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0 ads. there were developers singing the praises of the christie administration at the hearing last night, but residents and advocates told a very different story. >> the hell that people have had to go through in this state with your handling of this storm, i don't see how you sit there. i don't. >> do not spend $5 million on a tourism marketing campaign. >> i'm not happy with being all over the news about what's going on in new jersey. knock it off. >> not everybody's having trouble getting sandy money. $4.8 million went to fund a luxury high-rise in new brunswick, a town that sustained little damage in the storm. developer counts shaquille anneal among i o'neill among its investors. >> i don't endorse many politician, but chris christie is different. >> another $6 million to a senior center in belleville, another town not hit hard by the storm. another isn't sitting well with dennis ferrell who spoke to "all in" after the hearing last night. >> what i've been reading about in the papers and things, when they're talking about moneys from the superstorm sandy being spent by the governor over in belleville. i'm not talking about somebody politically. i voted for the man twice, right? hear $6 million spent in belleville. is this craziness? >> well, it's something. just what it is remains to be seen. by the way, for their part the christie administration denies wrongdoing in i distribution of sandy aid including spending on tv ads and both the belleville and new brunswick project. we also got a statement from the department -- well, let me introduce, joining me, heather haddon of the "wall street journal" and stacey bergen of new jersey. the dca has given us a statement about the firing, the news that broke as we went to air. a second contractor in as many months, okay, so they got rid of their biggest one. they've now gotten rid of this one. they're saying it's not a firing. a source in the administration telling us it's, quote, not performance related. heather, you've been tracking this very closely. distribution of their resources available to them under this program. and they just haven't gotten that. they don't know where they are on the waiting list, don't know why they were rejected, don't know out to repeal. in some cases they didn't get information in language they were entitled to. it seems the way the whole program was set up and run has not been done in a way that helps people. that is what i think really makes them raangry. they have a right to be angry and be heard. i got a all yesterday from somebody who's 79, lives alone, had their application lost four times by hgi and doesn't know what she's supposed to do. >> hgi were the central contractor overseeing a huge bulk of this money, right? they were the ones quietly fired. it took a while to get an explanation out of dca, the christie administration saying it turned out we didn't need this contractor. another contractor let go. >> you need somebody. somebody has to run the program and do it well. yes, people are always going to want the money to come more quickly and want to get their check and make sure they can rebuild because their lives have been destroyed and turned upsidedown. their government owes them an explanation about why they're not getting the information they deserve, not just the resources but the information about the right way to appeal, the right way to apply. >> so i've been reporting on this and talking to sources at a bunch of digit placefferent pla. one of the things i don't get, heather, you've been reporting, too, it appears from the reporting i've done there's indications these contractors weren't doing good jobs. you're the christie administration, say, hey, look, i'm chris christie, i hold people accountable. when they screw the residents of new jersey, i come out and fire them the way i fire a teacher if hay didn't do a good job in the classroom. >> the state, itself, acknowledged hgi wasn't doing a good job. they say there was problems and that's why they took over and are playing a more active role in handling this contract. again, why didn't they announce it? now richard constable the commissioner will be testifying later this month in trenton. lawmakers have been calling for a lot of answers to these questions, so i expect that they will -- he will be asked. >> he'll be prepping for that testimony. you, heather, have another story about the sandy aid distribution being questioned. of the 36 projects, competitor process, $180 million in federal funds to develop, rehabilitate rental houses, 16 were situated in 65 communities designated by the state as hardest hit by sandy and 20 weren't, meaning the majority of places that got this money weren't the hardest hit areas by sandy. >> right. so they were all in the counties that the state designated as being the hardest hit. the question is, the state had said they wanted to situate them in the communities also that were hardest hit. and when i talked to officials, they said they didn't get enough applications in those communities and so hopefully moving forward they will. >> but they changed the rules in the second plan that they just released last week. they actually said we're not sure we need to do that the way we did it -- >> let's also be clear here, right? we have a very serious allegation by mayor dawn zimmer about explicit quid pro quo based on sandy money. in which sandy money is involved. that allegation is strongly denied. we also know this, the new brunswick department that did get sandy money that was a luxury high-rise, outside of -- its firm that it hired as bond counsel was firm of port authority chairman david samson, representing the developer in the bond deal. people have to look at that, belleville and new brunswick. the folks in the room that our producers were shooting last night have to look at this and say, this is a rigged game. >> the people who were in galloway on tuesday night, there were 200 people there not all of them got the opportunity to be heard. i think there are lots and lots of residents very rightly saying, what is going on here? why is this process seemingly not fair? where is our federal government making sure the process is going the way it's supposed to be? >> where is the federal government is the big question. residents in new jersey, just go out and hire wolf & samson to represent you in these proceedings. heather haddon at the "wall street jump" and stacey berger. coming up, this guy again. >> do you like green eggs and ham? i do not like them, sam i am. >> turns out ted cruz doesn't like the senate minority leader much, either. extraordinary behind the scenes revelation of what exactly happened in the senate yesterday. seriously amazing intrigue in the senate chamber. stick around. it's time for advil cold and sinus. 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