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Want a democrat to replace moe . Any way you listen to it, i think secretary clinton will run for president. I dont see how she can walk away from it. Shes the one woman right now in the picture that can win the presidency next time. Not only that, i think shes the favorite of either gender or party to win the president in 2016. All of her backers across the country that she doesnt want to win. This is the big story in politics right now. Its the story of sups pence only because its about whether she singles her move. Once someone gets out there, it puts their very being on the platform. In secretary Hillary Clintons place, she carries not just her first name, but her husbands. He clearly wants her to run and he will lobby her like mad. I dont know of a more per swas i have person in the country. And i can only assume he holds special interests with his wife. Hillary clinton, i believe she made that student when she was in welsey even before she met William Jefferson clinton. And that decision holds. So get ready for a real doosey this time around. Im joined right now by a pro and a future super star already on the way to greatness, joy. I always say this. I feel like im the biggest booster in the plan et. Lets watch this right now. It looks like the president boosted this interview. He prefaced by this saying president obamas idea. He then asked the question on everyones mind, why . Lets listen to steve and then the president. If main thing is i just wanted to have a chance to publicly say thank you. I think hillary will go down as one of the finest secretary of states this country has ever had. And a lot of the successes weve had international ly. Joy, that was a fairly labored response. We toent have any tea. She could have stayed for eight. What does it mean to you that the president gave her . I dont think that was a gold watch ceremony last night. I think that was a poor tent. A statement. I think it was an attempt by the president to bestow a little favor on Hillary Clinton. Joe biden, who a lot of people also believe really wants to run. And i think hes been sending a lot of signals out there that hes very much interested in getting excited. Hes got a lot of big assignments and has gotten a lot of favor from the president of the president of the United States. I think is tiching it a little bit in hillarys favor. The job she ended uptaking was a lot higher profiled in the end than the vice president. Which a lot of hillary wanted her to make him his running mate. He gave her an even higher profile in a lot of wayings. And now hes giving her a huge boost in 2016. Well, my question to you, since you raised, joy u will joe biden quilt if she runs . Will he pull out of the race if hes in the race for a year or two, will he pull out . You know, chris, i think the game between biden and hillary has been this. I dont think they would primary each other. But i think each of them has been trying to put facts on the ground. Hes trying to put those facts out there. I think if she makes a strong move to run, i think biden will back down. The president is going to have to have a kfrgts with one of these two and i say ive got to back one of you. The president wants his legacy to be another democratic president. Howard, if you dont know, you dont know. But my question is you and i lived through mccarthy, kennedy. That was terrible. Two great kand dats, heroic candidates forced to run against each other. Her husband, bill clinton is still a major figure in the party, even though that galls brksz arack obama. It wouldnt help to have this other family in the democratic tent out there undermining obamas candidacy excuse me, obamas presidency in any way. This is a goodwill gesture on the way out the door to keep her on base, absolutely. To keep her close. Keep your friends, you know, your enemies close and your friends closer. Thats a good god father role ive always played. She answered rather forthrightly, will joe biden bow out if its clear hillary is running . I think so. And i think so because hillary has a much deeper, broader base in the party. I know joe biden well, i oov covered him for a long time. If he assesses the situation a couple years down the road and sees that the clinton machine is still out there, and by the way, hillary took the whole clinton machine to the state department. That was hillaryland over there. That wasnt obamaland. I understand that completely. Thats still strong, i think joe biden will look at it and say im not sure ive got the organization. Do it. And, also, he might not want to call the president out on it and take the gamble with the president because im not sure he would necessarily get the answer that hed want to hear. Steve kroft, by the way, tried to get at the political interviewist. This is rare. If you get an interview of this incredible quality, the president and the secretary of state, the president and two most important people with the democratic party, you dont ask why you got it. Burr here he is. Aparentally, again, trying to figure out why the two showed up together. Here he is again, steve crawford. I have to ask you whats the date of expiration on this endorsement. Oh, steve, i know. I have to ask that question. Come on. I mean, youre sitting here together. Everybody is talking about it already. And this is taking place. You know, steve, ive got to tell you. You guys in the press are incorrigible. I was literally inaugurated four days ago. And youre talking about elections four years from now. And i am, as you know, steve, i am still secretary of state. So i am out of politics. And im forbidden from even hearing these questions. As steve martin would famously say excuse me. They asked to come on 60 minutes. They liked the press coverage they got today and last night. They love the fact theyre talking about it or they wouldnt have done the show. It just seems to be weird on the part of the president. Did you see the body language only hillary . That is a woman that knows that the presidency is basically hers for the taking if she wants it . Who could stop her. She is as relaxed as ive ever seen her. The best thing to do is step back, get out of this job right now and spend the next three years preparing herself to run for president if she wantings it. Was this a move so many things in politics follow other things that wouldnt have happened if they didnt have that thing before them. Do you think this was to give her a really nice sendoff after the rather unpleasant experience with ron johnson and rand paul and those hearings this week. Thats number one. I think the president and hillary have a mutual interest in having benghazi go away. Another thing was something you mentioned to me earlier which is that the president who has gotten a lot of criticism lately for not having picked a lot of new nominees for who arent white males and to remind people that one of the most important picks of his first term was a woman and not just any woman, but Hillary Rodham clinton ill think was a big deal. He was kind of reminding everybody, especially reminding women and hillary supporters and act viss and feminists. Look whos sitting next to me. I made this person secretary of state. The asdigsal benefit of editing bill clinton completely out of the picture. The real attention here is bill clinton and barack obama. Its like the big chill turn sbood the big freeze. Okay, hold that thought. Let me get back to joy. Remember he was still when george w. Was elected president. Bill was speaking out on a separate screen. Let me ask you, i thought of this and howard did give me credit for it in the green room before we came in. I said one reason why he put that the secretary of state on television with him as an equal. They talked about each other being partners, almost, wasnt ameliorated, softened, the lack of any woman the top position is named for the second term. And it did shut everybody up in a very nice way. Its smart, koz mettic politics. No, definitely. It puts her in the buddy act. Youve seen him and his new chief of staff. And there is a sort of bud sdi act that hes got going on. But one of the things that you havent seen a lot. If you think about it, one of the pairings, you havent seen a lot of over the last four years is barack obama and Hillary Clinton next to each other. I think its pornt not just for the cosmetics, but because youve got to at some point mix match hillary land and obama world. Theyre still two camps in washington. Those 40 or 50 people working in the state department whose jobs cease to exist the day she leaves. What will they all do for a living while she decides whether shes running or not . Well, i think a lot of them will become the sort of staff on the ground thats in the Hillary Clinton campaign and waiting. A lot of them have become policy advisors. Im sure some will remain and youll see some people that will stay on because its a goodwill gesture from carey land. I agree with joy. I agree with joy. I think john kerry is going to do Hillary Clinton a favor. Some. At least for a while. At least for a decent interval. So its a fast discussion. We love it. As long as hillary is in the news, the news is exciting. I think joy agrees with me. I think howard probably agrees with me, but keeping his powder dry. Hes just smiling now. I dont see why anybody walks away from the presidency. But then, again, i also say i dont think we can predict the future. I also think its about obama managing the next few years on his own. He wants to keep her in view and on a friendly basis. And therefore, keep your enemies in front of you. Thank you. Either way, it was a great acting performance by boet last night or it was something really porntd. Anyway, thank you, howard, my friend, who shares in the skepticism which makes this a wonderful business, journalism. Joy reid, youre great. Im known for saying that. On wednesday, Hillary Clinton is Andrea Mitchells gesz at 1 00 p. M. Wednesday on this network. Coming up, a bipartson group creating a path way for legal imgrants to become citizens. It sounds great. Will republicans vote for it . Will it have teeth . Will it work when so many past efforts in policy have failed. Also, president obama has hoped his reelection will break the republican fever of endless obstructions. But even he add mits it hasnt happened yet. And now we have paul ryan saying ignoring the countrys problems. Paul ryan, youre the biggest disapointment right, left or krenter in this country. Her contract is gone. No thanks to keep her on the payroll. A lot of people stopped being the stupid party, maybe getting rid of that part of who knows, maybe cnn will pick her up. New conspiracies, but old ones die. First they question whether Hillary Clinton had a concussion. Now they want to know whether she was pushed. Sickos, youre watching hardball, the place for politics. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. Executor of efficiency. You can spot an amateur from a mile away. While going shoeless and metalfree in seconds. And you. Rent from national. Because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. And go. You can even take a fullsize or above, and still pay the midsize price. Now this. Will work. [ male announcer ] just like you, business pro. Just like you. Go national. Go like a pro. Hi victor mom . I know you got to go in a minute but this is a real quick meal, thats perfect for two campbells chunky beef with country vegetables, poured over rice [ male announcer ] campbells chunky soup. It fills you up right. Iowa center tom harken announced over the weekend he wont run for a sixth term next year. That opens up a jump ball situation. Bruce brailey is the early favorite. Also, his wife christy and former governor. But the republicans may be in for another soul searching primary crisis. The extreme concern that steve king may both have their eyes on that senate seat. Well be right back. Ed to put aside our rivalry. cause all our states are great. And now is when the gulf gets even better. The beaches and waters couldnt be more beautiful. Take a boat ride or just lay in the sun. Enjoy the wildlife and natural beauty. And dont forget our amazing seafood. So come to the gulf, youll have a great time. Especially in alabama. You mean mississippi. Thats florida. Say louisiana or theres no dessert. Brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. I have obligations. Cute tobligations, but obligations. G. I need to rethink the core of my portfolio. What i really need is sleep. 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The plan would offer a path to citizenship for the millions of people, about 12 million of them, here illegally. It also promises to put some teeth into enforcement. Chuck schumer of new york and john mccain of arizona were two of the senators. Here is what they said today. Other Bipartisan Groups of senators have stood in the same spot before trumpeting similar proposals, but we believe this will be the Year Congress finally gets it done. The politics on this issue have been turned upside down. For the first time ever, theres more Political Risk in opposing Immigration Reform than in supporting it. Whats going on now is unacceptable. In reality whats been created is a de facto amnesty. We have been too content for too long to allow individuals to mow our lawn, serve our food, clean our homes, and even watch our children while not affording them any of the benefits that make our country so great. Here is what the plan includes. The creation of what the senators call a tough but fair path to citizenship. Strengthening Border Security with new tools. Establishing an effective employment verification system to prevent employers from hiring illegal workers. Most will be given a provisional status. They would have to go to the back of the line to get their green card. Will it work . And will republicans in the house be willing to go along with the plan . Linda sanchez is a democratic congresswoman from california. Stephanie cutter is the former Deputy Campaign manager for president obamas reelection. You know, congresswoman, as you know, like most americans i have always thought it idiotic on the part of the republicans to even talk about sending home over 10 Million People who have been living here in this country for years. Its not going to ever happen. It would be a hideous thing to watch it in effect, people being ripped from their families. But i believe no true reform is ever going to work nor should it be approved that doesnt have enforcement behind it. Unless that stops, the other thing isnt going to be effective either. Do you think this bill has both teeth and is a good thing for the People Living here, both . Well, its important to remember that what the thinking of eight unveiled is sort of an outline. Its actually not a written bill yet. So there are details that still need to be worked out, but the very fact that there is agreement and the very fact that its a bipartisan effort and the very fact that republican senators are now supporting this earned pathway to citizenship or legalization is a tremendous, tremendous aboutface from where our immigration policy has been. Look, i have been around long enough. We have done immigration before. Passed a big comprehensive bipartisan bill with all the signatures and everything, everybody smiling, and it was a joke. It was called simpson mazzoli. Alan simpson still thinks he was screwed by it because it didnt have any teeth. It looked nice and got some people here legally, but it never solved the problem of illegal immigration. Just because its bipartisan, do you believe that means its going to work . I think that its definitely a sign of positive things to come. I mean, the devil is always in the details and, yes, enforcement is being tied in this bill to the pathway to citizenship, but you have to remember, too, there are a lot of moving parts to immigration, and you touch one piece of it, and you have to work and tinker with other parts of it, and i think ultimately with the stepped up enforcement, we have seen stepped up enforcement in the last four years, we have seen much tighter Border Security. Weve seen fewer people coming into the country illegally, and i think if we can separate out those who want to come for legitimate reasons and those who come for criminal reasons and alleviate that pressure at the border, i think that we are well on our way to an effective immigration solution. Stephanie, youre in politics, and i cover politics. You know the politics of this. It needs to have both sides to it. If people can still come in the country tomorrow and theres no real work permit thats effective like you have in every other country in the world, including mexico, where you have to have a right to work somewhere, you have to have permission to work in the country, we dont seem to have a way of doing it. We know our country is filled with people working in every kind of job, whether its restaurants or working on peoples houses or cutting their lawns or working at golf courses or hotels. We know its all over the place. People here who have come in the country illegally. Nobody i think has confidence i certainly dont that any bill passed by congress that weve seen before will stop that. You can bring everybody in here into our system, you can give them the opportunity for full citizenship, but if we have to do this again in 23 or 25 years, weve gotten nowhere. We have to be a country thats organized enough to say who comes in and who doesnt it seems to me. Your thoughts . I agree with you. And i dont think theres anybody that would disagree with you. And the congresswoman is right, the devil is in the details, but it seems like what the senate the Bipartisan Group of senators put out today does have some real teeth in it. What the president has put out previously also has some real teeth in it. Lets not forget that the president has made historic increases in Border Security, that net migration with mexico right now is basically zero. And, you know, lets remember all the criticism that he got over the last couple of years on the increase in the number of deportations. So everybody understands that this bill has to have balance, that as the congresswoman said, once you start tinkering with one part, you have to look at everything altogether and it all works together. That sounds like people that believe in border protection, who believe you can stop somebody from coming in this country by higher towers or more drones or more people working there i think are right wingers or idiots. If you want to work and youre looking for a job, youre going to come to america, congresswoman. Youre going to come in here and find a way in whether you have to take a boat, an airplane or swim or whatever you have to do, youre going to get here. My question is are we going to have a work permit situation thats truly in force so there will be no incentive to do that . Because you cant work in the United States unless youre here legally. If we ever have a system like that, we wont be having this debate 20 or 30 years from now all over again. Your thoughts. Because we never stop talking about it. Well, if you let me get a word in edgewise, i will tell you you got all the time in the world to answer my question. Do you have confidence this bill will work . I am confident because part of the discussion thats been going on with the house group thats been working on this issue as well as the senate group has been a stronger everify system, and now everify has not been a perfect system. There are some problems with that, but strengthening that system will also allow employers to verify whether workers in this country are here legally or not, and thats a key part of enforcement as well. And i think, you know, ten years down the line, 20 years down the line possibly because our birth rate has fallen dramatically, the birth rate in mexico has fallen dramatically, were going to need workers from somewhere. So i think well have a much different immigration debate in the future as there is this demand for workers, and perhaps we wont view immigrants so hostilely when we actually need them here contributing to our economy. So im confident that with this sort of renewed effort on both sides of the aisle to work out something that is doable, that will have the proper Enforcement Mechanisms but the proper pathway for people to come in out of the shadows and be fully participating members of our society, im very confident that we can get there. I really for the first time in the ten years that i have served in congress, really see this as a very real possibility. Yeah. My concern is i agree with everything you said in terms of economics and social issues, fine. My concern is a government that cannot enforce its laws begins to crumble, and our failure to have an honest, open, progressive immigration policy has been a disaster, and its not good for the future of our government that it cant do the job of enforcing its own borders, which is essential to any country on this planet. Stephanie, last thought. Are we going to do this this time . Well, chris, we have to try. I think theres a reason why were talking about Immigration Reform, because the Current System isnt working. I think weve done what we can under existing authority in terms of increasing Border Security, increasing enforcement, holding employers accountable for these workers that are coming in and overstaying their visas. And, look, we have to try. We have to try comprehensive Immigration Reform to finally fix the problem. The Business Community wants it, the labor Community Wants it, now a Bipartisan Group in the senate wants it. So weve got to try to get it done. Okay. My answer is i dont believe any of those groups want it. I dont think business wants it youre such a pessimist this evening. They want cheap, free labor. Democrats want support by not offending anybody in the latino community. Nobody really wants to get this done. I think john mccain does because hed like to get reelected again. Anyway, thank you u. S. Congresswoman Linda Sanchez and stephanie cutter. Up next, how did joe biden celebrate the inaugural . Not well. He got licked again on saturday night live. Hes getting laid into by jason sudeikis. Its me, your vp, joe biden, and im inviting you to join me this monday at the dover motor speedway for a little party i like to call the biden bash. As the saying goes, what happens in delaware much more of that next in the sideshow. This is hardball, the place for politics. [ male announcer ] how can power consumption in china, impact wool exports from new zealand, textile production in spain, and the use of medical technology in the u. S. . 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To emails that keep loyal customers coming back, our easytouse tools will keep you in front of your customers. See whats right for you at constantcontact. Com try. Back to hardball. Now to the sideshow. The snl factor. I have been saying for a while one person who could really have an affect on the future of joe biden comes in the form of parody. His name is jason sudeikis. Take this weekends biden bash. This past monday millions of americans watched as barack obama took the oath of office for a second term. This coming monday, the party really starts. Its me, your vp, joe biden, and im inviting you all to join me this monday at the dover motor speedway in dover, delaware, for a little party i like to call the biden bash. Forget the pageantry, forget the inspirational speeches, this one is about fun. Were going to have cotton candy, amateur dog show. Be sure to join me for my kung fu exhibition. Biden time, ow almost got it. As the saying goes, what happens in delaware all proceeds go to biden 2016 president ial exploratory committee. You dont think that will matter if biden launches a 2016 president ial campaign . Remember what chevy chase on snl did to gerry ford. He killed him. Here is what fox news found to be missing from the Obama Clinton 60 minutes interview. I think for some reason they just didnt dig into anything at all. 30 minutes, come on . I would like to know did she pass out and hit her head, was she pushed . How did she hit her head and get a concussion . She said, quote, i still have some lingering effects from falling on my head. There was no followup. Youre right. Okay. She was injured. She had a concussion thats one of the questions i have. How did you fall on your head . She passed out i think was the story. The questions have morphed there. You just saw them, from did she really have a concussion to was she pushed . Finally, move over Teddy Roosevelt or the mascot version of him. For the past few years weve watched the four president ial mascots of the Washington Nationals compete in a midgame race. Teddy lost every game until this past october, over 500 losses in a row. Now things are getting interesting. A new competitor was introduced over the weekend. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the newest racing president , William Howard taft. Taft was much bigger than push push taft was much bigger than that actually. But there you have it. The famously complicated history of roosevelt and taft means theres a lot to work with between roosevelt helping taft get elected back in 08, 1908, then running against him just four years later. Taft has his own tie to baseball. The first president to ever throw out the ceremonial first pitch, meaning he started a long history of good, bad, and awkward. The subject was even the topic of an nbc sports special back in the 60s. Who is that man in the picture . You better not let your history teacher hear you ask that question. Thats president taft, bobby. The first of our president s to throw out the ball on opening day. Since then they have all done it. Thats woodrow wilson, thats franklin d. Roosevelt. Thats president eisenhower. You know, just before he came home from europe, he said the first thing he wanted to do was see a ball game, and he did. And thats mr. Kennedy, bobby. But i know that you knew that. He used to go to the ballpark and eat hotdogs and drink soda pop, and this year president johnson will take his turn from pitching from that mound. Gee, joe, after all these things, i guess my book at home is right when they say baseball is a national game. Up next, president obama said he hoped his reelection would break the republican fever of obstructionism, but even he admits that hasnt happened, and now paul ryan says the president wants to destroy the Republican Party. Youre watching hardball, the place for politics. And here you are. Standing. Nay. Staring down your dreams. 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So you can easily send them to us. One more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. Ooh, lala [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. Robitussin®. Dont suffer the coughequences™. Heres whats happening. The senate has passed the 50 billion dlarsz sandy Disaster Relief bill. Nearly 60 people are dead as protest continue across jipt, despite a curfew and a safe emergency. President obama has condemned the violence. According to local media, a nightclub owner and two band members have been detained following a deadly fire in brazil. 230 people were killed in a club over the weekend. Back to hardball. I decided to not comment between the election and the inauguration because i wanted to see what kind of president we were looking at here, what kind of path and trajectory he was putting his administration on, and all of the statements and all the comments lead me to believe that hes thinking more of a political conquest than political compromise. Welcome back to hardball. This weekend congressman paul ryan, you just saw him there, kept up the republican claim of victimhood. That president obama is more interested in defeating them than he is in getting something done for the country. Last week House Speaker john boehner started that drumbeat saying president obama was out to annihilate the Republican Party, and ryan amplified it when he spoke at a future of conservatism summit this saturday. The president will bait us. He will portray us as cruel and unyielding. We cant get rattled. We wont play the villain in his morality plays. We have to stay united. We have to show that if given the chance, we can govern. That we have better ideas. President obama has said he hoped this reelection would break that republican fever of total opposition, but in an interview with the new republic interview, brand new magazine, he said obviously that hasnt happened yet. Joining me is columnist Cynthia Tucker and the washington posts eugene robinson. I want to start with gene up here. It seems to me they have this new sort of gee, whiz, were getting beat up, but they were the party that for four years shut the door on a new president. He won the election and said, you know, our number one goal is to make him a oneterm president , and they said, no, no, no. They said no to measures they had proposed in the past, but as long as he proposed them, they said no. To turn around and then say, oh, hes hitting us, hes beating us up, its kind of silly, and i dont know are they just trying to rally the troops wasnt this the macho party a couple weeks ago, and theyre now becoming the used to be. Now theyre victims. Cynthia, what is the psychology to tell people who have been predatory towards the president that theyre somehow now being bullied . What is in the psycho ward that tells them they will unite if were all victims getting beat up . Mitch mcconnell chris, psychiatry has a term for this. Its called projection. Projection is what the patient does when he is believing that other people are doing to him what he has done to other people, and that is exactly what republicans are doing. And its not just john boehner and paul ryan. This is the narrative thats taken hold throughout all facets of the Republican Party. Its repeated ad nauseam on fox news. And you even hear it from some moderate conservative thinkers who ought to know better. Obama is out to kill the wounded. Now that republicans are down. Hes not going to make any proposals that republicans might actually sign onto. Instead, hes going to make them look bad on things like immigration. But its interesting but thats not working, cynthia. Supposed to be the party of personal responsibility. That narrative, gene, isnt working because quite clearly theres a bipartisan plan on immigration as we see today. Anytime boehner, the speaker of the house, who i dont dislike, would come out for a background check on guns, just push one measure, if he could get that through the house, hed be a leader on the newtown, connecticut, horror. He could be the leader. It would force harry reid to do the same. He doesnt have to be a victim. I think dr. Tuckers diagnosis was absolutely right. And i think, you know, this is the partys way of trying to deal with its own internal contradictions and issues. The Republican Party has issues, and the number one issue which they dont want to deal with is that most of the American People dont support their positions on the issues that are important. They dont agree with them on immigration. They dont agree with them on abortion. They dont agree with them on is this the old avis commercial, cynthia, we try harder. Were not as big as hertz. Were the little guy thats overcome the other party. Maybe they recognize they just did a count and realize there arent as many republicans as democrats. Could that be it . Here is the president on that subject in an interview with the new republic. Its a great new look at the magazine. The president was asked about establishing working relationships with republicans and he said, quote, one of the biggest factors in forging Bipartisan Legislation is going to be how the media shapes debates. If a republican member of congress is not punished on fox news or by Rush Limbaugh for working with a democrat on a bill of common interest, then youll see more of them doing it. Boy, the president is really putting up fox and rush there. Hes saying these are the no men that scare these guys into doing nothing. Well, its kind of i dont know if you saw the harry potter movie, but lord voldemort, you couldnt say the name, now he can say the name. Hes just laying it out there. Do you think rush still has the veto on a republican member . Can he chase them into the bushes . He said hes going to try to block Immigration Reform. Only he can save us from Immigration Reform. So well see cynthia, i do believe that rush has more power than any individual member of congress. Meaning if he attacks all of them, i dont think he would beat them, but if he says to somebody in georgia, your country, that guy has got to go, hes a bum, hes a sellout, those guys are petrified of rush doing that to them. And were already seeing yet another republican who has been limbaughed and tea partied right out of the senate. Saxby chambliss has decided he will not he will resign rather than face a challenge from a tea partier. And let me be very clear here. Saxby chambliss, senator from georgia, is very conservative, but what was his sin . He actually worked with the gang of six to try to come up with a grand bargain to reduce the deficit. He wanted to actually compromise with democrats, and for the Rush Limbaugh wing of the Republican Party, that is a big nono. So they have been gunning for saxby for about two years now, and he said never mind. I am so shocked at Party Politics some days. Look, corker in tennessee ran a rotten i thought a racist campaign against gerald ford. And running the way Saxby Chambliss ran against max clinton, a war hero, a guy who had been maimed in the war, was horrible, and yet i give them forgiveness in that both have ended up being people who tried to work as legitimate Congress People and senators tried to get something done. They did try to get something done, and i give them credit for the way they ended, if not the way they started. In fact, corker is still in the business, but i wish Saxby Chambliss well in his decision. Coming up thank you, cynthia and eugene robbins. Up next, fox news and sarah palin call it quits. With a lot of republicans saying the gop has to stop being the stupid party, this cant hurt, getting rid of her, but well see. This is hardball, the place for politics. Did i say that . It work . You just have to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. Step 1. Eat the soup. All those veggies and beans, thats what may help lower your cholesterol and well thats easy [ male announcer ] progresso. 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So right now well give you. 10 off any turbo tax deluxe Level Software or higher find thousands of big deals now. At officemax. Virginias plan to rig the electoral system and award electoral votes by Congressional District looks to be dead in the water. Republican governor Bob Mcdonnell and ken cuccinelli, the commonwealths attorney general, have both come out against the republican plan which would have made it easier for republicans to win that battleground state. Thats good news for anyone who cares about fairness in elections and proves that not everyone is in the Mickey Mouse Club in this issue. Still, republicans in four other swing states, pennsylvania, ohio, wisconsin, and michigan, are considering similar measures to rig the vote. Well be right back. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. Executor of efficiency. You can spot an amateur from a mile away. While going shoeless and metalfree in seconds. And you. Rent from national. Because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. And go. You can even take a fullsize or above, and still pay the midsize price. Now this. Will work. [ male announcer ] just like you, business pro. Just like you. Go national. Go like a pro. To help protect your eye health as you age. Would you take it . Well, there is. [ male announcer ] its called ocuvite. A vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye care experts at bausch lomb. As you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. Ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. Ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. Now thats a pill worth taking. [ male announcer ] ocuvite. Help protect your eye health. Its the end of an era of sorts. Late friday fox news announced it is parting ways with one of its star political pundits, sarah palin. Palin spent the last few years giving such astute political observations such as these. Well, first off, nancy pelosi is a dingbat. She is a perfect spokesperson for president obamas democrat party. With all due respect to the office of the presidency, when i hear barack obama speak at this point, especially when he lectures about ethics and civility, its nauseating to me. Thats a very scary thought, because barack obama is a socialist. He believes in socialism, in redistributing wealth, in confiscating hardearned dollars. Independent, patriotic americans who desire fiscal santa in our beloved nation being called terrorists, heck, sean, if we were real domestic terrorists, shoot, president obama would be wanting to pal around with us, wouldnt he . Time magazine, consider their list of most influential people in the world, some who have made the list, yours truly. That ought to tell you something right there regarding the credence that we should give Time Magazine and their list of people. I wouldnt want to join a club that would accept me as a member. Groucho marx said that there. She said Something Like it. It could be palin is out of step with the Republican Party as it wants to be in step coming up as it attempts to rebrand itself. Or it could be that her extreme views dont cut it anymore, it could be she is just not box office anymore. Lauren ashburn is in contributor to the daily beast, and dana milbank, a brilliant political commentist. Hey youre probably brilliant too. I thought that was an interesting gag reel. But thats her best. I dont think you have to make fun of her like i did sort of coming out of the last segment. But the stupid party has to make some changes, and maybe fox has to too. Why didnt she cut the mustard with fox . They were giving her a ton of money. Now she is not on the air anymore. Her star has fallen. She is not as relevant as she used to be. Chris, to put it in terms you can understand, she didnt rate. When someone doesnt rate, you dont review. She is only on for a minute. You have minute by minute ratings, you know that. What are your minute by minute ratings . You know what i thought . I thought she had something when she ran for vp. Like a lot of people when she went out on that stage and announced with mccain, i thought there was star quality there. I know its theatrical. Thats politics. Bill clinton had it. Some other people dont have it. Something faded. I think it was the way they used her on fox that little booth she was in up in wasilla, it didnt show her dash, her excitement, her panache, sitting in that little booth. I think thats part of it. She did fade away. But i dont think it was just the mechanics. Its better to burn out than to fade away. But sarah palin faded away here over a long period of time. You know fox would be interested in keeping her there if she was still having callings. What about the comments she made. I think its a little more nuanced. I do think obama is a man of the center left. But to call him a socialist . I think im where he is. But the idea of being a socialist, meaning he wants the government to run all business. What are you talk about . She said he was a socialist, and she said that we were the lame stream media. Those were her two points. That was it. What did she think . What did she add to the conversation . She wasnt adding to the conversation. That said, conservative women love her. They love her. Katie couric once asked her i think a pivotal question. What do you read . And i do believe, that i dont care how original you are in the world you have to read. You have to keep up. You have know what the discussion is about. You have to get into it. She said all of them. Well, i think its being cut off. You can read the paper anywhere in the world. Thats no excuse. Her stock in trade is being a bomb thrower. And the truth is bomb throwers are a dime a dozen. Now you have four or five of them in the house of representatives. They didnt really need that particular demographic represented there. Steve king. And so if they had her firing off this, they could also listen to allen west or Michele Bachmann or somebody else. I think it says a lot about the declining. The ones you mention have had faded too. I think Economic Times are better. The demographic doesnt work as well when the stock market is at a fiveyear high. Do you think that tina fey brought her down a bit . Just as you were talking about biden being imitated on snl, i think tina fey, and game change, the movie completely toppled her. I still think a couple of those clips were tina fey. You cant tell. Just won another aware, the s. A. G. , the screen actors guild. She is good for something. Thanks for joining us. Dana, youre unbelievable. When we return youre unbelievable too. The republicans need to avoid being a parental second place party. Youre watching hardball, the place for politics. Vital resoud to compete on the global stage. What we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. 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Not all republicans, but a decent number of them. They ran a candidate who didnt believe in what he was saying. They have elements in the party theyre doing it in, people who dont want to agree with the middle of this country. People who would rather be right, even far right than have a hand in picking a president. Someone in that party has to come along and offer themselves as a true center right candidate, someone who is solid on fiscal matters, strong on defense, but pys down their social issues. Someone with charisma who can win the support of people on the other side of the 50 yard line. Im talking about a Ronald Reagan for the 21st century. I know the party is unlikely to find such a candidate, male or female. But unless they do, theyre stuck in second place nationally. They cant beat

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