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campaign and lost secret service detail thursday night. many of the comments during the campaign were controversial and some say incendiary and joining me is news nation political panel michael smirk con itch and steve dace who also endorsed newt gingrich. i won't make you eat crow. we don't do that to steve because we like the guy. i will give you a chance, steve. tell me how does it feel to have your fellow falling off the map here? >> well, i think in the eyes of a lot of people newt has been out of this race for at least a month, month and a half and i don't think he really ever got his mojo back after what happened in the florida primary and some say that romney and the super pac spent 15 to $20 million destroying newt gingrich in that state and it is unfortunate because really there were only two republicans throughout this entire process who can say they controlled their own destiny. one, of course, mitt romney that will not nominee and the other newt gingrich, not once but twice elevated to front-runner status and was not able to close the sale either time. >> to your point, you can talk about how much money romney spent to blow him out of the water, specifically in iowa i think you can fairly point to but to your point about controlling your own destiny, it was much of what newt gingrich said on the campaign trail, you know, wanting to focus on a lunar colony when people, millions of people, still wondering if they'll ever get back into the job market. some of his comments about turning children into janitors at their own school, so if he controlled his own destiny to your own point, he is the person to blame why he was never able to get traction repeatedly here. >> well, listen, i am not one that comes on national television and acts like grown men get to play the victim card. i think the comments you actually mention didn't hurt him so much in the republican primary. i think what hurt him is that not once but twice, once in iowa and the second time in florida newt gingrich showed a lot of great bra vad owe that helped him in the south carolina primary, what people were looking for in the process and in iowa and florida when the romney people unleashed the hounds, newt just didn't answer and respond in time. i never really took romney on and that hurt him more than anything else. >> there were check that is bounced. he wasn't on the ballot in certain states. there was a level of disorganization for a man once one of the most powerful people in washington, d.c. that you would think even as a supporter you found inexcusable. >> i would agree that is inexcusable. i think that mostly is stock attic of the fact that he didn't stay on the message that resonated with people that would help him win. rick santorum, for example, had all the same problems. those things ended up somewhat getting alleviated through the process because he had a message that resonated with people and he ran out of money at the end. if newt stayed on message and capitalized on south carolina, some of the problems you mentioned i believe would not have happened. >> michael, now the conversation is he is going to endorse mitt romney, but the words that newt gingrich uttered over the last few months are now in a campaign ad against mitt romney. let me play just some of the things he said slamming romney. >> massachusetts was fourth from the bottom in job creation under governor romney, huge difference between a reagan conservative that somebody that comes out of the massachusetts culture with an essentially moderate record. can we boop the pie us on baloney. >> is he still the anti-immigrant candidate. >> i think yes. >> that is unexcusable. >> are you calling mitt romney a liar? >> yes. >> and, michael, if we want, the hits could keep on coming. the bottom line, how did newt gingrich walk that back? i know you like to say politics, strange bed fellows and people get back on track but in the age of youtube and playing these things, it is out there. >> i think it is one of the net effects of a very long republican primary process and probably you could interchange newt gingrich with any of the other candidates competing with mitt romney and ultimately unsuccessful. there is too much videos out there for the obama campaign to use all of it going into the fa fall. the romney spend diagnose him in and he was undisciplined and i would add a third factor which is there was too much traffic among conservatives, too many choices on the far right and in my view that's what allowed mitt romney to escape with the nomination. >> we heard that, steve, conservatives trying to pressure at one point newt gingrich to get out of the race so that as rick santorum's camp liked to say they could go one-on-one with mitt romney. the bottom line, though, i am looking at here is that, steve, you got a frail presumptive nominee in mitt romney, a guy you and other conservatives like yourself. steve, you just still don't like him and when you look at these blows that santorum landed as well as newt gingrich, the people who say they were the true conservatives in the race, how does your presumptive nominee survive from these things? >> to me, you bought it, you break it, you own it. this is what the party wanted so i think it is a question for them. you have karl rove who tried to engineer romney's core nation for the last nine months and now out there in conservative media saying he doesn't think romney will win this fall and this was really romney really is his poster child, so this is really all on the republican party establishment. this is what they wanted. this is the campaign they wanted, so let's see what they can do with it. these guys of course have such an excellent track record of victory, an awesome track record of winning issues and defeating democrats and like many conservatives i am so confident they know exactly what they're doing. >> talk about the legacy, michael, of newt gingrich. here she started out people wondering if he was just trying to sell books and then moved to maybe he is really ready to fight and you had some conservatives say that he was the one guy in the race that could take the fight that the tea party people and some on the far right really wanted brought to the president's table and now he goes out and i can't say it enough, with bounced checks, his campaign say that they closed the accounts and there was a mishap there and he is known for the zoo visits and being bitten by a penguin, michael. >> look, i don't want to jolly stomp on the guy on the day he is getting out. >> what does jolly stomp mean? dance on the grave? i don't want to either. we're telling facts. he never, michael, when given an opportunity shows up to jolly stump on someone else, so to much is given much is expected and he sure gave out a lot to plenty of people. >> all of those things are part of his legacy. i think you're not finished in this business until you're really finished, so i am not saying he is done forever. >> he says he could never -- he says at his age it is unlikely that he will run again. he just touted his age and said doesn't look like he is coming back at least to run for president. >> he may not. i don't think he is going quietly into the night. he is an ideas person and the items that you mentioned are both those which people most admire and most are turned off by. they have an audience and a constituency, so i don't think he is going away. >> what do you think, steve? you endorsed him early and thought he had a fighting chance. >> i think michael, what he just said is correct. i don't think he will run again, but we're dealing frankly with a republican party that is in the midst of a tradition generationally and there is a lot of people from newt's generation and romney's generation that are not idea people, poll driven people, and i think the attraction for newt and sometimes the downfall, but he is a guy that actually thinks maybe conservatives ought to have ideas and not just say no to things. maybe we ought to come up with solutions to people's problems and not just be defined by what they're against. i think that has been both the cause for some of the greatest moments in newt's legacy. keep in mind there is only one persona live won a national campaign on conservative issues and it is newt gingrich in 1994 but sometimes he out gives his coverage as well. >> you jolly stomper you, tell me what's going on with rick santorum. he was on cnn and would not endorse mitt romney at the time. we know that newt gingrich in a few weeks will be side by join and joining appearance with mitt romney. what's going on with santorum? >> i had the conversation with someone whose opinion i respected who is trying to tell me what does it really matter? does santorum have a constituency he can deliver? i think it is a problem for romney. romney must tack somewhat towards the middle. now that the general election is coming, and santorum will be there to hold his feet to the fire and not allow him to do so. that's what the issue is all about. >> michael, thank you both, the big announcement from newt gingrich coming down at 3 p.m. eastern. now to the president's surprise visit to afghanistan that our first team says left people with two yegs impressions, either they are committing or the war is ending and just a short time ago president obama returned to the white house after the first trip to afghanistan in 17 months and while there the president signed a long-term partnership agreement with the afghan government and the trip also marked one year since the raid that killed osama bin laden. >> i know the battle is not yet over. some of your buddies are going to get injured. some of your buddies may get killed. there is a light on the horizon. because of the sacrifices you made. >> prominent republicans like lindsey graham and john mccain speaking out in support of the president's remarks and trip. jim joins me from the pentagon. as i say the first team says either the u.s. is committing to stay until 2024 or they're ending the war. both are true to an extent they write. >> well, that's right. there is still a lot of details to be worked out in all of this. first of all, let's recap where the u.s. military is right now. 89,000 american troops now in afghanistan and that number is to drop down to 67,000 by the end of this september. now, president obama yesterday pledged that by the end of next year all american combat troops will be out of the lead, afghanistan would take over, and secretary of defense panetta thinks that can be done even earlier. then all, almost all anyway, all troops are supposed to be out by the end of 2014. what this strategic agreement will allow, this partnership, some u.s. residual forces for training, brigades and the like and also a small contingent of special operations forces to go after any al qaeda or other militant groups that may try to re-establish terrorist camps there in afghanistan. of course we have two-and-a-half years before that will all be worked out. i can tell you the white house and even some in the military now appear some would intent on accelerating the withdrawal of american forces from afghanistan. this should help facilitate that. >> and, mick, as i mentioned, you have praise from senator john mccain, lindsey graham, but you still have the critics who again when you take what was just said and the president's own words who feel an uncertainty even though as you just laid out clearly the remarks of the president and the agreement reached. >> you know, one of the issues for many still in the military is that some do believe that the acceleration of the withdrawal may be too quick although the commanders themselves are recognizing that the politics of this including the politics at home, the economy and the like, is going to force them to start withdrawing much quicker. after all, the u.s. is now spending $6 billion a year, the military alone, $6 billion, i am sorry, a month, in afghanistan, and that number has to be brought down. even after that 2014 day when that ten-year partnership kicks in, the u.s. is still going to be pouring tons of dollars into afghanistan to help support and prop up that afghan government because their economy just cannot support the kind of military and security needs that they're going to face. >> thank you very much. greatly appreciate it. also, be sure to watch brian williams rock center exclusive inside the situation room. brian talks to president obama and his national security as well as military team about the mission that ended the life of bin laden. that is tonight on nbc at 9/8 central. we're following breaking news out of florida where police are filing criminal charges against several students at florida a & m university in connection with a hazing death of a band member. police are now giving an update. after a quick break we'll give you the information and developing news regarding the blind chinese activist that escaped house arrest earlier reports indicated he did not want to leave china and now he reportedly says he does want to leave after his wife's life was threatened. we'll get the latest including his conversation with secretary of state hillary clinton who is right now in china. join our conversation. that's my twitter page@tamron hall. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about the cookie-cutter retirement advice ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you get at some places. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 they say you have to do this, have that, invest here ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you know what? 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is there a fear some of this blows back on him or because this is state to state they're not concerned? what are we seeing? >> if you look at mitt romney's own priorities and things that he said in his own words. >> which is getting rid of planned parenthood. >> he says we want to get rit of planned parenthood. he said even though it is not a tremendous amount of money in terms of the federal budget it is a huge impact in terms of preventive services for women so mitt romney also said to mike huckabee he supports personhood or at least supports a constitutional amendment saying life begins at conception, so if there is not a huge amount of daylight between mitt romney's official stated positions on reproductive rights issues and what's going on in the states, and we're seeing that even in the conservative states in oklahoma and mississippi they're rejecting them. >> thank you so much. greatly appreciate it. americans appear to be making a major effort to avoid running up credit card bills, the latest numbers show credit card debt fell more than $2 billion in february, $799 billion that follows a $3 billion drop in january. credit card debt is now 15% lower than the high in december of 2007, the first month, by the way of the recession. joining me, personal finance expert jennifer strooeks. always a pleasure having you on. thanks for joining us. are people cutting up the cards or can't afford to pay the bills and don't have the money and if you can't pay cash certainly not going to charge it? >> i think it is a combination of both, tamron. understand that most americans hit a wall of a slow economy and a high unemployment right when they were carrying $10,000 in credit card debt and very little savings. i think it is a hard lesson learned but they learned it and they're reaching for credit cards much, much less. >> we were talking a lot about last week student loans and the numbers and figures show that more people owe money on student loans than on krards debts and still with that noted credit card debt still amount for a lot of problems that people have. when you lose your job or you have some kind of financial setback, those credit cards go into default and it starts a bigger problem that you perhaps won't be able to dig out of. >> that's absolutely right. it impacts your credit so greatly, consistent late payments really impact your credit score. americans are starting to find this out. when you no longer have a job and can't make the credit card payments but the bills are still coming. if you don't make those payments, that is a late payment that's on your credit report for the next seven years and it impacts your credit worthiness across all just across every place you can apply for credit. it is really not a good place to be. >> how much of this has to do with the fact that most people i shouldn't say most, many people have debit cards these days even though it is not a charge card, it still gives you an opportunity to use the card to pay for things if you don't have the cash right there in your hand to go to the bangor whatever to get it out. >> i think it is very helpful because people understand that cash is king and it is better just to pay cash and once you're out of cash, that's it and just say i can't afford this or i need to wait on this or save for larger expenses which i am also seeing more of. >> all right. it is an interesting number out there. fewer people at least for now using their credit cards when there was a time seemed like that's all people would pay for things these days >> that's right. >> jennifer, thank you so much. greatly appreciate it. thank you. >> great to see you again. fire fighters are investigating what caused a massive fire at tyler perry's studios in atlanta, the home of his famed madea movies. take a look. >> this is actually video taken from a building next door that shows the flames moments after they broke out late last night. tyler perry is the first african-american to own a major film and tv studio and reportedly was at the studio at the time and thankfully no one was hurt and joining me from atlanta, any idea on what caused the fire? what are investigators saying? >> fire fighters are still trying to figure that out at this point, tamron. they're still trying to figure out what actually caused this fire and it was a huge fire and a four-alarm fire and more than 100 fire fighters responded last night and the flames at one point got so high that the fire department had to actually evacuate an assisted living community nearby. the good news is no one was hurt and it wasn't a surprise that tyler perry was at the studio last night. he is known for spending long hours and a lot of nights writing, producing, directing a lot of his material from there. so far what we understand and what we know is that the wulg of the damage is contained to the back lot where a lot of the filming for his films and tv shows like meet the browns and the house of pain take place and many of those buildings in that back lot are named after prominent african-americans that tyler perry says influenced him. a lot of people here, a lot of the people in the community were holding their collective breath since the facility which is very new and opened in 2008 since that facility and tyler perry are such fixtures in the community here and he released a statement today through his publicist that reads in part mr. perry wishes to express his heartfelt thanks to the atlanta fire department for their professionalism and quick response in limiting the damage. no word get again on what caused the fire. there has been a huge outpouring of support and prayers for mr. perry. a lot of his comments on the website are coming from people wishing him well and hoping things will get back up and running soon. >> you mentioned that oprah winfrey, one of those people, incredibly close to tyler perry and tweeted out a message to tyler perry and try to pull it up while we're talking. the facility is massive, 200,000 square feet, multiple acres, post production facility, back lot, a chapel, a gym, and a pond and just how much of this area was damaged? do we know? we keep saying this shot of this i think is he will building. is that where it was mostly contained? >> right now what we understand is that it is contained to a single facade and there was a partial collapse of that back lot facade. from what we understand a lot of those back lots and those buildings are empty, but as you can imagine, a lot of that stuff is it flammable if you can imagine the proximity and the buildings being so close to each other and things could have gotten out of hand really fast, but fortunately the fire department got it under control and within an hour or so and again mr. perry is thanking them for the quick response. >> you pointed out the television shows, i think we have video of two of the popular movies, character madea, people know so very well and this was the central place, i believe, also the first studio studio, television studio owned by an african-american or one of the first and maybe the only. >> well, tyler perry is very much an entrepreneur. this is his crown jewel if you want to call it that, and he is a very self sustaining person and he wants that facility, that production facility to be kind of a stand alone facility and just a self contained basically hollywood south type of deal and if you can imagine the loss that if this got out of control, it would have been huge to the community because he has so much roots and does so much for the community here that a lot of people here are thankful nothing was out of hand last night. >> thank you very much for the latest. coming up. >> me being off narcotics for the last seven years, i felt that she was, you know, i didn't know she was struggling with it still. >> bobby brown says he thought whitney houston was in a good place. we will get more what he had to say and i will talk with allison samuels who recently wrote about what she calls whitney's inevitable death and a lot going on today. here are things we thought you should know. president obama is part of a new ad for former white house advisor elizabeth warren running for the democratic nomination in massachusetts. she hopes to unseat scott brown. in the ad the president touts warren's work as a consumer advocate. >> elizabeth warren, a janitor's daughter who has become one of the country's fiercest advocates for the middle class. she came up with an idea for a new independent agency that would have one simple overriding mission, standing up for consumers and middle class families. >> meanwhile, mitt romney's wife ann getting a lot of attention for the blouse she sported during the couple's cbs interview on tuesday. it had a bird print at the top of the blouse and it is by designer reed crackhohh who says he did not send it to her and had nothing to do with ann romney wearing the blouse if you are wondering. it retails for about $990. finally, the daily beast show -- the daily show last night, comedian jon stewart blasted republicans criticizing president obama for, quote, spiking the football on the anniversary of osama bin laden's death and he reminded everyone about president bush's mission accomplished speech and then showed what a bush 43 political ad may look like if he was the president who took down osama bin laden. >> he was responsible for one of our darkest days, one of the most evil men in history. >> i got 'em, that's right, me, george w. bush, he was all i know. >> please, mr. president. >> you're going down. >> texas style. >> avenge answer is best served barbeque. >> we're with john kerry, wind sailing. good thing you got a president with epcot balls and hiding, reagan told me in a treatment. 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[ female announcer ] new from stouffer's. farmers' harvest steam meals taste so good we'll bet the farm on it. coming up at the top of the hour, say it aint so, newt, the rocket man with ideas as grandiose after the tiffany baubls calls it quits and we'll carry the announcement live. how democrats may steal back the house and controversy surrounding the departure of an openly gay aid to mitt romney. now back to tamron. >> four nfl players suspended in the so-called pay for pain bounty scandal that rocked the saints. players lieuline backer jonathan vil ma all slapped with suspensions for a program that rewarded players. he is suspended the entire 2012 season without play and the players are expected to appeal the decision. for the first time since the tragic death of whitney houston her ex-husband bobby brown speaking out publicly about her death and brown sat down exclusively with matt laura today and says he is unfairly accused of contributing to her death and never used hard drugs before meeting whitney. >> i wasn't the one that got her addicted to drugs or i am not the reason she is gone. >> this week's issue of "newsweek" looks at their relationship, her troubled past and of course her death and joining me now, the author of the piece, allison samuels of "newsweek" and the daily beast. thanks for coming on. let me get your reaction to bobby brown. this is talked about a lot. people blamed him for her drug addiction. he said to matt, listen, she was using drugs before we ever met. >> that's true. i mean, it is no doubt about it. whitney had been around the music industry for a while. she had been a model for a while. she had been exposed and her brothers both have addiction problems. she had been exposed to drugs before bobby. it is not to say that he did not have his impact on her. i think the relationship was negative. he was toxic for her, and i don't think he did a lot to help her. i think that's the bottom line. when you look at the funeral, him leaving the funeral, leaving his daughter there by herself at her mother's funeral, i think it tells you a lot about the kind of support whitney got from bobby during the marriage. >> i want to play another clip from the interview with matt where he talks about he was unaware she was still struggling with substance abuse. let me play that. >> she had this glow about her that was just incredible. i didn't know she was struggling with it still. at the same time, you know, it is a hard fight. it is a hard fight. >> he is talking about the hard fight he too has had with substance abuse and is it really fair that the heat this guy gets, yes, their relationship could have been toxic, yes, he may have been toxic for her and we talk about women and the impact men can have on your head and your heart but is it fair the way bobby brown is treated in the media? >> i think the impact of that relationship took a great toll on her, and i think that was one of the reasons why it was very difficult for her to get away from drugs. she was taking care of everyone in his family. she was taking care of everyone in her family. she was taking care of all of these people. she had incredible pressure on her and her husband, you know, allowed that to happen and at the very end he paid for his mother's funeral. she did that. she sang at his mother's funeral two years ago and still took care of him. what did he do to help her? i don't think there was a lot of support there. no, he didn't get on drugs but i don't think he at all helped her in the journey. >> your carl talks about the inevitable, what we all witness and broke quite honestly all of your hearts to see her go down that way and know she was still battling and i know people like to call it demons. it is a drug addiction, and obviously very difficult but you say there is warning signs for hollywood and warning signs for anyone. i tell people all the time look at this woman, beautiful, and what drugs did to her. >> i think that's clear. i think in this american idol sort of x factor generation it is lost what stardom does when you are that big and what toll it takes when you have to keep that celebrity going and the voice going and the stardom going. it is a difficult process. i think it took an incredible toll and she couldn't handle it and i think that's why the drug use, i don't think she ever ceased using. i think she had moments she wasn't as bad but i think she pretty much throughout her career used drugs and that was it. >> whether you're famous or not people with drug addiction will tell you it happens, they fall off the wagon and have the ups and downs and you want to see people beat it but happens a lot and you are not famous. thank you very much, allison. great article. we really appreciate you coming on. up next a woman that admits to a tanning addiction. that's her. can you tell she is addicted to tanning? she is accused of now taking her five-year-old daughter to the tanning booth. we'll tell you how she wore the allegations were exposed and do you believe the mom who is addicted to tanning? she says she didn't do that to her kid. it is the news nation gut check. you can join news nation and go to our facebook page. 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