that. >> so, alexi, you're looking at how voters in iowa look at this situation with joe biden and his son. what are they saying? >> yeah. and before we get to that, i just want to be add something. i was joining joe biden during his no malarky tour in iowa for the last few days of the trip. one thing was clear over and over again, whether it was former secretary of state john kerry or a local precinct leader for the iowa caucuses, the people around former vice president joe biden are much better at telling his narrative and his story than he is capable of doing. but this issue with hunter is simply the not something that he can allow the folks around him to kline, to yoclean up in theo he needs to find a better answer on. this is something when he called the man a damn liar, this is what we saw when he called us rotters on his bus for a 15-minute conversation. and he shut it down after a few rounds of back and forth because he simply doesn't want to talk