozier ended up back in the United States and in

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