whether it's the quote/unquote deep state. right? law enforcement. authority. so why wouldn't you question your vote? why wouldn't you question the electoral system? and why doesn't that support donald trump? i think donald trump wins when people don't believe in the electoral system because more than the actual impact that russians or whomever are having, it's the psychological impact. i think that's something that's hard to compute. it's hard for us to kind of tell how people feel about whether or not their vote is secure. >> well, in fact, he did say, we welcome foreign interference, foreign information. let's remind folks what he told george stephanopoulos in an interview. take a listen. >> if somebody called from a country, norway, we have information on your opponent. oh. i think i'd want to hear it. >> you'd want that kind of interference in our elections? >> it's not an interference. they have information. i think i'd take it. if i thought there was something wrong, i'd go maybe to the fbi. >> so you got this whole group of officials who are trying to be ready in the case of