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No huge wars separating north from the south. As we end this week, the kass em today is deep, dark and alarming. Look at karl rove barking orders like someone selected him ring master. Look at Newt Gingrich blasting away at rove. The center right wants to bring discipline to the party. They are tired of losing elections they figured they would win. The hard right wants none of this fostering. They want to run free from wherever they want, from whatever offices they want. There are Little People in the party fraging big shots. That is quite a show. Thats why we are starting there tonight. Managing editor of the grail and david cornish, both msnbc political analysts, glad for that. Lets look at michael, pretty smart guy, used to write speeches for w. We will see what is wrong as the gop continues, former gop speech righters. Michael gerschwin wrote, romney lost by 5 million boats presiding onover an anemic economy. It is p there is a wing message for a winning nation that no longer exist. You have to start with this joy. Winning is a wellcrafted sentence. A winning message for a nation and by the way, in all fairness, they didnt know it existed. Until the day after the election. As i sit around, 9 00 at night, when we all saw virginia looking close, whoa. Whats going on . Looks like a new country is voting here. They are still playing in old country. Yeah, absolutely. Like they didnt get the message in 2008. I think a lot of people thought the message in 2008 was a fluke. Did you worry that it was . Actually, no. I thought barack obama was is going to win, to be honest with you. I didnt. If you look at trajectory of the minority share of the electorate, its been growing by a pretty consistent 2 every four years. If you look at the electorate when bill clinton got elected, and Ronald Reagan got elected, they use this to bring up their base and maximize their vote. They use the far right to do it. Well, it used to be since theres not enough of them. For every africanamerican vote, or latino vote is probably a better point, you would lose a vote in the southwest but thats not exactly happening. The white vote has been up a bit for obama and africanamerican and other minority votes zoomed. They lost the cities. Losing more educated white voters along with minority voters and part of the problem is them. The messaging they use for their base turns off obviously younger people. Turns off women. Turns off minorities and this time they really got minorities excited about voting. When you do things to prevent people from voting, that made that vote solidify and come out and visit in 2008. This is the problem they have. The leadership, michael gerschwins of the world, they alienate the people who vote for the party. Angry guy in arizona. John mccain, town hall meeting. There is a reason why a lot of mo more centrists did not run last night, all of the crazies, and mitt romney and if you see turning out as we play the clips from the republican debate, the audience was one they dont care what michael says about republicans need new poverty programs or new ways to structure the government to make it work. Environmental programs. They dont care. A lot of this for them is cultural. They want to go back it whatever they think the good old days were. They dont like the rising influence you give advice it a guy like john mccain, you say, yeah, become a little bit more today. Open to the hispanic population in your own stays. Which he is aware of. This is what happens when the Republican Party follows the advice of the thoughtful people like michael gerschwin. A former maverick taking on the current maverick. Lets watch. Why didnt the army go down there and stop them . Because the only thing that stops them, im afraid it say, and it is too damn bad, but is a gun. Thats all that will stop them. I remember when you were in bed with kennedy. In bed . Most people coming across the border dont speak english. We have large group of dependent people that, you want it make citizens, that will be on on medicare, they will be on welfare, they will need food stamps. You know it [ inaudible ] again, sir, youre not you say, build the dang fence. Wheres the fence . In case you missed it, i showed you that thats not a fence. Thats not a fence . Its a banana. We put up a banana with about 600 million sir, you are entitled to your opinion and im entitled to the facts. There he is, joy, david, using words like banana, an old joke. I dont think irony works with this crowd. Number two, the great pat hon han of the new york, you are entitled to your opinion and i have the facts. I dont think that works with this crowd. They feel they are overrun by immigrant. They dont like it. Thats their point of view. They dont want it hear the quibbling about, we will let them stay here. They really seem to think, i wish there was someone out there that would talk like i talk. We got an immigrant problem. You want to talk about it . Write it down. You want it work here, go through reasonable channels. You will get a document, social security, but you have to have a work permit to go with it. They dont want to talk like that because they know it offends business. They want to talk about walls and electric fences and you shall be killed if you touch this wire. The crazy talk they get into it because they cant deal in reality. You may not be as conservative as i but i think there is a middle of the road position. Which is what every other country including mexico does. You cant come into the country without permission. It is the world we live in. But they dont want to seem to approach it that way. I love the clip you played. It coveres a couple of things. First of all, if you listen to that crowd in the nation, thats limbaugh, beck, 30 years of these guys being fed by theant sta by the entertainment you think it has this is a victimhood that country is stole out from there them. It is sold by these guys on talk radio. These guys are stealing wur country, whether it is black people, brown people when you drive around and you listen to rush and you hear him talk about immigrant like they are stomping on the white mans grave, do you think they are crazy, showman, manipulators are they really believe it. I think they use these people because thats the way they make money. They are listening to this and they already feel their Economic Situation is worse than their parents. They need someone to blame. And have you rush and beck and savage and they say, it is those people who are getting into n your schools and taking over your neighborhood. I get emails from these people saying, all of you people, all of you minority are on welfare. And you play this piece, chris, real quick, where the guys threw back in john mccains face, to build the dang fence. Because he did it too. When he needed to get reelected he was willing to play that game and now it is is coming back it bite him. Well, you are a sweetheart but why do you read these emails . I cant resist. You think you owe these people . You dont respond to them, do you . No, i dont respond to them. But sometimes have to know what they are thinking. And they think they are making an argument to me about why im wrong about policy and say all minority are on welfare. They have been fed this for years and they think this is the excuse that is wrong with their lives. You are know, for eight years, 12 years now, these are karl roves people. Let me if youve ever seen pat and limbaugh, he not selling it, he believes it. Whether you like it or not. I dont care whether glenn beck or Rush Limbaugh believe what they say or not. It is interesting academic discussion. The outcome is the same. And you get these people riled up and now karl want to put the ang ang angry genie back in the bottle. Well, Newt Gingrich went after, the architect himself, to recruit back electable republicans, as he put it. Gingrich wrote this, this is gingrich of all people, saying, i im opposed to a bunch of billionaires financing a boss to pick canned candidates in the 50 states. End gas roots small town conservatism. No one person is smart enough nor do they you know what is interesting joy, there man is a walking etcha sketch. You cant remember who newt was yesterday. Wean he the guy with the bank roll, with the only reason he was in the republican primary as long as he was because because of a billionaire. Then he changes stuff and thats why he is Newt Gingrich, i guess. This is almost different from all of the other nights this week. I know it says it but it is almost like the first time im seeing turmoil on the right. When have a lot of little ral fingerpointing, where karl rove is attacked by Newt Gingrich and, sort of the astonishment crowd. People that like to win every year and they dont care if they win as long as they make a lot of noise. And john boehner is almost irrelevant to this. In the 90s we had republicans turn on Newt Gingrich. That got bloody. They kicked him out. He forgot that too. These things happen. But the they have this tremendous Division Within the party. Ideal logically, culturally, and thats the thing. They cant all get together and say, lets get marco rubio on immigration and it will solve our problems because have you guys in arizona that cant get out there and say, okay lets do something reasonable on the sequester because of the Tea Party People say, no, we actually want to shut government down. Grandpa want to cut government by 20 , 30 . You know what i saw last year at the convention in tampa . I think we saw like the rock on top of the bud light. He covered it up. A boring convention. Republican convention was kind of dead beat and soggy and hot papered over. They papered over with romney with just some show. A ringer they won at the run. They didnt know him, didnt love him, didnt care. They just wanted a guy that was easy to beat. And they just fight with each other. The problem is too, that people like karl rove had been telling the parties for decades, listen, eventually we will implement your beliefs. Just vote for us one more time. We are going to outlaw abortion, deport the illegal aliens, and then they never follow through. Jor george w. Bush was a tremendous disappointment in that regard. He didnt implement any of that stuff. They wont shove them back in the closet as much as they want to at this point. Thank you joy, thank you david corn. What a night on msnbc. Look who is for gun safety, joe biden. He want to teach jill how to use a shotgun. Serious business here. Guns, gun safety for guns, i guess. He is laying the ground for 2016. A regular guy with a shotgun. And triumph of obama care. Quietly buying into the obama care plan. Many allowed the plan in the past, especially floridas rick scott. He is on board tonight and tonight the man scott replaced a enwho might replace him, Charlie Crist is coming on, on board hardball. What are you doing sunday night . Probably what everyone else is doing, watching oscars. This years movies are fill with political overtones and who better to tee up the big night than iconic host of inside the Actors Studio, james lipton. He is coming here. Finally a right wingers dream. Figuring out a way for americans to keep their guns and to prevent establishment of an islamic cowa fate here in the usa. This guy has it all figured. A unitary figure for all problems. This is hardball, the place for politics. So, beginning today, my son brock and his whole team will be our new senior social media strategists. Any questions . Since we make radiator valves wouldnt it be better if we just let fedex help us to expand to new markets . Hmm gotta admit thats better than a few likes. I dont have the door code. Whos that . He won a contest online to be ceo for the day. How am i supposed to run a business here without an office . [ male announcer ] fast, reliable deliveries worldwide. Fedex. [ male announcer ] fast, reliable deliveries worldwide. All stations come over to mithis is for real this time. Step seven point two one two. Verify and lock. Command is locked. Five seconds. Three, two, one. Standing by for capture. The most Innovative Software on the planet. Dragon is captured. Is connecting todays leading companies to places beyond it. Siemens. Answers. Chuck hagel president obamas defense looks like he has votes for confirmation. Been a long haul though. A week since the republican filibuster slowed his smarts to confirmation but senator rifrpard shelby is now the third republican expected to vote in hague hell favorite. That means there are 60 votes to beat back any attempt of filibuster. I dont think there will be one any more. They are asking the white house, arent they sweet, a last ditch effort or attempt they might show. They just dont have the votes to stop them. What is wrong with these people. Well be right back. If you want to protect yourself, get a Double Barrel shotgun, have the shells 12 gauge shotgun, and i promise you, as i told my wife, we live in a an area that wooded and somewhat secluded. I said, jill, if there is ever a problem just walk out on the balcony here, walk out, put that Double Barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house. I promise you, whoever is coming in is not going to you dont need an ar 15. It is harder to aim. 2 t is harder to use. And in fact, you dont need 30 rounds to protect yourself. Buy a shotgun. Buy a shotgun. Back to hardball. Buy a shotgun. Buy a 5 shotgun. That is Vice President bidens talk on town hall. That response was it a question about whether an assault weapons ban would prevent citizens from defending themselves. Then the Vice President with a is in connecticut making an emotional push for stricter gun laws. If the shooter in tucson add 10 round magazine instead of 30 round magazine a little granddaughter of a friend of mine from wilmington delaware who used to manage the philadelphia phillies, she would be alive today. When changing his magazine, a woman leaned over in the crowd and knocked his arm, and thats how they subdued him. It makes a difference. It wouldnt have saved everybody. Wouldnt have saved everybody. But the last two people shot would be alive. Trying to disentangle the strange role he is playing. What role is he legitimately playing for the president by being shotgun willie here. He is talking about, get yourself a shotgun. He said it twice. Im going to teach my wife how to use it, in our leafy neighborhood. This is what he is saying. Not just have a gun but load a couple of shots somewhere in the direction of the guy you think you is getting into your house. This isnt big city were against gun talk at all. Its not. What is it . It is take like regular joe talking to joe six pack about common sense gun control laws. And he is doing it because it is the middle, if you will, the people who could go either way on this. Who respect the first amendment. The Second Amendment. Who are hunters, may own guns themselves. If the Obama Administration and through joe biden sending a message that we get the importance of the Second Amendment. We understand the value of owning a gun. We understand this what it can do for people who want to protect their families but there are limits to what you need to protect your family and the shotgun is enough. The notion that, if you fire two shots at somebody coming at you with a shotgun, a and hit them in the chest, they are not going to come at you any more. You dont need an assault weapon to hit them. And you dont need an assault weapon to protect your family or to hunt. Yeah, but doesnt that sound like, if you look at the democratic platform, even most recently, all about gun safety, gun control. Here is a guy that says, go buy a gun. Dont give me the political correct answer which you are giving me. Is this to move beyond the city, beyond the suburbs even, to try it make sure that democrats have splb that can talk to the rural guy . It is, chris, i think it is that. It is moving beyond the cities and even beyond suburbs and into more Rural America. But that is where the votes are to make the difference on Something Like a magazine clip limit. Because everybody in the big city already support whatever gun control democrats bring forward and it is in Rural America and in suburbs where they resist it. So joe biden is out there basically saying, buy a gun, own a gun, protect your family. Respect the Second Amendment but you dent need a clip. You dont need an assault weapon and so it is a smart play. Okay. Lets be totally political. Suppose we dont get gun control. Where does that leave biden . Where does that leave the president . Say this year is a good year to get it if we get it. If we dont get even the magazine limit. If it doesnt clear the senate and doesnt come up in the house, it doesnt happen, politically, where does that leave the president and Vice President towards 2016 . I think the president is in a good position because he tried and i think the Vice President is in a good position because he is out there making the case. And you have to wonder, as you look at 2016 and what the field looks like, lets assume for a second that hillary doesnt run. Youve got two governors who are moving. Andrew cuomo and martin and omalley. I think joe biden is trying to check them on gun control but demonstrate to democratic primary voters for 2016 and we know he is going to run because he has indicated he want it run. He is somebody who can go into pennsylvania, who can go into ohio, go into the communities where democrats particularly northeastern liberal democrats have a tough time winning a general election. He can speak to those people. Get their votes, earn their trust. Democrat can win in 2016 with joe biden. I think it is a smart play for the administration all the way around. And by the way, from the president s perspective, you put biden out there, and if it doesnt go well, it doesnt get everything he wants, then the president isnt quite as personally and politically invested as he might otherwise be because he has a lot of other things he has to do. This is really important, to the administration but something biden can do effectively for the president and do everyone at the administration a world of good. Man it mmantoman, person t person, you talk to people, do you think there is any other issue that would stall Hillary Clinton wanting to run . Everybody thinks he will pull out if she goes in. I think Hillary Clinton gets to make a decision and then the field gets to react it that decision. I think what it does do though, chris, and lets assume for a second, if when runs she is the prohibited frontrunner. Biden may still run, but it is a 2ki6 rent race. If she does run, that gives the president a good run. Because he may suffocate those who might run against him including the two governors amentioned. What joe biden does not want is multicandidate field in 2016. He want to have a clear shot, get the nomination, probably put a great big super pac together, of course a completely within the rules and get started on the general election as soon as possible. What he doesnt want is to go through what mitt romney went through, this last year, and come through a long primary weakened drained and financially okay you taught me a lot in the last couple minutes. If he is in the running and gets nomination, i think it is because secretary clinton decides not to run. But he did a hell after job shaking up the campaign. The campaign was not well in the first campaign. Biden came in unevenly, craftily and knocked the hell out of paul ryan. I think people needed that and i think it made him look pretty damn good. Where are you, by the way . Looks nice down there. You dont have to answer. You dont have to tell me. It is warm. Warm. Looks like it. Looks beautiful. We have heard crazy things over the years. And congressman, wait until you hear this, this guy is something. Funny, so crazy. This is hardball, a place for politics. Two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. And every day since, weve worked hard to keep it. Bp has paid over twentythree billion dollars to help people and businesses who were affected, and to cover cleanup costs. Today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. Weve shared what weve learned with governments and across the industry so we can all produce energy more safely. I want you to know, theres another commitment bp takes just as seriously our commitment to america. Bp supports nearly twohundredfifty thousand jobs in communities across the country. We hired three thousand people just last year. Bp invests more in america than in any other country. In fact, over the last five years, no other Energy Company has invested more in the us than bp. Were working to fuel america for generations to come. Today, our commitment to the gulf, and to america, has never been stronger. Mommys having a french fry. Yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] couldve had a v8. 100 vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. [ male announcer ] whats the point of an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon if the miles arent interesting . The lexus ct hybrid. This is the pursuit of perfection. Id like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios mom, are those my jeans . [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who dont. Multigrain cheerios he opened up jakes very private world. At first, jakes family thought they saved ziggy, but his connection with jake has been a lifesaver. For a love this strong, his family only feeds him iams. Compared to other leading brands, it has 50 more animal protein. To help keep ziggys body as strong as a love that reaches further than anyones words. Iams. Keep love strong. Now the side show. Earlier this week we found out why some republicans were asking whether chuck hagel had ties to a secret Group Called Friends of hamas. What started as a sarcastic joke by Daily News Reporter snowballed into a serious feature on a right wing website then caught on from there. Here is steve colbert. Friend of hamas is worse than it sounds because this org ths K Organization is so sinister that it doesnt even exist. The fact that it doesnt exist makes it more suspicious that chuck hagel is tied to them. What else is he hiding that hasnt happened . Is he a member of the al qaeda kids club . What about the Muslim Brotherhood . Or the muslim sisterhood of the traveling pants . What are his ties to the dead Poets Society . And why are they dead . Do they know too much about benghazi . President obama you Must Withdraw chuck hagels or you will lose the support of another group that doesnt exist. Now chuck hagel has enough votes to get confirmed next week. Louis gelmer sounding the conspiracy bell. Is this about the government taking your guns away or that sharia law is taking over. It is for our protection and founder quotes make that very, very clear. And including against a government that would run amok. We have people that think thai sharia law is law of the land, forget the constitution. But the guns are there that Second Amendment is there to make sure that all of the rest of the amend pt are followed. Okay, who have you ever heard of on any medium or in person say sharia law aught to be the law of the land . Who is he talking about . Nobody. End is the Second Amendment right to bear arms, our freedom of speech and religion and the rest . I dont think so. I think the people do. And a twist on a montana gun lobbyist proposing a new sheriffs first bill which would allow county sheriffs to pick and choose which federal laws they want it enforto enforce. If someone stops at the Sheriffs Office first, that agent would be stopped and arrested for the person they arrested. The alcohol and federation which is the atf, says someone is making firearms without a license. And gosh, under the montana firearms freedom act that is protected. You dont have any permission for this bust. This nullification type proposal was cleared bay vet by the states republican led House Judiciary Committee just this week. Finally, who do you think really has the short end of the stick when it comes to the looming spending cuts that are set to hit march 1st . Pentagon controller comptroller, robert hail is taking it in stride. He told the washington post, when i walk down the hall, people still wave, but with fewer fingers. Isnt he nice . Up next, republican governor reversing course and embrace the obama care plan. The latest to do so was one of obama cares biggest critics. The sweetheart down in i say that sarcastically, and the man that nobody likes. I told him, sure. Cant hurt, right . Then i heard this news about a multivitamin study looking at longterm Health Benefits for men over 50. The one they used in that study. Centrum silver. Thats what i take. My doctor he knows his stuff. [ male announcer ] centrum. The most recommended. Most preferred. Most studied. Centrum, always your most complete. How did i know . Well, i didnt really. See, i figured low testosterone would decrease my sex drive. But when i started losing energy and became moody. Thats when i had an honest conversation with my doctor. We discussed all the symptoms. Then he gave me some blood tests. Showed it was low t. Thats it. It was a number not just me. [ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1. 62 testosterone gel . The 1 prescribed topical testosterone replacement therapy, increases testosterone when used daily. Women and children should avoid contact with application sites. Discontinue androgel and call your doctor if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child, or signs in a woman, which may include changes in body hair or a large increase in acne, possibly due to accidental exposure. Men with Breast Cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are or may become pregnant or are breastfeeding, should not use androgel. Serious side effects include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. Tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. So. What do men do when a numbers too low . Turn it up [ male announcer ] in a clinical study, over 80 of treated men had their t levels restored to normal. Talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. Get the blood tests. Change your number. Turn it up. Androgel 1. 62 . Im milissa rehberger. Here is what is happening. Obama met with japans Prime Minister earlier. North korea conducted a nuclear test. There are retirement rumors, castro is 82 and due to be sworn in for a new term sunday. Oscar pistorius was released on bail after appearing in a South African court. He is charged with killing his girlfriend on valentines day. Balk it hardballclk it hardb while the federal government is committed to paying 100 of the cost, i cannot in good conscious deny florideans that need access to healthcare. We will support a threeyear expanse to the Medicaid Program under the new healthcare law. Even though i believe that the right approach is different from the president s approach, we have a Supreme Court decision and we have an election that says this is the law of the land. Welcome back to hardball. This is a new tune for Florida Governor rick scott could be whistling. He was the leader of the republican pack of governors who vowed to reject the president s Healthcare Plan at all cost. Here is governor rick scott less than a year ago following the Supreme Court decision that said healthcare reform was constitutional. This is going to be devastating for patients, devastating for taxpayers. The biggest job killer ever. Were not going to implement obama care in florida, we arent going to expand medicaid because we arent going to do the right thing. What this does is raise the cost of healthcare for all floridians. It just doesnt work. Also during governor scotts tenure he pushed the disenfranchise some of his states voters by limiting early voting thanks to the Voting Rights acts limits were less extreme than he planned. Before he was governor, healthcare business rick scott founded, hca, was in a huge fraud case and paid 8. 7 billion in a settlement. Scott was not accused of wrongdoing nevertheless the board removed him as ceo. We look at scotts current change of heart. Charlie crist, former government of florida who left the Republican Party and joined the democratic, and is mentioned as a candidate for Florida Governor next time. And columnist for bloomberg view. And thanks for joining us, you are a favorite of the show, and i want it ask you, explain the 180 here. I dont know how else to analyze with t, chris. There is a reelection coming up next year. Have you a dramatic change of heart that is a metamorphosis of the likes that is hard it compare and the only rational i can apply to it is that it is reelection and that it will benefit a million floridians and im glad it is happening for that reason. Frankly. But it is just the stunning reversal which is Pretty Amazing to watch and witness. I cant remember, as you and aagree on this, there you are accused by your opponent of accepting federal money. As if that was a stupid thing to do and it was a sound decision lat late ratified by governor christie, saying of course you take help when you are offered it. Now the guy says exactly. If you want it do it, do it. The way i looked at it back then and i the way i think we should look at medicaid dollars is in the same light. A lot of money went to washington, d. C. It will end up going somewhere. Why not accept it, take it back, give it back it fellow floridians. Whats what my philosophy would be about the medicaid money and make sure to help those lesser income floridean wloes need this in order to get healthcare, for them and their family. John, it is hard not to argue with the analysis we got from the governor. A last summer, saying, im not taking obama care. So slow burning, im not going to let this guy become legitmized by hist history and now, what do you know . Obama care will be popular with the governors. And they pay a hundred percent to medicare expansion. It is cruel to the people in your state, if you are South Carolina or texas, who are still saying i dont want it take the money. You are not only screwing poor people, they are screwing whats called the sandwich generation. The people who have kids living at home and elderly parents. What is going to happen is so much of medicaid money is used for the elderly, not just for the poor, that a lot of those elderly will now move in with their children, in one of the rec rooms, den, wherever they can live because the medicaid is cut in the states where governors dont want it take the money. Florida governor rick scott joins republican governors from six other states who were vek vocal opponents and are now getting on board. So the governor crist, it looks like the flow is in the direction cooperation with the president. And thats a positive sign. The president got reelect end reelected handily. That sends a message it people across the country and to people in florida. That was in doubt for some time, as you know. He did take florida. He did well in the sunshine state. And i think the message is clear. People want common sense. They want those in washington it Work Together and want them to coordinate with governors around the can country to go what is right for the people at large. Not necessarily what somebody may think is hard right or hard believe it but what is right for most of the people, what is common sense and what the people deserve from their elected leaders. Lets do some math here. Rick scott, im no fan of that guy, approval numbers are in the tank. I guess a lot of people in florida agree with me. Or i agree with them. 57 disagree with what he is doing. 33 agree. This is an automated ppp poll from january. Look at this number. It looks pretty good. Early number, obviously. What do you make of that number. 53 to 39, you being 53, governor. Rick scott against you. It is nice to see, but youre right. Awfully early for Something Like that. Just under two years away from the election itself and so a lot of things can happen. It is hard to discourage it. But i think clearly indicates youre right, it is not discouraging. Not for me. But you look at the numbers and see what is happening and obviously theres a shift in the feelings of people across the country. Ive seen the, you know, they have seen the Republican Party, at least leadership of the party, i should say, go off the deep end. They see it in washington. They saw it here initially with the election of 2010. After a while, they are skachsc their heads. There is an intolerant party that doesnt care about people, that need their help once in a while and have a compassate heart about them and they have come around to the view that they dont like the hard line stuff. Here to read the former speech writer for w. , talks just like you. This change of heart, by chief executives in states not done with talk or rhetoric, but reality, coming aboard for obama care. The big picture here is that there was an attempt to wrench the company to the right and center h held. So people are saying, no, we are a centrist nation and those who hail bam aobama and they are re out of fashion now and we are returning to common sense which is very, very, very good news. And you are quoting yates. Thank you very much. Both of you gentlemen, have a nice weekend. Up next, oscar time. Even here, the Academy Awards, we have the great James Woodson to preview the big night. He is coming here. And this is hardball, the place for politics. [ male announcer ] ive seen incredible things. Otherworldly things. But there are some things ive never seen before. This ge jet engine can understand 5,000 data samples per second. Which is good for business. Because planes use less fuel, spend less time on the ground and more time in the air. Suddenly, faraway places dont seem so. Far away. We all work remotely so this is a big deal, our first full Team Gathering i wanted to call on a few people. Ashley, ashley marshall. Here. Since were often all on the move, ashley suggested we use fedex office to hold packages for us. Great job. [ applause ] thank you. And on a protocol note, id like to talk to tim hill about his tendency to use all caps in emails. [ shouting ] oh im sorry guys. Ah sometimes the caps lock gets stuck on my keyboard. Hey do you wanna get a drink later . [ male announcer ] hold packages at any fedex office location. Oscar time. As james lipton talks about the big night. Thats coming up next. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. Omnipotent of opportunity. You know how to mix business. With business. And you. Rent from national. Because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. And go. You can even take a fullsize or above. And still pay the midsize price. I could get used to this. [ male announcer ] yes, you could business pro. Yes, you could. Go national. Go like a pro. 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Were back and it is oscar time. 85th annual Academy Awards are this sunday night and it sure delivers shocking surprises and hopefully neighbor a few snubs. Great movies up for best picture. Argo and lincoln. Im rooting for the underdog as i always do. Sill letter linings play book. Then there is zero dark thirty and les mis. This year we have a couple of nailbiters. Cooper, one of your students, he has come out all right, huh . He has come out brilliantly. He is a graduate of the Actors Studio at pace university. I was his dean. Did you see him as dean coming to some day be one of the serious contenders for best actors . His parents haunted us when he was getting his masters degree with us. And i was finally approached by them one day after he had done one of his projects. They said what do you think. This is when he was in his first or second year. And i said he is going all the way. And they have attested to that since then. So im not making it up now. Im not precious or prescient. I really knew. He had a lot of nerve playing a despicable character in wedding crashers, and he still managed to get through that, a guy that everybody hated. Remember the Football Game . Well, of course. But people often achieve glory by paying very nasty characters. Theyre actors, for heavens sake. I know, i know. I dont have to go to Actors Studio to know theyre actors. Sheer what he said about auditioning in front, keep going, in front of you the first time. Lets take a listen. Remember when you said are you prepared to spend the next three years of your life dedicated to this program . And i said yep. And that was it. That was all he said. And then for the next until i found out that i got in, we deconstructed that sentence. Want to know what it meant . Yep. I never said it unless the person was that good. Oh, god. Let me ask you about tonight. Sunday night, rather. My heart is with Silver Linings. Is an upset possible or is this probably going to go to argo or lincoln . My heart is with Bradley Cooper, why wouldnt it be. I also had hugh jackman on my show. I think hugh is one of the most remarkably versatile actors weve ever seen. And he is also very deserving. Do i think it will go to argo or lincoln . I think lincoln is going to squeak past argo, to be perfectly honest. Best actress. Actresses are now called female actors. Ive never seen a person of her generation as good as jennifer lawrence, ever. And for the first time i saw her in that movie, i said this is something so unique. Either she is that person or she is the greatest actor ive seen in her age. She is remarkable. She is 22 years old. Were just watching a clip of this. Yeah. She plays somebody who is bipolar, and yet lovable and driven to succeed. All together. And its just an amazing combination, and a wiseguy too. You know, when she says crazy to him out in the street, thats the girl you want to hang with. She reminds me of my cousin, i guess, to be honest with you, this south jersey thing. When you watch the Academy Awards, james, do you watch and say this evening gets pretty long, theyre doing sound, theyre doing editing. Is anybody paying attention to that stuff . You mean who are in the house watching . Do they care about the editing and sound and all that stuff . Chris, as i dont know, ive had 15 emmy nominations for inside the Actors Studio. That means 15 times ive lost graciously. Its the longest evening of ones life. Whether one wins or loses, it goes on and on and on. But its worth it. But its worth it. Let me ask you about the big and little. Ive been thinking a lot about the little pictures. Marty, or rocky, which was probably done pretty cheaply. And these movies like million baby or slum dog, some of these are big studio pictures. The more people employed, sounds like ed schultz, the more people they employ the more they want to root for them because it means more jobs. But sometimes hollywood has a big heart and root for the little picture. What do you see as the pattern . I dont know if there is a pattern. I do know this. B Bradley Cooper told me how long they shot Silver Linings playbook. Do you know how long . No. 32 days. They got together, they did it, and they did it remarkably well. They deserve everything. Thats a tribute to David Russell. Of course it is. And i think he might be getting director. Here is another thing. How can argo win if the director ben affleck gets snubbed . How can it win the best picture . It happens very seldom, and its always an anomaly when it does. I dont think David Russell will win. And im not sure that his picture will win. But its not impossible. It has happened in the past. Why did they snub affleck . Is it jealous . I dont know. I cant read their minds. But i do know that he was snubbed. He wasnt the only one who was snubbed. If you look at the director. They put nine movies up, and dont put him up among the top five for director, what is going on, because his picture could win easily . How about bigelow for zero dark thirty . How about Paul Thomas Anderson . How about hooper for les mis . The people ignored this year were themselves all by themselves make a perfect list in any other year. Okay. I saw this movie amor. It all takes place in a pretty upscale par reesha apartment. Yeah. Its about two people approaching death, one very close to it part of the story. Right. Who has dementia, and the husband trying to take care of her. Right. You wouldnt think of that as great hollywood type movie, but it is a great world movie. What do you make of it, the fact that its in the running . Its in the running in two categories, which is a rare category. It will win for foreign film. Okay, i agree. James lipton, its an honor to have you on. Well be right back. [ all ] fort benning, georgia, in 1999. 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Dragon is captured. Is connecting todays leading companies to places beyond it. Siemens. Answers. Let me finish tonight with this. This sunday is of course the occasion for my other interest in life. The first is politics and how this country should be run and what it should be in the world, actually. My other interest is movies. I really try to see the good ones and root for them on Academy Award night. Im going to be doing it this sunday. I think the great thing about the Academy Awards is watching talent win out. And im talking about the writers, directors, and actors who stick their necks out on a movie project sometimes that no other studio wants to make. This year my heart is going to

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