wistfully, would be the word i'd call it. i've said it to you, i said it on air and i said it on other networks that i can't with a straight face say that the odds are absolutely zero. they're highlily unlikely and close to zero, but i'd be lying if i said they're zero. not because there's any dislike or concern about the other candidates but she's watching and, you know, part of her still knows she's the best person to lead this country after someone beats him. it's going to be a mess. it's going to be a mishmosh. >> we will leave it there. that's a great word. thank you so much. aaligns how democrats and republicans are gearing up for a packed week of impeachment hearings and the best of the sunday morning shows. ng shows ♪ work so hard ♪ give it everything you got ♪ strength of a lioness ♪ tough as a knot ♪ rocking the stage ♪ and we never gonna stop ♪ all strength, no sweat. ♪ just in case you forgot ♪ all strength. ♪ no sweat secret. all strength. no sweat.