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following gop candidate in full damage control mode. only 24 hours ago in just the past half hour, cain denied the article's claim that he sexually harassed two women while he was head of the national restaurant association. he also said he is unaware of any settlement with the women. nbc news confirms one did receive a settlement. cain also suggested now that he leads many republican polls, he has become a target. >> i told you this bull's-eye on my back as gotten bigger. i have no idea. we have no idea the source of this witch hunt. >> joining me now to talk about it is political analyst and the grio contributor and nationally syndicated radio talk show host michael smerconish. thank you very much for joining us. i want to start with you. i'm curious of what people are saying who listen to your radio show about this explosive report from politico and as i pointed out, they confirmed at least one woman did receive a settlement. >> they are believing this is all part of a high tech lynching. the lawyer in me has one question. was he is the head of the national restaurant association at the time the cases were settled? my experience in similar matters told me that the lead of the organization would know that such a settlement had been made. my point is that it might be his response. it might be his handling of this that is ultimately his undoing. if he was in charge of the restaurant association at a time when money changed hands, he surely would have known that. >> let's talk about the strategy here. you have ann coulter saying this is a high tech lynching referring to the moment with clarence thomas for people who don't remember it. let's play what was said at the time. >> this is high tech lynching. i cannot shake off these accusations. they play to the worst stereotypes we have about black men in the country. >> back in may he said he was bracing for a high tech lynching. he was not referring to this, but what do you make of the strategy to compare the two people and call this lynching. >> it does certainly bring back 20 years. they didn't actually work here. bringing the two together. race and sex and of course look at me. i'm now a target and playing pool. this is a way to get me. herman is using the same playbook. essentially saying i have a big bull's-eye and i'm the front runner many polls. i'm vulnerable. here's the real question. will it work? it didn't work for clarence thomas. 20 years later, will the allegations if they prove to be anything other than allegations and we don't know at this point, will they damage his candidacy? that's something we have to take a look at. with some individuals, sexual harassment charges haven't hurt, but in others, he raises a lot of eyebrows and you could have that effect with herman cain. we don't know. it's early in the game. >> it's early, but some would say the comments made by clarence thomas did fall in his favor and he is on the supreme court. you have the strategy from herman who said black his a plantation mentality and said that race had not been held back because he was black and some could interpret that he is using a race card by bringing up the high tech lynching. he know what we will think when he said that. >> there is a larger narrative thaw mentioned or alluded to. they can't stay on message. talking about the 9-9-9 plan. we are supposed to be talking about the 14 million people who are unemployed or talking about him defending himself or not. he is running for president of the united states and thus we are spending time talking about his personal life. thus that's the problem here. >> that's not as personal life. he was head of the national restaurant association and sexually harassing people in the workplace, that is not him dating at the bar when he was single. he was married 43 years. that say workplace offense. not your personal life. >> i misspoke. you are right. this is a chapter of his that happened in the past and thus shouldn't be relevant when he is running for president of the united states. it's relevant because of the allegations we are talking about. >> let me bring you in on this. it is about how kacain handles this. according to politico, she informed advisers a week or two ago that this was coming about and one would think there would be a faster and better response. we watched the last 24 hours and some advisers stumbled through questions regarding this herman cain arriving in washington, d.c. and ignoring the questions and trying to find his footing and what many see as friendly territory on fox news. >> yesterday when he came out of the cbs morning show with bob schaffer and confronted by the journalists, he said you won't tell me who the two women are that you are referring to. i'm paraphrasing. today he said i was falsely accused. which was it? how many were there? or is it today where you say it's an outright denial and i come back to watergate which is often how politician reacts to this adversity that jams them up more so than the underlying conduct. >> to robert's point, he was trying to talk about the plan and nab he handled the initial questions in a different manner, he would have been able to get back on path or whatever direction he wanted to go. thank you so much for joining me and greatly appreciate it. >> thank you. >> just over an hour ago, president obama signed another executive order as part of a we can't wait campaign. the latest move aims to prevent drug shortages and help americans who suffer when that happens. according to analysts, this is part of a strategy that is finally clicking for the president. politico writes they found a prescription for consistencey and perhaps effective messaging. the jobs bill he focused on since september despite determined opposition to most elements from congressional republicans, the questions they are asking now, will he stay on his meds? at the white house, kristin, we are picking up the week and left off with the president making moves without congress. >> this is actually the president's fifth we can't wait action and saying as you say if congress is not going to act to pass his jobs bill, she going to act without them. this particular we can't wait action is aimed at prescription drug shortages. according to the fda, there were a record number of shortages including life-saving cancer drug. that's what the president is targeting. it instructs the fda to do a number of things including to broughten the potential shortages to speed up the process of applications for drug productions and also to provide more information to the justice department about possible instances of price daujing. as you remember, president obama unveiled a number of presidential actions aimed at doing several things including helping homeowners under water and struggling to pay off the student loans and helping veteran who is are out of work. a lot of analysts said these are really small board solutions. they say these are not going to have a huge impact on the overall economy and republicans have seized that to say essentially this is the president playing politics and said look, if they can do something small that will impact some americans who are struggling, it's worth it. this has been a consistent message that we expect the president to keep up. >> live for us, thanks, kristin. more than two million people across the northeast are right now without power 48 hours after a rare and deadly october snowstorm dumped about 30 inches in the area. schools and roads are closed from maryland to maine. that early noreaster has been blamed for at least 12 deaths, most from falling trees and traffic accidents. in connecticut the power loss to 800,000 people broke a record set by hurricane irene that slammed parts of the state in the summer. across the east coast in the height of the storm, three million people were without power. in august as mentioned, hurricane irene left seven million without power. some people wondered if the power outages can be attributed to aging infrastructure and if so, what can you done about it. at the electric power research institute. thanks for your time. >> thank you. >> we bring this up as i pointed out in august with irene, 7.5 million people. you have folks wondering, is it an issue of leaves on the trees and as a result they were heavier and as a result a bigger issue. we talked about terrible roads and should we talk more about the infrastructure that allows power into our homes? >> this is a good example of a natural disaster. very unique situation. this might be a situation if this is a 100 year event, the first time they have seen this event in this region in certain areas. the great infrastructure is robust and utilities continue to implement and improve the restoration process and being able to get customers back as soon as possible. >> let me ask you about more underground power lines, for example that this could help the solution here with the long range forecasts. for example, in chicago they are predicting one of the worst winter fist not the worst on record. we may see a lot of storms reminiscent of the one we got smacked with. >> underground technologies is the cabling and an alternative solution and a costly and expensive solution. you have to make sure it makes sense. some of the improvements they are seeing in technology are getting information to the utility work crews as soon as possible. an example of that would be advanced meeting where historically the first utilities would be made aware when the homeowner loses power, they call the utility. many parts of the country, that is still the case. the technologies and other information and communications, we can get automatic notification to the utility so they can be proactive and point point where the outages are and work to get them restored as soon as possible. >> thank you very much for the insight. a lot of people not happy and feel like they are being left with the short end of the stick with one of the storms. thanks, matt. >> thank you. >> the obama administration is about to increase military presence in the gulf on the heels of pulling out troops from iraq. why the report said part of the decision was to reassure u.s. allies and answer critics, including republicans. then this eerie video posted online from the computer hacking group known as anonymous. the threat directed towards mexico's most violent drugs cartel s. what's behind this. is it the biggest celebrity sham of the year? one of my producers said it is. kim kardashian files for divorce after 72 days of marriage and yes, a $17 million wedding. we have the scoop and join the conversation is twitter at "news nation." i know a lot of you are saying kim kardashian is not news. keep the tweets coming. people really love snapshot from progressive, but don't just listen to me. listen to these happy progressive customers. i plugged in snapshot, and 30 days later, i was saving big on car insurance. i was worried it would be hard to install. but it's really easy. the better i drive, the more i save. i wish our company had something this cool. yeah. you're not... filming this, are you? aw! camera shy. snapshot from progressive. plug into the savings you deserve with snapshot from progressive. mexo's drug cartel believed to have kidnapped and killed thousands of people, now members of the gang are being threatened. the online hacker organization known as anonymous posted this video and demanding they release one of the member who is they say was kidnapped in a street protest. they planned according to this video to fight back with information. the tasked figure is speaking in spanish and said they will release the names and addresses of people on the payroll of the drug cartel including the police officers and business owners. they wrote about this when the "houston chronicle" joined us live. this is an incredible story only because you have the dea agent who is say it's a gutsy move by publishing the names and they identify them to rival and trust me, they will go after the meaning, the zetas, this bloody gang will go after the hackers. what happened here? >> what's happen suggest you have a cyber group with no guns or knives or bombs going after one of the most notorious outfits in mexico saying you are not going to get this. you may not be able to beat them in violence, but publishing all the information to everyone, everyone can come back to you. >> they say angered them so much that is threatened the drug cartel . >> we don't know much about it, but it happened. we know they are angry about it. we know it happened in mexico. the person's name and where they are being held and how, we don't know. >> this organization, the anonymous group have gone after sony in the past and bank of america and facebook and other organizations and when we look at the wall street actions, they got involved in that. i believe a person of the attacks of the gang, they are not likely to take it lightly. the boggers and others and some may have nothing to do. they will be out there. once again this is a group that is known to be violent. critical levels of gruesome behavior versus folks that are there. >> what are folks saying regarding this? >> i don't know what they are saying and what can this lead to? innocent people could be targeted and people who are not innocent, but not doing anything physical. people who are not really in line could be targeted. people who are, but say their mothers and children and neighbors and others could be caught up in all kinds of violence. this is new territory. >> it is. the group said if this person is not released by november 5th, they will start to release this information. thank you very much. this is incredible. thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up on "news nation." >> there is a cop car sitting right here, right now. the cops brought him aboard the airplane. >> stranded on the tarmac, they need to create a new word. this was unbelievable. the ntsb investigating why passengers remained on the tarmac for seven hours. weren't there supposed to be in place? on the brink of collapse. details just ahead. so i took my heartburn pill and some antacids. we're having mexican tonight, so another pill then? unless we eat later, then pill later? if i get a snack now, pill now? skip the snack, pill later... late dinner, pill now? aghh i've got heartburn in my head. [ male announcer ] stop the madness of treating frequent heartburn. it's simple with prilosec otc. one pill a day. twenty-four hours. zero heartburn. no heartburn in the first place. great. to bring you a low-priced medicare prescription drug plan. ♪ with the lowest national plan premium... ♪ ...and copays as low as one dollar... ♪ ...saving on medicare prescriptions is easy. ♪ so you're free to focus on the things that really matter. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. or go to for details. . >> welcome back to "news nation." the supreme court heard arguments on legal issues. some say it happens far more often than you might think. attorneys giving bad or wrong information to clients resulting in defendants spending years more time behind bars. i am joined by justice correspondent pete williams and the court is looking at two cases. one involves a man from michigan who served 15 to 30 years behind bars as a result of a bad plea deal. >> it has been established if you have bad lawyers and council during the trial, you are entitled to a new trial. these two cases asked a different question. what if huh bad advice when you deciding bad legal advice. the man who shot at the woman got him seven years in prison and he decided to go to trial and he got 15 to 30 years and his lawyer told him because you shot at the woman and aimed below the waist, you can't be convicted of assault with intent intent to commit murder. the second case involved a man who was never told about a plea bargain and he can plead without a license. he pled guilty not know being the deal and got three years. the problem for the court is this. what the lawyers in both these cases for the prosecutors say is there is no constitutional right to plead guilty or to accept a plea deal. there is no right to have a plea deal offered to you and therefore there really aren't rules about what the lawyers have to do during the process. the second problem the court seemed to grapple with is what if that's right? what if you get a remedy? in the case of the man who went to trial and convicted of shooting at the woman and convicted, what's the remedy he should be able to go back even though he was found guilty by a jury, go back to the beginning and say let's start all over again as if there never was a trial? if that were to happen, is the judge supposed to ignore the evidence for all those reasons? it didn't seem like the court was unwilling to pronounce a new rule saying there constitutional rights to have effective council when you are trying to decide whether to plead guilty or not. >> pete williams with the latest. very interesting. thank you so much. coming up, the congressional super committee is weeks away from the deadline. they need to cut the nation's deficit. we will get an update on the progress or lack there of. plus, can you figure out who this is? we are going to show you the best celeb costumes this halloween. ♪ [ female announcer ] give a little cheer to a family of a soldier. just cut out the cheer from your specially marked box of cheerios, write your message, and we'll see that they get it. is best absorbed in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal. for the efficient absorption my body needs. ...was it something big? ...or something small? ...something old? ...or something new? ...or maybe, just maybe... it's something you haven't seen yet. the 2nd generation of intel core processors. stunning visuals, intelligent performance. this is visibly smart. here's what the "news nation" is talking about now. they are adding more troops to the gulf region just as others come home from iraq. the travelers's nightmare. travelers are stranded for hours without food, water, or even working bathrooms. some parents forced to borrow diapers for their infants. why is this happening? occupy usa. police used pepper spray and arrest more than 100 protesters across the country this weekend. plus -- already over. after 72 days of holy mat ri moany, kim kardashian files for divorce. in fact, i'm told kim just released a statement. we will make courtney read it to you. the obama administration is reportedly planning a military build up in the persian gulf after withdrawing remaining troops out of iraq. the plans put new combat forces in kuwait that borders iraq. jim miklaszewski joins us. they have been in discussions about this for months and part of the decision is to reassure allies and answer critics including republicans who are concerned about the troop withdrawal out of iraq and the presence in the region. >> that's right. this is all about iran, tamron. when the talks broke down between the u.s. and iraqis a few weeks ago about keeping some u.s. military presence in iraq and the president announced that all of the combat troops will come out by the end of this year, the concern among the gulf coast allies is as a matter of fact a run would become a threat to the region because u.s. forces were not in iraq to keep a check to act as a hedge against any kind of iranian abuses or adventurism in the region. what the united states is considering now is putting about 3,000 combat troops into kuwait. in addition trainer who is would train iraqi who is came out into kuwait or other neighboring nations in the gulf states. this is just a token force. for now it's what the u.s. military thinks that's all they may need to keep iran from stepping forward and threatening any of the neighbors. >> any indication when this will be official or at least when it will be made public? >> they are still in the planning stages. there was a sense up until the last minute with the u.s. military and pentagon troops that remain in iraq, when the deal fell through and the president said that's it, we are pulling the plug, it sent everybody here to the drawing boards. >> jim miklaszewski is live for us at the white house. >> arrests tops our look around "news nation." nearly 100 protesters were arrested over the weekend and many of them in a cloud of pepper spray. we have video that comes to us -- that's not the video. there was a predawn raid that ended with nine arrests and dozens of people being forced from a downtown plaza. in oregon nearly 30 were arrested after refusing to leave a park. charges include disorderly conduct. >> the death of a flight attendant based in phoenix. the 33-year-old's body was found in a mexico city hotel room while on lay over. the prosecutor said he was found naked on the floor with hands tied behind his back with signs he was beaten and choked. >> the final words of steve jobs according to a eulogy delivered by his sister, mona simpson. she said her brother stated oh, wow and repeated that phrase several times before he died. jobs was an intensely emotional man who was driven by a deep appreciation for love. the economy takes center stage and the super committee holds a committee tomorrow. kelly o'donnell said one of nine interrupted the hearing and what we were seeing with anger there. the first order of business according to the "washington post" article will be assuring the government so we do not see another situation where there is a showdown over a shut down. >> they have been motivated by deadlines and we have seen that with different crisis that pops up with a deadline that takes everything to the brink or perception it's headed to the brink. that's one thing that members want to do is take that off the table. the threat of a shut down. having additional time to work it out. the super committee has a smaller deadline when i talk to members on the committee who say they believe this week is crucial to get some pieces of this plan committed to the congressional budget office. they heard that as well when he spoke to them. they need time to score it in the washington way it works. the ultimating this and christmas deadlines. this is the key time. there have been meetings behind the scenes and a few public that invite protest or scrutiny and a lot of shuffling getting some support from leadership to influence what these committees are doing. members from both parties. they are not off on an island as a coordinated way to come up with cuts. they have a traffic to find the trillion and a half dollars they can cut by cuzzing the razor revenue. we are moving into the critical time, but some of the personalities are getting tense as well. the nature of deadlines. >> i love the characterization. patty murray leaving the meeting and looking weary as you describe. she said i'm smiling. at least that's a little something. thank you very much. the department of transportation is investigating a series of tarmac delays cause bide the storm that battered the northeast over the weekend. jet blue flight 504 from fort lauderdale to newark, new jersey was stranded for more than seven hours with no food or water or no working toilets. >> it almost came fos cuffs on the plane. children who were under 3 for eight hours on a plane is not pleasant. >> it is not. things got so bad the pilot road officials urging them to send in police. >> i am joined by kate haney for flyer's rights. you have that jet blue flight and at least three other flights where passengers were held by what many would consider an unreasonable amount of time on the flights. i read about parents having to borrow diapers because they ran out and didn't have anything to put on their child. i thought there were regulation there is place where the airlines would be fine and persons would not be treated like this. >> there regulations in place and they have been working flawlessly until this event, but they do not mandate that the airports have a plan and when the airlines involved in them there were dozens of flights on the tarmac for more than four hours. many up to hours. the airports did not respond. >> we believe when you are lobbying or looking for ways for passengers to be treated more humanely, it seems to me that in putting together this passenger bill of rights, now you purposally, but anyone lobbying would include the airline so there will be a joint effort to make sure we are not treated poorly. >> we attempted that. i was on the tarmac and we asked that the airports have a plan and last year after that where hundreds of flights were stuck up to 15 hours on the ground. we flew out and talked to them and said we needed to have a rule with the airports. they have been poring more money lobbying funts to prevent them. in this particular event, i actually spoke to operations and panicked and they started getting those flights in. it shouldn't take me calling operations and surprising them with the heat being turned on and wondering why they haven't gotten these dire situations off the plane. >> as you see, what would benefit the airlines not to have something in place? you have jet blue having to reimburse for the passengers for american airlines also on the same day. bad publicity. we have people who was down to a wheelchair on one flight. that's not good for business. as you pointed out, they will possibly face fines. >> the airlines do have contingency plans in place, but they have to make a request to the airport when there is snow to either be tugged in or have the airport come out with a bus or portable stairs and the airport ignored the request. i believe that's because there no fines if the airport doesn't comply. the airlines have fines and so they were hely motivated to get the persons off and they told me on about seven different flights their pilots were begging to either tug them into a gate and bring the stairs and bringous the busses and they didn't do it until 9:30 at night. >> as i pointed out the department of transportation is investigating whatever that means when you have rules in place that are supposed to help at least at some point and maybe they did. it could have been worse. >> yes. >> that's unimaginable. we have a real treat and an opportunity to talk with regina king cohosting bet's second annual black girl's rock. we will tell you what that means and a list of the other celebrities. we will ask her about southland. but first, there is a lot going on today. here are things we thought you should know. the secures firm run by former new jersey governor and goldman sachs ted corzine protection. they reported the worst quarterly loss ever. they lost $192 million last week. fireworks on realtime over the occupy wall street protest. did you see this? the professor who has been arrested during the occupy protest squared off against republican strategists and msnbc guest, ron christie. >> accountability for those at the top. >> i give my life for it. this is no sound byte. >> we love the fact that i would give you my life. >> you give your life for your cause and you give your for your cause. >> god bless you. >> i'm a christian too, but don't say it's a sound byte. ho, more colorful... ♪ ...and putting all our helpers to work? so we can build on our favorite traditions by adding a few new ones. ♪ we've all got garlands and budgets to stretch, and this year, we can keep them both evergreen. ♪ more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. coming up at the top of the hour, the cain train hits a bend in the tracks with an old accusation of sexual assault. rick perry caught in friday night's lights and mitt romney and missing on halloween. >> black rolls rock. that is the name of a youth empowerment organization celebrating the second year of honoring exceptional women in business. sports and community service. in fact on sunday, november sixth, you can watch the second annual black girls rock on bet. i am join bide regina king who cohosted with tracy ellis ross. it's good to see you. thanks for joining "news nation." >> thanks for having me. me what it means for you to participate in. >> beverly bonds started it and the purpose for the organization is to reinforce images for young black girls. we know the age group from 12 to 17 are impressionable and they tend to emulate what they see on and media and magazines. the purpose of celebrating women that are black and letting them know that they rock is so that they see more images of themselves in different lights. >> so many of the characters that we have fall nen loen in lh are strong black women and people ask me and i'm sure they ask you, what was the difference in your life? what made you be the strong black woman or strong woman to reach the level of success you have been able to reach? what was the difference in your life? >> you know, i have a really strong mother, strong grandmother. my mother always exposed me to a lot of different things. acting is kind of what ended up sticking for me. at a very young age8jnoñ i was to see theater. one of the first i saw was eartha kidd and tim buck thank you. to see her in an elegant african performance made an impact on me. my brother broadened what i was exposed to at a very young age. i think a lot of young girls are not exposed to a lot. some girls here in l.a. never have even seen the ocean and it's so close to where we are. just how she expanded my horizons. >> i have to ask you, speaking of things that rock, southland. you have so many fans around here. my senior producer, i got a ticked to the ipad. i was flying applaud and think i watched every episode. season four premiers 9917th. this show is a ticketive. what is the hook here? >> thank you so much. i appreciate that. we never get tired of compliments. >> we don't. i don't think we get to see so many different parts of l.a. usually when l.a. is being shot, you see the more glamorous side. we are showing both. it's not always -- i wear barely any make up on the show. it's pretty real. it has this edge to it. i think it makes people feel like they are watching the episode of cops almost. >> it is a spectacular show and we will be watching january 17th and watching november sixth. thank you to tracy as well for your contribution and helping young girls out there. thank you, regina. >> thank you, tamron. you are doing an awesome job yourself representing us very well. >> thank you very much. talk to you soon. trouble in paradise for kim kardashian. the "today" show celebrates halloweens and other ske leb ritys with their costumes. pop culture columnist, courtney, i am stunned. no, let me finished. i am stunned by the number of people who believe that kim was really married and this wasn't done for money. i don't know her, but i'm guessinging. >> i believe she was really married, but to think she got caught up in the celebrity machine and the $17 million plus she made, if you had 72 days in the marriage, you won. that is the number of days chris humphries and kim kardashian were married. >> their wedding just aired. >> it barely made it long enough for the wedding to air on e. we saw teases before coming on the air i got a statement from the camp and i will spare some of the details, but she said i hope this marriage was forever, but sometimes things don't work out as planned. there you have it from kim's mouth. of course it is halloween not just the day kim kardashian files for divorce. it is halloween as well. represented quite well on the plaz plaza this morning. fun costumes. take a look. the royal wetting for you. you can see natalie moralis as pippa middleton. meredith vieira stuns the crowd. surprise, surprise. here's a little bit of what she said on the show. we don't have time for this right now, but queen elizabeth. absolutely fantastic. speaking of celebrities in costume, my personal favorite that i have seen so far, heidi klum dressed as one of the bodies from the body exhibit. it's totally -- this is what halloween should be. >> that's heidi klum? >> halloween is so much what type of -- >> who else do you have? >> she did it right. nicole richie as jennifer lopez. pete, you are looking at her. >> snooki is what you expect. kim kardashian, the person of the day is poison ivy right there. >> insert joke. >> i don't need to say it. angry bird. >> the modern family. >> member of angry birds. >> thank you for the very latest in entertainment news. logon to or be a fan on facebook. next halloween you will be dressing your baby. the gut check is on the madoff family and the interview on the today show. we will get your reaction after the break. > welcome back to gut check. for the first time since bernie madoff was arrested, his family spoke out on live television saying they had no idea madoff was running at $65 billion ponzi scheme. madoff's wife said she lives the life of shame along with his wife. >> the victims go on and on and my life is, you know, just always full of shame. walking down the street, anything i do is difficult. >> one of the reasons i wanted to speak from the beginning is because i have nothing to hide. i just want to have a chance for people to see me see who i am. we have been cooperating with the authorities from the beginning. i am hopeful that i will be able to put it behind me. >> mat dove appearance coincides with the release of the new book arranged by andrew madoff's fian fiance, katherine hooper. she will receive profits, but ruth and andrew will not. what does your gut tell you? should proceeds go to madoff's son? what do you think? go to "news nation" to cast your vote and that does it for "news nation." richard louie is in necessary martin bashir up next. 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