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Good morning, everyone. It is monday, november 11th. Welcome to morning joe. With us onset we have msnbc and Time Magazine senior political analyst mark halperin. How is it going . Good morning. Double down. And National Affairs editor msnb chris political analyst john heileman. Theyre coauthors of double down. Were going to begin on a somber note. The absolute devastation from a super typhoon in the philippines. Overnight the first u. S. Relief flight loaded with water and generators arrived in one of the harder hit areas. Marines and sailors are also helping with the search and rescue operations. Up to 10,000 people are feared dead in one province alone after one of the strongest storms on record. Itvs angus walker has more. Reporter this amateur video obtained by filipino broadcaster abscbn shows the moment of impact. A wall of water 20 feet high by some accounts crashing into tacloban. Leaving the city of 220,000 in ruins. Storm chaser jim edds rode out the storm in tacloban. He captured these images at the height of the deluge. The wind was coming at me. It was just really eerie. It would pick up in gusts. It got so strong in bursts you couldnt stand up. Most people i saw got in trouble with the storm surge. The combination of the wind and water coming at you was just too much. Reporter with winds of 150 miles an hour, typhoon haiyan knocked out communications and destroyed 70 to 80 of structures in leyte province. And nearly all in tacloban. Food and water are in short supply and residents cover their noses to avert the smell of bodies. This pregnant woman, jenny day la cruz, lost 11 members of her family when the waters rose. She says, right now all we can do is survive the day. I dont know what will happen tomorrow. Or the day after that. The president of the philippines toured the city. Especially those injured. The need for food and need for water. Reporter taclobans airport was badly damaged by raging floodwaters. Now hundreds wait there, desperate to leave. The young and the frail allowed to go first. Paulita cowell is 63. She barely survived. Her family didnt. She only has what she stands in. Security now are concerned with tv footage showing widespread looting. One official calling on the government to declare martial law. Anyone and everyone should try and help. There are several organizations accepting donations for the relief effort. There they are on the screen. The American Red Cross, redcross. Org, america res. Org, the u. N. Childrens fund and unicef. Org, save the children and savethechildren. Org. A new poll is gauging how americans feel about president obama one year after reelection. The Pew Research Center finds a majority now disapproves of the way the president is doing his job. Just 41 view the president favorably. Thats down 14 points from last december. Thats similar to his predecessor, george w. Bush, the same time during his presidency. President s reagan and clinton both saw their Approval Ratings significantly higher during the first year of their second term. The survey also found a majority of americans disagree with the way president obama is handling a number of issues. 65 disprove on the economy. 60 on immigration. 59 on health care. And 56 on Foreign Policy. Look at these numbers, keep them up on the screen right now, obviously those are numbers nobody would have expected a year ago. There are problems with the Health Care Rollout. We understand that. But why do you have such upsidedown numbers on the economy . You know, looking at these numbers for the first time this morning its a little bit baffling to me you would have expected i would have thought for the Health Care Numbers to be worse. The economy has been on the mend. Not coming back as fast as people had wished. One gets a sense, i think, that the the in some ways maybe the Health Care Problems and the coverage of them are starting to kind of spread out into a more affect everything. Affect everything in terms of the president s confidence. Since the economy is always the most important thing for voters, as people start to think about the president as having issues of competence its affecting their views on everything. I think the one thing the republicans have done well if they want to try and sort of derail this presidency and get their point across, theyve done well at conflating obama care and the economy. And you remember back, i guess, 1992. George h. W. Bush was asked a question about the deficit. It really was more about the economy. Im not sure if thats exactly the way it went. But there was just sort of the economy is this generalized feeling about almost a right track, wrong track. These numbers are fairly stunning considering that, you know, were not in a recession. In fact, what did we grow at . 2 , 3 . The stock market has been booming. Stock market has been booming. People are hurting out there, we understand that. But 31 65, thats pretty staggering. I think he is the face of washington and washington isnt working right now. You know, weve talked a lot about the president s ceiling because the country is polarized. Hes had a floor of about 40 of support. Those numbers, the reason i think theyre so dangerous and scary for the president , theres a lot of numbers in the 30s. That shows this floor of support under him thats kept him aloft, got him eelected may be lower on some of these issues as overall approval is 40 . You talk about being rejected by the american people. Chris christie, there was a clip shown earlier where he gets a huge round of applause. Im sure you have democratic governors elsewhere getting huge rounds of applause. Washington, d. C. , record level Approval Ratings. A year after his election, those numbers are staggering. Theres something to it. Its a washington problem. Its also notable that a month ago we were talking about how the shutdown, and the republicans being viewed as responsible was a good thing for the president. It was a good thing for the Affordable Care act. As his numbers went up, the popularity of obama care went up. Now here we are a month later and the president s hovering around 40 . Things change to quickly in this environment. Im sorry. Im distracted. What are you distracted by . Ten days. But great point. Wow. My friends said i look like the villain in a low budget film. Like they couldnt afford good makeup. The you like the villain in a low budget porn film. I thought you might go there. John, any panic at the white house . Sorry i brought it up. These are horrible numbers. You know, the bush people, they knew once they, like, blew through that 40 floor that things were ugly. Theres no guarantee. You always say, what goes up must come down. Theres no guarantee these numbers once they go in 30s go up. What are they trying to do . Well, they need to obviously fix the central problem here. The health care thing is job one for them. They need to turn that around. There was a period of time in the summer after the summer of 2011 where there were people in the white house when the president s Approval Rating got down into roughly this territory, right around 40 , where people asked the question, have we gotten to the place that george w. Bush did after katrina. Where people just said shut down. We dont want to listen to this president anymore. As it happened, they didnt. They bounced back from that. Willies point, i think, is instructive. Which is that in this environment things change very quickly. But theres always the risk, especially in a second term presidency, that you will hit that point. For george w. Bush it was katrina. After that there was the point of no return. Part of the question is whether the Health Care Debacle turns out to be that or turns out to be something they recover from. Given the evanescence of these things quickly change, it could be three months from now were on to another bad spell for republicans and the white house is on the rebound. Thats what theyve got to build towards or they could very quickly find themselves in unrecoverable nose dive. It seems like a bad spell for everybody. Mark, i was really i was really surprised the other day. Fleischer and Nicole Wallace saying things are harder now, the environment is tougher now than it was in bushs fifth or sixth year . By the way, that was really ugly times between katrina and iraq and the sectarian violence over there. If youre going to have bushs people, especially ari whos always been really tough on the white house, saying this environment is so bad, you do really start to wonder. How does any president im not defending the president here, republicans. You have to look at this environment, though. How does any president survive living in this hot house . Any administration for eight years . Whats the environment youre describing . Is it the media . Im talking 24 7 media. Im talking about blocgs lookin at every step of the way. Im talking you know, we always made fun of george w. Bush. The tea party. Well, the tea party. When bush was president people on the left said every day he was sweating the constitution and republicans were supporting legalized rape. Just the most bizarre charges going out over the air waves every single day. But im just wondering whether george w. Bush didnt have it right. That at the end of his day, he went up and watched sports center. Instead of, you know, when you see this white house obsesses over sometimes the little things. Im just wondering, what does it take for a president to survive in this new retched hot house of an environment. Its not just the media thats worse than it was for president bush. Its also the fact that people distrust washington more and the the ability to get things done is lower. And the other big problem, i think, that the president has is the financial crisis. People are the anxiety over the economy and over washingtons inability to deal with it is higher. I think the president is probably going to have to do something big. I dont think grinding it out, doing the same things, trying to outwit the republicans in the news cycle is going to do it. Big and different. Theyre focused, willie, on 2014. Theyre not going to strike a deal with republicans. Theyre going to take one more shot at it. You disagree with me . I think thats their strategy. But the chances under the circumstances of winning back the house and keeping the senate i think are pretty low. Yeah. But so i think i mean, willie, we may be in for a rough ride through the 2014 elections. At least, yeah. At least. John, id ask you, the default position of the white house has been always that weve tried. We reached out. Nothing is going to happen because of republican obstructionism. You hear that time and again. And its true in many cases. But is that what we hear for another 3 1 2 years now . I mean, do we cash it in . Is there no chance of anything . Forget grand bargains at this point, but even the small things getting done because of that . How much value do you put in that argument from the white house . Well, i think theres theres no question that its true. That theres the left is met with intransigents from the republicans at every turn. Increasingly as you head towards 2014, because the white house is driving the notion of the 2014 as being central in trying to recapture the house, republicans are digging in. The likelihood of a deal from either side at this point, its not a one way street in either direction. The likelihood of achieving large things between now and 2014, the political incentives that should have been in favor of getting big things done in 2013 are very quickly going to drive both sides to not try to want to get big things done in 2014. All right. Lets talk about 2016 for a second. I just want to go on the record saying i really think theres legs to this. You all will laugh me off the set. But i believe youve done that before. Nearly one year into the president s second term, and already talk of lame duck status thanks to a struggling health care law. Those sagging poll numbers. And gridlock on capitol hill. Some democrats are already looking to 2016 to advance the partys agenda. And Hillary Clinton seems to be the obvious choice for nominee. But now another name is emerging. The new republic is dubbing it hillarys nightmare. Gnome shiber writes, anything to being closely identified with the partys pop list wing, any candidate who challenged clinton would need several key assets. Any candidate would almost certainly have to be a woman, given democrats desire to make history again. She would have to amass huge piles of money with relatively little effort. Above all she would have to awaken in democratic voters an almost evangelical passion. As it happens, there is precisely such a person. Her name is Elizabeth Warren. The article cites her passion to reshape the financial world. Quoting a former warren aide, she has an immense sense of destiny. If hillary or the man on the moon is not representing her stuff and her people dont have a seat at the table, shell do what she can do to make sure it is represented. Anybody youre all going to laugh at me on this. No, no. Im actually not. Im actually not at all. The new republic article brings up a lot of good points. The more democrats i talk to, mark halperin, quietly off the record, for some reason there is more and more doubt that Hillary Clinton in the end will run. Well, im not sure shell run. If she does run, though, i think its over . She will clear the field. I really do. The breadth of her support and the desire of the party to have its almost like 2006 all over again. 2006 . Hillary had everybody on her side. Well, no. Lots of people ran in 2006. Not just barack obama. Really, did you hear anybody before that david gefen interview with the New York Times that ever suggested Hillary Clinton wasnt going to walk away with it . She was the heavy favorite. Chris dodd ran. Joe biden ran. John richardson work. John edwards. Im just saying. Sit a theres no one else with the exception of joe biden that i dont think will run if she runs. Theres no one else who will feel like if i dont run this time, this is my turn. Her breadth of support from every constituency in the democratic party. Africanamericans, hispanics. She has an infrastructure in place. Like 2006, what happens in iowa after populist Elizabeth Warren goes out and beats her in iowa . I think the question is whether anybody will decide to challenge her. I dont think Elizabeth Warren is nuts. If you looked at, for the reasons mark just said Hillary Clintons support among those constituencies, it is not 2006. Like barack obama was nuts . Its not 2006, joe. Weve done that loop now. Yeah. No. Actually, i would say its even worse for her because shes been around even longer. I dont think benghazi goes away. I will say and i think shes older. And the question is, is somebody how old is she going to be by 2016 . You think benghazi is going to be a factor in the democratic nominations . I think a lot of things. I think, again, the overwhelming weight of all of these years and the record and Everything Else, and how well shes going to be doing financially by then, being able to go out and make a couple hundred thousand dollars in a speech. Am i going to want to go around and trudge in the snows of iowa are we asking the question is Hillary Clinton going to run . Or if she runs what happens . Were asking the question if theres somebody like Elizabeth Warren out there going across iowa, barn storming across iowa with fervor and zeal is Hillary Clinton really going to go, you know what . I think i want to do that. That presupposes the notion Elizabeth Warren would get into her head to challenge Hillary Clinton before Hillary Clinton decided to run or not. You dont buy it. She just signed a letter urging hillary to run for president. Politicians would never sign a letter like that and go back. Chris christie would also like to see Elizabeth Warren versus Chris Christie. I dont know. You guys, oh, i remember hearing this before about a certain candidate. But then you that was because barack obama sort of came out of nowhere. The question is whos barack obama in 2016 . The thing is the democratic nominating electorate, having gone through that previous process, nominated a historic africanamerican candidate. Its first. Now there is a strong feeling among most democratic constituents its time for a woman. The question then becomes which woman . It seems hard for me to imagine if Hillary Clinton puts herself forward that the broad base of the democratic nominating electorate is going to start casting about for someone else. Im not saying there arent going to be some on the left who would like to see a populist insurgence. After american hispanics and the donor class which will give her an extraordinary financial advantage over anybody who runs, something she didnt have in 2006 because barack obama was able to get the support of financial elites as well as the left, theres just nobody out there who poses that kind of a threat to her. Not to say anything bad about Elizabeth Warren. Its just a different situation. We forget that late into the process mika was interviewing Michelle Obama who seemed to be a bit flummoxed by the fact that africanamerican voters were still supporting Hillary Clinton other than her husband. He beat her in the First Quarter fundraising in 2007. Dont get in the way of the facts, okay . Ive got to say that was impressive. Sorry about that. That was impressive. Ive got to say, though, if im a democratic, im looking at Hillary Clintons record. You talk about benghazi. I can also look at the fact that shes a neocon. Shes a neocons neocon. Theres never been an intervention that she hasnt wanted to not only be involved in, but be involved in more aggressively than any other democrat and a lot of other republicans. Im just saying, if primaries are still about moving a Party Forward and something that you believe in, i mean, do you really want larry you know, the champion of Larry Summers and iraq intervention or do you want Elizabeth Warren . Im looking at this from dont forget the donkey who will also be in the room. Two for the price of one. Her husband is pretty popular, too. Right. When he decides if she decides to run, he will be all in. And his her hold onstituenci help reinforce, theres nobody who can match that in the country. Just like 2006. 2006 he stayed out of it. I think you would make an awesome president its amazing that hillary can i love hillary and ive always said i love hillary. The Hillary Clinton of 2013 is not the Hillary Clinton of 1993. The Hillary Clinton of 1993 could energize the base. The Hillary Clinton of 2013 is a candidate whose message is i can win. Oh, she has no message. Youre right about that. Exactly. She hasnt started running yet. Dont accuse her of not having a message. She hasnt started running yet. You dont know what her message would be. Now there is Elizabeth Warren. But you know what her message would be. Absolutely know what her message would be. She has been Hillary Clinton has been in public life nonstop since 1993. What would her message be . If youre saying in 2013 i can win. We dont know what her message is, that speaks ill. Whats Elizabeth Warrens message. Providing for the middle class. You were very impressed with Hillary Clinton. In the spring of 2008 i love Hillary Clinton. When she was running and she adopted a relatively populous stance. She was relatively hawkish on Foreign Policy. She was for the left of obama on economics. I can easily imagine the same thing that helped her win pennsylvania and ohio whats the message . Dont stop thinking about tomorrow. There it is. All right. Whats next. Seriously. That is very interesting that you guys cant think of a message. You just went on and on and on. Kind of makes you sad. Which is a sign that there isnt one. Theres no message. And we love her. Think about it during the break. Maybe youll come up with something. Coming up on morning joe, wow. I want to ask James Carville about this. Navy secretary ray mabus helping us mark veterans day. Well talk to doris kearns about her new book. Mike florio and the trouble with the miami dolphins. First, bill karins with a check on the forecast. Morning, mika. At the top of the show we did show those pictures, those tragedy through the philippines there. That typhoon, by the way, did hit vietnam yesterday but it was much weaker when it went through there than it went through the philippines. The pictures and just the death toll is absolutely incredible. Its what happens when you have the strongest typhoon in human recorded history moving into a last area. As far as the lower 48 goes, we are looking at very chilly air coming down from the north. Were talking the coldest air of the season. That wall of windchill at 18, negative 18 this morning. Thats the cold air thats going to spread all the way across the country. If you havent found the heavy winter coat and hat and gloves yet, make sure you have them. Youll need them over the next three days from the deep south through the east coast. Even a little bit of snow with it this morning. Minneapolis a little bit of snow showers. Chicago will see snow. Eventually some of that snow will go all the way to the east. Were not talking about blockbuster snow events. The thing we talked about friday is off the coast. No snowstorm this week for anywhere. We will be watching some of that cold air spilling into the east with some snow showers. I even think youll see some snow flurries and squalls from d. C. To philly to baltimore to new york city for the first time. Again, thats going to be late tonight into your tuesday morning. This blast of cold air, its not longlived. Looks like by the end of the week a lot of us will begin to warm up. On this veterans day for all the parades and everyone else out there, looks like clear skies for most locations. Enjoy. Youre watching morning joe. I started parttime, now im a manager. N. My employer matches my charitable giving. Really. I get bonuses even working parttime. Where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. Healthcare starting under 40 a month. I got education benefits. I work at walmart. Im a pharmacist. Sales associate. I manage produce. I work in logistics. Theres more to walmart than you think. Vo opportunity. Thats the real walmart. The most Free Research reports, customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed 1second trades. 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Youre going to be all over the air waves. Youve got a massive book tour all week long next week, too. Its going to be exciting. Great book. I dont agree with it. Thank you. But it is very good. Whats in the papers. New york times, after hours of closed door meetings over the weekend diplomats from several nations were unable to reach an agreement over Irans Nuclear ambitions. The french rejected a proposal as a, quote, fools game saying it went too easy on tehran. Just this morning there are reports iran agreed to allow expanded u. N. Monitoring at the countrys nuclear sites. That could help put negotiations on a stronger footing. Its really amazing. Weve now had two or three International Incidents where its the french that have actually stood up and taken the really tough stance. Which is really exciting. Other than the fact the phrase french surrender monkeys no longer makes any sense whatsoever. L. A. Times, maamazon and u. S Postal Service reached a deal to expand deliveries and orders on sundays. Service began in metropolitan areas. Its going to expand to other cities pretty soon like dallas and phoenix by the years end. This new service will come at no additional cost. Thats great. Thats not cool. Usa today, the number of foreign students studying in the u. S. Has reached an alltime high. A new report shows more than 800,000 International Students enrolled in a u. S. College or University Last year. More than half of the students were from china, india and south korea. The university of Southern California attracted the most International Students. The number of American Students studying abroad is also on the rise. The New York Times, a new study shows level of violence in pg13 movies is exceeding violence in rrated movies. Researchers say violence has tripled in pg13 movies since the ratings system was first introduced way back in 1984. They also say these movies are containing as much violence as rrated films. New york post, a father is suing a psychologist for defamation after she called him unfit to raise his son for refusing to take him to mcdonalds for dinner . What . During a visit david shores son through a temper tantrum and demanded the fast food for dinner. Okay. Wait a second. Shore says he didnt want to reward the bad behavior. Okay. He offered two options. Dinner anywhere else or no dinner at all. Right. The boy chose to skip dinner. Why are when the mother found out, she called the court psychologist and she took her son to mcdonalds. Okay. So im with the mom here. You know me. My kid throws a temper tantrum on the floor you give him a toy. Hes going to be eating rocks. No. You dont do that. I know. Let me tell you something, parents. You surrender to them one time, you might as well give up the whole game. Youll be in my situation. Its all over. Dont give in. Love them. Never give in. Unless they want the big mac. If youre 5 or 6 years old and youre willing to eat a big mac its just we should i dont know. Youre my son. My wife and i call it negotiating with terrorists. You dont do it. You cannot give an inch to those little things. By the way, they are so smart, willie. You do it one time, it doesnt matter if theyre 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. One time. You might as well just give away the whole thing. Dont negotiate with terrorists. You know what . You have to be tough, strong and resolute like the french. Like a french socialist president. Okay . I think maybe he should write a book on parenting. Dont embolden your enemies. I. E. , your children. Lets get a look at the political playbook. The chief White House Correspondent for politico is mike allen. Mike, good morning. Good morning, willie. Lets talk governor Chris Christie of new jersey continuing his victory lap after winning big reelection last week. Yesterday governor christie deflecting questions about running for president in 2016. But he did not shy away from revealing his winning strategy. Here he is. Its about doing things, accomplishing things, reaching across the aisle and crafting accomplishments. You cant just show up six months before an election into groups that have not normally voted for you and expect they are going to vote for you. You go there, you listen and you present your views and thats the way you bring people in to your movement. Judge me by my record. That, im very, very comfortable with. All the labels, thats for the folks down in washington, d. C. Obviously, they love playing that game. But the people of america arent interested in that game. I think given the Approval Ratings in washington, theyve shown that. The list of republicans questioning governor christies conservative credentials has expanded now to Texas Governor rick perry. He was a successful governor in new jersey. Now, does that trans into the country . Well see in later years and months to come. Is that code for hes a moderate . No. Its its code for the truth of the matter is, listen, were all different states. Is a conservative in new jersey a conservative in the rest of the country . So, mike allen, your former colleague Jonathan Martin has a piece New York Times in the as well saying conservative republicans recoil at the notion that Chris Christie is the partys savior. Has the early backlash begun . Well, it has. First of all, that clip with governor perry, does that transcend to the nation. Governor perry will be great to cover, no question. We saw yesterday in that meet the press interview by governor christie what hes going to do to try and preempt some of the backlash were talking about. The question David Gregory asked governor christie right before that bite about not playing that game is, are you a conservative or are you a moderate . He doesnt want to get in that box. Hes been very skillful about appealing to both. We saw in his interviews around election day, he was saying very nice things about the tea party. Yesterday he told David Gregory that he thought obama care had been a mistake from the beginning. But one of the little bits of bash lack is what people are calling Chris Christies rooting problem. That is that behind the scenes republicans are comparing him to the president ial bid of Rudy Giuliani which didnt go so well. Theres a piece on politico with a juicy tidbit that behind the scenes, senator ted cruz is making that analogy. We have a tough talking prosecutor from the tristate area, thats both of them, who wound up not playing very well in iowa, New Hampshire, the retailing part of it. Or with conservatives who in the end think theyre too moderate. Which is an advantage most of the time. Then you hear some conservatives saying, well, we nominated relative moderates in mitt romney and john mccain and look what happened. Chris christie should not be our nominee. How much stock do you put in that . Well, this is where we get candidate skills. We talk about a political athlete here on morning joe. And Chris Christie looks like hes right for the times, enjoys it. Rudy just never had the connection. While the people around the table there were with rudy in diners in New Hampshire, it just never took. Chris christie, every indication is, is much better at that. Thats what we heard yesterday talking on meet the press, showing up, and hes going to do that, first focusing, though, on his new jersey record. Hes going to be very smart about that over the next year. Politicos mike allen with a look at the playbook. Thanks so much. Coming up, the Cincinnati Bengals got a hail mary to take their game into overtime. Could they come back to win it . Morning joe, highlights in the nfl, next. [ male announcer ] what if a Small Company became big business overnight . Like, really big. Then expanded . 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And when all this stuff got going and swirling and bullying got attached to it and my name got attached to it, i just texted him as a friend and was like, whats up with this, man . He said, its not coming from me. I havent said anything to anybody. That was wow. That was incognito. Richie incognito. Thats some telling stuff. His first interview since he was suspended amid all this Jonathan Martin stuff back and forth including the voice maims alleged to be incognito where he used the n word and other things directed right at Jonathan Martin. So he did say yesterday, incognito, that this was the nature of their relationship. And he cited a text that hed received recently from martin where martin said, i will, quote, murder your whole family. Oh, my god. I dont know if i want to be part of that relationship. He told that text to illustrate, hey, this is the way we talk to each other. Its all in good fun. Which, wow. If thats the nature of their relationship he said thats the brotherhood. You all wouldnt understand. Its amazing what hgh does to you. No. Its incredible. Are you serious . He really the guy sent a text to him saying that was used as a defense. Thats why i said that to him. Because he says that to me. I understand. I mean that you file this under the mike tyson to lennox lewis. Who talks this way . Nfl players. I was watching our friend who was on the show, collinsworth. Cris collinsworth. They were covering pregame stuff. I was trying to understand it. So they had a lot of off mike stuff that was on the sidelines and stuff. And its violent. Its brutal. You get revved up. These guys are i think its very out of context to hear these things completely separate and taken out. But its still bad because the culture has been left to go out of control. Im not trying to defend. It is out of context. Youve just got to draw the line at racial slurs. Yes, of course. My gosh. We talk about a term thats used, you know, that you just wouldnt use right now that in locker rooms, weve talked about this before. In locker rooms, you throw that term not a racist term but a homophobic term. Everybody would throw that term. The whole murder, yeah. Everything else around. Theyd say horrible things about mothers and girlfriends and sisters and whatever. No. Im just saying. Its just it is when you go out, and a lot of these guys are probably on hgh. Like you said last week, its like Car Accidents every time. These guys are gladiators. Revved up on endorphins and whatever else. Constant physically violent activity. And all these were also seeing the injury part of it as well. I mean, this is not something all of us even imagine. Youve got to draw lines. Youre right, though. Some of this you look skeptical. Some of this is its a violent culture and extreme extreme is the word. Its an extreme and violent culture. It doesnt surprise me that this kind of stuff happens. Again, wed like by the norms of a Civil Society this is different. Its one thing to talk about the brotherhood. What happens in the locker room stays there. When a guy is compelled to leave the team. And the code is broken. Thats clearly gone too far. Im going to kill your entire family is not acceptable in any situation. Its just guys being guys, john. You wouldnt understand apparently. Lets talk about some on the field action. Late game last night on nbc, cowboys visiting the saints. Wow. We sped this up. Drew brees led the saints to an nfl record. 40 first downs. What are we doing here . This looks silly. Like babe ruth newsreel footage. A lot of highlights. Drew brees. 392 yards. Four touchdowns. And a 4917 rout of the cowboys. Giants also won. Guess well take a look at the nfc east. Thats excite ing. Look at this. Look at this division. Mediocrity reigns oh, my god. There is not a good team on that list. Look at that. Okay. Storied franchises. I know. Wow. That is weak. Baltimore, bengals, battling back from a 170 halftime deficit. One last chance, down seven points. As time expires, a. J. Green in the end zone off the tipped ball sends the game to overtime. Bengals couldnt make anything happen in ot. Ravens win it with a field goal. Not sure what hes doing. Celebrating. Hes going to have names said about his family in the locker room. That was the coming up, joined by the secretary of the navy ray mabus. Also Richard Haass will join us. Dont go anywhere. Back with more morning joe. [ imitating car engine ] thats mine. Thats mine. Thats mine. Come on, kyle. [ horn honks ] thats mine. Kyle. [ male announcer ] revenge is best served with 272 horses. Get the best offers of the season now. Lease this 2014 ats for around 299 a month with premium Care Maintenance included. Live shot of the tomb of the unknowns on this veterans day. Here with us now, Navy Secretary ray mabus and president of the council on foreign relations, Richard Haass, author of the new book Foreign Policy begins at home. Lets start with the wall street journal which focuses on iran. This is the papers editorial. We never thought wed say that but thank heaven for the french Foreign Policy exceptionalism. Thats hard for the wall street journal. Francois hollandes socialist government saved the west from a deal that would all but guarantee iran becomes a nuclear power. While the negotiating details still arent fully blown the french made clear saturday they objected to a Nuclear Agreement that british Prime Minister David Cameron and president barack obama were all too eager to sign. These two leaders remind no one, least of all the iranians, of tony blair, margaret thatcher, Ronald Reagan or george w. Bush. That left the french to protect against a historic security blunder with foreign minister Laurent Fabius declaring while fran france still hopes for an agreement with tie ran, it wont accept a suckers deal. Which is exactly what seems to have been on the table. Were going to direct this question to Richard Haass. This isnt the first time thank you, joe. Youre welcome. Lets talk about this. The french have a couple of times over the past month or two stood up and taken the hard line. Theres actually been a consistent policy in france. Theyve been tougher on iran than almost anybody. Not just this president to france but his predecessor. Why is that . Thats surprising. Because the french obviously were not that way with saddam hussein. Its just french analysis. Very, very tough on this. They are much more worried about iran than they ever were about iraq. They dont have anything like also the same commercial and military ties with iran that they had with iraq. Theres another problem. Iran itself mocked at this. The iranians wanted a right to enrich. Without that specified they were nervous about going ahead. Can i make a larger point . The idea of trying to have an interim or phase one agreement where everybody reads the worst into it so that the israelis are worried that as soon as you begin to dial back sanction, youll never be able to dial them up. Iranians are worried they dont get what they want. French are worried the iranians are left with too much. One piece of advice for secretary kerry might be just to cut to the chase. Go to a final status agreement. That way we dont have to wonder about what the deal is, what precedents are being set. You just have an agreement. Mr. Secretary, lets talk about veterans day. Obviously veterans the past three or four years have been cursed with the terrible backlog at the v. A. That obviously has been turning around bit by bit, right . One of the things weve got to do is make sure we take care of the people whove taken care of us. Because weve got literally tens of thousands of veterans whove been wounded both visibly and invisibly in the two wars. And we got them from wars stretching all the way back to world war ii. And they gave us their best. We need to give them our best. I think that america has recognized this. America is pushing ahead with things to make sure that we do take care of whatever needs they have. As you know, mr. Secretary, the problem is only going to grow from here. Theres more than 2 million active duty military. What do you need as a secretary of the navy, what does the v. A. Need in terms of resources to make sure that this backlog doesnt start up again . Well, what Everybody Needs in the military and for our veterans is some certainty. You know, figure out the sequestration thing. Figure out continuing resolutions. Because we have no certainty on how to plan. We cant put money against strategy. We cant put money against priorities. We simply cut based on a real meat ax formula. And nobodys saying that we should spend more on defense. Everybody thinks that coming out of two wars, we ought to spend less. And we should. Richard . How do you keep your pledge to veterans and at the same time have a serious Defense Budget . Right now you know better than anybody, you add up all the money thats going into health care, all the money thats going into reretirement. Its crowding out Everything Else we need to do in defense. How do you get that balance right . Youve got to get salaries, benefits and things like that under control. Because pretty soon if we dont, were going to have a military of one very well paid person. Because the people costs are crowding everything out. You can do that in a very fair way. You can do that, for example, people who retire from the military who are still working, they pay very little for their health care. Thats been coming up gradually. But right now for a family of four, thats about 500 a year. Nobody else can get that deal. And its they can get it through employers. They can get it other places. Thats the thing were making were about to have to make a choice between whether we give retirees this exceptionally good deal or we give the active duty troops the weapons and the things that they need. That they need to fight the wars. All right. Thank you so much for being with us. What are you going to be doing today . Im going to be marching in the veterans day parade. Good. All right. Quickly before we go, is there a veteran that touched your life especially . You know, my dad was a World War Ii Navy veteran. But ive met so many now. I met a corporal at camp lejeune last week that i presented the Navy Marine Corps accommodation medal. Hes losing his leg tomorrow. So many people have sacrificed so much, mika. And will over the years. Their families as well. Ray mab you so much. Richard haass, thank you as well. Well be right back. Im not done with richard. Well. As your life changes, fidelity is there for your personal economy, helping you readjust along the way, refocus as careers change and kids head off to college, and revisit your investments as retirement gets closer. Wherever you are today, fidelitys guidance can help you finetune your personal economy. Start today with a free oneonone review of your retirement plan. Hark how the bells, sweet silver bells all seem to say throw care away from everywhere, filling the air [ female announcer ] chex party mix. Easy 15minute homemade recipes you just pop in a microwave. Like caramel chocolate drizzles. Happier holidays. Chex party mix. See, i knew testosterone could affect sex drive, but not energy or even my mood. Thats when i talked with my doctor. He gave me some blood tests. Showed it was low t. Thats it. It was a number. [ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1. 62 testosterone gel. 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Bill crystal has a great piece in the Weekly Standard. We could start there with richard or we could do new polls. Gauging how americans feel about this presidency. Why dont we talk about polls. I havent seen them. How are they . Are they good for the president . They must be good. Are they good . They must be good for the president. I was thinking we could talk about iran. Bill crystal. I want to talk about iran, too. Hes got such a smart daughter. A new poll is gauging how americans feel about president obama one year after reelection. The Pew Research Center finds the majority now disapprove of the way the president is doing his job. Just 41 view the president favorably. Thats down 14 points from last december. Thats similar to his predecessor, george w. Bush, at the same time during his presidency. President s reagan and clinton both saw their Approval Ratings significantly higher during the first year of their second terms. 60 disapprove on immigration. 59 on health care. And 56 on Foreign Policy. All right. Terrorism. Terrorism, actually thats the one area hes doing well in. Lets keep these numbers up for a second. James carville, you never really had this problem with bill clinton. The more trouble he got in the higher his poll numbers went. Thats correct. I remember. Yeah. I do, too. But whats going on here, james . You got, like, the economy is growing at 2. 5 , 3 . Not anemic. We got some problems out there. But, like, the economy, 31 approve. 65 disapprove. This is something bigger going on. What is it . Whats been going on for a long time and the economy is not growing for a lot of people, by the way hasnt been growing for a lot of people since the 70s. It started catching up. Youre looking at dysfunction. Take a toke of the mayor of torontos crack pipe. His numbers are about thats all you got, james . You got to bring more to the table than this. You didnt see the saints game . You must have missed that. I missed that. Alabama game. Theres other football on. Oh, please. Youre killing me. Youre killing me. Bill crystal, whats going on here . Whats going on is the middle class is not doing well. James and i agree on that. Actually, i think whichever party in 2016 has an agenda for not just general Economic Growth but really to help middle class families were much better off. Middle class isnt doing well. Obama care, the president s signature legislative accomplishment is a total disaster. Most recently, obviously, after making unbelievable concessions, ones that were even beyond what the french could accept we still couldnt get a deal with iran. Irans chugging ahead with its Nuclear Program. Hes not having a good second term. He needs james to come in and help him. He does. I have started a war. Which is good for me. Heres the bottom line, i think. Bill keller writes New York Times in the salvaging obama. He says the bundling of the Health Care Rollout was a humiliation for an administration Whose Campaign wizards famously tamed the social network in 2012. Its given republicans license to famed indignation even as they do their best to undermine the distracted the press from Success Stories like kentucky. I have no doubt the administration will get the system working and that the program will ultimately prove popular. But the longer it takes, the more the president squanders the already meager Public Confidence that he can do anything right. You know, we were talking about this before. I was talking about the hot house of 24 7 news culture. You can go back to second terms. Of course, a lot of people, a lot of obama supporters rolled their eyes going, oh, give me a break. Theres no second term curse. Go back. Lets look at lbj. Then you go to nixon. Of course, 1973. He only got into his fifth year and the wheels started to come off. Ronald reagan, i remember six years in people just stopped listening to him. Especially on the contras. Iran contra. Then bill clinton had his problems. Poll numbers went up. George w. Bush a terrible fifth year, sixth year, sieeventh yea. This is not a mistake. This is a historical trend. A president in the second term has run his last election. So everyone else in the system has the same narrow or at least very well defined personal interest going forward. As the president s vision is supposed to get bigger, everyone elses vision gets a little bit smaller and more focused. In this case i think weve just hit the one year anniversary, didnt we, of the reelection . Thats one thing. One thing that has sped up is everything has sped up. So he didnt even really get the year youre supposed to get in order to get some things done. Even before the wheels fell off of health care, john, you had people talking about how he wasnt getting any legislation passed. He couldnt even get background checks passed with 90 of americans supporting background checks. One of the things that unfortunately seems to me the only thing that changes this dynamic is some external crisis of some kind. Which is the last thing you wish for. But it seems to me that thats probably the only thing that shiftsdynamic. Can i say that you guys rovr thi are over thinking this. Obama care is a total disaster. If obama care were working well and we were respected around the world and people had the sense that iranians were in retreat and our allies had confidence in us, dont you think obamas points would be ten points higher . Americans are losing Health Insurance. Iranians are keeping their Nuclear Program. Can i make a point here . Okay. James. He saved the auto industry. Health care costs are flattening better than any time in the last 20 years. Teenage pregnancy is at an all time low. The health care thing. Whos to say. I do not know. But on november 30th suppose its working well. That story will fade somewhat in the background. I think we can stop putting the nails in the coffin here. We can admit that theres some real, deep, fundamental problems with this president. But i think were throwing the dirt here too soon, guys. I really do. Bill . I agree with james in the sense it all depends on policies. If obama care works, if it turns out, hey, they love that new Health Insurance theyre paying more for and the system works wonderfully, the central plans for 320 Million People really works much better than one might think it might, that will be then hell be in better shape. Indeed and, indeed, if iran starts dismantling its Nuclear Weapons and were stronger around the world and people stop dying in syria and so forth, obamas numbers will go up. I agree. Its about substance. James, once again . First of all, hes kept us out of war. All right . We didnt haul off and start any stupid wars. Which is a big plus in this environment. Again, i dont know. I know health care is working in massachusetts, its popular. Maybe they can duplicate it here. He has a lot right on this. I dont think the rollout has been a disaster. Its been a joke. Im hoping, but i have no idea how this thing is going to work on november 30th. They got a lot riding on it. Part of throwing the dirt too soon, i think, is your criticism about guns. Thats another big thing that he tried to do. He didnt not try. And if you look at what happened to the editor at guns and i think that tells you the whole story. It doesnt tell us the whole story. It tells us about people who subscribe to guns and ammo. You have Immigration Reform pending. That over the next couple months could happen. Thats not going to pass. The question is whether hes up to the task of doing more than just criticizing republicans because republicans arent being nice to him. He is doing a lot more than just criticizing republicans. What im asking is can he do a deal . Great president s figure out how to drag the other side to their side and pass legislation. Bill clinton figured out how to beat us with a stick about the head for three or four years. Ronald reagan figured out hold on. Ronald reagan figured out youre reasonable. I could work with you. Okay . Hypothetically. Im serious. You may be difficult to listen to sometimes. But i will say that you are reasonable in a deal. Okay . And if he can get a deal with these people, thats a freak of nature. Im sorry. James wanted to get in. James, go ahead. Im just saying, joe, its all the difference between you and that guy, what, ted yoho in the florida 3rd. Youre not going to talk to this guy. Youre not going to talk to john fleming in the louisiana 4th. Weve got to understand this. These guys up there right now are not the kind of republicans when you were there. It is a different world. You really cant i dont know if you can blame obama or if you can. Obamas problem, hes a man in politics that doesnt like politics. That is a serious problem. And if that is the case, by the way, i dont want a brain surgeon operating on my brain if hed rather be out golfing. The president said all i want to do is get stuff done. Im willing to work with republicans and compromise. What could he make deals on with republicans in the house today . Bill kristol . Republicans had this idea you thought was insane postponing obama care for a year. Maybe when you knew the website wasnt going to work anyway, he might have accepted that deal and, in fact, gotten concessions for it. Avoided a shutdown. Looked magnanimous. Bill clinton would have done that. He would have concealed the fact he knew he had a huge problem coming and would have gotten a lot of political credit for bending over backwards to make sure there wasnt a shutdown and he would have bought himself time on obama care. Barack obama cares more about beating republicans for very short term gain like he did in the shutdown and making sure his second term is a success. I think thats unfortunate, honestly. If i were a democrat, if i were james, id be there trying my best to defend president obama. Im sitting here in David Axelrods chair in chicago. He comes here once or twice a week, doesnt he . I feel like i should play david, you know. Defend president obama even more vigorously. But i think its getting hard for even his defenders to do that. Because we know for a fact that if they would have just delayed it six months that they wouldnt have said were going to shut down the government if you dont delay it another six months because theyre such reasonable people. Really all they want to do is just get something done for the country. Oh, my god. Oh, geez. Yes, exactly you dont think he could have split the republicans, james . You dont think he could have handled that with much more deftness . I think the best thing they did was let harry reid club them like like to death and then have Mitch Mcconnell walk in and say, okay, now, we cant do this anymore. Its the only way you could have done that. It couldnt have been done any other way. He didnt want to shut the government down. He didnt want to default on the debt. But they had to go through that. They had to go sing Amazing Grace and then cut the deal. To our friends at news buster, lets see. It is 7 14. We talk about clubbing republicans to death. Lets move on. And talk about how the french, we have the french finally standing there sort of churchillian almost standing up against bad ideas. Its one of the possibilities here with the french. As you know, the french love to be independent. They love to set themselves apart. Here was a real opportunity. They perhaps sense a pattern of, shall we say, american retreat. The syria thing which we havent talked about here had a tremendous impact overseas when the president had his 11th hour doubts about attacking the syrians over chemical weapons. And the french may just be positioning themselves. Things are not going well at home for hollande. This is a way for say that again just for fun. I love how you say that. They were genuinely appalled by the deal that secretary kerry was offering. Lets give the french a little credit here. They actually prefer that iran actually be set back in its Nuclear Program. Not have just a partial pause. That would be some very token concessions. Its unbelievable how much kerry caved. Even between thursday, between the first leak of what their proposals were and saturday yesterday when we discovered what actually the u. S. Was willing to accept. Richard, let me ask you this question. I had breaking news on, like, thursday, come over my phone. Deal coming on the iran nuclear i was like, why would you do that before a deal is coming on the iran Nuclear Talks. Dont do that. Of course, disintegrated over the weekend. But why would we you started talking about this. Why would we give up the sanctions which are finally working for a halfway measure . Why dont you require them to go all in if youre going to lift these sanctions which are finally working . Thats why i question the entire structure of this negotiation. Why give up a little bit of sanctions in order just to get a little bit from iran . If theyre going to be able to continue, for example, to enrich uranium, which they can under the interim deal, theres a lot of people who are saying theyre putting into place all the prerequisites of a Nuclear Weapons program. It makes the argument again, joe, for going all the way to final status. To basically say well only relent sanctions if you meet these criteria. I actually think this pause may not be the worst thing in the world. Because the United States has clearly lost the support of israel here, france, many of the other arab countries. And iran, funnily enough. The iranians dont like this deal either. This might be a time to restructure and basically say lets just go straight. Well see heres what you will get. Heres everything we need to get from you. Then we can make an assessment. Mika, you want to read quotes from here . Weekly standard, bill kristol, the republican you even say the word, the name with exasperation. I like bill a lot. I like his daughter even better. Youre telling me you dont really care as much about the Weekly Standards. Indoctrinates. She has a dont tread on me flag in the classroom. Its pretty cool. I really like her. I was transfixed in the class. All the women that really do scare you went to madera. They can turn dinner parties into holocausts. Went to madera. Function in disaster. Finish in style. Getting back to the Weekly Standard. I digress. Were trying to be deep and historical. A friend offered this judgment. Under obama iran keeps its Nuclear Program and americans lose their Health Insurance. Historians and Political Science will have much to say are you going to be able to read this . Give this to me. Under obama iran keeps its Nuclear Program and americans lose their Health Insurance. Historians and political scientists will have much to say after its collapse about contemporary liberalisms propensity to be at once tough on american citizens and soft on iranian mullahs. Todays liberals are pleased to use the power of the state to nudge, not to say bully their fellow americans while starting the exercise of power abroad preferring to accommodate, not to say appease, the nations enemies. It would seem to be a paradox. Or perhaps not. Arent the bossy often insecure . Yes. Arent bull ies often coward . Those who throw their weight around when they arent resisted often shy away from confrontation with those who wont yield. A fatal conceit at home can be the flip side of a fatal loss of nerve abroad. This is a moment that reveals the bankruptcy of contemporary liberalism. Its also a moment of truth for american conservatives. Very well read. I thank god that i read that instead of mika. That would have taken till 8 15 for her to get through that with all the i think you both read it very nicely. Bill, there were more than a few republicans raising their eyebrows when president obama, at the same time, said he would not talk to republicans on the budget shutdown, but he was actually placing calls to the top iranian leaders. Yeah. Look, i mean, hes got his views about domestic policy and Foreign Policy. I think both are flawed. I do think it is a test and a challenge for republicans, though. Which is they need to step up in my view and oppose obama care. Dismantle it as much as they can. Delay it as much as they can. They need to oppose really bad deals like the Iranian Nuclear deal. Richard is right. We were making fairly major concessions on sanctions for nothing. For not the cessation of enrichment which has been the demand in the u. S. Security council resolutions. Republicans need to also say what they would do in both Foreign Policy and domestic policy. Here, here. They need to have a conservative reform agenda in domestic policy. I think the first republican candidate who steps out and says as clinton did, ive got an agenda that will help get the country going and reform this bloated, Big Government system weve had thats gradually grown and not so gradually grown for so many decades. Right. Conservative reform agenda at home. A serious addressing of our Foreign Policy issues abroad. Thats really the key. Theres all this talk about Chris Christie. I like him, too. The question we dont yet know which of them has the Clinton Reagan type forward looking agenda that we need. The question is whats the agenda, john meacham. James, quickly, what do you think the best democratic attack is going to be, critique is going to be on the Tea Party Extremism without appearing to simply be attacking republicans reflexively . Well, i think the contrast, first of all, the public does not like the tea party. And i think that the best attack is that the inflexible, narrow, care about their own issues. Anything like that going to work fine. They go in with very, very little popularity. I dont think thats going to be real difficult for the democrats. I think the problem republicans are going to have is whoever the nominee is is going to have to show, say, well, im really not like the other tea party people. Yet hes got to keep them as their supporters. Theyre very, very influential within the Republican Party. Its going to be a tough needle for them to thread there. Really quickly, what do you disagree with that bill kristol said . Do you think he made some great points in his Weekly Standard column . Myself . Yeah. First of all, we know that sanctions work brilliantly as we found out in iraq. If we wouldnt have stupidly gone in there, we would have known that before. Secondly, you know, this thing i was listening to what mr. Haass said and what everybody said. Just because Foreign Policy talks break down at one time doesnt mean they cant resurrect themselves and start going again. Ive never seen one of these thing fws go in a straight line. Thirdly, lets see what happens when the health care thing gets up and run ing. We know it works fine in massachusetts. Its up and running. Lets give the thing a chance to work here. Ill admit weve had a horrible rollout since october 1st. But that same thing happened in social security. It happened in Medicare Part d. Lets give it a chance and see where it ends up. James carville and bill kristol, thank you very much. Richard haass, thank you as well. Meacham, can you stay with us . Yes, maam. Up next, the bully pulpit. Doris Kearns Goodwin here with her brandnew book on the golden age of journalism. Princeton professor evan thomas joining us for that as well. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. American express credit card, every purchase earns you 2 cash back, which is deposited in your fidelity account. Is that it . Actually. Theres no annual fee and no limits on rewards. And with the fidelity Cash Management account debit card, you get reimbursed for all atm fees. Is that it . Oh, this guy, too. Turn more of the money you spend into money you invest. Its everyday reinvesting for your personal economy. What a great honor to have with us now Pulitzer Prize winning author and president ial historian doris Kearns Goodwin. The author of the bully pulpit. Also, professor at princeton university, former newsweek editor at large evan thomas. Hes featured in two documentaries on jfk on directv and pbs. Its good to have you guys. Doris, you started with t. R. But then you went on to taft. And you say the golden age of journalism. Talk about that that progression. Well, ive always been interested in t. R. I mean, hes fascinating, colorful, wild. The kind of person you want to live with for seven years, which i did. But there was so many good biographies on him i knew i needed an angle just like i did with lincoln team of rivals. So i got interested in mr. Taft. He turns out to be a far more sympathetic creature than i had known. Not a lot of books on daft. I found out he and roosevelt had a much deeper friendship than i had possibly been aware of. They met in early 30s. They would write to each other. Roosevelt would say my beloved taft. They were new reformers. Roosevelt hands picks him to be president in 1908. Runs his campaign. Says stop playing golf. Its a rich mans game. You shouldnt be looking like it. Get thinner. Then gets tisdisappointed in tas presidency. Comes back. Runs against him. The echoes of the past never left. The echoes of the past, lets talk, speaking of echoes of the past, something we were just talking about how president obama is not as successful at at dragging republicans in congresss way. You talk about t. R. His brilliance. Staring down his own party that doesnt want to pass any of these progressive reforms that at the time were necessary to curb the ills of the explosion of the industrial revolution. Absolutely, joe. In fact, he told his party that unless you do some softening to the industrial problems that were facing, the gap between the rich and poor, workers without workers compensation, no regulation for meat packing, for food and drug, the party itself will suffer. And the country will suffer. Because then therell be one party thats the party of property owners, conservative. The other party thats the party of wage workers. Then the country is going to founder on the rock of class where did t. R. Get this . I remember one time reading someone came up to him at a party and talked about our side. Talking about the wealthy versus the poor. And t. R. Basically said, im not on your side. What makes you think im on your side . Where did that come from . It was from the very beginning. Because he went into the state legislature when he was 23. At first he thought of himself as somewhat different. A harvard guy. Then he began to realize he had things in common with them. He knew he had to have things in common with them. The real success of him which is unlike most modern president s is he loved the press. He had them over for dinner, for lunch. When he was being shaved, they were in there to ask him questions. And he created productive and understandable relationships. They could criticize him. And they could argue with him. One of them wrote a review of one of his books saying he was so egocentric that his memoir of the rough riders looked like alone in cuba. Then he writes back to the person. He says, i regret to tell you my wife and family are delighted with your review. Now you owe me one. Come meet me. Thats great. In terms of the use of the bully pulpit in his successors, whos been best . Whos been worst . Clearly Ronald Reagan, i think, was considered one of the best. The problem right now i think is the bully pulpit itself has diminished in power. It used to be when fdr was on the radio, 80 of the audiences listening to him, you could walk down the street on a hot chicago night, not miss a word. When jfk and reagan are speaking, its three networks. Now a president gives a speech. You may watch your favorite network. Watch an excerpt. Hear pundits like us tearing it apart. You get breaking news two days later and forgot what you were talking about the day before. My head hurts. You need that sustained interest that he was able to generate on the things he cared about. Then he had these great magazines that were ready thousands and thousands of people. They were thousands and thousands of pages long. Would we be willing to read a 50,000 word expose of something today and keep interest . They write this. If you find the grubby spectacle of todays washington cause for shame and despair, and really how could you not, i suggest you turn off your tv. Dont do this. Doris does it better than anybody. Were competitors. We know. We know. You know, its a question of deep empathy. And story telling. And shes the master. Yeah. No doubt about it. Lets talk about jfk. You obviously have been very involved over the last year getting ready for this 50year theres an outpouring of interest. Its the 50th anniversary. But the kennedys jfk is the gift that keeps on giving. People keep coming back to him. And even though they tell the same story over and over again, its mesmerizing. Why . Because of his his physicalness. The way he looks. I mean, i think people are going to theres a fourhour documentary on. And i think its familiar to a lot of people. But its absolutely riveting because of him and because of his wife and because of his kids. And not just his sort of good looks. But the way he carries himself. His demeanor. His kind of dignity and his coolness. Its an illusion. He was not nearly that great of president. In fact, the revisionists have had their day with him. He screwed up a lot. But he inspired people. He totally snowed the press. Totally snowed. That lives on. You know, doris, lets show these pictures of jfk again. The best looking guy in the world. Ugly guys like me look at him all the time and say, how could anybody be that blessed with such great looks . Then you look at jfk. And you look at t. R. And it is hard to remember that both men, these powerful president s were weaklings as children who willed themselves physically to get through a day, get through and get through a campaign. Absolutely. And become tough guys that could get shot at during im talking about t. R. Here. Get shot. Finish the speech. Then go to the hospital. Thats right. I mean, t. R. Had this life threatening asthma. He was a timid kid. He was afraid of everything. He read all the time. He looked at birds until finally his father says to him, theodore, you have the mind but not the body. Without the body your mind cannot go as far as it can. So suddenly he started obsessively working out. Year after year after year. Until he created that body. And jfk, too, was skinny. He creates that body. How many times were his last rights read to him . I mean, i heard four. Four times, jfk had a priest read his last rites. One of the reasons he looks so good was because of the medication he was talking. Cortisone. Steroids. By the way, speaking of the body, taft struggled with his weight. His entire life. You write about that. Even as a baby his mother said she didnt have enough milk after a couple days. He was ravenous. At 1yearold there were no clothes that fit him. The interesting thing, at that time and that age she had lost another child at 14 months he was frail. They were thrilled to have this happen. Portly baby. But he was teased and mocked and ridiculed throughout his childhood. And he did interesting when you look at the weight chart. When he was happy he was okay. He was like 250 at yale which was okay for his build. When he got to the philippines and was eating a lot, he went up to 300. Then he was happy at secretary of war. Lost 70 pounds. Really unhappy as president. 350. Really happy as Supreme Court justice. Back to 250. You hear that. 250 the new norm. Im looking that. President ial greatness. Even, not only on pbs but also on netflix . Well, youre going to see this glamorous president thats going to make you miss him. I mean, no matter what you think of him, and you can be critical of him, and theres lots to be critical of, he had a kind of glamour that just makes you miss him. And, you know, the swelling music helps. These are beautifully done. The pbs thing tonight is a beautifully done documentary. But it just is going to create nostalgia. Notwithstanding his accomplishments. You just miss the person. Jfk a president betrayed will air on directv on demand starting this thursday and throughout the month. Part one of American Experience presents jfk will air tonight on pbs. That looks great pechen thom. Even thomas, thank you so much. Doris, thank you as well. William howard taft and the golden age of journalism. I cant wait to read it. Thank you so much for coming in. Still ahead, an update on that incredible damage in the philippines after the super typhoon there. Morning joe will be right back. 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But youll probably feel like celebrating. I always wanted to design a bike that honored those who serve our country. And geico gave me that opportunity. Now naturally, we wanted it to be powerful, innovative and we built this bike as a tribute to those who are serving, those who have served and their families. And i think we nailed it. Geico. Proudly serving the military for over 75 years. This evening, joe and meacham will be at columbia university. Its like madonna. Very similar to that. Gaga. At columbias theater. Joes brandnew book the right path. What times you have, joe. Exactly. For free admission email your num and see joe at nbcuni. Com. Tomorrow well be at the barnes noble on union square. Thats always a great place to go. Well be in washington on wednesday for a pair of events. First at politics and prose. Thats great. Always a favorite. Then with politico. Check out our website. Mojo. Msnbc. Com. Very congenial. Its always great. That was great for your we had fun there. How did you miss the taft angle . Thats a good question. If youd played the taft angle. She talked about Chris Christie. Thats true. Thats true. That was a little too current for us. Yeah. Up next, filling the ranks. Well talk about a smart new system that links our military veterans with the Companies Looking to hire. This is a great idea. Its a win for the former troops and the economy. Its next on morning joe. I got this. [thinking] is it that time . The son picks up the check . [thinking] im still working. Hes retired. I hope hes saving. I hope he saved enough. Who matters most to you says the most about you. At massmutual were owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. Whether youre just starting your 401 k or you are ready for retirement, well help you get there. Maestro of project management. Baron of the buildout. You need a permit. To be this awesome. And you. Rent from national. Because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. And go. You can even take a fullsize or above, and still pay the midsize price. aaron purrrfect. vo meeeow, business pro. Meeeow. Go national. Go like a pro. Oh, wow. Beautiful shot from arlington. Gorgeous. Here with us now, ceo of novitas, chris taylor, and army veteran shell by bergoine. Theyre here to talk about a really good program thats connecting vets with jobs and helping the economy. A win, win, win, win, win. And it is about time that the focus has really come on this. You look at the fact, chris, that unemployment is so high among veterans. Women, we understand, homelessness for female vets, extraordinarily high. But they come back from these terrible wars with a lot of skills. And talk about how you guys are connecting vets up with businesses that need them. Sure. Were a Service Disabled veteran owned Small Business. You know, the numbers are simple. 6. 9 overall veteran unemployment. But in the 2. 6 million of people who have served overseas, a corporal coming home today, male corporal, has 22 unemployment im sorry. 17 unemployment. And a 32yearold woman coming back from overseas is at 14 unemployment. So what weve done is were using math. Were leveraging analytics to sort of match talent with the companies who need it. Most options for veterans generally try to provide a better job board for veterans. What we do is we provide the technology to both the veterans and the companies so that they can see a match with each other, a natural match with each other. Sort of removing that conversation that a veteran has to explain his or her service and a company has to understand it. Shall we talk about this and why its important . And tell us your story. Thanks for having me on here. Im a form eer army officer. Served two tours of duty in iraq. Im married to a veteran as well. We have two children. Because my husband is active duty, weve moved seven times in seven years. I can volunteer. I can write. I can do all these things. But having a long term career has proven difficult. I think social media and the internet are connecting veterans up think about this. Having a long term career, shelley says, is proving difficult. This is shelley. She graduated from the university of arizona. Deployed to iraq in 2003. You said two tours of duty. After leaving the army, you were named a tillman military scholar. Received your masters degree in Public Policy from the university of maryland. Right. You are as qualified as anyone out there. Plus you have this added experience that makes you unbelievably valuable. I think something that most americans dont realize about female vets is that most of the time were married to somebody whos still serving. So not only do we have to make the transition from soldier to veteran but from soldier to military spouse. Keep the family together. Take care of the kids. Everyone my age, female veterans, most of us have small children or will soon. Shelleys story is exactly why we created vet connecter. Shes clearly qualified. Shes clearly talented. Any company would be just over the moon to have her. But what were trying to do is connect veterans with these companies in a much simpler way. Not since 1945 have we had an influx of veteran talent into the American Labor force. And i think that this is a tremendous opportunity for companies to go out and hire these talented people. Whats been washingtons response . Whats been the administrations response to vet connecter . So we have been lucky enough to talk to people at the pentagon. Weve spoken to people at the v. A. We were just contracted by the u. S. Special Operations Command to help special operators who are transitions back into civilian life. The u. S. Army reserve is now piloting the system through the Employer Partnership office. And i think, thankfully, we get it. The government is actually starting to get it. Weve got many dispersed efforts. Theyre trying to bring them together into one. Theres 26 or 28 government sites where veterans can go to find jobs. But thats a lot of sites to go to. Please tell me shellys got a job. Please tell me shes getting a job. Yes. Shelly is actually moving to mexico city here pretty soon. Right. Oh, god. Wow. Okay. You know, what i really do like about vet connecter, though, is that theres lots of kinds of jobs being offered. So a lot of time female veterans well, all the time. Were not infantry officers, obviously. Were not armor officers. We dont come back and immediately fit into these lucrative security contracted security positions that our male counterparts are great fits for. So there needs to be other options. There needs to be other companies, other kinds of work. So vet connecter really does that. Finds a place for the value. Thank you so much. Chris taylor and shell will bergoyne. Thank you so much. Especially on veterans tay. Perfect time to have you on. Well keep the focus on veterans when we sit down with the Creative Forces behind the cutting edge military medicine center. Check out mojoe. Msnbc. Com. Up next, mike florio with the new developments surrounding miami dolphins. Well be right back. As your life changes, fidelity is there for your personal economy, helping you readjust along the way, refocus as careers change and kids head off to college, and revisit your investments as retirement gets closer. Wherever you are today, fidelitys guidance can help you finetune your personal economy. Start today with a free oneonone review of your retirement plan. Thats mine. Thats mine. Thats mine. Come on, kyle. [ horn honks ] thats mine. Kyle. [ male announcer ] revenge is best served with 272 horses. Get the best offers of the season now. Lease this 2014 ats for around 299 a month with premium Care Maintenance included. Life could be hectic. 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My employer matches my charitable giving. Really. I get bonuses even working parttime. Where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. Healthcare starting under 40 a month. I got education benefits. I work at walmart. Im a pharmacist. Sales associate. I manage produce. I work in logistics. Theres more to walmart than you think. Vo opportunity. Thats the real walmart. Im not a racist. To judge me by that one word is wrong. In no way, shape, or form is it acceptable to use that word even friend to friend. That are suspended dolphin breaks his silence about allegations that he bullied. Pro football talk. Com. Brian is here. We hear there a lot of insults going back and forth. The locker room stuff that goes on. I think we are seeing and learning more than we ever wanted to know about what happens. The question s how normal was what happened in miami in comparison to other teams. One guy who had an unreasonable reaction or where it was bad and we are hearing everyone involved say its no big deal. I dont know why he was upset. We didnt treat him badly at all. Hopefully the truth will come out. Martin apparently texted messages i am going to kill your entire family . This goes beyond the gee wiz. 1100 Text Messages allegedly between the two. Supposed 3 martin contacted days after this and said its not me. The question we had not heart from martin and the lawyer is controlling that. Did this get away from martin . There is a theory that martin decided he didnt want to play football. If you quit a year and a half into a fouryear contract, you have to pay a lot of that money back. There is a theory maybe he wanted to quit and others came up with a way to allow him to keep the money and it spiralled out of control. Do you buy it . I would like to see him give us facts and assess whether or not this was true. You played rugby. Its a rough sport. Hockey. Everything. Football. I was talking about the things we said to each other in the locker rooms were horrific and nobody would understand it, but the days when its 110 degrees, you are pulling your buddy off and helping them when they pass out. People dont understand it. Again, im not saying any of this, but for us to sit in a studio in manhattan and take a text from martin and some of these horrible statements offered inckocognitoincognito. We need to be there more than ten minutes. Is this dirty laundry we wish never got aired or be more civil in the locker room. I was called more things as a jewish hockey player growing up. I had names. These are the things most nonathletes dont understand. Who knows where the line is going to be and good luck enforcing it. It droifs it all further underground. The code becomes stronger. We dont talk about anything that happens beyond the walls of this locker room. Do you understand that . Do you understand that . Thats the sin here from the perspective of the other players. Someone went outside the family and talked about it. Im talking college. You are talking about the nfl. The intensity of that. This idea that they were trying to toughen him up. This was different than hazing. That can cause it to spiral out of control. Up next, Chris Christie takes a victory lap on the sunday shows. How the governor is answering questions about a possible run for president. Well be right back. The American Dream is of a better future, a confident retirement. Those dreams, theres just no way were going to let them die. Like they helped millions of others. By listening. Planning. Working one on one. Thats what Ameriprise Financial does. Thats what they can do with you. Thats how ameriprise puts more within reach. A man who doesnt stand still. But jim has afib, Atrial Fibrillation an irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. That puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. 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The absolute devastation from a super typhoon in the philippines. Overnight the first u. S. Relief flight loaded with water and generators arrived in one of the harder hit areas. Marines and sailors are helping with the search and rescue operations. Up to 10,000 people are feared dead after one of the strongest storms on record. Itvs angus walker has more. This a. M. Tour video obtained by a filipino broadcaster shows the moment of impact. A wall of water 20 feet high crashing into the area, leaving the city of 220,000 in ruins. Storm chaser jim eds rode out the storm in a hotel. He captured the images in the hide of the deluge. The wind was coming at me and it was really eerie because it was picking up and gushing. It got so strong that you couldnt stand up. Probably most people i saw got in trouble with the surge. The combination of wind and water was too much. The winds of 150 miles an hour, typhoon haiyan knocked out communications and destroyed eachbt to 80 and nearly all. Food and water are in short fly. This pregnant woman, jenny de la cruz lot of 11 members of her family when the waters rose. She said right now all we can do is survive the day. I dont know what will happen tomorrow or the day after that. The president of the philippines toured the city. Those who are injured and have a need for water. The airport was badly damaged by raging floodwaters. Hundreds wait there, desperate to leave. The young and the frail allowed to go first. This woman is 63 and barely surviv survived. Her family didnt. She only has what she stands in. Security now a concern with tv footage, showing widespread looting. One official calling on the government to declare martial law. Anyone and everyone should try to help. Several organizations are accepting donations. The American Red Cross and amerikares, unicef and save the children. We have a lot of political news. A new poll is gauging how americans feel about president obama a year after election. The majority disapprove of the way the president is doing his job. Just 41 view the president favorably, down 14 points from last december. Similar to his predecessor, george w. Bush, the same time during his presidency. President s reagan and clinton saw Approval Ratings significantly higher in the first year of their second term. The survey found the majority of americans disagree with the way president obama is handling a number of issues. 65 disapprove on the economy. 60 on immigration. 59 on health care and 56 on Foreign Policy. We look at the numbers, keep them up on the screen. Those are numbers nobody would have expected a year ago. There were problems with the health care roll out, we understand that. Why do you have such upside down numbers on the economy . Looking at the numbers for the first time, its baffling to me. I would have thought the Health Care Numbers to be worse and the economy is on the mend. Not coming back as fast as people wished. One gets a sense that maybe the Health Care Problems and the coverage is starting to spread out into a more in terms of peoples perception of the confidence. Since the economy is the most important thing and they think about issues of competence, they have views on everything. The one thing republicans have done well if they want to derail the presidency, they have done well at conplating obama care and the economy. You remember back i guess 1992, george h. W. Bush asked the question about the deficit or the economy and im not thats the way it went. The economy has a generalized feeling about a right track and wrong track. The numbers are stunning considering we are not in a recession. What do we grow at . The stock market has been booming. In washington its working right now. We talked a lot about the president s ceiling. He had a flurry of support. Those numbers i think they are so dangerous and scary, a lot of these numbers in the 30s shows the support under him got him reelected. The lower approvals and being rejected, a guy that there was a clip shown where he gets a huge round of applause. My gosh, washington, d. C. Republican party all time record low Approval Ratings and the president with the lowest ratings he ever had. A year later. The numbers are staggering. There is something to it. A washington problem. A month ago we were talking about the shut down and the republicans being viewed as responsible and a good thing for the president. As his numbers went up, the popularity of obama care went up and the president is hovering around 40 . Things change so quickly. Im distracted. Ten days. Im sorry. Ten days in. Great point. I said this the other morning. My friend said i looked like a villain in a low budget film. There you go. So john, any panic . These are horrible numbers. The bush people, they knew once they blew through the 40 floor, there is no guarantee. What goes up must come down. There is no guarantee that the numbers go up this much. What are they trying to do . They need to fix the central problem. There was aed pf time in the summer after the summer of 2011 that there were people in the white house where they got down to the territory around 40 . People asked the question have we gotten to the place that george w. Bush did after katrina. They shut down. We dont want to listen to the president anymore. They didnt. They bounced back from that. In this environment, things change, but there is always the risk that you will hit that point and for george w. Bush it was katrina. After that there was a point of no return. Part of the question is whether the Health Care Debacle turns out to be that or something they recover from. Given these things and how quick things change, it could be three months or another thing for the republicans. They could find themselves unrecoverable. There is a bad spell for everybody. I was really surprised the other day. Fleischer and wallace saying that things are harder now. The requirement is tougher than in bushs fifth or 6th year. That was really ugly times between katrina and iraq and the sectarian violence over there. Even bushs people who have been really tough on the white house saying this environment is so bad, you do start to wonder. How does any president and im not defending the president here, republicans. You have to look the at environment. How does any president survive living in this hot house . Any administration for eight years . Whats the environment you are describing . The media . Im talking 247 media and looking at every step of the way. We always made fun of george w. Bush. The tea party when bush was president , people on the left that said every day he was shredding the constitution and republicans were supporting legalized rape and the most bizarre charges going out over the airwaves every single day. Im just wondering whether george w. Bush didnt have it right that at the end of his day, he went up and watched sports center. When you see this white house obsesses over sometimes little things. I wonder what does it take for a president to survive in this new retched house hot of an environment. Not just the media for president bush, but people distrust washington more and the ability to get things done is lower. The other big problem the president has is the financial crisis. People have anxiety over washingtons ability to deal with it. The president will have to do something big. I dont think doing the same things and trying to outwit the republicans. I would think big and get seven Million People signed up. Stay focused on that. The folks in 2014. They are not going to strike a deal with republicans. They are going to take one more shot at it. Would you disagree . Thats their strategy. The s of winning back the house and keeping the senate are low. I think we may be in for a rough ride through the 2014 elections. At least. I would ask you, the default position of the white house has been always that we tried and reached out. Nothing will happen because of republican obstructionism. Its true in many cases. Is that what we hear for 3 1 2 years now. Is there a chance of anything, forget grand bargains anything. Small things getting done. How much argument do you put in that . There is no question that its true. They met with republicans at almost every turn. Increasingly as you head towards 2014 because they are driving the notion of 2014 being central and capturing the house, republicans are digging in. The likelihood of a deal from either side is not a question about a oneway street or either direction. The likelihood of achieving large things, the political incentives that should have been in favor of getting big things done in 2013 are going to be driving both sides to not want to get big things done in 2014. Lets talk about 2016 for a second. I really think there is legs to this. You will laugh me off the set, but you have done that before. Nearly one year into the second term and talk of lame duck status thanks to a health care law. Gridlock on capitol hill, they are looking to 2016 to advance the partys agenda. Hillary clinton seems the obvious choice, but the new republic dubs it hillarys nightmare. In addition being strongly identified with the partys pop lift wing, any candidate who challenged clinton would need several assets. The candidate would have to be a woman given the desire to make history again. She would have to have huge piles of money with little effort and have to awaken in democratic voters an evangelical passion. There is precisely such a person. Elizabeth warren. Her passion for the middle class as a potential driving factor behind a president ial run. Quoting a former warren aide, she has an immense sense of desti destiny. People dont have this on the table, she will do what she can do to make sure it is represented. You are all going to laugh at this. Im actually not at all. I think the new republic article brings up a lot of good points and the more democrats i talk to, mark halpern quietly off the record for some reason there is more and more doubt that Hillary Clinton in the end will run. Im not sure she will run, but if she does, she will clear the field. The breath of her support and the desire of the party. Its almost like 2006 all over again. She had everybody on her side. Lots of people ran in 2006, not just barack obama. Did you hear anybody before that david gueeffen. Joe biden ran and john richardson. Is it complete . If she runs the other people who want to run are young enough to wait. There is no one else with exception of joe biden who will not run if she runs. No one will feel like if i dont run this time, this is my turn. Her breath of support, every constituency, africanamericans and hispanics and women. Just like 2006, what happens in iowa after i liz beth warren beats her in iowa. The question is whether anyone will decide to challenge her. I dont think Elizabeth Warren is nuts. Hillary clintons support. Its not 2006. We have done that. Its worse because she has been around longer. I dont think benghazi goes away. I think she is holder and the question is, how old is she going to be . Benghazi will be a factor in the democratic nomination . I think a lot of things. Again, the overwhelming weight of all of these years and the record and Everything Else, how well she is going to be doing financially by then to make a couple hundred thousand dollars in a speech. Going around to the snows of iowa. To be clear, is Hillary Clinton going to run or if she runs what happens . We are asking if there is somebody like Elizabeth Warren out there going across iowa with fervor and we will have. Is Hillary Clinton going to go you know what, i think i want to do that. That presupposes the notion that Elizabeth Warren will get in. Coming up on morning joe, we will check in with mike allen and Nuclear Talks with iran hit a roadblock and people in congress are saying thats a good thing. The french are kicking it old school. Napoleon old school. The latest on the negotiation. A new york dad is accused of unfit parenting for refusing to take his son to mcdonalds. Seriously . You freaks. Why a happy meal is a part of a custody battle. Just stop. Seriously. I would give custody to the dad. Stop. I want to get involved. This kids needs to have fries. First heres bill with a check on the forecast. I side with joe on that one. We showed you the pictures out of the philippines were just as bad if not worse. This was the strongest storm that made landfall in human history. Katrina is category five in the gulf had 180 mile per hour winds. This had 195 at landfall. Katrina weakened at landfall. That was the difference. The storm is gone and it dissipated. It did take an estimated 10,000 plus lives in the worst storms in our history. Gal vveston killed 8 hundre,000. The cold air is coming down as advertised. It is midwintertype cold towards milwaukee and chicago later today. The veterans day forecast is chilly in the Northern Plains and all of that air will spread to the eastern seaboard and the deep south for your tuesday. Thankfully its shortlived. This is a shot of Arlington National cemetery. Thank you to the vets out there and your families if are your sacrifices. We all have our tricks. Mom swaps my snack for a pina colada yoplait. And when mom said i was going out too much, i swapped it for staying in. [ shouts ] guess whos going out tomorrow. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. It is so good. Theyre the days to take care of one snabusiness. For a yoplait. When possibilities become reality. With centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary Cloud Infrastructure and Global Broadband network free you to focus on what matters. With Custom Communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. Every day of the week. Centurylink® your link to whats next. Miller theater to talk about joes new book out this week. The right path. You were on meet the press and you will be all over the airwaves. You have a massive book tour. A great book. Very exciting. I dont agree with it, but it is very good. New york times after hours of closed door meetings over the weekend, diplomats from several nations were unable to reach an agreement over Irans Nuclear ambitions. The french accepted a proposal as a fools game saying it went too easy on tehran. There reports they agreed to allow expanded monitoring at nuclear sites. It is amazing that we have incidents that are the french that stood up and taken the really tough stance. Its really exciting other than the phrase french surrender monkeys doesnt make any sense whatsoever. From the papers, amazon and the u. S. Postal Service Reached a deal to expand service on sundays. In new york city on sundays, it will expand to other cities like dallas and phoenix by years end. This service will come at no additional cost. Thats great. The number of foreign students studying in the u. S. Reached an all 250i78 high. They show more than 800,000 International Students enrolled in a u. S. College or University Last year, more than half were from china, india and south kor korea. The university of Southern California attracted the most student. A new study shows level of violence in pg 13 movies is exceeding rrated movies. Violence tripled since it was first introduced way back in 1984. These movies are containing as much violence as rrated films. A father is suing a psychologist for defamation after she called him unfit to raise his son for refusing to take him to mcdonalds for dinner. During a visit his son threw a temper tantrum and demanded the fast food for dinner. He didnt want to reward the bad behavior. He offered two options. Dinner anywhere else or no dinner at all. The boy chose to skip dinner. When the mother found out, she called the court psychologist and took her son to mcdonalds. Im with the mom here. You know me. My kid throws a temper tantrum on the floor, he is going to be eating rocks. You dont do that. Let me tell you something, you surrender one time, you might as well give up game. Dont give in. Love them and never give in. Unless they want the big mac. If you are five or years old and willing to eat a big mac. I dont know why we are talking about this. My wife and i call it negotiating with terrorists. You cant give an inch. They are so smart, you do it time, it doesnt matter if they are one or three you might as well give away the whole thing. Dont negotiate with terrorists. You have to be trough and strong and resolute like the french. Like a french socialist president. She write a book on parenting. Dont em bowlen your enemies or your children. The chief White House Correspondent for politico is mike allen. Lets talk governor Chris Christie continuing his victory lap. Governor christie deflecting questions about running for president in 2016. He did not shy away from revealing a winning strategy. Its about doing things and accomplishing things and reaching across the aisle and crafting accomplishments. You cant just show up months before an election into groups that have not normally voted for you. You go and you listen and you present your views and thats the way you bring people into your move am. Judge me by my record. All the labels for folks at washington, d. C. They love playing that game. People are not interested in that game. Given the Approval Ratings in washington, they have showed that. Given the credentials that expanded to Texas Governor rick perry. He was a successful governor in new jersey. Does that transcend to the country . We will see in later years and months to come. Sorry that code for hes a moderate . Its code for the truth. The matter is we are all different states. Is a conservative in new jersey a conservative in the rest of the country . Your former colleague has a piece of the New York Times as well. They recoil at the notion that Chris Christie is the partys savior . Has early backlash begun . It has and does that transcend to the nation . Governor perry will be great to cover, no question. We saw in that meet the press interview by governor christie, what he will do to preempt the backlash we are talking about. The question that David Gregory asked governor christie before that bite about not playing that game, are you a conservative or a moderate. He doesnt want to get in the box. He has been skillful about appealing to both. We saw the interviews with him saying nice things about the tea party. Yesterday he told David Gregory he thought obama care was a mistake from the beginning, but one of the bits of backlash is what people are calling Chris Christies problem. That is behind the scenes republicans are comparing him to the president ial bid that didnt go so well. Maggie haberman has the juicy tidbit and the behind the scenes ted cruz is making that analogy. We have tough talking prosecutor from the tristate area who wound up not playing very well in iowa and New Hampshire and the retailing part of it or with conservatives who think they are too moderate which is an advantage most of the time. You hear conservatives saying we nominated relative moderates and mitt romney and john mccain. Chris christie should not be the nominee. How much stock do you put in that . Worry we get candidate skills and we talk about an athlete and Chris Christie looks like hes right for the times and enjoys it and rudy never had the connection and one of the people around the table were with rudy in diners in New Hampshire and it never took Chris Christie, every indication is much better at that. Thats what we heard yesterday on meet the press and showing up. He will do that first focusing on the new jersey record over the next year. Mike allen, thank you. We turn the tables on joe. John meachem takes over to interview joe about his new book, the right path. That discussion next on morning joe. Stick with innovation. Stick with power. Stick with technology. Get the flexcare platinum. New from philips sonicare. It cant be about ideological indulgence. We time and time again collected people that were amateurs and werent ready for prime time and everybody knew was going to lose a general election. It cant be about petty resentments anymore. We have to think big or come up with our own bigger agenda like a plan we did like reagan and ike and we did in 94 when we got elected and took back the majority for the first time in a generation. There has to be an understanding that americans are conservatives with a small sea. 36 past the hour. Time to definitely into joes new book. From ike to reagan. How republicans mastered politics and can again. The question is, can they . Of course they can. John and i talked about this so much while we were writeing it and every time the Republican Party is officially declared dead by the national media, thats when you know they are about to storm back to victory and when you are talking about barry gold water getting wiped out and Ronald Reagan starting a revolution. Basically saying the same thing that gold water said in 64, but saying it with a smile on his face. He didnt talk about the nuclear strikes, but other than that, the same thing gold water said. Americans like gold waters message with a smile on his face. We talked about one of the great books, nixonland. We kept bouncing back and what was written in the book about the 64 defeat. That was the end of conservatism forever. Jimmy carter wins. We have watergate, vietnam, the shame of the Republican Party and the 74 disaster. 1978, Howard Jarvis and california and prop 13. Leads to Ronald Reagan 1980. The Republican Party is at the best when the odds are longest. I think its going to happen again. Lets read from your fore word. It need reengage with the real legacy. We republicans have been at our best when we are true to one of the deepest insights of conservatism. Politics like mankind is not perfectible in a fallen universe. If we continue to let the perfect to be the enemy of the good, we will continue to dwindle in influence. No doubt about it. We have become overly ideological. I plead guilty to that. The 1994 rev lougz was overly ideological in this respect. I am not saying we or i need to moderate or Chris Christie need to moderate or ted cruz needs to moderate politically, but we need to moderate in the way that we approach politics. I said reagan was a genius since he was ideologically conservative and knew how to strike deals when he did. Ronald reagan never said and our good friend fred shirl educated me on this. He never said if im your friend 80 of the time im not your enemy 20 of the time. I will take 80 now and get the 20 later. We have forgotten how to do that. Ike knew how to do that and thats why he won two massive landslides. Richard nixon survived 1960 and 1962. Ronald reagan understood that. Reagan won 49 states and nixon won 49 states. Ike won two massive landslides. There was no reason because they were principaled conservatives, but also with a small c. They didnt drag america kicking and screaming that america was not ready to go to. They knew how to win. Joking with the press about nick saban saying we have to start learning thou win like saban in alabama. The fact is if you want to change america, if you want to change the tax code and change the regulatory code and keep america strong, if you want to change the world, you dont change the world by losing one president ial election after another. You dont change the world for conserveatism by losing five ou of six. We used to be the ones to beat. Yep. Talk about the timing of the book. You have been saying a lot of these things for years. For about 20 years or so. The timing is almost impossibly good. In some ways. I think in the Republican Party for the Republican Party over the past four to six weeks, it has been the best of times and the worst of times. The worst because there were people when we time and time again said hey, listen. Heres the deal. If its fourth and 31 and you are the Dallas Cowboys and you are on your own 10 yard line, you dont have to run the fullback up the middle to prove to me you are the man. Be Ronald Reagan and realize you get the victory when america is ready. They didnt do that. Our Approval Ratings plummeted. At the same time you saw polls showing barack obama upside down on the economy. Upside down on just about every other issue. There opportunities for republicans. Four or six weeks ago, because of the stupid tactics they engaged in on capitol hill. It was about tactics and not ideology. Now americans can look and see whats happening in washington. They say we would like a real conservative alternative. You know how we get that . You know how we win the white house back and make sure that barack obama and Hillary Clinton dont dominate the executive branch for 16 consecutive years. We nominate candidates that all of america can support. People after last week said do we want to be the Chris Christie wing of the party or the cuccinelli wing of the party . You are on the same wing are two conservative guys. We have to get the same people who vote for cuccinelli. We need somebody who would vote for cuccinelli and colin powell all under the same tent. Reagan got the cuccinelli vote and got the colin powell vote. Thats why he won 49 states. Ike did the same thing and nixon did the same thing. We have to expand the tent. There was a time in our party when getting people on the other side to vote for you was actually seen as an asset. Instead of a traitorist move. Independents and democrats wanted to vote for Ronald Reagan . That must mean he is a rhino. He won 49 states. Thats how small minded people think now. Because there is an economic model. Thats how you sell books and people listening to you on the radio and watching ow certain tv programs. They have to move past that. It has to be about winning. If we want to make the world a better place and make it a more conservative place, we have to speak to the hopes and dreams of middle class americans and reconnect. More on how, read the path and to get information of joes book tour. We are going on book tour. Its like the grateful dead. Msnbc. Com. Joe and meachem will be at the theater at 6 00. You can go to see joe at nbc muni. Com. I have to say, we just got the word in. Friday night. Mad dog is going to be there. You are going to be there. A certain daily news writer with the sports guy. Hes in. Up next, Thomas Roberts is just back from hosting the Miss Universe pageant in russia. He has an announcement had to make that will shock a lot of viewers. The tourist pictures next on morning joe. American express credit card, every purchase earns you 2 cash back, which is deposited in your fidelity account. Is that it . Actually. Theres no annual fee and no limits on rewards. 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I dont like pageants, but you bring miss australia here. So nice. She is so elegant. 20 hours in new york. There she is. Olivia wells. So lovely. We tortured her for nine hours. Notice we are Photo Bombing her. He also dropped in three years ago that they judged the preliminaries. What was it like . It was an intense fast moving experience. The show itself is very high production value and a lot of rehearsal time. It was a one off opportunity. I am glad i got to do it and educate myself on whats going on over there. And you came back with a wife. Im coming out as straight. You know what, you talk a Great Australian girl. Not just any australian. I am coming out as straight and this was a big thing. Thanks for hiring me, but its all a lie. Did they beat you up or treat you terribly . I take roberts. Heres the thing. This is a psychological game that the law is playing. Its so vague. People dont understand what it means. Its definitive discrimination. What we understand as an international is look at the genetics of how people are born and nothing wrong with you straight guys here, but straight guys have got a genetic Lottery Ticket that other people dont have whether you are a woman or lgbt or part of speaking of Lottery Tickets, take this down. This is not scarborough country. You are talking about guys with a certain disposition, im looking at this going thank gotti dont have this disposition. I heard nothing you had to say. Im all for diversity. I talked to donald trump and hes evolving. It really was a great experience for you, right . It was a good experience and im glad there kids around the world growing up marginalized and feeling less than. If you are, you can grow up to have a highly professional and integrated life. That was the simplicity of what i was hoping. Look at that happy couple. Okay. Im telling you what. Its the revolution. Its lovely. I want to talk to you about pageants when we come back. Shes in medical school. I never have done pageants. I did this as a joke. Well be right back. Charitable giving. Really. I get bonuses even working parttime. Where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. Healthcare starting under 40 a month. I got education benefits. I work at walmart. Im a pharmacist. Sales associate. I manage produce. I work in logistics. Theres more to walmart than you think. Vo opportunity. Thats the real walmart. Avo thesales event sis back. Drive which means its never been easier to get a new passat, awarded j. D. Powers most appealing midsize car, two years in a row. And right now you can drive one home for practically just your signature. Get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. Hurry, this offer ends december 2nd. For details, visit vwdealer. Com today see who does good work and compare costs. It doesnt usually work that way with health care. 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