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States senator, Ted Strickland. Love this man. Your current senator whos fighting for you every single day, sheriff brown. A couple of your outstanding members of congress, joyce beatty and tim ryan. I know the Ohio Democratic party has been preparing for this election. You know, a strong party depends on great Public Servants being elected at the local level and the School Boards and the City Councils and the mayors office. And your Field Operation has helped us win important races from akron to toledo. Chilikoff to warren. And through the spring, even as we democrats had a hardfought primary, you kept signing up thousands of value tiers. Registering thousands of voters. Were going to keep our eye on the president who we imagine after this sort of ceremonial opening in which hes talking about the race there with Ted Strickland running against incumbent rob portman in the Ohio Democratic party will probably turn his sights to the president ial election which is what donald trump is talking about there. Trump faced with an ever expanding set of allegations about his conduct with women is retreating into a posture of aggrieved paranoia. After the bus tape went public, trump bragging about how fame allows him to prey on women, the republican nominee distinguished between words and actions at sunday nights debate and said he didnt do the acts described on tape. Yesterday individual women started coming forward with their own stories by inappropriate behavior of trump. A day later it hasnt stopped. We should note none of these storieses have been confirmed by nbc news. Last night the New York Times publiced its bombshell report on two women both on the record who said trump did some of the same things to them he boasted about. One of them said trump kissed her without her consent. The other, jessica leeds, said she was seated next to trump on a plane in the 1980s. When he started putting his hand up my skirt and that was it. That was it. I i was out of there. Trump denies the report, is now threatening to sue the New York Times. More on that later. Also last night the palm beach reported on a woman named mindy mcgillivary the trump camp denies those allegations as well. After our show last night, minutes after it ended People Magazine published an account by one of its own write who are said trump physically attacked her at maralago in 2005 while she was working on a feature about him and his wife, melania. We took a break for the then very pregnant melania to change clothes for photos. He wanted to show me around the mansion. We walked into the room alone. Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around. Within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat. Its quite a story worth your time to read in full. The account bears striking resemblance to the store told by jill harth, later dropping it. She said grope harassed her when they worked on a business deal in the early 90s including one memorable incident at maralago. It started out as a group tour but at90s including one memorable incident at maralago. It started out as a group tour but at a very soon opportunity he gave me a private tour. And thats when pulled me aside and the childrens room and made another sexually aggressive advance on me where he tried to make his move. He pushed me up against the wall and had his hands all over me and tried to get up my dress again. Trump denies the allegations by both harth and Natasha Stoynoff People Magazine writer. Miss arizona 2001, tasha dixson, told cbs news trump walked into contestants changing rooms, something he, himself, bragged about doing on the howard stern show. Our first introduction to him when was we were at the dress rehearsal half naked changing into our bikinis. To have the owner come waltzing in wean were naked or half naked in a vulnerable position and have the pressure of the people who work for him trying to go fawn all over him, go walk up to him, talk to him. Trump has yet to comment on dixons story. Yesterday buzzfeed reported trump had done something similar with teenage beauty queens some as young as 15 though some of the contestanted disputed that account. This morning on today show, miss utah 1997 recounted her own story of being kissed on the mouth by trump. He turned to me and embraced me and gave me a kiss on the lips and i remember being shocked and, because i would have just thought to shake somebodys hand. Its really hard because you think of sending your little daughter out there sorry with men like that that think like that. I think of the possibility of having somebody like donald trump become president when he has the history that he has. When hes spoken like he like weve all heard him speak. It terrifies me. I dont want my kids looking up to somebody like that. Trump has denied her account as well as the buzzfeed report. Then theres the little known rape suit against the republican nominee, an anonymous woman alleging trump raped her when she was just 13. Yesterday a federal judge assigned an initial court date of december 16th for the civil lawsuit which trump slammed as a baseless attempt to smear him. Most of this broke in just the last day and a half. The past couple hours alone, there have already been new unverified reports of trump looking up models skirts and telling 14yearolds hell soon be dating them. Who knows if theres more to come. The controversy over trumps treatment of women have taken toll on his poll numbers in his relationship with his own party. The more donald trump gets backed into a corner, the more he reverts to the dark dystopic world view of outlets like breitbart and infowars. Trump denied the allegations against him and cast doubt on his accusers. These vicious claims about me of Inappropriate Conduct with women are totally and absolutely false. These events never, ever happened and the people that said them meekly fully understand you take a look at these people, you study these people, and youll understand also. At that rally, trump spoke in apocalyptic, messianic terms about the state of the country and his own role in changing it. This is not simply another fouryear election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we, the people, reclaim control over our government. This is a struggle for the survival of our nation. Believe me. And this will be our last chance to save it on november 8th. Remember that. Trump also borrowed language from longstanding antisemitic conspiracy theories to explain his faltering campaign. The clinton machine is at the center of this power structure. Weve seen this firsthand in the wikileaks documents in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with International Banks to plot the destruction of u. S. Sovereignty in order to enrich these Global Financial powers, her special interests friends, and her donors. Their Financial Resources are virtually unlimited. Their political resources are unlimited. Their Media Resources are unmatched. And most importantly, the depths of their immorality is absolutely unlimited. Thats Donald Trumps vision of this campaign in america right now. Lets take a listen now as the president talks about what his and the democrat partys vision is. On the other hand you got somebody who each and every day, every time he talks, proves himself unfit and unqualified for this office. And i dont need to spend a huge amount of time selling this crowd on hillary. If you want to hear the best case for Hillary Clinton, you want to hear the very real stakes in this election, i would advise you to link up to michelles speech from earlier today in new hampshire. She was pretty good. I mean, she thats why you get married, to improve your gene pool. So your kids end up being superior to you. So i dont need to sell you on hillary and i dont need to sell you on ted. You guys know her, know him, have seen the track record that they have put together. But im going to go ahead and say some nice things about ted, anyway, because hes here. You know, i could not be prouder to call ted a friend. He was a great congressman for the people of southeast ohio. He was a great governor for everybody in ohio. He was a Great Campaign cochair for me in 2012. And theres a reason that teds always put working families first, because in those families, he sees his own families. He knows what its like to struggle. He knows their hopes and their dreams. Hes the son of a steelworker. Hes the first in his family to go to college. Hes a minister who doesnt just talk the talk, but lives out his faith and a Public Servant who puts his values into action. So when he was in congress, he fought to pass the Childrens Health insurance program. Working alongside hillary. Ted strickland, the senate candidate, former governor barack obama was talking about is running against incumbent rob portman, in a tough race, polling behind there, part of what tonights event, of course, fundraiser and also a boost for that candidacy. I want to bring in trump surrogate steve cortez who is on Trumps National hispanic advisory council. And steve, look, i want to sort of set the terms here, right, i understand that you are with the campaign and youre speaking at some level on their behalf and the official line from the campaign is that all of these are wrong. You know, i guess the question is, is there some point, eight, you know, you get from 7, 8, 10, 11, who knows where were going, like, you know, it does become more and more difficult to deny each individual one, doesnt it . Sure, you know, chris, listen, i will address your question but i first have to address you said in your palemic, your introduction, theres an antisemitism. I have to address this. I couldnt disagree more strenuously with you. Are you saying donald trump cant criticize the media and cant criticize International Banks without being accused of some sort of dog whistle of antisemitism . Whey said is it drew on longstanding antisemitic Global International bankers she meets with behind closed door to undermine national sovereignty. I think its a fair statement to say that does draw on or at least reference those tropes. I can read you from the protocols of the elders of zion. Im not saying he did that knowingly. Maybe he didnt. Theres more than a passing similarity between that conceptual area and what he talks about today, yes. I think thats an absurd stretch. This is a man whos lived his entire life in new york city, a man who has a jewish daughter, jewish grandchildren. The idea hes somehow secretly lived as an antisemite is i dont think he has. I will introduce you to some of the people who tweet me sometimes about jews being pushed into ovens. Folks in their make America Great hats talking about how great the holocaust is which is not something ive encountered in my life in politics in america or dozens of others who perceive that kind of thing. This has been an incredibly polarizing race. I receive a lot of tweet hate thats frankly despicable as well. Fair enough. Sadly, there are a lot of loons on both sides. To get to your point, its a fair point. Do strength in numbers mean something in terms of the accusations . I would like to only speak to the on the record accusations. There are two that are important, the New York Times ones and the People Magazine ones. The Palm Beach Post is four and miss utah thats five. You were not there. I was not there. The New York Times was not there. All of thats true. None of us knows what happens. We dont. Lets be honest about that. Definitively. Agree. Im a believer in donald trump, im a believer in the record of empowering women, his organization, the trump businesses hes run, his enterprises and his campaign run by an incredibly strong woman. So i believe him in his categorical denials. None of us can argue a kount factual, neither of us know on either side. I totally agree with you none of us were there. Again, all incidents like this are somewhat black boxes, right, theres a little bit of who you trust in it. We do have this situation in which the candidate in question, the person accused in question, has been caught talking on tape saying that he kisses women without their consent, that women will let him do anything because hes famous and you can grab them by the genitals. Right. We also have examples of people coming forward to say that is precisely what he did to me, exactly what he said he did on that tape. I think that contributes to ones assessment of the credibility, dont you . Sure. Listen, i do understand it, that ridiculous conversation, that repugnant conversation that he had over a decade ago has made him more open to these kinds of allegations. And ill be the first to admit that. But when i look at the totality of donald trump, when i look at what is knowable about his life and his Business Career and his campaign, i think hes arguing strenuously for the empowerment of women, when he talks about childcare, when he talks about economic growth, when he talks about security. I believe this is a same with the beauty pageants, do you think the beauty pageants are that, a good example of that . Listen, i dontbeauty pagean i dont know, either. I know he ran four of them. I think this is important, too, to your point, donald trump has not spent his time in politics, right . No, he spent a lot of time running beauty pageants. Very new to this. Beauty pageants were part of a media empire. He ran a hospitality and media empire and did not live a scripted life. Quite the opposite of Hillary Clinton who what i would argue has been essentially running for office and, by the way, on the public dole for decades. And so because of that, because he lived in a world of reality tv and hollywood and beauty pageants, theres some real ly inelegant moments in there. Ill agree with you. The Public Record of statements are not the Public Records of someone whos been thinking about running for office for a long time. Steve cortez, thanks for your time. Appreciate it. Thank you. That is donald trump doing i believe his third event today. Hes speaking to folks there. Joining me, michelle goldberg, columnist at slate. Joshua green, Senior National correspondent at Bloomberg Business week. Steve, its a fair point, antisemitism is a powerful charge. Aisle n im not saying the speech is antisemitic. Theres a world view in which that has a familial relationship to, a world view you hear on infowars, world view of breitbart and bannon, this idea of a total conspiracy thats aligned against the good and the righteous and sort of the book as represented by donald trump. That is kind of coming from that campaign. That is what that campaign is mainlining, isnt that true . Certainly steeped in that e those. If you look at the campaign chairman, where he comes from, yeah. Theres also a kind of, we reached a stage where theres really a kitchensink approach where, you know, trump is in a bunker with these guys and its them against the world. You can see theyre literally says this in their tv ads, so any attack on Hillary Clinton is a worthwhile one from the trump standpoint now. Yeah. Michelle, youve i mean, youve reported on politics for a long time, and this the picture thats being painted here in that florida speech which i think was the darke ese weve ever seen from him is its all rigged, theres a total incomprehensive conspiracy alied against me. Whats really terrifying is if he loses which is looks like hes probably going to lose, you know, the people ive spoken to Trump Supporters quite recently who still dont believe hes behind in the polls, who still believe that if he is behind in the polls its because the polls are rigged. To believe that the American People writ large are behind trump and hes telling them what i think what theyre hearing from other sources as well which is the only way they lose these things is if certain screami sc global elites who control the media and International Banking and sometimes have three parentheses around their names when they appear on twitter, because those people are going to steal it from them because those people released these tapes to discredit donald trump. It just what how are they going i mean, how are they going to react . Its setting us up, i think, for a spasm. Theres a lot of groups that are going to be targeted in the spasm of violence that is likely to follow a donald trump loss. And i think, you know, i dont know that jews are the ones who have the most to fear from this, you know, certainly muslims and illegal immigrants. Ive never felt so uneasy as a jew in america as i have been watching this. I hope thats not the case. We hope the rhetoric of the campaign is heated and theres a sort of ebbing of that, but josh, to michelles point, something ive been very curious about, you wrote a great profile of steve bannon, you got sources in the campaign. Do they understand theyre losing . You know, im not sure they do. I thing theres two things going on. When i talked to them, two things come out. One, trump psychologically just can never be on the defensive. He wont allow himself to be, right . So the more the more serious and plentiful the charges of groping, or sexual improprieties or whatever, the more aggressively hes going to hit back. Thats just trumps nature. The other thing i think we got to talk about is look who is in trumps inner circle. Bannon, david bosse, kelly conwco kellyanne conway. They are all specialists in clinton scandals. There is no analogous category on the left. Like you cant be a lefty who spends his life, like, doing bush scandals or romney scandals. It just doesnt exist. Right. You can make a career for yourself specializing in clinton scandals. Here we are in the last 30 days of the campaign, trump is desperate. These guys have his ear and conservatives have wanted for two decades now to relitigate both clintons over their sex scandals and now is their moment. Like, so when i talk to these guys, they are not despondent. They are exultant. For conservatives, this is like cubs fans finally getting into the world series. This is what they want. Right. All right. Michelle goldberg, joshua green, thank you very much. Im going to go to the president right now. Take a listen. Number of people in the republican primaries believe, and the people who knew better didnt say anything. They didnt say, well, you know what, i disagree with his economic policies, but that goes too far. They didnt say, well, you know, im not sure his Foreign Policy is the right one for america, but, you know, we cant allow our politics to descend into the gutter. People like teds opponent. They stood by while this happened. And donald trump, as hes prone to do, he didnt build a building, himself, but he just slapped his name on it and took credit for it. And thats what happened in their party. All that bile, all the exaggeration, all the stuff that was not grounded in fact, just kind of bubbled up. Started surfacing. They know better. A lot of these folks who ran. And they didnt say anything. And so they dont get credit for at the very last minute when finally the guy that they nominated and they endorsed and they supported is caught on tape saying things that no descent person would even think, much less say, much less brag about, much less laugh about, or joke about, much less act on. You cant wait until that finally happens and then say, oh, thats too much, thats enough and think that somehow you are showing any kind of leadership and deserve to be elected to the United States senate. You dont get points for that. In fact, im more forgiving of the people who actually believe it. Than the people who know better and stood silently by out of political expediency because it was politically convenient. And if your only organizing principle has been to block progress and block what weve tried to do to help the American People every step of the way, so youre not even consistent anymo anymore, you claim the mantle of the party of family values. And this is the guy you nominate . And stand by and endorse and campaign with . Until finally, at the 11th hour, you withdraw your nomination . You dont get credit for that. Youre the party that is tough on Foreign Policy and opposes russia . Then you nominate this guy . Whose role model is vladimir putin, the former head of the kgb . Im sorry, what happened . Its its disappointing. It really is. Because, yes, im a democrat, but im an american first. And i actually believe in a strong twoparty system, and i think that the marketplace of ideas should have a reasonable common sense Republican Party debating a reasonable common sense Democratic Party, but that is not what we have right now. And the reason is because people like teds opponents who know better have stood silently by. Theyve been trying to block everything weve tried to do to help working folks for years now. Even here in the state of ohio, they opposed us trying to save the Auto Industry upon which hundreds of thousands of jobs depend. And then when it works out pretty good, youre taking credit for it. Man, look at this economy, its gone great. Yeah. But you sure didnt help. It wasnt because of your policies. Thats not why ohio grew, thats not why folks got back to work. So the point is if your only agenda is either negative negatives a euphemism ycraz, based on lies, based on hoaxes, this is the nominee you get. You make impossible. Now theyre shacked. Its like, remember that movie in casablanca, guy walks in, shocked that theres gambling in this establishment. Young people may not understand that reference. Go back, watch casablanca. Great movie. Humphrey bo gart. So donald trump may make most republican politicians look a little bit better by comparison. Its like the bars gotten so low, but these are these are the same republicans who tried to block us from rescuing the economy. Did not did not offer a single vote when it came to the recovery package that made sure that we started growing again long before any other advanced economy did. Same folks who didnt vote for the Auto Industry assistance that resulted now in recordbacking auto sales. The same folks who tried to take away folks Health Insurance every chance they get. Who refuse to allow votes on giving minimum wage workers a raise. Refused to support making sure women earn equal pay for equal work. How hard a concept is that . Why would you want your daughter to get paid 80 cents for doing the same job that somebody elses son is getting paid a buck to do . That doesnt make any sense. So dont dont dont act like this started with donald trump. I mean, he did take it to a whole new level. I got to give him credit. But he didnt come out of nowhere and thats why we got to win this election at every level. Thats where you come in, democrats. Thats where your work will make a difference. Thats where all the volunteer recruitment and the Voter Registration and the campus organizing comes into play. Because when democrats have everybody on the field, we cant lose. And the other side knows that. Thats why theyre always trying to make it harder for folks to vote. Which, by the way, you know, thats a big difference between our parties. Were the only advanced democracy that has one partys central principle being lets make it harder to vote. Doesnt happen other places. We dont think more voices participating in our democracy makes us weaker. Just like we dont try to divide people by race or faith or orientation or gender. We believe were stronger together, not divided. And if we keep speaking to americas hopes over their fears and if we inspire them rather than divide them, if we have concrete plans to respond to the very real challenges that folks face with the same sense of urgency and compassion and empathy that we feel in our own families and our own communities, if we care about every kid the same way we want this country to care about our kids, then well win in november. I know that at times this has been a deeply dispiriting election year. And as i think back to 2008, or even 2012, and the sense of energy and hope that we felt, and i think about all the incredible work that weve done and the promises that weve delivered on, sometimes you wonder how did we get to the point where we have such ranker, and there are a lot of theories about it. People have real struggles. In pockets of this country. Change is happening fast. Sometimes faster than we feel like we can absorb. Theres a constant stream of information coming at us and so much of what attracts attention is the bad news instead of all the incredible things that are taking place. In every corner of this great land. But some of it, i think, really does just have to do with the fact that whats best in us has all too often sfotood on the sidelines and hasnt been heard and has left the field to some of our worst impulses. So i want all of you to understand, when i reflect back on these eight years, and i think about all the places ive been, all 50 states, towns and hamlets and big cities. Suburbs and metropolises, met people from all walks of life, on the factory floor, in classrooms. Theres so much goodness in this country. Theres so much decency in this country. Theres so much hard work going on in this country. Theres so much ingenuity going on in this country. Theres so much optimism and peoples daytoday lives and so much resilience. And weve just got to give expression to that. We have to reflect our best selves. And that means even during political campaigns. Weve got to show our kids the values that we want to pass on to them. And you know what, the Democratic Party is not perfect. I can say that even in a Democratic Party dinner. We have our own blind spots and we have our own disagreements. We have Interest Groups that oftentimes are understandably thinking about their narrow slice of the issue when sometimes we contribute to sort of the lack of civility in our politics. We dont always check ourselves. There are times where were not consistent in what we expect from our own leadership versus others. The times where we ignore inconvenient truths, ourselves. But what im really proud about, what i continue to fundamentally believe, is that at its core, the Democratic Party believes that everybody counts. The Democratic Party believes in ordinary working people being able, if theyre working hard, to get ahead. The Democratic Party believes that we got to leave a country and a planet thats better than the one we inherited for the next generation. The Democratic Party believes that everybody has dignity and everybody has respect and everybodys worthy of consideration and the Democratic Party believes that were all in this together. And thats what we have to show for the next little less than 30 days. Thats what we have to fight for. This isnt just about winning elections. Its also about affirming this democracy and affirming the basic idea that people who love their country can change it. That the most Important Office in this country is the office of citizens. That ordinary people when they get together can transform this nation and can solve any problem and can overcome any obstacle and can heal any division. If you believe that, if you dont just go through the motions this time, but if you really dig deep and think about whats best in us and what are we fighting for and how do we give expression to that . If you believe that, i guarantee you, we will not just elect Ted Strickland as the next senator from ohio, we will not just elect Hillary Clinton to be the next president of the United States, but we will secure a Brighter Future for the greatest nation on earth. And im going to be right there with you as a citizen of these United States. I will work hard and im going to organize nee, im going to mobilize, im going to make some phone calls and im going to knock on some doors and i want you along there with me because we got to keep this thing going, because the journeys not done yet. Because im still fired up. And im still ready to go. Thank you, ohio. God bless you. God bless the United States of america. All right. President obama in ohio tonight making the case very interestingly, making the case not just against donald trump, which is obviously a case that Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama and other democratic surrogates are making, but for the Democratic Party and against the Republican Party enmasse. A long part of the speech about the fact that rob portman what who is the incumbent republican senator of ohio, beichallenged Ted Strickland, sat there and was fine with what donald trump said, has done, or alleged to have done. Interesting to see that since we know the Clinton Campaign is basically explicitly not made that argument. In fact, they tried to kind of move the Republican Party away from donald trump. Were going to talk about what this all means and where we are in this race with less than 30 days to go when we come back. Dont go anywhere. Youre not even consistent anymore. You claim the mantle of the party of family values. And this is the guy you nominate . And stand by and endorse and campaign with . Joining me now, charlie sikes, conservative radio talk show host. Josh baro, Business Insider and msnbc contributor an back with me is michelle goldberg. Josh, you tweeted the other day about how you given up on the Republican Party officially. This was the president doing something Hillary Clinton really hasnt done which is you all own this to the Republican Party, you all own it. Well, this is something you been hearing from a lot of republicans who did not support donald trump is how are you standing by and allowing this to happen . Yeah, i changed my voter rej strae registration on tuesday. Been a republican since i was 18 years old. Some sense, it was long overdue. People who watch the show know im not a conservative. It was one thing to be in a party with people i disagreed with on a large number of things. These are people who allowed their party to be taken over by a fascist, stood by, decided theyd support him to be president anyway for reasons of careerism or just cowardice, naivety, that they could control him once he got in. The president said something about the folks that knew what hes saying is wrong, know that he isnt up to the job, know that he is deficient in character and whove gone along for political reasons. He said i judge them more marshly than tmarsh harshly than the people who believe in him. The folks who know better and are fecklessly doing this, those are the ones i judge most harshly. I hate to say this but i agree with him on that. The ones i talk to, say we know how horrible this is, what a disaster this is going to be but we have to stick with him or the ones who pretend to be outraged over one thing when theyve swallowed everything. Right. This debate, this debate between Hillary Clinton and barack obama, you know, is donald trump a logical continuation of the Republican Party or a radical break . This is enormously consequential for the Republican Party because afterwards the Republican Party is going to have to try to say this does not represent us, this does not represent our attitudes toward minorities, toward women, toward the protocols of the elders of zion. That was that guy. And yet every day that passes, and that they will not challenge him on this, well, they do own it and its harder and harder to do that. I talked today with a highranking republican who you can just sense the anguish. Making the case, look, he knows this is going to be a disaster. He knows theres going to be a huge wrecking afterwards. Theyre actually now afraid to break with trump. Yes. Theyre afraid to basically draw the line because of whats happening. And so weve gone almost past panic to this anguish, what is this going to cost the party . Frankly, its starting to dawn on them, what is this going to cost them that they have to remain silent in the face of all this . Michelle . Well, one of the i mean, first of all, i think there might be a rhetorical debate between Hillary Clinton and barack obama but im pretty sure that Hillary Clinton views donald trump as a logical outgrowth of the Republican Party. Yes, its a tactical debate about whether to say that or not. I mean, Hillary Clinton coined the phrase the vast right wing conspiracy. In a lot of ways donald trump is the logical outgrowth of the vast right wing conspiracy. Theres been a systemic deranging of the republican electorate. Theres been a systemic parallel reality that goes back to the beginning of fox news and even beyond that, right . Theres an entirely separate set of facts, entirely separate structure that the conservative leadership has cooperated in the creation of and now they have this base thats stuck in it and they dont understand why they cant snap out tv. You cant even say, charlies actually wring and spoktten andt this, we joked about the unskewing of the polls in 2012, to a certain extent theres a little bit that people do that when theyre feeling bad but josh, you cant even its to the point where, like, all the polls are like, theres nothing theres no independent source of authority outside of the people that are already around trump that you could point to to the folks that are in there to say look at this independence source of authority, this is not good or hes going to lose. Its completely today the New York Times has a poll that has trump up a point in ohio so suddenly the polls are worth citing again and hes in ohio we see it, its become farcical. We had the arm rest truthers today saying donald trump couldnt have groped that woman on the airplane because you cant move the armrests on first class seats. Cnns aviation editor has to go find pictures of airplane seats from 1980, twa and various airlines you could in fact move the seats. They say, how do you know he was on that airplane, that airplane didnt operate into new york. Its completely making up your own sense of facts. Michelle is right, living in this bubble allowed the party to build this crazy paranoid world around so many of its voters that people who knew better in the party lost control and decided if they said anything, it wouldnt do any good. Charlie, youre agreeing with that. Some people did. Right. A lot did. There are these decent voices who are saying this is not what we were talking about, this is not who we are to be able to do all of that. Theres no question about it, this alternative reality double youre ta bubble youre talking about has a dark side. One of the things thats disturbing right now, as donald trump decides hes going to lose ugly and descending into this paranoid conspiracies out there, the corrupting factor he has on many sources who trust these sources in this bubble, what he is doing to thats right. The number of people who are now accepting this, who now normalize some of this bizarre experience theory and im sorry to say, this kind of the bigotry that underlies a lot of all of this. That frankly does worry me. Michelle, quickly. A lot. I heard Charlie Sykes say thats not what we meant. I appreciate that. It was a member of the Bush Administration that said we create our own reality. Right. That was dismissive of the reality aeality based community. There has to be reckoning yes. Who distanced themselves from donald trump i agree with that. This thing was built over a long time. Charlie sykes, josh barro, michelle goldberg. Thank you for that discussion. Lisa bloom who represents one of the women whos accused donald trump of Sexual Assault will be joining me to talk about why women dont come forward and why the last 24 hours is a perfect illustration of why they dont come forward. Stay with us. try to eat healt, yet up to 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day mens gummies. Complete with key Nutrients Plus b vitamins to help convert food into fuel. One a day. I we worked with pg eof to save energy because wenie. Wanted to help the school. They would put these signs on the door to let the teacher know you didnt cut off the light. The teachers, they would call us the energy patrol. So they would be like, here they come, turn off your lights those three young ladies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. We actually saved 50,000. And thats just one school, two semesters, three girls. Together, were building a better california. Even if youre trying your best. 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You want the whole thing . Yes, yes live whole. Not part. Aleve. Donald trump has used threats against people, but now theyre accusing him. You take a look. Take a look. Look at her. Look at her words. You tell me what you think. I dont think so. I dont think so. And heres Rush Limbaugh discussing the issue on his show. You know the magic word, the only thing that matters in american sexual mores today is one thing. You can do anything. The left will promote and understand and tolerate anything as long as there is one element. Do you know what it is . Consent. If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, its perfectly fine, whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there is no consent in part of the equation, then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the left. Theyre actually just called the police, not the rape police. Joining us, lisa bloom who accused trump of unwanted sexual advances in 1997. Lets start with limbaugh because to me thats an honest expression of the bewilderment of the sexual ethics i think we have reached together as a society and culture, that this is that somehow consent is the magic key, which, yes, thats the magic key. Does Rush Limbaugh not understand the difference between consensual sex and rape . And if he does not understand the difference, i think he needs to be confined somewhere and educated. This is absolutely appalling to me that he would say, consent as if its this crazy left wing conspiracy as a result of decades of Sexual Assault victims really educating all of us on how painful and damaging being a victim is. You know, we have some folks saying why didnt these women come forward sooner. We have some examples of why they may not have, donald trump saying the women in People Magazine, look heart, why would i want to be with her . Lou dobbs actually tweeted one of the accusers address and phone number. There is what do you hear from folks you represent about why they didnt come forward . So, first of all, my client jill caharth came forward in 1997 and filed a sex assault but nobody wanted to talk to her about it. Every time donald trump has a rally and says, im going to sue people, thats a big step backwards for women who want to come forward with their stories but are very, very scared. Listen, its hard to come forward against your Sexual Assaulter to begin with under any circumstances. Add to that its donald trump with unlimited resources and attorneys. Add to that that hes got millions of followers who at times have been violent, and women are very, very scared. I as an attorney have to give them both sides of the equation. Heres the risks, heres rhethe rewards. I will also say it can be very empowering and all my clients who have come forward against highpowered men have been very forward and a lot of these fears are irrational. I think the most donald trump will do is call you out in a rally or Say Something nasty in a tweet, and i think women should stand up. An adjacent variation of that is his lawyer sending a letter to the New York Times threatening a lawsuit, the New York Times send bing back a letter saying they widont care. Can you imagine taking on donald trump . I would certainly tell anybody out there you need an attorney at your side, it doesnt have to be me but get an attorney because you cant do it on your own and you need a lot of emotional support. Its scary but also very gratifying, and i think we women have to stand up. Lisa bloom, thanks for your time. The Rachel Maddow show starts right now. Good evening, rachel. Good evening, chris, my friend. Good evening to you at home. Its nice to have you here on this fine thursday evening. The Lexington Hotel in chicago was one of those awesome, sturdy, chicago architectural showoffs in its day. It was built in the 1890s, was 10 stories tall. It had these cool rounded towers on the corners of the building. It had a big, grand, pillared entrance. The Lexington Hotel announced itself on matchbooks as absolutely fireproof. See that on the middle of the matchbook, absolutely fireproof. That turns out to be a good thing for the Lexington Hotel, because apparently, reportedly, there was

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