of it. >> you're where? >> i'm inside a plane. feel it's moving in the air. >> and the day that chewbacca broke the internet. >> chewy, we're here. >> "all in fts starts now. >> good evening. i'm chris hayes. a spotlight tonight on the tulsa deputy who shot and killed a suspect in a sting operation and the exact circumstances under which the tulsa county sheriff's office allowed him to participate with a taser and a gun. robert bates who volunteered has been charged with second degree manslaughter and released on bond. he said he mistook his gun for a taser and therefore shot 44-year-old eric harris by accident on prip 2nd. after the shooting bates details the narrative that he went to tase him, not shoot him. and during the crimes and the task force i have been assigned similar assignments, on at least 100 other occasions, which, again, raises the question of why a 73-year-old volunteer deputy was allowed to participate with the sheriff's office at this level. meanwhile, there is a debate about his generosity to the sheriff's office. he became a reserve officer in 2008 and he donated three automobiles the following year. dodge chargers and a crown victoria. he donated a ford f-150 and a tahoe. he donated a hand eld radio to be used in the drug surveillance and in 2011 he donated a toyota avalon for the drug force car. bates is the only deputy to donate to the sheriff's office to that extent. and according to "the new york times," the video of the shooting was taken by another deputy, google glass which mr. bates had donated to the force. charlie, i think everybody is scratching their head at how could it be the case that this man, this gentleman is in this position to be not just a reserve deputy to come on -- they know is possibly going to be a dangerous operation. it's a sting of a gun purchase, after all. sheriff stanley glan said he made on error. how many errors are made in an operating room every week. what do you think of that? >> if i walk in an operating room and i buy a guy a scalpel, they are going to let me use it. they are going to let me conduct brain surgery. this is the most repertoire parable that has descended on off forms of government from to the local. we are supposed to pay taxes so we don't need to hand weapons to guys that can be handed a golf watch and sent to the dog track with their name pinned to their sweater. >> this is not a high school football team that needs equipment and a new scoreboard in a tulsa -- on a side of tulsa where you are trying to raise money from boosters who will call in favors. this is the essential thing that a state does which is enforces lows. if you think you need the kind of equipment you talk about, they should be paid for by taxes by the government. >> absolutely. i'm terrified. do the crossing guards in stall have rpg watchers? it will clear the street but i don't think it's effective public policy. >> we also have a sense, as we watch it. and this is another story here. which is we are now watching the campaign unfold. we talked last night about what billionaires are behind which candidates. and we do know this. the under cover unit planned to execute a search warrant in the resident. and a pepper ball gun that is against the man-eating dogs that is in the houses. he got thrust into it without planning to be thrust it into it. allen said other reserves don't work the drug force task. bob is in a position with his company to be able to did that. and the question you have to ask that is he in that position because he is a 73-year-old real estate broker or he is in that position because he is curried favor through his generosity? >> it's cynical enough to believe the second is true chris. but it's monumentally moronic as public policy to do this. my wife made a very good point the another night. this is the law enforcement equivalent of the elderly drivers who hit the gas instead of the brake and end up t boning an mcdonald's. >> you have got to ask this as we watch the campaign unfold. when the sugar magnate who has given $100 million to a republican candidate or who might give tens of millions to hillary clinton or the gentleman who is backing senator cruz. when they call the white house on the first day, right, what favors are going to be exchanged for them when you take it to the mackerel level. >> you're absolutely right. what will they call for in the far east or the loony views on foreign policy. you have to ask, at this time wince the supreme court and all its wisdom has legalized influence peddling. you always have to ask -- you have to say this is the guy giving the money, what is he going to want. what is his first phone call? because it guarantee it won't be the public interest. >> that's right. and you covered local politics in boston and massachusetts and i covered it in illinois and chicago, two places that have a fair share of craft and corruption. this isn't a thought experiment. we know about this case because the gentleman ended up dead in one of most horrific instances. and how many can be manipulated across the cities and states across the country. you have seen them up close before. to the favors person who manages to write a check for your campaign. >> absolutely. and the after math nobody in tulsa except the people on the street seem to find this all that remarkable. the sheriff -- the sheriff apparently sees it as business as usual. is how we do business with good old bob, the elderly gunslinger. is nuts. >> you're right. as far as we can tell so far, you would think that the reserve deputy program will be shut down or under investigation, and to go back to your first point here that idea that vital state services that if they need equipment a donor coming to fill the gap is so normalized this is what's going to happen. >> nobody sees anything remarkable about a 73-year-old guy with a gun going on an under cover drug and gun sting. and that to me is a step beyond the usual in american politics. >> charlie pierce always a pleasure. thank you, sir. >> thanks, chris. all this week we have been presenting the hillary clinton for millennial series and the former first lady has put up over the years. the next episode hillary name gate. plus, the trailer for the new "star wars" movie. we put it in the show. you are welcome and stay tuned for that coming up. do you have something for pain? i have bayer aspirin. i'm not having a heart attack, it's my back. i mean bayer back & body. it works great for pain. bayer back & body provides effective relief for your tough pain. better? yeah...thanks for the tip! do you have something for pain? i have bayer aspirin. i'm not having a heart attack, it's my back. i mean bayer back & body. it works great for pain. bayer back & body provides effective relief for your tough pain. better? yeah...thanks for the tip! all right, so this happened today during a senate finish committee hearing on u.s. terror. >> we are going to be well on that issue as well -- >> oh come on. ♪ let it go can't hold it back ♪ >> just let it go mister. sorry about that. i know my time is up. i apologize. >> two things. that was the most i ever loved senator pat roberts. and that -- hold on a second. i appear to be getting a call. did i mention we spent a lot of time in the office talking about the new "star wars" trail center first, i'm going to turn off my phone. we'll be right back. center first, i'm going to turn off my phone. we'll be right back. enter first, i'm going to turn off my phone. we'll be right back. nter first, i'm going to turn off my phone. we'll be right back. ter first, i'm going to turn off my phone. we'll be right back. er first, i'm going to turn off my phone. we'll be right back. (son) oh no... can you fix it, dad? yeah, i can fix that. (dad) i wanted a car that could handle anything. i fixed it! (dad) that's why i got a subaru legacy. (vo) symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 36 mpg. i gotta break more toys. (vo) the twenty-fifteen subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. today, hillary clinton wrapped up the first leg of her newly minted campaign in iowa leaving to prepare for her next stop, new hampshire, next week. and as the trip comes to a close we know about her support of free community college and an issue about drivers licenses for immigrants. and we tweeted out a carefully worded tweet about support. every american deserves a shot of success. fast food workers shouldn't have to fight for wages. now, she has been doing it and forced to do it for over 35 years. all the way back to her time in arkansas. and the latest installment from the new series hillary clinton for millennials. >> what about the comparisons to lady mcbeth. you don't walk around saying out damn spot? >> only when i'm trying to wash something. >> america didn't know what to think about hillary rodham clinton. >> first lady doesn't really describe the term. executive officer. >> one of the issues that people obsessed over for a period of time is hillary's name. tonight's episode, name gate. during the clintons' arkansas days the woman known as hillary rodham changed her name to hillary rodham clinton. >> i never under stood the depth of feeling, to avoid any problem, i will forever be known as hillary rodham clinton and expect that is the namely use. >> once on the main stage, hillary feminism remained the issue. >> i feel she is the power behind the throne. >> i feel she is a very aggressive woman. >> in the stand by your man gate and cookie gate it gave her a makeover. more clinton, less rodham. >> she under went a cosmetic nak over and dropped her raiden name in public. >> we have a special something for whoever wins this bingo game. are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> b-13. b-13. >> hillary was a bona fide cultural lightning rod. >> hillary clinton is the chief target on family issues. >> she has likened marriage in the family to slavery. >> and while the republicans lost that election some of the attacks stuck. once in the white house, people took note of another rebranding rodham is back. >> now she is back to the trademark head band and the name change has thrown the white house announcers off stride. >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states bill clinton, and the vice -- the first lady hillary rodham clinton. >> the rodham was throwing americans off. the press secretary was fielding questions from the news outlets and turned into a punch line. >> marisa tomei would like to let nempb know she is now marisa rodham tomei. >> and hillary clinton, 57% have positive feelings about her. 16%, negative. >> another question should the first lady did known as hillary clinton or hill ray rodham clinton. 62% said it should just be hillary clinton. so began life in the national spotlight for hillary rodham clinton or the woman we know as hillary. joining me now is terry o'neil who volunteered for hillary's 2008 presidential campaign. it's something to go back and look at that footage. familiarly just starting in arkansas the first interview where she says okay look i guess if you don't like rodham, i will call myself hillary rodham clinton, if that will make you happy. >> you know, pick your battles. you pick your battles. i was just recently at the feminist majority young feminist leader convention and there was a young african woman talking to them. and they said you will go in the public sphere and you will attacked. and i think you have seen throughout her career that hillary rodham clinton has had to pick her battles and she has done exactly that. >> the picking the battle thing is -- the point is it's her prerogative to decide who she is called. the most closely held identity your name have to have that be a subject of controversy or people have opinions about it and people feel it's too aggressive that's a small snapshot of what life in the public eye has been for hillary clinton for 40 years. >> you know that's right, chris, and i think that is going to continue. she is a trail blazer in exactly that way. she has been the one -- and let's be clear. the '90s i think for many women it was an issue. and nowadays, we accept that people are allowed to decide what their name is. that was not generally accepted in the 1990s. but when the first lady of the united states said i'm making choices here she opens the way for a lot of women. this is what is is going to happen. now that she is a candidate for the presidency of the united states, i think you are going to see a lot of more bogus pearl clutching attacks on her. but i think that actually women generally more prepared for the kind of attacks to be more bogus and we are prepared to get to the issues. the voters really want to know about issues. >> i can't tell. but one of the things that struck me going through the archival footage. i have the same reaction when we watch an episode of "mad men," we have made progress here. it does seem like some of the things that were so con contention. do you think -- >> no they have gotten much bet interone of the reasons they have gotten better is they sor to stupid back in the 1990s. we care if she can make cookies? we care what she decides her name is? and that's the point. a lot of the attacks on hillary clinton going forward are 10 20 years from now going to be viewed as silly. it's a huge anxiety, i think, that the country has. with something that's different. let's look at the way our first african-american president has been treated. in many ways, he's been treated very badly and i believe that is an expression of huge anxiety. hillary clinton is proposing to bring another sea change to our politics and that is going to raise the level of anxiety so a lot of attacks are going to be silly. >> there is something at the core of it too. the human element of running for office or public life is that people are going to come to you -- and it's true of men and women and candidates of different races in varying degrees and they are going to try to take away things you feel are essential to yourself and they are making a huge deal of them. and like you said picking your battles, that is part of public life for everyone who gets into it. >> that's what you have to do. you're exactly right. and i think shea has shown a lot of women have to pick battles and how to thrive beyond the battles, how not to be torn down by it. and call it out when it's unfair and shake it off and move on. >> thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> 911 call made this week from the cargo hold of an alaska airlines flight that was on its way to l.a., ahead. >> 911 hello, i'm trapped in this plane and i called my job but i'm in the plane. >> you're where? 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ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. for a free 30-tablet trial go to sunday dinners at my house... it's a full day for me, and i love it. but when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. i don't like asking for help. i took tylenol but i had to take six pills to get through the day. so my daughter brought over some aleve. it's just two pills, all day! and now, i'm back! aleve. two pills. all day strong, all day long. and for a good night's rest, try aleve pm for a better am. all right, ready for nightmare fuel? on monday a operator of a seattle 911 center got a call from a man who was trapped in the cargo hold of an alaska airlines plane. >> 911. >> hello, i'm trapped in this plane and i called my job but i'm in the plane. >> you're where? >> i'm inside a plane and i feel like it's moving in the air. flight 448, can you please tell somebody to stop it? >> where are you in a plane at? >> i'm inside a plane. alaska airline plain 448. >> are you at the airport? >> i feel like it moved. i feel like -- >> are you by yourself or are you with somebody? >> [ bleep ], oh, geez. >> that caller was a contract worker handling bags at the sea tac airport and he woke up when it departed for los angeles at 2:39 p.m. passengers could hear him banging on the roof of the hold. and he landed back in seattle. the worker walked offer the plane. he went to the hospital for a test. and he took a drug test. alaska airlines is actively investigating the incident. ♪ ♪ i love my meta health bars. because when nutritious tastes this delicious i don't miss the other stuff. meta health bars help promote heart health. experience the meta effect with our multi-health wellness line. ♪ ♪ i care deeply about the gulf. i grew up in louisiana. i went to school here. i've been with bp ever since. today, i lead a team that sets our global safety standards. after the spill we made two commitments. to help the gulf recover and become a safer company. we've worked hard to honor both. bp has spent nearly 28 billion dollars so far to help the gulf economy and environment. and five years of research shows that the gulf is coming back faster than predicted. we've toughened safety standards too. including enhanced training... and 24/7 on shore monitoring of our wells drilling in the gulf. and everyone has the power to stop a job at any time if they consider it unsafe. what happened here five years ago changed us. i'm proud of the progress we've made both in the gulf and inside bp. to unlock the possibilities of tomorrow......"lift tab." fiber-rich bran. answered by the perfect quantity of sun sweetened raisins. tomorrow is waiting. ♪sun'll come out, tomorrow♪ own it, with kellogg's® raisin bran see you at breakfast™. fact. every time you take advil liqui gels you're taking the pain reliever that works faster on tough pain than extra strength tylenol. and not only faster. stronger too. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil the battle over religion continues to rage in america's state legislatures with laws in indiana and arkansas that critics charge with modify discrimination in the name of religion. a different sort of fight is playing out in the state of tennessee. tennessee has a lot of symbols, the amphibian is a salamander and the tree is the poplar and the dance is a square dance. and this week close to a state book. >> a bill that could make the bible the official book of tennessee passed state house. >> that's right, the tennessee state house voted yesterday to make the bible the state's official book. you may be saying hey, wait we have a separation of surge and state. you know who else feels that way? tennessee attorney general who pointed out making the bible the state book could violate the state and national constitution. more than half of the people in tennessee identify as evangelical. and proponents of bill argued that names the bible the state book, tennessee would be devaluing it. all i know is that i hear satan snickering. if that is true satan had a bad day. they killed the bible bill. joining me now from memphis is democratic congressman steve cohen of tennessee. your reaction to the senate sending it back to committee? >> well i'm pleased that the minds that know the separation of surge and state prevail. it was sent back to committee and that's a good thing. it's unfortunate that so many people did support it and they didn't understand the foundation of the country and the separation of church and state. >> it's funny to watch the republicans get out in front of it and the attorney state general, the governor also. that this was -- in some ways part of the after effect of what happened in indiana. and mike pence's approval rating hayes plummeted from the law passed in indiana. he had to try to walk some of it back. there is a fear of a spotlight that might come on a state if it is to pass something of this nature. >> well, it would certainly be embarrassing to tennessee and we haven't progressed that fair from dayton tennessee. there was an attempt to have a law like that last year but the local media shamed them locally to drop the bill. but tennessee is always a state that is immensed in the bible and the basic, conservative salt of the earth republicans and in tennessee the salt of the earth republicans obviously have a majority in the house. and it's been unfortunate and they have not living by what i understand the bible to be because they haven't extended medicaid to the poor people in the state of tennessee while the legislators get government insurance, they deny it to the tennesseeans because it's called obama care. so if you believe in the bible, you would believe in the new testament, love thy neighbor as yourself, and making it the state book is not sufficient. it's the good things in the bible that need to be played out. do unto others as you have them do to you. those types of things we should lead with. >> were you surprised by the vote in the house that it was as lopsided as it was for something that i think most people saw as almost clearly, facially unconstitutional by state and federal standards. >> not at all. i served 24 years in the state senate and, chris, i was the only person years ago to vote against the ban on gay marriage. >> you were the only one? >> i was the only one in the tennessee senate and house and i guy in the senate committed adultery and i said that adultery is a threat to marriage. and he went on to say -- >> wait a second. wait a second. what was it like to cast that lone vote against that -- that changed the state constitution when you did? >> well it was -- you know i had never had a problem being different and i was also the one time the only person to vote against a resolution to say that all people and businesses should -- there was an opinion to that accord and everyone else voted for it. and the politics to say you voted against god. and you -- but the people have used god for politics and this part of the country. for many many years and without -- and that's debasing religion to use god for your own political prospects and fumpture and points. >> yeah it does seem like the bible has enough going for it that it doesn't have to add a state book of tennessee to its resume. though i'm sure any book -- >> and the salamander is one of god's creatures and so are the tulip poplars and it should be in the person's individual conscience and belief. and each person in america and tennessee have that right. >> thank you very much. >> good to be in with chris. >> all right, we spent more time today than i care to admit analyzing the new trailer of the new "star wars" movie but we think we figured it out. that's ahead. >> chewy, we're home. ♪ ♪ if you're looking for a car that drives you... ...and takes the wheel right from your very hands... ...this isn't that car. the first and only car with direct adaptive steering. ♪ the 328 horsepower q50 from infiniti. making a fist something we do to show resolve. to defend ourselves. to declare victory. so cvs health provides expert support and vital medicines. make a fist for me. at our infusion centers or in patients homes. we help them fight the good fight. cvs health, because health is everything. florida mailman douglas hughes appeared to court for landing his gyro copter on the capitol hill lawn. according to secretary jay johnson, hughes and the copter were literally able to fly under the radar in washington's restricted air space. today, the focus is on the security loopholes he may have exposed. the real question is what the heck is a gyro copter. >> my first reaction is what's a gyrocopter. i had to see an image of it. oh yeah that is a gyrocopter. >> had they used the word gyrocopter, i wouldn't know what it would mean. >> the initial reaction what's a gyro copter i knew that is my reaction. >> i had in idea there was such a thing until one plopped down outside the capitol. they are awesome. james bond flew a tricked out version in 1967's "you only live twice." amelia amelia ahhart flew one. and there was a low ego on the gyro copters, they are used forregular mail delivery in parts of the country until the 1940s. yesterday was not even the only time a gyrocopter made an appearance on capitol hill. get this. this man was an avid aviator who liked to take trips around the nation's capital. the rotors are not under power, the vehicle gets a thrust from the back. they are lighter and cheaper than helicopters and you yes, you, you can spend a lot of time perussing those online. and you can convect one to a motorcycle from almost $400,000. and first, don't fly your gyrokopter in restricted air space. it will freak people out. and the people in charge of the air space, let's work on keeping it more secure. and while it was a bad pr day for the post al service, it was a good day for the gyrocopter. what i really want though? one of these bad boys. ♪ the new "star wars" trailer next. e bladders. it makes me feel secure, confident. i feel protected. i mean i feel comfortable to move in them, they move with me. i love always discreet underwear because of the fit. the fabric is very soft. i can wear whatever i want to wear. always discreet has made me a very happy woman. join over 500,000 women who've discovered always discreet underwear. for more stories and your free sample go to so bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. the e-class has 11 intelligent driver-assist systems. it recognizes pedestrians and alerts you. warns you about incoming cross-traffic. cameras and radar detect dangers you don't. and it can even stop by itself. so in this crash test, one thing's missing: a crash. the 2015 e-class. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. >> all right. >> today, around 2:30 in the afternoon, i felt a great disturbance in the force. you may notice, as if millions of "star warses in the nerds cried out in ectasy and break the internet and the new scenes of the "star wars" movie. abraham and jason. your book is due out this fall. should we watch this thing? >> yes, let's do it. >> let's watch it. ♪ ♪ >> the force is strong in my family. my father has it. i have it. my sister has it. you have that power too. ♪ >> chewy, we're home. >> all right, we're here in the "mystery science theater" viewing area. okay, okay. start right there. keep going. roll it a little further. this shot. this shot. stop it right there. stop it. first of all that shot alone, appears to be a massive imperial vessel in the background. >> the star destroyer. >> that shot is saw somer that anything we have seen in three movies so far. and what i love about the shot and i will shut up and let you guys talk, it just suggests so many things have happened that is important. >> right. >> that's -- the thing about -- the last three, aside from the execution, it felt like we were sloging to the thing we knew. and all of a sudden, it's like curtains up on a new world are stuff is happening. >> they are really parachuting us to events in progress that are mysterious and exciting and what on earth has happened now. >> and that looks like drk. >> that is an x wing. >> that is an x wing there in the foreground. so they are still fighting. >> yeah. an intract able civil war and blowing up the second death star is one of the events that happened -- >> that's right. and we don't know what planet we are on. >> we do. we heard at the unveiling today. jakku. makes sense. >> not to be confused with jack hughes. keep rolling. keep rolling. we all know what that is. stop right there. stop right there. now we get this clip of luke it appears, right? and force the strong is our family. few things to note about this. one, it's basically a line from a "return of the jedi" where he is -- where he reveals that he and leia are -- >> brother and sister. >> correct. right? >> and everyone went, ew. and we are like will they or won't they vibe? >> it happens. >> and it went out the window at the reveal. and stop stop stop when we saw darth vader there, he said my father has it. a lot of people are making, the has. >> might be they are repurposing the audio. >> we all thought that vader died. >> you don't think the present tense means something? >> you talk about how great it was. it would be such a failure of imagination if j.j. abrams brought it back. >> it's just -- i don't think they are repurposing the audio. it's the line to an easter egg to the super fans. and that's what it's about. >> stop it there. this is very important. it's very important. >> it's all very important. >> every shot. the handing of the light saber. there is debate whether it's a woman's hand handing it to a woman. but, my sister has it. is it carrie fisher one question and the cultural moment, my twitter feed literally, i'm not overstating it a dozen women were like i vus not prepared for the visceral reaction i had to the handing of a light saber to a woman. >> we have plenty of lady stuff. >> and authorities, he is talking a little more. >> find out it's all happening -- >> and life day. life day. there's -- >> okay stop stop stop. >> we can't -- can we roll backwards? look at that we are going to roll backwards. >> this is fancy tv. >> in reverse. don't roll back, there, stop, stop, stop. these are -- we think these are protagonists. >> on the left there, you have daisy ridley a desert scavenger and you have finn who is some kind of storm trooper. >> finn in the first trailer, there was a moment of him removing the helmet. and there was a big surprise. keep rolling forward. we see them they are working together on jakku. >> storm trooper. stop, stop this scene is important. >> is it? >> because it appears that the empire is attacking their own -- if you look at this. it looks -- this is -- i can't take credit. segment producer todd -- i'm not going to pretend i noticed this. and it looks like they are attacking their own people. was there an inside out plot? is there a coup attempt? >> this is like syria. >> thankfully fictional. and continue to roll. question there, stop there. the question there i have is is this a guy -- we don't know this i don't think. is this a guy who was a storm trooper, or is this guy -- he -- is he an under cover operative. >> a spy. >> all of it makes he want to see the film. >> exactly. >> that is what the trailer is supposed to do, believe it or not. >> and there is the rolling ball droid. >> practical, i believe. >> the millennium falcon. we saw the millennium falcon. and then of course -- >> we're home. >> stop there. >> everyone loses their minds. >> you know what that moment was like? have you ever had the moment it's like proust to the model. have you had a moment where you smell a perfume or a shampoo that is directly associated with your childhood and the neuro effectiveness -- >> yeah. >> and i felt like i was transported. >> hans was your guy growing up. >> well, we all -- i want to talk about what happened. the masterpiece that is going to be a masterpiece again. we will talk about it after the break. keeping a billion customers a year flying means keeping seven billion transactions flowing. and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what's coming-and are ready for it. make it matter. new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at you could sit at your computer and read all about zero-turn mowers. click. scroll. tweet. or you could just sit on a john deere z435 eztrak and feel its power. you'll know it'll get the job done fast. when it's time to pick a mower you've got to get on one. visit your local john deere dealer for a test drive today. sign up to take your turn on a z435 and save 100 dollars on your purchase. nothing runs like a deere. sunday dinners at my house... it's a full day for me, and i love it. but when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. i don't like asking for help. i took tylenol but i had to take six pills to get through the day. so my daughter brought over some aleve. it's just two pills, all day! and now, i'm back! aleve. two pills. all day strong, all day long. and for a good night's rest, try aleve pm for a better am. ♪ ♪ the beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. power, wi-fi and streaming entertainment. that's... seize the journey friendly. ive was so into it. i forgot to break for a commercial break. back with jason bailey and abraham receman. why were the first three "star wars" better. >> what you have to remember is that episode one was the first film that he had written or directed since the first "star wars." that was 22 years. the empire and return of the jedi, were already written. but he is really kind of a terrible writer and most of the good work he had done was done with the help of others. >> so we are now wrapped him out. what is your feeling about what is coming down the pike? >> i'm very optimistic. because j.j. abrams is a fan and he grew up watching and imagining new things built on what george lucas wanted to do. and the prequal trilogy back explained. >> and he's got -- j.j. abrams has a sense of scale and scope that i love. star wars is nothing if not grandiose and epic epic. and jar jar binks didn't feel epic. that felt epic. that's what i went. >> and you have to point out two of the leads, they are not white men. >> i'm excited about that too. abraham and jason, thanks. that is it for this evening. the rachel maddow show starts right now. >> that was not just fun. that was heroic. spectacularly well done. the force is with you. well done. and thanks to you at home for staying with us the next hour. the force is with you too. the reason i'm doing the show in beautiful washington, d.c. is because i got an interview with the top in the senate senator harry reid. like when we had to bleep him. >> that is so timely. yesterday on the senate floor, john mccain came to me and told me, that little incident we had together where i said -- us did this, i'm g

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