Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20160126

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On wood, but so far when people attack me, they get creamed. They go down. It happened to ben carson who interrupted trumps lead last fall. Now a week to the Iowa Caucuses and ray of poll suggests its exactly whats happening to ted cruz. Cruz started gaining momentum in december. According to the wall street journal, thats around the time when donald trump started to get worried. His Campaign Manager told the journal earlier this month in route to New Hampshire, trump announced to staff, ted is hanging around the top too long. Time to take him down. Results, trumps attacks on the loans cruz once received from Goldman Sachs and perhaps most devastatingly on his canadian birthplace and whether it disqualifies him from running for president. Trump said its time for ted cruz to settle his problem with the fact he was born in canada and was a citizen in canada or get out of the race. He raised questions about cruzs personality. I think the establishment is against me but really coming online because they see me as opposed to cruz who is a nasty guy who cant get along with anybody. At a certain point, you have to make deals. We cant have a guy who stands in the middle of the senator floor and over other senator thinks hes a whack job. While hes been attacking cruz, members of the Republican Party have been coming at him on all sides. Trump was introduced at a rally by chuck grassley. The appearance seemed to send a message. We have had this trend going this way away from the basic principles that established our government. We have an opportunity once again to make America Great again. Republican bob doyle from trent lott have come out of the wood work to warn against nominating ted cruz. Many eager to talk about how they dislike the guy. The quickest way for a meeting to end would be for ted to come in. People wouldnt go to a meeting if they knew he would be there. The onslaught has had a real impact. Trump and cruz have respect ily switched positions over the last month or so with cruz dropping several points and trump back on top. Look at the trend in the polling average when trump decided to go on the attack. The question is what cruz can do to reverse that trend in the next seven days. This weekend he campaigned in iowa with glenn beck. He got an endorsement from Texas Governor rick perry who is said to campaign with him later this week. If my people two corinthians walk into the bar. Attack ads targeting trump. Prochoice in every respect. Im prochoice in every respect. Im prochoice in every respect. For partial birth abortion, not a conservative. Today cruz tried out a new line of attack over his health policy. Right now today, donald supports Bernie Sanders style socialized medicine. He believes that obama care didnt go far enough and we need to expand it to put the government in charge of our health care, in charge of our relationship with our doctors. Im joined now by Republican Attorney general of virginia who has endorsed ted cruz for president. Thank you very much. Is this Republican Party stabbing ted cruz in the back as we watch this unfold . You had Jeff Sessions coming to the defense of ted cruz, yet not endorsing him. You have mike lee working with him. Ben sass saying some good things. Theres a bit of this as a narrative. The fact of the matter is where ted cruz was at the beginning of this race in march, when he got in it may be that people in washington dont like him. You named trent lott and bob doyle, appropriators. They may not get along with him so well because he stands for principles, but ordinary americans seem to like him as they know him. A lot of people who arent appropriators dont seem to like him. Theres a bevi of quotes from his college roommate, maybe theyre wrong. Its not people who are trying to move money around budget reconciliation. You also heard trump say amake deals. They like people who make deals. Teds running against that. People like the leadership of the Republican Party and the Democrat Party right now in washington. Thats the name of the game in the republican nomination contest. Teds been doing it pretty effectively. Its interesting hes focusing on the comments that donald trump made. You mean the one about abortion . Yeah. I think that its interesting to me to go with this thing, that everyone knows has been out there. Lets you and i agree for a moment that donald trump has flipflopped enormously. Its established what he was before and what he is now. What does it mean about the Republican Party if ted cruz runs these ads and campaigns on this and loses to donald trump in iowa, of all places . What does that mean about the abortion politics of the gop . Im not sure. I think it will have to play out beyond iowa. Iowas only the first of 50, 51 votes here in then when we get to the convention then the territory vote. Shouldnt that be a dagger to watch donald trump get up there and say five times im prochoice. When huckabee prevailed and santorum prevailed, they were filling of the conservative hole in the market. This year we have a spectacular field of candidates. Theres a lot more opportunity to see that support spread around. That plays a role that we havent seen before. We will see how the abortion issue as people become educated on it in iowa plays. I think it is important in iowa. Perhaps more so than in some other states. How that plays out, i think will play a significant role in the outcome next monday night. I want to ask you one more question about abortion. Ted cruz led the fight or wanted to lead the fight to defund planned parenthood in the wake of those videos released. Today a grand jury in houston, which was impanelled to i vest gait wrong doing by planned parenthood came back and cleared planned parenthood of wrong doing. Instead indicting the film makers who put the videos together. Ted cruz said they were selling body parts. Thats shown to be not true by there grand jury. Are we going to see republicans who champion these videos change their tune on this now that the people who created them have been indicted for felonies . I think what youre going to see out of videos more important than who crossed whatever legal lines is the fact that this is understood to go on as an accepted practice. That is, and in some circumstances, is legal. The question is was it legal in the circumstances at issue in these videos. The bigger problem that most of the republicans are getting at that ted cruz is getting at, what does it say about us as a country. Is this okay . Are people okay with selling aborted babies. Not selling. Call it what you want. That was the word used. Not to be the case. I just want to make clear of that. That word has been used. You dont want your question answered. You want me to say yes to your declaration. I dont want that word used when that was the thing the point of debate. I understand where youre coming from and your point about people need to wrestle with the moral ramifications and i understand people that have your view on this matter. Thats a bigger question in the context of a president ial race. Understood. Great to have you. Im going to reserve the right to have a conversation with you about the phrase what legal line was crossed in the future. Those kinds of conversations i like to have. Thank you very much. Joining me now bessie woodroff. I think it was a open question when the guns turned from ted cruz to donald trump. All this canada smoke blowing and mud. The data seems to indicate its working. You cant make an argument that its not working wasillaed on the poll numbers that were seeing. People love donald trump when he goes on the attack. Angry donald trump, mad donald trump, attacking donald trump. The attack line that he uses is this idea that nobody likes ted cruz. Ted cruz loses the washington Cocktail Party popularity contest because number one, its right. Number two, its a weird argument to make. It seems to resonate effectively. I was talking about this with an operative. He said part of the reason that this particular argument is so hard for cruz to combat is because theres a difference between being a martyr and a pariah. Its not necessarily that cruz is standing on principle, its that hes annoying. Based on trumps arguments, they might be putting cruz in the pariah category. Its true that trump has been attacking him in this way. Ted cruz is saying you want someone to go there and make deal, im not your guy. Trump is your guy. Well see whether that continues to play out. My other question about the way this is closing in iowa is whether, basically, cruz has ended up on the wrong side of the expectations game. He was polling ahead and your polls like a golf handicap. Its not absolutely how you do. Its how you do relative to the handicap. He may come in three points behind trump and everyone will declare that a big loss. Without a doubt. If he doesnt win by three points, its a loss. The expectations went really high, really fast. Now cruz has to somehow rally and get enthusiasm back that might flag as the numbers go down. One big thing cruz has going for him that will be effective in iowa is his iowa strike force. Its about 800 volunteers all from outside iowa who have traveled to iowa on their own dime and staying in these dorm type facilities making phone calls and block walking. Having that many people take time off work or school because they like a candidate so much, thats the kind of things that polls dont show. If cruz does win, people will be talking about that as part of the reason. That reminds me when you describe that, im reminded of the Dean Campaign in 2004 which did that. Everyone had their orange hats and that upset iowans and they felt invaded by that whole thing. The question here, to me, is does this attack that ted cruz is selling now, which others have tried. The guys not a real conservative. Does that gain traction . I think probably. If anything we think we know about iowa is true, that attack has to work. If he cant run an ad of donald trump saying im have prochoice, if that ad doesnt work in iowa then up is down, left is right. We dont know anything. If that doesnt work, nothing will work. Thank you very much. Sure thing. Still to come, is Bernie Sanders to 2016, what president obama was to 2008. The president himself weighs in. More on the shocking update in the investigation of planned parenthood. Cecil Richards Will join me live. My interview with president ial candidate rand paul for the 2016 race. What people think of ted cruz. Teds made it very personal. When hes made it very personal to call individuals liars, people dont like that. Youve upgraded all your old technology. So what about this . Its time to get into the new with ford come and get it if you really want it. New is ecoboost technology. New is a footactivated liftgate. New is tougher, stronger and lighter. New is ford. Americas bestselling brand. Now get into a new focus, fusion, or escape with 0 financing for 60 months plus 2,000 dollars tradeassist cash. Only at your local ford dealer. Theres now one week until the iowa caucus. If youre watching the polls, the picture of the democratic side is pretty confusing. Its been clarified by nate combs who said theres two kinds of polls. Theres polls that rely on people who have previously caucused. As you can see in those polls Hillary Clinton is ahead by 29 points. In others just a few points up. In polls using random digit dialing, thats where you call a sample of registered democrats in iowa, many who have never caucused before. Senator Bernie Sanders is ahead in three of the four polls. Judging by all these polls, if sanders will win, he needs the votes of first time caucus goers. Its a group that barack obama turned out in 2008, splitting those voters with Hillary Clinton and john edwards. His strength was pulling in young voters of 50 of 17 to 29yearolds. Thats a group sanders has been counting on. In a grass roots campaign. The president was an expert on that one was asked about what he thinks of that comparison. He had a fascinating answer. Well bring that to you straight ahead. Hilarious race who will be the next president has put the current president in a bit of a tricky situation. Its clear that barack obama, who understands literally better than anyone, what it takes to win the democratic nomination would love nothing more than to expound at length on the topic. Theres just one problem. He has to play neutral. Listen as he attempts to tiptoe through the mind field of the Sanders Clinton race. What hillary presents is a recognition that translating values into governance and delivering the goods is ultimately the job of politics. Sounds like youre not buying the easy popular dichotomy people are talking about where shes an analog for you and shes herself. I dont think thats true. I think bernie came in with the luxury of being a complete long shot and just letting loose. I think hillary came in with the both the privilege and burden of perceived as the frontrunner. I think that if bernie won iowa or won New Hampshire, then you guys are going to do your jobs and, you know, youre going to dig into his proposals and how much they cost and what does it mean, and how his tax policy work. Hes subjected then to a rigor that hasnt happened yet, but that hillary is very well familiar with. All right. Joining me now columnist for the daily beast. That last quote was such a tell. You will do your jobs. Youre going to look at Bernie Sanders proposals, how much it will cost and he will be subjected to a rigor that he hasnt been yet that hillary is well familiar with. You dont have to read through the lines. No, you dont. Theres truth to what obama said there. You know as well as i do, the reason that sanders hasnt been subjected to that rigor yet is i dont know a journalist, quite frankly, who thinks hes going to be the nominee. Now, i dont know everybody, so i may be wrong. Generally speaking, people think that his candidacy is going to win one or two races and then fade out and she is probably going to be the nominee. For that reason, hes not being subjected to the scrutiny that a quote, unquote, more serious candidate would be subjected to. Let me respond to that and also talk about the interview. They sync up. If you poll journalists, where would Bernie Sanders will right now on the doorstep of New Hampshire. I think people thought it would be much closer Martin Omalley that Bernie Sanders. Everything thats happened so far is wouldnt you agree, has surprised expectations . Without question. Without question. You get 20, 30,000 people showing up at the Staples Center and many, many other places, youre doing something. Youre connecting with people. Theres no question hes connecting with people in a big way. It gets down to votes. He has to win not just New Hampshire, i think, because people expect that hes going to win New Hampshire. He has to perform beyond that and the little bit you had in the segment before i came on about the analysis of those polls and about the need that sanders has to get these new voters out to caucus, which is hard thing to do in most circumstances. Its going to be one hes going to have to deliver onto get to that next level in his candidacy. I thought it was fascinating to listen to the president talk about iowa and how it was the greatest political time in his life. About how amazing that organization was and theres no parallel to it. I dont think he meant as a swipe to sanders. People talk about getting new people out and dont understand what that means on the ground, how hard it is. He also said, which i think is true of sanders, when you win a state, everything changes in terms of level of scrutiny. We still dont have any votes cast. The world after donald trump wins state, Bernie Sanders wins a state looks different than it does before anyone has won anything. Absolutely. You get a lot of momentum, but then you get a lot of questions too. Of course, sanders would rather have the win and get the questions because it brings the momentum with it. My sense of things right now is that if he does not win iowa, the press, fairly or not, is going to start writing goodbye stories. Even if he does win New Hampshire, which everyone expects him to do. Its really pivotal for him and clinton too. Everybody thinks shes going to stabilize. If she loses two, shell have a long couple of weeks. Thanks. A special new all in series this week. Well look at five candidates and break down what it would take for each of them to win the nomination. Tonight, jeb bush. Ke you do . Try always discreet underwear and move, groove, wiggle, giggle, swerve, curve. Lift, shift, ride, glide, hit your stride. Only always discreet underwear has soft dual leak guard barriers to help stop leaks where they happen most and a discreet fit that hugs your curves, you barely feel it. Always discreet underwear so bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. Because hey, pee happens. Get your free pair and valuable coupons at always discreet. Com voting in the 2016 president ial race begins in just sevens days. Every day well sit down with nbc Political Correspondent to break down the path to victory for five of the candidates. Today were starting with jeb bush. The one time frontrunner who has nose dived. He has signed of life in New Hampshire, a powerful family name and the love of his mother. Walk me through if one of the great second acts of president of politics were to be written and jeb bush were to come back. How would that look . The most plausible way he could pull this out. He needs to thin the field as much as he can while surviving. He needs for ted cruz to lose in iowa and lose to donald trump. Ted cruz has to win iowa. His whole strategy revolves out of it. If you can eliminate him out of iowa, thats a good first step. The same rooting interest applies to kasich, marco and chris christie. They are all rooting against cruz. It opens up a lot of those states after New Hampshire. A lot of those Southern States that have a similar demographic profile. That opens them up. Say trump wins iowa or pounds cruz. What next. Trump is blowing out the field in New Hampshire. What you look for is trump wins New Hampshire but bush breaks out of that crowded establishment lane. A clear, strong second place showing showing clearly ahead of rubio and christie and kasich and giving trump a bit of a scare. Youre coming out of New Hampshire. Cruz is eliminated. Now youre bush and you get a shot at trump. Basically barrel toward South Carolina with it being you and trump. Thats it. You go down to South Carolina. All those other people will probably be around and have the money too. Are they marginalized . Do people just abandon them . Trump has won the first two. Does the political world say this is it. South carolina is the referendum. Do you really want trump or are you going to go with bush . The bush family had a history in South Carolina. They have saved political careers there. The father, brother, saved their political careers in South Carolina. Could it work for jeb too be. John mccain was coming off that win. The w folks just killed him. Some say it was a lot of dirty politics. A lot of stuff happened. They do know that state, the bush family. They have worked it over before. That is the tradition of South Carolina. Lindsey graham said it when he dropped out an endorsed bush. It usually goes with the most electable conservative candidate. Thats true except in 2012. Thanks a lot. Sure. Pretty stunning news tonight out of texas. What started as an investigation into allegations of criminal misconduct by planned parenthood ended in criminal charges for the two antiabortion activists who made a series of uncover videos of the organization. Those that kicked off a political fire storm last year. Grand jury has indicted be videographers behind the series of secretly recorded planned videos. Each on a felony charge of tampering with a government record which carries a charge of up to 20 years in prison. Mr. Daledion was also indicted on a second charge. The facility at the center of this investigation has been cleared out of any wrong doing. The video put out surfaced last year and purported to show planned parenthood officials discussing the costs of preserving fetal tissue donated for medical research. They kicked off a National Controversy leading the calls to defending the organization. As the Texas Tribune reports, among the undercover videos were recordings of staff as planned parenthood gulf coast executives. A criminal investigation was launched into that planned parenthood facility last year at the urging of state Republican Leaders, including Texas Governor greg abbott. Earlier anderson said we were called upon to investigation allegation ls of criminal conduct by planned parenthood gulf coast. As i stated at the out set of this investigation, we must go where the evidence leads us. As the Houston Chronicle reports, the reaction from the Governors Office was one of resistance with abbott vowing that the state attorney general will continue to investigation the videos. Nothing about todays announcement inpacts the investigation. The state of texas will conduct to protect life and i will support legislation prohibiting the transfer or sale of fetal tissue. Thank you for making the time. I know youre out in the cold. This is a stunning turn around. Grand jury gets impanelled to investigate the officers there. They say no wrong doing there but were going to criminally indict these two people who made the videos. Your reaction. Well, youre right. What we have seen state after state is theres been no findings of wrong doing. The only wrong doing has been by the folks who perpetrated this scam. Our most important focus is on the safety and well being of our patients and we have been continuing to see patients in houston and around the state of texas ever since this started. Were really grateful to the houston District Attorney, a republican District Attorney who cleared us of wrong doing and indicted these two perpetrators of this scam. People have their opinions and belief about abortion. We know where the Republican Party is. These videos were the proximate cause of outrage. You were hauled to congress. There were motions to defund. A lot got done on these underlying videos when you have this finding of no wrong doing. What do you want to hear from the politicians that ran with these videos . Whats important to remember is even though some of the Republican Leaders oppose access to Reproductive Health care, thats not where most mainstream republicans are. Its time those that leading in this race for presidency address the fact that women have had the right to abortion for more than 40 years. Its something the American People support. Thats why i am out here in iowa in the wind and snow campaigning as part of planned Parenthood Action Fund for Hillary Clinton. Shes been a long standing supporter for Hillary Clinton. Do you see democrats in 2016, it seems to me, being somewhat less defensive about the issue of abortion and reproductive rights than they have been this the past . I think that we are seeing every democrat runs for office both nationally and most of the state level being full supporters of planned parenthood and the health care we provide. One in five women in this country have been to planned parenthood for health care. Thats a lot of people. What we see on these political attacks made against the organization or the health care we provide, that people rise up. Ive been overwhelmed by the support for planned parenthood across the country and especially by young people who never thought these rights would be at risk. I also have to take a moment to recognize the fact there were actual, a shooting. People were shot and killed in planned parenthood facility in colorado. The perpetrator cited the videos that were produced and sort of found to be the origins found to be criminal today. Whats your feeling when you reflect on that . Well, look, all of these videos have been thoroughly discredited. As we saw today in houston the perpetrators have been indicted. Words have meaning. People should think long and hard when they stigmatize women, health care providers, doctors. Theres nothing more tragic than what happened in colorado springs. Its important that all women Access Health care in this country safely and without fear. Thats what were about at planned parenthood. Thank you for braving the cold and win for us. Our interview with rand paul. Stay with us. Although residents of flint, michigan are unable to drink or bathe in the water, they are still being asked to pay for that water. It feels like a slap in the face after she received a bill for about 99. More on the crisis in flint, next. Tonight michigan governor continues to fight for his political life as the magnitude of the ka becomes apparent. Meanwhile, more investigation some protested over water bills and over 1,000 people have joined three class action lawsuits naming a litany of state officials including the governor. Schneider with his entire governorship and political career in jeopardy is engaged in a counter offensive. He suspended two state workers said they are the blame for testing failures. This morning he continued shifting blame to Civil Servants for ignoring outside experts warnings about lead levels in flint. The point is our government, the Civil Service people didnt agree with their conclusions and didnt understand until a month or so later. That delayed our action plan. I feel terrible about that. Thats ha drives you crazy about this. Most state employees are fabulous people. In this particular case there was a serious problem. They were far too technical and not using enough common sense. That interview comes less than 24 hours after jeb bush went past defending him praising him for his response to the crisis. First of all, i think its pretty clear when you have local, state and federal agencies not talking to each other, blaming each other, no one being held accountable, you get this result. It is a tragedy. I admire Rick Schneider for stepping up right now. Hes going to the challenge. Hes fired people and accepted responsibility to fix this. The problem for Rick Schneider and other who is are attempting to shift blame is the more this story is reported out, the deeper it goes. Over the weekend a bomb shell report from the aclu who has said that a schneider appointed Emergency Management team originally rejected using the flint river as water source in 2012 according to a deposition. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality indicated they would not be supportive. Just 16 months later it was deemed suitable for consumption. Its up to the governor to answer what happens. Rachel maddow will be hosting in flint a town hall on monday. Youll want to tune in for that at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. Before voting begins next week, candidates on the republican side will gather on thursday before the final debate before the iowa caucus. Senator rand paul may not be invited to the main stage based on poll numbers. He got into this race with a vision to broaden the Republican Partys appeal. So far, that hasnt seemed to catch fire with the Republican Base cheering on the authoritarian pronouncements of donald trump. There may be some truth to it. I see people see ted cruz and worry about authenticity. The question is some people get annoyed if youre part of a group that say most republicans are against obama care. If ted cruz makes it out like, the establishment is the reason we have obama care is because the establishment republicans. Its not an honest attack. Its sort of demagoguing something to make it as if im the hero against obama care and every other republican is secretly for obama care. People dont like that because its not true. Its way of using something thats not true to elevate yourself. Do you think hes an authentic demagogue . I think theres some inawe inauthenticity about him. He said i voted for it because it allows the government to collect 100 of the your cell phone records. My question is he wants it both ways. That does concern me. On regime change he sounds like me, we should topple assad and have to be careful about invention. A lot of us in the Liberty Movement are like, carpet bombing or making the sand glow, which implies were going to blow up the whole place, will that create more terrorists than it kills . Hes a colleague of yours. Theres this raft of articles about people contempt for the guy, how much they hate the guy. What is your feeling about ted cruz as a fellow human being and colleague . If i go to the floor of the senate, ive been there for 13 hours and not called anyone a name. I might have in general said who is this for this but i dont call anyone specifically a liar or call them an individual name or impugn their motives. Im as hard core about anybody else calling out what the facts are. Teds made it very personal. People dont like that. People dont like making it real personal. Its okay for you and i to have an argument, but if i call you a name or something, then it gets too personal. We can have all kind of disagreement until we make it really personal. That makes it a bad situation to go to. Weve used there term establishment. I guess does the word make sense to you . Does that describe some coherent concept . Can you tell me what that means or is this sloppiness on our part using this . I think theres inside washington and outside washington. I do think theres a disconnect. Sometimes people elected in 1976, they still think they are speaking to the same people that elected them. They dont realize its been a long time. People have changed. When we raised the debt ceiling and we took some of the money from social security. Nobody outside washington is for that. What i told them at 3 00 in the morning when i was standing up opposing this is drive outside the beltway and stop at the first Convenient Store, talk to a Republican Democratic independent. Whoever is working at the Convenient Store and ask is a good idea to borrow more money. I think nobody thinks its a good idea without any reforms. In some ways you have the best antiestablishment lineage of anyone. Your father really plowed this terrain of antiestablishment republican. He took on the party and positions. Did you end up getting your identity too immeshed in the establishment . Has that been a problem for you . I dont think so. What has made this race an unusual race is its been shaped a lot by celebrity. I dont think weve ever had race where one candidate got 25 times what all the rest the candidates got combined. I think having celebrity in the race has skewed the coverage of the race. I think we have been led by polls. I think the media early on said theres too many candidates. We couldnt possibly cover this many candidates. Well cover whoever the polling tells us to cover. The problems is polling has been wildly erratic. The media didnt know a lot about statistics and probability and polls have a margin of error. The people in the margin are equivalent. Particularly when youre down 3 to 4 . One of the things you have worked on in the senate is criminal justice reform. I was looking at gaps of republicans and democrats on a bunch of stuff. One of the places where the gaps were narrowest were criminal justice reform. It does seem theres bipartisan help there. Tom cotton has come out against the bill that you cosponsored with cory booker saying were going to let a lot of violent felons out on the street and channelling politics about law and order that was really the mainstream of both parties for a very long time, particular the Republican Party. Does that still have teeth . I think hes making a mistake here. I think the countrys moving in the other direction. A lot of us believe in second chances. When i saw Peyton Manning giving the ball to thomas and saying this is for your mom, i had a great deal of sympathy for his mom. Shes been in jail for 15 years for a nonviolent crime. I dont think its right or wrong. His grandmother is in jail for two life sentences a piece. The minimum she can get out is 40 years for dealing drugs. You can shoot somebody in kentucky and be eligible for parole in 12 years. When you make that case, do you talk about that and what is the reception of that and is this something that people will vote for that are in your base . Well see. Ive been ending my speech with the story of kalif who has been kept in prison for three years with no trial, two years in solitary confinement. A very emotional story. In the bill i have with cory booker, we try to get rid of. This was corys idea to get rid of solitary confinement. If theres one thing i would hope america would come together and agree on is getting rid of solitary confinement. Absolutely. Great pleasure. Thank you very much. Thank you. We have late breaking update on that lastpoint senator pall addressed. Solitary confinement posted this hour, president obama announced several executive actions including banning the use of kol tear confinement for juveniles in federal prison citing devastating psychological consequences. Rachel maddow starts now. Thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. This is the time when weird stuff starts to happen. I dont mean, 9 00 on msnbc is when weird stuff starts to happen. A week before iowa is when weird stuff starts to happen. Its around this time every four years when we get two things happening at once. First, beltway reporters start writing these wistful sing song lullbyes. Simultaneously every four years, at this time you see those articles from the beltway and in iowa, at the exact same time, stuff starts to get really freaking sketchy. In some cases it gets corrupt

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