of that country. in recent days we have watched as the number of people being airlifted out of kabul climb from a few hundred per day to 2,000 per day to 5,000 per day to 11,000 per day. today the pentagon says they airlifted 19,000 people out in the last 24 hours, which is just an astonishing number. that's one big u.s. military cargo plane full of people every 39 minutes. "the wall street journal" is also reporting tonight -- and this confirm as what we had from the a.p. a few days ago. they're confirming tonight that the cia is also conducting additional operations inside afghanistan, where they're actually going out and picking people up by helicopter. picking people up in kabul outside the airport but also going beyond kabul into other parts of afghanistan. now, the pentagon has been the main source of information for the public about these evacuation efforts in kabul.