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sent back. more importantly, they may not make it. >> it's a crisis that has inflamed the anti-immigration base of the republican party and has created the political conditions in which republicans can finally admit to doing what they have wanted to do all along, and that is is kill immigration reform. we will talk about that in just a moment. near the border, though, the first lady of honduras, anna garcia de hernandez is visiting immigration facilities and detention centers where thousands of hondurans are being held. she says her country is working to return hondurans to their country. the spike in apprehensions so far this year can be attributed to several central american countries particularly honduras. of course, the question is why would all these children be fleeing their own country? well, here's a chart that helps explain it. this is new york city's murder rate in 2012. five murders per 100,000 people. even lower now. keep that number in mind for comparison as we move along. here's chicago for the same year. 18 murders per 100,000. here's new york city during the notoriously high crime 1990s when it was called the murder capital of the nation. 30 murders. venezuela has the second highest murder rate of any country in the world right now. here's honduras with a truly jaw-dropping number. 90 murders per 100,000. nearly twice the next highest rate. the highest murder rate in the world. and it's nearly twice the rate of venezuela. three times the murder rate of new york city at its very worst. it's not just honduras. look at its neighbors. four of the five countries with the highest murder rates in the world are in central america. clustered next to each other. honduras, belize, el salvador, and guatemala according to united nations data. that little part of central america, a tiny part of the world relatively, a tiny cluster of countries you see right there is right now arguably the most violent place in the world outside of war zones. that fact has a lot to do with why these kids are showing up at the border. things are so dangerous and unstable in that part of the world right now, parents are putting their children in the care of smugglers who will take their children on trains, trucks, however they can across the very long stretch of mexico as stateless people throughout, all the way to the u.s. border patrol agents, who they are often flagging willingly to turn themselves over. joining me now to explain the source of this is bob ortega, senior reporter for "the arizona republic." and bob, what is driving those murder rates in those countries such that it's producing this effect of unaccompanied minors being sent up to the u.s.? >> well, primarily, it's two gangs. there there are gangs that have been very active especially in honduras and el salvador. those gangs -- this has been something that's been going on quite a while have really -- there's been a spike in violence in the last six months in particular and building up, actually, over the last two, three years. it's a hang in the type of violence. they used to target each other. now they're targeting children. they're extorting parents. they have been recruiting children at a very young age. if children will not take part, then they will murder them. there was an incident fairly recently in honduras in which gang members killed five children between 12 and 5 years old. and then cut their bodies into pieces and dumped them in the second largest city in honduras as a message to families who would not allow their children to take part in gang activities. >> i'm sorry. i'm just still processing that. so this is -- this violence, this horrific violence targeted at children is a med method of recruitment? >> no, it's a method of telling families you don't oppose the gangs. so there's two things to be going on here. one is there is a lot of extortion. there's a lot of murder. the other thing is that they also at the same time especially in some of the poorer neighb neighborhoods, they recruit children to work for them as lookouts, as their eyes and ears to deliver messages. sometimes to deliver extortion notes. and if children decline to participate or to make drug deliveries as well, for example, if children decline to participate or if their parents refuse to let them participate, they can be murdered. >> is there -- it seems from the map and from the coverage i've been reading this is a cross-border problem. it's clustered to these regions, but it crosses the borders of these different countries. is that right? >> yes. yes. and so does the gang activity. these gangs are active and present in all of these count countries, and so there are some other issues, of course. there are always the economic issues that have existed there. there's very little economic activity. it's not as though every single migrant is fleeing the gang. >> right. >> the gang activity. but the majority of the children, that is the reason that more of them cite than anything else as to why they're fleeing. >> and how is the coverage of this in those countries? i'm very curious if it's getting a lot of attention there. >> yeah, yeah. it is. now, i just came back from spending time reporting in ga guatemala and el salvador and spoke to a lot of people coming through through honduras. there's a couple things in my monitoring of the news there. it's really clear over the last couple weeks just as it's become a big issue here, it's become a big news issue there. they've been very aggressively covering this and really delivering the message that the u.s. government would want them to deliver which is there is no free ride. >> right. >> and you'll be deported. >> bob ortega. >> if you get up there. >> from "the arizona republic. who's been doing fantastic reporting on this. thank you. president obama in the very context of immigration reform talked today about the lawsuits speaker john boehner says congress will bring against him. >> you know, the suit is a stunt. it, but what i've told speaker boehner directly is if you're really concerned about me taking too many executive actions, why don't you try getting something done through congress? the majority of american people want to see immigration reform done. we had a bipartisan bill through the senate, and you're going to squawk if i try to fix some parts of it administratively that are within my authority while you are not doing anything? >> one of the main bones of contention about the so-called lawlessness the president was the executive order he signed in 2012. the deferred action for childhood arrivals which the president signed after the dream act failed to make it through congress due to republican opposition. now, it allowed children who had been brought into the country with their undocumented immigrant parents as children to avoid deportation if a list of certain conditions were met. what we're faced with now is a situation where republicans in congress are angry at president obama for signing that executive order and even using the fact that he took that executive action as a reason to not pass the next attempted round of immigration reform. republicans say they don't trust him. >> one of the biggest obstacles we face is the one of trust. there's widespread doubt about whether this administration can be trusted to enforce our laws. and it's going to be difficult to move any immigration legislation until that changes. >> democrats are having none of that. want to make sure the public knows who is to blame. here's senate majority leader harry reid at a joint news conference of senate and house democrats. >> if something is not done by the republican dominated house of representatives during the month of july, the sole blame without any condition or suggestion of minmization would be that the republicans are the reason. so instead of wasting time, wasting time suing the president, house should do the work of the nation, pass comprehensive immigration reform. >> joining me now, jose antonio vargas, founder of define america. writer/director of the new film "documented." learn more about it by going to jose, what do you make of th this -- >> i mean, you're listening to it and you're okay, let me make sure i'm getting this right. speaker boehner and house republicans are saying that they can't move immigration reform because they can't trust the president. this president to enforce immigration laws. you mean the same president that has deported nearly 2 million people in 5 years? >> right. >> so, i'm sorry, i mean, are we clear on this? >> right. >> the president is enforcing -- >> in fact, he has ratcheted up -- >> yes. >> -- enforcement. >> the record. he is now coming down, i'm sure the president doesn't like hearihear ing this, as the deporter in chief. you have the speaker of the house and house republicans saying this is really, really important. because i don't think this has been really brought up. are the house republican leadership suggesting that all these dream act eligible kids be deported? >> right. >> is that what they're suggesting? >> yeah. it is. that's a great point. >> if it is, if it is, please tell us. >> right. >> tell the american public, speaker boehner, congressman goodlatte, if you are saying that doca eligible dream act kids should be deported, tell us now. >> that's a good point. >> we're not talking about that. >> if they're saying this is lawless, right, the implication which they're not saying is this is actually not legitimate and, therefore, these kids should be deported. >> and, again, these are -- these kids, many of whom are my friends on facebook, many of whom are in college, many of whom are working right now and paying taxes and contributing to their societies. is the house republican leadership saying that these american kids should be deported? >> that's a good question. >> i don't know. >> yeah, we're going it have -- we tried to get bob goodlatte on tonight. >> i've been very confused about all of this. to me, look, we all understand the incredible, you know, the tough position that president obama is in, but really it's now on his court. what is he going to do? >> this is the next question. you've got -- you have senator robert menendez saying we're at the end of the line, not bluffing by setting a legislative deadline for him to act. the first job is govern. absence of governing, then you see executive actions. you are seeing reporting from the white house that you might see executive action on immigration. is that the only hope left at this point? >> yes, that is the only hope left. again, how inclusive is that going to be? again, please, reporters, political reporters, i beg of you, ask speaker boehner, ask republican house leadership, are they saying that dream act eligible kids should be deported? is that what they're saying? >> well, and then also given the conditions of what we have now and given the rebellion against the -- the sort of ad hoc rebellion against daka now, that's a political strategy to try to stop him from doing anything in the future. >> that and also speaker boehner saying about suing the president. i'm sorry. the last time i checked the latino community is the largest minority group in america and asians are the fastest growing racial group in america. >> right. >> i mean, how deeper does the republican party really need to get when it comes in this issue? i try -- we try really hard to get the politics out of t but somehow whenever we get to this point -- i'm so sorry. i've been haunted by these young kids. i was one of these kids who was smuggled in this country when i was 12. i didn't know that the guy was a smuggler. i realized that four year later that he was actually some guy my grandparents paid $4,500 to smuggle me for. this is my country. i think i contributed to it. i think i'm earning to be an american. and i look at these kisds and i just wonder, man, can you imagine what would have happened back in the ellis island days when we have said, i'm sorry -- >> we warehouse people, exactly. >> no more german kids, no more italian kids, no more irish kids. >> you're going to be sent back. jose antonio vargas. your story, you can learn more about in the film "documented" which you can check out sunday night. >> sunday night on cnn. yes. coming up, we're going to revisit an "all in america" story from earlier in the week about a murder in chicago that disappeared. i'll talk to the mother of the murder victim and get her reaction to the chicago police department's handling of her daughter's case. stay with us. 50 years ago, idealistic young people went to mississippi to bring democracy to an apartheid state. one of the men who masterminded the strategy there, who brought democracy to mississippi, will be my guest tonight. ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. hurry, before this opportunity cools off. ♪ this is mike. his long race day starts with back pain... ...and a choice. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve... ...for all day relief. "start your engines" alice groves' daughter was found dead inside this abandoned warehouse on chicago's west side in july of 2013. the police report indicates the body of tiara groves was found naked and decomposing with evidence suggesting she'd been bound and gagged. she was just 20 years old. for the last few days we've been looking into crime in chicago and how not everyone in that city believes what's being said about the drop in crime. we've investigated allegations that crimes have been downgraded and reclassified for reasons that seem it to be unclear to s. one case in particular was that of a woman named tiara groves. it's been almost a year since tiara groves disappeared and her body was found days later, naked, decomposing in a warehouse. the cook county office declared her death a, quote, homicide by unspecified means which means evidence indicates tiara groves was indeed killed. the medical examiner couldn't determine an exact cause of death and it's been six months since her death disappeared from the chicago police department's crime portal as a homicide. it was reported by "chicago" magazine groves' death was reclassified. earlier this week when i asked chicago pd chief bob tracy, who's in charge of crime control strategies about groves' case, he seemed to suggest it could once again be changed back to a homicide investigation. >> i'm not going to talk specifics of this case, but we can have findings that come back out, new evidence, witnesses and as we tie the case together, we could take that investigation to make them a murder or we can go the other way. we can reclassify in a different direction, and as i said, this is still a death investigation. so it can, at one time, maybe be classified as a murder again. >> making this case a homicide investigation, again, is something the groves family very much wants to see happen. earlier tonight i spoke to tiara groves' mother and started by asking her what detectives told her when they found her daughter's body. miss groves, what did the detectives tell you when they first found tiara's body? >> they told me that they had found tiara and that what i need to do is just remember her as she was and to call the funeral home to make arrangement. >> did they tell you at any point in the initial days in contact with you, did they refer to it as a homicide? >> they was treating it as a homicide. that's what they told me. >> how much were they in touch with you, the police, throughout the process? your daughter disappeared almost about a year ago in july, and there were months and months after that period. how much was the chicago police department in touch with you during that period? >> they wasn't in touch with me or my family at all. we stayed in contact with them so much that they act like we was aggravating them. >> so you -- >> getting on their nerves or something. >> you would call them and try to talk to them about the case and they would communicate to you that they wanted you to back off? >> that they hadn't found anything, and when they do, they will call me. and i'm the only family called that much. >> we had the head of crime control strategies for the chicago police department, bob tracy on. chief tracy said that it's standard operating procedure that detectives stay in regular contact with victims' families. even for a noncriminal death investigation as this case currently is. would you say that's an accurate characterization? did they stay in regular contact with you? >> no. no. >> and when is the last time someone from the chicago police department reached out to you? >> the day that they came told me that they found my baby body. the 23rd of july. >> that was the last time the chicago police department affirmatively contacted you to talk about the status of the case of your daughter? >> that was it. >> has this ordeal affected the way you view the chicago police department? >> well, it's like they treated us like we was -- like we was, you know, like we hadn't lost a loved one. they treated us like we was not the victim. they talked to us like, you know, it wasn't important. and to me, they didn't show no type of love or sorrow. they showed, like, non concern. and i was told that they was going to -- when they broke the news to me, that they were going to make sure they found the person that did this to my daughter. and it's like, they never got nothing. nothing. >> what is your reaction to the report in "chicago" magazine about the reclassification and then the report we've run this week in looking into the case of your daughter's this appearance and death? >> i feel as though they was covering up for the peoples that did this. that's how i feel. that they was covering up. and i also feel like if you never -- if you don't have any information, must mean you're not doing anything. if you can tell me anything about my daughter, which they told me nothing at all, must mean like you weren't even working on it. >> what are you looking for from the chicago police department? >> i'm looking for them to find the person that killed my daughter and for justice to be done so many, my family, can go on with our life. that's all i'm asking for. for them to find the person that did this. so we can go on. and until then, we cannot. and i'm looking for them to put her case back as a homicide. not a regular death. >> alist groves, the mother of tiara groves. thank you very much for joining us tonight. i really appreciate it. >> more than welcome. >> we are going to continue to track the groves case in the days and weeks and months ahead. coming up, "all in america" continues tonight. a story from north carolina that will rip your heart out and infuriate you. you don't want to miss it. 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"chaney, goodman, schwerner." a special report on the three workers for civil rights still missing in mississippi and a review of motives and forces behind those who planned to carry on the work. now, here is nbc news correspondent frank mcgee. >> first, the known facts. james chaney, andrew goodman, and schwerner went to mississipms mississippi to register negroes as voters. it had been stressed that the federal government could offer them little protection. >> the bodies of schwerner, chaney and goodman were found later that summer, three young men murdered by the kkk trying to register black voters in mississippi. the man at the center of the battle, freedom summer, 50 years later he's back in mississippi organizing with the new generation. he will be my guest, coming up. ♪ ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ [ birds squawking ] my mom makes airplane engines that can talk. 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this is a story about a government paying the people it's harmed. in the united states, in the south, in a state controlled by republicans. >> i thought it was a simple matter of justice. they had been physically harmed, emotionally harmed and never been comp saided. >> in the context of america's torturous racial history, it's a third rail, one of the most polarizing concepts in all of american politics. they've been dismissed over time as impracticable, impossible. >> the excuses for the not giving reparations today are the same excuse when the slaves were alive. the strategy was to run out the clock. it was the same then and the same today. >> north carolina created the eugenics board tasked with sterilizing mentally diseased or fetal minded people. its business was every bit as ugly as its name suggests. >> there are some people that i didn't know that i know what i was finding. >> john raley of the "win some salem journal" has been investigating the program over a decade. >> the north carolina eugenics board for 45 years ran bun of the most aggressive forced sterilizations in the country. >> pamphlets encouraging the practice of sterilization warned the mentally defective are entrusted with the most important and far-reaching job of all. parenthood. >> it went for epileptics, blind people, it went for deaf people. and, you know, often it was just based on gossip. it went for promiscuous people. it was out of control. >> by 1974 an estimated 7,600 men and women by force or manipulation were sterile lized by the state of north carolina. janice black was one of those people. she now lives with her friend and legal garden, sadie gilmore long. >> all i remember is that -- that i -- that i was in the hospital and when i woke up, when i woke up i was all patched up in the waist down. >> in 1971 the state eugenics board agreed janice black was an exploit bl individual to her low i.q. she was sterilized at the age of 18. >> i just couldn't put my finger on it right then. i couldn't put my finger on it right then. so they tell me what i was going for. >> the state's efforts were not explicitly racially targeted but the effects disproportionate. after world war ii, 40% of those sterilized were nonwhite. while just about 26% of the state's population at the time was nonwhite. >> in the 1950s and 1960s, north carolina was gaining this reputation for peaceful integration as a southern state, it begins to target african-american girls and women often who'd had children out of wedlock and were of modest means often on welfare. so it became a means of trimming the welfare rolls. >> the eugenics board was formally shut down in 1977, but it wasn't until 2002 that the state officially apologized for what it did. a decade later, democratic governor bev purdue pushed to compensate survivors. after bipartisan efforts, the historic proposal died. >> senate republicans could not even agree on a dollar amount or even if north carolina should open the door to what many of them describe as righting a wrong. >> last year, a new more modest proposal was championed by republican governor pat mccrory and championed by current senate candidate, then-state speaker of the house, tom tillis. republican state representative paul skip stam co-sponsored the bill. >> we apologized to them, we repealed the program. but those only go so far. >> this year, north carolina will become the first state in the nation to compensate victims of forced sterilization. with a $10 million fund set aside. but the same republicans who helped fund this historic reparations program don't want it called a reparations program. >> reparations down here, in north carolina, typically means the descendants of one group paying the descendants of another group. this is not reaching back into history to right a wrong that's purely history. we're trying to right a wrong that is still alive in people's minds and bodies. >> god, our father, we bless you today. >> critics like north carolina naacp president reverend barber see contradictions in the eff t effort. >> how are you for doing something in part to correct the eugenics 50 years ago but now you're cutting health care today? there's this dichotomy that doesn't make sense here. but what we see, to democrats and republicans, we need to do more than just give them some money. >> the deadline to apply for the program is june 30th. an estimated 1,800 survivors are still alive. as of now, only 630 of them have filed claims and only 465 of those claims are being processed. do you think it makes sense to have a deadline? >> the idea there should be, like, a deadline for doing the right thing, like i'll do right by you up until, you know, this point, and then i'll cease to, you know, we have to call it quits. it's not so much reparations as it is hush money. >> next year, the state of north carolina will be cutting checks. but justice, well, that's another matter. coming up, i'll talk to one of my msnbc colleagues who's been on the ground doing reporting in north carolina on this story. along with someone who is representing sterilization victims. stay with us. 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>> north carolina had in some ways the worst program because it wasn't just institutionalized people who were sterilized. they reached into people's homes by social workers recommending people to be sterilized. but in fact, 30 states had eugenic sterilization laws on the books, and 63,000 people in the 20th century were sterilized on the grounds that they were mentally defective, that they were promiscuous, that it would be better for the human race if they didn't reproduce. >> elizabeth, you are representing folks that are trying to qualify for this program. is it difficult to do that? >> difficult? it's difficult, yes. it's difficult to hear the stories and know that only a few of them will be eligible for compensation under this program. >> why is the eligibility limited? >> well, the eligibility is limited to those people who were sterilized under the authority of the eugenics board of north carolina. but, in fact, there was a state statute that was in existence for quite some time after the eugenics board ceased to exist which authorized this going into people's homes, working through social workers, to identify people who didn't deserve to reproduce. and we know that there were many folks that were victimized by that state authority as well. >> wait a second. so after 1977, '77, i think, when they shut down the eugenics board as an entity, you say the state was still using the authority to forcibly or coercively sterilize people? >> apparently so, yes. >> wow. what are the politics of this in terms of this compensation fund? obviously you saw the republican there. you saw the fact that they don't want it being called reparations. i was surprised that this really was -- it did become a kind of cause celeb as tom tillis, who we think of as this conservative republican. >> credit where credit is due. this came to light in 2002 in the modern glare looking at how, what a violation of human rights this was, how this is really the ugly side of reproductive, state-sponsored reproductive control. >> uh-huh. so there's a sort of connection to folks that are considering themselves pro life that say this is precisely the ugliness that we stand opposed to? >> i suppose you could see it that way. you could also see it the denial of reproductive autonomy for people considered unfit, particularly african-american women have long been subject to this kind of control. yes, john raley, editorial editor at the "winston-salem journal," he saw it drag under democrats. he said, you care about the sanctity of life, care about state control, government overreach. so why don't you guys jump in and do this and make this happen? because they were afraid of reparations, you had a conservative think tank, john locke foundation, came in and said if we just limit it to victims that are alive at the time of the legislation, that no one can piggyback on this and say i want reparations, too, because those people are not -- >> they were worried about the slippery slope. >> they absolutely were. >> interesting. they said, you know, you can't rewrite history. that was a quote from a legislator. >> so, elizabeth, given the fact the deadline is very close, i mean, how are clients finding you? how are you finding folks that are out there? it seems there's a big gap between the number of estimated victims alive, which is 1,800, and the 630 who have filed claims. >> right. well, that's part of the astonishing piece of this, is that there was no outreach. there was no money for outreach in the legislation. and, you know, we have done outreach through our clients. the center for civil rights has lots of amazing clients and people, communities that we work in across the state and they really stepped up and passed out fliers at their churches, at senior citizens centers. literally we met people at the free legal clinics that we sponsored in charlotte, in ahaski, in greenville, in raleigh. we met people who had just heard about this program. these are shut-ins. these are elderly folks. these are folks with mental disabilities. intellectual disabilities. and they just learned about the program through our clients' outreach and our outreach. so, and you know, i just got three calls today from people who just saw something in the paper covering, an article covering one of our clinics in ahaski, so there's still a lot of people out there just now learning about it. >> irin, i wonder if this program will be a kind of self-contained thing that will just happen or whether there are other places where you can imagine the same logic being applied. >> well, unfortunately, forced sterilization is something that is still with us. i mean, there was recently a report about nonconsensual or very dubiously consensual coe e coerced sterilization in california prisons. this is a contemporary problem. we still are exerting control over people. and you see the justifications for it change. in north carolina, it started out as let's purify the gene pool. then it became let's end the culture of poverty. >> right. >> let's save the state money. there are always going to be rationales for deciding who has the right to reproduce. >> irin carmon. read more of her reporting on this story on elizabeth haddix from the unc center of civil rights. thank you both. >> thanks, chris. coming up i heahead on the show -- >> by early july the volunteers arrived in full force. during the summer 80 civil rights workers were beaten and 1,000 arrests reported. one of the most dangerous jobs was traveling from house to house in isolated rural areas to build support for a new political party. >> this week is the 50th anniversary of freedom summer. i'll talk to the man who organized it, next. 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>> well, what i remember most is that we took on the state of mississippi and we figured out by hook or by crook how it bring it into, well, become part of the nation, right? mississippi had decided it was going to be a law unto itself. and what happened that summer was that mississippi became for better or worse indistinguishable from the rest of the country. >> were you terrified doing that work with the missing colleagues of yours just looming over you day in, day out, while you were doing it? >> no, not being terrified. that's not the question. the immediate question really was to make sure that the volunteers, that they understood that the three, mickey, james, and andy were dead. that is, they were missing. and the volunteers now had to go into the state, but they couldn't go into the state not understanding that they were actually dead and they now had to face what we have been facing for the last several years, right, whether they were willing to do this work under the idea that their lives were at risk. but it had to be done in a way that they understood that it was their choice. that they had to decide themselves. individually. whether they were up to this. and, of course, what was -- what was really powerful was that 99% of them decided that they were going to do it. >> the word of them being missing came while most of the people who were going to participate in freedom summer were still in a training in ohio. the phone call came in and you and fellow organizers had to tell these young trainees that the people who were sent down there ahead of you, first day, essentially, have going missing. what was the -- >> not to tell them that they had gone missing -- >> that they were -- yeah. >> yes. what we had to tell them that they were gone. >> and what was the reaction? >> so, the reaction, of course, is stunned silence, but what we were trying to get them to do was get inside their own minds and their own heads. so they had to be told in a way that they could understand that now this was something they had to rethink. right? that they hadn't bought into the idea that they were going into a situation where their lives were at risk. right? and so they had to be told in a way that they could get into themselves, into their minds, into their spirit, and really think whether they had signed up for this. >> what do you think, what do you feel when you see a new young generation of organizers down there for the freedom summit working on, in some cases, access to the ballot in voting rights, obviously, under very distant circumstances. what do you see as the frontier of the struggle today? >> so i think there are two things that are on the frontier, and we were struggling with both of them 50 years ago. but i also think we're in a different constitutional era. and one thing about us as a country is that over constitutional eras, besides lurching forward and back, we've actually managed to extend the reach of the preamble. the part of the constitution not only -- not what it says but what it does. right? it creates the class of constitutional people. >> yes. >> right, the people who ordain and establish the constitution. so we have -- we've managed to extend the reach of that and so we need to reach it to both -- >> civil rights activist bob moses. i think we lost the shot there. gosh, it's an honor to have him. that's "all in" for this evening. rachel maddow hubris, "selling the iraq war" begins now. good evening, thanks for joining us this hour. this is how wars end. december 15th, 2011. members of the u.s. military performing ceremony known as the casing of the colors. it's a ceremony that involves lowering the u.s. armed forces flag. carefully furling it and then encasing it to signify the end of a mission. that ceremony on that december day in 2011, that moment marked the official end of america's near decade-long-war in

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