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Purple rain and delirious just to get warmed up. When all in starts right now. Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. Tonight, new evidence the Trump Campaign is a bait and switch that many have been predicting. While donald trump has been campaigning over the last 24 hours in delaware and pennsylvania, working to clinch the nomination, his new chief aide, Paul Manafort, has been on a different mission to sell his candidate to the republican establishment. And bombshell audio from a private meeting in florida between manafort and Top Republican officials shows just how he is doing it. By assuring members of the rnc the trump onstage and trump behind closed doors are two entirely different people. When hes sitting in a room, hes talking business, hes talking politics in a private room, its a different persona. When hes out on the stage, when hes talking about the kinds of things hes talking about on the stump, hes projecting an image thats for that purpose. And the two youll start to see come together in the course of the next several months. Manafort working to rebrand trump, promising an evolving candidate whos been playing a part to win the primary. Thats whats important from our standpoint, for you to understand that he gets it and the part hes been playing is evolving into the part youve been expecting but he wasnt ready for because he had to see through the first phase. Negatives will come down, image is going to change, but its still going to be crooked hillary and thats what youre going to be seeing a lot more of. Applause. Just hours ago at a rally in delaware, trump didnt shy away from the notion he will change as a candidate once he wins the primary, promising an upcoming pivot to being more president ial. Ivanka says, dad, please be more president ial. I say, i cant, i have to beat these people, i dont want to be too president ial yet. Being president ial for me is much easier than doing this. And you know what . If i was totally president ial we have 10,000 people here or something, id have about 300 and youd be falling asleep after 20 minutes. We have to have a little. But honestly, i probably wouldnt be here. Because i was hit really hard by these 17 people. I was hit really, really hard. And if i didnt hit them back really, really harder, i wouldnt be here. For those who believe the Trump Campaign is a con job and elaborate bait and switch in which he convinces a credulous base to vote for him then does an aboutface in the general the comments from manafort echoed by trump were the evidence they needed. And ted cruz campaigning earlier today in pennsylvania immediately seized on them. Donalds campaign is now run by a washington lobbyist who has been a lobbyist for 40 years. They brought in an army of lobbyists who are running the entire campaign. Yesterday they were down in florida meeting with Party Leaders and they were saying, these are their words, that all of this is just a show. That he doesnt believe anything hes saying. Hes just trying to fool gullible voters and hes not going to do any of it, hes not going to build a wall, hes not going to deport anyone. He is telling us he is lying to us. Ted cruz is certainly right about at least one thing, Donald Trumps campaign is now officially being run by washington lobbyists. The very people he spent much of his campaign rallying against. Its not just any lobbyists who are in charge of this phase of the campaign, but, well, some of the well, the most unsavory lobbyists possible. Paul manafort, who has brought in several of his friends, has spent decades in washington, d. C. Working for some of the worst people in the world. Literally. As political reports. The firm he helped found developed a niche representing a roster of controversial International Clients that has been described as the torturers lobby. Clients including filipino dictator marcos, a group accused of being a front for pakistani intelligence, and most recently ousted ukrainian Prime Minister yanukovych. When asked about his past clients, including the ousted ukrainian Prime Minister, widely seen as corrupt who fled to rash, manafort says hes always careful about who he chooses to work for. You have controversial clients in your past. Some current, some in the past. Has mr. Trump asked you to stop working for certain clients, stop doing work in ukraine if its against Americas National security . The work i was doing in ukraine was to help ukraine get into europe and we succeeded. But im not working for any clients right now other than mr. Trump. And are you going to make a promise in the future that if hes president youll be careful what clients you take . Im always careful what clients i take. Joining me, ken vogel, chief Investigative Reporter for politico, who wrote a fantastic piece on the lobbyists the Trump Campaign brought in. A great piece. Its almost like the thank you for smoking book and movie by the same name. If you were to create a cartoonish vision of what peoples worst image of what a washington lobbyist does, the manafort operation is not that far from it. Not only that, chris, not only do they represent all manner of sort of corporate criminals, accused corporate criminals, and industries that are regarded as unsavory in washington, manafort has pioneered taking this Business Model and making it international. Representing just a host of characters around the world who u. S. Foreign policy, the u. S. Foreign policy community, frankly wants noing to do with. So much so that in 2008 there was a guy who was a longtime manafort aide, just brought into the campaign, a guy by the name of doug davenport, whose work on behalf of the purpose hes military giunta was seen as so unsavory that the Mccain Campaign distanced itself from him and he basically had to resign. As a result of that its interesting that we see no such qualms by the Trump Campaign about bringing in these types of folks because trump unlike mccain has made a central part of his political identity the idea that hes not beholden to lobbyists and he doesnt play this washington game, yet here he is with a staff that has been taken over to some extent, to almost a complete extent, by Paul Manafort, who is bringing in all these folks with whom he has close ties, most of whom he worked with in lobbying. Its really astounding. Then you have him in almost in 47 moment in this taped audio basically saying, dont worry, thats just for the rubes. Hes not crazy, hes one of us and i dont know if its going to hurt him or not but man alive it really sounds like at this point theyre saying the soft part loud and the loud part softly. Yeah, i think that some of that is actually attention that is going on not just within the Trump Campaign but within donald trump himself. And that to some extent Paul Manafort is the human embodiment of his ego. The guy whos telling him, hey, we need to adapt and change, we need to play by the rules, traditional washington rules, even though youve thumbed your nose at them so successfully, its time to pivot here. Whereas the folks he had around him previously, trump that is, the old campaign regime, headed by Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski whos been supplanted by manafort, they were like Donald Trumps id, lets donald be donald, let mr. Trump be mr. Trump and encouraged him to fly by the seat of his pants. Now manafort making a course correction and admitting something that youre not supposed to admit publicly. If you do admit it privately irk make sure there are no recorders in the room. Not only admitting that but then youve got the crazy fourth wall moment of trump himself now saying, a new line of his, if i acted president ial, none of you im just doing this for attention transparently, and so far its working. Its a very bizarre message for a president ial candidate. And actually, ill add one more thing. From our sources tell us that in fact manaforts admission, recorded and then obviously publicly disseminated, actually really bothered trump. Our sources tell us that. He was really put off by this. Despite the fact that hes out there publicly saying something thats not too different. He wants it to be this sort of open and transparent process where when admits, hey, im playing the political game but thats not really who i am. To have someone else representing him to these washington power brokers oddly seemed to be a bridge too far for him. And again, we understand that he was upset by that. Really, the development of the manafort character coming into this play in the second act is really something. Ken vogel, thanks so much for joining me. Its a pleasure. Katie packer, founder of the antitrump pac, our priorities. First your reaction. This confirms i guess precisely the kind of story you and your allies have been telling about trump for months now. Well, i mean, trump is the guy thats almost 70 years old, i dont think hes a leopard thats going to change his spots any time soon. I think its telling that he felt he needed to bring in this whole slew of washington lobbyists, and like your first story mentioned, just representing sort of the dredges of the international society, to try to remake him in their image. And of course they want to reassure people that the guy that theyve seen for the last year isnt the guy thats going to represent them, because republicans are terrified of that. This is a guy that just has no character, has no grace, no class, no dignity, and is totally unsuited to be president of the united states. And rnc members recognize it. That may be true. The members may recognize it. But let me just sketch out the landscape. He had a pretty good night in new york. He lost a few delegates. I think you and i both agree hes going to have a very good night on tuesday night. That is his sort of geographic, demographic stronghold. Indiana looks like a more favorable terrain. Heres the polling out of indiana. Hes up by 8 points in the latest polling, 4133. To california, june 7th, 4922 over ted cruz right now. If those numbers were to hold, hes going to get to 1237. And all this talk about whos got the people on the floor and all that, thats a moot point, how soon just going to walk in and have the nomination. Not necessarily. The media is very, very fixated on state wins. And what our effort is focused on is delegate wins. He can win california as long as we can pick at a substantial number of those delegates that are available to us Congressional District by Congressional District. Even on tuesday we expect him to have some substantial wins. But were going to pick away at his delegate count in several different Congressional Districts are in new york we didnt expect to take any delegates out of there, and without spending a nickel we were able to take five delegates out of there. We feel really good about the notion that we can stop him. Hes still at a point he doesnt have a majority of Republican Voters or a majority of delegates. Hes not in the kind of position that mitt romney or john mccain were in the last two cycles or george w. Bush was back when he ran. And so this still has time to play out. Heres my question for you. Im asking honestly, i cant tell how much the never trump is you and about 15 other likeminded people, or whether its got some theres an actual constituency there. Theres a constituency behind ted cruz, that i understand. There are people that have his politics, they like ted cruzs mess messableage, and they match. The idea of an institution at movement around blocking trump, how broad is that . How much is that just like a fairly small group of people who are essentially like professional republicans . Well, i think that you see in our donors, weve got a broad group of donors that are supporting our effort. Weve got people that follow our efforts. We had over 1 million views on the last video that we put out to try to stop trump in wisconsin. We had a very Broad Coalition of people that came together. We were sending the message that in wisconsin, cruz is the candidate that can stop him. I think we had some people coming over from the kasich camp. What were trying to do is guide a strategy and say, neither kasich nor cruz at this point can get to the 1237 delegates they need prior to the convention, so we need everybody to be working together to stop trump from getting there too, then we can throw it open on the convention floor. A are the of people are excited about that. Why are they so excited about that prospect . Well, i think theyre hopeful that theres some other option. Like i said, donald trump still doesnt have a majority of republicans and a majority of republicans are sort of terrified that this guy is in a position that he could be our partys standbearer and god forbid president of the united states. So theyre really excited about the opportunity that we might be able to actually get somebody that has a shot at beating Hillary Clinton, which donald trump does not. All right, katie packer, thanks for joining me, really appreciate it. Still to come, the Campaign Many didnt think would make it this far, including perhaps the candidate himself. The secret weapon thats helping Bernie Sanders stay in the race ahead. What we learned about the investigation into princes dead. Ill talk with a man who spent decades covering his expansive career. First, ted cruz campaigns fearmongering reaches a despicable low with two new ads regarding the socalled bathroom bill. D with her, a flood of potential patients. A deluge of digital records. Xrays, mris. All on account. Of penelope. But with the help of at t, and a network that scales up and down ondemand, this hospital can be ready. Giving them the agility to be flexible reliable. Because no one knows like at t. Quite like the human foot. Introducing the 255 horsepower lexus is 300 allwheeldrive. With twentyfive percent more base horsepower. Once driven, theres no going back. Fight heartburn fast. With tums chewy delights. The mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. Tum tum tum tum. Chewy delights. Only from tums. President ial candidate ted cruz clearly seems to think he has found a winning issue in the republican primary. Stoking a culture war over socalled, i say socalled, bathroom bills fired by the pc police for suggesting grown men shouldnt share the bathrooms with young girls. Guess who joined the ranges of president. C police. People should use the bathroom they feel is appropriate. Donald trump cant be trusted with common sense, why should we trust him in the white house . As if that werent bad enough theres another grainy, more fearmongering, apocalyptic ted cruz bathroom ad. People go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate. North carolina and mississippi both recently adopted wildly discriminatory laws designed in part, among other things, to prevent trans people from using the restroom of the gender with which they identify. And today the backlash against both states Went International in a News Conference with british Prime Minister david cameron, president called for the law to be overturned while cameron explained why the uk now has a travel warning for any lgbt citizens looking to travel to mississippi or North Carolina. Our view on any of these things is that we believe that we should be trying to use more to end discrimination rather than to embed it or enhance it. And thats something were comfortable saying to countries and friends anywhere in the world. Yesterday this trans woman posted this photo on instagram. The caption in part, here i am using a womens restroom in North Carolina that im technically barred from being in, making all the more absurd and terrified images being used by cruz and others. Thank god no adult man has ever molested a child of the same sex or wed have to figure out bathroom laws like the boys shower at york she will high in illinois when future speaker of the house, then wrestling coach dennis hastert, an alleged seer yag sex abuser, allegedly set up a chair. According to the governments court filing in support of hasterts sentencing for illegal bank structuring charge related to alleged seer yag sexual aviews, individual d was a member of defendants york she will High School Wrestling team, defendant put a chair in direct view of the shower stalls in the locker room where he sat while the boys shourd. It is a lot more convenient to paint the picture of terrifying strangers when talking about Something Like that. Joining me now, chase strangeio, its great to have you here. I want to get to the law. This is a pet peeve of mine. The way our society talks about sex offenders and children is always in the terms of the scary stranger and never in the terms of what actually is the far more likely, which is the coach or the teacher or the priest or the caretaker. And it drives me insane. Yeah, i think what this all shows that is we grossly misunderstand how violence happens, we grossly misunderstand how abuse happens, and what we do instead is scapegoat and target Vulnerable People in this case trans people who are the most Vulnerable People to abuse in bath rolls, in fact. Thats what were looking at right now and its devastating for the community. Has this how do you read the politics of this moment . My read of it is that their internal polling in indiana is telling them the base likes this. Yeah, i think its hard to know what exactly is going on in terms of the politics. Obviously mccrory in North Carolina believed that this was a surefire campaign issues. And he went full force, passing this law through a special session that targeted transgender people. Now were in a crisis mode. As far as im concerned, for the trans community, it doesnt really matter whats going on with the politics behind this because this really is reaching the level where people in North Carolina are scared, theyre not going to the bathroom. So it rings hollow when president obama tells lgbt people in the uk, for example, that theyre going to be treated just fine when they go to North Carolina and mississippi, when in fact we know that people arent going to the bathroom and are fearing all sorts of policing. Do the folks you work with, that you hear from in your legal work, does it feel like a targets on their back . Absolutely. I think transgender people have felt a target on their back for a very long time. And there is they dont need these laws to feel that way, right. We dont need new laws to feel that way, trans people feel criminalized, targeted. Trans women of color are being targeted on the street. A new wave of legislation making it even more scary to be a trans person. And my clients in North Carolina, for example, they are not going to the bathroom. Which we know to be incredibly harmful. And theyre also fearing all sorts of policing, from actual Law Enforcement officers, but from other people in restrooms where they feel that theyre going to be assaulted when theyre just trying to go to the bathroom. Do you think that this represents a moment, essentially this fight as a political fight, is a fight that if one politically can actually push out the front tier of understanding equality, compassion, rights, et cetera . I think if we win it in the right way, its a matter of really putting forth trans people and saying, you know, take ted cruzs despicable, distorted ad and saying, first of all, this is not about men and womens bathrooms, this is about women in womens bathrooms, transgender women. We have to understand trans women are women. We have to put at the center of this conversation who were actually talking about so people arent afraid of that which is different and we dont keep expemming transgendered people from public life. To look at that Instagram Photo going around yesterday in comparison to the ad, its just sort of the perfect obvious visual rejoineder. Yeah, i think that the daily show did a piece recently about the absurdity of this trans panic and the reality is that so many trans people are living these completely innocuous, normal, boring lives. Here you have this fearmongering that is completely counter to how we walk about in the world. It is very dangerous because it sends the message that a trans person is a predator, that a trans woman is not a woman. And that is precisely the rhetoric and understanding that people walk around in the world with that caused them to attack trans people for just existing. That is not where we needed to be headed as a country. Chase, thank you so much for coming, that was excellent. Thanks for having me. A look at some of the tributes to prince that took place around the country last night, including this stunning performance from the broadway cast of the color purple. Well play it as an amazing moment right towards the end. Ive just arrived in atlta and i cant wait to start telling people how switching to geico could save them hundreds of dollars on Car Insurance but first, my luggage. Ahh, there it is. Uh, excuse me, sir . I think youve got the wrong bag. Sorry, they all look alike, you know . No worries. Well, cars here, i cant save people money chatting at the baggage claim all day. Geico®. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. After we got off the air last night the prince tributes seemed like they were just getting under way. Thousands of fans packed the streets of downtown minneapolis, not too far from the historic first avenue club where purple rain was filmed. In brooklyn Filmmaker Spike Lee honored prince with a dance party of his own. You dont have to be cool to rule my world meanwhile the cast of the broadway hit hamilton paid their respects to prince by just dancing to his 1984 hit lets go crazy. Prince was one of several celebrities to see hamilton and would give it a rave review, something a cast member talked about with Stephen Colbert last night. One guest came to the show a month ago. And this is its prince, who called it the best history class ever. Yeah. What a beautiful thing to have an artist of his caliber what does that mean to you and the other members of the cast to hear that even before the sad news of today, to know that someone like prince, whos been so influential, saw you dog Something Different . Its humbling. And we dont take it for granted at all. He sat right in the box with shades on the whole time. But it meant the world to us. Then prince didnt come backstage. He wasnt big on stuff like that. Then we were all waiting to see, did he like it . Did he care about it . And he sent that tweet. Broadway tributes didnt end with hamilton. Jennifer hudson and the cast of the broadway version of the color purple performed a moving rendition of purple rain. Hudson asked to cut the muse and i can the whole room sings acapella. Can we stop the music and sing this together one more time . Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo whoo sing it again sing it again what would you give to be able to sing like that . Or like prince. All across the country people sang and danced and shared their favorite memories of prince. Except for republican president ial john kasich who offered this slightly awkward response. Any comment on princes death . You know, i feel badly about the prince. Not really, though. I never really i never saw him in concert. That was a mistake for me not to have been able to follow to see him in concert. Because he was an extraordinary musician. Coming up, how did president obama celebrate princes legacy . In the same way many of us did this morning. bear growls burke smash and grub. Seen it. Covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum the possibility of a fre was almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications vent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including turculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. 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Theres a vibrant conversation going on about what happens to the movement after the primaries are over, said charles lynchner, who cofounded people for bernie whos helping organize the summit. The primary slated for tuesday, sanders is polling behind clinton but june big one highly important metric, money, Sanders Campaign is doing fine. Outraising Hillary Clinton in fundraising for the month of march as he did the previous month. Pulling in 46 million, according to fec filings. He pulled ahead of clinton in total fund raising in hard money to the campaign, according to fec data, as of march 31st, with 182 million. To repeat an insurgent candidates, a democratic socialist, a man pale no one put any money on to still be in the race at this point is ahead of Hillary Clinton, one of the most formidable fundraisers in the history of modern politics in total fundraising. That figure does not include super pacs, of course. Money and support give sanders a reason to keep fighting. Even if he doesnt surpass clinton in pledged delegates his war chest makes it possible to realistically stay in the race until the convention. The democratic primary eight years ago, thencandidate barack obama was ahead in delegates as well as drawing crowds and money. The 2008 campaign, Hillary Clintons campaign was in debt by the time she conceded the race to obama. The real reason most campaigns end is they run out of money, or they lose. They cant continue. The question is, what happens if your campaign is not running out of money . Joining me, political reporter for the New York Times nick confessore. This question of how, i dont know, extraordinary this fundraising apparatus they put in place has been. Its the first time in history its happened, i think. Look, sanders runs on solar power. Hes the first candidate to run on solar pawer. He never runs out. His people give to him even if its not looking good for him. The usual inducement is to drop out, as you said. Money or pressure from the party. Are not going to apply to him. Right. And remember, bigmoney donors give for two reasons. Ideological support or personal support. And because they want to back the winner. Which is part of the reason that you get a vicious cycle in most races. As it becomes clear youre not going to win, its like, why am i giving money to jeb bush . Hes not going to be next president of the united states. Bernie sanders supporters are not giving money because when he wins theyll be able to call up Bernie Sanders. Or have an ambassadorship or appointment to some post. Right. His people believe in what hes leaving in the movement and thats what makes him different and formidable against Hillary Clinton. I think when he has problems in the polls or problems in some of these states it makes them give him more money because they see he needs it. His message is built around needing and wanting just money, grassroots, it isnt a half and half thing, addon. Right. Theres also the fact that one of the other things that complicates things is that Hillary Clinton has to still keep raising money. She doesnt have the same shes got donors who are tapped out because theyve macsed out. Bernie sanders doesnt have that issue. As you go further along, it gets harder to raise because youre working your way through the list of macsedout donors. She has to find new maxout donors for primary to keep her numbers up. Unless she can boost her small donors herself. And her numbers are not that bad. Otherwise she has to find new people, rich people, who can give that maximum check. When theyve given it, its done for the cycle, or for the primary i should say. Theres the case that she has super pacs and he doesnt. Theres the National Nurses union which has been doing some ads, which as super pac. But those super pac dollars, they dont pay for staffers. One of the things weve learned in this campaign is, hard money kouchts for a lot because thats actually what you run your campaign on. Look, she has more cash on hand than Bernie Sanders. And spending less. Exactly. Although shes spending more than shes raising each month this year. Which is interesting. Shes underwater. But the game of chicken right here is that her super pac does not want to spend its money on Bernie Sanders. This is the advertising arm of the super pac, to correct the record, is spending money to oppose him. But the big ads, 100 million in stock, right, is trying to save it for the general against the koch brothers. The question is how long will they wait and how bad does it have to get for them to pull the trigger on some money against Bernie Sanders . And i think thats probably explains some of the frustration around the people in the clinton circle, which is from their perspective, christmas zero sum. You, Bernie Sanders, who are not going to win the nomination, are taking resources from the fixed pie of what we can spend. Correct. The view of the clinton world is you cant win but you can keep raising money and forcing us to spend money. She has spent 20 million on ads in states that are not going to be in play in the general election. Its not a lot against a billiondollar campaign put it begins to add up over time. From sanders perspective, fair to say hes not looking for some big personal tradein. He doesnt want to be secretary of state. Right. The usual back and forth. The alsorans kind of want a role in the new regime of some kind. He does not want that kind of role. I think hes at the head of a movement that believes the party has to be pressured from the inside. Claims they want addressed. Its a big difference, to have a movement around these four issues, fracking, wall street, is a big difference than just a personality thing around a candidate. Thank you, that was great. Do not miss my exclusive town hall with Bernie Sanders in philadelphia this monday. That is going to be really interesting. It will be on the eve of that big primary tuesday and it will be right here at 8 00 p. M. Coming up, the stunning turn of events for my beloved and benighted Baseball Team that was even more stunning than it first appeared. Later the Health Care Experiment in colorado thats so crazy it just might work. They say that in life, we shouldnt sweat the small stuff. But when youre building a mercedesbenz, there really is no small stuff. Every decision. Every component. Is an integral part of what makes the 2016 cclass one of our most sophisticated cars ever. Because when youre setting a new benchmark for refinement, it is the small stuff. That makes the biggest impression. The 2016 cclass. 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Thanks to the miracle of Jake Arrietas arm and technology and the mlb app on the iphone, they are not paying me to say this i sat on the stoop outside my house when i got home to watch the final inning of Jake Arrietas second nohitter in his last regularseason starts. In a nailbiter the cubs scratched out a 160 win against the reds at cincinnatis Great American ballpark. A huge celebration followed as it is wont to do on the pitchers mound. Play a little game of which of these things does not belong . The answer in 60 seconds. Take on the unexpected. The new 2016 nissan altima. Built to stand out. bear growls burke smash and grub. Seen it. Covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are faers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum fight heartburn fast. With tums chewy delights. The mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. Tum tum tum tum. Chewy delights. Only from tums. Following jake air yets second career nohitter this was the celebration on the mound, a pileon of the cubs Baseball Team along with this guy. A fan wearing shorts and a white cubs shirt who sprinted onto the field to share in the moment. Even reaching out to pat arrietas head. He was pulled away by cincinnati police, arrested, and forced to finish celebrating from jail. The fanatic has been identified as dylan cressie, charged with criminal trespass. His father didnt seem concerned telling the chicago tribune, thats my boy the chicago cubs havent won a world series in 108 years and theyre currently the best team in baseball, a 160 nohitter could get anyone a little excited. Nothing unleashes power. Quite like the human foot. Introducing the 241 horsepower lexus is 200 turbo. With almost twenty percent more base horsepower. Once driven, theres no going back. Itsand your doctor at yoto maintain your health. A because in 5 days, 10 hours and 2 minutes you are going to be 67. And on that day you will walk into a room where 15 people will be waiting. 12 behind the sofa, 2 behind the table and 1 and a half behind a curtain. Family surprise but only one of them will make a life long dream come true. Great things are ahead of you when your health ready for them. At humana, we can help you with a personalized plan f you for your health for years to come. Quite like the human foot. Introducing the 241 horsepower lexus is 200 turbo. With almost twenty percent more base horsepower. Once driven, theres no going back. This past week conservatives have been banging the drum over the news that United Health care, the nations Largest Health insurer, is pulling out of federally run Health Insurance exchanges in several states because they say theyre losing money. This is the beginning of what could be an implosion or we could be pushing to single payer which might be the ultimate goal, correct . Its imbloating, rupture, its too expensive we have heard of obamacares impending demise many times and many experts think this is by no means the death blow to the Affordable Care act. An under the radar story out of colorado where this november that state could become the first to create a single payer Health Insurance system in lieu of the Affordable Care act. If voters pass it, amendment 69 or colorado care would give all coloradoan Health Insurance and save 4. 5 billion a year according to supporters. To be paid for by a payroll tax increase for employees and employers. Lobbyists are hard at work to defeat the plan. Fear of health care interests losing profits. Joining me lee fang, investigative report are forethe intercept whos been covering all this. Where did this come from . Thanks for having me. Theres been a number of kind of very dedicated single payer activists all over the country working methodically to build support for single payer. Weve seen resolutions all across the country from cities and towns calling for single payer. But this is one of the first concrete steps to actually put that dream and make it a reality. So this is a state ballot measure. As you mentioned, very underreported, under the radar, that would actually change the Colorado State constitution and set up a system that would allow for a true single payer system. So that means anyone in colorado whos a resident, there will be no Health Insurance premiums, no deductibles, paid for through a payroll tax and provide basically all care. Health care, dental care, everything from a doctors checkup to openheart surgery. So theres that great phrase about laboratory is a democracy from a Supreme Court opinion, this is a great example, theres back and forth, can single payer work, can it not . Do advocates think this is a sufficient scale for it to work or do you get all sorts of unintended consequences if you just set it up in one state . Theres a big debate over that, right . For single payer system to be as successful as it could be it needs to be large. Just like any Health Insurance pool. So of course a National Pool would be much more effective. It would be a stronger barring kneel unit than a state or county or city. But this is an interesting step. If colorado is successful in this endeavor, it could prove as an example for other states and maybe even the federal government. How does it look on the other side of this . I can only imagine resources Insurance Companies would pour into trying to defeat Something Like this. Thats what our story concerned. This campaign is just getting started. Health insurance and other forprofit health care interests are doing everything they can to stop it. In colorado forprofit hospital chain hca through their trade association is already mobilizing opposition. A number of other Health Insurance broker trade groups and lobby group in the state are organizing and setting up opposition to this ballot measure. Even in d. C. , the national Health Insurance broker trade association is working with its lobbyists to mobilize opposition so they can block this ballot measure before it spreads or succeeds. Its going to be really interesting to see how it plays out. Thanks a lot, have a great weekend. Next ill talk with the man who spent decades covering the extraordinary life and work of prince and picked up Amazing Stories along the way. Mary buys a little lamb. One of millions of orders on this companys servers. Accessible by thousands of suppliers and employeesglob. But with Cyber Threats on the rise, marys data could be under attack. With the help of the at t network, a network that senses and mitigates Cyber Threats, their Critical Data is safer than ever. Giving them the agility to be open secure. Because no one knows like at t. 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Relief and remission within reach. bear growls burke smash and grub. Seen it. Covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum i love prince because he put out great music and he was a great performer. I didnt know him well. He came to perform at the white house last year. And was extraordinary. Its a remarkable loss and im staying at winfieldhouse, the u. S. Ambassadors residence. It so happens our ambassador has a turntable so this morning we pleaed purple rain and delirious just to get warmed up before we left the house before important bilateral meetings like this. The president paying tribute to prince during a meeting with british Prime Minister david cameron. Prunss autopsy was completed, his body released to his family. A Sheriffs Office said his body showed no immediate signs of trauma and they have no reason to believe his death was a suicide. In a press conference earlier Carver County sheriff jim olsen said theyre no closer to determining what caused the december and it could take weeks before any conclusively information is released. Prince was found unresponsive in an elevator at his paisley park home yesterday morning. According to the Sheriffs Office deputies went through the house and it appeared prince was alone at the time of his death. Joining me, john parelis, New York Times, wrote a fantastic piece of prince around the time of the release of the emancipation, a time that alludes to princes freedom from his contract with Warner Brothers. Good to have you here. Great to be here. A lot of rumor mongering, speculation about princes death which i dont want to engage in. What i want to ask you is, some musicians have reputations for being basket cases, people in and out of rehab, who have substance problems. My sense is that was not the way people thought of prince. Definitely not. From his youth he was a straight arrow, he was not a drug user. He was just music was everything to him. And you look at him on stage, he was athletic, he was young, he was in shape. He was just such a life force which is why this has been so shocking to everybody. It was interesting to watch the press Conference Today when the sheriff talking about paisley park as not just a home but kind of this sort of community, institution. They had concerts there, police would provide security sometimes. Youve been there a number of times. Ive been there, its a giant place. Its this 10 million complex, a studio. I think prince made it so that he could record any time of the day and night. Just like roll out of bed, turn on a recorder, make a song. Which seems to be what he did most of his waking life when he wasnt on the stage making songs. Youve written about how almost possessed, sort of compulsively possess the by music he was. I dont know about possessed more than channeling. I think this force is in all great artists. Something is coming out of them. And i think prince just had more of it than most. He was like might go ra falls, an avalanche, he kept writing songs. When i visited at chan hatten at paisley park in 1996 he said there were more than 1,000 unreleased songs and that was 20 years ago. You can imagine the output. He told me that he could basically envision a song completely at the moment he heard anytime his head, all the parts were there, i hear all the singing, i hear all the dancing, he said. If he didnt record it fast enough, another one would come along. He was channeling music, a vessel for muse he said this in the 1996 article you wrote, sometimes i stand in awe of what i do myself. I feel like a regular person but i listen to this and wonder, where did it come from . I believe definitely in the higher power that gave me this talent. If you go no the studio alone and come out with it, youd do that every day, wouldnt you . I think he did it every day. And there was so much of it. It was a problem for his career. Because he fought with the Record Company not over not producing but over overproducing. He wanted to put out stuff faster, he wanted to put out stuff as it came to him. A typical music career is you put out an album, tour it for a year or two, put out another album. Prince wanted to put out triple albums and maybe another one later that year. That was the initial fight with Warner Brothers was essentially oversupplying the market, glutting the market with prince music. Yes. When he is just saying basically, im sitting here channelling this stuff, i need this to come out of me. Yeah, it was almost compulsive. But there was so much good stuff. Even the stuff that is relegated to the ends of albums and stuff that isnt as good as the great stuff, theres still such a musical mind going on. Great rhythms, tunes. Hes funny, smart. Hes also very socially concerned. We think of prince as this sex symbol. The guy who wrote the most lascivious song in the world. Also songs like sign of the times one of the first songs about aids in 1987. In 2004 he wrote a very pointed specific antidiscrimination song cinnamon girl. Just last year he went to baltimore and played that concert and wrote the song about baltimore. I was learning yesterday, a great article about he was writing so many songs, writing songs for other people as well. I learned yesterday that manic monday is a prince song, the bengals. Nothing compares to you, a song i love, i knew was a prince song before Sinead Oconnor had a big hit. Hes writing so many songs hes giving them away. He didnt even initially record nothing compares to you, it was recorded by a group called the family. Heres a prince song, i dont have room for it on my album, go ahead and record it. I was watching old interviews, his relationship with his parents, hi father particularly. He was so technically adept. Theres a sense in which he was this genius. He came from a musical family. His father talked about being drilled in musicpy his dad. He was but the discipline was always there. His High School Newspaper interviewed him about being a music star. He was already in High School Good enough to be getting attention as our great musician. He started writing songs when he was 7. He just had it in him. There is incredible discipline involved in being a musician that involves being alone and practicing and learning your instrument. And he did that. One of the great things about him was he was good at both this incredibly solitary practice of making a song all by himself, playing every instrument, singing every vocal by himself in the studio, night after night. But then he would go out in night. But then he would go out in this into an arena and touch everybody in that public arena. Thanks so much for joining us. That is all for this evening. Tune in on monday at our normal time for my special town hall Bernie Sanders followed by a Hillary Clinton town hall hosted by rachel maddow. Speaking of her, good evening rachel. Im not going to sleep all weekend. Im so psyched youve got the bernie one and im psyched were stacking them back to back. The town hall audiences getting to evaluate them back to back. Sort of like this laboratory of democracy were creating in philadelphia. Its going to be great. The only problem with it is that im following you. Which is going to be difficult and nerveracking. You need more practice. Well see. Thanks, my friend, see you monday. Thanks for joining us this hour. One of the unexpected news stories of this decade, one of the unexpected things that has happened all over the country, particularly in the last five years, is that there has been a huge and rapid escalation in

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