Transcripts For MSNBC MSNBC Live 20131002

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Want this to end . This is a republican crisis right now. And the Republican Party is desperate to get out of the crisis of their own making. When does john boehner finally say screw you guys . Lets dive in for the very latest details on this. We have nbc capitol hill correspondent Kelly Odonnell and White House Correspondent Kristen Welker standing by. Kelly, let me start with you. It looks like there are about five possible scenarios or solutions that could come out of this. Kelly, what are you learning is likely through today . Reporter one of the things thats been so difficult, thomas, in most crises we can see the leap frog of likely steps. Even if theres some heat and fire in between, you sort of know where its headed. This has been more difficult. Part of what could happen is what has been requested but flatly denied. The whole idea of just simply republicans folding, passing funding for the government with nothing else attached. That seems less and less likely by the day. Some kind of a shortterm deal. Something like days, not six weeks. Then theres the possibility and i think this is most i think the most likely at this point and that is a merging of two very bad deadlines. Weve already gone past the Government Shutdown. Were living in that reality of the and then coming up midway through this month is the notion of when does the country run out of its borrowing authority. The Treasury Department says october 17th is when the country hits that debt ceiling. It seems more and more likely from sources in both parties that they will end up needing to merge these negotiations. How to reopen the government and then also how to resolve some of the longer term debt issues and deciding whether to give the country that ability to borrow or risk default. These are complicated issues. There are all sorts of different pressure points and there are heated battles yet to come. If you thought this was bad, thats even worse. It just seems because of the calendar, those paths appear to be merging and they may end up having to fold in negotiations for sort of a mega solution to our crises or risk further economic calamity. Kelly, as we understand today the house will consider these five mini crs basically taking the opportunity to pick winners and losers. Yes. And part of what they have thought about doing here and they started last night and continuing today, lets take chunks of the federal government that many people like. Theres wide support for, that there isnt the hot button agreement. So they began with things Like National parks. Today its the National Institutes of health of the and in a piecemeal approach reopen parts of the government. Democrats are saying no to that. They dont want to pick winners and losers, as you indicated, or put one priority over another. So theyre saying its an all or nothing thing. Open the whole government or dont do it like this. And so the piecemeal approach republicans think is a sign of negotiating, a sign of trying to open up the government. Democrats are saying no, thats not the way to do business. Thomas. Meanwhile, kristen, for House Speaker john boehner and those people picking up the usa today would notice the opinion piece that he wrote skewarring the white house and and scorched earth policy of refusing to negotiate in a bipartisan way on his Health Care Law, current government funding or the debt limit. What is his strategy Going Forward . As he talks about those three things, they dont get to live specifically on their own. Theyre all tied together now. Reporter thats right, thomas, but the white house continues to dig in its heels this morning. I can tell you they have already threatened to veto that piecemeal legislation that kelly was just talking about. The white house reiterating the point that the president is not going to negotiate over his signature piece of legislation under the threat of a prolonged shutdown or default. The white house feeling bolstered by the fact that to some extent they look at republicans who are in disagreement over this. Theyre also looking at the polls, which show that a majority of americans disagree with the republicans tactic. So i dont think right now youre going to see a whole lot of negotiating between 1600 pennsylvania avenue and capitol hill. What you will see is what president obama did yesterday. He was out in the rose garden hammering congressional republicans, calling this a republican shutdown. Hes going to talk to ceos later today and tomorrow hell continue to hammer them when he speaks at a Construction Company here locally. Thomas. Kristen welker at the white house for us, Kelly Odonnell on capitol hill. Ladies, thanks so much. On the house floor last night an kpas rated congresswoman pleaded with her colleagues to keep the Capital District open. Take a look. This is a living, breathing city. And the notion of holding up our budget under any circumstances or not distinguishing between the District Of Columbia appropriation, which is a budget, a local budget, not one of your 12 appropriations, a local budget and the other budgets is breaking my heart. We can understand the exasperation here. She was supporting some bills that would have funded d. C. And the department of veteran affairs and national parks. Democratic congresswoman Eleanor Holmes norton joins me now. Thanks for joining us. Obviously your district is feeling the shutdown more than any other in the country. Your colleague, darrell issa, joined in your plea last night. And you reminded all of your colleagues that this was not a tea party bill, but those efforts, they still failed and fell on deaf ears. So whats happening today and do you really have any hope left for a speedy resolution . Let me distinguish, i was not supporting all of the three bills. I was supporting one bill. One of the reasons i cant support all of the three bills is that it would defy the dissention im making. The bill that im supporting had only the District Of Columbia local budget in it. The other two were federal appropriations. The district budget shouldnt be up here in the first place and i was making that distinction. The distinction between a city and a federal appropriation. Now, that distinction is very clear. The city delivers direct services. What is happening to federal employees and to fellow appropriations is outrageous. But they but the federal government does not deliver direct services for the most part. Its hurting its employees and its hurting americans. What im trying to do is to extricate the District Of Columbias local budget from federal appropriations. And i have to continue to do that. The district has only about two weeks of contingency funds to pay its employees. Then what does it do . Well, if the federal government runs out, you know, it continues to put people on furlough and the American People suffer from a distance. If the district runs out, you have garbage not being picked up and you have a real crisis on your hands. Let me speak specifically, though, and forgive me for mixing up because obviously the d. C. Budget is in and of itself, but i was confused there thinking that parks, veterans affairs, memorials that they would be included in that. There were three separate bills. We saw yesterday, though, world war ii vets that stormed their own memorial because they were denied or going to be denied access because it was closed down. They were there to see it. They traveled from mississippi, i believe. Our Joe Scarborough said in a political oped that they should listen to norton, fund d. C. And maybe pick up a little momentum and start working like a functional Congress Instead of a broken institution that has passed a total of zero appropriation bills this year. Congressman, you were around the last time the government shut down. Is that the problem, that this is a Dysfunctional Congress now, worse than ever . Far worse because at that time i worked with speaker Newt Gingrich after the district shut down for a week and there were several shutdowns following it of partial parts of the government. Each and every time he kept the District Of Columbia government open. So i dont really see that we are in the same kind of situation. Whats happening here is neither side seems to have an exit strategy. They both have goals. You notice that the republicans have not dropped their goal of doing away or delaying obama care. And the democrats continue to say what a congressional resolution is supposed to do is simply to fund the government. Notice this also, what does this do . It funds the government for six weeks. So were fighting over six weeks and then were going to be right back here. And so will the District Of Columbia. So a lot of this is all about strategy and not about how do you get to an end game or a goal. Neither has changed their goals. And what i think is going to happen is this is going to play out until you meet the debt ceiling and then while you think they may or some of your commentators think they may be all rolled in together, i think there is a colossal crisis building up then about the middle of october and the District Of Columbia will be caught in that crisis unless you let my people go. Correct, october the 17th. So a lot of people do speculate that these two could be funneling and barreling down to the same dateline. I think americans do believe in what youre saying here, that it is more important about the long game than the short kick the can down the road measures. Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes norton, thanks for your time. Always a pleasure. The longer the shutdown continues, the more were hearing about how it plays out across the country. If you had plans to see st. Louis arch, youre out of luck. It is closed for the duration. Fewer than 600 of nasas 18,000 employees will be reporting to work during the shutdown. Most of the agencys programs, including the twitter account asteroid watch are on hiatus. That gives followers a headsup about asteroids and comets that approach the earth. Day two of people signing up for Obama Care Health exchanges. How is it going out there . And the longer those closed for business signs stay up, will we see increasing cracks in the republican ranks . Congressman sean duffy will be here to speak about that and much more coming up. We want to know how the shutdown is impacting you. Head to twitter, share your thoughts with us. The dontshutmedown. Its the last day you can switch your Medicare Part d plan. Were ready, and we cant wait to switch. [ male announcer ] make the switch to an aarp medicarerx plan, insured through unitedhealthcare. Open enrollment ends december 7th, so dont wait. Call now for a free enrollment guide. Discover why these part d plans are so popular. What i wanted was simple the most value for my dollar. So, now that its time, were making the move to a plan that really works for us. Plus, well be covered at like 60,000 pharmacies. [ male announcer ] call now and get predictable copays and plans with no annual deductible, you could start saving with your first prescription fill. Aarp medicarerx plans include nearly all the drugs covered by Medicare Part d. So why wait . Call now. [ man ] december 7th is coming. Im glad were switching. [ male announcer ] open enrollment ends december 7th. So call today. Aarp medicarerx plans insured through unitedhealthcare. And youre not very proud of that. But tonight he made pizza. With johnsonville italian sausage. And everybody loved it. And youre definitely proud of that. Johnsonville. Served with pride since 1945. Take a look and listen to this. New video just in of a headstart protest taking place in washington, d. C. Headstart being one of the many programs impacted by the Government Shutdown. The shutdown leaving reportedly 19,000 kids without head start services. More than 20 programs in 11 states not getting the annual grant on tuesday. Its day two of the massive Affordable Care act insurance rollout. While white house officials are still trying to fix some of the computer glitches millions encountered, theres no doubt that the heavy traffic to the site Shows Americans have a healthy appetite for the Controversial Health care plan. The white house says 2. 8 Million People visited healthcare. Gov. The federal website is handling signups for 36 states. Even in states with their own exchanges, people also encountered problems trying to apply. Surrounded by families who enrolled for Insurance Coverage president obama asked for patience in a statement yesterday afternoon and also made this argument to shoot back at critics who seized on the glitches. Just a couple of weeks ago, apple rolled out a new mobile operating system, and within days they found a glitch, so they fixed it. I dont remember anybody suggesting apple should stop selling iphones or ipads or threatening to shut down the company if they didnt. Thats not how we do things in america. Joining me now from the white house is david simas, White House Deputy Senior Adviser for communications and strategy. David, its great to have you here. Obviously, sure, when something is new, theres going to be glitches and you have to figure out where those hurdles are. The rnc released a list of articles and other media reports on those glitches and republican lawmakers say this is evidence, this is the proof that the Health Care Law is going to be a headache america doesnt need. Take a listen. The Obama Administration should have acknowledged the ample warning signs of problems with the exchanges and heeded many calls for delay. As of this Morning Health care exchanges are not up and running, available for businesses and not working well. And again delay after delay after delay on the obama care exchanges. Meanwhile we have the texas governor, rick perry, calling the implementation of it a felony and a criminal act. How do you respond to the critics and americans who may be leery of what this Health Care Law means for them and open enrollment now . So heres what i know so far. In the first 24 hours of the opening of the market places, 4. 7 million unique visitors to healthcare. Gov. 133,000 phone calls. 104,000 web requests. One of the reasons why theres been such overwhelming and huge enthusiasm to shop and to see whats available is something that you didnt hear from republicans in that clip nor from governor perry. Because prior to yesterday, heres the reality of what people faced. One week or two weeks, a paper application. And once you go through that entire process, one out of every five people who apply for coverage was denied coverage. If theres anything that can be considered close to criminal, is the fact that millions upon millions upon millions of americans prior to yesterday becausthey had a preexisting condition were denied coverage. As of yesterday, thats never going to happen again. David, we know that thousands across the country, they were able to apply and get through and succeed on their first day. More than 2900 in kentucky, 1100 in illinois, nearly 170 in connecticut. Explain to all of us, though, how close are the tech geniuses to resolving some of these issues . And do you feel that the technical delays are going to turn people off . Again, yesterday just being day one, people have until the end of the year and january 1st to where this all kicks in. Thats right. Its important to, first of all, understand why there have been the issues that there have been. It has been a function of volume for comparison. The 4. 7 million unique visitors in a 24hour period is seven times, seven times as many as ever went to medicare. Gov and medicare is wildly popular in any one single given day. So what the team has been working on is ramping up the response, making sure that were ready for these big influxes of folks so that the process will get easier. Heres what we know already, wait times on the phone are better. The initial piece of creating an account is improving. And bottom line is tomorrow is going to be better. The day after is going to be better. And there is still an additional 180 days for folks to apply. And so this is day two of a sixmonth process. To your question about whether or not people will come back, yeah, theyre going to come back. The reason theyre going to come back is because for many folks they have been denied for years and have been waiting for this opportunity to finally get some coverage that gives them peace of mind. Thats why theyre coming. Lets talk about peace of mind because right now we have the American Economy and the budget basically bowing held hostage because the rollout continues even as the government remains shut down and the two are intertwined with john boehner saying the shutdown and the president and Senate Democrats are refusing to negotiate overall of this. So explain why the president refuses to get with congressional leaders in a room and hash this thing out. The president has always said he is willing to talk to anyone at any time about ways to grow the economy and make sure that were moving forward. But congress has two jobs, two very simple jobs. Number one is to pass a budget. Number two is to make sure that the bills are passed on time. And what has happened is that a small minority in the house of representatives has decided rather than to sit down and make sure that it does its job, is essentially to hold the government hostage. So, look, there right now is a majority in the house of representatives that is prepared to pass a clean continuing resolution to reopen the government and they should do that immediately. David simas, White House Deputy Senior Adviser for communications and strategy. Great to have you on today. Thanks for having me on. Everybody started running. A lot of people that worked at the counter started ducking behind where the packages go and just everybody started running. Two suspicious packages clear an airport in florida. Now two people are under arrest and one biker in custody after this, that scary chase of road rage right here in manhattan on the west side highway. Those stories and more in the news now. Stay with us. In the nation, we know how you feel about your car. So when coverage really counts, count on nationwide insurance. Because whats precious to you is precious to us. Love, love is strange just another way we put members first. Because we dont have shareholders. Join the nation. Baby. Nationwide is on your side [ female announcer ] with the Weight Watchers app, you have the power of Weight Watchers. And helpful tools like the pizza cheat sheet so you can make the most of any situation. What can i get you . Ill have that one. [ female announcer ] even saturday nights. And the barcode scanner so weekend road trips dont mean losing your way. You can lose weight and still live big. Join Weight Watchers online for free and get the app today. 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[ female announcer ] if you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. [ male announcer ] when we built the cadillac ats from the ground up to be the worlds best sport sedan. People noticed. The cadillac ats 2013 north american car of the year. Lease this cadillac ats for around 299 per month with premium Care Maintenance included. Weve got some sad news we need to pass along to you. We are just learning and confirming that bestselling writer author tom clancy has passed away his publisher confirming his death to nbc news. A statement is expected to come shortly. Clancy became a household name for his military thrillers including the hunt for red october, patriot games. Clancy was just 66 years old. A developing story that weve been following out of florida where two suspects are under arrest after a frightening bomb scare at Jacksonville International airport. That airport was evacuated for hours last night with people scrambling for safety after someone was heard making a threat. Authorities called in a bomb squad after two suspicious packages were found. One of them at a terminal and another at a parking garage. Didnt really hear too much, just everybody started running, a lot of people that worked at the counter started ducking behind where the packages go and just everybody started running to say get out. Weve got more here. Kerry sanders joins me and has been monitoring the situation from jacksonville. Tell us more about how this all unfolded and whats the latest with these two arrests. Reporter its sort of interesting because the two arrests are not necessarily connected. The authorities have concluded these two people didnt know each other. First of all, lets talk about how this began. In the security line at the tsa, 39yearold zelijko causevic goes up and according to the booking report when he goes up, he actually announces i came to the Security Guard and i said i got a bomb in here. Thats an actual quote from him. Then it goes on to say he didnt actually have a bomb but had supposed to be a bomb but its not. He went on to say it was a luggage scale containing two flat round batteries and a microchip inside. Nonetheless, the authorities immediately realized they had somebody here who was a threat. So as they moved in on him to arrest him, other people in line saw this. And then another person in the line, manuel rivera, took off and he took off running all the way to the parking garage at the airport. Well, the police pursued him and confronted him there. Theyre not exactly sure why he took off, but they say that he resisted arrest when they came up to him. Initially the authorities thought not only were perhaps these two people connected, but there were actual flights out there getting ready to take off so they closed the airport, they grounded the flights that were out there. One of them was a u. S. Airways flight. They actually stopped the plane there and out on the tarmac had the passengers deplane rather than bringing it back to the terminal. One of the passengers who was on appeared suspicious so the captain on board alerted the authorities that maybe this passenger somehow may have been connected. Turns out he had nothing to do with it. So today we have two people that are in custody. The airport which had cancelled flights is now sort of ramping back up, getting its operations, but there were some people whose flights were just plain outright cancelled and theyre not catching flights until much later this afternoon. But clearly heightened alert. A lot of concern but at the end of the day, no bomb. Thomas. Nbcs Kerry Sanders reporting. Kerry, thank you, sir. A Pennsylvania Appeals Court has dough nied jdenied Jerry Sanduskys request for a new trial. He is serving a 30 to 60year prison sentence. His lawyer says he plans to Seek Supreme Court review. Wi th olay. Formulated with a skin energizing complex, it penetrates 10 layers of the skins surface, because energized skin is younger looking skin. Is younger looking skin. Shimmy, shimmy chocolate shimmy, shimmy chocolate we, we chocolate cross over yeah, we chocolate cross over [ male announcer ] fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. Chocolate wout of landfills each year . Plastic waste to cover mt. Rainier by using one less trash bag each month, we can. And glad forceflex bags stretch until theyre full. So you can take them out less often. So we are two days in and the Government Shutdown is still front page news across the country. The virginia pilot asks shutdown or restart . Floridas tampa trib, one word says it all, deadlock. And in the high stakes swing state of iowa, some of the messages include pathetic. I think its going to serve its purpose and im embarrassed to be an american. So some of the reactions there. And there may be a tiny, tiny light at the end of this tunnel. Despite no solid formal negotiations going on right now, there are signs of cracks within the Republican Party. Congressman peter king said on morning joe that meetings will be held today about whats been happening in congress. I would say theres well over 100 who are totally fed up with this policy. Theyre afraid to go forward because theyre afraid of a primary coming up in their district but they want the government to open. They realize this is a deadend policy. Nbc news is learning boehner, pelosi, reid and mcconnell will be at the white house this afternoon to talk about this. We have congressman sean duffy joining me. Sir, im just getting this information. Let me get your response to that. Its just crossing my desk that the four leaders will be at the white house. Is that a positive move in the right direction . Listen, absolutely. The president had been talking about how he doesnt want to negotiate, doesnt want to talk. He had drawn a line in the sand. I think this is a really positive development. The only way you get two sides with different opinions to come together to find resolution, to find Common Ground is when you communicate, when you have a dialogue. So i would say absolutely kudos to the president for inviting the leaders of both chambers to the white house to start that conversation. Okay. But to start that conversation, are you willing to accept, though, if the president is not going to negotiate and say that dealing with the budget of the country should not be tied to obama care . Are you willing to separate those two things . Listen, i think thats an untenable position, especially when america understands how weve moved. Many of us dont like obama care so we voted to defund it. Then we moved to have a wholesale delay for one year. But right now, i mean the position that we have is the administration, barack obama and jay carney and their team should all be in obama care like the rest of america. If its good for america and members of congress, it should be good for the president and his team. Weve asked for that. Weve also asked that individuals get treated the same way as big businesses. They came to the hill and lobbied for a oneyear delay in the requirements of obama care. Were asking give that same delay to the individuals. Treat them fairly like you do the big businesses. They might not have as much money, but we should treat them equally. Why delay ultimately, though . Why delay ultimately when this needs to be tested . When it needs to be rolled out and the fact, you know, that it passed through both houses of congress in 2010. Its been vetted by the supreme court. The American People reelected president barack obama back into office on the mandate that obama care was going to be law of the land and the Senate Remains democratic controlled. Now while the house remains republican controlled, twothirds of washington is democratically controlled so why is it the republicans are refusing to untie how to fund our government to what is the aca . Why do those two have to be connected . I want your viewers to understand right now the president has won. He cant take yes for an answer. Weve said, okay, let the exchanges go up. Let obama care go forward. What the president did was he rolled when big business came to washington and said give big business in america a oneyear delay on the requirements of obama care. He did that unilaterally. We think just because small communities, small families in america, middle class families in america, just because they dont have big lobbyists in washington, just because they dont have a lot of money doesnt mean they shouldnt be treated with that same delay for the requirements of obama care like he gave big businesses. Dont you think, though, that the glitches and the fact that theres been such a rush for people to go out and vet what open enrollment means, what october 1st meant to so many millions of americans, some reportedly over four million that have gone individual clicks to test and learn about what obama care could mean for them come january 1st, isnt that the sign that the country is interested in having access to Affordable Health care . Its not just a privilege for those among us that are lucky enough to work for a big company or lucky enough to be able to afford it, but it should be affordable for all americans. Two points. I never saw jay carney at the computer yesterday signing up for paum care because hes not. Hes not in it. But thomas, what im concerned about is my families back in wisconsin that are seeing their fulltime jobs turn into parttime jobs. Listen, in wisconsin were seeing numbers that our families and our young people are going to see a 77 increase in health care premiums. Those are the numbers that im concerned about and thats because of this law. And thats been our concern. But listen, i want to see our government get back up and running. I want to see us come to a common consensus. Im even willing to say lets do a oneweek extension. Lets open it up for a week and negotiate the finer points of the disagreement. Doesnt that get to the whole fight of kick the can down the road. Why cant we figure out a long game of how our country should run instead of these small piecemeal measures that really get nothing done . Thomas, we do small piecemeal measures. Thats the way the process works. We do Appropriations Bills throughout the summer of every year and then vote on those and pass them by the start of the calendar, which is october 1st. That hasnt happened because the senate hasnt taken up those bills. So listen, this has been dysfunctional, but the bottom line is the president has to talk to people. He hasnt moved off any of his positions. He hasnt compromised, he hasnt communicated. Even to the point where democrats are saying, listen, were not going to open up the open air monuments. Were not going to open up the world war ii monuments. This is the same mentality who gave us little kids to raise money and see the white house but he shut it down because of sequester. Do you think you should pick losers of what gets funded and what doesnt . No, what i support is an appropriations process that goes through systematically what we should fund. Why didnt House Republicans send people to negotiate with the house and senate over the budget . Why does the House Republicans send conferees in the months leading up to this to negotiate the house and Senate Budgets . What i think we need to do is find points of agreement. Who disagrees we should not open up our World War Ii Museum . Why did House Republicans send conferees to negotiate the house and Senate Budgets in the months leading up to this . Did they or didnt they . We have conferees ready to reopen up the government. That is the most critical thing did they or did they not meet in the months to come before all of this . Did the senate send conferees to meet us on our bill to open up the government to keep government running . They wont even send conferees to negotiate. Thats the problem. Let me talk about the budget quickly. One of the issues that we have is republicans put out a budget that actually balances. Our concern with the senate is they have a budget bill that never balances. It doesnt balance in ten years, not 50 years, not 100 years. So how could you find agreement with someone who goes i will never balance the budget. I wont tell america how much i want to spend and how much i want to raise your taxes. Were willing to say this is tough stuff but well put a budget out that balances and shows the American People how we do it. Its pretty hard when youre that far apart and they wont even concede the point that we want to balance the budget. Thats been our issue. Right now we all want to keep the government open. We have that Common Ground. But its day two of the shutdown. Congressman, i have to run. Weve gone a little long. We did report that mcconnell and pelosi, reid and boehner are all going to be at the white house coming up at 5 30 this afternoon. Congressman sean duffy, thanks for your time. I want to bring in todays agenda panel to talk more about the effects of the shutdown, irin carmon, corey dade, bill scher. Gang, its good to have you here. Let me start where we left there with the congressman and the fact that he wants to let all of us know, irin, that republicans are trying to downplay this shutdown, that theyre willing to talk about this and the fact that they want parks to be open to vets and to kids. Is that really going to work, irin, to play on the emotions of what the parks means as opposed to what it really means overall for a Government Shutdown . Well, i think this is a moment in which we can really see what their priorities are. Yes, as you mentioned, they are choosing which parts of the government they believe should be kept open. Well, it turns out they dont really care that much about millions of pregnant women and new mothers who get nutrition assistance or seniors who get nutrition assistance. I mean at this point it looks like the democrats are not even going to accept it, but in theory what were really seeing is where their priorities lie. Certain things that involve optics, such as the world war ii memorials and not people who if we let this drag on for another week or so are really going to be figuring out how they can eat. Yeah. Where the next meal is coming from. Corey, the New York Times has highlighted 20 hardcore conservatives who are not going to back down on this. How is that small group of republicans able to hold government funding hostage . Again, this is the minority of the majority minority out of twothirds in washington, d. C. Did you do my math there . Okay. The math also, its actually a wider pool. Youre talking about roughly as many as 85 lawmakers in the house. Theyre either Tea Party Tea Party Loyalists or theyre gerrymandered into conservative districts where they dont face any penalty, any consequence if they go against this clean resolution. And so it holds john boehner over a barrel. Lets think back to 2012. Coming off the election, john boehner conceded that obama care was the law of the land and that its time to just basically sit back and watch and gleimplement. Since then hes had to dial that back because that conservative wing is absolutely entrenched and will not let him bring this vote to the floor. Meanwhile, this was interesting because ann romney actually weighed in on whats going on in washington, d. C. And proposed this solution. Take a look. Id like to invite everyone to come to my table, sit down, have some coffee cake and lets not get up from the table till weve got it figured out. The coffee cake summit. Its not a bad idea. So bill, let me talk to you. Maybe coffee cake is this afternoon at 5 30 when the four show up at the white house with pelosi, reid, mcconnell and boehner. But you noted that there is this new strategy among republicans, the piecemeal bill approach. We just had congressman duffy on talking about that, that this is just the way that its done with these Appropriations Bills that are kick the can down the road style. We havent had any Appropriations Bills this year. But is piecemeal the way we need to govern . Well, no. It muddles the republican message. They forced the shutdown. They said it was more important to defund or delay obama care than have the government be open and now theyre complaining that the government is not open. It doesnt make any sense. Duffy is on here trying to claim were the ones compromising. What was the concession that came out of the republicans mouth . There was none. Theyre changing their demands. Theyre not offering a concession. Whereas the democrats have offered the concession. Well keep the sequester. Plenty of democrats are livid about the sequester. They said, fine, well keep the sequester but keep the government open and do your job. The republicans have done nothing along those lines. I think its very transparent theyre just game playing and not acting responsibly. I want to say thanks, guys, sorry for our shortened time. Irin carmon, corey dade, bill scher. As always great to see all three of you. You can find more from our panel on msnbc. Com and follow the link to my name. Across america people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with noninsulin victoza®. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza®. He said victoza® is different than pills. Victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. Its taken onceaday, any time, and comes in a pen. And the needle is thin. Victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. Victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. 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Stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. Taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza®. Its covered by most health plans. Having a Family History of lymphoma, i just feel it would be a wise idea to actually be covered in case anything, god forbid, should happen. It is day two in the new air after of health care coverage. For the first time more than 45 million americans will have access to the experience of what they have been denied for so long, that is Affordable Quality Health care and the peace of mind that comes along with it. A few years ago, Amanda Barrett left her job in new york to take care of her parents. For a while she had temporary insurance that covered her multiple sclerosis. When it expired, many insurers wouldnt cover her because of her ms. She ended up paying 1200 a month. Thats nowhere near affordable. Skyhigh premiums once forced nancy beagle to choose between paying her rent or paying for her health insurance. Shes been uninsured ever since. Nancy says they talk about those who fall through the cracks. I fell the cracks ten years ago and ive been stuck there ever since. That was president obama at the white house on day one of the rollout describing real people with real stories about life before the aca and what the new Health Care Law will mean for them. Joining me now is one of those real people who appeared with the president , maureen murphy, an independent contractor. Maureen suffered a stroke after being denied coverage and was at the white house yesterday when the president spoke. Maureen, its great to have you here, especially for your firsthand insight because youre already benefiting from obama care. Im talking about before the law actually went into effect. Tell us more about your backstory, the benefits of the care that you receive. Yes. Thank you so much for having me, i really appreciate it. When i got sick in 2010, i was able to get coverage through a portion of the Affordable Care act that was called the preexisting condition plan, and it was basically the highrisk pool that was created to form a bridge for anyone very specifically like me who needed for my situation needed medical care to bridge us to january of 2014, once the exchanges are open. If i had not been able to get that care or that insurance, i quite honestly would have most likely died. The stroke that i had was caused by an autoimmune condition thats a rare blood condition, and not to get all complicated with medical terms and all that, but basically my body has a wire crossed. Its what happens with autoimmune. My body has an antibody that was creating clots and lots of them. And if you have lots of clots going through your body and one comes to your brain, you have a stroke. And what was after that, that was bad enough, but the thing is it kept going and going and going so i needed to get very specific treatment and because i had the insurance through the pcip, which was, like i said, part of aca, i was able to go to Johns Hopkins and i got to the correct specialist who once i got to her, i really like within two days, it was like i got my body back after nine months of absolute hell of trying to just manage it and figure it out. I was in and out of the emergency room. After i saw her and got the right treatment, theyre went to the emergency room again, i feel great. Everything is good. I have to maintain my health. I have to make sure that i have medication because i will need that for the rest of my life. What does it mean because you need to switch now that the aca has gone live of the so youll switch, correct . Ill be signing up. I know the exchanges opened yesterday. I was running around and also dont have access to a computer right now so i havent had a chance to look at what the options will be in virginia, but once i do, like everyone has been talking about, ill have a variety of plans to look at, see what fits my specific needs and then choose. And obviously i need to make sure that i have very good prescription care because thats kind of the paramount thing that i need to maintain my health right now. Maureen murphy, thanks so much. We wish you nothing but continued success and the best of health. Thank you. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. As we told you about a few moments ago, were learning there will be a meeting at the white house this afternoon between congressional leaders boehner, pelosi, reid and mcconnell. Baun janars office put out a statement saying were pleased the president finally recognizes that his refusal to negotiate is indefensible. Its unclear why wed being of this meeting if its not meant to be a serious talks between the two parties. Life could be hectic. As a working mom of two young boys angies list saves me a lot of time. After reading all the reviews i know im making the right choice. Online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time. With honest reviews on over 720 local services. Keeping up with these two is more than a full time job, and i dont have time for unreliable companies. Angies list definitely saves me time and money. For over 18 years weve helped people take care of the things that matter most. Join today. All right. Welcome back, everybody. Want to tell you more about that developing news we got just moments ago where congressional leaders are going to be visiting the white house later this afternoon roughly around 5 30. Senator mcconnells office has now issued a statement saying just yesterday the president reaffirmed that he would not negotiate with congress. Senate democrats actually voted not to negotiate. So frankly, were a little confused as to the purpose of this meeting. But anyway, the aides have confirmed to nbc news that boehner, pelosi, reid, and mcconnell will all be there. Senator ted cruz just sent out his own statement about an incident with world war ii vets yesterday at the memorial in washington. He says, quote, president obama is so set on imposing his destructive farleft ideology that his government is literally blocking veterans out of memorials. Honor flight vets crossed the barriers of the memorial yesterday, not letting the shutdown stop them from visiting. Two additional groups are expected to visit that memorial today. Thats going to wrap up this hour for me. See you back here tomorrow at 11 00 a. M. Eastern. Now with alex wagner is coming up. Hey, thomas. More of what we expected. Its day two of the Government Shutdown. Republicans are still in denial. The prognosis for reaching the next stage isnt looking good. Well discuss what rock bottom looks like with the New York Times Jeremy Peters and other panelists. Plus, the shutdown is already hitting federal workers, head start kids, veterans, and seniors across the country. But many of those same people have already been feeling the pinch for months. Sam stein weighs in on the sequester semester. And a filmmaker joins us to talk about his new documentary, about one of philadelphias darkest chappers. All that when now starts after this. [ woman 1 ] why do i cook . Because an empty pan is a blank canvas. [ woman 2 ] to share a moment. [ man 1 ] to remember my grandmother. 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