>> congressman neguse, congressman, thank you. >> thank you, craig. we continue to follow this breaking news. more fuel to the fire here. live pictures. this is simi valley, california. this is just west of the ronald reagan presidential library, roughly a mile or so, we're told. that library reportedly has been evacuated, you can see, for folk who familiar with the area. you can see that the names of these streets that have just popped up, thanks to some new technology. you're looking at presidential drive. again, roughly a mile away from the ronald reagan presidential library. in fact, you can see it on the right-side of your screen. it's now out of here -- we obviously don't control this helicopter. this is the helicopter being used by our affiliate there, but you can see some of the multi-million dollar homes that are somewhat commonplace in this particular part of ventura county, california, as those flames, the walls of fire that