Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20140814

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Down the hole. And why the debate has already begun over an announcement the president has yet to make. All in starts right now. Good evening from new york, im chris hayes, an extremely tense scene at the moment as evening descends on ferguson missouri, and despite an assertion from police that there is no kerr few, we are seeing images like this one, along with word that the department of defense provided surplus military equipment to the Ferguson Police department as part of a program that distributes that to civilian Police Forces across the country according to usa today. This comes after another tumultuous day in ferguson, the body of Michael Brown was released today to his grieving family, four days after he was shot to death by a Police Officer. And after his body lay on the street for hours afterward. Police arguing they needed time to conduct zhu diligence. After an autopsy was conducted with the results largely kept secret. St. Louis county Police Release autopsy results. He died of gunshot wounds. They did not release how many times the teenager was shot or what side of his body the bullets entered from. Those should be available in the next four weeks. Final and full autopsy should be available at that time according to st. Louis county police. There is a toxicology test performed on the officer in question, according to Ferguson Police chief tom jackson. As for the third apparent principle in this incident, Dorian Johnson who says he was walking alongside his friend Michael Brown when it all happened, and who claims a u. N. , the Unnamed Police officer was the aggressor, st. Louis county Police Department told the Huffington Post that approximately 4 45 eastern time, authorities were speaking with mr. Johnson. Last night there were for the fourth day running, protests, reporters on the scene near the quick trip, close to where Michael Brown was shot and killed, have said the protest was largely nonviolent. They used tear gas after bottles flew at officers. Tom jackson requested citizens to peacefully protest Daylight Hours. This is a request only, there is no kerr few being imposed as long as traffic is not being blocked. Protests are still at night. The police chief also addressed rumors circulating after the shooting. There were threats against an officers life, and so out of abundance of caution, we weighed the value of releasing the name right now against the safety factor to both him and his family and his neighborhood, and we opted to postpone that. A reference, the departments continued withholding of the name of the Police Officer in question. The one who shot and killed Michael Brown. Chief jackson said hes planning to meet with Michael Browns family, the local head of the naacp and a head of the justice department. There appeared to be a concerted effort to reach out to the community over the last 24 hours. A town hall last night and again today, chief jackson wants to turn around negative perceptions. What really breaks my heart, some in this community consider me part of the problem. Im going to change that, i want to be part of the solution. Race relations is a top priority right now, im working with the department of justice to improve that. Tonight at this very moment, images like this are coming out, that is a sniper atop the s. W. A. T. Vehicle. Images like this, that is where things stand right now, four days after Michael Brown was killed. As the community continues to demand answers, as night begins to fall on ferguson missouri. Briefly unable to get to that counter position, im glad to see you there. What is it like on the ground there, what do you see . I tell you what, chris, last night and all day, people have been asking for peace, and hoping for a smooth transition into this evening. We didnt get that tonight. A s. W. A. T. Team has assembled to block off the street. What began with an impromptu city, sit down for Michael Brown. Protesters joined her, blocking the street. Then the police with the big apparatus and demanding that people disburse. They arrested the first man i saw, was an older man in on crutches. The second was a young lady who was yelling at a Police Officer, and so they were hoping for a smooth transition, theyre not getting it. Authorities asked that if people wanted to protest and hold a prayer vigil, they hold prayer during the daytime. Thats what they attempted to do. Police officers as well mannered as they have been, have been a divisive measure in this community. A few blocks away, where i was stuck, the community is asking, why cant we assemble. Theyre saying disburse, go to your homes. The tension is still thick. Theres a church group trying to keep moral high. On the other side, you have still sieging young people, who dont understand why they cant voice their opinions about whats going on, its anything but smooth right now. I have to say, the images that were showing right now, we see about five or six dozen officers in military camouflage, wears combat boots, Holding Assault weapons, and often assault weapons like you see right there on the top of that vehicle pointed in the direction of, if im not mistaken, citizens peacefully, nonviolently assembling in the middle of the street, is that correct . Where i was standing, there was a middle aged gentleman walking to his home. They had their rifle trained right on him, i was about 100 feet away, i tried to step close to let him know i was trying to get through. Disburse. If theyre trying to ease tension. If theyre trying to build good rapport with the community right now, its not going so well. It is very difficult to understand why anyone is pointing any weapons at anyone, frankly. I have to say, but particularly. Again, they said today they were supposed to be able to assemble peacefully. Given the fact you today had an exclusive interview with the chief of police, in which he sounded quite reasonable, quite contrite, he sounded like his main priority was to ease community tensions. What was that conversation like, and how do you square the conversation with what is happening, not 100 feet from where you are . Talking to the police chief last night, looking into this mans eyes, i believed him, hes saying that hes wanting to eat he said hes been here all his life. He had been on the county police force for 31 years, he wanted the community to heal. What we see tonight, its bigger than the chief of ferguson, as you know, the county police have taken over the investigation, the federal authorities are keeping an eye out, its much bigger than that police chief. If they hope to have some semblance of peace tonight, some semblance of calm, im not sure if this is the way to do it, thats not working out well with the people in this community. We should note that the vehicles as far as ive seen, the vehicles that are there, the armored personnel carriers and s. W. A. T. Vehicles are marked with st. Louis county police, it is, i believe, am i correct that it is st. Louis county police that have taken over the investigation of Michael Browns death, it also seems, taken over the response to protesters in ferguson . Which seems kind of like its a mixed bag here, so on one hand theyre protecting barriers, creating perimeters and pushing back against some protesters, saying hurling expletives at them, on the other side, theyre in charge of this investigation, with so many layers and complexities to this case, and as we know, everything is hanging in the balance of this community. People are dion madding charges, and were far from that, chris, but as we know, this is a serious situation, and every single moment, every single day is getting more complicated. Weve seen there were two events last night, theres one at a church near ferguson, one in a nearby suburb, that both police chief and the governor attended. Is there any sense . It seems to me in the absence of information, in the absence of information about who this Police Officer was, the ability to see if he has a record, the absence of information about the autopsy, that its going to be very hard to satiate peoples thirst for justice and answers with any kind of talk from officials if that information isnt being given over, is that your sense from talking to people there . Certainly, chris. The longer they drag their feet on this, theres the appearance that they are trying to hide something and cover something up. Especially in the last couple days, that i spoke to doreen johnson. Details how Michael Brown was shot in the back, thats a key piece of this case. When you talk to anyone in the community, they have ideas, rumor or effect, that sticks with him. They feel he was shot and killed like an animal and left in the street. We know they know the results of the preliminary autopsy, the people dont know, we dont know this officers name or history. And so until we get to that point, theres still so many more questions and answers, but day by day as weve seen every single night, the situation here is growing increasingly tense, so well see, chris. Ive been seeing reports, one of the aspects here is in terms of the perception that there is something to hide, whether or not that is an accurate perception, the perception has partly been furthered by actions that seem to be targeted at the press reporting about this, you were blocked briefly from getting to the camera position, im seeing reports on social media of possible arrests outside of mcdonalds, a reporter i know was asked for i. D. In that mcdonalds. Is there a sense that police are trying to make sure they control them, and control what they see . At least controlling the circumstances, so whether they are trying to cover something up or protect people, or at least just be a barrier between the press and images they dont want us to see. When folks are sitting down and people are saying, lets leave, because they thought they were showing off for the cameras. No, keep the cameras on, if theyre going to tear gas us, tear gas us during the day, let the cameras catch it. When youre in these type of circumstances and no one has any answers, theyre left to their own devices to try to figure out what the truth is. They get a piece here, a piece there. Its dangerous. That danger struck me by something i saw in an article in the post. We saw it addressed by the police chief, a name had begun to circulate in the community of who this officer is, thats the question on everyones mind, its not a large force. 55 officers, its not even a particularly large town. And it does seem like the longer you keep that withheld, the more you create a vacuum into which rumor will naturally flow. Naturally. But again, and not to necessarily credit Law Enforcements efforts, but to release this name now, there are some very angry people in this community. We shouldnt assume that the people in this community would resort to violence against this officer, but again, this is a very tense, a very racially fraught situation. I understand they want to keep it guarded. But again, part and part it seems like theyre building this quilt between the people and the truth. The police chief said he wants the truth, and Everyone Wants justice, whatever that means to whichever side youre on. Until we get some information, until the people get some information, and the press, that we can scour over it and analyze it and see whats going on. This situation will grow more and more dire, i believe. I want you to stay with me, we have you live at the scene. Joining me now is jeffrey mitman. My understanding is that yesterday your office filed under the sunshine laws of missouri, a request for the incident report that would contain the name of the Police Officer. Do you think theres a strong public right to know who this officer is at this point . Chris, absolutely, and again, thank you for letting us share what weve done. The aclu believes that in this situation where the public is tense and needs to know that the rule of law is being followed we must start with the police doing the right thing. That is following the sunshine law. It sets forth that the Government Works for the people. One way we keep a check and balance on the government is by having information on what theyre doing. Its clear that an incident report like this, is a public record. We have asked the st. Louis county police and the Ferguson County Police to turn it over, so the community can see we are starting this investigation on the right path, a lawful path. What do you say to those like the police chief who say there may be a legitimate cause for concern about the safety of that officer if his name were released . You know, there are always reasons to not follow the law, to suspend the constitution, to not adhere to our american values. What you are hearing tonight, we had to write another letter today to the chief of police of ferguson, telling him that his statement about protecting First Amendment activity is wrong. So you can always find excuses. Its at times of crisis where we as americans have to follow the rule of law, and have to honor the values of our constitution, theres never a good excuse for the government to act illegally. The aclu also had some thoughts today in a letter directed to Ferguson County Police about the way theyve handled protests, do you believe that the way that ferguson missouri is handling protests and handling protests at this moment, right where he is is essentially a proper enforcement a proper protection of the First Amendment rights to peaceably assemb assemble . Absolutely not. From what weve seen, the chief of police would understand that he may have gone back and the written statement, the actions that your reporters are talking about are absolutely violations of the First Amendment. Heres the problem, if the police are doing through intimidation or the chief of police is doing through a hint or a request, what is forbidden by the constitution, thats problematic. To intimidate reporters, to intimidate protesters, to ask for respectful protests is absolutely improper, we are calling on the chief of police to make a clear and unequivocal statement to advise his officers that the First Amendment will be respected. Protesters have the right to gather at nighttime. They have the right to be on the streets and sidewalks in a respectful manner and an unrespectful manner as long as they are peaceful. My sense is that the argument made by chief jackson is that the protesters in the street, that that essentially obstructs commerce. You could just make a judgment that youre just going to let folks peaceably assemble in the middle of the street, and on the hole, life will go on. Or the idea that you can assemble period. At this point, theres a sense that they cant assemble peaceably on the sidewalk, in the street, they cant peaceably assemble, and the problem is, i spoke to one young person earlier who said, were waiting for this moment. For them to get an opportunity to express themselves one way or another, thats whats hanging in the balance here. I think it would be important for the Law Enforcement to tread carefully here. After a day in which the message was from Ferguson County Police that you can peaceably assemble in Daylight Hours on the sidewalk, you were saying even people who have peaceably gathered on sidewalks in Daylight Hours are being dispersed by the police there . Oh, certainly, the sitin on the ground, there was one group who decided to sit down, there was another group who said lets go, lets march, peaceably, respectably. After the groups dispersed, there was a group on the road where the young man was killed, theyre stuck there. Older women saying, ive been here all my life, i cant express myself. Young people saying, we cant assemble during the daytime, whats going to happen at night. Even though theyve called for peace and made this suggestion, strong suggestion that if you want to gather, you gather during the daytime. The sun has not set yet and theyre not allowing people to do that. Msnbc. Com National Reporter gentlemen, thank you both opinion. Thank you. Thank you, chris. Theres lots more news tonight including another young black man shot dead by police in a story the outlines of which look very troubling. Were going to talk to the familys attorney ahead, dont go away. This weekend a mother in los angeles read about the tragic case of mike brown being shot and thanked god it was not her son. On monday she was informed her son was killed by the lapd. Well talk to the family ahead. I know what youre thinking. Youre thinking beneful. [announcer]and why wouldnt he be . Beneful has wholesome grains,real beef,even accents of spinach,carrots and peas. It has carbohydrates for energy and protein for those serious muscles. [guy] aarrrrr [announcer]even accents of vitaminrich veggies. [guy] so happy you love it so much. Yes you do but its good for you,too. [announcer] healthful. Flavorful. Beneful. From purina. In the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. Add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get 100 off for every year of safe driving. Which for you, shouldnt be a problem. Just another way we put members first, because we dont have shareholders. Join the nation. Nationwide is on your side. The shooting death of the unarmed teenager of Michael Brown comes news from los angeles of another case of a young black man shot, killed, by the lapd. Ktla in los angeles, reporting that ezel ford died after being shot by police during an investigative stop. Lapd officers tried to stop ford who was walking along the sidewalk in the 200 block of west 65th street when a struggle ensued. Witnesses who saw police stop ford and fatally shoot him, say that is not how it went down. The Huffington Post had a great report today, reported an eyewitness to the shooting say police had ford in the corner and were beating him up. For what i dont know. He didnt do anything. The next thing i know, i hear pow. They got the knee on him, and i hear another pow, no hesitation, another pow three times. Ktla reporting, her son was lying on the ground and complying with the officers commands when he was shot three times. Lapd has released little information, even about some of the most basic details of the information. They have not confirmed the identity of the man who was shot and killed. Issuing a great press release, during the stop a struggle ensued which resulted in an officer involved shooting. It is unknown if the suspect has any gang affiliations. Speculation in that report, based as far as we can tell, we dont know. All in contacted the lapd to ask some followup questions, why was ford stopped in the first place, was he armed at the time of the incident . If its not on the news release, we dont have that information. That information we asked for is not in the news release, Los Angeles County District Attorneys Office will investigate the shooting, which is standard practice. Friends and family members have taken to facebook to organize a protest rally in front of the lapd headquarters, slated for 3 00 p. M. This sunday. Joining me now is steven merman, the attorney for the family. Was also the attorney for rodney king. Theres a lot of details we dont know. The first is to ask, who was ezel ford, theres some sense in which he may have been struggling with mental issues . I heard that reported. Do you know the conditions under which he was stopped . The conditions under which he was stopped are not known at this time. I dont engage in speculation. I dont engage in theory. We have an investigation ongoing from my office to determine exactly what happened. And get competent witness statements from anyone who may have seen what happened or even heard what happened. I do know that young ford was not a gang member, was not a violent person, he was a loving son of mr. And mrs. Ford. As far as any allegation that he might have had an argument with an officer or he might have done anything provocative or was attempting to flee from the crime, thats complete nonsense. I spent hours today consoling words with his mother, his father, his mother is completely tormented. This rage that has swept across the country, new york, st. Louis and now here, back in los angeles. In los angeles, we know all too well what happens when Something Like this explodes in the community. We dont want a riot, we dont want sharpshooters. What we want right now is peace and understanding. Moving forward with the federal civil rights lawsuit immediately, justice will come to this family in federal court, not on tv. Do you know whether mr. Ford was armed . No, no, no, no, he was not armed. He was mentally challenged. This is not the person thats lurking behind a corner with a gun, hes not a gangbanger. Walking down a city street, a citizen of los angeles, walking down a city street unarped at 8 00 on a monday night. I cant think of a more innocent circumstance. But to be set upon by these officers who absolutely lost control and went to deadly force. This young man, what kind of fight could he have put up . Really, this is as sickening as it is sad. Have you had any contact from the lapd . Weve been trying very hard to get any further details. There have been very few details have he leased. Have you been able to get any details from them, any open lines of communication with the lapd . No, ive been practicing over 40 years here in los angeles, and rod any king was not my first and tragically not my last case involving the 4r57d. But the investigation which is now being conducted, actually follows the socalled profiled officer involved shooting, and the compilation of what is called a murder book the difference between the lapd investigating a case where someone who was a suspect and might have been involved in a shooting, the investigation wants to paint a brush of guilt over that person where as when theres an investigation into the officers conduct, the exculpation, that is so say, removing the guilt from that officer takes place. The officer is with inpersonfet affairs getting their stories together. The truth may never be known, i wasnt there. The witnesses who were there, theyll get their testimony in court, and this case is very serious, because the mother, the father, they dont want protests, they dont want violence. They dont want blood on their hands for insighting the kind of riot thats happening in st. Louis, and that obviously happened to some extent in new york. But this is los angeles. And this is a city that was torn apart 20 years ago, when my client rodney king was beaten savagely, by lapd officers, the officers were acquitted, although im sorry . Continue. Well, the king case as you can see was an unbelievable tragedy because it was videotaped. This case is as much of a tragedy, although we dont know that there is a videotape. There may be cell phone video of this horrifying incident. Ford family attorney. Thank you so much. Thank you. Late breaking news to report on the situation in iraq tonight. More ahead. 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In order to allow additional time for the situation to stabilize, and for all our students and their families to resume normal routines, we will schedule the first day of school for monday august 18th, we believe this change will help ensure a new start to the school year. We are receiving unconfirmed reports that two journalists have been arrested. It seems from the twitter feeds of Wesley Lowery, it may be those two who have been arrested. That is as yet unconfirmed. There is a photo of one man being put into a van being handcuffed. That photo being released by john sveum a reporter who is on the ground with the guardian u. S. We will bring you updates on that. If it is the case, it would represent a massive escalation in fergusons approach toward handling the press. We will continue to monitor the situation. Stay with us. These guys are super excited. Because when you get crayons for less. Mechanical pencils for less. 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Sinjar than previously feared. They are in better condition than previously believed. The team is determined that an Evacuation Mission is far less likely. Joining me now rajeed. This is good news from the region . It is. The best news weve had on iraq in quite some time. Also with some of the Political Developments that have occurred lately in baghdad. It begs a bunch of questions. Just how bad was the siege to begin with. Perhaps some of the initial reports in terms of the size of the yazidis may have been exaggerated. I think it is showing some of the positive impacts of u. S. Targeted bombing against isis groups and its showing what humanitarian aid drops can do to help people out. Huge questions remain, its far to early to claim victory here. The best Case Scenario for them right now would be to go into refugee camps. The prospects of them returning back to their homes, resuming any sort of normal life, long time away, i think. What does it say to someone who covered this conflict. You wrote one of the most remarkable books chronicling the afghanistan war. What does it say to you after a string of conflicts in the white house, it said no boots on the ground, no boots on the ground. That today everyone woke up to reports in the press, the white house was not ruling out boots on the ground when this day started. What does that say about how this white house is thinking about iraq, thinking about the strategic importance of that part of the world right now. This white house is torn, on one hand it knows that the American Public has no appetite for boots on the ground, at the same time it recognizes that its going to be a Long Time Coming before the iraqi army is going to be in any shape to evict the isis fighters from large swaths of the country they now hold. The Kurdish Forces may be in a better position to hold their own ground. It certainly the conclusion of many in the National Security establishment, if there had to be a rescue mission for those yazidis on the mountain top, the iraqis would not be in a position to do it on their own, they would need u. S. Help. As this conflict continues and as we now try to focus on helping the iraqis evict isis from literally the gates of baghdad, theres going to need to be some substantial u. S. Help. There doesnt have to be boots on the ground. Certainly in the view of the pentagon that process could be accelerated with boots on the ground, even though the white house knows thats a nonstarter. You chronicled the missteps and unintended consequences and disasters that has been the legacy of the u. S. Involvement. Is your is it your judgment that the u. S. Is capable of intervening in a constructive way in iraq at all, whatever its intentions and whatever its goals . The track record has been pretty miserable chris. Really miserable. At the same time, i think what this administration is trying to do in a measured way may be beneficial. I think that the original approach by the Obama Administration of a couple weeks ago, that were going to hold back on military intervention until the iraqis get together in baghdad, and come up with a new government, i think was a smart approach, and now it looks like they are moving in that direction. The question is, if you get a new government there that starts to reach out to the disparate groups in iraqi society, really tries to be more inclusive and tries to rebuild that iraqi army to retake territory, what is the u. S. role in helping to bring that about, helping to make that happen. We have to recognize that its their fight, how do we calibrate it, we havent had a good track record of that thus far. Thank you. I want to bring you an update on something i mentioned before, unconfirmed reports that Wesley Lowery, a reporter for the Washington Post whos recovering the events in ferguson missouri, was arrested. He just tweeted, was arrested. He also says, also ryan riley of Huffington Post assaulted and arrested. So again, Wesley Lowery of the Washington Post, a reporter on the scene in ferguson, missouri, now saying he was arrested. He and ryan riley assaulted and arrested in his words, thats being tweeted out by Wesley Lowery right now, we will continue to monitor the situation and be right back. The rain, the mud babam its there. The outside comes in. Its kinda nasty so you start the towelmop shuffle. Where are you sun . [ doorbell rings ] oh, wow, its a swiffer wetjet. This puts my towel mopping to shame. Whoa ewww. Sunshine is overrated, now we can get messy. [ laughs ] lets show em what a breakfast with whole grain fiber can do. 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He will include temporary relief for law abiding undocumented immigrants who are closely related to u. S. Citizens. Its a population that advocates say could reach as high as 5 million people. Theres absolutely no doubt that the president of the United States has a responsibility to act, to help those affected by the broken immigration system, and i have no doubt that he is going to act in a meaningful broad wide generous manner. This would be an extremely large change. If the president had done this a year ago, it would have been controversial, but now hes poised to act on the heels of the humanitarian crisis on the southern border which republicans convinced themselves was caused by the 2012 deferred action policy for young undocumented immigrants. And also hes going to act in the wake of an unprecedented lawsuit from john boehner and House Republicans, charging the president with executive overreach. This isnt just going to be controversial. It will be positively explosive. Mark my words. And remember, its going to happen in less than three months before the midterm elections, conservatives are attacking the president for what they say would be in the words of calmness, an extraordinary abuse of office, that would be lawless, reckless, a leap into the antidemocratic dark. Democrats are pointing to examples of past president s, using their authority to apply selective prosecution of immigration laws. Among them, Ronald Reagan who ea eased standards for 200,000 nicaraguans fleeing communism in 1987. Brian, let me start with you, you had a smoking gun today. Examples of republicans in the past urging a president to use their prosecutorial discretion as under article 2 of the constitution to do the kind of thing thats being contemplated here. When youre looking at all the sort of battle for narrative control over whether what the president will do is legal or not, i think that the opponents of this kind of action on behalf of imgrants, you know, they can look at it at a legal level, at a level of political norms and poli policy. What they hope for is that this turns out to be illegal so they dont have to get into the weeds of the policy, it turns out that back in the 19890s, as a result of some immigration laws. Some people were ensnared in deportation proceedings and a group of members of congress including democrats and republicans invade against the administration to use a prosecutorial discretion to protect those people. Whats under consideration today would affect the Different Community of immigrants but the principle is identical. Theres lamar smith memo, where he writes i think it was attorney general reno to say the principle discretion is well established, right . Case law says pretty clearly, now, jonathan adler, youre a law professor, youre someone who is active with the suit of the Affordable Care act as a constitutional challenge. Youre someone who certainly does not take a kind view of all the president s actions in the realm of the assertion of the authority of his office. You, however, do think hes fully within his authority to do this . Well, its certainly true that in the case of immigration, the president has far more discretion than in many other areas of policy. Discretion thats been granted by congress, used by president s of both political parties, recognized by the courts. And this is just a general area where the president has a lot more leeway to do things that are potentially controversial, that may or may not be a good idea, but theyre lawful and the sorts of things that have been done for a long time. You were active in a movement that was pushing for folks called dreamers. Folks who were brought here, grown up in the u. S. Essentially everything as american. Initially there was resistance from the white house. They were telling you we cant just do this unilaterally. I think they didnt want to get pushed. Last year, we just united we dream, dreamers across the country said, the House Republicans are not going to act. The president has the Legal Authority to do something to stop deportations, while Congress Takes its time and to grant relief to people, weve been making that push, this whole year the president had been saying congress has to act, congress has to act, i think that was really because he didnt want the pressure and attention to be on him. For our families the stakes are too high. For people like my mother and sister and me, we know what its like to grow up and be undocumented in america. We know the president can and ought to act. I think people really really dont understand what a big deal this is going to be in the lives of people, and what a massive political battle its going to precipitate. Thank you all. Weve got some late breaking news in ferguson tonight. We have one of the reporters who was just arrested on the phone to tell us what happened. He will join me on the phone next. Dont go anywhere. In the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. Add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get 100 off for every year of safe driving. Which for you, shouldnt be a problem. Just another way we put members first, because we dont have shareholders. Join the nation. Nationwide is on your side. [music] jackies heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. 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Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. If youre still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Just moments ago, two reporters were arrested by Ferguson Police, one of them is ryan riley, the justice reporter for the Huffington Post. He posted this image on twitter. What happened next . He joins me on the phone. Hes been released from custody. Originally the s. W. A. T. Officers walked through and took a couple photos at that time. Talked to the manager who then basically, they decided to leave, and reversed course, and came back, theyre going to shut down the mcdonalds and asked everyone to leave, so they i wasnt moving quickly enough. I was given a countdown, i was told i had 45 seconds, 30 seconds to pack up all my stuff and leave, at which point the officer in question who i have not i repeatedly later asked his name and was never given it, decided that he was going to help me back, and he grabbed my things and shoved them into my bag. And i was then, when i he arrested me. He used his finger to put a measure point to on my neck, and it was a difficult experience. Did he tell you what you were under arrest for for not leaving a mcdonalds quickly enough . Yes, he would not tell me what i was under arrest for. He was in s. W. A. T. Gear . Hes in s. W. A. T. Gear, yes. The most frustrating, its going to be difficult to hold him accountable for his actions, just because i repeatedly asked over a dozen times for his name or i. D. Number. And it was a terrible experience, my he the worst part was he slammed my head against the glass purposely and sarcastically apologized for it. And it was just a terrible experience, and i recognize im in a place of privilege here as a journalist and as a white person, in that i was evidently the police chief made the decision not to go ahead and hold us. You were subsequently release ed Wesley Lowery says he was slammed into a soda fountain, he was also arrested, is that correct . Correct. Theres so much madness going on, im not sure exactly how we got arrested, it was put out there, on my way out the door, i dont know if this is how it got out, i shouted please tweet did the police know you were reporters . After they i didnt you know, i im not 100 on whether i mentioned that to a reporter, that shouldnt matter in this equation, i wasnt going to try to exercise a point of, oh, you get in trouble if you handle him poorly. I was like any other customer who was in the mcdonalds at the time, and two of us did not pack up quickly enough. I believe it was because i asked for. I was not after i took the initial photos of the officer, he would not give me his he asked for my identification and i declined to give it to him. I think he was holding a grudge about the fact that i refused to give him identification, which was my right to do considering i wasnt doing anything wrong. These Police Officers in full s. W. A. T. Gear who have entered into a private business, a mcdonalds, they ordered the mcdonalds closed, did they say under what authority . They essentially came through and said you guys can stay here, we cant guarantee your safety, and that was fine with us. Im assuming they cleared everyone out of the entire area, it was a massive presence. And just simply overkill in my opinion on the number of officers that were there, the number of officers was extremely disturbing. It was just incredible. And know just you couldnt reason with them. You couldnt even after i was handcuffed and then pulled out the journalists card, as far as i know, i think i hadnt mentioned it before, i at that point the officer was a white man, probably around 40, he would not give me his badge number, he forced us into a Police Officer. It was intended to be for two individuals, there were three of us in there. Two reporters and a pastor that had been arrested. It was an extremely the mentality was extremely disturbing. Ryan riley from the Huffington Post arrested tonight by police in ferguson missouri. Subsequently released, joining us on the phone, thank you, ryan, i really appreciate it. That is all in for this evening, the Rachel Maddow show starts right now. Good evening, chris, that was amazing, i think were going to be speaking with another journalist who was just arrested in the same

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