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an indictment against dominique strauss-kahn, now under suicide watch in a rikers island jail cell, may come down by the end of the week. while there are renewed calls for strauss-kahn's immediate resignation, as his political future hangs in limbo, some 57% of the french say they do not believe the allegations against him. among them, ann sinclair, wife and confidant to strauss-kahn, who has rushed to new york to be by his side. jeff rossen closely following the latest developments and joins us in the newsroom. the hotel worker at center of this case was set to appear before a grand jury today. proceedings are usually kept secret. do we know if the meeting's taking place? >> reporter: we don't but we know she was expected, the maid was, to testify some time late morning, early afternoon, which on the east coast would be around now or a couple of hours ago. we wait, of course, to see if somebody in that secret closed door meeting speaks but so far, no word out of there. >> anything else today in terms of the defense position? >> reporter: the defense has gone sort of radio silent but we did get interesting details from sources in law enforcement. now telling nbc news that there is surveillance video that exists that police have reviewed of dominique strauss-kahn walking out of the sofitel, the luxury hotel, getting into a yellow cab, going straight to jfk. what police did, they blew up the video, found the cab number, able to track that cab in the gps to see exactly where it went, and that's how they confirmed it went to jfk. they were also able to find the cab driver, questioned the cab driver to ask about strauts strauss-kahn's demeanor, was he manic inside the cab, and the answer no. he was silent, didn't make phone calls. he left a cell phone behind in the hotel. there's wore he had another cell phone and did not use. we await possible indictment this week. in jail at rikers on suicide watch without bail. >> thank you. joining us offer legal insight, criminal defense attorney and legal analyst, jamie floyd. good afternoon again. strauss-kahn's lawyers yesterday hinted at a possible consent defen defense, this wasn't something that was forcible. but the lawyer for the victim has been absolutely adamant that her client -- his client did not agree to any sexual activity. are we talking about a his against her battle in court? >> what he said was the forensic evidence, as far as he's seen it, thus far, is not necessarily consistent or only consistent with a forcible encounter. so that might mean, and most likely means, in this -- in these kind of cases, a very ugly he said/she said kind of case where the defense goes about digging up and sullying the victim and the victim, who despite all of 0 the efforts of law enforcement and the media to protect her identity, it eventually comes out and she does have to testify and we hear, as we already have, all about the alleged perpetrator's background, et cetera. so that ultimately generally becomes the case. but it could also be a defense of some sort of consensual activity where perhaps he said he paid for sex or he was set up, as the french seem to believe, up to 70% thinking it was a conspiracy where the dna was somehow planted or perhaps she exposed herself. they can come up with any kind of theory. it's very early in the case. and we do have to try to maintain some sort of presumption of innocence. it's early in the case, as i've said, and anything can happen in these kind of cases. i'll remind you of the duke lacrosse case, a similar case. >> indeed. strauss-kahn has been on the front page, i understand, of virtually ever newspaper arc part from south africa. so is it possible that he could claim that he can't get a fair trial in these proceedings and dlfr the carefore the case shou be dropped. >> you say every people, every people in the world. >> in the world. >> we talk about a fair trial in the united states and we mean somewhere in the state where the action occurred because when you talk about a change of venue, you can't change state you can only change to another county in the state where the action occurred. look, these kind of prejudicial pretrial publicity cases go back to our mounting with the aaron burr trial, fatty arbuckle, the duke lacrosse case. someone who can match lawyer for lawyer, someone with the resources like mr. strauss-kahn, he has a better chance than the average defendant. i mentioned o.j. simpson, for example. perhaps he has a better shot of overcoming prejudicial pretrial publicity. >> the allegations surrounding what happened at the hotel are not the first time that the head of the imf has been dragged into the story of a sex scandal. we learn now that strauss-kahn's history with women has earned him the nickname, in france of the hot rabbit. but it was not until the alleged incident in america that strauss-kahn face any form of lead proceeding. many say it's because the attitude of the french and americans differ greatly when it comes to sex and relationships. a new book ventures into the subject. i'm joined by elaine -- i apologize for my mispronunciation of your name, author of "last seduction, how the french play the game of life." good afternoon. in your book, still to be released in a few weeks you wrote about strauss-kahn before any hoff this happened saying, quote, hints about strauss-kahn's behavior had been the subject of rumors for years. what were those hints? >> there have been rumors about strauss-kahn's sexual proclivities and sexual actions for decades. but as i wrote in the book, they're rumors. there's lit that was prompt where you could actually quote somebody by name and there was never a legal case brought against him. so that, as i -- as i have said, it became a game where if things got boring at the dinner table you come nail o. the name of strauss-kahn and everyone would have a story. >> yesterday we saw headlines in french newspaper implying that strauss-kahn is the victim here even offering sympathy for his situation, implying what may have happened noise big deal. is the french media whipping itself up into an anti-american frenzy with this case? >> well, there's been an evolution in the thinking of the french. as you have noted, there was a poll that said that the majority of the french thought that strauss-kahn was set up. but that poll was done on monday. and things are v. changed since then. there also was more sympathy towards strauss-kahn because of the way he was arraigned. in france you cannot show i potential defendant handcuffed, for example. in -- there's outrage he wasn't able to shave or put on a tie, so the american system of justice is being called brutal though in new york it's normal behavior. now, however, there's been a further development in which there's much more concern for the victim and much more concern for the whole issue of sexual harassment in france and a conversation has begun, which is very different. >> so the french themselves, kind of shifting their position. initially very supportive of mr. strauss-kahn, now supportive of the victim? >> well, it's a classic case of denial first, then anger, and now a sense of okay, let's figure out what really happened especially since there is a suggestion that he may claim that it was a consensual encounter. >> you go on to reference in your book a woman who said that strauss-kahn's reputation as sexually vigorous would add to rather than detract from his appeal as a candidate. but you can't possibly believe now he's a viable candidate for president in the elections next year, can you? >> look, in france, for a political candidate, a male political candidate, to be a success, he has to be proven to be sexually vigorous. it doesn't necessarily mean he has to become adulterous, but he has to give the impression of being viral and as aopposed to a woman who has to give the impression of being virj nal. as long as it was outside the area of criminality, no one cared what went on behind closed doors. >> are you -- sorry -- are you really -- are you really saying that a candidate in a presidential election if he's male, has to deport himself as being a vigorous sexual instincts, that's really important to the electorate? >> he has -- he has to give the impression that he is sexually vigorous it doesn't mean he has to act on it. when he was running for president, once said i fell in love with 17 million french women and i looked them in the eye and they all voted for me because they fell in love with me. he didn't have affairs with 17 million french women. >> does that suggest monogamy doesn't mat that much in france, somehow marriage and commitment is exaggerated in terms of its value? >> i don't think you could make that statement. certainly the divorce rate in france is extremely high and people are faithful to their spouses. but there is something in french history in which the leader, long ago the king, was -- had the right to be sexually vigorous with anyone he chose. >> elaine sciolino, thanks for your insights on this. thank you. next, arnold, the latest on the scandal, equal parts politics and hollywood. >> you know in a way at the podium a gentleman came up to me and said, governor, you are as good a politician as you were an actor. what a cheap shot. so y don't hav s largest selection of apps, that are this easy to find. and this easy to download right to your phone. so it can be almost anything, like a boarding pass, or do almost anything, like pay for your coffee. yup. if you don't have an iphone, well, you don't have an iphone. his wife was pregnant with the couple's fourth child. the youngest son christopher is now 13. the mother and son did not live in the house with the family, though sources say the child did on occasion visit the schwarzenegger brentwood estate. the home where we learn maria demanded he move out after the revelation arnold fathered said love child, schwarzenegger refused, yes, refused to move out, leading maria to pack her bags for a hotel. schwarzenegger has offer nod further comment since the statement of apology. tuesday seen speeding past reporters as he left his santa monica office. but maria shriver did step out in chicago last night for the final taping of the oprah winfrey show, looking quite radiant, i might say. joined by kim serafin. >> good afternoon. >> in all marital splits, as you knowing two sides, in this case would it be fair to say hollywood chooses maria or will they said with arnold? >> well, it's interesting because you did mention the maria was at the oprah taking took a subtle jab at arnold. so probably women in hollywood are not going to be flocking to arnold's next movie but it was never his demo to begin with. i don't think that's who he was going after with his next movie. producers, hollywood insiders, analysts saying they don't think this is going to affect his chances in his upcoming movies. the producer of his next movie is saying nothing has changed, they're going forward, everything is still as planned, starting shooting on august 24th. that is all set. there's the animated series that he's doing, the governator, that -- nothing has changed with that though it is interesting when you read the press release about the governator series he plays a superhero who leads a double life where he keeps a secret identity beneath his house that even his wife maria and kids don't know. that's what's in the press reli relir release. it is cringe inducing when you read that press release. >> given the allegations of inappropriate behavior, groping and the disclosing sure of a child with an employee, is there a feeling that schwarzenegger may be used maria shriver for his own political purposes? >> reporte >> well, everyone remembers maria did stand by him when the initial allegations came out. the oprah appearance, people will look to maria to see how she handles it because people did look to maria to see how she handled the allegations during the election. people should pay attention to how she's handling it and that can tell you about how his career's going to go forward. but right now, people are really saying they don't see this really affecting him. again, we don't know what more is coming out, we'll have to see how long this plays out. right now, the late time in comics are having a field day that will continue. but then you look at careers of other people who have been through something involving sexual escapades and that seems to blow over a little bit more than something like a racist rant or the things that mel gibson has been accused of or tapes that came out about mel gibson. look at him compared to woody alan, hugh grant or charlie sheen. it really -- it depends on the allegations and how people handle it and how long it goes on for. >> i think thin this case, involving five children, it's going to take some time. cam kim, thanks so much. next, strike four. newt gingrich and the presidential run making all the wrong moves. web browsing on the new blackberry playbook? 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>> i've got to say here, short of a long lost love child coming out and claiming newt is his father i don't see how this could get much worse. seriously bad start. >> how does it compare with others? >> well, you know, you don't often see a candidate get bashed by his own party for, you know, kneecapping another member. with his comments on paul ryan and, you know, his throwing around words like radical and social engineering, i mean, already newt has completely alienated a big chunk of the party on this. he even has rush limbaugh coming out and saying i don't know what to make of this. he's going to need to step back, and that's before the unfortunate tiffany's bill came to light where, you know, with a country in recession, having a $250,000 to half million bill at tiffany's, this is not going to endear him to struggling americans. >> indeed. especially being a fiscal conservative. i guess he can't be blamed for a member of the public chastising him, nor the gay rights campaigner dousing him with glitter. do you think there's a sense of an overall dislike for newt gingrich? because that's what this is amounting to, isn't it? >> i think it comes down to a lack of decorum or dignity seems okay in his presence. in addition to the guy who doused him with the glitter you have the man in iowa who was lambasting him from the right, telling him he was an embarrassment to the party, that he should quit before he embarrassed himself any farther. he's inviting outbursts from all sides from people who feel it's okay to just kind of come right out there and say, you know, you stink, get out. >> but what's strange is, these are people who are republicans, who he might have assumed their support. >> exactly. i mean, with friends like these, you know, this was paul ryan's joke, with friends like this who means the left? the same can be said with gingrich on some level. these are his own people he's managing not to charm. when you're off to a start to like this, before he's put himself back out there with, you know, giving democrats a shot at him, i have to think this is a really bad sign for any kind of future. >> we still have got plenty of hours left in the day. so who knows what's going to happen next. next, would princess diana be jealous of her new daughter-in-law? one author says possibly. and sexting, it's not kids doing it. why more and more adults think it's okay to share eye-opening pictures of themselves. ♪ [ male announcer ] in 2011, at&t is at work, building up our wireless network all across america. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your wireless network experience. from a single phone call to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible. aren't absorbed properly unless taken with food. he recommended citracal. it's different -- it's calcium citrate, so it can be absorbed with or without food. also available in small, easy-to-swallow petites. citracal. so we seeded that into something much bigger... the home farming movement. join us at indeed, every american can be proud of our brave military and intelligence personnel who made sure that the terrorist lead who attacked us on 9/11 will never threaten america again. but the hard work of protecting our country, the hard work goes on. >> that's president obama giving the commencement speech to coast guard graduates and not missing the chance to, once again, applaud the bin laden mission. on friday, he set to thank the men and women of cia for their part in the takedown of bin laden, a role we're learning they played a very large hand in. using the latest in stealth technology, cia drones flew dozens of missions over his compound. we're also learning of new threats emerging from the region. just this week, the leader of the pakistani taliban vowed to avenge the death of bin laden with, quote, new zeal. meanwhile, we're getting new details of a firefight tuesday between pakistani paramilitary troops who shot at nato helicopters, leaving two pakistani troops injured. the author of the international best-seller "black water, the rise of the world's most powerful mercenary army" and a frequent contributor to "the nation" magazine. new zeal, is that bluster or does the taliban in pakistan and afghanistan really have some bite? >> it's a little bit of both. i mean in a way the pakistani taliban are members of the justification of the month club when it comes to seeking meaning for their being. but they also have had success in attacking the united states. in december of 20099 pakistani taliban took credit for a massive suicide bombing at a cia outpost in afghanistan and forward operating base chapman. it is clear they can strike. but at the saturday same time, they'll look for any opportunity to get publicity for their war that they're waging within pakistan against both the cia and certain elements of pakis n pakistani society. >> when you hear about firefights between nato helicopters and pakistani troops what does that tell you about the future of this war on terror and the leaders hiding in pakistan. are they more vulnerable now? >> look, martin, the fact is that almost since the beginning of the so-called war on terror, the united states has been engaged in a shadow war inside of pakistan that, at times, has involved u.s. special operations troops, at times involved the cia, the drones. you have this mishmash of characters, some double dealers playing with the isi, the pakistani taliban, playing with united states. these kinds of incidents where where u.s. forces cross over into pakistan from afghanistan have been ongoing. this is the second incident like this in recent months late last year, there was a case where pakistani soldiers were killed by u.s. forces as they were in so-called hot pursuit of suspects crossing over from afghanistan into pakistan. so, this is an extremely volatile situation and these incidents exzas s zazas as ser >> gates said someone knew about bin laden's hiding but it wasn't anybody in governance. >> i felt like secretary gates and admiral mullen, chair of the joint chiefs were playing defense in a way for the pakistanis and trying to put the focus on how, at the senior levels there was no knowledge and sort of saying the pakistanis had been humiliated enough by the u.s. operation, violation of their sovereignty, et cetera. i think that was more significant. the lengths to which the obama administration seems to be going to downplay that story because it is a molotov cocktail in this whole mix. >> thank you for joining us. the queen of england's historic visit to the republic of ireland is being met with a mixed response. shortly after arrival, her majesty laid a wreath at garden of remembrance in honor of those who lost their lives during the battle for irish independence. outside several hundred protesters chanted and torched a british flag. the new duke and duchess of cambridge, who clearly represent the future of the british monarchy, are enjoying a tranquil, enpunpestered honeymo. i'm joined by the author, andrew morton who wrote extensively about the life of princess diana and has published a new book "william and catherine, their story." >> nice to see you. >> we both saw the wedding, you were present at buckingham palace. a fabulous occasion. you described it as absolutely perfect, in your book. >> absolutely. i mean, and for me, it was a renewal not of the vows between the nation, between the british public and monarchy, after the terrible events of the mid '90s. >> does that bode well for the duke and duchess of cambridge? >> i think so. i i think they're the flag bearers of the future, they will be tipped as the people to give a new fusion of blood into the royal family. and to make it more relevant and credible to outside world and to the british people. >> you also suggest in your book that william's late mother, princess diana, might have been a tad jealous of his wife, catherine middleton. is that right? >> well, martin, we both know -- got to know diana over the years. >> we did. >> and she was very much one of these girls who would have been feeling, well, i'm approaching 50, i'm passing the fashion baton on from one generation to the next, very proud of her son, of course, would have liked catherine but would have felt the patting of the years and a tad bit of jealousy towards her daughter -- >> you think that? >> it's not just me that said that. speak to former private secretaries, people we both know, and they've said roughly the same things. >> they're on honeymoon and incredibly, no photographs or anything. what do you think of the way they're controlling the media coverage of them and their marriage? because this is unprecedented. you and i both had access to various royal palaces ov a considerable amount of time. these people, we can't get near them. >> the only thing they have to watch out is the pirates. the government will give you safe passage within the islands, out outside. you're absolutely right. they've controlled the news agenda down the line from the announcement of the engagement to the dress designer to the other details. all goes back to the fact that prince william is deeply suspicious of the media, because of what happened to his mother, and also because of his inexperience, his own phones were tapped by british tabloid. so what he's done has built trusted people around him and basically controls the news agenda. he's media savvy, hence the fact they've been twittering, facebooking, they've spoken as diana did to you, spoken, and to me, spoken over the heads of the mass media to the public and that, i can see will be a strategy that he will continue for the force seeable future. >> in the way they give the impression of engaging with the publicly electronic, digital online statements and at the same time very controlling? >> yes. they're doing what a firm does, people talk about the royal family as the firm, and they are acting as a company. he's a major director of the company and making sure that brand windsor and certainly brand duke and duchess of cambridge have a certain image. >> finally, both due to come here, as you know, going to canada, but before that coming to california. what do you think the american response is going to be to this couple? >> begin the fact something like 4,500 journalists flew over, including yourself, i think california will give them a right royal welcome. i found it interesting that there was talk certainly when i did a story about arnold schwarzenegger welcoming them, i don't think that's going to happen now. >> clearly not. >> certainly, you know, we're going to see them in this contrast, they want to be ordinary, walk down the aisles at supermarkets but at the same time meeting the kings and queens of tinseltown. >> andrew morton, author, thank you very much indeed for joining us. a check on the u.s. economy ahead. and mcdonald's without ronald? 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"endeavour" on its final voyage carrying $2 billion magnetic device scientists hope will help research on the cosmos. gabrielle giffords, wife of mark kelley, is having surgery today. doctors are replacing a pes of her skull with a plastic implant. billion dollar fast food giant mcdonald's coming under fire under famed spokesman ronald mcdonald. more than 500 health organizations petitioned the company to stop marketing junk foods to kids, a goal they say starts with retiring red-haired ronald. really? the letter appeared in the form of full page ads in six major newspapers today. back to you. >> poor ronald. thanks, paige. next, too fat to fly. the mother and daughter told they were too big to roam around the country. and sexting, more and more adults choosing to send each other pictures of their junk. if you don't have an iphone, you don't have the retina display. the highest resolution screen on any phone. so movies aren't this dramatic, maps aren't this clear, emails aren't this detailed and memories aren't this memorable. yup. if you don't have an iphone, well, you don't have an iphone. i'm tyler mathieson. here's a look at how stocks are doing right up to the minute. it has been a green day homage to the rock group, 81 points higher on the dow jones industrial average, 11 points on standard & poor's 500. adding insult to injury, people getting unemployment benefits through debit cards are being slapped now with new fees. some banks have added fee for withdrawals from balance checks and inactivity. thinking about getting rid of that old car in the driveway, right now is the time to sell. prices at a 16-year high, dealers selling out an -- shelling out annage of $11,600 for used cars and trucks. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. back to you. president obama's visit today to connecticut began with a rocky start when air force one was forced to abort a landing in hartford this morning because of poor weather conditions. the press corps traveling with the president said they did not notice any unusual activity on the plane, but the aborted landing was spotted by other reporters on the ground. the pilot executed a go around and landed safely on the second try at bradley international airport. this is how the incident played out in the air traffic control tower. >> tower, air force one is executing missed approach. >> air force one, roger, maintain 3,000, climb runway heading. >> actually, the vip just missed approach so he's going to come back for another try. once he gets on the ground, i'm expecting 20 minutes to a half hour from now. >> the president was in the area to deliver the commence rate address at the coast guard academy. a flight mishap, a woman unable to roam about the country. she ran into a spot of trouble trying to board a southwest airline's flight. the trouble, she says she was told by attendants at the gate she was, quote, too fat to fly. here's nbc's natalie morales. >> reporter: kenley says for years she's been slowly winning the battle to lose weight. >> over the last two years, i've lost over 120 pounds i still have a lot 0 lose, obviously, but i'm doing it. >> reporter: tigman, a political strategist and blogger, used to weigh over 400 pounds and because of her size would buy to two airline seats when she flew. >> i fly pretty regularly and at this point i do fit in -- fit into the 17 inches between the arm rests. >> reporter: but tigman says a ticket agent at southwest airlines saw things differently when she and her mother tried to board a return flight home on easter sunday. >> they wanted to know how much i weighed. i asked what the weight limit was. one gentleman said he wasn't aware of a weight limit, we were too fat to fly without additional ticket. >> reporter: the policy if a passenger requiring two seats has purchased only one ticket, he or she will be discretely taken aside where southwest personnel will deal with the situation in private. tigman says that didn't happen. >> my mother became upset. she said why aren't we doing this down the hall, as opposed to right in front of a gate full of people? >> it was the worst time i've ever had in my whole life. i was embarrassed, humiliated. >> reporter: southwest offered to let them board the flight without buying extra tickets if they agreed to sit in the same row with another large woman. >> at that point i took out my cell phone, i told them i'm going to record you and put you on my blog so you might want to go about this differently. the tone changed and they became at least a little apologetic. >> i'm very, very sorry. very sorry. >> for what? sorry. >> i'm very, very sorry for the manner in which i addressed it. >> reporter: southwest has issued a statement appall guiding in part for not applying its policy consistently on all legs of her trip. in the end, tigm did not have to buy an extra ticket and got a free flight coupon for another trip. >> i used my voucher to fly to l.a. to work out with richard simmons. turned something horrible into something good. >> nbc's natalie more ralless, thank you. >> the prevalence of sexting among teens provoked uproar the sending suggestive photos or text messages by cell phone. well it turns out that some of those parents could be involved in sexting themselves a new stud show shows half of adults in committed message had sent a sexed photo to their partners and two-third also engaged in sexed messaging. so, is this a dangerous trend or just a new part of our relationship culture? kristen congresser is a writer for discovery news and how stuff she join us from atlanta. so we have heard much about teen sextinging but turns out grownups are doing it too what is the trend in terms of adults sending naked pictures of them saechbsd selves and one another? >> i think the trend of sexting is no longer a trend. like you point out this is preliminary evidence coming out of to research, indiana university in purdue that finds that 552075% of people in committed relationships have either sent their partners a nude photo of them so far as a sex mess a my inspiration for reporting came from an article on sexting that i ran across in aarp magazine. so, anecdote the lakers a lot of us are certainly sexting. >> other signs that this is actually damaging for relati relationships? >> well, sexting is not inherently dangerous. i think it is important to keep in mind that sexting is just another form of sexual communication that we have now adopted. the term sexting has been around since 2005. so it is not that it is something new and dangerous that we are doing but psychologists would point out that maybe the danger lies in the underlying motivations for sexting. the research i mentioned out of indiana and pursue dew finds that the people who are most likely to send sex messages are more preoccupied and anxious attachment people which means in romantic relationships they tend to be a lot clingier and might need more constant validation of sexual attraction from their partner and also, the people who tend to receive the most sex messages tend to be avoid dant attachment males who tend to shy away from intimacy. so it is not necessarily the sexting that's the problem but that sexting could be a manifestation of negative relationship patterns. >> so, what you're really saying is that for some people it is almost an alternative to the better face-to-face communication? >> exactly t is referred to as a very low commitment form of communication because, you know, if you have a sentiment you want to type out and send really quickly on your phone that might not take as much gumption as staying face to face to a person. so for avoid dant people and preoccupied attachment types, psychological types, sexting can be a much easier alternative for them. >> what do you make of people like brett favre, though who have been sending pictures allegedly of certain parts of their anatomy to people who are not in relationships with them, not romantically attached what about that? >> anecdotally, sexting has been portrayed to affairs and more elicit sexual behavior. in terms of that i think it also comes down to the fact that it is that low commitment form of communication. it is -- it doesn't take as much time, it might not take as much thought to sort of cross those barriers so it might lower the threshold for commitment for getting involved with those types of things. for someone like brett favre, if you mentioned, you are a public figure, you certainly want to use some pretty wise judgment about sexting because of its permanence, the permanent factor, i think is one reason sexting has attracted so much attention lately because once you send a sext out, you cannot reel it back n >> absolutely, very wise advice, kristen conger, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. now to our play of the day this week, some runway mold at cannes can't seem to get the hang of the brutal altitude of the eight-inch high heels they are forced to wear. imagine that you could say the taller they are, well, the harder they fall. ♪ another one bites the dust ♪ another one bites the dust ♪ and another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust ♪ ♪ the new blackberry playbook. it runs all this at the same time. ♪ why can't every tablet do that? joots's time now to clear the a air. and even as the evidence against dominique strauss-kahn is being gathered, rumors are circulating that the victim, a 32-year-old single parent from guinea in west africa, may be tempted to take a large sum of money in return for her silence. in some ways it is easez so i sympathize with her predicament. from the little we know of her circumstances, she is a relatively recent arrival in this country, she cares for a young teenaged daughter and probably earned not much more than the minimum wage in her work as a chambermaid at the soffitle hotel here in manhattan. in new york, the minimum wage amounts to $7.25 per hour and it is no stretch of the truth to tell that you in many places around this city, $7.25 would only just buy you a decent cup of coffee. imagine then the opportunity to avoid what will no doubt prove to be an arduous experience in court and in return, receive a large cash settlement, perhaps into millions of dollars. if such an offer were to be made who could blame her for taking the money and securing a more hopeful future for herself and her young daughter? but the problem with taking this perfectly understandable approach is that if the widespread reporting of dominique strauss-kahn is to be believed, this allegation of attempted rape is just the latest in a long history of inappropriate and aggressive behavior toward women. and though it may be hard to believe there are still some sectors of set society where the violent and ill treatment of women is consider nod worse than smoking or speeding. and that's why the criminal justice process must be allowed to proceed, because if he did attempt to rape that chambermaid, then not only should dominique strauss-kahn face the full force of the law, but men everywhere would be warned that

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