Transcripts For MSNBC The Cycle 20130930

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Percent off the economy. They are more concerned about the october 17th debt ceiling deadline that is fast coming and president obama met with senior staff this weekend to discuss the potential shutdown, but unlike past shutdown showdowns, aides say this time theres no back room talks happening between the president and capitol hill. The president says he expects to hear from congressional leaders later today. Theres still time on the clock to keep the lights on in washington. What could the plan look like . We have special shutdown coverage set for today starting with Peter Alexander at the white house and mr. Luke russert on capitol hill. Peter, democrats have said that the president is looking at this as time to punch the bully in the nose. Is that the vibe youre getting . Reporter well, the vibe that they are communicating to u. Jay carney finishing up his press briefing, they say this is not about politics. Its about people not getting hurt, even though the white house and press secretary putting out a statement over the weekend that used the word republican six times. Obviously politics plays a significant role in this. In the conversations with advisers here at the white house, what they would probably tell you in the leanings today sort of indicate this growing willingness to negotiate over something more long term, that the priority is not to allow for as described this governing by crisis. Heres what the president said about his openness to the idea of sort of a longterm budget negotiation. The only way to do that is for everybody is sit down in good faith without threatening to harm women and veterans and children with a Government Shutdown. Theres a pretty straight forward solution to this. If you set aside the short term politics and you look at the long term here, what it simply requires is everybody to act responsibly and do whats right for the American People. That president , president obama there speaking a short time ago at the end of this conversation with netanyahu of israel who is also here today. Toure, the president said he is not all redesigned to the fact there will be a Government Shutdown. Her holding out hope in some way. There have no back channel conversations as you noted. The white house and president specifically indicating though there will be conversations between him and congressional leaders today and as jay carney said in the days ahead as well. Thanks, peter. Luke, im glad to hear optimistic words but the actions dont seem to convince any optimism. Game out the next nine or 8 57. What is going to happen to prevent a Government Shutdown . Reporter to toure, i just came from a conference and they, aides and members have said they are going to move forward on a plan tonight that would fund the government, however, it would also call for a one year delay of the individual mandate of the Health Care Law as well as cut subsidies to congressional staffers Health Care Benefits and those who work in the president ial administration Health Care Benefits. Harry reid said if these type of riders as they are known on capitol hill will go nowhere, so what youll see happen in the next few hours is the house is going to pass something which will be just like saturday and exercise a futility, purely symbolic, trying to get democrats on the record as not supporting delay of the individual mandate, not supporting cutting the Health Care Benefits of staffers on capitol hill that would be affected by the healthcare law and we march closer to a Government Shutdown at midnight. Its a fast set of developments and shows you to which agree the folks on the conservative gop conference are running this show. I spoke to some members going in today, charlie dent from pennsylvania says a clean, republican, a clean government funding bill would pass tonight if it went on the floor as did peter king of new york. Theres an idea floated around here to keep in mind this is all fluid, that Mitch Mcconnell is perhaps putting forward a oneweek government funding bill extension to come out of the senate. Theres hesitancy about from Senate Republicans we hear on that by putting the house colleagues on the record for that type of vote. Dave camp, chairman of the house ways and Means Committee told me thats something that they could possibly take a look at. From where we stand right now, toure, youll have a repeat of saturday night from the House Republican conference. They are going to put forward this bill they know will be shut down by harry reid. Then it goes back to the house and then john boehner has a decision to make. Does he shut down the government or put a bill that could get democratic support, which is the clean one and move forward, or is there some miracle hue deanny, something out of the Mitch Mcconnell hat, weve seen this in the fiscal cliff negotiations in 2010 that could avert the Government Shutdown at least for a week and we negotiate this further . Thats whats happening here. Nobody knows what exactly the path is going to be. I will tell you, toure, the fact theyll send the bill over to the senate again the way the place works with parliamentary procedure, its difficult to see now how we can avert a Government Shutdown with the amount of time its going to take to debate. Things could change. Someone the angels could sing and someone might be awakened and decide they dont want to go down this road anymore. Things are not looking good for the government to operate at 100 tomorrow morning. I love the excitement in you, luke, peter, thank you very much. Its going to be a long night for both of you. Msnbc, possibly on until 2 00 a. M. , get the popcorn ready. Lawrence odonnell live at 1 00 a. M. Tonight. Our special shutdown preview continues with the grios perry bacon. Happy birthday, brother. Thank you. Looks Like Washington loves you because their gift to you is a shutdown. Washington does not love me it seems like. Im going to be 2 00 a. M. For the coverage. Yeah, washington does not love me on my birthday. There you are. Perry, we have climate deniers, we have birth certificate deniers, birthers and now we have shutdown deniers, folks in d. C. On republican side of the aisle saying this is not going to be a big deal. Its fine, we can shut down for a couple of days or weeks, wont blame us, wont harm the country that much, it will be fine. Perhaps this is because only a third of the senate was in washington in 95 and 96 and only a fifth of the house was. Just because they dont actually remember or because they choose to not remember or because they were somewhat delusional. Lets go with the they dont remember and they dont know. You know ted cruz was not in congress obviously for the last shutdown nor the House Republican caucus. Thats the key difference here. John boehner is aware the last Government Shutdown was not helpful to republicans because he was in the house leadership at that point. But hes pretty much alone. Eric cantor and rand paul, ted cruz, you see a lot of members. Also, you remember, most House Republicans and most senators are in areas that are very heavily republican. The blow back will happen to the Party Overall but not to these individual members of congress. Perry, theres an argument being tossed around by comment ators that a Government Shutdown may actually be a good thing for the debt ceiling longer term and may knock some sense into conservatives, force them to realize they are out of moves at this point, allowing boehner to raise the debt ceiling a few weeks later with little drama. And molly ball wrote, i asked a staffer who works for a House Republican whether a Government Shutdown would be enough to change these members minds. He replied, no we like to suffer we like to beat ourselves and go back to the base and they give us another task to beat ourselves on and we forget how to beat ourselves the last time. Perry, im ooshlly an optimist, its hard to believe even a Government Shutdown will change the do dynamic on the hill . I agree with you. I do think down the line there are 85 republicans voted for the fiscal cliff agreement. 87 of them voted to reauthorize the violence against women act. Take those two votes. Theres a core group of republicans, i call them the governing caucus. If you put the cr to the floor, you would be 250 to 300 votes to pass this bill. There is majority support in the house. I do think at some point john boehner will consider putting the bill on the floor, letting it pass. The important thing you have to remember, i saw dick durbin and harry reid piling on john boehner. I understand that. But john boehner is the elected leader of the House Republicans. He cant each day of the week decide to violate their wishes. He has to try to get them to move toward a governing method. They cant continue to say the debt ceiling will never be raised unless huge bills like obama care are repealed. He has to get them there and thats the hope of the process. Right, hes moved pay lot already in response, obviously to what his base is doing. Take a listen to him here in march. Our goal here is to cut spending. Its not to shut down the government. I believe that trying to put obama care on this vehicle, risks shutting down the government. Thats not what our goal is. There you have it. Everyone saying should there be more phone calls, should the president call boehner more . Maybe john boehner for march should call john boehner this week an remind him this is a terrible idea, that he literally recently said was a terrible idea. If we know that is what he believes, if we dont think he was lying then, what will it take to get him to bring it to the floor . A lot of analysts believe if you do get a shutdown the way out will be to use your words, perry, will be some bipartisan vote with the governing caucus a few days after the disaster. Lets go back ari. In november, john boehner said, i quote, obama care is the law of the land. And were going to stop trying to have bills to fight it. Hes had to move so far to the right, to the right, to the right. Now youre at a place where i know the white house view this as they stand strong. If you notice the white house keeps saying they are not negotiating. Usually in politics you dont say im not going to negotiate. It makes you seem unreasonable. But their view is that you cannot keep rewarding bad behavior. They view the republicans are exhibiting bad behavior. I think we may need a longer shutdown. All of the polls show that the majority of the public will blame the republicans. The shutdown hasnt happened yet. Well soon have real data showing a, the exchanges have started and they cant stop obama care. They will accept the obvious that the president is not going to sign the defunding of a law called obama care. I think that is one reality thats going to be clear to House Republicans. Ted cruz can convince a lot of republicans that this bill defunding will happen. Youll have one real fact, the exchanges are starting and the president is not going to defund his own bill. I hope youre right about that. Perry, as youre pointing out, this isnt the first time weve gone up to the edge with one of these crises, up until today the markets have shrugged their shoultders assuming well also avert this one and staring down the barrel of another debt ceiling crisis. Are we going to see the Business Community putting more pressure on republicans, the folks writing them campaign checks . They havent fully engaged yet. They havent yet. I know the white house i talked with one of the advisers there, their big push is they need the Business Community to stop being falsely equivalent. They need them to stop saying, washington is broken and start saying the republicans are not doing the right thing. I dont think were seeing a lot of signs of that yet. The business is usually more focused on the debt ceiling than the shutdown. If we have a shutdown in the next few days, what are the big analysts and Independent Newspapers say, i dont think republicans i dont care what john mccain thinks, i think thats right. They are not looking for other senators for guidance, some mainstream republicans for guidance. They may look towards the Donor Community because they usually have a big role in the Republican Partys actions if big banks on wall street say were not going to give the party money anymore if it keeps doing these things, that could change. But thats not going to happen tomorrow. Thats going to be a while. A lot of Business Leaders pride themselves on being bipartisan and not partisan. Washington is broken but its because the tea party broke it. Thanks perry and ari. We have an asymmetrical problem, up next, what the shutdown could mean for you . Remember on the friday, about the phone call with irans president. Its been overshadowed but Israel Netanyahu and the secretary of state together again, that story coming later as we roll on. Its the last day of september. [ agent smith ] ive Found Software that intrigues me. It appears its an agent of good. [ agent smith ] ge software connects patients to nurses to the right machines while dramatically reducing waiting time. [ telephone ringing ] now a waiting room is just a room. [ static warbles ] are you essential . We all think were essential at work. Toure im looking at you. Thats the question, 2 million government workers are asking themselves right now with a shutdown looming, 800,000 nonessential government workers will be furloughed. National security, fbi and mail delivery and faa and may delivery will continue. Among the nonessential are the 400 National Parks. Alex witt is in Lower Manhattan near one of the busiest National Parks, the statue of liberty. Reporter krystal, it comes to minds as this boat came in from the statue of liberty and liberty island, it is the National Park service boat. It shuttles the employees, a bunch of them got off today and i was thinking to myself, if youre scheduled to work tomorrow, unless youre a firefighter or involved in some sort of security for Lady Libertys island, youre not getting on the boat again tomorrow if the government shuts down and getting it across the harbor to work. This is also something that is affecting the tourism dollars here. We have tourists coming from all over the world. This is one of the crown jewels of 368 National Parks in the country. Certainly the top destination for tourism here in new york city. We talked to many families, one of whom was an australian family. They said, getting to see lady liberty takes a lot of planning. The timing isnt great. And we have traveled a long way. It has cost us a lot of money and what do you do . Theres nothing we can do about it. Were not impressed but what do you do . Reporter what do you do . You hope youre here on this beautiful gorgeous day. We have seen all of these cruises packed taking people over. I talked to so many of them today and most of them said they were grateful to be here and annoyed to have their plans they are lucky today, tomorrow maybe not so much. All right, alex witt, thanks so much for that report. I want to throw the shutdown into the spin cycle. I was looking over the list of things that would be shut down. You have fda inspections lessening and you have the wic program for mothers and children, nutritional supplements, no irs audits or osh sha inspections and what occurred to me a lot of these things would have a very damaging longterm impact. But how upset is the Republican Base going to be over no osha inspections. Im looking at this list, theres been a lot of talk about how once the government shuts down theres going to be this overwhelming pressure on the House Republicans and their base to finally come to the negotiating table. Im not sure that thats true. I dont see where the pressure is going to come from, especially when you have people like john culberson, he said, like 9 11, lets roll. They are not reluctantly going into this. They are gleeful about it. Toure was talking about an assem met tri at whose at fault. Youre talking about what the different parties here want government to look like. Right. Thats why the negotiating didnt work and the president took a long time i think by some peoples estimation to get there. But hes there now. Thats why they dont need to be on the phone all day. Its like if you want to send your kids to bedtime and you say, you dont go to bed on time you can stay up all night. If thats a consequence, it doesnt work. You know, you have kids. No, it doesnt work. There was one cosby show where they led rudy stay up all night she was tired. She was tired. She learned something. Rudy huxtabl was always ahead of the tea party because they are not tired and learning. What they want in the grover a government so small enough you can put it down the bath tub. The important point i dont want to lose here, that is wrong on policy grounds because it is expensive to shut down the government in this way. The studies are out there it would be over a billion dollars a week as a cost. The thing youre doing that you hit government with makes government even more expensive. Thats absolutely right. Theres no pressure coming from their constituents because they hate obama care and government. Thats the tea party these sis. They are confused obama care is going to be negativively impacted which it wont be. I dont want to get bogged down on shutdown because the point is an attack on obama care. They are rooting for it to fail. Bill clinton said Something Interesting about that this weekend. Can you remember a time in your lifetime when a Major Political party was just sitting around begging for america to fail . And it seems its been that way since 2008, they have wanted america to fail. For the good of their own political desires, which doesnt make any sense. If you think obama care is bad, okay, thats a reasonable discussion. But this tantrum makes everything worse. I have to say, i feel like they are not talking about real principles, youre talking about grandstanding on fake principles. The pressure will come from the america people and thats what president clinton pointed out. Politics is about risk and reward. You think it makes sense to go with a risk with the idea theres some reward at the end of the tunnel. Thats not the case in this situation. There is no rational pathway to defund obama care. Its not going to happen. You have a number of republicans saying this not worth this. If anything its damaging our career. What republicans should care about, whos going to get the blame if were not caring about how this affects the American People . I want to say their folks think they are not to blame, which they dont, then where are we . To your point, there is a better way. I want to play one other thing that was said during the fight just this weekend. Take a listen. After we won the majority and won the presidency, we didnt go back to try to undo it. We actually worked to fix it a little bit. We got rid of the doughnut hole and embraced it and moved forward. There seems to be a problem on the other side. They dont seem to want to come to grips with the fact that the game is over. That the teams have left the field and that this question about the Affordable Health care bill is settled law. Well, what were going to see when this shutdown happens, if it happens, recent surveys have shown republicans are going to get the blame more than president obama. I think thats something republicans should care about. Republicans have not won the popular vote since 1988 other than one time and this is something do you think republicans will blame republicans for this . No, no. I dont think you can put every republican in the same camp today. Thats very fair to say. And this is the problem essentially a certain segment is responding to the base, the only person really who could solve this at this point is john boehner and so far he doesnt look like he wants to. What do our viewers think . We asked facebook fans it the current folys in washington make you more or less willing to vote in the elections, overwhelmingly you said yes, the only way to change politics in washington, vote for those that dont vote in every election and complain about what is going on. Shut up. I agree with you very much on voting part. Like us on facebook and weigh in whether you voted or not. Were eight and a half hours now until shutdown. Up next, instead of fighting something that is already law, how about we help people understand what obama care can do for them . Well break it down with the help of an experiment. Now that ive got free health care, i can get sick all the time whoo free medicine, y all. Well, thats not really how it works. Ive stopped washing my hands and im licking subway poles, thanks, president. I have low testosterone. There, i said it. See, i knew testosterone could affect sex drive, but not energy or even my mood. Thats when i talked with my doctor. He gave me some blood tests. Showed it was low t. Thats it. It was a number. [ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1. 62 testosterone gel. The 1 prescribed topical testosterone replacement therapy increases testosterone when used daily. Women and children should avoid contact with application sites. Discontinue androgel and call your doctor if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child, or signs in a woman, which may include changes in body hair or a large increase in acne, possibly due to accidental exposure. Men with Breast Cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are or may become pregnant or are breastfeeding, should not use androgel. Serious side effects include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. Tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. In a clinical study, over 80 of treated men had their t levels restored to normal. Talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. Get the blood tests. Change your number. Turn it up. Androgel 1. 62 . Get the blood tests. Change your number. Turn it up. Wout of landfills each year . Plastic waste to cover mt. Rainier by using one less trash bag each month, we can. And glad forceflex bags stretch until theyre full. So you can take them out less often. A big move by the top lawyer against North Carolina controversial new voting law. Eric holder announced a lawsuit this morning claiming Racial Discrimination and arguing the law disproportionately exclude gs minority voters by requiring identification. They took steps to curtail the Voting Rights of africanamericans, this is an intentional step to break a system that was working. It defies common sense. I and my colleagues at every level of the Justice Department will never hesitate, never hesitate to do all we must do to protect the constitutional guaranteed civil rights of all americans. The 2013 Major League Baseball playoffs start this week and so does arods suspension appeal. He was benched for 211 games for violating the leagues drug program. An arbitrator is facing two Big Questions, did arod break rules by taking performance enhancing drugs and is the punishment appropriate . It is expected to last five days with a final ruling by the end of next month. 10 million tuned in for the riveting finale of breaking bad. The episode tied up a lot of loose ends. No more spoilers for us, well let you watch it for yourselves and dvr it. Fans have largely praised the finale for doing it right and nailing it and not leaving us with Big Questions like the sopranos did. Now back to the shutdown. Keep in mind this would not be happening if not for the president s Health Care Law. Theres no irony loss so the shutdown could take effect on the same day enrollment begins in Health Care Exchanges. A new nbc poll out today shows half of americans are confused about the law and worry about how much it will cost them. Nearly a third are angry and the smallest percentage in the poll are enthusiastic. So is it all about the messaging . I already have a complaint about obama care. My iphone 5s broken i took it to the genius bar and they would not fix it. What the hell is that . I believe youre confusing obama care with apple care. It happened on your watch, either way. I have this friend and he got sick, like cancer sick. But because there was there wasnt obama care, he couldnt afford the treatments so he was like backed into a corner, you know what i mean . And keep in mind, this man was a teacher with a family. He was. He was. So he did what any of us would have done. He started cooking meth. Okay professor, first of all, its great to have you here. This is an incredibly important week in terms of where this country is heading with Health Care Reform. Were hearing a lot from the Political Class as the drama plays out on the hill. What are we not hearing in the debate today that citizens should know about the early steps in Health Care Reform . Help us cut through the red tape here. Where are we in this discussion . Well, most people do want universal coverage, which is what obama care is all about. And it would be a great boom for this country because if people were assured of coverage, the uninsured would get the health care they need and people who are employed who stay in boring, unproductive jobs just because their employer offers Health Insurance, they would be cut loose and they could go and get jobs in the Small Businesses that are the engine of growth in the u. S. Economy. The problem with obama care is it doesnt control costs and people are worried about that. And then they are worried about all of the 2,000 pages much fine print. Is it going to be restrict their access to the doctors and hospitals and other great providers they want. I think thats what the debate should be about and not this kindergarten play about defunding, postponing, whine, whine, whine, with no substance about obama care. One professor, we tend to cover this like we have no idea what its going to happen when its implemented but we have an example in massachusetts of a very similar law that is in effect. And that respondents of a recent poll said they liked pretty well, 84 of residents in massachusetts said they were satisfied with the care they are receiving. So is the massachusetts example representative of what we can expect to see in the country as a whole . Well, massachusetts is not like the u. S. Were a very rich state and highly insured to begin with. So the marginal improvement was small but dont get me wrong, if you dont have insurance, its great to have the massachusetts version of the exchange, which is called the connector, Health Insurance supermarket, kind of safeway or whole foods of Health Insurance. You go on that exchange and you have a choice of insurance policies. If youre poor, youre subsidized, if youre not poor you still have a great choice. Its great. The problem is massachusetts has among the worlds highest Cost Health Care system and the law has done nothing to control that. As rich as we are, we cant afford the high cost of health care we have in massachusetts. And were not so rich in the u. S. Since we are in massachusetts and thats a real big problem. Professor, a lot of republicans are saying that this is going to be accompanied by massive job losses and corporations are going to be slashing workers hours. Do you think thats true . Well, i i think in this debate both sides are being kind of childish. But certainly corporations have a great incentive to switch their employees to parttime work where the coverage requirements are not as strict. Clearly we dont want that. We dont want from an Economic Perspective and from the welfare of human beings who wants to be two parttime jobs instead of one fulltime job so thats a problem. Professor, thanks for putting it in proper perspective, we appreciate it. Up next, remember the big republican 2012 autopsy report . One of the big takeaways from the elections was that the party needed to be more inclusive to win back hispanics. How quickly some forget. More cycle to come. Katy perry is coming to town. Can we get tickets, please . . . Sure how many . Thank you, thank you, thank you seriously . I get 2x the thankyou points on each ticket. The Citi Thankyou preferred card. Now earn 2x the points on entertainment, with no annual fee. Go to citi. Com thankyoucards her busy saturday begins with back pain, when. Hey pam, you should take advil. Why . You can take four advil for all day relief. So i should give up my two aleve for more pills with advil . Youre joking right . For my back pain, i want my aleve. Youre joking right . Have hail damage to both their cars. Ted ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. Maxwell is not. Hes on geico. Com setting up an appointment with an adjuster. Ted is now on hold with his insurance company. Maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5 30 time for tuesday. Ted, is still waiting. Yes maxwell is out and about. With teds now exgirlfriend. Wheeeee whoo later ted online claims appointments. Just a click away on geico. Com. Were less than 24 hours from the opening of the Health Care Exchanges and one of the groups that could benefit the most is the same group that helped swing the election in president obamas favor, latino, americans, nearly one third of latinos are uninsured and a group the gop has already alienated with the steps on immigration and trying to now defund the obama care act. The approval is twice as high as it is among white americans. Joining us now to talk about the effect the Health Care Debate has had, around immigration as well raul reyes, why in general, i hate to have you speak for all latinos, why are they so much more in favor of obama care than most americans . Certainly because of the statistics you mentioned. They are in favor as we stand now. Let me give you a real quick snapshot of the lat no community and health. They disproportionately affected by aids, hiv, asthma, heart disease, diabetes. Our community could certainly benefit from the type of coverage that the Affordable Care act provides. I want to also emphasize something else, not only would latinos benefit from the Affordable Care act, but the Affordable Care act would benefit from latinos because these conditions are largely preventible with care. Latinos do tend to be on average younger and healthier than most americans so the more latino that come into the program, actually is a benefit for many of the older people who most likely will also enroll. You know, given that how much how beneficial all of that is for latinos and for americans, three of the folks loudest against obama care, ted cruz and marco rubio, also of cuban descent. Are we profiling . Why is it we have so many folks in d. C. That are of lat month descent going against the Community Wide trend . Its unfortunate. I think these people are trul not representative of our community at large. Latinos were very excited by the prospect of Health Care Reform but there is still a great deal of lack of information and confusion, which partly was has been brought on by all of this republican attempts to defunds and delay obama care. But the most recent polling shows Something Like 89 of latinos, which is overwhelming, want to know more about the Affordable Care act. We have this sort of disconnect between the very prominent latino republicans and community at large. Its an insustainable position. Once the Affordable Care act is implemented and more people are engaged and aware of the benefits, how can these latino leaders keep saying to a community under served by health care that no, you cannot have it. I think theres going to be a showdown on this issue. And by the way given that the gop is so almost estranged from the Latino Community, around the issue of immigration, why would they want to put themselves on the wrong side of another issue important to lati latinos. Doesnt make sense. Were almost out of time but i wanted to ask about the politics of this. A lot of the talk has been about how this plays for republicans with the shutdown, who gets blamed . Were staying only in the mindset of the shutdown. If you go back a couple of months, one of biggest items of all domestic policy on the table was trying to get somewhere towards comprehensive Immigration Reform and it seems like all of the emphasis and oxygen taken up by this Budget Shutdown debate which is only a sixweek proposal anyway is crowding out immigration. My question is if thats the case, do the politics of that hurt the Republican Party or people to your mind not really keep track of why immigration went by the wayside . No, ar i, i assure you this is an issue that the Latino Community has coalesced around. Were talking about a short window of time, not just around the shutdown tomorrow but on october 17th, the deadline for the debt ceiling. So were looking at a couple weeks window where we can get Immigration Reform back on the front burner. Even though the situation may not look so good hold on one second, we have john boehner coming on right now. Weve spent the last hour and a half meeting with our members. Thats pretty clear what our members want is fairness for the American People. The president provided a oneyear delay of the employer mandate and provided exceptions for unions and others, theres even an exception for members of congress. We believe that everyone should be treated favirly. Were going to move in the next several hours to take the senate bill add to it a oneyear delay of the individual mandate on the American People and get rid of the exemption for members of congress. Its a matter of fairness for all americans. The house is going to take a position today reflecting one very fundamental principle that our country stands for, no special treatment for anyone. As speaker indicated, this administration, this president has provided special treatment and carveouts and exceptions under obama care for big business, for special interest, and yes, it has provided a carveout for members of congress. Our position is very clear. No special treatment for anyone. We all live under the laws equally applied. Very short and simple, well pass a bill that funds government. The question will rest with harry reid, two questions, will we treat individual americans the same as he wants to treat big business . Secondly, does he want special treatment . We say no, we have to live within the law. Ari, we see there a trio of republicans there continuing to talk now but were going to spin on this for a moment. You saw cantor say no special treatment for anyone and it seems to be more of the sort of up is down and left is right rhetoric we get from them. Were trying to create an american even the working poor have access to Health Insurance, so no special treatment because everybody can get health care and yet they seem to be fighting tooth and nail from extending Health Insurance to everyone. The clock is ticking, there isnt much time left for a house vote. What were hearing in the news from Speaker Boehner and leadership, they are not going to put a clean bill out yet, thats one takeaway. Number two, they are going to shift to focusing on what they consider what they argue is a perfecting amendment to the Affordable Care act. They want to take out the special treatment or interest se incentives in there for certain members of government staff. We know that is dead on arrival in the senate because the democrats have said, whatever we do that, whatever we do around perfecting the aca, were not going to do it under a hostage scenario. Weve discussed our disagreements with that but the big news they are not much closer to putting an up or down vote on the floor. They said their position is very clear. Theres no indication theres going to be anything other than a Government Shutdown come midnight. And in addition to the takeaways that you pointed out there, ari, really the purpose of this press conference is sort of last minute, desperate attempt to say its their fault, the democrats are the ones being unreasonable. We just want to make sure theres no special treatment, which i think feels fairly desperate at this point. To eric cantors point, its hard to pivot from we hate obama care no matter what to heres the one change we need to make. The president hanging with netanyahu after days of talking with rouhani. Straight ahead. 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Vo not paying for scheduled maintenance feels pretty good. Nocharge scheduled maintenance now on every new volkswagen. Thats the power of german engineering and now we turn to a president ial meeting that on any other day would be grabbing all the headlines. President obama huddling with israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the white house. We had an opportunity to discuss the situation in syria. Chemical weapons inside syria, obviously, have threatened syrian civilians. But over the longterm also pose a threat to israel. And we had an opportunity, obviously, to discuss iran. Both the Prime Minister and i agreed, since i came into office, that it is imperative that iran not possess a nuclear weapon. Iran is israelis destruction. So for israeli, the ultimate test of a future agreement with iran is whether or not iran dismantles its military Nuclear Program. Todays sitdown comes on the heels of fridays phone conversation between president obama and irans president rouhani, the first diplomatic engagement between the u. S. And iran in years. Paul dan aharr is the author of the new middle east, the world after the spring. Thank you for being here. First on syria. Do the developments between the u. S. And syria and Security Council resolution, does that validate the criticism that netanyahu had been making of this president , as dithering and too focused on soft power or does it undermine it because now the u. S. Is getting a step towards concessions that israel and other al wries never achieved with syria . Syria is a big next for israel, because he doesnt know whats going to happen on its border. So sort of a mixed bag. In some ways, its good, because it shows they can make military threats and that may be carried through if they dont actually get what they want. The other sidetive is, he didnt want to do it. And thats what worries israel. That obama got away with this time, but he really didnt want to go and carry out strikes. And thats what makes him nervous about iran. Well, we saw what netanyahu said there, publicly, about the developments in the american relationship with iran. What do you think hes saying to president obama privately in. This is his worst nightmare. An iranian president the u. S. Thinks it can do business with. Hes been talking since 1994 about the need for america to take out the Nuclear Program in iran. Now that has been completely overturned in a matter of weeks by hoe hanny. So i think they have said they have lied before, and one day were going to wake up and theyre going to have the bomb. Interesting. Do you think these talks represent potentially some progress on the arab israeli peace front . I know john kerry has been dealing with the beginning stages of this and so far so good. But is there possibility that this might end up moving in unimaginable ways . Its very unlikely. The reality is in israel nobody trusts anybody else. So its been going on for many, many years now, the hope for the twostate solution really own only exists in washington. Even the palestinians dont believe its going to happen. Its pretty unlikely. Maybe something been pulled out of the back by john kerry. But i dont think it will be make a big difference. Its about dealing with the concern of nuclear weapons. Paul, is there a certain irony here to Benjamin Netanyahu who was an ambassador of the united states, who speaks perfect english, has addressed our congress to great accolades. Is there an irony to him being the israeli Prime Minister who struggled the most with the u. S. Relationship in a generation . He must be really frustrated, because he began the Obama Administration thinking that he was going to get what he wanted from this man. He believed that they would have a Good Relationship and it went all downhill after that cairo speech when obama tried to get tough on the settlement issue. And its not got better. They had that meeting in jerusalem, tried to make friends, called each other bb and what not. They dont like each other. And the problem is, now obama thinks he can do a deal with iran, possibly. That puts netanyahu out in the cold. And hes left isolated in israel where the militaries think sanctions work. Netanyahu is walking into the meeting with battle scars. Trust is the Biggest Issue here. They dont trust each other. Netanyahu doesnt trust obama on looking after israel. Thats why they keep saying we reserve the right to carry out our own defense. The problem is, to really deal with iran, they cant do it on their own. They havent got the weapons to do that. So they need america. America wont give them the weapons, and america at the moment is saying we can talk, we can resolve this. Paul danaharr, thanks for breaking it down for us. That does it here on the cycle. Martin bashir is up next. You have the power of Weight Watchers. And helpful tools like the pizza cheat sheet so you can make the most of any situation. What can i get you . Ill have that one. [ female announcer ] even saturday nights. And the barcode scanner so weekend road trips dont mean losing your way. You can lose weight and still live big. Join Weight Watchers online for free and get the app today. announcer at scottrade, our cexactly how they want. T with scottrades online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login. To easily move my money when i need to. Plus, when i call my local scottrade office, i can talk to someone who knows how i trade. Because i dont trade like everybody. I trade like me. Im with scottrade. announcer scottradeproud to be ranked best overall client experience. Good afternoon. Its monday, the 30th of september. And the republican recipe for a Government Shutdown is about to reach boiling point

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