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ahmadinejad delivers one of the least fiery stages ever. ahmadinejad shied away from the usual saber rattling. we didn't hear about israel being wiped off the map like he said in 2005 or even earlier thiseek sayinghat ilad no roots in the middle east. after eight years in power, he is a lame duck president. the influence is dwindling at home after parliamentary losses. protesters are constantly folling ahmanejad and the maeou o40 people around the u.n. here in new york. inside the u.s. delegation boycotted the speech. the president said the timeline is not unlimited and israeli prime minister netyahu claims iran istthaym a nuclear bomb. others suggest iran is not even close. show of strength, the military unveiled a new drone this week which they claim can reach israeli and u.s. bases in the region. the u.s. warnedn the pt t loal o war benefits iran driving up oil prices and critics say the u.s. should take iran more seriously. well, with us now is msnbc contributor, an israeli journast. thank yofooi i st b tort of tonal shift in ahmadinejad's speech today. as we said, it was by his standards subdued and when we talk about the threat that iran represents to israel, it's represend thugh benjamin neahd speaks as an existential threat. i wonder from your experience and knowledge of the situation, what is the attitude in israel about iran? do every day israelis el the same way as netanyahu or opinions mix than that? ll oe israeli public opinion agrees with netanyahu but it's not enough. netanyahu doesn't want to attack iran alone. and he wants the backing of the u.s., actually, he wants the u.s. to start it, to start an and he's tingo p gainst iran. y the obama administration daily over this. he's even, you know,hown the opposition leader said three days ago, he said and asked the rough question in the parliament saying to nenyahu, the prime nister, whom do you want to r of, the iranians, mahmoud ahmadinejad or american president barack obama? is it more relevant to have good relationship with them, with americans or it's more relevant to make a point and to bully them every day? and het o askg t huens the prime minister who's seen even in israel endorsing mitt romney. >> well, let me pick up on the angle. the domestic situation in israel and affects the relations with the united states and the iran situatn because you have is clyca all say id he prefers mitt romney to be president and actions and words probably designed to help romney. on the other hand, you have barack the defense minister trying to help obama with the public words and statements. >> i think brack -- >> how will that dice ct b the november election result here? >> i don't think it will be very -- i mean, it might affect the jewish pulation vote more or less but i don't think ehud barack, the defense minister endorsed -- >> when you have netanyahu going out of the way to talk about -- present the image of strained relations and then choosg to go plic and say israel's never usanarobtter friend ithe whi th s -- >> when you are prime minister, you have the upper hand. you're the voice of the country. you are the most important man. you know, when jimmy carter used to say, isrl has no morn policy and only domestic policy. this time in htorye s sody interfering and clearly endorsing one of the sides and it's never happened in the history. and it's doing it in a very delicate moment for the u.s. relation in the middle east, doing it in a -- plus even his rael are not sure that an attack on iran will help israel or even would stop iran from pursuing auclear bomb. they're saying today that it will be very dangerous, might delay iran for some years and never stop them. >> rula,pl teg saying what iran wants is to be a big world player and getting the bomb would enhance that. using that would end that. is it time to put ahmadinejad and teheran in a bit more rspective and understan 'rt as irrational as people say they are and they understand the value of not using it? >> look, iran is a regional power. whether we le to knowt or not, understand or not. the winner of theraqiar w . the guy today that determined who are the -- that determined and who most of the shiites, the populations that are in bahrain, in syria, in lebanon, and in iraq itself following, looking towas an. s, t ain opened that debate about the role of iran and what's happening but are they relational? yes. they're very rational and y can talk to them. there's many players in the i ran yan politicalst did be in office after june. we need to understand that. there's elections and somebody else might replace him. he's not as pular as we think. today, if you look at of how much he's hated in own country, re opessed his own people in 2009, the economy and this is what people look at. he really destroyed the economy by pushing the whole world, to put more sanction on him and on the iranian central bank and ruined the country. he is the worst pr for his people. >> ru,ackosrhe united states, president obama barely discussed israel in the speech at the u.n. he didn't meet with netanyahu. is that -- are those this t isisteo and pick up on or is that really just stuff we talk about here? >> i think israelis, they look on the level of cooperation that we had with them and it's been the best in maybe in the last three prency. the level of securityt 'r granted. look. if we look at iran, who's doing the cyber attacks? who's responsible for the killing of that assassination program killing most ofhe scientists? nobody's putting -- nody's pointing out who ty are? it a level of cooperation and collaboration on the issues. israelis are involved and americans are involved. but i think here i think there's distrust of the two, you know, between barack obama and netanyahu. thubn party.ith a right . he think that they can advance better the agenda. what mitt romney and many oths in the republican party said about the palestinians, that they don't exist, they don't want peace anymore, they would never pursue peace, they're not real partrs, this is a mietnetaahu, so he's saying -- sorry. this is a mind-set of mitt romney. mitt romney is saying the same thing that netanyahu is saying to avoid going back to the peace talks. >> rula, i want to talk more broadly about the region. there was aneresting o toay o of the iron laws of middle east politics of last half century is extremists go all the way and moderates tend to just go away. e g increasing backlash from moderate muslims in the region against the extremist tactics that we have seen seen? >> i think he is one of th best analysts of the middle east because he's bnhe ground unlike many other people that talk about the middle east and never really visit us one of these countries. on this i disagree with him. in 2006, the cartoons that portrayed muhammad in an offensive way, thekl w vnt and that the demonstration in the streets, many people, today in 2012 six years after we have moderates going in the streets in benghazi and in tripoli and in cairo and saying to the extremists, stop here. you don't ta in m na doalur name. we're against the bloodshed. we're against what you did to ambassador stevens and for the first time there's a real debate in the arab world and moderates are speaking up. theye not shying away from it and so aggressive about it. >> that's enag usathe point that freedman went on to make in the column, he cited op-eds from the region advocating of no violence and pushing back what the extreme tactics. oild ambassador stevens that were not the mobs. it was a deliberate attack of some group that is linked with al qaeda and that was a very planned, well organized and rried attack. i mean, you don't go to a demonstration with 7 and eavy weaponry. they were very well organized and they orchestrated the whole thing around the mobs but has nothing to do with the move vi, actually. >> that's clear and unfortunately it's not been the position of the administrion thus far. >> all right. >> think they pdh at. >> rula, thank you for joining us. up next, heading west to ohio and mitt romney is today and watching the poll numbers head south. 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[ horn honks ] hey, honey. do we have lifinsunc ♪ [ male announcer ] or visit to secure your family's future today. i think one of the first times that we should look at the polls in real sincerity is after one or two of the debates. >> yeah. mid-october. give it time. the romney campaign is only on eir ird reboce convention. we've had businessman romney. foreign policy romney. latino romney. but we still haven't seen aqua romney. >> well, maybe that's not a bad idea. tt romney needs to do something to catch president obama in key toss-up states including ohio where both candidates are campaigning today. in the latest "the new york times"/quinnipiac poll has the president up ten points in the buckeye ste. heashiton " h hi b eight. the president pulled ahead in florida and pennsylvania, as well. drastic times call for drastic measures. the romneyampaign is out with a new ad and just mney and the came camera. >> president obama and i both mi.e abo poor and mdlelass diens policies will make things better for them. >> but that is a tough sell with middle class voters who believe romney's economic policies only benefit the rich. is it time for romney 4.0? so, i dughi quinnipiac poll and a few things that were interesting and struck me. first of all, there's so many people have said this election is about the economy. and it is about the economy. but i would put a finer truth comb on that. i think it's about the future of middle class and going back t those nbers tha wusad in the quinnipiac poll, they asked people, who's -- obama and romney, who are they going to benefit, who are the policies going to benefit? you can see the 58% they have this reversed here. shou be 58% say ttit ro'solicies benefit the rich. and obama's are much more evenly split. and very few people think that romney's policies are going to benefit the middle class. so this is a problem for him. you see in that ad where he talks about my polies, ouedl class and the iotre poor. that is not what people on the ground believe and i think that's attributed to the president's ad campaigns on the ground. i think it also is underscored by the 47% comments. but the other thing that was interesting here is in ohio, the prenis lngt ey among women by 25 points. so, early on in the campaign all the talk we had about women's issues, the focus on women at the rnc and the dnc, that has clearly been a lasting problem for mitt romney, as well a number from this poll, they asked who would be better on women's reproductive health issues, in ohio, the president led there by 29 points. so this has actually impacted quite significantly the camp. if weakhi a microcosm for the country and say things have gone from not so great to pretty bad for romney in this month, month of september, two things jump out at me here about what's going on. number one is what crystal is talking abt. poll numbers of mdle clas wog s vs saying we think romney favors the rich and doesn't care about people like us. i'm going to go back to somethg i said a year ago. if you look on paper chris christie wld b runnghe sa por as mitt romney. not the time to raise income taxes on the rich, never is. the exact same message of th republican party would be his and romney exudes top 1%-ness. rists mess about him. i think the trick for republicans this year to capitalize on this atmosphere, economic anxiety crisis is they will have a top 1% message. this is the wrong year to nominateitt romney. athestth thcohisthis. the central calculation of the romney campaign is economically frustrated swing voters would say, all right, the unemployment is too high. we just want to vote obama out and looking for auitable protest vehicle andomney would be that suible otes cl they asked people in ohio have the obama policies made the economy better or if given more time will his policies make things better or failed? >> 58% adding them together say it's made it bett, made this better or they will. fo ro'satto work, that number cannot ever be over 50%. the romney strategy rests on people saying this guy's a failure. they're not saying that. >> romney needs to hammer the message that obama's policie have been terrible fo poor people. th povty has r t astronomical highs. he needs to hammer that. this ad was a step in the right direction. the part we didn't show where he says, u know, putting people on welfare isn't compassionate. gettg people off it is. it sonas. ul ait sger with it, though, and it reminds me of something that penn jill let said and makes me wish mitt romney was a comedian and not a governornd sea these things. it is amazing to me how many ople think that voting to have the govnmen g ppl y compassion. helping poor and suffering people is compassionate. voting for our government to use guns to give money to help poor and suffering people is immoral self righteous bullying laziness. people need to be fed and medicated and if wre asat'llp . you get no moral credit for forcing other people to do what you think is right. there's great joy in helping people and no joy in doing it at gun point. it's a clever way of sort of dismantlg the idea that putting people on welfare is somehow makes you a morlyoo pe. and i think that's where mitt needs to go with these arguments. >> it's a little difficult for mitt to try to make that argument after the 47% speech and we see he doesn't care about half of the country but the larger point - >> he doesn't care? >>it's not my job toarebout th >>utning voters not going to vote for him. >> obviously cold meesz assage allow th to say -- >> he es. thtareturnprovheoes t th o 14%. e tt >> it is not reverse engineering. he gives 44% of the income away. 30 of it to charities. >> absolutely that. but the point that -- >> okay. >> i wanted to me the pnt that i'm looking at the romney campaign and rutterless and why's this man even running for esidt? ee iis bidea.g idea. he has no big idea and the piece of romney spending time with romney and the friends from the mormon days provides a lot of interesting insight in to this and a couple of ideas. lds leader is conan hioueo are supposed to be a leader in the world. that's one thing. romney out of the group is always a big man on campus from his young days, partly from the father's position and the family's position in the church, but partly, al, the presidential bevea yo once you decide that i could be, should be president that never goes away and romney in particular has a hero worship thing for his father and he was a major player in the 1968 race so what he's doing here partly to avenge his father's loss or imprs his fatherbee his father. nothing wrong with that but understanding why you're doing this. but, you know, there's a weird thing that george romney said when he loses the michigan gubernatorial race, that's okay. that's what the people wanted and that's fine and mitt romney says the same thing to nick lehm thabwh wt todo, tryo communicate that as well as i can and if they vote for me, fine. if they don't, then fine. that's what it is. he doesn't need toin like clinton and obama needed to win to validate themselves. >> all right. and now one othe classic awkward es tngbo ban. it's getting tougher and more expensive. we are talking about actual bacon here. not the figurative stuff we talk about in politics. u.s. has a looming por shortage thanks to this summer's drought driving up the cost of feed to hogs and cut t numr of pigs that farmers raise. next year, a 12% drop in pounds of bacon per american and the cost could rise by more than a dollar a pound and not stopping red blooded americans. >> i would p double thator bacon. us a t pork chops. enjoy, you know, everything from the little piggy. >> price don't matter at my age. i'm 82 years old. i can have what i want. >> this is the michele obama nanny state ug. >>sure. someone is responsible for this. some mo. veeata t stockpile my bacon because life without bacon is not worth living. it's become part of my cultural existence. i tweet and talk about it. people send m bacon scented cologne. it is not just part of my diet. it i part of mentity. this has me -- >> i mean, but as you know, i'm the president of team bacon on twitr, twitter for that. we will survive this, twitter team bacon. we'll get through this without turkey bacon. don't yourr >> t. first presidential debate is a week away and i wonder if there's a bacon question. would a pro-pork platform change your vote? >> yes. >> we'll be right back. fourth generation of tanks. they're on hundreds of new york city roof tops andhaped by halfhhalf-century old tools. he says you build upon what works. for more, watch "your business" this sunday morning. 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>> you have questioned my patriotism. >> governor reagan again typically is again such a proposal. >>goor >> there you go again. >> well, with mitt romney's world crumbling apart he desperately needs a dramatic moment like that in next week's debate. that's theonventional wisdom. the romney campaig say it is candidate is hard at work consered the mt tth ave icot begins to tune in to the election. while there's so much hype around the debates, next guest says we're radically overstating the importance. in the guest spot is john size, associate professor of political science at george wasngton john, let's have at it. the debates you say really don't matter that much. why not? >> i think there's two reasons. one is just that they're too late. they're not that many undecided vors left and secondly the candidates are usually so well prepared that they pretty much fight to a draw and partisans think their guy won and i don't think undecided voters move much in either direction. >> let's go to an example i e c politics polling average, day-to-day for september 2004 and we see bush was ahead in the week leading up to the debate by a six-point average over kerry. kerry had the really well received first debate perfornce against bush and then end of sepmberhtens toes t two ps basically a four-point shift to kerry after the first debate. isn't that proof that at least sometimes they can work? >> you can pick a handful of examples but it rare that the debates are actually a game changer in the sense theyake the derdog and make tmhe ont-nner or vice versus and the impact felt to election day. >> john, there's three natural sort of disadvantages tha every incumbent president has. it's hard to find the time to prepare for the debates andhe "l.a. timeheae today. obama's having less time to prepare than romney. merely standing on stage aside -- beside the incumbent president ennobles the challeer and being in the presidential bubble forears makes itde t understand when people challenge you. nobody challenges you. you're not used to somebody saying you're doing the job wrong. how's that fit in to your theory? >> well, i would say that, you know, most of the time incumbent presidents do win recti themselves in debates relatively well. everything you say is entirely possible and suspect that the lls might tighten in the debate system. the incumbe presidents, they have done thisbefore. they have a pretty good command of poli. aw bh as a candidate and a president. and i think it's tough to make a big enough mistake for the challenger to actually get a lot of advantage over them. if you look at that example of 2004, you know, bush didn't have a good debate and even his wife criticized him aft the fact accordg to someeporting and tasugo cost him the race so four points is not an neglible amount. yiohexaekation thatcampan i he's not been able to practice that much, won't be that great. romney's had a lot of practice and i remember in 2008 the sarah palin/joe biden debate. because there was the katie couricinterview,he fact that she was able to hold her own was a victory at all. >> i think to some extent it factors in only as much as it drives the news coverage after the fact. even though debates are wched by manyillis omens lo wt ty understand about the debate is not only a factor of their own predispositions but a function of the way that the news coverage of it. if there's better coverage, i thin that's probably going to send a morosenao voters to be persuaded by this. >> maybe it didn't win or lose an election can create a lasting impression. i think of 2000 whe al gore sighed hisay through that dete. ry oedo idea we already had of him as petulent, condescending, unlikable. that was an idea that carried through the rest of the election. >> in fact, that first debate in which gore behaved that way is actually one whe we can see two to three-poinwingft wo yeah. >> puts bush in the lead. again, i think that suggests that there are always risks to caidates in the debates but in this case i think it's more likely that the daebl will reinforce where the race stan. maybe narrow it a liteit and e a hefr one of the political science studies looking at the debates, they had a lovely quote which is basically the measure of the debates is where it stands before the debates. >> thank you for joining us. ust ahd, f critics say both candidates really need to see. aing l a look at health care in america. i have a cold, and i took nyquil, but i'm still stubbed up. 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[ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac alannouncer ] inout re a ucaf [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ] does the government have a responsibility to provide health care to the 50 million americans o don't have it today? opho don't have insurance. we pick them up in an ambulance and take them to the hospital and give them care. and different states have different ways of providing for that care. >>nl -- normally he would be in trouble unless he's running against the guy that appears to suggest we don't need a new health care plan for uninsure americans because we have emergency rooms. >> if mitt romney did care about vent t a trip tory heou a hospital emergency, filled with disease, injuries, screaming, bad smells, crippling bureaucracy and ancient magazines. nody wants to go to an emergency om. neuead documentary out today called "the waiting room." it shows a public hospital struggling to care for its mmunity and ascribes a sense of dignity to the er. >> we are a public hospital. we are the safety net in society. we are an instition of lt re f mpe. >> come on. sit with me. you want to see the doctor today, huh? >> yeah. >> trying to take the pain? >> yeah. >> it's going to be okay. >> so we're putting your dka in 8. putting 3 in the hallway. >> it's my first time being in the hospital. >> peter nicks, producer, director and cinematographer of "the waiting room." how are you? >> good. >> my sister is an er doc and says they care medically ando ch cing m emotionally that they're desensitized. tell me how the experience affected the people you shot. >> well, i woulddisagree with that a little bit from my perspective of hilandospital in oakland. i have a pretty intimate view. my wife out of graduate school, she got her master's in speech pathology and took a job at this hospital and that's where the antenna went up for me to tell the story. onof the that susee was the degree, the degree of empathy that the nurses and the er staff had toward a pient population that was often very difficult to manage and that was typified by cj, who's the sort of quee i call her the queen of the waitg ro'she f pe tth patients see when they walk through the door. >> peter, you talk about telling a story, when you brought the film crews in, did you have a particular story you wanted to tell or was it more just an observation of the things that happened? >> well, initlly, what we wanted to do is llto abth uninsured from this one public institution and in the months of scouting and trying to figure out how to compress that story in to a film i would walk through the waiting room for meetings up in the executive wings and meet with the attending docs a walk through th waiting room a meackrsat and see them still waiting in the waitiwait ing and what were they going through on any given day and what struck me we the remarkable collection of humanity in this waiting room. peop whoer coming ge, inexo each other that normally never come together ordinarily and fascinating trying to capture those people on a given day. per, you talk about the overcrowded waiting room, the endless wait. peop that decide the order for who's seen first. i wonder did you see, are there certain things sobody coming in to the er should do or could do if they wanted to get seen a little fast? eqier, you know all the tricks. you know? wheeze si, i'm coming. grab the chest or ways to get back to see a doctor quickly if you know. and some of the people that public hospitals treat are the indigent, the homeless, drug addi di. e heurpring things of highland and i think by extension is public hospitals is an increasingly changing patient population and people who used to have private health care insurance through the job lost and now visiting the public hospital f the firste. le who are using the waiting room for primary care because they don't have a primary care doctor and the waiting room at highland is a mash of those people and using it for a lower uity medical issue, you're pushed to the bkf e whom has a stroke or a heart attack. that's the thing i tried to reveal whatt meant to have the waiting room serve as the place of last resort for the uninsured. >> peter, it's a fascinating and important film. good luck with it. >> thank you. > no drs a or bng re. essential in this country but what about those jobs we don't see? we're going to meet a professor who set out to discover hidden america, next. h spk cash card from capital one, sven's home security gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! how does this thing work? oh, i like it! 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rial o life.noeoe f i mean, you know, i have been in so many gun shops across the country i'm probably on a government watch list. crystal's grandfather was a coal miner. whare youryin tug dot aut these people? >> oh, i think that we're just not aware in our daily lives of how connected we ar to awful -- well, all of these people. every time we flip on a light switch we are burning a lump of coal and an intatonneion toseplependent on them in actual ways. you know, who's landing the airplanes? the air traffic controllers. and these are just people we don't ever hear from. and they are invisible because they need to be. especially the controllers. >> jeanne marie, you saynr boou ved landfill workers and easily the most optimistic and contented workers the people at the puente hills landfill about 16 miles east of downtown los angeles, a 100-mill ton solid soup of trash. opkin different professions, what was it that made them so contented and what on the contrary, what made other people hisserible in the job? >> the landfill was the biggest surprise i think iterms of the mood of the worker. you wodn'thinkhe t du iilitpy people. but in fact, everything -- you know, the engineers invented so much of the technology of, you know, what to do with our waste, so much of the technology that's used worldwide was invented there and they were proud of it. you kn, sort of tfully so thidri down all the way to the bulldozer drivers. it is like look at the landfill, look what we have done. they're proud of it. it was fantastic. >> i feel like we're in a era of reality shows and daytime talk shows where everybody dreams they will beamous at .east for a minef not y say you found a lot of people who have no interest in being celebrities at all and as you said before they're invisible and want to be invisible. >> oh my goodness, yes. think about the migrant workers, the people picking our food. eating the blueberries every morning pha andoenk thwe fingerprints at one point on those berries? those people really need to be berries? those people need to be invisible, they're hiding. ey're living in shame. they're living in the shadows. we talk about them, we have national dialogue about them, debates about them. ore they?ngt? that was a simple question but that was my question. who did they love? what did they talk about? how did they live? those people really needed to be invisible. >> you know, you were mentioning the airraffic controllers a minute ago. i have the same questionho thleboem it seems to me, sort of like the extra point in football, there's a lot involved in it because we take it for granted the job is just going to get done. who are these people? we're talking about air traffic controllers. >> the air traffic controllers are the most intense, that is thmostfi jfll thessaw. the most intense life. making decisions on a split second, constantly, constantly. so constantly you have to sp aftea half an hour and take a break. those people are -- they were -- they regarded themselv a publervants. they, too, were proud of what they were doing. >> if you had to pick one of these professions to do for the rest of your life, which one would it be? >> probably be working on the ranch and being a cowboy maybe because you geto ride a h aly. >> yeah, cowboy sounds like fun. >> i wouldn't mind working at the landfill, i have to tell you. >> can i have a job in the gun store? that's where i belong. anks for joining us. >> thank you. >> still ahead, steve is asking if paul ryan runngsmney er c prevent him from ever being number one. as we head to break, "moon river" in honor of andy williams who passed away last night. ♪ moon river ♪rog iyln a mile♪ [ thunder crashes ] [ male announcer ] if you think all batteries are the same... consider this: when the unexpected happens, there's one brand of battery momecykeru t mteonsider this: duracell. one reason: duralock power preserve. it locks in power for up to 10 years in storage. guaranteed. so, ether it's 10 year of life's sunny days... or... the occasional stormy on.. trgoes a long wa duracell with duralock. trusted everywhere. ♪ spread a lile love my way ♪ ♪ spread a little something to remember ♪ [ female announcer ] fresh milk and real cream makes iladia anthmoment a little richer. there's natural gas under my town. it's a game changer. ♪ it means cleaner, cheaper american-made energy. t we've got to be careful how we get it. thousands of jobs. use the most advanced technology to protect our water. billions in the economy. at chevron, if we can't do it right, we won't do it at all. we've got to think long term. we've got to think long term. ♪ when i think of aspirin, i really think of it as that bottle in the back of my parents' medicine cabinet. finding bayer advanced was huge. i was really surprised by how well it worked. and i'd definitely use it again. put bayer advanced aspirin to the test for yourself at if mitt roey goe dow de, epo t a silver lining for paul ryan. namely that he'll immediately become one of the front-runners if not the front-runner for republican party's next presidential nomination in 2016. after all, ryan is a rock star on the right. ask a conservative t diagnose what's wrong with the romney caaignnd y'll ar avef saef let ryan be ryan. of course, it's no mystery why romney isn't heeding these calls. ryan's policy ideas may be gospel on the right but when it comes to general election voters, they're problematic, so ryan h beenuzzled and ford laolen' cut out for. generic vice presidential nominee. this could reap ryan's benefit after the election. conservatives are itching to see and hear more of him. if romney loses, rya can say, hey, guys, i was trying to be a team player. xte l rhe kind of d asyou. campaign we want to run. in the 2016 heavyweight will thus be born. but there's another possibility, too, that ryan wil emerge from the 2012 election ruining the day romney ever put him on the ticket. if y want to know why, you need tkn tto o ry political mentor and what happened to him when he ran for vice president. that would be jack kemp. whefs in his prime, he was ever bit the hero to conservatives that ryan is now. he was thrilled to get back in it when bob dole oed h the number two spot on the ticket. at first it fired up the gop base, but by the fall the dole ticket had fallen behind clinton/gore. conservatives grew frustrated and they thought the race wou be cser i thewoul ger clton character issues. dole wouldn't do it. when he delivered a flat debate performance in the first showdown with clinton, the right turned up the heat on kemp. suddenly it was on him to say what they all believed about the president. the first question of the vp debate, kemp g hishanc liver. >>ome supporters of senator dole have expressed disappointment over his unwillingness in hartford sunday night to draw personal and ethical differences between him and president clinton. how do you feel about it? >>ow 90 cond i can't clear my throat in 90 seconds. jim, bob dole and myself don't see al gore and bill clinton as our enemy. we see them as our opponents. >> that was a mature and wohe exact opposite of what conservatives wanted and demanded. they were irate. kemp had betrayed them and that was the end of whatever thoughts kemp had as emergings a contender. i can see a similar moment on the horizon for ryan ervee upset and they'll be more upset if he doesn't deliver their message. after all, there are plenty of ambitious republicans who also believer in rym. that dit fhe cycle," martin bashir, take it away. >> steve kornacki, thank you so much. good afternoon. it's wednesday, september 26th. what's that stench? ♪ >> misery loves mitt. his poll numbers sink to new lows. >> the polls are not favoring mitt romney. >> there's no time off. it's around the clock kind of work. >> i don't pay a lot of attention to the day-to-day polls. >> now the bri ph ople >> we trust our internal polls. >> i'll go up or down. >> one goes one way, one dog goes the other way. >> yes, mitt's dream is going another way, too. >> that's quite a guy, isn't it, paul ryan! listen, ro/r h, sweet jesus. >> sweet jesus, indeed. >> romney/ryan, there we go, that's great. >> stop it. this is hard. you want to try it? did i -- was i a little strong? >>

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