government officials will meet at a mid-day conference today to decide the path forward. nbc mara joins us from venice, louisiana. mara, put this in perspective. this delay here. is this a sign of a problem or are they just being precautious here? >> well, tamron, it certainly raises a lot of questions as to why they would choose to both put off the tests that were scheduled for yesterday and temporarily relieve work on the relief well. the reason that they have given, they need to conduct further analysis and need to gather more information before they can proceed with this test and it sounds like they're doing this out of an abundance of caution because they don't want to make anything worse. whether they are questioning whether these tests would make anything worse, these are just questions we can raise, however, we don't have any information about that. what we do know is that bp was scheduled to start these tests yesterday. that is what they said was the plan. yesterday evening we learned that they decided to postpone the tests because, like they said, they needed further analysis. the plan was to shut down the valves on that new containment cap to shut down the surface containment systems and to start testing for pressure information. they said that what they wanted to see was high pressure because low pressure meant that there was a leak somewhere else. and that as they stated last night, they decided not to go through with these tests and this morning they stated they were going to temporarily suspend work on that relief well for 48 hours. they are still running those surface containment operations so at least they're able to get some oil while they make these decisions about what the next steps will be. >> all right, mara, live in venice, louisiana, thank you, mara. big developments right now out of afghanistan. three nato troops were killed in an attack on the southern city of kandahar in the last 24 hours alone. eight american troops have died in car bombings and gun fights outside the police compound. this is a volatile period for nato and american troops as they engage in fierce effort to secure that strategic region. and kandahar, of course, is the spiritual birthplace of the taliban and that states the significance of what is happening there. the barefoot bandit is back in the united states and due in court in just koppel hours. colton harris moore was deported from the bahamas just four hours ago after he pleaded guilty to a minor charge on that island. he came back under heavy security and now he's in fbi custody. he led authorities on an international manhunt after two years on the run in the united states. peter alexander joins us live from miami. set the stage on what will happen in court possibly today. >> just 24 hours he was court in the bahamas and four hours after you noted that court hearing he was deported to miami. within the next two hours he will be inside the courthouse behind us. he's right now in a federal detention center and surrounded by heavy security. when he left the bahamas and heavy security when he arrived here, as well. we were in the courtroom in the bahamas when he ultimately pleaded guilty to a single, minor ocffense for a legal landing a stolen aircraft in the bahamas on july 4th. he could have faced a series of other charges, including a legal weapons possession. those charges are still being investigated, although they'll likely just disappear as he comes to the united states now, tamron. we have heard from the fbi that it's likely the final destination will be back in western washington where he is from. he faces charges in eight different states and five planes in total we were told by authorities and planes, tamron, that he taught himself to fly. >> you keep hearing people say this will be a good movie when it ends. we'll keep you up to date on what is happening. a deadly shooting in new orleans during the chaos following hurricane katrina. four new orleans police officers have been indicted on federal charges of shooting unarmed civilians and trying to cover up the crime. nbc news team captured the incident on tape. what you hear in the background is gunfire and the federal indictment also charnels two other new orleans police officers. nbc news justice correspondent pete williams joins us now live from washington and, pete, i understand that attorney general eric holder has commented on this. >> he was in a news conference yesterday in new orleans to announce these charges. a very dramatic change in this case. it had been investigated by state authorities, but state charges ultimately ended with no resolution. the court threw the charges out saying there were prosecutorial problems that tainted the evidence. so, the federal authorities came in and they've been building this case. five new orleans policemen have already pleaded guilty to fabricating evidence or lying about the investigation, but now you have these new charges charging four officers with killing two of the unarmed civilians and injuring four of the others. the attorney general says it's not only about this case that there's a larger interest here in trying to restore public confidence in the new orleans police department. >> today marks an important step forward in administering justice, in healing community wounds and improving public safety and in restoring the public trust in this city's police department. we will not tolerate wrongdoing by those who are sworn to protect the public. this will not stand. >> they carry a maximum sentence under federal law of the death penalty, although the justice department has not yet decided whether to seek it in this case. and for now, the government says the four policemen should be held without bail to face trial. that's where this court proceeding immediately goes. it will be a hearing today to see whether the policemen can get on bail, tamrorn. >> thank you, pete. we have some live pictures of the senate where they're expected to give a final congressional approval to one of the obama administration top priorities which is the overhaul of financial regulations. a vote is expected as early as tomorrow. you see senator dick durbin speaking there and democrats now say they have the 60 votes needed to overcome a republican filibuster in that because three key republicans joined in with the democrats on this. and another palin family bombshell that has nuthing to do with politics, but certainly the buzz story, you might say, of the morning. "us weekly" out with a big announcement that levi johnston and bristol palin back together getting married. the couple tells "us weekly" they're meant to be together and they hope despite all the bad blood that bristol mom, sarah palin, and her dad, will give their blessings. lindsay, how were you guys able to keep this a secret? there were screams when this came out on "today" show yesterday. people were surprised, obviously. >> we kept it under wraps. we knew we had this big scoop and we did a big shoot in alaska and we just wanted to break the news on newsstands today. >> wraking the news to the public included, i understand sarah palin, bristol understands she did not tell her mother. why? >> she said she was intimidated by her mother. she's 19 years old, a young teen. this is kind of her way to come out in "us weekly." >> it's interesting. where there's smoke there's fire. a couple weeks ago levi johnston issued this apology out of no where to the palins saying he misrepresented the family and he never said what he said wasn't true but alluded to the fact that he may have lied. how does he explain his behavior in this article? >> he said he made up a lot of the things from the past. he is young and he will never say anything mean against the palin family going forward. >> are they getting back to thefor their family. >> bristol has her own condo in anchorage and over the last couple months she has grown closer to her ex. their chemistry came back together. >> they will go to counseling because they have to work out some things. obviously, the things he said about her mom and the bad blood. >> in the article, still a little bit of tension when they talk about that and he promises to never do it again. . she's 19 and he's 20. they have grown up a lot. >> sarah and todd palin released a statement and says bristol now at 19 is a young adult and bristol believes in redemption and forgiveness to a degree most of us struggle to put in practice in our daily lives. i don't know if that her saying she is struggling to put it in her daily life and, nevertheless, have they set a date? >> they said they want to walk down the aisle soon. >> they're abstaining. >> she is a spokeswoman for an abstinence campaign and they're not living together. >> they paid for the photographs? >> that's something that we don't necessarily get into. i'm just an editor and i don't negotiate those kind of things. she shows off her engagement room and pose for these great photos with tripp. >> they say they're in love, best of luck. well, after a 13-year drought, the national league came out on top in major league baseball's annual all-star game. atlanta braves catcher brian mccann hit a three-run double into deep right field to seal the game. mccann also took home mvp honors. the game was marked by a sombering note by a video of george steinbrenner before the game, he died at the age of 80 after suffering a heart attack yesterday. a list set to contain the names of more than 1,000 illegal immigrants is sent anonymously to utah state agencies, even the media got this list. demanding these people be deported immediately. who is behind this information and is it even true? 7-year-old kyron horman is still missing and his mom still speaking out about the allegations that kyron's stepmother was involved with a family friend. >> i guess to say it tactfully, it goes to someone's character if you're doing something like that. i mean, it's disgusting. and you can call it the naacp versus the tea party and what this woman is saying about it all. this incredible video. it's captured all of our attention. this is firefighters in los angeles battling a dangerous situation at an industrial fire this morning' a battalion chief says at one point an explosion showered the firefighters with showery chips of titanium. two firefighters treated for minor injuries and 220 firefighters were called to that building in south los angeles. the fire broke out last night and firefighters are expected to be on the scene all day dealing with that problem. wow. well, utah's governor has ordered an investigation after someone anonymously sent around a list to media outlets and law enforcement agencies claiming to rat out some 1,300 illegal immigrants living in the state. the list is so detailed that it contains reportedly social security numbers, the names of children and even due dates of pregnant women who are allegedly in this country illegally. the letter actually demands that those people be deported immediately. robert is a senior government writer with "the salt lake tribune" and he joins me now by phone. >> no problem, thanks for having me. >> gary herbert said he asked state agencies to investigate where this list came from. where do they start? >> well, right now they're going any time anybody accesses one of these databases it kind of leaves behind fingerprints. so, what they're doing is all of these agencies that might have this information are going in to find out who, you know, who's been accessing their databases and if any of the information lines up. the assumption right now is that a state agency is sort of the most likely suspect because of the detail of the information that was provided. names, phone numbers, addresses for all 1,300 people. >> and, again, back to the point that they're looking at a state agency. give me more detail about some of that information. would it have only come from a state agency? >> i mean, it could have been a federal agency, a government agency of some sort. i mean, the consensus is that the suspicion is most likely that it's a state agency because of, again, you got information, as you mentioned, the young children and the due dates of mothers and you've got, again, addresses and phone numbers on a whole 29 pages worth of paper. so, the degree and the detail of the information, again, makes it most likely, i think, that it came from some sort of government agency that i gathered and collected this information. >> so, the former director affairs with people who are on the list and the callers are "feeling terrorized." is there any proof that this information is even accurate? >> well, there's, yeah, you're right. there's a question about that because some of the people who have been contacted are either, they are here legally and they say some of the numbers have been disconnected or, you know, so it appears that some of the information on the list, at least, is probably dated. so, no, i guess at this point there's not any indication what percentage of them might be here legally or illegally. but, as tony mentioned, there are a lot of people who are frightened about this that their names ended up on the list and people who aren't on the list who fear they might be. >> robert girki former senior writer with "salt lake tribune." thank you for your time. the mere mention of her name will make others cheer and other wince. republican congresswoman michele bachmann. staffers have quit. is it a sign there is trouble within her campaign? "the huffington post" ryan grim will join me. we like to know what you think regarding the stories we're covering today, go to [ male announcer ] if you've had a heart attack caused by a completely blocked artery, another heart attack could be lurking, waiting to strike. a heart attack that's caused by a clot, one that could be fatal. but plavix helps save lives. plavix, taken with other heart medicines, goes beyond what other heart medicines do alone, to provide greater protection against heart attack or stroke and even death by helping to keep blood platelets from sticking together and forming dangerous clots. ask your doctor if plavix is right for you. protection that helps save lives. 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[ male announcer ] missing something? like 2 pairs of glasses fo$99.99 at sears optical, with bifocal lenses for just $25 more per pair. hurry in to sears optical today and don miss a thing. you can do this... get the ball. get the ball, girl. hmmm, you can't do that. but you can do this. it's the simple things. new scientifically formulated bengay pain relief + massage with penetrating nubs gives you the targeted relief of a massage plus the powerful, long-lasting pain relief of bengay. bengay pain relief + massage. visit for a $3.00 coupon. love the nubs! welcome back. live pictures from the senate where they are gearing up for a series of votes in coming weeks. they include a new extension of jobless benefits and a plan to increase lending to small businesses as we told you the senate is expected to give final congressional approval tomorrow to the most sweeping eare forms of the nation's financial system, the democrats say since the great depression. republican congresswoman michele bachmann is a tea party darling and polarizing members of congress right now. now there are signs of trouble, if you believe some of the reports out there within her team. a new ktsp survey also shows her polling numbers are pretty close in her race. republican michele bachmann has a nine-point lead over cheryl clark. two high-profile departures from her office. campaign finance director quit their jobs tuesday. ryan joins me now from "huffington post." she had a blockbuster second quarter raising $1.7 million and has already raised $4 million for her campaign. but what is going on, first, with her staffers? >> well, she lost a key staffer on her campaign side and she lost a chief of staff on the house side. so, this is the taxpayer funded office that she has. it is her fifth chief of staff to leave in her four years up there. so, this, this is going to become a bit of a problem. if you're somebody that manages, say, 15 to 20 employees and you keep cycling through your top staff like that, it says something about the kind of boss that you are. >> in fact, the departure of her finance director, the quote was "i'm leaving the campaign and it's time to move on." very vague words there from that finance director. >> right. -- >> chief of finance. >> the finance director said that she didn't want to say whether she was asked to leave or she left on her own. it clearly wasn't the typical kind of transition from one job to another in an amicable kind of way. this does represent a problem for her. >> a lot about michele bachmann started after her appearance on chris matthews show back in 2008. she narrowly won the race, but i want to replay that moment from "hardball" and how she catapulted into the national conversation. >> how many of you expected your colleagues anti-american? >> i think take a look. i wish they would. i wish the american media would take a great look at the views of the people in congress and find out, are they pro-america or anti-america? >> the hits keep on coming over the weekend. balkman suggested that president obama was turning the nation into a nation of slaves. is this why her race is tight? >> her candidate in 2008 raised more than a million dollars off of that comment. because if you are a progressive or liberal somewhere in america who hadn't heard of michele bachmann yet after that comment you heard of her. the money just started flowing in and the money hasn't ream really stopped. this is what happened when you get such a pollerizing figure in a race. the money comes in from across the nation and she also gets money from across the nation from her backers. because, you know, both sides see this as a proxy fight over the issues that this the country is debating sglp hence the reason her opponent has brought in $2 million according to the numbers out there. >> any opponent of bachmann would raise millions of dollars just from the anger of her. >> we'll keep an eye on the race and, thank you, good to see you. >> good to see you. breaking news out of claritin, pennsylvania. crews are responding to an explosion at a steel plant that's near pittsburgh where a blast killed a worker in 2009. right now emergency dispatchers are on the scene. we don't have any confirmation regarding any injuries or any possible fatalities but this explosion just happening. it is the coke works steel plant in clairton, pennsylvania. we see the video coming in and that is some confirmation of some kind of problem coming in. this is 20 miles south of pittsburgh and they have a situation in 2009 where a maintenance worker died after an explosion. we'll keep our eye on this breaking news.ees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 no more paying to access your own money. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 it'd be like every atm in the world tdd# 1-800-345-2550 was your atm. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 the schwab bank high yield investor checking(tm) account. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 zero atm fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 a great interest rate. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 no minimums. d# 1-800-345-2550 d it's ic-insured. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 e schwab bank high yield vestor checking(tm) account. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 the biggest thing in checking since checks. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 open an account at 1-800-4schwab or welcome back. in a few hours we will know whether the food and drug administration believes avandia is too strong. evidence showed the drug increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and even death. chief science and health correspondent bob bazell joins us from washington, d.c. a decision could come between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. eastern time. >> this is a decision from a community of experts convened from the fda and the fda commissioner, dr. margaret hamburg would make the decision and the fda goes along with the advice of the expert panels. this is a very contentious hearing and a lot of things on the line here. you mention an enormous amount of diabetics and that makes up 10% of the people in the united states. 25% of people over 60 have diabetes and so a drug for them, of course, is enormous source of income for a company like glaxosmithkline, in this case. it's also an incredible medical need. but, of course, the allegations here is that avandia is causing increase in heart attacks and people with diabetes are at high risk for heart attacks. the emotions are running higher than i've ever seen them run in an fda meeting before. >> bob, if the decision is made to remove this avandia from the market, what do people who have diabetes taking avandia, what is the advice for them? >> if it happens, there will be advice, it turns out there is a similar drug that is on sale and it has never had the allegations that it increases the heart attack risk. in fact, in an editorial in the journal of the american medical association made just that point a few weeks ago that one of the reasons why people thought the fda should consider banning the drug is because there is an equivalent drug that works, seems to work just as well and doesn't have the problems. but, again, some people say the tests that show a heart attack risk are flawed and others are very convinced that the risk is real and we're going to wait and see what these experts say in a few hours. >> thank you very much, bob. live for us in washington, d.c. are there thinks all between this man and bp. several u.s. senators are enraged over this issue. senators charles schumer and frank lautenberg are demanding an investigation into whether pan am terrorist megrahi was released early so libya could engage in oil deals with bp. the embattled oil company had no comment. pan am flight 103 exploded over lockerbie in december 1998 killing 270 people. scottish officials released megrahi early because he was reportedly terminally ill but he has not passed away and is still living, according to reports, a luxurious life. we continue to await word on bp when it will begin crucial pressure tests on the new containment cap placed on the well in the gulf of mexico. another big disappointment after bp and government officials promised they were about to start. meantime, bp says it has stopped drilling on its relief well as a precaution until those pressure tests are done. also today, an extraordinary effort is under way to save sea turtles endangered by this oil disaster. science and environmental expert for msnbc jeff corwin joins us from gulf shores, alabama. what is the latest on this effort? >> good afternoon, tamron. an extraordinary unprecedented event. basically the u.s. fish and wildlife service along with the local groups trying to protect these endangered sea turtles specifically share our beach to protect the sea turtles and the nests that they deposit on this beach. do you see that tape behind me, tamron? >> yeah, i do. >> that box? >> yes. >> that is actually one of the last remaining logger head sea turtle nests on this beach. if you look at my hand, you can see the white shavings. that's the remaining part of the eggs that were in that nest. it was actually raided by a coyote. the hope is that this nest would still survive and what they've done is they have taken a whole generation of these turtles and moved them to florida. i spoke to diane engram and this is what she shared with us. >> we're here on this beautiful beach on gulf shores alba s ala. today it is a fresh response to save a threatened species, specifically a logger head sea turtle. six sea turtle species that frequent the ocean and five can be found in these waters and inside that nest is the fragile eggs which have been incubating for nearly a month and a half. sydney, why is this beach so important to these sea turtles? >> this beach is where the sea turtles come back over and over again and it's important for all those that nest in the population overall for the amount of hatchlings that will actually come out of the nest. >> tremendous effort here with the community to try to save these sea turtles and now this. this terrible spill. how can an oil spill that has resulted because of the deep water horizon, how can that impact the survival of the species? >> this can make us lose all the 2010 hatchlings and that can cause great impacts in the long term for this endangered species. >> if you can explain the importance of this project. >> this project is going to insure that this year class will be represented, they will be taken over to the atlantic coast and added to the population over there. >> tamron, of course, the desperate times require desperate measures that's why they moved this whole generation of turtles to florida. the great debate now, will these turtles take to new waters and new habitat or, once again, return to the shores of alabama? >> all right, jeff, another great report. i know you will keep us up to date on the developments. thank you very much, jeff. >> thank you. and another sign of perhaps the disdain some members of the tea party have for president obama being made clear on a billboard in northern iowa. this is video of the billboard before it was taken down. it compares president obama with adolf hitler and vladimir lenin. members of the tea party are defending the message behind the billboard. bill johnson thez the billboard is not disrespectful and says "a statement on his policy." john white seems to agree with at least the portrayal of the president's policiepolicies. >> everything that he has done as far as campaigning and taking power is lock step with what adolf hitler did back in the day. so, i see it. i understand it. i just think it's a line we don't need to cross and it's an area we don't want to be in. >> john white says a line that does not need to be crossed. the line has come down and tea party officials say it was paid for through donations. the white house has declined to comment on that billboard. tough enough trying to find cheap airfares this summer and then pile on the costly airline fees for checked bags and everything from extra leg room to meals. today a house panel is taking a look at those costly fees. the bureau of transportation statistics said airlines took in about $7.8 billion last year from those fees. one-third of those just from you having to check your bag. the panel is looking to see if some taxes apply to airline taxes could help consumers. the fur tillsty doctor that implanted the octomom with six embryos is in trouble for planting seven embryos in another woman. yes, courtney. the medical board of california says nadya suleman's physician may be negligent and may revoke or suspend his license. the latest case involves a 48-year-old patient. one fetus died and another was born with profound developmental delays. octomom's suleman's eight babies are now 18 months old. for more on the reported wedding bells of bristol palin and levi johnston let's get the scoop from courtney hazlett whose mouth dropped to the ground. >> i'm still recovering from the octomom doctor story. i don't see how they allow that to happen. wow. another wow story. bristol palin and levi johnston shocked everybody when they relegaled to "us weekly" and "today" so that they're getting married. everything he said about sarah palin and bristol -- >> and everything that sarah said about him. >> they are able to turn the page and get married. bristol didn't tell her parents and this is news to them. the palins did issue a statement and said they commend bristol for her ability to forgive and move on. they're planning on getting married quickly. at this point, why wait? yes, getting married in alaska and hopefully bristol says her dad will walk her down the aisle. the drama never stops. in other news, more drama, exactly. pierce morgan, let me back up a little bit. we have been talking so much about larry king's departure and who will replace him. pierce morgan "america's got talent" his name has been bandied about quite a bit. this morning on "morning joe" president jeff zucker addressed those rumors straight up. here's what he said. >> pierce will continue on "america's got talent" for the next three years. that i can tell you. >> to do that and possibly do larry king. >> having said that, i can also tell you that he approached us about asking us to do another job, as well. and those conversations are continuing and i don't think -- >> it's possible, though. >> i don't think they're mutually exclusive. >> so, it does exist. the scenario where he's on "america's got talent" for the next three years. he is contracttually obligated to do that. >> has peirs hosted his own talk show? >> he has not had his own like larry king but he fills in at times and i met him several times and he is a really agreeable man. i think he's fantastic for the job. might be interesting to see where he figures out the scenario where he's on both networks at once. finally, beavis and butthead coming back to mtv. the series on 1993 through 1997 famous for immortalizing slackers in a cartoonish sort of way. mtv confirmed that it's coming back and not become some flashy, updated, animated show. >> it is going to stay like that. >> they will introduce newer pop culture figures into the narrative so it seems updated. a lot of people are saying this is mtv finally getting back to their roots. >> "the hills" are gone. >> people have been momento how long the show, the network which was groundbreaking in so many ways is nothing, resembles nothing like what it was. >> they don't play music. >> that's the issue. >> logon to we'll be right back after a quick break. and sleeplessness , there's new motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. new motrin pm. is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. there's oil out there we've got to capture. my job is to hunt it down. i'm fred lemond, and i'm in charge of bp's efforts to remove oil from these waters. bp has taken full responsibility for the cleanup and that includes keeping you informed. every morning, over 50 spotter planes and helicopters take off and search for the oil. we use satellite images, infrared and thermal photography to map and target the oil. then, the boats go to work. almost 6,000 vessels. these are thousands of local shrimp and fishing boats organized into task forces and strike teams. plus, specialized skimmers from around the world. we've skimmed over 27 million gallons of oil/water mixture and removed millions more with other methods. we've set out more than 8 million feet of boom to protect the shoreline. i grew up on the gulf coast and i love these waters. we can't keep all the oil from coming ashore, but i'm gonna do everything i can to stop it, and we'll be here as long as it takes to clean up the gulf. we continue to follow breaking news in clairton, pennsylvania, at a steel plant near pittsburgh. right now we're hearing that 12 people were injured in this plast at the steel plant. in addition, one person is being treated with chest pains and the patient was not injured directly as a result of the explosion. authorities confirm that there are small, residual fires that they are dealing with at the plant but do not have any information on damage sustained at the plant. but right now 12 people were injured in this steel plant blast. one person being treated with chest pains. this happening about 20 miles south of pittsburgh at the coke steel plant in clairton, pennsylvania. we'll keep you up to date on this breaking news. also the mother of 7-year-old oregon boy still missing after six weeks is speaking out. kyron horman disappeared july 4th. although authorities have not called her a suspect or a person of interest, but court documents have revealed terri allegedly tried to hire someone to kill her husband, kaine. terri and a neighbor exchanged hundreds of sexually explicit text messages after kaine filed for divorce. they asked kyron's mother if she thinks terri horman knows more than she is saying? >> do you think terri horman planned to do something? >> something with kyron? >> yeah. >> oh, yeah, without a doubt. i think it was very planned. to know that i was four and a half hours away when he needed me to protect him, that's what i feel guilty for. >> the neighbor has been identified as mike cook and he went to school with kaine. he admitted to exchanging the text messages but denies having an affair with terri horman. the prosecution rested its case in the corruption trial of rod blagojevich. the defense's turn to start monday and the disgraced legendary governor will take the stand testifying on his own behalf. nbc's john yang is covering the story from our chicago bureau. >> tamron, the defense will begin presenting its case on monday. the prosecution rested yesterday and now they're taking a couple of days off to let the defense get their case organized. and, of course, the big question is whether or not we're going to be hearing from rod blagojevich live and in person. we heard him on the fbi tapes and will we hear him from the stand? the defense lawyers say, yes. he will testify in his own defense. in addition, they will be presenting fbi tapes that they say bolster their case that blagojevich had no willful intent, is the legal term. he had no intent to break the law when he talked about getting an ambassadorship. a cabinet position, a job with a charity. when he talked about getting fund-raising cash in exchange for appointing someone to the senate seat that president obama was vacating. now, the other question is, who else will the defense be presenting? they'd like to present valerie jarrett, who the president, mr. obama wanted to get the senate seat and is now a top white house adviser. they want to present white house chief of staff rahm emanuel who was something of a go between on some of these messages between the obama camp and blagojevich. the defense will have to prove to the judge in this case that there is relevancy in this testimony and that they apply directly to the case and the defense, he already said no to the defense request that president obama be subpoenaed to testify. tamron? >> john yang in our chicago bureau, thanks, john. the iranian scientist who turned up at a pakistani embassy in washington, d.c., is now on his way back to tehran. but the drama still swirls around this intriguing story. the latest on the case in a live report, next. ng season. when we grab a little spare time and get after it. the home depot has all the right prices and all the know-how to start making things happen, less with our wallets, and more with our own two hands. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, estate oak laminate's at the new lower price of just 87 cents per square foot. hey! 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[ male announcer ] and upgrade your regular mayo to kraft real mayo. discover customers are getting 5% cashback bonus at the pump... and at many of the places their summer plans take them. it pays to get more. it pays to discover. the so-called barefoot bandit now on american soil. in less than two hours, he'll face a judge in miami. colton harris-moore arrived in florida by plane yesterday. he was busted in nassau this weekend ending what police say was a two-years cross-country crime spree. it is his trademark. they say allegedly committing the crimes barefoot. that could ultimately lead to his downfall. with high-tech analysis of footprints. he has a facebook page withal 7,000 followers. could this become a real circus at the miami courthouse? >> it was a circus in the bahamas, and the real parade happened on tuesday, when he was marched down the street, and -- you asked about that facebook page,

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