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Thank you for being with us. All in with chris hayes starts right now. Tonight on all in last night was yet another test, and donald trump failed yet again. Clinton and trump trade blows the day after. The whole country saw how unfit she was at the town hall last night. Tonight, from the combo plan on isis if i like maybe a combination of my plan and the generals plan, or the generals plan. To lauding a russian strong man. He does have an 82 Approval Rating. To top secret body language. Im pretty good with the body language. What did america learn about Donald Trumps fitness to be president . And why donald trump is doubling down on its putin praise. I think its inarguable that putin has been a stronger leader in his country than president obama has been in this country. The clinton response to being told to smile more, by the head of the rnc, and move over usa freedom kids. Theres been another defection from team trump. I cant handle this when all in starts right now. Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. In the 24 hours since last night commander in chief forum, perhaps the most memorable moment of the day came from someone who wasnt even on that stage. The returning candidate, gary johnson. What would you do if you were elected about aleppo. . About . And what is aleppo . Youre kidding. No. Aleppo is in syria. Its the epicenter of the refugee crisis. Okay, got it. Got it. Well, with regard to syria, i do think that its a mess. That is true. Amid the resulting surprise and ridicule, johnson explained to the daily beast, i was thinking about an acronym, not the syrian conflict, i blanked. Never for any politician admit what you do not know. Just bluff and bluster your way through. A lesson donald trump seems to have grasped a long time ago. His mastery was on display last night. Moderator matt lauer asked the gop nominee about his new proposal to give military brass 30 days after he takes office to come up with a plan to defeat isis. A proposal that seems to contradict earlier statements from the candidate about already having a plan, he just cant reveal. Is the plan youve been hiding this whole time asking someone else for their plan . No. But when i do come up with a plan that i like and that perhaps agrees with mine or maybe doesnt, i may love what the generals come back with. I will but you have your own plan . I have a plan, but i want to be look, i dont want to broadcast to the enemy exactly what my plan is. And let me tell you, if i like maybe a combination of my plan and the generals plan, or the generals plan. If i like their plan, im not going to call you up and say, we have a great plan. This is what obama does. Were going to leave iraq on a certain day. But youre going to convene a panel of generals and youve already said you know more about isis than those generals. Theyd probably be different generals, to be honest. He was asked about his controversial praise for russian president Vladimir Putin. He does have an 82 Approval Rating according to pollsters who some are right here. He annexed crimea, invaded ukraine, supports assad in syria, iran, and is trying undermine us, and is probably the source of the hacking of the dnc computers . But nobody knows that. But want me to start naming some of the things that prob does . But do you want to be complimented by that guy . Ill take the compliment. If he says great things about me, im going to say great things about him. Ive already said, you can say hes a leader. He has strong control of a country. Its a different system and i dont like the system. But certainly in that system, hes been a leader, far more than our president has been a leader. This was trumps response about securing the middle east from terrorism even after u. S. Military involvement ends. If we would have taken the oil, you wouldnt have isis. Because isis formed with the power and the wealth of that oil. How were we going to take the oil . We would leave a Certain Group behind and you would take various sections where they have the oil. People dont know this about iraq, but they have among the largest oil reserves in the world, in the entire world. Back on the campaign trail today, trump repeated the much debunked claim that he opposed the iraq war from the beginning, even after Hillary Clinton directly went after it last night. I opposed doing in, and i did oppose it, despite the media saying, no, yes, no, i opposed going in. I made a detailed statement in an interview to esquire magazine. Absolute quote. Look at the war in iraq and the mess that were in. Right after the war started. That was actually in 2004. Esquire has appended an editors note to point out that trump is wrong with the timing. At a tarmac press conference this morning, Hillary Clinton savaged her opponents appearance at the commander in chief forum. Last night was yet another test and donald trump failed yet again. He trashtalked american generals, saying theyve been, quote, reduced to rubble. He suggested he would fire them, and replace them with his handpicked generals. Thats how he talks about distinguished men and women who have spent their lives serving our country, sacrificing for us. He praised russias strong man, Vladimir Putin. Even taking the astonishing step of suggesting that he prefers the russian president to our american president. Now that is not just unpatriotic and insulting to the people of our country, as well as to our commander in chief, it is scary. What would Ronald Reagan say about a republican nominee who attacks americas generals and heaps praise on russias president . On the other side of the world, the g20 summit in laos, president obama was asked about trumps performance last night. I dont think the guys qualified to be president of the United States. And every time he speaks, that opinion is confirmed. And i think the most important thing for the public and the press is to just listen to what he says and follow up and ask questions about what appear to be either contradictory or uninformed or outright whacky ideas. Joining me now, christopher hill, u. S. Ambassador to iraq 20092010. Ambassador, first just your broad reaction to what you saw last night . You know, i watched it very carefully. Just fundamentally, this is not a serious person discussing serious issues. He simply doesnt understand what hes talking about. I mean, where to begin. I mean, to talk about this idea that we should take the oil, what on earth does he have in mind . That we literally take it . That we keep it by putting guards around it, so the iraqis or anyone else cant use it . Does he want us to get rid of it to prevent isis what is he talking about . I dont know and he doesnt know. Then when he talks about this secret plan, lets say he has a plan, which i think is a dubious proposition, but lets say he has a plan. Could he at least tell us . Is there a diplomatic part . An intelligence part . What are the elements of this socalled secret plan . Frankly speaking, theres just nothing there. I understand were in an election, there needs to be a notion that both sides have different points of view, but this is just so unserious, it just boggles the mind. I think part of the issue is that we are dealing with an historically anomalous situation in that the nominee of one party has never held office. The nominee of the other party has held various points in government life. On the issue of iraq, Hillary Clinton voted on iraq, she was a supporter of that war. She has a Public Record on that. Fairly Public Record on libya. Donald trump has a howard stern interview, iphone video on libya. Theres a certain kind of asymmetry built into this in terms of how you even evaluate what Donald Trumps positions are when hes a Real Estate Developer and reality show star . Well, hes a Real Estate Developer and a reality show host. Hes not a representative of corporate america. Any Large Corporation have assistants, Vice President s, all kinds of different people working on things. So you could perhaps say theres some analogy to how government would work. Youd have staff meetings, papers being written. But clearly thats not what goes on in trump world. Theres himself, theres some family, theres some interest in making money on real estate deals, but basically it has nothing to do with corporate america. It has nothing to do with anything that the rest of us can really relate to. So we have a person who is just so fundamentally unqualified, its just difficult to get across the sort of basic concept. He should not be where he is. And yet he is. And i think it speaks to problems within our society, problems of our ability to work within our institutions, the lack of respect for institutions, the great frustrations Many Americans have in their daily lives. So i think after trump, we need to make sure that trumpism does not succeed. Yeah, i wouldnt get ahead of ourselves, ambassador. Thank you very much for your time tonight. Appreciate it. Im joined now by phil clay, marine corps veteran, author of the awardwinning book, redeployment. This is one of the most spectacular works that ive read in the last decade. Pick up this book. Phil asked a question at the forum last night. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having me. Your question was the one that led to the just take the Oil Discussion in which he said, ive lost blood, sweat, tears, treasure, be spent to try to secure areas in iraq, to see it being taken back, to fall into the hands of groups like isis. What would you do . Were you satisfied there was a real plan, details . No. And look, we already defeated isis back when they were called al qaeda in iraq. 20072008. Because of a variety of factors in the region, they came back. Its not enough to send troops for a short amount of time. You need to have a more thoughtful plan for what youre going to do in a region, if you want to send people to fight and die for our country. You know, there was no substance to what he said. I think it was distressing. You would hope, because he has a chance of being responsible for young men and women who might be sent into harms way, there are real people. I know its abstract to a lot of americans, but they are real people whose lives might be on the line depending on the choices that the next commander in chief makes. Probably the most charitable of interpreting his take the oil comment is that he doesnt know what hes talking about and that its not serious. If we take it serious, what that would look like, us, sending troops its not like going to the bank. Sending troops to an area in iraq, that would make everyone hate us, it would shatter our alliances. Im guessing we would have those troops, you know, being i. D. d and snipered to secure oil fields. And you know this is the cia map of iraqi oil and infrastructure, light and dark green represent oil fields. Just to give people a sense of the scope. Just so people understand. If you were to think seriously about what that would entail, and also, the backlash that it would bring about, and the idea that that would create less terrorism in the world, less extremist groups in the world is i mean, its just not worth taking seriously. Youve said in the introduction. Hallie jackson was introducing you as a democrat. My sense is that your politics align with Hillary Clinton more so than donald trump. What do you think about this argument that shes too quick to use intervention, that she doesnt learn from iraq, libya, that shes the one that would put american troops in danger. Ive written critically about barack obama, about george bush. Its your job to be critical of not just people of the other party, but especially of your own. And i think there are a lot of questions to be had about Hillary Clintons Foreign Policy. You know, unfortunately, i think theres a way in which a serious discussion about there are plans right now, the military has a plan to defeat isis. We could be talking about the specifics of whether its working and and yet, were talking about whether or not we should take the oil. Whatever that means. And so there are plenty of questions to be had about Hillary Clinton and debate, she defended the intervention in libya which i thought was very interesting. She said if we hadnt done that, it could have turned into syria and been worse than it is now. Theres a lot of substance. But you can talk about that as actual policies that are conceivable that a president might have. Thats well said. Phil klay, you should get that book. Thank you. Im joined by the chief strategist to the Romney Campaign in 2012. I thought it was interesting today, we know that donald trump has expressed admiration for Vladimir Putin numerous times. He seems to like leaders that he perceives as strong. Hes talked admiringly of the tiananmen square, putting down the dissidents there. But i thought it was interesting to hear mike pence back him up today. I think its inarguable that Vladimir Putin has been a stronger leader in his country than barack obama has been in this country. And thats going to change the day that donald trump becomes president of the United States of america. The one thing i know about Vladimir Putin, hes doing whats right for russia. Theres no question about that. When i listen to the obama administration, im not sure if theyre doing whats right for this country, or whats right for our enemies. There are times i dont even know. Don jr there. Whats your response to that, stewart . Look, four years ago, we had a nominee who rightly called out the threat that russia and putin posed to american values. Frankly, its heartbreaking to see that the position of the leaders of the Republican Party are going to be proputin. The very idea that you could say a russian president , who wasnt really elected, is a better president than the american president , who was elected by the American People is mindboggling. Imagine if someone said, i admire hitler, he has control of his people. It would just be incredibly unamerican. I just dont understand it. I just want to say for myself, my own view on this, that im somewhere in the space of i do not believe russia is americas greatest geopolitical foe, which i think is the phrase that mitt romney used in 2012. Nor do i think that Vladimir Putin is a better president than president obama. Heres what i want to know. Is donald trump executing some sort of transformation of the Republican Party now, the way that he talks about Foreign Policy, which is quite different than the way republicans before him have talked about Foreign Policy . Its muddled in selfcontradiction, but has a number of impulses that have not been impulses celebrated or shared by the republican establishment . Look, i think theres a Donald Trump Party and theres a Republican Party, and i am i have difficulty seeing where the two overlap. Donald trump is a proputin candidate. Hes for a 45 tariff. Thats to the left of bernie sanders. These are he wants to dismantle nato or destabilize nato. Hes the antiRonald Reagan. Everhing that Ronald Reagan stood for, Ronald Reagan stood for freedom. He stood in front of the berlin wall and said, tear down this wall. Now we have a nominee who is praising a thug who killed americans. I dont see how that exists within the values that the Republican Party has said its stood for in our modern era. When you say killed americans, youre referring to the Malaysian Airlines flight that was shot down that had americans . Yeah. Hes lost a ground war against his neighbors, kills journalists. If these values are not antiamerica, what does america stand for . And to have leaders of a party praising this person as a strong leader, because hes basically a quasi elected dictator, its just astonishing. I mean, if barack obama had said this in 2008, senator obama, in a debate with john mccain, that he preferred the russian president over the american president , republicans would have called for him to withdraw from the race. Stuart stevens, appreciate your time tonight. Thank you very much. Still to come, donald trump stands by his deeply troubling comments on Sexual Assault in the military. Congresswoman tammy duck worth joins me to talk about that ahead. Plus, trump makes claims about his classified Intelligence Briefings, renewing concern over him receiving Intelligence Briefings. What he said after this twominute break. Hmmmmm. [ dreams by beck ] hmmmmm. The turbocharged dream machine. The Volkswagen Golf gti. Named one of car and drivers 10best, 10 years in a row. But my back pain was making it hard to sleep and open up on time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. Sorry, captain obvious. Dont be. Ive got the hotels. Com app, which makes it simple to book a room for 500. Or 25, but it wont be here. You can stay with me. Thanks. Ive already lost enough today. If youre approaching 65, nows the time to get your ducks in a row. To learn about medicare, and the options you have. You see, medicare doesnt cover everything only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. 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Harry reid suggested giving him fake briefings, because this man is dangerous. Last night at nbcs commander in chief forum, he proved his critics right. You recently received two Intelligence Briefings. Yes, i did. Did anything in that briefing, without going into specifics shock or alarm you . Yes. Very much so. Did you learn new things in that briefing . First of all, i have Great Respect for the people who gave us the briefings. They were terrific people. They were experts on iraq and iran and different parts of the and russia. But, yes, there was one thing that shocked me. And it just seemed to me that what they said president obama and Hillary Clinton and john kerry, who is another total disaster did exactly the opposite. What i did learn is that our leadership, barack obama, did not follow what our experts and our truly when they call it intelligence, its there for a reason what our experts said to do. How . And i was very surprised. In almost every instance. And im pretty good with the body language. I could tell, they were not happy. Our leaders did not follow what they were recommending. As a u. S. Official pointed out, Intelligence Officers dont give policy advice. Analysts are trained not to allow their body language to betray their thinking. One ever the most remarkable moments last night, donald trump after one of his first classified sessions threw his briefers under the bus. Moral saying trumps comments were highly inappropriate and crossed a long standing line respected by both parties. Speaking to reporters today, Hillary Clinton also sounded the alarm. I think what he said was totally inappropriate and undisciplined. I would never comment on any aspect of an intelligence briefing that i received. Joining me now, ngata back os. I know that you have done briefings, not for president s before, but youve been involved in the process. What was your reaction to watching that discussion from donald trump last night . Well, hes shown amazing inconsistency when it comes to relying on the information that the Intel Community is going to give him. I agree with general hayden. This is politicizing the brief that was given to him, saying that there was body language given, that they disapproved of obamas strategies, which, as you mentioned, is completely irrelevant and irrational. The cia does not prescribe policy. Theyre there specifically to inform the policymaker. I was trying to think through it, for those people in that room, what the fallout from that moment must have been like. I imagine there were a lot of eemt mails and phone calls that happened today in the aftermath of that and people must have been whiteknuckling a little bit as they were watching him discuss this briefing. In my experience, there would have been followup. Supervisors would have contacted them, asked them how it went, and they probably had a meeting, trying to decipher exactly what event he would have picked up on. But i dont see where trump is an expert in body language. I wasnt aware of that credential. In addition to the fact that analysts are thoroughly trained to brief policy makers in an objective way. Theres more reporting happening about general flynn and chris christie, who was also in the briefing room. Four people acknowledged the matter, and told nbc news, one of the advisers trump brought to the meeting, retired general mike flynn repeatedly interrupted. One said christie said shut up. Calm down. He touched flynns arm in an effort to get him to calm down and let the officials continue. Would that be unusual to have a very contentious interjection from the person being briefed, or one of the people being briefed . Well, it wasnt unprecedented when i was working there. I had a couple of those instances with the Bush Administration when it came to the invasion of iraq. But, yes, thats incredibly unprecedented and unprofessional. What it signifies is that flynn is not agreeing with the information being relayed to him. These analysts are not giving their opinion. This is based on intel analysis thats gone through a rigorous process. I should note that general Michael Flynn has disputed this account we just gave. Thank you for being here. Still to come, Donald Trump Blames Sexual Assault in the military on having women serve alongside men. Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth joins me ahead. So now, there are more ways, for more people. To experience. Complete protection from frequent heartburn. Nexium 24hr. The easytswallow tablet is here. Im always being told that when i talk to you, i should talk in a very calm and measured voice. And i should not get carried away with my intense feelings about what is going on in the country. So i do try to remind myself of that. Over the course of this campaign, Hillary Clinton has been judged on everything from her appearance, to the tone of her voice. So it should be surprising that following last nights commander in chief forum, another criticism of clinton was trodded out, this time by Reince Priebus who noted that clinton, while answering questions about National Security was not smiling enough. She was angry and defensive, upset that she was caught wrongly sending our secrets. The impulse of some men to tell women who smile is so universally loathed, that there are feminine projects dedicated to the subject. It was not only derisive, its inaccurate. An investigation into the amount of smiling last night, showed that clinton smiled more than trump. Today Hillary Clinton had a response to the rnc chair and that is ahead. Mastery is a journey of continuous improvement. Come triumph, or trial, tennis legend Serena Williams moves forward, and with the chase mobile® app were on the same path, offering innovative, and convenient ways to bank. Easyto use chase technology, for whatever you are trying to master. 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One of the more revealing moments from last nights commander in chief forum came when donald trump was asked what he would do to support victims of Sexual Assault in the military. In his answer seemed to suggest there was no justice within the military. Its a massive problem, the numbers are staggering, hard to believe even. Were going to have to run it tight. I want to keep the court system inside the military. I dont think it should be outside of the military. But we have to come down very hard on. We have to set up a court system in the military. Right now, the military system practically doesnt exist. After he answered that question, matt lauer followed up by asking trump to comment on a tweet he sent. 26,000 unreported Sexual Assaults in the military only 238 convictions. What did he geniuses expect when they put men and women together . It is a correct tweet. There are many people who think thats absolutely correct. So this should have been expected and does that mean the only way to fix it is to take women out of the military . Its happening no, not to take them out, but something has to happen. Right now, part of the problem is nobody gets prosecuted. Right now, nobodys doing anything. Look at the small number of results. I mean, thats part of the problem. As the pentagon pointed out last year, Sexual Assault in the military is not a result of men and women serving together. Even men are assaulted. Trump had voiced his opinion before. Maybe im old fashioned, but i dont like seeing women in combat. Joining me now is congresswoman Tammy Duckworth, democrat from illinois, running for u. S. Senate. Just your reaction to Donald Trumps answer last night on the question of military Sexual Assault. Well, its absolutely absurd and unacceptable for someone, especially someone who is trying to become the commander in chief of the military, chris. Bottom line is that military sexual trauma is a real issue and it actually more men are victims of military sexual trauma than women are, just because of the sheer numbers of who serves. And for him to say that this is what happens when you let men and women serve together, really shows a lack of understanding, and a real ignorance on be of mr. Trump. Yeah, i also wondered, if you felt as you watched him, if this was an issue that he had given thought to, wrestled with, been briefed on, had command of. Chris, i mean, it was clear that he had no command of the issue, that hed not thought about it. And frankly, the comments that he made were absolutely tone deaf. Our military could not go to war without both men and women serving together. If you took out the women, if you separated the two genders, it could not do its job. It could not complete its mission of defending the United States. And for him to have said what he said was really, i thought, it showed a real lack of understanding of the military. Theres also a tweet that he had talked about, call me oldfashioned, but i dont like women in combat. It seems that theres a broader disposition. Its something that has been some of the sub text in this campaign, there was discussion of the draft. What do you think of that tweet . Well, i mean, chris, its ridiculous. The bottom line is, women already served in combat. Youve heard me say this before. I didnt lose my legs in a bar fight. I was in combat. Its too late to have this discussion. Women already serve in combat and our military needs our women to serve in combat, because we are force multipliers. We make our military successful, just as the men that we serve next to make our military successful. Its a moot discussion and its appalling for someone who wants to be commrnd in chief of the United States to not know that. Let me ask you the comment he made about the generals, theyd been reduced to rubble. A lot of them will be gone, i believe, are the words he used. What is your interpretation just from the way in which, obviously the civilian command of the military interacts with the command structure of the forces from those comments. Well, it would make one extremely concerned to have the commander in chief, the future commander in chief express such a deep misunderstanding of the military. By the way, the president of the United States does not have the authority to fire generals. And frankly, for him to say that the generals who lead our troops, who continue many of whom who continue to lead our troops in hostile situations are not capable really undermines the morale and the confidence that our troops have. And you dont want that coming from the commander in chief. His comments just made no sense. On the one hand, he said they would be reduced to rubble. On on the other hand, he seemed to imply that he could fire them. When what he should be doing is supporting our military commanders as they seek to defend our nation and lead our troops in some pretty hairy places around the world. Congresswoman, appreciate it. Thank you. Still to come, as Hillary Clinton continue to face questions over her private server, she got some advice on how to do it. But first thing 1, and thing 2. Dont go anywhere. And thing 2. Dont go anywhere. Hey, ready for the big meeting . Yeah. Uh, hello . A meeting . Its a big one. Too bad. We are dole booked diarrhea and abdominal pain. Why dont you start without . Oh. Yeah. If youre living with frequent, unpredictable diarrhea and abdominal pain, you may have Irritable Bowel Syndrome with diarrhea, or ibsd. A condition that can be really frustrating. Talk to your doctor with diarabout viberzi,. A different way to treat ibsd. 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Cowardice are you serious apologies for freedom i cant handle this when freedom rings answer the call stand up call freedoms on our shoulders usa they sang a song at a donald trump rally in pensacola, florida. Theyve filed a lawsuit saying the Trump Campaign stiffed them. Their manager said the Trump Campaign broke verbal agreements for performances at two events and refuse said to pay even a 2500 stipend for the groups travel. Another part of the campaign is saying it got stiffed too. And that is thing 2 in 60 seconds. It takes a lot of work. To run this business. But i really love it. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost® to get the nutrition that im missing. Boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a great taste. I dont pl on slowing down any time soon. Stay strong. Stay active with boost®. Over here over there usa freedom and liberty everywhere oh say can you see its not so easy but we have to stand up tall and answer freedoms call so as i was saying, the usa freedom kids have sued the Trump Campaign, claiming the campaign broke a verbal agreement. Groups manager saying, they can only ignore us for so long. Todays headline in the washington post, inside the collapse of trumps d. C. Policy shop. According to josh rogan, the campaign used to have advisers in washington, many of whom were promised pay. But most of the active staffers quit. They use and abuse people, the policy office fell apart in august when the promised checks werent delivered. They acknowledged the Washington Office grew smaller, but he called the effort a success. Given the depth of Donald Trumps policy positions on display, for instance, last night, definitely, mission accomplished. Seriously. Vo clear thinking. Donald trump i know re about isis than the generals d believe me. Vo and calm judgment. Donald trump and you can tell them to go fu k themselves. Vo because all it takes is one wrong move. Donald trump audio only i would bomb the sh t out of them. Vo just one. Last night Hillary Clinton faced tough questions about her use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state. Her defense has pointed to the precedent of colin powell and his time as secretary of state and that she consulted powell about the issue, particularly when powell said, her people were trying to pin it on me. She was using for a year before i sent a memo telling here what i did. The last night the emails between clinton and powell, written in 2009, just as she was about to begin her tenure as secretary of state. Clintons emails reads in part, what were the restrictions on the use of your blackberry . His answer, i didnt have a blackberry. I had a personal computer hooked up to a private phone line. I even used it to do business with foreign leaders and senior folks in the department. Powell noted the state department had issues with pdas. He writes, they gave me all kinds of nonsense about how the pdas gave out signals and could be read by spies, so we went about our business and stopped asking. Powell did warn of the risk. However, theres a real danger, it may become a real danger and subject to the law. Be very careful. I got around it by not say much and not using systems that captured the data. He released a statement to explain what he had done eight years earlier to bring the transformation of the state departments information system. We all remember what a gigantic story Colin Powells use of private email was. Not to be focusingo finaon my moderatepe. To severe chronic plaque psoriasis. So i made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. Humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. 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See what the power of points can do forour business. N more at chase. Com ink secretary clinton, youve been criticized by the rnc for your demeanor last night, that you were too serious, didnt smile enough. Can you react to that . Also, you suggested there is a double standard. Do you think youre treated differently in this race because youre a woman . Im going to let all of you ponder the last question. I think there will be a lot of phd theses and popular journalism writing on that subject for years to come. I dont take my advice and i dont take anything seriously that comes from the rnc. We were talking about serious issues last night. And i had a very short window of time in that event last night to convey the seriousness with which i would approach the issues that concern our country. Donald trump chose to talk about his deep admiration and support for Vladimir Putin. Maybe he did it with a smile, and i guess the rnc would have liked that. Hillary clinton addressing criticism lobbed at her by the rnc chairman saying she didnt smile enough. Joining me now, betsy, politics reporter of daily beast. This is three of these were a podium press conference, which we know the most important thing about a press conference is the furniture present. That was checked off today. It does seem like the criticisms got to them. She is engaged in the press more. Seems to me this is not a bad thing for their campaign. Not at all. I think its very easy for politicians to get rusty when it comes to engaging with the media and having conversations on situations that could be awkward. The fact that clinton waited s long to get back in her groove when it comes to media interactions is probably to her detriment. Whoever is elected president has an obligation to talk to the media, as a way of talking to the American People, and explain why he or she does what she does. Its a chance to defend herself against the accusations from the rnc, that any woman would find head scratching at best. All in all, i think the rnc and republicans are pushing her into starting to have press conferen conferences, and itll be good for her campaign. Last night was another opportunity, john, to talk to these people. She does a lot of town halls. She takes questions from folks. Polling showing she is behind, losing to donald trump and veterans and military voters. How do you sort of understand what she needs to do with that specific voting group . Im happy with her numbers, with veterans and military families. 500,000 in our organizations. Donald trump is up ten points over her. Romney and mccain beat obama by 25 points. Theres a deficit. Issues like va priet vatization. It is a core issue. The disrespect of donald trump he made toward john mccain, i think these are issues that people are saying, i absolutely cant vote for donald trump. For the first time, some of the older veterans that have traditionally been republicans their whole lives are looking for an alternative. Theres i think its interesting, the way weve ended up in this weird Foreign Policy space. I talked about this earlier. Donald trump trying to run as both the pro and antiwar candidate in ways. Hammering her hard on the iraq vote and libya. Clearly, he did not oppose iraq at the time. He supported it. Although on the howard stern interview, he supported the libya intervention. What do you make of that challenge, for Hillary Clinton to spell out her use of conception of the use of force . I believe trump did support the iraq war and libya. Donald trump, looking backwards, he monday morning quarterbacks it and says im against these things because theyre not popular. Hillary clinton doesnt have that ability. Donald trump says things that are scary. Veterans are like, how does he deal with application of force . He believe you were bomb cities and steal iraqi oil. He looks a little bit like a waith whack co whacko. Clinton talked about boots on the ground, not wanting them in libya, but there are already troops on the ground. Shes be able to woo over the republican Foreign Policy establishment that gives her credibility. Betsy, i kept watching last night thinking about the debates. I think it was the sub text for a lot of us. Talking about practice and getting rusty. Im curious what you saw in both these candidates in terms of what kind of debate performance or debate approach well see from them. One thing that struck me about the way trump interacted with matt lauer and the crowd was how short his answers were. It was like he wanted to get lots of questions. He gets energy from having sort of combative, dramatic back and forths. It was like he wanted to answer the questions fast to get to the next one. Hillary clinton gave, in some cases, technical, extepnded, detail oriented answers. Covering bases and answering slowly and thoughtfully. It seemed like the format last night made trump feel more comfortable. Its just something that gives him energy. For Hillary Clinton, its not a setting that she seems to take a lot of joy in necessarily. I think going into the debates, probably trump might have, just in terms of personality and disposition, a little edge. I dont know if it makes a difference. I think as far as the basic personality question last night made it look like the debates are going to be perhaps pro promising for him. The point of short verse longer answers is interesting. Partly, it has the do with the level of policy detail and command each candidate has, which i think there is a pretty it is a fairly universal, pretty big difference between them. I would love to see long answers, especially on military and veterans issues. We havent seen that in this conversation. Dont forget that when we run 30second commercials, which we have in ten states, its a simple message. One of the unfortunate advantages donald trump has is, there is a lot of people that called me up and said, hey, people i know in the military, i saw your ad in pennsylvania with the gold star mother hating trump. Did he say that . There are people not paying attention. Not everyone is like us in this circle. There are people that are just figuring out whats going on. When he talks in the simple sound bites and sounds tough, sure, i who served two tours in iraq want to hear about applying force going forward. Most mainstream voters want you to keep the country safe. Its a simple answer. Betsy, my thought last night was Hillary Clinton has an opportunity to force him to relitigate everything. One of the things we saw last night with putin, with the tweet, is hes never going to apologize for anything. If you bring it back, hell double down. Exactly. In contrast to Hillary Clinton, cleaver, one of her surrogates, earlier today said she made a mistake when she implied we dont currently have troops in iraq. Thats a marked difference between Hillary Clinton and donald trump. Trump loves doubling down. When it comes to these 30second sound bites and communicating with voters who might spend an hour or two or three hours watching media, reading articles to decide who to vote for, rather than folks like us who live and breathe and have dreams about this stuff, that can make a difference. Thats the reality. Bet and i john, thank you both. That is all this evening. The Rachel Maddow show starts now. Good evening and thank you. Thank you for joining us this hour. Will Artificial Intelligence enslave humanity before the globalists do . Ever wondered . Do you also know that Hillary Clinton uses a wheelchair . Her personal vehicle had to be outfitted with a wheelchair lift because she is not a person who can actually walk. She secretly uses a wheelchair. All the times you think youve seen her walking, she hasnt been walking. Did you know that . Did you know Hillary Clinton has parkinsons disease . These things are true. I know they are true because i re

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