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being described as an upgraded version of the underwear bomb worn by umar abdul mu tall lab who tried to take over a jet liner on christmas day. there was no metal in the latest version of this device. the detonator was more sophisticat sophisticated. this underscores the threat posed which is blamed for a long list of attempted attacks. defense secretary leon panetta says it's another reminder of what's at steak. >> i do not comment on specific classified operation is other than to say the united states engages in a number of operations to go after al qaeda and their militant allies, their terrorist allies who would try to attack the united states. what this incident makes clear is that this country has to continue to remain vigilant against those it would seek to attack this country, and we will do everything necessary to keep america safe. for more on the impact of this we bring in nbc terrorist specialist, evan cole man. how significant is this attack and what have we learned from it? >> well, we're still get the details, but it does seem to be quite significant. it's what we've been looking for and wondering where it was really. where is the revenge mission for osama bin laden? frankly, where is aqap? you had a terrorist group that had two very, very serious plots targeting the u.s. within the space of just about a year and then all of a sudden there was dead silence. i think some people thought after all the drone strikes that have taken place, after all the u.s. military activity, after all of the casualties aqap has suffered, this was the end. they were out of their capability to strike. this is a reminder that these guys are still in the business. even after the losses they've suffered, they're still an active threat not just to us abroad but right here within u.s. borders. >> so that brings in my next question. is yemen now the epicenter of terrorism, at least anti-american terrorism in the world? >> i hate to say this, but i think if you ask most terrorism experts a week ago, what country would most likely serve as the base for an operation target gts the united states, i think yemen would have been at the top of most people's list. and it is something of a foreign policy issue that really has not gotten a lot of attention in the u.s. presidential election, but it's a very serious issue. afghanistan, pakistan are still important, but yemen is a real problem with regards to terrorism and al qaeda right now. >> we're enforcing it by drone. evan coleman, thank you for bringing us perspective. >> thank you very much. let's turn to the global economy. european markets are holding relatively steady. there are leadership changes in fwrans and greece. among that region's ongoing debt crisis. angela merkel is pushing back to renegotiate an austerity plan that was signed by 25 countries. merkel said, quote, we don't change everything. we've already decided because of some election. whether in big or small countries. end quote. owe lan defeed nicholas sarkozy on sunday campaigning on a platform of growth through taxing and spending rather than tough budget cuts aimed at curbing deficits known across europe as austerity. in greece there are more challenges as the party that finished first in sunday's parliamentary election has failed to form a government. they will hold new elections in june if political leaders there fail to get a working group in order. now to some domestic politics. the white house facing renewed questions about the president's stance on gay marriage after top members of the administration expressed support for same-sex couples to wed legally. the conversation started with vice president joe biden on "meet the press" on sunday saying he was, quote, absolutely comfortable with that idea. the issue continued yesterday with education secretary arnie duncan right here on "morning joe." >> do you believe that same-sex men and women should be able to get legally married in the united states? >> yes, i do. >> okay. have you ever said that publicly before? >> i don't know if i've ever been asked publicly. >> that was yesterday morning on "morning joe." hours later jay carney faced repeated questions on the president's position. mr. carney maintaining that the president's views are, quote, evolving. >> there are very few people who think that the president is not going to after november, whether he's re-elected or not, come out in favor of same-sex marriage. why not just come out and say it and let voters decide? it seems cynical to hide this until after the election. >> jake, i think the president's position is well known. he's spoken to this. it's gotten a great deal of coverage. i don't have an update to provide you on the president's position. it is what it was. >> pretty rare when somebody runs for office that they're saying i'm getting ready to change my mind. you have really savaged mitt romney for changing his mind and i'm wondering if you don't run some risk of looking kind of too clever. >> i don't have an update for you on the president's personal views. that's the answer he has and i don't have a new answer for you. >> no movement yet. meanwhile, late last night mitt romney received the official endorsement of his one-time rivalries, rick santorum. finally got around to it in the form of a lengthy e-mail to supporters sent around 11:00 p.m. in it he highlighted his private meeting with governor romney last week saying he felt, quote, a deep responsibility to address the issues most important to conservatives as well as his commitment to ensuring our appropriate representation in a romney administration. then 13 paragraphs into the e-mail santorum finally gets around to the endorsement saying, quote, above all else, would he both agree that president obama must be defeated. the path will not be easy. it will require all hands on deck if our nominee is to be victorious. governor romney will be that nominee and he has my endorsement and support to win this, the most critical election of our lifetime. meanwhile, romney is facing backlash over a question he fielded yesterday at a town hall in cleveland. >> we have a president right now that is operating outside the structure of our constitution. i want to know -- i want -- yeah, i do agree he should be tried for treason, but i want to know what you are going to be able to do to help restore balance between the three branchs of government and what you're going to be able to do to restore our constitution in this country. >> as i'm sure you do, i happen to believe that the constitution was not just brilliant but probably inspired. i would respect the different branchs of government if i am fortunate enough to become president. >> romney's critics points out he never acknowledged the woman's comments that the president be tried for treason. >> do you think president obama should be tried for treason like the person who asked you? no? why didn't you say anything? is there a reason you didn't say anything like mccain did four years ago, governor? >> what? >> is there a reason you didn't correct her? is there a reason you didn't correct her or say you wouldn't? >> i answered the question. >> but you don't agree with her answer. >> i don't correct all the questions that get asked of me. >> i obviously don't agree he should be tried. they released a statement that said time after time in this campaign mitt romney has had the opportunity to show he has the fortitude to stand up to over the time rhetoric and time after time he's failed to do so. if this is the leadership he's showing, what can the american people expect of him as commander in chief. still ahead on "way too early", cole ham mel appears at the commissioner's office about putting one in the back of bryce harper and then bragging about it. his punishment ahead in sports. a summer movie has farrell running against another in an ugly congressional race. in a unique proceeding three judges from three different burrows of new york city shuttled through a courtroom to hear berk could he wits plead guilty. he spoke without emotion. at one point he said quietly, i'm an excellent shot. 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[ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8. new v8 v-fusion plus energy. what happens when classroom teachers get the training... ...and support they need? schools flourish and students blossom. that's why programs like... ...the mickelson exxonmobil teachers academy... ...and astronaut sally ride's science academy are helping our educators improve student success in math and science. let's shoot for the stars. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this. 5:43 in the morning. beautiful live picture of a nice day out there. that's at the top of our building at rockefeller center. check on your weather from bill karins. how's it looking? >> little damp but nothing too dramatic. just a little bit of wet cool weather. up in new england, it will be a dreary spring day for you. the flowers like it, you probably won't. syracuse to albany all the way to boston the rain has moved in, especially the north side of boston. vermont, new hampshire, rain, expect a rainy day. further to the south you have a wet morning commute to cleveland, mansfield, columbus, pittsburgh. little bit of rain heading for charleston. indiana and kentucky we're starting to dry things out. that's where the worst of the wet weather is. showers for the big cities. very light though. mostly only lasting 15 to 20 minutes. new york, philly, d.c., i don't expect a lot of airport delays from the light rain. as we look to the southeast, typical thunderstorm. 92 in orlando. texas is the other rainy spot. talk about gorgeous weather, middle of the country looks fantastic from oklahoma, kansas, chicago, denver back to the west coast. as far as tomorrow goes, tomorrow will be the last day of this rainy weather sliding off the east coast. after that we're in for a nice traet through mother's day. >> let's move that weather out of here. let's turn to sports now. the nba playoffs. the l.a. clippers, yeah, the clippers, not the lakers, trying to go up 3-1 in their series with the grizzlies and move on in the playoffs. come on. fourth quarter clippers led by 10. grizzlies go on a 11-1. ruby gay puts up a little fadeaway floater and the game is tied after chris paul gives the clippers the lead back. zach randolph makes the first and makes the second. that sends the game to overtime. tied at 87. in o.t. chris paul takes over. hits the jumper to put the clippers up 2. chris paul goes for 27 points. 8 in overtime. the clippers win 101-97. they are up 3-1. spurs also beat the jazz 87-81. they move onto the western conference semis. they meet the winner in the next round. incredible game here in new york last night in the stanley cup playoffs. rangers caps. series tied at 2 going into game five. this was the swing game. the ringers down a goal to the kapts with just 30 seconds left in the game. joel ward calls for the high-sticking penalty off the draw so that gives rangers a power play. rangers running out of time when brad richards finds the net with 6.6 seconds to go in the game. an impossible shot sends the game to overtime. again, with 6.6 on the clock. the rangers joel ward remains in the penalty box. so the rangers start o.t. on the power play. just 1:30 into overtime mark staal blasts one past brayden holtby scoring the game winner. new york with an improbable 3-2 win. they go up 3-2 with a chance to win the series wednesday night in washington. coyotes closed out their series. phoenix moves on to play the eighth seeded l.a. kings in the western conference finals. roy halladay went to the hill last night. he was cruising with a 2-0 lead until the top of the six. david wright ripped a double down the line. there it is. tied in the ninth when rookie pinch-hitter jordaney valdestine stepped to the plate. the 24-year-old had been hitless in his first six at bats. he jacks one into the right field seats. that is his first major league hit and it would be the game winner in the ninth inning. a three-run home run. the mets beat the phillies 5-2. first big league hit is a game winner off jonathan papelbon in phil lee. cole hamill got a five game suspension. he threw a first pitch fastball to the back of the 19-year-old calling it his way of welcoming harper to the majors. mike rizzo among those to take exception saying yesterday, quote, cole hamill says he's old school. he's fake tough. he thinks he's going to intimidate us after hitting our 19-year-old rocky who's eight games into the big leagues. he doesn't know who he's dealing with. mike rizzo. the nats will face off against the phil lease, by the way, in two weeks. coming up on "morning joe", rick santorum finally offers his endorsement of mitt romney in an 11:00 p.m. e-mail with the actual endorsement coming deep into the message. president obama's stalled evolution on gay marriage among the topics with our "morning joe" crew. when we come back here, we'll watch andy cohen talk up his new book with stephan colbert and colbert challenging andy to the quiet game. we'll see how that went when "way too early" comes right back. 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[ gasps ] think again. try charmin ultra strong for a clean with fewer pieces left behind. its diamondweave texture is soft and more durable so it holds up better for a more dependable clean. fewer pieces left behind. charmin ultra strong. told you at the top of the show the cia said it thwarted an al qaeda plot. the plan originated in yemen and featured an upgraded version of the underwear bomb used in that unsuccessful attack on christmas day in 2009. if you want to sound smart today, the heritage foundation says u.s. intelligence has foiled at least 50 terror plots since september 11, 2001. there was an attempted bombing of ten u.s. jet airliners in 2006 and a plot to detonate explosives in the new york city subway system in 2009. let's headle up around the water cooler to talk about a day historians will be teaching our children and grandchildren about. it's the release date tonight of andy cohen's new book, "most talkative, stories from the front lines of pop culture." my good friend has written a really funny book and he was on colbert last night to talk about it. he challenged tv's most talkative man to not talk during the interview. >> the name "most talkative" that is a story behind that. >> i was voted most talkative and biggest gossip in high school if you can believe it. >> why would you not stop talking? >> talking? i enjoy talking. >> are you afraid of the silence? of uncomfortable silence? shhhh. what were you afraid the conversation would turn to if it got quiet? >> i am afraid of the intimacy between you and i when we are quiet with each other. so i like to keep talking. i'm excited for you to read my book! >> couldn't do it. you can't keep a goodman down. andy cohen, his book out today. by the way, a mock congressional election is underway in north carolina. not a mock, this is real election. will ferrell, zak galifianakis. this is all are the pa of the movie, "the campaign." >> education is our futures because schools is this nation's backbone. >> he defends wimt's rights. >> everyday i come in contact with women. do i sometimes fantasize about their undergarments? sure. do i go, ooohhhh when i see them? no. i've seen a moustache like that before. you know who wore it? saddam hussein. and i believe we never caught two of his sons vooda y and falafal. >> let's get rid of daylight savings time. >> a family man. and he's multi-cultural. >> i'm glad to be here. it's the first time i've worn a yam ma han. >> a mess like his opponent. >> get out your vacuums, dust mops, glass plus, bleaches, your brasso. we need air fresheners. things are a mess. it's a mess. >> "the campaign" is the name of the film. it comes out august 10th. why are you awake? your tweets, texts and e-mails are next. "morning joe" is just moments away. ♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. ♪ why do you whisper, green grass? ♪ [ all ] shh! ♪ why tell the trees what ain't so? ♪ [ male announcer ] dow solutions use vibration reduction technology to help reduce track noise so trains move quieter through urban areas all over the world. together, the elements of science and the human element can solve anything. [ all ] shh! [ male announcer ] solutionism. the new optimism. uh, trouble with a car insurance claim. ah, claim trouble. [ dennis ] you should just switch to allstate, and get their new claim satisfaction guarantee. hey, he's right man. [ dennis ] only allstate puts their money where their mouth is. yup. [ dennis ] claim service so good, it's guaranteed. [ foreman ] so i can always count on them. unlike randy over there. that's one dumb dude. ♪ the new claim satisfaction guarantee. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. my mouth has gotten me in a tremendous amount of trouble in my 23 years in television. >> i saw you got in trouble at the oscars. >> oh, i did. i go get in trouble. >> some nice kids got up on stage from public school. >> yes, they did. >> you said -- >> i said something -- i was making the guys at "morning joe" laugh. i like -- >> they're horrible people. >> they are horrible people. i'm one of them. thank you. that was andy talking about -- i don't call it -- we talked about the young people at the grammys. let's figure out why you're up at this hour. >> i have deb fwra. she writes i'm with a sleeping toddler with a fever. i can't reach the remote. >> i've been there as recently as saturday. you have a two-year-old over you. >> ted on twitter, 3, 5-year-old and a texas thunderstorm that's why i'm up. you're on dvr season pass. >> i have a great one here. remember the watching nap gm, cole hamill. here's one from@matt woke up from a nightmare where mike rizzo came in and started breaking my fingers. it's a new day in washington. "morning joe" starts right now. vice president joe biden appeared on "meet the press." he seemed to endorse same-sex marriage. take a look. >> the president said

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